
您所在的位置:网站首页 python3连接impala Python使用pyhive,impala,JayDeBeApi连接Hive(含Kerberos)


2024-07-08 06:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

环境 pip 22.1.2,python 3.6.4


yum install cyrus-sasl-devel -y yum install gcc-c++ -y pip3 install sasl pip3 install thrift pip3 install thrift-sasl pip3 install pyhive


from pyhive import sqlalchemy_hive,hive from krbcontext import krbcontext config = { "kerberos_principal": "dgfl", "keytab_file": '/root/dgfl.keytab', "kerberos_ccache_file": '/tmp/krb5cc_0', "AUTH_MECHANISM": "GSSAPI" } with krbcontext(using_keytab=True, principal=config['kerberos_principal'], keytab_file=config['keytab_file'], ccache_file=config['kerberos_ccache_file']): con = hive.connect(host='',port=10000,auth='KERBEROS',kerberos_service_name="hive") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute('select * from tmp.tmp0616 limit 5') datas = cursor.fetchall() print(datas) cursor.close() con.close()


from krbcontext import krbcontext from impala.dbapi import connect with krbcontext(using_keytab=True, principal='[email protected]', keytab_file='/root/dgfl.keytab'): conn = connect(host='', port=21050, database='tmp', auth_mechanism= 'GSSAPI', kerberos_service_name='impala') query="select * from tmp.tmp0616 limit 5" cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(query) res = cur.fetchall() print(res)


# -*- coding: utf8 -*- import jaydebeapi import os class Jdbc: base_sql = [ "set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict", "set hive.strict.checks.cartesian.product=false", "set hive.execution.engine=tez" ] def query(self, sql, db = 'tap_ods'): url = 'jdbc:hive2://xx.xx:10000/' + db dirver = 'org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver' DIR = os.getcwd() + '/lib/' jarFile = [ DIR + 'hive-jdbc-3.1.1.jar', DIR + 'commons-logging-1.2.jar', DIR + 'hive-service-3.1.1.jar', DIR + 'hive-service-rpc-3.1.1.jar', DIR + 'libthrift-0.12.0.jar', DIR + 'httpclient-4.5.9.jar', DIR + 'httpcore-4.4.11.jar', DIR + 'slf4j-api-1.7.26.jar', DIR + 'curator-framework-4.2.0.jar', DIR + 'curator-recipes-4.2.0.jar', DIR + 'curator-client-4.2.0.jar', DIR + 'commons-lang-2.6.jar', DIR + 'hadoop-common-3.2.0.jar', DIR + 'httpcore-4.4.11.jar', DIR + 'hive-common-3.1.1.jar', DIR + 'hive-serde-3.1.1.jar', DIR + 'guava-28.0-jre.jar' ] conn = jaydebeapi.connect(dirver, url, ['user', 'password'], jarFile) curs = conn.cursor() for _sql in self.base_sql: curs.execute(_sql) curs.execute(sql) result = curs.fetchall() curs.close() conn.close() return result

可能遇到的问题: 一、使用impala连接hive失败,报错如下:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘impala.dbapi’ 解决:安装以下几个包:pip install …

six bit_array thrift thrift_sasl pandas(不装应该也可以) sqlalchemy pytest(不装应该也可以) impyla

二、缺少依赖包 解决:安装响应依赖包




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