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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 red adj (color) (颜色)SCSimplified Chinese 红色的 hóng sè de  The red car passed quickly.  那辆红色小车飞快地开过去了。 red adj (hair color) (头发)SCSimplified Chinese 红褐色的,红色的 hóng hè sè de ,hóng sè de TCTraditional Chinese 紅褐色的  Bridget has red hair.  布雷吉特长着红色的头发。 red n (color) (颜色)SCSimplified Chinese 红色 hóng sè TCTraditional Chinese 紅色  My favourite colour is red.  我最喜欢的颜色是红色。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 red adj (cheeks: flushed) (脸颊)SCSimplified Chinese 发红的,通红的,潮红的 fā hóng de,tōng hóng de,cháo hóng de  Our cheeks were red in the cold air. red adj figurative (bloody)SCSimplified Chinese 血腥的 xuè xīng de   SCSimplified Chinese 暴力的 xuè xīng de ,bào lì de   SCSimplified Chinese 有流血事件发生的 xuè xīng de ,yǒu liú xiě shì jiàn fā shēng de / yǒu liú xuè shì jiàn fā shēng de  The protests evolved into a red revolution. red adj figurative, informal (communist) (口语)SCSimplified Chinese 共产主义的,社会主义的 gòng chǎn zhǔ yì de ,shè huì zhǔ yì de  The West fought against the "red menace". Red adj (Soviet)SCSimplified Chinese 苏维埃的 sū wéi āi de TCTraditional Chinese 蘇維埃的   (指苏联)SCSimplified Chinese 红的  Boris fought in the Red Army. red n (red clothing)SCSimplified Chinese 红色衣服 hóng sè yī fú TCTraditional Chinese 紅色衣服   SCSimplified Chinese 红衣 hóng sè yī fú,hóng yī  The woman is wearing red. red n (red wine)SCSimplified Chinese 红酒 hóng jiǔ   SCSimplified Chinese 红葡萄酒 hóng jiǔ,hóng pú táo jiǔ TCTraditional Chinese 紅葡萄酒  I prefer a red with pasta. red, Red n figurative, informal (communist)SCSimplified Chinese 共产党 gòng chǎn dǎng TCTraditional Chinese 共產黨   SCSimplified Chinese 拥护社会主义和共产主义的人 gòng chǎn dǎng,yōng hù shè huì zhǔ yí hé gòng chǎn zhǔ yì de rén  Trotsky was a red. red n (traffic light: stop)SCSimplified Chinese 红灯 hóng dēng  Please stop on red.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 beet red (US), beetroot red (UK) n (food colouring)SCSimplified Chinese 甜菜红 备注: A hyphen is used when term is an adjective that precedes the nounbeet-red, beet red (US), beetroot red, beetroot-red (UK) adj (reddish purple in colour)SCSimplified Chinese 紫红色的 zǐ hóng sè de TCTraditional Chinese 紫紅色的 beet-red, beet red (US), beetroot red, beetroot-red (UK) adj (person: flushed)SCSimplified Chinese 面红耳赤的  He turned beet red with embarrassment. blood red, blood-red adj (vibrantly red)SCSimplified Chinese 血红的 xiě hóng de / xuè hóng de   SCSimplified Chinese 猩红的 xiě hóng de / xuè hóng de,xīng hóng de  She was wearing blood red lipstick. blood red n (vibrant red colour)SCSimplified Chinese 血红 xiě hóng / xuè hóng   SCSimplified Chinese 猩红 xiě hóng / xuè hóng,xīng hóng  That carpet is a garish blood red. catch [sb] red handed vtr + adj figurative (discover [sb] committing a crime)SCSimplified Chinese 把…抓个正着  I caught the thief red handed stealing my jewels. cherry red n (deep red colour)SCSimplified Chinese 樱桃红 yīng táo hóng TCTraditional Chinese 櫻桃紅   SCSimplified Chinese 鲜果红 yīng táo hóng,xiān guǒ hóng   SCSimplified Chinese 樱红色 yīng táo hóng,yīng hóng sè  Her lips were of cherry red, her eyes of the palest blue. cherry red, cherry-red adj (of a deep red colour)SCSimplified Chinese 樱桃红的 yīng táo hóng de TCTraditional Chinese 櫻桃紅的   SCSimplified Chinese 鲜红色的 yīng táo hóng de,xiān hóng sè de TCTraditional Chinese 鮮紅色的 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. The beautiful jewel was a deep cherry-red colour. chough, red-billed chough n (zoology: bird)SCSimplified Chinese 红嘴山鸦 in the red adj figurative (owing money)SCSimplified Chinese 负债 fù zhài   SCSimplified Chinese 亏损 fù zhài,kuī sǔn TCTraditional Chinese 虧損  The company had been in the red for years, but under the new CEO it recovered completely. light red n (washed-out red color)SCSimplified Chinese 淡红色 light red, light-red adj (light red in color)SCSimplified Chinese 淡红色的 dàn hóng sè de 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the like a red rag to a bull v expr colloquial (that provokes anger)SCSimplified Chinese 令人勃然大怒   SCSimplified Chinese 令人火冒三丈 manuka, red tea tree n (New Zealand tree) (新西兰)SCSimplified Chinese 麦卢卡树 paint the town red, paint the town v expr figurative (go out and celebrate) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 狂欢,欢庆 kuáng huān,huān qìng  To celebrate their win, the whole football team went out to paint the town red. red alert n (readiness for emergency)SCSimplified Chinese 紧急警报 jǐn jí jǐng bào TCTraditional Chinese 緊急警報   SCSimplified Chinese 紧急戒备 jǐn jí jǐng bào,jǐn jí jiè bèi  We've all been on red alert since the last attack. red ant n (stinging insect)SCSimplified Chinese 红蚂蚁 hóng mǎ yǐ TCTraditional Chinese 紅蟻  You can often see red ants foraging for food in the forest. red bean n (legume: kidney bean)SCSimplified Chinese 红豆 red blood cell n (red corpuscle: component of blood)SCSimplified Chinese 红血球 hóng xiě qiú / hóng xuè qiú TCTraditional Chinese 紅血球  Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. red brick n (reddish building material)SCSimplified Chinese 红砖 red brick, red-brick n as adj (building: made of red bricks)SCSimplified Chinese 红砖筑造的 red brick, redbrick n as adj UK, figurative (university: newer, not Oxbridge)SCSimplified Chinese 红砖大学的 red cabbage n (red-purple leafy vegetable)SCSimplified Chinese 紫甘蓝 red card n (soccer: shown when player is sent off) (足球)SCSimplified Chinese 红牌 red carpet n (long mat laid out for [sb] important) (迎接贵宾)SCSimplified Chinese 红地毯 hóng dì tǎn  The red carpet was rolled out ready for the Queen's visit. red carpet n figurative (preferential treatment)SCSimplified Chinese 隆重接待 TCTraditional Chinese 隆重接待   SCSimplified Chinese 隆重待遇  Our suppliers gave us the red carpet treatment when we visited their factory. red cell (anatomy)SCSimplified Chinese 红细胞 hóng xì bāo TCTraditional Chinese 紅細胞 red clay (geology)SCSimplified Chinese 红色黏土 red clover n (flowering plant)SCSimplified Chinese 红三叶草   SCSimplified Chinese 红三叶 the Red Cross n (medical relief agency)SCSimplified Chinese 红十字机构 hóng shí zì jī gòu   SCSimplified Chinese 红十字会 TCTraditional Chinese 紅十字會  The Red Cross is frequently the first relief agency to operate in war-torn areas. red currant, redcurrant n (small edible red berry) (一种可食用浆果)SCSimplified Chinese 红酸栗 hóng suān lì TCTraditional Chinese 紅醋栗  I love redcurrant jam on croissants. Her lipstick was the color of redcurrants. red deer n (animal in Europe and Asia)SCSimplified Chinese 红鹿 red drum (fish)SCSimplified Chinese 红鼓鱼 red dwarf n (astronomy: type of star)SCSimplified Chinese 红矮星 hóng ǎi xīng  Astronomers have discovered a new planet circling a red dwarf which is 30 light years away. red flag n (communist symbol) (共产主义的象征)SCSimplified Chinese 红旗 TCTraditional Chinese 紅旗  The red flag no longer flies over the Kremlin. red flag n figurative (danger sign)SCSimplified Chinese 示警红旗 shì jǐng hóng qí TCTraditional Chinese 危險徵兆  Drinking more than four beers every evening is a definite red flag for alcoholism. red flag n figurative (provocation)SCSimplified Chinese 挑衅 tiǎo xìn TCTraditional Chinese 挑釁   SCSimplified Chinese 让人冒火之事  His constant complaining was acting as a red flag to me. red fox (animal)SCSimplified Chinese 红狐狸   SCSimplified Chinese 赤狐 red giant n (astronomy: type of star)SCSimplified Chinese 红巨星 hóng jù xīng  A red giant can be seen in the constellation of Orion. red hair n (auburn or ginger hair)SCSimplified Chinese 红头发 hóng tóu fà TCTraditional Chinese 紅髮 red herring n ([sth] deliberately misleading)SCSimplified Chinese 故意误导之物  Agatha Christie used red herrings in her books to keep readers guessing.  阿加莎·克里斯蒂通过在书中使用一些故意误导之物来让读者不断地猜测。 red herring n ([sth] drawing attention from main issue)SCSimplified Chinese 转移注意力之物 zhuǎn yí zhù yì lì zhī wù  All that show of charm was just a red herring to distract us from his evil plan.  所有那些魅力展示都只是为了转移我们对他邪恶计划的注意力。 red kidney bean n (red-purple legume)SCSimplified Chinese 红芸豆 red lead, minium n (lead oxide: pigment) (铅化合物)SCSimplified Chinese 红丹 red light n (traffic light indicating stop) (交通信号灯)SCSimplified Chinese 红灯 hóng dēng  You should always stop at the red light. red light n figurative (signal not to act) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 红灯 hóng dēng   SCSimplified Chinese 停止令  The building project got a red light from the town planners. red line [sth] vtr (draw line through to cancel) (用红线)SCSimplified Chinese 划去 huá qù   SCSimplified Chinese 取消 huá qù,qǔ xiāo TCTraditional Chinese 取消 red line n (ice hockey rink marking) (冰球)SCSimplified Chinese 红线 TCTraditional Chinese 紅線 red line [sth] vtr (establish safe maximum speed)SCSimplified Chinese 为...设置限速 red line [sth/sb] vtr figurative (mark [sb/sth] for cancellation) (用红线)SCSimplified Chinese 划去 huá qù red line [sth] vtr (cause plane to be grounded)SCSimplified Chinese 让...安全降落 red meat n (steak, lamb, etc.) (牛肉等)SCSimplified Chinese 红肉 hóng ròu  Red meat generally has a stronger flavour than white meat. red mullet, goatfish n (fish)SCSimplified Chinese 红鲣鱼 red nose n (part of clown costume)SCSimplified Chinese 小丑的红鼻子 red nose n (pathology) (病状)SCSimplified Chinese 红鼻子 red oak n (North American oak tree)SCSimplified Chinese 红橡树 red oak n (wood of North American tree)SCSimplified Chinese 红橡木 red onion n (edible bulb)SCSimplified Chinese 紫洋葱 zǐ yáng cōng   SCSimplified Chinese 红洋葱  Sean made a sandwich with turkey, cheese, tomato, and red onion. red panda n (firefox: racoon-like animal native to China)SCSimplified Chinese 小熊猫 red pepper n (vegetable: capsicum)SCSimplified Chinese 红辣椒 hóng là jiāo  Technically speaking, red peppers are actually fruits, not vegetables. My wife says I use too much red pepper when I make chili. red ribbon n (symbol: AIDS awareness) (关注艾滋病防治的标志)SCSimplified Chinese 红丝带 Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood n (fairytale character) (童话故事中的人物)SCSimplified Chinese 小红帽 xiǎo hóng mào TCTraditional Chinese 小紅帽  The wolf disguised itself as Red Riding Hood's grandmother.  大灰狼假扮成小红帽的奶奶。 red salmon, sockeye salmon, sockeye, blueback salmon n (variety of fish)SCSimplified Chinese 红大马哈鱼 hóng dà mǎ hā yú  Red salmon's a lot more expensive than it used to be. Red Sea n (channel to Indian Ocean)SCSimplified Chinese 红海 TCTraditional Chinese 紅海 red setter n (breed of hunting dog) (猎犬)SCSimplified Chinese 爱尔兰赛特犬 red snapper n (large pink fish)SCSimplified Chinese 红鲷鱼 hóng diāo yú TCTraditional Chinese 紅鯛魚  Red snapper is such a popular fish that it is endangered in many parts of the world.  红鲷鱼是一种极其受欢迎的鱼类,也因此在世界许多地方都濒临灭绝。 red squirrel n (animal: Eurasian rodent)SCSimplified Chinese 红松鼠  Numbers of red squirrels in some European countries have declined since the introduction of the grey squirrel from North America. red tape n figurative, informal (bureaucracy) (比喻,非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 官僚习气,繁文缛节 guān liáo xí qì,fán wén rù jié TCTraditional Chinese 官僚習氣  Prepare yourself for a lot of red tape when buying a house in Italy.  在意大利买房时,请做好准备面对一大堆繁文缛节。 red tide (sea discoloration)SCSimplified Chinese 红潮   SCSimplified Chinese 赤潮 Red Tops npl UK, informal (tabloid newspapers)SCSimplified Chinese 花边小报 red wine n (alcoholic drink made from grapes)SCSimplified Chinese 红酒 hóng jiǔ  Red wine is supposedly good for the heart if drunk in moderation. Would you care for a glass of red wine? red-blooded adj figurative (excitable) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 容易激动的,血气方刚的 róng yì jī dòng de,xiě qì fāng gāng de / xuè qì fāng gāng de red-blooded adj US, informal (vigorous, virile) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 精力充沛的,强健的 jīng lì chōng pèi de ,qiáng jiàn de  John's a true red-blooded guy – I don't know anyone else quite like him. red-brown n (color: brown tinged with red)SCSimplified Chinese 红褐色,棕红色,红棕色 hóng hè sè red-brown adj (brown tinged with red)SCSimplified Chinese 红褐色的,棕红色的,红棕色的 hóng hè sè de ,hóng zōng sè de TCTraditional Chinese 紅褐色的,紅棕色的 red-eye n uncountable (camera flash reflection in the eyes) (照片上的)SCSimplified Chinese 红眼 hóng yǎn  Most modern cameras have a setting which helps to reduce red-eye. red-eye, red eye, redeye n informal (late-night plane flight)SCSimplified Chinese 红眼航班 hóng yǎn háng bān TCTraditional Chinese 夜行航班的  I'm exhausted: I took the red-eye from London to New York. red-eye, redeye n (fish)SCSimplified Chinese 红眼鱼 red-eyed adj (having red eyes)SCSimplified Chinese 红眼的 red-faced adj figurative (embarrassed)SCSimplified Chinese 羞愧的   SCSimplified Chinese 尴尬的 gān gà de TCTraditional Chinese 尷尬的 red-faced adj (with flushed face)SCSimplified Chinese 脸红的 liǎn hóng de TCTraditional Chinese 臉紅的 red-haired adj (having red hair)SCSimplified Chinese 红发的 TCTraditional Chinese 紅髮的   SCSimplified Chinese 红头发的  I met the cutest red-haired boy yesterday! red-handed adv figurative (in the act of committing a crime)SCSimplified Chinese 手染血的,手染鲜血的  The shoplifter was caught red-handed as he stuffed items into his pockets. The police nabbed the men red-handed with a hefty bag of heroin. red-headed adj (having auburn or ginger hair)SCSimplified Chinese 红发的 TCTraditional Chinese 紅髮的  Red-headed people usually have fair skin that sunburns easily. What's the name of that red-headed actress who was in the film we watched last night? red-hot, red hot adj (very hot, burning)SCSimplified Chinese 炽热的 chì rè de red-hot, red hot adj figurative (very good, exciting)SCSimplified Chinese 非常刺激的 备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the, red hot adj figurative (passionate)SCSimplified Chinese 热烈的 rè liè de TCTraditional Chinese 熱烈的 备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the, red hot adj figurative (race: likely to win)SCSimplified Chinese 几乎一定能获胜的 备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the iron n (burning brand)SCSimplified Chinese 烧红的烙铁 shāo hóng de lào tiě  The farmer marked his cattle with a red-hot iron. red-hot poker (botany)SCSimplified Chinese 剑叶兰 red-letter day, red letter day n (noteworthy or memorable day)SCSimplified Chinese 大喜日   SCSimplified Chinese 纪念日 jì niàn rì red-light district n (part of town frequented by prostitutes)SCSimplified Chinese 红灯区 red-purple, reddish purple n (purple tinged with red)SCSimplified Chinese 紫红色 zǐ hóng sè red-purple, reddish purple, reddish-purple adj (reddish purple in color)SCSimplified Chinese 紫红色的 zǐ hóng sè de TCTraditional Chinese 紫紅色的 red-winged blackbird n (variety of bird) (一种鸟)SCSimplified Chinese 美洲红翼鸫 měi zhōu hóng yì dōng  Down by the pond you can hear red-winged blackbirds singing in the reeds. redbird, red-bird, red bird n US (bird with red plumage)SCSimplified Chinese 红雀 hóng què redbird, red-bird, red bird n US, slang (capsule of drug: secobarbital)SCSimplified Chinese 速可眠, 司可巴比妥 redbrick, red brick adj (made of red brick)SCSimplified Chinese 红砖的 reddish brown, reddish-brown, red brown, red-brown n (russet, auburn color)SCSimplified Chinese 红棕色, 红褐色 reddish brown, reddish-brown, red brown, red-brown adj (russet, auburn in color)SCSimplified Chinese 红褐色的 hóng hè sè de TCTraditional Chinese 紅褐色的  Her hair was reddish-brown and really set off her fine green eyes. 下100个 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: red [rɛd] I adj 1 红(紅)色的 hóngsè de 2 [+ face, person] 涨(漲)红(紅)的 zhànghóng de 3 [+ hair] 红(紅)褐色的 hónghèsè de 4 [+ wine] 红(紅)的 hóng de II n [c/u] 红(紅)色 hóngsè [种 zhǒng] to be in the red (inf) [bank account, business] 负(負)债(債) fùzhài to see red (inf) 暴怒 bàonù 在这些条目还发现'red': 在英文解释里: anemia - angry - annatto - ARC - birth mark - blood - blood red - bloodshot - bloodstone - bloody - bluey - blush - blushing - Bordeaux - brownstone - bureaucracy - Cabernet - cadmium - carbuncle - cardinal - carmine - carnelian - carotenoid - carrot top - cerise - cherry - cherry red - cinnabar - cinnamon teal - claret - clay court - cochineal - copper - copper pipe - copper wire - cordovan - cowberry - coxcomb - cranberry - crimson - erythrocyte - flush - flushed - garnet - kermes - kidney bean - kino - light red - loganberry - lovebite 中文: 丹 - 彤 - 红 - 红色 - 赤 - 大红 - 工农红军 - 紫红 - 红光 - 红军 - 红十字会 - 红卫兵 - 红旗 - 红楼梦 - 红海 - 红矮星 - 红线 - 红细胞 - 红葡萄酒 - 红血球 - 纪念日 - 通红 在单词列表中: Colors, Things associated with Valentine's Day, Things associated with love, 更多……同义词: rosy, flush, flushed, glowing, blooming, 更多……习惯性搭配: [strong, bright, deep] reds, a red [bird, car], her favorite color is red, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'red' 的论坛讨论:

A wall of my bedroom is painted blue, the other is red Death of a red heroin He's a walking red flag, but I am colour-blind. It was one of the cities that the Red Army walked through during the Long March My room has two tables. The first one is blue and the second one is red red dust the benchland tilts up in a series of eroded red-earthed mesas Thladiantha dubia (red hailstone) three red sweaters are in the closet twelve blue and orange butterflies on top of three red and purple flowers What colour is your bag? Is it the red one or the black one? ,red. - English Only forum ...are stopped to run or running the red light ? - English Only forum "...shrieking red murder" - English Only forum 'The leaf slowly fallen from the tree is red'---incorrect? - English Only forum “Paint red” VS “Paint in red” - English Only forum (dead) bang to rights / red-handed - English Only forum (you) can't get this shade of red anymore - English Only forum 3 pens in blue, black, and red. - English Only forum a [head-clearing] dose of stoplight-red chile oil. - English Only forum a big red “X” on my back - English Only forum a blowing red face - English Only forum A book with red cover - English Only forum a box each of pens, pencils and red pencils - English Only forum A car 'entered the highway' from the red road. - English Only forum A casual and professional style/ The blue and the red cup - English Only forum a code red for humanity - English Only forum a cold Coke/Red Bull - English Only forum A cup with a red feather design/pattern... - English Only forum a dress of red - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'red'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "red" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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