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2023-03-01 09:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

基本上,ndimage.map_coordinates是在“索引”坐标(也就是“体素”或“像素”坐标)下工作的。它的界面一开始看起来有点笨重,但它确实给予了你“很多"灵活性。如果你想指定类似于matlab的interp3的插值坐标,那么你需要把你的输入坐标转换成“索引”坐标。map_coordinates还有一个额外的问题,就是它总是在输出中保留输入数组的dtype。如果你插入一个整型数组,你会得到整型输出,这可能是你想要的,也可能不是。对于下面的代码片段,我假设你总是想要浮点输出。(如果你不想要,实际上它更简单。)我将在今晚晚些时候尝试添加更多的解释(这是相当密集的代码)。总而言之,我所拥有的interp3函数比您所需要的要复杂得多。但是,它应该或多或少地复制了我记忆中的interp3的行为(忽略interp3(data, zoom_factor)的“缩放”功能,scipy.ndimage.zoom处理该功能)。

import numpy as np from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates def main(): data = np.arange(5*4*3).reshape(5,4,3) x = np.linspace(5, 10, data.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(10, 20, data.shape[1]) z = np.linspace(-100, 0, data.shape[2]) # Interpolate at a single point print interp3(x, y, z, data, 7.5, 13.2, -27) # Interpolate a region of the x-y plane at z=-25 xi, yi = np.mgrid[6:8:10j, 13:18:10j] print interp3(x, y, z, data, xi, yi, -25 * np.ones_like(xi)) def interp3(x, y, z, v, xi, yi, zi,**kwargs): """Sample a 3D array "v" with pixel corner locations at "x","y","z" at the points in "xi", "yi", "zi" using linear interpolation. Additional kwargs are passed on to ``scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates``.""" def index_coords(corner_locs, interp_locs): index = np.arange(len(corner_locs)) if np.all(np.diff(corner_locs) < 0): corner_locs, index = corner_locs[::-1], index[::-1] return np.interp(interp_locs, corner_locs, index) orig_shape = np.asarray(xi).shape xi, yi, zi = np.atleast_1d(xi, yi, zi) for arr in [xi, yi, zi]: arr.shape = -1 output = np.empty(xi.shape, dtype=float) coords = [index_coords(*item) for item in zip([x, y, z], [xi, yi, zi])] map_coordinates(v, coords, order=1, output=output,**kwargs) return output.reshape(orig_shape) main()




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