
您所在的位置:网站首页 sql两张表合并成一张表的函数 Oracle如何将两个没有关联的表查询出来的结果合在一起


2024-07-09 16:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

今天工作中遇到的需求,要查出几个表中的数据,但是本着方便客户的思想,想将这几条查询语句变成一条,只需要一次就可以查询到所有的结果,妹滴狠。 1. 使用子查询以及union all,拼接查询结果 1.1 union all 解析

union all,用于合并两个或多个select语句的结果集。需注意,列的数量必须相同,列名不必相同,列的类型也不必相同,如下:

--建表 Create table Table1 ( id int not null, name varchar(20) not null ) Create table Table2 ( id int not null, name varchar(20) not null ) --插入数据 Insert into Table1 values (1,'姚羽') Insert into Table1 values (2,'边兵兵') Insert into Table1 values (3,'袁磊') Insert into Table2 values (1,'姚羽') Insert into Table2 values (2,'柳春平') Insert into Table2 values (3,'张永超') Insert into Table2 values (4,'刘华健') --执行sql --select1 select id,name from Table1 union all select id,name from Table2; --select 2 select id id1,name from Table1 union all select id,name from Table2; --select3 select id,name from Table1 union all select name,id from Table2;

以下分别为执行结果: select1:select1 select2:select2select3:select3

补充:形象的展示以下union 和 union all 的区别吧:

--select4 select id,name from Table1 union select id,name from Table2;

运行结果如下: select4 大概形象看看出来,union会去除重复行。

2.分次查询 --要将没有关联的表的结果集合在一起 就可以执行以下代码 --表名以及字段名保密 --select1 select count(distinct column1) AS total from table1 t join table2 f on t.ZJLX = f.GLOBAL_TYPE and t.ZJHM=f.GLOBAL_ID WHERE f.column2='000' and f.column3='B0000' and t.column4='000'; --select2 SELECT COUNT(distinct column1) AS total1 FROM table2 where column2='TAX' and column2='01'; --select3 SELECT sum(distinct column1) AS total2 FROM table2 where column2='TAX' and column2='01'; --直接union all 需要将他们的字段区分开来 --select4 select count(distinct column1) AS total ,0 AS total1, 0 AS total2 from table1 t join table2 f on t.ZJLX = f.GLOBAL_TYPE and t.ZJHM=f.GLOBAL_ID WHERE f.column2='000' and f.column3='B0000' and t.column4='000'; --select5 SELECT 0 AS total,COUNT(distinct column1) AS total1 ,0 AS totak2 FROM table2 where column2='TAX' and column2='01'; --select6 SELECT 0 AS total,0 AS total1,sum(distinct column1) AS total2 FROM table2 where column2='TAX' and column2='01'; --这样保证每个想查的结果都可以显示出来,并且列数量相同,可以拼接 --select7 select total,total1,total2 from (select count(distinct column1) AS total ,0 AS total1, 0 AS total2 from table1 t join table2 f on t.ZJLX = f.GLOBAL_TYPE and t.ZJHM=f.GLOBAL_ID WHERE f.column2='000' and f.column3='B0000' and t.column4='000' union all SELECT 0 AS total,COUNT(distinct column1) AS total1 ,0 AS totak2 FROM table2 where column2='TAX' and column2='01' union all SELECT 0 AS total,0 AS total1,sum(distinct column1) AS total2 FROM table2 where column2='TAX' and column2='01') --但是这样下来发现三行三列,不美观,这时候将其余两行赋值为0的作用就显现出来了 --select8 select sum(total),sum(total1),sum(total2) from (select count(distinct column1) AS total ,0 AS total1, 0 AS total2 from table1 t join table2 f on t.ZJLX = f.GLOBAL_TYPE and t.ZJHM=f.GLOBAL_ID WHERE f.column2='000' and f.column3='B0000' and t.column4='000' union all SELECT 0 AS total,COUNT(distinct column1) AS total1 ,0 AS totak2 FROM table2 where column2='TAX' and column2='01' union all SELECT 0 AS total,0 AS total1,sum(distinct column1) AS total2 FROM table2 where column2='TAX' and column2='01')

运行结果如下: select1:在这里插入图片描述 select2: 在这里插入图片描述 select3:在这里插入图片描述 select7:在这里插入图片描述 select8:在这里插入图片描述





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