Smirk Man (FH)

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Smirk Man (FH)

#Smirk Man (FH) | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

SmirkMan FH mugSmirkMan FH mugSmirk Man SmirkMan FH art Smirk Man art by Karakato SLN-001 Information In-Game Information HP: 28 Attack Damage: 6 (contact)6 (Roulette Hat)6 (Heart Shield)5 (Spade Blade)4 (Diamond Eye)7 (Club Mace shockwave)7 (Club Mace projectiles) Weapon: Roulette Hat Occupation: Casino Kingpin Main Stage: Smirk Casino Misc. Information Designer: DeMontropolis Gender: Male Eye Color: Varies Series Information Fan Game Appearances: Mega Man Four Hounds Theme Music SmirkMan FH sprite

Smirk Man was originally created as an entertainment robot, capable of doing some magic card tricks. However, he got bored of the job and decided to run a casino in Los Angeles. Through the money he has won from betting games, he has hooked up several establishments across the country. One of the most intelligent Robot Masters ever created, he is always confident regardless of the situation. Besides his business prowess, he is a well-known and extravagant party host.

His fancy top hat is his signature weapon, the Roulette Hat. It's outfitted with various card symbols and can be thrown to slice through his opponents. When the hat returns, it will activate one of the four Card Abilities hidden in the hat.

Contents 1 Design 2 Personality 3 Appearances 3.1 Mega Man Four Hounds 3.1.1 Statistics 3.1.2 Stage: Smirk Casino 3.1.3 Attack Pattern 3.1.4 Weapon 4 CD Data 5 Gallery 6 Trivia Design[]

Smirk Man wears orange armor designed like a tuxedo, and has a white "shirt" fastened by a purple bow tie. He has light skin, black arms, orange forearms, white hands, orange boots, and black pants held up by a golden belt. His shoulders are six-sided dice. His eyes are normally have green, but can change color depending on the Roulette Hat's chosen suit. In the center of his forehead is a gem, which also changes color. Lastly, he has yellows ears with 'bolt' attachments.

His Roulette Hat is a dark blue top hat, designed with four card suits around its perimeter. The suits are a red heart, a blue spade, a yellow club, and a green diamond. As with his eyes and forehead gem, the hat's rim changes color depending on the selected suit.


Smirk Man loves the fun of competition, and sought to run a casino simply because of it. He has evolved to be slightly condescending to others, giving off an aura that is he superior in anything he hosts at his casino. Regardless, he enjoys spending time with others, especially the other SLN Robot Masters. He loves money and tends to prioritize it above all else. Rumors have even spread that because Smirk Man is so good at the games he hosts, he could potentially be cheating. He may also have an affinity for women, hinted by how his casino has an entire strip club.

Appearances[] Mega Man Four Hounds[] Statistics[] Title - The Sleazy Dealer Height - 180 cm (5 ft 10) Weight - 127 kg (280 lbs) Power - 169 Armor - 79 Speed - 175 Location - Las Vegas, NV, USA Weapons - Roulette Hat, 4 Card Abilities Threat Level - MENACING Stage: Smirk Casino[]

Smirk Man's Stage takes place primarily inside a massive casino. The beginning sees the outside view of purple/pink cities under a starry sky. Inside the casino, the primary obstacles are Booze Cannons, brownish bottles that fire their high-pressured contents in one direction, doing a lot of damage if someone touches it. They are always vertical at first, but later on they will start firing horizontally. Introduced in the basement level (with the fish tanks and such) are Poker Chip Dispensers, red pipes that drop poker chips at varying rates. There are also green poker chips that flip to allow players passage through, but only in one direction. Starting in the giant room, red chips that rest on Booze Cannons can also get carried upwards by their blast, acting as platforms. One of the final sections is a makeshift elevator in front of a large booze-producing machine, where players have to avoid booze from all sides while getting carried upwards.

A big attraction of this stage are the 2 Roulette Rooms found just before the midboss and boss's gates. Players can press a big red button to roll a giant slot machine. The slot machine will always get a match, and the symbols will indicate what kind of reward (or punishment) the player receives.:

3 Big Health: The player receives 3 Big Health pickups. 3 Big Weapon: The player receives 3 Big Weapon pickups. 3 E-Tanks: The player receives an E-Tank. 3 W-Tanks: The player receives a W-Tank. 3 M-Tanks: The player receives an M-Tank. 3 1-UPs: The player receives a 1-UP. 3 Small Bolts: The player receives 120 bolts. 3 Big Bolts: JACKPOT! The player receives 3000 bolts! 3 Wilys: The player loses all weapon energy and their HP is cut down to 1. 3 X-Tanks: The player loses all of their tanks. 3 Gorudos: The 2 Gorudos on the sides of the room will awaken and attack the player simultaneously. The player cannot leave until they are both destroyed. 3 Smirk Men: The player loses all of their bolts, along with a fancy jingle.

Enemies to know:

Savvy Swallown - These well-dressed birds will be your first encounter. They swoop in overhead and drop a purple dice before beelining away. This dice may release 1-6 cards that fly at the player, depending on how may dots were on the dice. Bird has 3 HP. Breight - These are large 8-balls that normally move forward at a rather slow pace. However, a charge shot will knock them backwards at high speed, making them more unpredictable to deal with. They can also be pushed away by Proto Man's shield. Has 6 HP. Stack-On - A stack of 9 poker chips, with the weak point being the pair of eyes sitting on top of cards. The cards can be destroyed but make the eyes harder to hit. The enemy attacks by lobbing 3 chips at a time until it runs out of them (in which case it self-destructs). Destroying the eyes will cause the rest of the chips to scatter haphazardly. Eyes have 4 HP. Billie Cuer - These little dudes with top hats are usually harmless, as they will not attack you on sight. Their hats can be used as platforms, but this makes Billie angry and he will try to poke the player with his cue stick. He become more dangerous if a Breight moves towards him, in which Billie will strike it, sending the enemy forward at high speed. Has 4 HP. Booze Joe - Green guys who attack by a special buster that can fire out miniature booze lasers. They can shoot either straight forward, or directly above themselves. If the latter is done, it will come down on the player from above. Has 7 HP. Rain Maker - Happy-go-lucky patrons who love to make it rain with money. It'd be a crime to kill them when you can just stand under them and make millions! Has 5 HP. Gorudo Kajino - The infamous bodyguards of Smirk Casino. They are found deep inside the casino, initially on standby. However, if they are shot, they awaken and will chase after the player. Upon getting in close, they leap forward and attack with their club. They are normally invincible, but they can temporarily be stunned via a Guard Break. Keep in mind their club will ding off all types of shots, even guard breaking ones. Each Roulette Room also has 2 Gorudos that will awaken if their event happens. Has 10 HP.


Don "The Slapper" Cuer - The leader of the Cuer mafia and Smirk Man’s second-in-command appears midway through the stage. He comes down from the ceiling and slams, ground-stunning the player. He has three attacks, including a passive one. His arena has him stand on a high platform, and a booze cannon raises a red poker chip so you can shoot his face. He can shoot out one/two fast-moving Breights by opening his chest and he can fire his machine gun at an angle covering the bottom left corner. He can also do a short hop to ground-stun the player and shake the screen, which activates the ceiling Booze Cannons (2 at a time). His cigar passively creates smoke that follows the player and clouds vision of whatever they’re hovering over. Has 30 HP.

Valuable pickups to look out for:

1st 1-UP: Just before the first Stack-On on top of a platform with 2 small bolts. The player has to use Rush/Treble to access it, or Bass can just dash jump there. However, Booze Cannons protect the platform on both sides, and they can also hurt Rush, so timing must be perfected in order to get here without suffering damage. 2nd 1-UP: In the massive room, in a passage where the first Breight comes from. It is directly protected by 2 Booze Cannons, and the Booze Joe above can potentially attack the player. E-Tank: In the strip club room, there is a sea of green chips above a bottomless pit. Some of them are real platforms, while others will open up to drop the player. The upper path, made only of the dropping types, leads to this pickup, but a Poker Chip Dispenser makes navigating up there more challenging. Time your jumps so you don't fall off and you can squeeze past the Dispenser. 3rd 1-UP: In the last room right before Smirk Man's boss gate. There is a Booze Joe in front of it, a Gorudo Kajino behind it, and a Rain Maker above the 1-UP. The player must be very careful to avoid overshooting the Booze Joe, as this will activate the Gorudo in an uncomfortable area. Avoid activating the Gorudo, defeat the Rain Maker so he isn't blocking the 1-UP, and you can swipe it right under the Gorudo's nose, hehe! Attack Pattern[]

The Sleazy Dealer is the boss of his casino, located in his personal office/observatory, complete with a dice fountain. He enters via his hovering chair and greets the player by gripping his Roulette Hat. Shortly after the health fills, he immediately flings his Roulette Hat forward. Once it reaches the player's x-position, it comes back to him. As he receives his hat, he’ll cycle between one of four Card Abilities to announce his next attack pattern until he’ll have to throw the hat again.

Upon selecting Heart, he dons a Heart Shield of 4 hearts and runs back and forth, jumping forward whenever the player shoots. When a projectile hits his hearts, he regenerates 2 HP at the cost of losing that heart. He gets progressively faster overtime, and he burns the attack by making the remaining hearts spiral away. He can also wall jump while using this. If all the hearts are shot down, he will throw his Roulette Hat. Upon selecting Spades, he will run and jump like before until he summons four spades, which will be sent forward at a high speed. The four spades will also angle and positions themselves in formation as a telegraph. Upon selecting Diamond Eye, he rides a Magic Cardpet to fly around and throws diamonds that bounce along the surface, swooping down if the player shoots. He is high above the player's shots, so making him swoop down to firing level will help in dealing damage to him. Upon selecting Club Mace, he will move around like usual, but if the player gets within range, he will charge up and swing his hand to generate a close-range shockwave and a spread of club projectiles. He can also shoot this downwards while jumping. An easy way to dodge this if you jump over Smirk Man when he stops to attack. However, if the player keeps doing this, Smirk Man will catch on and unleash a surprise attack! Weapon[]

His weapon is Roulette Hat, which allows the player to throw the hat forward for 4 ammo. The hat will select one of the 4 Card Abilities for the player to use (even changing their palette). None of these Card Abilities use ammo, but they will expire after 10 seconds. The hat can pierce through shields.

Heart Shield creates 6 hearts around the player, which can turn projectiles into HP for the player. The player can also spiral it outwards. The hearts pierce through shields.

Spade Blades creates a formation of 4 spades that the player can shoot forward, though it can also be aimed in the diagonals. These spades pierce through shields.

Diamond Eye throws a diamond that bounces diagonally along the walls, and up to 3 can be thrown at once. They can also be aimed in the diagonals.

Club Mace sends out a big shockwave that hit through anything (even protected Mets). It does low damage but covers a very wide area.

CD Data[] • CD data • English data "Don't play games you can't win, kid." Good Point: Witty Smooth-Talker Bad Point: Shrewd Business Like: High-Stake Gambling Dislike: Boredom Gallery[] Smirk Man Art by TorchicZKSmirk Man Art by TorchicZK Trivia[] Several portraits of Smirk Man himself can be seen throughout his casino. Mega Man Four Hounds Smirk Man • Scorch Woman • Static Man • Wing Man • Poison Man • Meteor Man • Root Man • Ooze Man




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