Using FreeRTOS on ARMv8

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Using FreeRTOS on ARMv8

#Using FreeRTOS on ARMv8| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

[Also see the page that describes how to set ARM Cortex-M interrupt priorities when using FreeRTOS.]

ARM introduced TrustZone to the Cortex-M series of microcontrollers with the ARMv8-M architecture. TrustZone is an optional security extension that enables two security domains within a single processor. Cortex-M cores (including the Cortex-M33 and Cortex-M23) that include TrustZone use it to divide the execution space into secure ('s') and non-secure ('ns') partitions (or 'sides'). This enhances security by enabling complete isolation between trusted software executing on the secure side and untrusted software executing on the non-secure side. Both the secure and non-secure sides have separate Memory Protection Units (MPUs) that enable additional isolation within both security domains.

The software running on the secure side can export functions it wants to make available to the software running on the non-secure side. These functions must be placed in a memory region explicitly marked as Non-Secure Callable (NSC). The non-secure software can only access secure software through these exported functions in the NSC memory.

The ARMv8-M architecture also introduced stack limit registers that enable the application software to catch a stack overflow as soon as it happens.

The following subsections describe the run-time and configuration options available when running FreeRTOS on ARMv8-M cores: The Anatomy of an ARMv8-M Application Features of the FreeRTOS ARMv8-M Ports Quick Start FreeRTOS ARMv8-M Ports Usage Instructions Using FreeRTOS with TrustZone Support Using FreeRTOS without TrustZone Support Using FreeRTOS with Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Support Using FreeRTOS with Floating Point Unit (FPU) support Contributing to FreeRTOS ARMv8-M ports

The Anatomy of an ARMv8-M Application

Applications that make use of TrustZone consist of two separate projects:

A secure application that runs on the secure side. A non-secure application that runs on the non-secure side.

ARMv8-M cores always boot up to the secure side. It is then the responsibility of the secure software to program the Security Attribution Unit (SAU) and the Implementation Defined Attribution Unit (IDAU) to divide the memory space into secure and non-secure areas before branching to the non-secure software. The software on the secure side can access both secure and non-secure memories while the software on the non-secure side can only access non-secure memories.

Typically the software executing on the secure side needs to be robust and trusted, so it is kept as small as possible - often limited to providing the system's root of trust (secure boot, identity, cryptographic functions, etc.). The Memory Protection Unit (MPU) on the non-secure side is then used to run non-secure tasks at lower privilege level, and provide fine grained access controls to memory and peripherals on a thread (RTOS task) by thread basis.

Features of the FreeRTOS ARMv8-M Ports The FreeRTOS ARMv8-M (ARM Cortex-M33 and ARM Cortex-M23) ports: Can run on either the secure or non-secure side. Allow non-secure tasks (or threads) to call secure-side trusted functions (via the designated entry points in the NSC memory) that, in turn, can call back to non-secure functions, all without breaching the kernel's prioritized scheduling policy. Have optional support for TrustZone (when the FreeRTOS kernel runs on the non-secure side). Have optional support for the Memory Protection Unit (MPU). Have optional support for the Floating Point Unit (FPU). Only allow privilege escalations that originate from within the FreeRTOS kernel code. In the most common scenario, the FreeRTOS scheduler runs on the non-secure side, and each non-secure FreeRTOS task can call functions exported by the secure side software. This enables application developers to put critical software on the secure side, and ensures that a bug in the non-secure software does not affect critical secure software.

Using the MPU allows tasks on the non-secure side to have lower privilege level, to be isolated from each other, and to be isolated from the kernel.

Quick Start

The main body of this page provides detailed information on building FreeRTOS for ARMv8-M microcontrollers, but the simplest way to get started is to use one of the following pre-configured example projects:

Keil Simulator using Keil uVision IDE NXP LPCXpresso55S69 Development Board using MCUXpresso IDE Nuvoton NuMaker-PFM-M2351 Board using Keil uVision and IAR IDEs The example ARMv8-M projects are located in sub-directories of FreeRTOS/Demo in the main FreeRTOS zip file download. These projects can be used directly, or simply as a worked example and reference for the source files, configuration options, and compiler settings detailed below.

FreeRTOS ARMv8-M Ports Usage Instructions

FreeRTOS ARMv8-M ports use the following compile time macros to enable or disable TrustZone, Memory Protection Unit (MPU) and Floating Point Unit (FPU) support. The following sections of this page elaborate on their use.

/* Set to 1 when running FreeRTOS on the non-secure side to enable the

* ability to call the (non-secure callable) functions exported from secure side. */

#define configENABLE_TRUSTZONE 1

/* Set to 1 when running FreeRTOS on the secure side. Note that in this case TrustZone is

* not supported as secure tasks cannot call non-secure code i.e. configENABLE_TRUSTZONE

* must be set to 0 when setting configRUN_FREERTOS_SECURE_ONLY to 1. */ #define configRUN_FREERTOS_SECURE_ONLY 1

/* Set to 1 to enable the Memory Protection Unit (MPU), or 0 to leave the Memory

* Protection Unit disabled. */ #define configENABLE_MPU 1

/* Set to 1 to enable the Floating Point Unit (FPU), or 0 to leave the Floating

* Point Unit disabled. */ #define configENABLE_FPU 1

Enabling Support for Various Features in FreeRTOS ARMv8-M Ports

Using FreeRTOS with TrustZone Support

Description When FreeRTOS is running on the non-secure side, the TrustZone support in FreeRTOS ARMv8-M ports enable the non-secure FreeRTOS tasks to call the secure functions that have been marked as non-secure callable (NSC). Secure functions are functions implemented on the secure side.

FreeRTOSConfig.h settings

To enable TrustZone support build FreeRTOS with configENABLE_TRUSTZONE set to one in FreeRTOSConfig.h:

#define configENABLE_TRUSTZONE 1 Enabling TrustZone support in FreeRTOS

Tasks that call secure functions from the non-secure side of an ARMv8-M MCU (ARM Cortex-M23 and Cortex-M33) have two contexts – one on the non-secure side and one on the secure-side. Before FreeRTOS v10.4.5, ARMv8-M secure-side ports allocated the structures that reference secure-side contexts at run time. From FreeRTOS V10.4.5 the structures are allocated statically at compile time. secureconfigMAX_SECURE_CONTEXTS sets the number of statically allocated secure contexts. secureconfigMAX_SECURE_CONTEXTS defaults to 8 if left undefined. Applications that only use FreeRTOS code on the non-secure side of ARMv8-M microcontrollers, such as those running third-party code on the secure-side, do not require this constant.

#define secureconfigMAX_SECURE_CONTEXTS 8 Defining Maximum Number of Secure Contexts

Building the port

The FreeRTOS kernel source code organization page contains information on adding the FreeRTOS kernel to your project. In addition to the information on that page, the FreeRTOS ARMv8-M ports with TrustZone support require additional port files to be compiled in the secure project and the non-secure project.

Source files to be compiled in the secure project: FreeRTOS/Source/portable/[compiler]/[architecture]/secure

Source files to be compiled in the non-secure project: FreeRTOS/Source/portable/[compiler]/[architecture]/non_secure Where [architecture] is either ARM_CM23 or ARM_CM33, depending on whether the target hardware is an ARM Cortex-M23 or an ARM Cortex-M33.

Note 1:The GCC port can also be used with the ARM compiler version 6 and above (ARM Clang).

Note 2:The above two directories must also be included in the include path of the respective compiler projects.

Defining secure functions as non-secure callable (NSC)

Use the secureportNON_SECURE_CALLABLE macro to make a secure function callable from the non-secure side.

secureportNON_SECURE_CALLABLE void NSCFunction( void ); Example use of the secureportNON_SECURE_CALLABLE macro to make the secure side function NSCFunction() callable from a non-secure task

The linker script for the secure project then needs to make sure that the non-secure callable functions are placed in a memory region that is explicitly marked as Non-Secure Callable. The following is the GCC syntax for placing non-secure callable functions in the NSC memory:

MEMORY { /* Define each memory region. */ PROGRAM_FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 0xfe00 veneer_table (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x1000fe00, LENGTH = 0x200 Ram0 (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x30000000, LENGTH = 0x8000 }

/* Veneer Table Section (Non-Secure Callable). */ .text_Flash2 : ALIGN(4) { FILL(0xff) *(.text_veneer_table*) *(.text.$veneer_table*) *(.rodata.$veneer_table*) } > veneer_table

GCC syntax for placing Non-Secure Callable functions in the NSC memory

The pre-configured examples projects in the main FreeRTOS distribution contain examples for various other compilers.

Allocating a secure context for a non-secure task Any non-secure FreeRTOS task that wants to call a secure side function must first allocate a secure context by calling the portALLOCATE_SECURE_CONTEXT macro: /* This task calls secure side functions. So allocate a secure

* context for it. */

portALLOCATE_SECURE_CONTEXT( configMINIMAL_SECURE_STACK_SIZE ); Allocating a Secure context for a Non-Secure task

It is recommended for non-secure tasks that make secure calls to allocate a secure context as their first action.

Using FreeRTOS without TrustZone Support

Description The application writer can choose to disable TrustZone in hardware. When that is done the microcontroller boots as non-secure, and the entire memory space is non-secure.

FreeRTOSConfig.h setting to run FreeRTOS on the non-secure side without TrustZone support

To disable TrustZone support build FreeRTOS with configENABLE_TRUSTZONE set to zero in FreeRTOSConfig.h file:

#define configENABLE_TRUSTZONE 0 Disabling TrustZone support in FreeRTOS

FreeRTOSConfig.h setting to run FreeRTOS on the secure side without TrustZone support If the application writer does not want to use TrustZone but the hardware does not support disabling TrustZone then the entire application (including the FreeRTOS scheduler) can run on the secure side without ever branching to the non-secure side. To do that, in addition to setting configENABLE_TRUSTZONE to 0, also set configRUN_FREERTOS_SECURE_ONLY to 1. #define configENABLE_TRUSTZONE 0 #define configRUN_FREERTOS_SECURE_ONLY 1 Running FreeRTOS on the Secure side only

Building the port

The FreeRTOS kernel source code organization page contains information on adding the FreeRTOS kernel to your project. The port files for the FreeRTOS ARMv8-M ports without TrustZone support are in the following directory: FreeRTOS/Source/portable/[compiler]/[architecture]/non_secure

Where [architecture] is either ARM_CM23_NTZ or ARM_CM33_NTZ depending on whether the target hardware is an ARM Cortex-M23 or an ARM Cortex-M33.

Note 1:The GCC port can also be used with the ARM compiler version 6 and above (ARM Clang).

Note 2:The above directory must also be included in the include path of the respective compiler project.

Using FreeRTOS with Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Support

Description Memory Protection Unit (MPU) support in FreeRTOS ARMv8-M ports enables application tasks to execute in a privileged or unprivileged (user) mode, and provides fine grained memory and peripheral access control on a task by task basis.

Unprivileged tasks:

Are created using the xTaskCreateRestricted() API. Default to having no RAM access other than to their own stacks. Cannot execute code marked by the MPU as privileged access only. Can optionally be assigned access up to three additional memory regions, which can be changed at run-time.

A memory fault is triggered any time an unprivileged task tries to access any memory region for which it has not been granted access. The fault handler gives the application writer a chance to take an appropriate action, which may be terminating the offending task.

Do not confuse the privilege level of a task with the security domain it executes in. The secure and non-secure sides of an ARMv8-M core each have their own MPU - so it is possible to have both privileged and unprivileged execution on both the secure and non-secure sides.

To reduce security risks, and to reduce the impact of software bugs, it is recommended for application code to be unprivileged whenever possible. A change from unprivileged execution to privileged execution is called a privilege escalation. Software initiated privilege escalations can only occur from within the FreeRTOS kernel's API functions, but privilege escalations also occur each time the hardware accepts an interrupt. If you do not want application provided interrupt service routines (ISRs) to run as privileged then install subs for each interrupt routine that either reduce the privilege level before calling an application provided handler function, or otherwise defer the execution of an application provided handler function to a task (such functionality must be provided by the application writer).

MPU Hardware Restrictions

The ARMv8-M MPU is much more flexible than the ARMv7-M MPU, with only the following restrictions on the definition of memory regions:

The smallest size that can be programmed for an MPU region is 32 bytes. The maximum size of any MPU region is 4GB. The size of an MPU region must be a multiple of 32 bytes. All MPU regions must begin on a 32 byte aligned address.

FreeRTOSConfig.h settings

To enable MPU support, build FreeRTOS with configENABLE_MPU set to one in FreeRTOSConfig.h file:

#define configENABLE_MPU 1 Enabling Memory Protection Unit (MPU) support in FreeRTOS

Building the port

If the application uses TrustZone support, build FreeRTOS source files as mentioned in the Using FreeRTOS with TrustZone Support section. If the application does not use TrustZone support, build FreeRTOS source files as mentioned in the Using FreeRTOS without TrustZone Support section. In addition, build the following file in the non-secure project: FreeRTOS/Source/portable/Common/mpu_wrappers.c.

Allocating stack for an unprivileged task

The MPU support in ARMv8-M ports uses an MPU region to grant an unprivileged task access to its stack. Therefore, the application writer must ensure that the stack buffer supplied to the xTaskCreateRestricted() API, satisfies the MPU hardware restrictions. The following is the GCC syntax for placing the stack buffer on a 32 byte boundary:

StackType_t xTaskStackBuffer[ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ] __attribute__( ( aligned( 32 ) ) ); GCC syntax for placing a buffer on 32 byte boundary

Granting access to additional memory regions to an unprivileged task

An unprivileged task can be granted access to up to three additional memory regions at the time of the task creation. Three MPU regions are used to grant access to these memory regions and therefore, these memory regions must satisfy the MPU hardware restrictions. The following is an example of creating an unprivileged task which is granted Read Only access to the ucSharedMemory:

static uint8_t ucSharedMemory[ SHARED_MEMORY_SIZE ] __attribute__( ( aligned( 32 ) ) );

void vStartMPUDemo( void ) { static StackType_t xROAccessTaskStack[ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ] __attribute__( ( aligned( 32 ) ) ); TaskParameters_t xROAccessTaskParameters = { .pvTaskCode = prvROAccessTask, .pcName = "ROAccess", .usStackDepth = configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, .pvParameters = NULL, .uxPriority = tskIDLE_PRIORITY, .puxStackBuffer = xROAccessTaskStack, .xRegions = { { ucSharedMemory, 32, tskMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY | tskMPU_REGION_EXECUTE_NEVER }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, } }; /* Create an unprivileged task with RO access to ucSharedMemory. */ xTaskCreateRestricted( &( xROAccessTaskParameters ), NULL ); }

Creating an unprivileged task

Note that the code ensures that both ucSharedMemory and xROAccessTaskStack satisfy MPU hardware restrictions.

Memory layout

The memory layout of an application with MPU support looks like the following:

Memory layout of an Application with MPU Support

Kernel Code - The kernel code section contains the FreeRTOS kernel executable code, and is only accessible to privileged software. Unprivileged software needs to go through a kernel system call (see below) to access functionalities provided by the FreeRTOS kernel. All FreeRTOS kernel functions are placed in a named linker section privileged_functions, and the linker script needs to place them in a separate flash section.

An MPU region is used to ensure only privileged software can access the FreeRTOS kernel code and therefore, the linker script must ensure the flash section containing the FreeRTOS kernel code satisfies the MPU hardware restrictions. In addition, the linker script needs to export two variables, namely __privileged_functions_start__ and __privileged_functions_end__, indicating the start and end of the FreeRTOS kernel code which are used by the FreeRTOS kernel to program the MPU.

The following is the GCC syntax for placing FreeRTOS kernel code in a separate section:

/* Privileged functions - Section needs to be 32 byte aligned to satisfy

* MPU requirements. */

.privileged_functions : ALIGN(32) { . = ALIGN(32); __privileged_functions_start__ = .; *(privileged_functions) . = ALIGN(32); /* End address must be the last address in the region, therefore, -1. */ __privileged_functions_end__ = . - 1; } > PROGRAM_FLASH GCC syntax for placing FreeRTOS kernel code in a separate section

The pre-configured examples projects in the main FreeRTOS distribution contain examples for various other compilers.

System Calls - The system calls section contains all the FreeRTOS system calls. A system call is a way for an unprivileged task to access FreeRTOS APIs which otherwise are only available to the privileged software. When an unprivileged task calls a FreeRTOS API, it goes through a system call which temporarily raises the privilege of the calling task, then executes the requested API and resets the privilege back before returning to the caller. All the FreeRTOS system calls are placed in a named linker section freertos_system_calls and the linker script needs to place them in a separate flash section.

An MPU region is used to ensure that both privileged and unprivileged software can access system calls. Therefore the linker script must ensure that the flash section containing the system calls satisfies the MPU hardware restrictions. In addition, the linker script needs to export two variables, namely __syscalls_flash_start__ and __syscalls_flash_end__, indicating the start and end of the FreeRTOS system calls which are used by the FreeRTOS kernel to program the MPU. These variables are also used to ensure that the unprivileged software cannot escalate its privilege arbitrarily and that privilege escalations are limited to within the FreeRTOS kernel only.

The following is the GCC syntax for placing FreeRTOS system calls in a separate section:

/* FreeRTOS System calls - Section needs to be 32 byte aligned to satisfy

* MPU requirements. */

.freertos_system_calls : ALIGN(32) { . = ALIGN(32); __syscalls_flash_start__ = .; *(freertos_system_calls) . = ALIGN(32); /* End address must be the last address in the region, therefore, -1. */ __syscalls_flash_end__ = . - 1; } > PROGRAM_FLASH GCC syntax for placing FreeRTOS system calls in a separate section

The pre-configured examples projects in the main FreeRTOS distribution contain examples for various other compilers.

Kernel Data - The kernel data (RAM) section contains all the FreeRTOS kernel data and is only accessible to privileged software. All the FreeRTOS kernel data is placed in a named linker section privileged_data and the linker script needs to place them in a separate RAM section.

An MPU region is used to ensure that only privileged software can access the FreeRTOS kernel data and therefore the linker script must ensure that the RAM section containing the FreeRTOS kernel data satisfies the MPU hardware restrictions. In addition, the linker script needs to export two variables, namely __privileged_sram_start__ and __privileged_sram_end__, indicating the start and end of the FreeRTOS kernel data which are used by the FreeRTOS kernel to program the MPU.

The following is the GCC syntax for placing FreeRTOS kernel data in a separate section:

/* Main Data section (Ram0). */ .data : ALIGN(4) { /* Privileged data - It needs to be 32 byte aligned to satisfy

* MPU requirements. */

. = ALIGN(32); __privileged_sram_start__ = .; *(privileged_data); . = ALIGN(32); /* End address must be the last address in the region, therefore, -1. */ __privileged_sram_end__ = . - 1; } > Ram0 AT>PROGRAM_FLASH GCC syntax for placing FreeRTOS kernel data in a separate section

The pre-configured examples projects in the main FreeRTOS distribution contain examples for various other compilers.

Using FreeRTOS with Floating Point Unit (FPU) Support

Description If the target microcontroller includes a floating point unit (FPU), and you pass options to your compiler telling it to generate floating point instructions (as opposed to using emulated floating point operations), then the FPU support must be enabled.

FreeRTOSConfig.h settings

To enable FPU support build FreeRTOS with configENABLE_FPU set to one in FreeRTOSConfig.h file:

#define configENABLE_FPU 1 Enabling Floating Point Unit (FPU) support in FreeRTOS

Building the port

If the application uses TrustZone support, build FreeRTOS source files as mentioned in the Using FreeRTOS with TrustZone Support section. If the application does not use TrustZone support, build FreeRTOS source files as mentioned in the Using FreeRTOS without TrustZone Support section.

Contributing to FreeRTOS ARMv8-M ports

The FreeRTOS ARMv8-M ports are organized as follows:

Master Copy - Maintained at FreeRTOS/Source/portable/ARMv8M. Replicas - The master copy is replicated in several [compiler]/[architecture] directories to ensure that the users can easily find the port files required for their compiler and architecture combination. If you want to contribute to FreeRTOS ARMv8-M ports, please make your changes to the master copy and replicate them using the script FreeRTOS/Source/portable/ARMv8M/




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