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rich [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈrɪtʃ/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/rɪtʃ/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(rich) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'rich' (adj): richeradj comparative richestadj superlative

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 rich adj (wealthy) (指国家或民族)SCSimplified Chinese 富饶的,富庶的 fù ráo de ,fù shù de TCTraditional Chinese 豐饒的  The Rockefeller family is rich.  洛克菲勒家族很有钱。  这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这是一片富饶的土地。 the rich npl (wealthy people)SCSimplified Chinese 有钱人 yǒu qián rén TCTraditional Chinese 有錢人   SCSimplified Chinese 富裕阶层  Our economy would change dramatically if we'd stop letting the rich make the tax laws.  如果我们不再让富裕阶层制定税法的话,我们的经济就会发生巨变。 rich adj figurative (food: full of flavor) (比喻,指食物)SCSimplified Chinese 油腻的,味道浓重的 yóu nì de ,wèi dào nóng zhòng de  This dessert is rich.  这点心味道很浓郁。 rich in [sth] adj + prep figurative (abounding: in [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 丰富的 fēng fù de TCTraditional Chinese 豐富的   SCSimplified Chinese 数量多的 fēng fù de ,shù liàng duō de TCTraditional Chinese 數量多的   SCSimplified Chinese 大量的 fēng fù de ,dà liàng de  The jungle is rich in wildlife.  这片雨林中有丰富的野生动物。 rich adj figurative (smell: fragrant) (指味道)SCSimplified Chinese 浓郁的 nóng yù de TCTraditional Chinese 濃郁的   SCSimplified Chinese 馥郁的 nóng yù de,fù yù de  The perfume has a rich aroma.  那款香水有着馥郁的芳香。 rich adj figurative (soil: nutritious) (土壤)SCSimplified Chinese 肥沃的 féi wò de  The soil in the basin is rich.  盆地中的土壤非常肥沃。 riches npl (wealth)SCSimplified Chinese 财富 cái fù TCTraditional Chinese 財富   SCSimplified Chinese 金钱 cái fù,jīn qián TCTraditional Chinese 金錢  He daydreamed about what he would do with his riches if he won the lottery.  他做着白日梦,思考着如果自己中了大奖将会如何处置他的财富。 riches npl figurative (valuable things, people) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 财富 cái fù TCTraditional Chinese 財富  They hadn't much money, but their children were their riches.  他们家境一般,不过孩子们就是他们的财富。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 rich adj (valuable)SCSimplified Chinese 贵重的 guì zhòng de TCTraditional Chinese 貴重的   SCSimplified Chinese 有价值的 guì zhòng de ,yǒu jià zhí de TCTraditional Chinese 有價值的  The family has a rich collection of paintings.  这家人有着贵重的绘画收藏。 rich adj figurative (elaborate)SCSimplified Chinese 华丽的 huá lì de TCTraditional Chinese 華麗的   SCSimplified Chinese 繁复华美的 huá lì de ,fán fù huá měi de  The palace has rich furnishings. rich adj figurative (copious)SCSimplified Chinese 大量的 dà liàng de   SCSimplified Chinese 多的 dà liàng de ,duō de  The desserts come in rich portions. rich adj figurative (color: deep) (颜色等)SCSimplified Chinese 浓烈的,鲜艳的,深的 nóng liè de ,xiān yàn de ,shēn de TCTraditional Chinese 鮮艷的  The painting was full of rich hues.  这幅画作充满了多种浓烈的色彩。 rich adj figurative (sound: full, strong) (声音)SCSimplified Chinese 浑厚的,洪亮的,雄浑的 hún hòu de,hóng liàng de  The bass has a rich sound.  那个贝斯的声音很浑厚。 rich adj figurative (art: full of meaning) (艺术)SCSimplified Chinese 富有…的,饱含…的 fù yǒu de,bǎo hán de  The painting transmits a rich sense of sadness. rich adj figurative (fuel: strong) (燃料)SCSimplified Chinese 可燃成分高的 kě rán chéng fèn gāo de  The mixture in this fuel is too rich. rich adj (entertaining)SCSimplified Chinese 非常有趣的 fēi cháng yǒu qù de   SCSimplified Chinese 富有娱乐性的 fēi cháng yǒu qù de ,fù yǒu yú lè xìng de   SCSimplified Chinese 很搞笑的 fēi cháng yǒu qù de ,hěn gǎo xiào de  He told a rich joke and everybody laughed.  他讲了个很搞笑的笑话,逗乐了所有人。 rich, a bit rich adj informal, figurative (ironic)SCSimplified Chinese 荒唐的 huāng táng de   SCSimplified Chinese 可笑的 huāng táng de ,kě xiào de  That's a bit rich, coming from you!  从你嘴里说出来,实在是太荒唐了! rich adj (food: a lot of butter, cream) (食物)SCSimplified Chinese 油腻的 yóu nì de   SCSimplified Chinese 甜腻的 yóu nì de ,tián nì de  This dessert is a little rich for my taste.  这甜品对我来说有点太腻了。 rich in [sth] adj + prep figurative (full of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 充满…的 chōng mǎn … de TCTraditional Chinese 充滿…的   SCSimplified Chinese 都是…的  The Greek myths are rich in allegory.  希腊神话多充满着寓言故事。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 filthy rich adj figurative, slang (extremely wealthy) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 非常富有,很有钱,富得流油 fēi cháng fù yǒu,hěn yǒu qián,fù de liú yóu  You have to be filthy rich to own a house in that neighborhood. get rich vi + adj informal (become wealthy)SCSimplified Chinese 发财 fā cái TCTraditional Chinese 發財   SCSimplified Chinese 致富 fā cái,zhì fù TCTraditional Chinese 致富  It's hard to get rich. get-rich-quick adj (business: quick profit)SCSimplified Chinese 企图暴发致富的 grow rich vi + adj (become wealthy, prosper)SCSimplified Chinese 变富 biàn fù   SCSimplified Chinese 富裕起来 biàn fù,fù yù qǐ lái  The managers grew rich while the workers suffered. rich harvest n (bounty)SCSimplified Chinese 大丰收 dà fēng shōu TCTraditional Chinese 大豐收  We've had a lot of rain and a lot of sun this year, so we're promised a rich harvest. rich man n (man who is wealthy)SCSimplified Chinese 有钱人 yǒu qián rén TCTraditional Chinese 有錢人   SCSimplified Chinese 富豪 yǒu qián rén,fù háo rich soil n (fertile earth)SCSimplified Chinese 肥沃的土壤 féi wò de tǔ rǎng  Vegetables grow better in rich soil. stinking rich adj figurative, slang (extremely wealthy)SCSimplified Chinese 非常有钱   SCSimplified Chinese 超级富有 strike it rich v expr informal (suddenly become wealthy)SCSimplified Chinese 暴富,发横财 tapestry, rich tapestry n figurative (complexity)SCSimplified Chinese 构思复杂的画面 gòu sī fù zá de huà miàn  The old lady didn't go out much any more, but she enjoyed watching life's rich tapestry from a seat on her porch.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: rich [rɪtʃ] I adj 1 [+ person, country] 富有的 fùyǒu de 2 [+ food, diet] 油腻(膩)的 yóunì de 3 [+ soil] 肥沃的 féiwò de 4 [+ colour] 深的 shēn de 5 [+ voice] 深沉的 shēnchén de 6 [+ experience, life, history] 丰(豐)富的 fēngfù de 7 [+ tapestries, silks] 贵(貴)重的 guìzhòng de II n pl ▶ the rich 富人 fùrén rich in [+ minerals, resources etc] 富含 fùhán 在这些条目还发现'rich': 在英文解释里: baldachin - billionaire - bolognese - Croesus - deep - dinkie - dowager - fat cat - feast - flavorsome - font - fruity - full-throated - glowing - heavy - heavy meal - in the money - kept woman - loaded - made of money - magnate - mighty - millionaire - mineral springs - moneybag - multimillionaire - opulent - peatland - plutocracy - plutocratic - Robin Hood - rolling in it - rolling in money - shale - social divide - sonorous - sugar daddy - tanbark - wealthy - wealthy person - well-to-do - when your ship comes in 中文: 充实 - 富有 - 富裕 - 丰 - 亿万富翁 - 博 - 发财 - 名流 - 富 - 富农 - 富孀 - 富得流油 - 富贵 - 暴发 - 有钱 - 致富 - 财主 - 雄厚 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Opposite adjectives, Food tastes and textures, 更多……同义词: wealthy, affluent, well-to-do, loaded, flush, 更多……习惯性搭配: [steal, take, rob] from the rich, rich [people, businessman], the [tax, law, bill] only benefits the rich, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'rich' 的论坛讨论:

I don't believe he is as rich as you think No one who can rise before dawn 360 days a year fails to make his family rich (proverb) , a very rich man - English Only forum , and allow the rich access to large amounts of political power - English Only forum ''have gone on to live rich, meaningful lives'' - English Only forum 'dabble at being rich' ? - English Only forum “rich" vs "many" vs "a variety of" - English Only forum A district in a city where rich people live mainly? - English Only forum a fancy/rich/abundant meal - English Only forum a good / a rich / an ample / an enough supply - English Only forum A is 3 times as rich as B - English Only forum a rich and tacky menu of dishes - English Only forum a rich assortment of friends - English Only forum a rich confusion - English Only forum A rich guy, a mansion, a car being towed, how the rich always get away with it. - English Only forum a rich history - English Only forum a rich program of events that welcomes in the joyous experience - English Only forum a rich seam of philanderers - English Only forum a rich source of diamonds - English Only forum A rich spice bed by the color. - English Only forum a rich supply of ingredients for potions, spells, and even aphrodisiacs - English Only forum a rich tradition - English Only forum a short, square piece of rich, chocolate cake - English Only forum a soil rich in organic matter vs. a rich soil in organic matter - English Only forum accumulate rich experiences - English Only forum accumulate rich experiences - English Only forum Ali was married in/into/to a rich family - English Only forum Although being rich, he wasn't happy. (X) - English Only forum and a small number who very rich - English Only forum another way of saying "as rich as" - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'rich'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "rich" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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