妇科 英语,Fuke是什么意思呀?

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妇科 英语,Fuke是什么意思呀?

2023-01-13 20:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,Fuke是什么意思呀? 2,英文里面性交叫fukeme什么意思 3,各种医生的英语都怎么说啊 4,求医院科室中英文对照 5,医院科室英文名,请别软件直接翻译,要专业的 6,各种医生的英语都怎么说啊 1,Fuke是什么意思呀?

字面理解fuke应该是汉语拼音 你是问的fuck么? 一般用于骂人用语   the fuck 常用来加强语气,类似于“到底”、“究竟”、“the heck”、“on earth” 、“the hell”等,在疑问词后。   字典的解释很短,只有短短的5个字翻译“与某人性交”。   例1 熟人间的问候: "How the fuck are you?"   例2 疑问: "What the fuck is(are).......?"   例3 不满: "What the fuck is going on here?"   例4 迷惘: "Where the fuck are we."   例5 担心: "Let's get the fuck out of here."   例6 怀疑: "How the fuck did you do that?"   get fucked , be fucked 被骗;遇到麻烦   例7: "I got fucked by the car dealer."   例8: "I guess I'm fucked now."   Fucked again 表示绝望,“完了……”   Fuck it 屈从,放弃   例9: "Oh, fuck it!"   Fuck you ! 不用多解释了   Fuck me. 表示厌恶 类似“sth disgusts me”   fucking 类似 the fuck ,作加强语气,不过还可作形容词,表示一些不爽的事物   例10: "I don't understand this fucking business!"   例11:根本不想 "I didn't fucking do it."   例12:骂人反击 "Up your fucking arse!"   "He's a fucking asshole."   例13:当然也有表示高兴的时候,类似于“我他妈……” "I fucking couldn't be happier."   例14:放在一个词的中间(注意这种用法哦,国内较少见)增强语气:   "UNFUCKINGBELI EVABLE!"   例15:表示时间 "It's five fucking thirty."   Fuck off. “滚开” 类似“go away”   Fuck around. 胡闹 “Quit ye fucking around!”   Fuck up. 弄砸了 “How did you fuck your exam up?”   Fuck with 干涉 类似于“interfere with”   be fucked out 疲劳的,类似于“exhausted”   fuck 单独的用法:   例16:几乎 "I know fuck all about it."   例17: 谁在乎过我了?"Who really gives a fuck, anyhow?"   FUCK 一词并不邪恶,没有一些女生想象的那么坏,它在美国人的口语中出现的频   率很高,就如同我们常说的“我靠”。下面列举了一些名人说话中用过的FUCK:   广岛市市长 "What the fuck was that?"   Custer 上将 "Where did all these fucking Indians come from?"   泰坦尼克号船长 "Where the fuck is all this water coming from?"   约翰.列农 "That‘s not a real fucking gun."   尼克森总统 "Who‘s gonna fucking find out?"   航天飞机的指挥官 "Let the fucking woman drive."   爱因斯坦"Any fucking idiot could understand that."   毕加索"It does so fucking look like her!"   沃尔特.迪斯尼 "Fuck a duck."   艾德门德.希拉里 "Why?- Because its fucking there!"   约翰.肯尼迪 "I need this parade like I need a fucking hole in my head."






1. Objective : To optimize the extraction technics of Fuke effervescent suppository.

目的: 筛选妇科泡腾栓的最佳提取工艺.


2. Objective To investigate the main therapeutic effects of Fuke Qianjin Soft Capsule ( FQSC ).

摘要目的研究妇科 千金 软胶囊的主要药效作用.


3. Objective To a TLC method for the identification of herbal medicines in Fuke Zhixue Granules.





各种医生 A variety of doctors. 重点词汇a variety of 英 [ə vəˈraiəti ɔv] 美 [e vəˈraɪɪti ʌv] adj.多种的; 种种; 扩展资料1.The garden offers a variety of attractions. 这花园有种种引人入胜之处。 2.A variety of heavy industries grew up alongside the port. 各种重工业沿着港口逐渐发展起来。 3.This architecture spans a variety of technologies, specifications, and standards. 这个架构使用了多种技术、规范和标准。 4. She produces elegant wedding gowns in a variety of sumptuous fabrics. 她用各种华贵的布料制作高雅的婚纱。 5.This can result in a variety of scalability and maintenanceproblems. 这会导致各种可伸缩性和维护问题。



公共空间大厅Hall 中药局Chinese Medicine Pharmacy 公用电话Public Telephone/Pay Phone/Telephone/Public Phone 日常生活训 区Daily Activity Training 日间门诊Clinic Area 日间 院Adult Day Care Center 日间照护Day Care Center 出院室Discharge Office 加护病房Intensive Care Unit(ICU) 打卡刷卡区Clock In / Out 民众意 箱Suggestions 各科门诊Out-Patient Departments(OPD) 早产儿室Premature Babies 自动提款机ATM 住院室Admissions 佛堂Buddhist Prayer Room 吸烟区Smoking Area 志工服务台Volunteer Services 志工室Volunteers 衣室Dressing Room 巡 箱Patrol Box 夜间门诊Evening Clinic 居家护 Home Health Care 居家护 室Home Health Care 服务台(询问处)Information 注射室Injections 治 室Treatment Room 社福卫教室Social Work and Health Education 门诊大厅Outpatient Hall 门诊注射室Outpatient Injection 门诊部Out-patient 门诊满意调查回收意 箱Suggestion Box 门诊检验OPD Laboratory 待产室Labor Room 急诊暂 观察室ER Observation Room 恢 室Recovery Room 候诊区Waiting Area 员工意 箱Suggestions 晒衣场Clothes Drying 气喘卫教室Asthma Health Education Room 消毒室Sterilization 消毒锅区Equipment Sterilization 病房Ward 病毒室Viral Laboratory 健儿门诊Well Baby Clinic 医院常用中英文对照汇编 公共空间健保卡换卡服务中心National Health Insurance Card Renewal 健检中心Physical Examination Center 健检室Physical Examination 产后妇 中心Postpartum Care Center 产后护 之家Postpartum Care 发烧筛检站Fever Clinic 诊 室Consulting Room 新生儿病房Neonatal Ward 隔 检疫舍Quarantine House 团体治 室Group Therapy 语言治 室Speech Therapy 药处Medicine Receiving 卫教公布 Health Education Bulletin Board 卫教室Health Education Office 婴儿室Baby Room 检查室Examination Room 总 层 引Floor Plan 转诊中心Referral Center 药物谘询Drug Information 药库Drug Storage 护 之家Nursing Home 台Terrace 接待,服务及休闲区 水间Kitchen / Drinking water / Hot Water 饮水机Drinking Fountain 配膳间Meal Checking 发厅Barbershop 美发(容)院Beauty Salon 商店街Shopping Arcade 员工餐厅Staff Restaurant / Cafeteria 餐厅Restaurant 西餐厅Western Restaurant 贵宾室Guest Room / Reception 会客室Reception Room 休息室Lounge 家属休息室Lounge 图书室Library 阅览室Reading Room 放映室Projection Room 影印室Copy Room 育婴室Nursery Room / Mother and Baby Room 哺乳室Nursery Room 值班室Duty Room 驻警室Security 警卫室Security Room 接待,服务及休闲区停 管 中心Parking Service Center

调 室Dispatch Room 司机室/司机调 室Drivers‘ Lounge 值日室Duty Room 值班休息室Duty Office 医师休息室Physicians‘ Lounge 宿舍Dormitory 儿童游戏场Recreation Area 医 器材贩卖部Medical Supply Dispensary 爱心 椅Courtesy Wheelchairs 椅借用区Movable Beds 政单位人 资源部Human Resources Department 人事室Personnel Office 人事组Personnel Section 人事处Department of Personnel 公安室Industrial Safety Office 工务科Maintenance 公关室Public Relations Room (Office) 文卷室Documentation and Archives Office 主计室Comptroller Office 出纳室Cashier 出纳课Cashier Section 民诊处Civilian Administration Division 企划室Strategy Planning Office 企划组Planning Section 企划组Planning and Management Section 企划管 部Planning and Management Division 安全卫生室Labor Safety and Hygiene 成本执 组 Cost Management Section 收发室Mail Room 政副院长室Administrative Deputy Superintendent 政管 中心Administration 住/出/转院Admission/Discharge/Transfer 住院病 组Inpatient Records Unit 兵役复检室Military Service Examination 批价柜台Cashier 系统组System Engineering Section 防台中心Typhoon Emergency Center 社会服务室Social Worker Room 社区副院长室Community Deputy Superintendent 社会服务科Social Service Section 门诊病 组Outpatient Records Unit 保险作业组 Insurance Declaration Section 急诊批价ER Cashier 科主任办公室Dept. Chief Office 政单位疾病分析组Diseases Classification Unit 病 室/组Medical Records Room/Unit/Section 医院常用中英文对照汇编 门诊组Outpatient Unit/Section 住院组Inpatient Admissions 秘书室Administration Office 院长室Superintendent 挂号柜台Registration 采购组Procurement Section 教学组Teaching Section 工安全卫生室Occupational Safety Office 安室Work Safety Office 安课Labor Safety Section 程式组Application Programming Section 勤务中心Service Office 感染控制委员会Infection Control Commission 会计室Accounting Office 会计组 Accounting Section 资讯管 部Information Management Division 稽核组Auditing Section 卫材供应组Medical Supply Section 档案室Archives 营养部Food & Nutrition Department 总务室General Affairs Office 总务组General Affairs Section 医品组Quality Assurance Section 医勤组Medical Service Section 医学工程室Medical Engineering Office 医 副院长室Medical Deputy Superintendent 药剂科主任室Pharmacy Chief

床科部中医科Chinese Medicine 中医科-内科Chinese Internal Medicine 中医科-针灸科Chinese Acupuncture 小儿科Pediatrics 小儿科-心脏Pediatric Cardiology 小儿科-外科Pediatric Surgery 小儿科-心肺Pediatric Cardiopulmonary 小儿科-感染Pediatric Infectious Diseases 小儿科-胃肠Pediatric Gastroenterology 小儿科-眼科Pediatric Ophthalmology 小儿科-神经科Pediatric Neurology 小儿科-遗传科Pediatric Genetics 小儿科-预防注射Pediatric Vaccinations 床科部小儿科-一般门诊Pediatrics 医院常用中英文对照汇编 小儿科-青少 门诊Adolescent Health 小儿科-过敏免疫风湿科Pediatric Allergy Immunology 小儿科-血液肿瘤科Pediatric Hematology & Oncology 小儿科- 科Pediatric Urology 小儿科-内分 科Pediatric Endocrinology 小儿科-重症医学科Pediatric Intensive Care 新生儿科加护病房Newborn ICU 小儿加护病房Pediatric ICU 儿童急救加护医学科Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Medicine 小儿心肺功能室Pediatric PFT 优生保健科Perinatal Genetics 内科Internal Medicine 内科-一般门诊Internal Medicine:General 内科-日间化学治 Day Chemotherapy 内科-胃肠科Gastroenterology 内科-胸腔科Pulmonary Medicine 内科-肾脏科Nephrology 内科-内分 科Endocrinology 内科-内分 暨代谢科Endocrinology and Metabolism 内科-心脏(血管)内科Cardiology Dept. 内科-血液肿瘤科Hematology and Oncology 内科- 人医学门诊Geriatrics 内科-过敏免疫风湿科Rheumatology/Immunology/Allergy 内科-神经Neurology 内科加护病房MICU 内科-肝胆胰内Hepatic-biliary-pancreatic Medicine 内科-感染科Infectious Disease 牙科Dentistry(Dental)Dept. 家庭牙医科Family Dentistry 牙科-特别门诊Dental Specialty Clinic 牙科一般门诊(初诊)Dental Clinic-Initial Visit 牙科复诊(约诊)Dental Clinic-Appointment Only 口腔颚面外科Oral Maxillo-facial Surgery 口腔病 诊断科Oral Pathology 齿颚矫正科Orthodontics 儿童牙科Pediatric Dentistry 牙周病科Periodontics 补缀科Prosthodontics 外科Surgery 外科-小儿Pediatric Surgery 外科-骨科Orthopedics 外科-神经Neurosurgery 外科-手外科Hand Surgery 外科-消化系Gastrointestinal Surgery 外科-一般门诊Surgery-General Clinic 床科部外科-大肠直肠Colo-rectal Surgery 外科-整形Plastic Surgery 医院常用中英文对照汇编 外科-甲 腺乳腺Thyroid and Breast Surgery 外科-乳房Breast Surgery Clinic 外科-心脏Cardiac Surgery 外科-心脏血管Cardiovascular Surgery 外科-胸腔Thoracic Surgery 外科-美容外科Cosmetic Surgery 外科-肝胆Hepatic Surgery 外科-肝胆胰外Hepatic-biliary-pancreatic Surgery 外科-重建整形Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 外科-胃肠及一般Gastroenterology & General Surgery 骨外伤科Orthopedic Traumatology 外科加护病房Surgery ICU 皮肤科Dermatology 皮肤科-一般门诊Dermatology-General Clinic 皮肤科-职业性皮肤病Occupational Dermatology 耳鼻喉科ENT Dept.(Otolaryngology) 耳鼻喉科-一般门诊General ENT Clinic 耳鼻喉科-门诊小手术Minor Surgery 耳鼻喉科-鼻窦内视镜门诊Sinus Endoscopy 科Urology 科-一般门诊Urology-General Clinic 科- 性 失禁Incontinence Clinic 科-男性 孕症Male Infertility Clinic 科-性功能障碍Sexual Dysfunction Clinic 孕症学科Infertility 妇产科Obstetrics and Gynecology 妇产科- 孕症Infertility Clinic 妇产科-子宫颈癌Cervical Carcinoma Clinic 妇产科-羊水穿 Amniocentesis 妇产科-妇科肿瘤Gynecological Oncology 妇产科-子宫颈病变Cervical Dysphasia Clinic 妇产科-妇 期Menopause Clinic 妇产科-快速子宫颈抹片Express Smear Service 妇产科-抹片及乳房检查Pap Smear 妇癌科Gynecologic Oncology 妇科 学科Gynecology Urology 眼科Ophthalmology 眼科-青光眼Glaucoma Clinic 眼科-斜弱视Strabismus and Amblyopia 眼科-视网膜Retina Section 眼科-一般门诊Optometry-General Clinic 眼科-兵役检查Military Service Eye Exam 眼科-配光检查Optometry 眼科-视 保健Vision Protection Clinic 床科部眼科-萤光摄影Fluorescent Photography 眼科 射Ophthalmologic Laser Therapy 精神科Psychiatry 医院常用中英文对照汇编 精神科-身心内科Psychosomatic Clinic 精神科-焦虑忧郁失眠门诊Anxiety and Insomnia Clinic 精神科-癌症团体心 治 Group Cancer Therapy 精神科-儿童青少 特别门诊(限18岁以下) Youth Psychiatry 放射线科Radiology 核医科Nuclear Medicine 疼痛科Pain Management 麻醉科Anesthesiology(Anesthesia) Dept. 健科Rehabilitation 解剖病 科Anatomical Pathology 预防注射科Prophylactic Immunization 病 科Pathology 青少 谘询特别门诊Juvenile Psychiatry Department 肿瘤科Oncology 神经内科Neurology 神经外科Neurosurgery 家庭医学科Family Medicine 社区医学部Community Medicine 心血管加护病房Cardiac CU(CCU) 心血管中心Cardiovascular Center 心脏血管外科加护病房Cardiovascular Surgery ICU 急诊Emergency Dept. 急诊医学科Emergency Medicine 内视镜科Endoscopy Section 血液透析Hemodialysis 肝胆科Hepatology 高危险妊娠症学科High-risk Pregnancy 安 护Hospice Center 职业病科Occupational Medicine 放射肿瘤科Radiation Oncology 保健科Preventive Medicine 运动医学科Sport Medicine 肺结核加护病房TBICU 外伤加护病房Trauma ICU 健康检查中心Health Evaluation Center 脑血管中心Cerebral Vascular Clinic 神经医学中心Brain Center 烧伤中心Burn Center 癌症中心Cancer center 癌症防治中心Cancer Control and Prevention Center 高压氧治 中心Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center 肥胖防治中心Weight Reducing 床科部洗肾中心Hemodialysis Center 医学美容中心Medical Cosmetic Center 医学影像中心Medical Image Center 运动 健中心Rehabilitation-Exercise Center 医院常用中英文对照汇编 病人保健推广中心Diabetic Center 中西合作医 中心Chinese-Western Cooperative Treatment Center 社区护 Home Care 护 之家Nursing Home 护 部Nursing Dept. / Nursing Department 护 长室Head Nurse 医 技术CT登记处CT Admission X光摄影室(借片室)X-ray Room 孕症谘询室Infertility Consultation Room 内分 检查室Endocrine Examination Room 内科诊查室Internal Medicine Clinic 内视镜室Endoscopy 化学治 Chemo-Therapy 心电图室EKG 心导管室Cardiac Catheterization Room 心脏血管中心Cardiovascular Center 心脏血管检查室Cardiovascular Examinations 心脏超音波Heart Echo 水 室Hydrotherapeutics 生化实验室Biochemical Lab 生 检查科Physiological Exam 皮肤病 诊断中心Dermological Pathological Center 石膏室Plaster Room 光子刀治 中心Photon Knife Center 多功能超音波室Multi-Function Echo Room 肌电图室EMG 血库Blood Bank 血液肿瘤科Hematology 血清免疫学实验室Immu-serological Lab 血管功能检查室Vascular Function Test 血管摄影室Cardiac Angiography 动 检查室Urokinetic Exam. Room 技术室Technical Support Division 乳房超音波Breast Echo 乳房摄影室Mammography 儿童治 室Pediatric Therapy Room 儿童物 治 室Pediatric Physical Therapy 儿童职能治 室Pediatric Occupational Therapy 呼吸治 Respiratory Therapy 放射免疫分析室Radioimmunoassay Unit 放射科登记室Radiology Registration 医 技术放射线治 科Radiotherapy 科微波热 室Genitouro Urologic 超音波Urology Echo 物 治 Physical Therapy 物 职能治 室Occupational and Physical Therapy 医院常用中英文对照汇编 肺功能PFT 肺功能室Pulmonary Function Testing 门诊检验Oupatient Check-UPS 门诊体检Physical Check-Ups 急诊X光室ER X-Ray Room 胃镜室Endoscopy Room 胎儿影像中心3D Live Image Center 气管镜室Bronchoscopy Room 特殊检查室Special Examination 胸部超音波Chest Echo 闪烁摄影室Diagnostic Imaging Unit 骨质密 检查室Bone Density 骨骼肌肉超音波室Echo for Skeletal Muscles 采 室Urine Collection Room 产房Delivery Room 细胞遗传室Cytogenetics 细菌研究室Bacterial Laboratory 麻醉科实验室Anesthesiology Laboratory 健科治 室Rehabilitation Therapy 紫外线光 室Ultraviolet Therapy 肾功能室Renal Function 肾脏超音波Renal Echo 视 检查室Check-up for Eye Sight 周边血管室Peripheral Vascular Examination 微生物实验室Microbiological Lab 新生儿观察室Observation Room-New Born Babies 眩检查室Vertigo Test 准分子 射室Laser Treatment 腹部超音波Abdominal echo 腹膜透析室CAPD 脑波室EEG Unit 解剖病 科实验室Anatomical Pathology Laboratory 运动治 室Therapeutic Exercise Room 射治 室Laser Therapy 电脑断层摄影室CT Scan Unit 电 室Electrotherapy Room 磁振造影扫描室MRI Unit 膀胱功能室Bladder Function Test 膀胱镜室Cystoscopy Room 语言治 Speech Therapy 器官移植Organization Transplantation 医 技术检伤分 Triage 检验室Laboratory 检验科Laboratory Medicine 检体收发室Specimen Collection 检体受 紧急报告 取Emergency Procedure 检体处 室Lab Samples 医院常用中英文对照汇编 营养室Nutrition Dept. 床病 室Clinical Pathology 职能治 Occupational Therapy 医务室(医 站)Clinic 药剂科(药局)Pharmacy 摄影室Digital Image 听 检查室Hearing Exam. Room 体外震波碎石机Lithotripsy 机械及电器场所总机Phone Operator‘s Room 库房/储藏室/材 库Storeroom / Storage 卸货区Loading Area 变电室Transformer Room / Substation /Power Room 变电站Power Sub-station 电气室Electrical Control Room / Electric Room 配电室Electrical Distribution Facilities 中控室Central Control Room 中央控制室Control Center 能源设施部Power Supply Division 机械室Machine Room 工具间Tool Room 电脑机房Computer Facilities 资讯室机房Data Processing 发电机房Generators 空调机房Air Conditioning Facilities 空调机械室Air Conditioning Facilities / Air-con Plant 紧急出口/安全门Emergency Exit 安全门Exit 避难方向Evacuation Route 灭火器Fire Extinguisher 缓 机/缓 梯Escape Sling 消防箱Fire Hose/Hydrant 逃生梯Emergency Ladder 通报设备Alert Facilities 紧急照明Emergency Light 消防设备/消防栓Hydrant 紧急电源Emergency Power 紧急避难梯Emergency Ladder / Emergency Staircase 防空避难处Air-raid Shelter 会议场所及教室会议室Conference Room 简报室Briefing Room 讨 室Meeting Room / Seminar Room 阅览室Reading Room 研讨室Meeting Room,Seminar Room 医师研究室Physicians‘ Office 医师讨 室Physicians‘ Meeting Room 医院常用中英文对照汇编 研究室Study Room 音控室Audio Contral Room 演讲厅(大 堂)Auditorium 演讲室Lecture Room 国际会议厅Conference Hall 第一会议室Conference Room I 第二会议室Conference Room II 会议室及图书室Conference Room and Library 盥洗场所 化妆室/ 厕所Women‘s Restroom / Ladies‘ Restroom 男化妆室/男厕所Men‘s Restroom / Gentlemen‘s Restroom 洗手间/盥洗室Restroom 身心障碍专用厕所Disabled Restroom 浴室Shower 储藏及仓库中央供应室Central Supply Center 中央库房Central Storage 供应室Supply Room 清洁工具室Janitors Room 急诊清洁室ER Janitor 洗衣房Laundry 汅物间Soiled Materials 清洁班Cleaning Crew 告示或警告标示施工中Under Construction 禁止吸烟No Smoking 禁止饮食No Food or Drink 禁食槟榔Chewing betel nut is prohibited 禁止携带物No Pets 严禁烟火No Open Flames 请勿(禁止)进入No Entry 闲人勿进Authorized Personnel Only 节约用水Please Conserve Water 请勿攀爬No Climbing 请用雨伞套Please Use Plastic Umbrella Cover 随手关门Keep Closed 随手关灯Turn Off Lights When Leaving 高压危险,有电勿靠近Keep Clear-High Voltage 电器设备,严禁擅入Do not enter!Power Equipment 告示或警告标示请取号码牌,静候叫号时迳往挂 号处挂号 Take a number. Go to counter when number is called. 防火门 火警时随手关门Fire Escape-Please Keep Closed 避难出口 高 逃生缓 机Emergency Exit & Escape Sling 紧急疏散方向图Evacuation Plan 禁止将投手伸出扶梯外Please do not stretch out your hand or head 您的位置You are here 电梯内请勿交谈,请戴口罩Do not talk in elevator,Please put on respirator 医院常用中英文对照汇编 严禁工作人员戴手套触摸按钮Employee, pushing buttom with your grove on is prohibited 资源回收及垃圾资源回收/垃圾分 Recycling 塑胶 Plastic 垃圾桶Trash 垃圾处 室Disposal Area 特殊空间太平间Morgue 其它药物医药分业谘询专线Medical and Pharmaceutical Consultation Inquiries 申诉案件及 政革新专线Citizens‘ Hotline 身体健康检查谘询预约服务专线Physical Examination 出入口 及专用道请勿停 No Parking 请勿暂停No Standing 身心障碍专用坡道Disabled Ramp 入口Entrance 出口Exit / Way Out(标示於地面) 遵 方向This Way 汽 出入口 Vehicles Exiting 入口 道Parking Entrance 位已满请勿进入No Vacancy 限高Max Headroom 停 场停 场(区)Parking Lot 平面停 场Parking Lot 地下停 场Underground Parking 体停 场Parking Tower 宾专用停 位 Reserved Parking 机 停 位Motorcycle Parking 身心障碍专用停 位Disabled Parking Only 院内员工专用停 场Staff Only 计程 招呼站Taxi Stand 停 场救护 Ambulance 电(扶)梯及 梯电梯Elevator 电扶梯Escalator 紧急用电梯Emergency Elevator 梯Stairs 访客电梯Visitor Elevator 本电梯直达6-12 Floor 6 and 12 Only 本电梯限停1-5 层1,2,3,4,5 Only 医院常用中英文对照汇编 书表慢性病 续处方笺Chronic Illness Prescription Slip 慢性病 续处方笺Chronic Continuous Prescription 慢性病 续处方笺Refill Presriptions For Chroni Disease 诊断书Medical Certificate 挂号费Registration Fee 证明费Certification Fee 费Ambulance Fee 特定医 费Special Medical Fee 部份负担费Self-Payment Fee 诊察费Diagnostic Fee 病房费Ward Fee 伙食费Diet Fee 检查费Laboratory Fee 放射线诊 费X-Ray Fee 治 处置费Therapeutic Treatment Fee 手术费Operation Fee 健治 费Rehabilitation Therapy 血液血浆费Blood Product Fee 血液透析费Hemodialysis Fee 麻醉费Anesthetic Fee 特殊材 费Special Medical Supply Fee 药费Medicine Fee 药事服务费Medicine Service Fee 精神科治 费Psychiatric Treatment Fee 注射技术费Injection Fee 婴儿费Infant Fee 特定健保费Special N.H.I. Fee 病 影印Medical Records Copying 出院病 Dischargged Medical Records 门诊申报Outpaitent Declareation 住院申报Inpatient Declareation


  医院科室英文名称   out-patient department   门诊部   In-patient department   住院部   Nursing department   护理部   Admission office   住院处   Discharge office   出院处   Registration office   挂号处   Reception room, waiting room   侯诊室   Consultation room   诊察室   Isolation room   隔离室   Delivery room   分娩室   Emergency room   急诊室   Ward   病房室   Department of internal medicine   内科   Department of surgery   外科   Department of pediatrics   儿科   Department of obstetrics and gynecology   妇科   Department of neurology   神经科   Department of ophtalmology   眼科   E.N.T.department   耳鼻喉科   Department of stomatology   口腔科   Department of urology   泌尿科   Department of orthopedic   骨科   Department of traumatology   创伤科   Department of endocrinology   内分泌科   Department of anesthesiology   麻醉科   Department of dermatology   皮肤科   Department of infectious diseases   传染病科   Department of pathology   病理科   Department of psychiatry   精神科   Department of orthopacdic surgery   矫形外科   Department of cardiac surgery   心脏外科   Department of cerebral surgery   脑外科   Department of thoracic surgery   胸外科   Pharmacy dispensary   药房   Nutrition department   营养部   Diet-preparation department   配膳室   Therapeutic department   治疗室   Operating room/Theater   手术室   Blood-bank   血站   Supply-room   供应室   Disinfection-room   消毒室   Dressing room   换药室   Mortuary   太平间   Record room   病案室   Department of plastic surgery   矫形外科   Department of physiotherapy   理疗科   electrotherapy room   电疗科   heliotherapy room   光疗科   wax-therapy room   蜡疗科   hydrotherapy room   水疗科   central laboratory   中心实验室   clinical laboratory   临床实验室   bacteriological laboratory   细菌实验室   biochemical laboratory   生化实验室   serological laboratory   血清实验室   X-ray room X   光室   doctor’s office 医生办公室   nurse’s office 护士办公室


医生的英语是doctor,详细信息如下:   doctor 英 [ˈdɒktə(r)] 美 [ˈdɑ:ktə(r)]   n.博士;医生,大夫;神学家;医疗设备   vt.& vi.医疗,行医   vt.修理,装配;假造;搀杂;修改,修饰   例句:   he is a doctor of philosophy.   他是哲学博士。   i saw yet another doctor   我又看了一个医生。




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