Release notes 1.1.0

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Release notes 1.1.0

2023-03-22 21:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

WL-1288 Northwatch keep habour - Overgown

Solution: Disabled tree

WL-1286 Dwarven breakdown recipes giving more weight of fragments than original item

Solution: Added breakdowns for Dwarven Cutlery and corrected existing recipes so that fragments are based on 5 fragments per kilo.

WL-1285 Immersive Patrols NPC’s might not be using proper head parts for High Poly Head

Solution: Swapped regular head parts for high poly head versions.

WL-1284 Wolf conjuration summon flees when injured

Solution: Tagged all summons with KYWD_NoFearYield

WL-1283 Drink/Refill hotkey does not work

Solution: Added a bit of code to SunHelm’s startup to force initialize some missing settings. The hotkey now works as designed

WL-1282 Immersive Speechcraft guard dialogue is broken, only displays “Nevermind”

Solution: Fixed conditions in combat speech subtopics, works properly now

WL-1280 Spell selection is erroneously displaying when users create a custom class

Solution: Edited the manual skill selection script to bypass the spell selection state entirely, and jump straight to the final state

WL-1277 Animal death item lists are still accessible when animals turn to dust post-Raise Dead

Solution: Removed all items from all DeathItem animal and monster leveled lists referenced by Hunterborn.

WL-1274 Double hotkey - FLP and Predator vision

Solution: Moved Nightvision and Heat (Predator) vision to [ and ] respectively

WL-1271 Corproial Dragons doesnt appear to be working correctly

Solution: Hunterborn had a built-in method of preventing the mod from starting during startup, as well as some other tricky checks. I re-edited the MCM and MAIN scripts to properly initialize, load, and implement the settings, and everything now appears to be working properly.

WL-1268 Nightgale inn is really dark!

Solution: Added a candle to the bar to make things a bit less dark at night.

WL-1267 Mjoll the lioness - Not my follower - but i can ask her to carry gear

Solution: Fixed improper condition ordering on a Mjoll-specific trade dialogue (60020)

WL-1266 “Combination” horse armor recipes result in an overabundance of crafting XP

Solution: Tagged all the “adorned” horse armors with No Crafting Experience

WL-1265 Various recipes adding hoods to helmets result in too much crafting XP, and many of the helmeted hoods are missing breakdown/separation recipes

Solution: Tagged all the “hooded helmet” items with No Crafting Experience, and added breakdown recipes for any hooded helmets still missing them.

WL-1264 Steel Furred Cuirass and Steel Furred Plate Cuirass utilize Craftsmanship instead of Advanced Blacksmithing

Solution: Edited Steel Furred Cuirass and Steel Furred Plate Cuirass to utilize Advanced Blacksmithing, and edited their recipes for parity with other similar items

WL-1263 Many Ancient Nordic Hero items can be crafted with the basic crafting perk, instead of Advanced Blacksmithing as intended

Solution: Edited all Ancient Nordic Hero recipes to utilize Advanced Blacksmithing instead of Craftsmanship.

WL-1262 Missing breakdown recipes for divine replica amulets

Solution: Added missing breakdown recipes for the nine divine replica amulets

WL-1261 Recipes for fully assembled jewelry (for example, Gold Amber Circlet) are providing tons of experience because of their value

Solution: Tagged the fully assembled items with NoCraftingExperience. Crafting experience will instead come from creating the base materials (gems and base items). Ideally you’d have experience from setting the gems as well, but this is a limitation of basing XP gain on value.

WL-1260 Amulet Replicas erroneously do not require Advanced Blacksmithing

Solution: Added Advanced Blacksmithing perk requirement to all divine amulet replicas (excluding Zenithar’s, which only requires steel)

WL-1259 Ultrawide resolution support for 21:9 and 32:9 monitors

Solution: Added full support for 21:9 and 32:9 monitors. All HUD elements have been adjusted and rescaled, scripts updated, and launcher updated. Thanks to user LeapDay for their help, plus the Wildlander team.

WL-1257 Better landscape conflict resolution

Solution: I ran through all landscape records edited by all mods and ensured they are properly conflict resolved, and use intended fixes where appropriate.

WL-1255 Edit Immersive Speechcraft options and menu to be more immersive

Solution: Edited all Immersive Speechcraft options to more closely resemble the modals from The Sims, e.g. they are descriptive actions instead of spoken lines.

WL-1253 Irnskar ironhand having a conversatiuon from inside of a tree.

Solution: Moved Tree back closer to the wall

WL-1251 Dawn of skyrim NPC “Nilera” sells a Daedra heart every refresh

Solution: Removed Heart from merchant chest.

WL-1250 Illusion upkeep spells

Solution: Corrected perks which were incorrectly inflating the upkeep costs

WL-1246 Quest Waking nightmare - when on step release the miasma - And your pretending yto be casimir - you can see your player’s body in front of camera (video attached)


WL-1244 [Smithing Exploit] Mammoth tusk breakdown

Solution: Added NoCraftingExperience to all Ingredients crafted by Wildlander, and changed nordic amulet/necklace recipes to use a small animal bone instead of bonemeal

WL-1242 Brynwolf in Thieves guild gear is “Armless”

Solution: Added the entire Thieves Guild faction to the NPC clothing exception list. I also adjusted the navmesh for the Thieves Guild HQ to go around the brazier.

WL-1236 Mudcrabs/Chaarus have bones - real crabs have a exoskeleton so shouldnt give bones

Solution: Removed Bones from the loot lists

WL-1233 Traps at Rundil’s alter (winterhold) are more or less completely invisible

Solution: This one continues to be a huge pain in the ass, so I just left the rune that kills Rundi, and removed the others.

WL-1230 Wooden chests and wooden barrels are inequal in weight

Solution: Both items now have same weight

WL-1229 Spider webs are generally too bright and white, despite being edited by Spider Webs and Particles for ENB

Solution: Edited their textures to be a little darker, though they are still a bit bright maybe

WL-1219 MCM Suggestions

Solution: Set Requiem and Skald’s Mail so that smithing books are non mandatory, and the courier will still deliver important letters. I also nerfed Hunterborn’s Bounty bonus by 75%

WL-1216 AlchDrink_NirnSpringTea “Nirn Spring Tea” [ALCH:300402E0] - Gives 50% MR, 25 Magic regen and 25 fortify. Can be used while in combat. needs a nerf

Solution: Reduced effects to 5 fortify / 5 regen / 5 MR

WL-1215 Beitild “Beitild” [NPC_:00013612] cannot be killed for dark brotherhood quest

Solution: Added No flee keyword to this NPC (and to ebony warrior)

WL-1213 Further crafting fixes

Solution: Added Breakdown recipes for Backpacks, Daedric armor, Dawnguard armor and several horse Saddles which were missing one

WL-1204 Adding a new item to favourites isnt removing from the breakdown menu when using a keyboard + controller (and using the F kley)

Solution: Script for breakdown menu was only refreshing favorites when using the key from controller. This has been corrected,

WL-1195 Solitude Outlaw Refuge chef was not selling any food items (despite buying them)

Solution: For whatever reason, having his buy/sell list set to VendorItemsInnkeeper was not populating his inventory (maybe because he didn’t belong to the innkeeper faction?) In any case, selecting a different vendor list allowing food seems to have done the job

WL-1193 Whiterun Guards still say the player has “the jarl’s confidence”, despite the player being a fresh char

Solution: The vanilla guard dialogue responsible was overwritten by Guard Dialogue Overhaul. I reset it to vanilla/USSEP, and adjusted the conditions to check for whiterun thaneship (Favor253 quest == stage 20)

WL-1190 typo on perk REQ_Alchemy_AlchemicalLore2 “Alchemical Lore” [PERK:000C07CA]

Solution: Corrected Spelling

WL-1189 Flame Powder unavailable to craft

Solution: Removed the reference to the smelter in the perk description.

WL-1188 Missing Breakdown recipes.

Solution: Added breakdown recipes for Cloaks and fur hoods.

WL-1187 Marksman perks reference Expertise in the description which doesn’t actually exist.

Solution: Perk Description corrected

WL-1184 Crafting a Stack of items grants the same XP as crafting a single item

Solution: XP script corrected to multiply the XP by number crafted.

WL-1183 XPMSSE still generates a bunch of suspended errored stacks

Solution: Script fix applied to prevent these errors.

WL-1181 Male skin textures are too shiny

Solution: Made less Shiny

WL-1180 Summoned Dremora are susceptible to fear fleeing

Solution: Added No flee Keyword

WL-1176 Armor_LinenMonkBootsBlack_Breakdown [COBJ:FE023A6D] Not working

Solution: Corrected erroneous Archmage boots entries in the conditions to be able to break down this item.

WL-1175 Random CTD in solitude SkyrimSE.exe+9C2DCF Solution:

WL-1173 Crafting lockpicks (need just first Smithing and first Lockpicking perks) grants a LOT of exp for virtually zero gold investment; iron frags are cheap! Probably needs reworking.

Solution: The bulk Lockpick (10) recipe used a token that for some reason was causing double XP gain. Edited the recipe to simply produce 10 standard lockpick misc items.

Also reduced the value of lockpicks to 5 and edited their recipes to require 2 fragments, so they give less overpowered crafting XP

WL-1170 Add smelter to winterhold - Somewhere in this area

Solution: Added smelter next to the crafting area at the rear of Birna’s oddments.

WL-1169 [Quest] Sinding has a speechcraft “hand over your variables” line when you tell him hircine says he needs to die, and he responds so be it”

Solution: Exempted WerewolfBeastRace from Immersive Speechcraft mechanics.

WL-1168 Turning the lantern on, then storing it in a chest doesnt turn it off, nor will it let you turn it off with the L key

Solution: Reworked the lantern code. The light will turn off automatically if you remove the lantern, and have no lanterns left in your inventory.

WL-1167 Followers aren’t using player crafted healing potions

Solution: Added suggested mod NPC’s Use Potions

WL-1166 Riding in 1st person - Jumped off a cliff, My horse despawned on death.

Solution: Removed deleteonunload keyword from horse clone records.

WL-1164 [Quest] Barbas gets stuck on a tree just outside of Falkreath and cant progress the quest

Solution: Moved the offending tree off the road onto the nearby grass.

WL-1163 Toolkits missing breakdown recipes

Solution: Added breakdown recipes for all toolkits. Steel for ones requiring steel, coal and kindling for the wooden ones

WL-1161 Master locked safe in Markarth isn’t marked as owned

Solution: Assigned ownership to TownMarkarthFaction

WL-1159 Random fire in the middle of Proudspire manor

Solution: Embers XD was overwriting proudspiremanortnf for this reference. Forwarded the latter as intended

WL-1158 bulk recipes for fragments to ingots

Solution: Added bulk recipes for 5 and 10 ingots

WL-1155 Laundry clipping with tree - Darkwater crossing

Solution: Deleted tree

WL-1153 Breakdown menu has two recipes to craft “disabled” weapons

Solution: Removed Recipes

WL-1149 Thieves guild - Training chests contain loot

Solution: Created non-loot, non-respawning versions of the chests and also included the linked script fix mod so that chest relock seconds after being opened.

WL-1148 Floating tree in solitude (next to imperial Alehouse)

Solution: Moved Tree

WL-1146 Cutpurse perk effects does not match description REQ_Pickpocket_Cutpurse “Cutpurse” [PERK:00058202]

Solution: Changed text to indicate 100%

WL-1145 All of the horses at the Dawnstar/Morthal/Dragonbridge Stables are free

Solution: Changed ownership of horses to town factions.

WL-1144 Happy little Floating tree next to windpeak Inn

Solution: Moved trees so they are in the floor

WL-1142 [Icle marker] NPC hammering on fresh air!

Solution: Moved Idle marker to correct location

WL-1141 Leather strips & dark leather - Recipes only available via player crafting - not on work stations

Solution: Added Recipes to the Tanning rack object.

WL-1140 Floating lantern outside of Olava the feebles house in whiterun

Solution: Disabled Lantern

WL-1136 roast meat keybind when standing next to a campfire is empty, but player crafting has meat recipes.

Solution: Disabled Roast meat keybind - Functionality has been folded into player crafting.

WL-1134 Track abilility in game is disabled, so why does Bone Amulet of the Full Moon crafting recipe still exist

Solution: Bone Amulet of the Full Moon crafting recipe disabled

WL-1132 Borgakh the Steel Heart - Cannot recruit even with 100 speech as a none orc.

Solution: Corrected her recruitment checks.

WL-1131 Enchant Lvl 100 does work, but only at 55% instead of 75% magnitude

Solution: Increased effect to 75% magnitude as described in the perk

WL-1130 Player crafting bug - When near a heatsource, can only use chef toolkit. Survival is greyed out.

Solution: Enchanting via honed metal wasn’t correctly resetting the flag, So player crafting believed the player was talking to a blacksmith

WL-1127 [Clip] Solitude -Tree growing our of left side of archway (both front and back - two trees)

Solution: Disabled Trees

WL-1125 Blue palace - Floating Candle in courtyard

Solution: Removed Candle

WL-1112 using alt+tab causes weird 3rd person behaviour

Solution: Moved Duel Wield Parry from Alt to Control.

WL-1111 Going into console shows a unknown variable error

Solution: Removed variable from setup script.

WL-1110 NPC Overhauls. (Madesi, Keevara, Cicero, Veezara, Nenya)

Solution: Adjusted all mentioned NPC’s to be better fitting.

WL-1108 CTD - running from riverwood to whiterun - foggy weather - SkyrimSE.exe+C2A5F3

Solution: Still not entirely sure about the cause of this one, so I’m trying a nuclear solution where I revert the weather record entirely back to Update.esm (versus the CW edits).

WL-1107 Tools - vendor purchase


Added Alchemist’s Toolkit to VendorGoldApothecary list Added Chef’s Tools to VendorGoldInn Added 5 counts of the 75% chance toolkit list to VendorGoldMisc

WL-1106 Dual wield weapons - off hand invisible

Solution: Added Simple Dual Sheath.

WL-1105 Bashing with torches gives destruction exp

Solution: This is no longer an issue, now that you cannot attack dummies directly to gain experience.

WL-1104 Missing recipe - Lantern oil A1247D91

Solution: Added Crafting recipes for this item

WL-1103 Starting as a nightblade - no tooltip for other toolkits shown in forge

Solution: Added missing forge recipes for toolkits. They will now be craftable at the forge as well.

WL-1102 Started as a Nightblade - Gave me 9 perks to spend!


WL-1101 Using f10 to start as a vampire in Karthwasden trigger a crash on spawn SkyrimSE.exe+7BEC84

Solution: Moved Spawn point away from the scripted event which was triggering the crash.

WL-1100 Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine - crashes on engine update

Solution: This could be related to antivirus / windows defender, as I have to disable my windows defender every time I want to run any of the patchers. We should include a note about this in any customization resources

WL-1099 FAL Skin Shaved Version for Female SE - does weirdness with the left ear

Solution: Hid the FAL normal map for female head, and allowed Cyb’s to take precedence. This appears to have worked with no issue - somewhat surprising, since the normals were technically generated from different textures and maybe even different meshes.

WL-1098 Firepit in moorside Inn not recognized for food cooking as “nearby flame”

Solution: Added Embers XD proprietary static records to the campfire fire detection formID list

WL-1097 Healing Poultice Recipe incorrect (item 8141d2CD)

Solution: Swapped in custom written copy with accurate instructions, materials, and requirements

WL-1094 Hunters still have various callouts when attacking animals

Solution: I covered many of the uncovered attack dialogues (listed in dialogue topic `00013ee3`) with a condition to not attack if the actor has the animal keyword.

WL-1092 J’s bugfixes

Solution: Various script fixes to prevent papyrus errors.

WL-1091 Steel buckle - crafting recipe exists, but nothing can be made with them!

Solution: Disabled recipe

WL-1085 Dawn of Skyrim skooma merchants do not actually sell skooma / don’t have a faction & chest associated (with the likely exception of “Ferrum” in Riften

Solution: These vendors were drawing from the VendorListApothecary, but that vendor list no longer accepts skooma/drugs because of Requiem’s addition of the BlackMarket keyword.

I created a separate vendor list for Skooma dealers (VendorItemsSkoomaDealer) that includes the black market keyword, and assigned this new vendor list to the InconNPC’s dealers.

WL-1078 Looking at some fires drop the fps hard. (about -120 FPS for me)

Solution: Adjusted ENB Settings.

WL-1076 Armor material keywords need reverting to vanilla for Item Degradation’s ini to process correctly.

Solution: Reverted all vanilla armor material keywords to their og EDID’s (all DLC’s + update as well)

WL-1074 ENB wetness and night eye

Solution for wetness: Disabled cubemap, adjusted fresnel fences as instructed. Nighteye corrected via installing the correct files.

WL-1072 Dawnguard questline does not continue after refusing Harkon and returning to fort dawnguard

Unable to Correct. According to the info at this UESP link, the conclusion of the Bloodline quest sometimes bugs and does not properly start A New Order. This issue did not occur for me.

If it does occur, it seems simple enough to advance the quest stages mentioned in the description.

WL-1069 Dwarven Masterful Light Crossbow’s cannot be tempered - even with all perks “you dont know how to improve this yet” Despite it appearing on the grindstone

Solution: Removed the keyword preventing the temper of enchanted light crossbows.

WL-1051 Blacksmiths will not improve Nordic Armor

Solution: Distributed Nordic Smithing perk to a bunch of blacksmiths throughout the world. Mostly nords, and blacksmiths whose skill would qualify them.

WL-1036 Malyn Varyn (Azura’s Star warlock) is too far away upon entering the cell, creating a scenario where the player becomes dialogue locked while enemies are attacking

Solution: Moved his reference marker even closer to the player spawn marker. This is a weird one - we patched it in response to Just Wildy not encountering Malyn until much further into the cell, but there’s no explanation as to why Malyn was not on his original marker, as its location is not edited.

In any case, moved it closer to be surer the situation will not happen.

WL-1034 Frostfall messages are annoying, there’s too many

Solution: Nullified a lot of Frostfall’s generic status updates. Will see if more crop up during gameplay that require fixing

WL-1032 Immersive Speech/Dialogue affects children

Interim solution: Added `ischild == 0` conditions on Immersive Speechcraft dialogue topics and quest. In the future, would be cool if this were doable via vaSynth or whatevs.

WL-1030 Innkeepers keep repeating their “greeting” dialogue; doubly annoying when re-entering the cell from a bath, or card game

Solution: Created custom script `WL_TavernGreetingsPreventer` that updates a global for each of the 10 tavern greetings. I also added a global condition to the dialogues. This prevents the dialogues from playing more than once per character.

WL-1027 Aetherial Helmet night vision bug

Solution: Caused by the Nightvision - no shaders bug. Launcher update for 1.1 will fix this

WL-1023 Bow-bashing dummies gains Marksman experience

Solution: This is no longer an issue, now that you cannot attack dummies directly to gain experience.

WL-1022 The level 100 enchanting perk text is confusing users

Solution: Changed text to highlight that the player receives a USABLE POWER

WL-1019 Medium/Low/Potato ini’s need tweaking for shadows, rain occlusion

Solution: changed Precipitation Occlusion setting to 1 in all SkyrimPrefs ini’s.

WL-1014 The Two Handed Master perk: Mighty Strike says in it’s description it provides Expertise (instead of AP) ans not only that, but it doesn’t provide any Armor Penetration at all ,tested several times

Solution: Changed the copy to read [Damage x1.25]

WL-1012 [Crafting] Fragments cannot be turned into Ingots using honed metal

Solution: I believe this was related to the globals problem in the honed metal script (can’t find the linked issue, but Lizzy found it when enchanting or selecting a different service besides straight crafting). I was not able to reproduce this issue after the fix, so hopefully that is the case.

WL-1008 [PWP] Unable to purchase Hjerim

Solution: Dialog conditions for No Favor relationship rank were >=2 instead of




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