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2023-03-23 08:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

31 -ment n.[OF, L]=the act or state or fact of~ing; the condition of being~ed; the product or result of~ing; the cause or means of~ing

来自古法语与拉丁语的名词后缀-ment也经历了被英语同化的过程,所以,它既可以充当原生后缀加在动词词根上,也可以充当派生后缀加在动词上。-ment的意思主要是the act or state or fact of~ing(…的行为、状况或事实),the condition of being~ed(被…的状况),the product or result of~ing(…的产物或结果),the cause or means of~ing(…的原因或手段)等。


enjoyment[enjoy v. 享受;-ment→]n. the act or state of enjoying; pleasure享受;欢乐 / Enjoyment anticipated is twice enjoyment fulfilled. 期待之乐倍胜满足之乐。

amazement[amaze v. 使惊奇;-ment⇒“the condition of being amazed感到惊奇的状况”→]n. great surprise; sudden wonder惊奇,诧异 / The girl was filled with amazement when she first saw the ocean. 初次见到大海,那姑娘心中充满了惊奇之情。

measurement[measure v. 测量;-ment⇒“the act or result of measuring测量之行为或结果”→]n.①finding the size, quantity or amount测量 / The measurement of weight by a scale is easy. 用天平测量重量是很容易的事。②size, quantity or amount found by measuring尺寸,数量,总量 / The measurements of this room are-3 by 4 metres. 这房间的尺寸是3米乘4米。

pavement[pave v. 铺(路);-ment⇒“the product of paving铺路的产物”→]n. a paved street or sidewalk铺过的道路或人行道 / The car lost control and ran onto the pavement. 汽车失控,冲到人行道上去了。

government[govern v. 统治;-ment⇒“the means of governing统治的手段”→]n. a body that governs or rules政体,政府 / In Great Britain, "the government" may mean the cabinet. 在英国,“政府”是指内阁。

governmental a. 政府的


fragment[frag=to break破碎;-ment⇒“the product of breaking破碎之产物”→]n. a part broken off; piece of sth. broken碎片,碎块 / She tried to put the fragments of the dish back together. 她想把盘子的碎片再拼到一块。

fragmental a. 碎片的;不完全的

instrument[instru=to instruct教育,指导;-ment⇒“the means of instructing用来教育、指导之手段”→]n. a tool or device工具,器具;仪器,器械 / A pair of forceps and a drill are two instruments used by dentists. 镊子和钻头是牙医用的两种器械。

instrumental a. 仪器的,器械的

nutriment[nutri=to nourish养育;-ment⇒“thing that nourishes养育之物”→]n. nourishment; food营养品;食物 / In Africa many children died of the lack of nutriment. 在非洲,许多儿童因缺乏营养而夭折。

parliament[parlia=to speak讲话;-ment⇒“the means of speaking about the state affairs议论国家大事之手段”→]n. supreme law-making assembly of a country议会 / He is a Member of Parliament; he entered Parliament last year. 他是国会议员。他是去年进入国会的。

parliamentary a. 议会的

练习 31


① astonishment n. 惊讶  (  )a. the act or state of~ing② development n. 发展  (  )b. the condition of being~ed③ equipment n. 设备  (  )c. the product of~ing④ inducement n. 诱因  (  )d. the result of~ing⑤ statement n. 声明书  (  )e. the cause or means of~ing


① arrangement n. _______________② movement n. _______________③ settlement n. _______________


例:agree v. 同意→agreement n. 同意① amuse v. 娱乐→amusement n. _______________② establish v. 建立→establishment n. _______________③ manage v. 管理→management n. _______________


A 动词+-ment→派生名词

① advertisement  (  )a. 环境;周围状况② ailment  (  )b. 登广告;广告③ environment  (  )c. 身体失调;精神不安④ judgement  (  )d. 惩罚;刑罚⑤ punishment  (  )e. 审判;判断

B 拉丁动词词干+-ment→原生名词

① argument (←argue)  (  )a. 增加;增殖② complement (←complete)  (  )b. 争论;论据③ decrement (←decrease)  (  )c. 补足物;补语④ increment (←increase)  (  )d. 增补;附录⑤ supplement (←supply)  (  )e. 减少;消耗

C 动词词根+-ment→原生名词

① department [part=to divide]  (  )a. 部门;系② detriment [detri=to wear away]  (  )b. 损害;伤害③ filament [fila=to spin]  (  )c. 细丝;长丝④ ornament [orna=to equip]  (  )d. 颜料;色素⑤ pigment [pig=to paint]  (  )e. 装饰品


① apartment n. 房间;公寓[part=to divide]② basement n. 建筑物的底部;地下室③ betterment n. 改善(better v.)④ commitment n. 交托;承担义务⑤ document n. 文件[doc=to teach]⑥ embarkment n. 筑堤;堤岸⑦ embodiment n. 体现,使具体化(←embody)⑧ refreshment n. 恢复;使精力恢复的事物⑨ treatment n. 待遇;处理⑩ wonderment n. 惊奇


有时-ment可以加在形容词后面,构成相应的名词。① funniment n. 笑话,滑稽动作(←funny)② merriment n. 欢乐,嬉戏(←merry)③ oddments n.[复]残余物;零散物;古怪的事




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