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2023-04-23 03:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





比较级:more confident

最高级:most confident


形容词:确信的,深信的; 有信心的,沉着的; 大胆的,过分自信的; 厚颜无耻的

名词:知己; 心腹朋友


1.He is quite confident that he will pass the examination.


2.Peter is confident of winning the post as the assistant to the managing director.


3.They are confident of success.


4.We are confident of success.



1.The company has done well in Shanghai and is very confident about business in Beijing, as company leaders say Zara has earned potent brand recognition in the market.

2.As challenging as this demand is, the Energy Minister remains confident that it represents an unmissable business opportunity.

3.Fok said he is confident that the East Asian Games can be held successfully, but he urged more support from the government and business sector.

4.Russian vodka manufacturers however said they were confident they would not go bust any time soon.

5.After about six months of learning by himself, Zhang still did not feel confident about speaking English.

6.And third, they enjoy residents'trust and are confident that people will not panic and act recklessly.

7.According to a recent report by Standard Chartered Bank, developers are a little more confident about apartment sales.

8.Doctors said they were confident that the procedure would reduce the size of her stomach by 50 per cent to prevent further weight gain.

9.Entrepreneurs in the IT and software businesses were the most confident, followed by those from the retail and wholesale trade as well as the construction sector.


1.This is me, a very confident boy.


2.With maketing experience of 8 years, we are very confident of our products'quality.


3.Although I felt confident on the day of the hearing, I found myself encompassed into a war of words that made my head spin.


4.You're confident ab out the meaning of these omens?


5.We are the CASEMATE from Xiamen University, passionate, powerful, creative and confident.



一、He appearsconfident.他看起来很有信心。

二、Oh,howconfidentare you,Andy?你有多少把握,安迪?

三、to beconfidentabout something对某事充满信心

四、Oh, howconfidentare you, Andy?你有多少把握,安迪?

五、She isconfidentbut not aggressive.她很自信但不是咄咄逼人。

六、It shows you are alert andconfident.这能显现出你是留神的和有自信。

七、He wasconfidentof achieving his aim.他确信会达到目标。

八、She's actually a happy,confidentcat.它变成一只自信又幸福的猫。

九、Overly self assertive or selfconfident.骄傲自大的自做主张的或过分自信的

十、Keep your body posture alert andconfident.保持体姿的警惕和自信。

十一、To beconfident, act as if you already are.要自信, 假装你已经拥有了自信。

十二、confidentand ardent about this information.自信而又充满热情。

十三、Imconfidentin my ability to achieve success.我确信有能力取。

十四、Mike isconfidentthat he will arrive in time.迈克相信他会及时到达。

十五、Confidentpeople will respond without acrimony.没有人会相信辛辣回应。

十六、I admired him for being soconfidentat his age.我钦佩他这般年纪就如此自信。

十七、They are bright, intelligent, able andconfident.他们聪明又智慧,能干又自信。

十八、Anyone can beconfidentwith a full head of hair.任何人都可以因他满头的秀发而自信。

十九、I am moreconfidentabout asking for what I want.我也更加有自信去追求自己想要的。

二十、You tend to be very self-confident, even arrogant.你总是显得非常自信甚至是自大。

二十一、The patient isconfident. You should beconfident.病人这么有信心 你们就应该更有信心

二十二、I feelconfidentof his ability to cure my disease.我相信他能治好我的病。

二十三、I feelconfidentof his ability to run the company.我相信他有能力来经营这家公司。

二十四、Well, Dr. Grey and I areconfidentwe were able to.格蕾医生和我有信心

二十五、He appeared relaxed andconfidentbefore the match.比赛前,他显得镇定而自信。


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