Passaic Daily Herald from Passaic, New Jersey on June 26, 1914 路 4

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Passaic Daily Herald from Passaic, New Jersey on June 26, 1914 路 4

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PASSAIC DAILY IIFRAFD, FRIDAY. JINK 26, 191 i. PJ3AIC DAILY HERALD Fn M I71 Robrrt 0. BirmMf Edflor and Publisher 1902-IBU NtolliJ by tb Raeaalo Brl4 Print In Company Uk 8. Brrtmtrr, Cmtril Manqe 0nmnnJctlor. upon topic of Mmt r xeelromod If areompM IN by name of writer. Telephones 2W and MM Mb Suburban and N. Y. A R. J Teh phones Subscription Hi rent a weak, i It ents a month; 3.00 a year. Advertlaere To Insert ehanc of ad. copy must be hi Herald office bsfors 9:00 a. m. day chant I de- KSftfTftKrtKNTlNG GENF.R.AL ; SPENCKR. Our contemporary undertakes In ' pick soma flaws In Oia reply of General Spencer to the Osborn letter and 11 nukes a rather bad job of the picking. It begin the operation t by either intentionally or uninlen- tionally misinterpreting the gen-eral's slalement that no auil was begun In regard to the slank during , my administration,' and then It foet on to aay that the general is wrong because it wa during his ; lew that (iarflehl brought Injunction proceedings against the rily. Sow, everybody with perhapa one or two exceptions, who read General bprnrrr'a reply to Osborn read clearly that when the general de- . i dared that no slank suite were started during his administration ) he was talking ahoul what Hie rily bad or had not done. Of course, the i feoeral know a and everybody - i knows that Garfield brought pro- reedinas in the court of chancery. Surely our contemporary doe not mean to tell us that General Silencer adviser! Garfield lo bring these proceedings, and besides, does it ' forget that.lh proceedings were , never moved. "Who say besides Mr. Osborn that land was taken during my administration without - proier search," our contem- pnrary continued quoting from General Kpencer's letter, and It ' answer the question by declaring j that City Counsel Miller says an The city counsel, tlis Herald learns today never said anythin of the 1 kind, so it will b seen that nur I contemporary has been misled by some one who has an Interest in , misleading on thi much debated - 1 question. I It seem strange Indeed that so mueh misrepresentation ahould be deemed necessary lo bolster up the city blundering lu the slank enn-, troversy. in iioaaffhs "F-.vri.A-N ATIOV , Of course, (lie calamity bowler was on the Job. As soon as the wires flsshed out the Information I 1 Uial the big drygoods bouse of the ' H. R, (Uaflm cunipany was flnan- j daily euduirrasss'd, he sprang fnr- ward with an eiplanation without the slightest knowledge. , It was the Wilson administra-j lion, he Volunteered, but unfor tunately for him the men moil directly concerned in the matter do not routlrm his opinion. Overca- tension of credit Is given as the direct cause of the failure and the I shifting of trade centres In New York city la assigned as a cmilribul-1 lug factor, lul the calamity bowler we nmsl ; have with us, and no douht (hr t 1 CUflm affair it joy to bi pesst- l ' mislu heart. 1 THE RAII NO Ml IIAV i Henry t.lcws Is of the ouuUn , that tlie starvation policy' of tha railroads has almut aerved Us turn. , aiwl Ihst all ever-lnrresin stream of ocslers will oon lx gin to trickle front tlie piirchasin department of all of the principal line In the rouniry. I. lews points out that the railroads ar using up their Mr, (heir engine and their rail. , That their needs wilt increase with very passing dy; that the tun rear at hand when amiply to pent el Iheinselvet the railroads Wist become big buyere. In this ;wrl view Cliwi agree with the dtway Age and Oacette, wlurh y; 7 wnuld seem that It may he fejr assumed (list the crops, t 'i y prev Ur b as large at rxpeel- ' will cause a large indirect in- ef railway traffic a well at I C"t Mwreas. Th - ef the purchasing p.t 'T tat Dm large crops ' ' "J l id la cause an In crease in the movement of manufactured article of all kinds, and this In turn will (end to cause a proportionate Increase In the movement of fuel and raw materials to the factories. Even though the crop prospect were less promising, there probably would be an turrease In orders after the end of the fiscal year, because the roads have now practically been out of the market for a year. With the aupplle that they have on hand very smalt, tlie amount of bad order equipment that they have very large, and the prosperive crops to be moved enormous, it would srem that there cannot fall to be a very substantial Increase In the order placed with tbs supply companies at an early date. Not only. I there a promise of a large Increase In railway traffic hut there I also a promise of an Improvement in the situation wllh respect to railway rates. A government special rommltee ha just mad" a report conceding that the rnmpnnsallon now paid lo the railway for carrying mail I on a wrong basis and I loo low, and recommending change which would increase the rimqiensitlnn for carrying the regular mail and also provide additional compensation for handling of the parrel post traffic. It Is hoped that in II decision In the eastern rale case the Inerslate Commerce commission will grant most of the advance! asked, and it I almost certain that a a result of tills rase the railway! of the entire country will b allowed lo Inqiose charges for numerous special servtrea which heretofore have been rendered free. That tlie position of the railroads with regard to rales will Improve seems certain. Few people believe that a straight 5 per rent increase will be granted, but (hat (here will be a reacljuslment of schedule seem practically certain. Tho Increase In (raffle I assured. In fact, there will be traffic demands that will exhaust (he rar supply and before fall there will be hoard a plaintive wall that railroads are at a disadvantage because they cannot handle tho shipments consigned to them. Had the railroads been buying the cars they really needed they would hardly be in shape to handle' the crops. As it is liio'r preparations are quite inadequate However, since the official organ of the railroad world arknwlr.lgo (hat the outlook la quite bright other people might as well accept tlie view. 1F.At.lll.HH AMI SI MMER Commenting on the hubuh in educational circle lu Bergen county over a letter from commissioner kcmlall urging 11 srhool principals lo attend summer schools of instruction "In order that they may study method of overcoming glaring defects In supervision, -f w hit'll teacher in many schools of the slate complain," the Trenton Timea a out loud the though! that many havi harbored In their minds: I here Is a large percentage of the teaching force of the state (hat is Inspired h a desire to improve themselves In (heir profession, anil willing lo give up half of the vacation and incur some expense In order lo tin so, say llie Trenton mwspaper. I is to he remembered 1 1 Its t all of these teacher have been ei rttlleiiletl as being rumctrnl and qualilleit to Instruct children. If already qualified, why should they he asked ( make further prepur-almnT is a fair question. 'Ihe answer is Hint there Is a lot o bosh ami fake about our public school av stein, winch Is being preyed upon by designing and selfish person. Many of the glaring de-firt In siqierv ision" may be rured h getting ml of mint of tlie super-visurs. eliminating from the rourse ot study some of the non-essentials and rutting out about five-sixths of Hie statistical report and quesllouaries (hat have been substituted for crsinal oversight The average parent will be surprised to Irani what a large part of tlie Inrher's time Is given - purtlr-ulsrly at the rlote of the school year- to making out report, compiling slattslirs, and In gathering and putting down on paper Information lo be filed away for future rrfrmicr, or lo be sent lo the eihs-rational heads at AA ashtiigton, the Slat House nr tlie Administration Huildmg In Htorktnn street; and much of this material hat liot the slightest use, either present of ptoepective. Our educational a) stem I nver-nrganired and lop heavy. Too much lias boon aitdeil and not enough taken awav. School boards, up-rrmlettdeuLs and romiiilstionera hsv forgotten that not ten per cent, of the pupils of Ih public school study for the professions or to prepare for rnllrge H Is the ninety per rent , tbs grest majority of bom will probable ttrvrr enter a "Junior high school," or become Involved In llie "six-six plso," whn are to he considered. Which brings u back to the proposition that th thousands of CASTOR I A Tor Infant and Children. Tin Kind Yon Hare Always Bought Bear th Blgueiurs of teacher who possess are competent to tearh majority m the lower grades; that llie vacation will do them and the schools more good than five or six week in a summer school; and that if additional training is good for them, it oiis-ht lo he of advantage to those superior beings who are constantly urging them to further study. It will he worth while knowing just how many male teachers follow lr. Kendall's adve, or Imw many nf Ihe county superintendents If there Is any rlnss ronnerted with our edur tit mini I system that require prodding, it is the rounty superintendents, who are such experienced politicians Dial instead of getting it, they ' are given in-rreasea nf salary and ask for more MELODIES AND MOSAICS ffTRANGK. , He died at mgiii. Next day tney came To weep and praise him; sudden fame Hies suddenly warm comrade) Aiave. They railed, hun pure; they called him brave; One prntsed his heart and one lnv Id am; ' All said, You'd seek hi like in vain- Gentle and strong, and good;" none saw In all his character a (law. At iumiii he wakened from hl trance. Mended, was askance; Took his hand not. Though they had got Hi virtues; lent ail easy rur I'd slanderous longues; professed a fear He was nol what he seemed to lu1; Thanked God they were not such a he; Gave lo hi hunger stones for bread And mad him, living, wish him dead. EDWARD HOAA1..AND Ml.l,. lnawsrs'ww'rrJr(lncwJlItllux!, w :(i:k FIEFS 110 IKE FIST IH PtSSHS I it ndwoflHowitxacibwa'gi'nwa i;i gxwti TI N YEARS AGO TODAY IN PASSAIC June 2S, I INI I Barney Serapm, aged fifteen, of A.' Jackson street, was drowned at Ihe public baths The 'I bird Ward lb publican Chili endorsed Charles M. Howe for (lie congressional nominal ion. Dr. P. A. Terhune, F F. IVmarest and W. F. 1 arroll. bought tlie Howe frame building on Maui avenue, long occupied hy William King. Tlie l.arroll drug store was to lie located there. TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY IN PASSAIC. June 2ti, I MM Miss Elite C. Magee, a sis(cr of Secretary William T. Magee of the board of education, was married to George It. Mice, a son of Ihe late l'rofesop Samuel Hire, hy the Rev Mr, Hoagland of the Methodist church at Ihe bride's hum', they were attended by Clivrles Kay. Mis Florence Magee and Mis Emm Bustard Judge James M ivhurv romlucled Ills Hi st raid on tlie boy w mimei t of Oulwaler lane, with Constable Miehnrd llerry, and held coml at the l.Hftori depot. mini v IF Alts AGO PASSAIC. TODAY IN June ISM In a serret session on tlie budget,1 theeounril debated tlie praetir.dnl-lly of wiping Old It H police force, certificates I Coiincilmen Bur v m nri Heet, the i.'rral KnG-ll. Cogan and Know bleu -loud lout for the abolition of the drp.ul-jtneiil, hut llie iiiiijuiily of ttie hoard I prevented n return to the old 1-1111-stahln system Insinuations of some affinity between tlie depart-( mrnt and the liquor interests were made hy a ertuneilinan Ihe budget was pared to 101,000. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Men axit for the ake nf one another. Teiirh them nr Imar with them. anwxsowGi -tx n - u.i myjt. ns IN AND AliOUT THE CITY V gwgw'wresrwg.rx in-w. June .t y Dolih seems a hit depressed. Yes; his wife and his motorcar are bulb laid up for repairs. "- Halli-iiiure Sun. Nobody make an entry good deed m his (lav -book. of Ins Selleca 'leachcr -''What is a pedestrian ?" t'amiilry Pupil "A feller what gels run over hy an automobile.'' - Huston Transcript. Forgive oilier never. - Syrus often, yourself title- pop what's Hu- difference between Nero and Zero'" Fattier Nero tiad a hot tune and Zero a cold tune; now run on to hid" Florida 'I lines-1 mini. So Saul died for Ins tran-gi essioii which tie eomunlled against (lie l.ord. and also for asking counsel of one dial had a fimiiluir spirit, In enquire of it: and enquired not of llie l.ord; therefore lie slew him and turned tlie kingdom unto David the sou of Jesse. I Chron. 1.1 and It. Mi Snip- "Take hark your ring, Mr. sliarpe, I love another!'' Mr Sharpe Please mention that I have a ring for sale tlie sucker gut to have one!" Boston Glotie. I'orlituile is a great help in it s-tress Plautus His Wife -But, dear, tell me why von want my pilot igrapli taken in tins rostuine?" Il'-r llulihy -'So that in three years vou will look at It amt say what I would like to va rigid now."- Judge The trouble great - Goethe, is small, the fun i 'N liHt did Gwendokn sv when jvoii asked her to marry you " asked Mr. C.nmrox She told me to I route and see yon." replied tlie con-1 fiih'lit vonlli 'Having done so. I 'shall go bark and tell tier tliHt I doll I object to yon in the slightest," -Washington Star. Bigamist In Luc. A teaman Is tu custody st Fliill, England, discard with marrying At wives Th nisilst rate said he might consol htms!t with th thought that he la cuter locked up thau al liberty la Ihe clruinetSDcet. polled. Th men who fire la when h li wrong la wise, the man whn gives in When ho It right is generally man Tied "Lit GuMCs Keen Arrow. (low blunt are sit Ih arrows of ad-verviiv In rompsrlion with Hies ot guilt - Hlslr. Snow and Wtr. I Klglil cubic teei nf mow equal nn I eub'r foot nf wic NATURAL SPRING WATER PURE DELICIOUS HEALTH GIVING IT BUBBLES FROM COLD INDIAN SPRING Ani'Jii't th' In! v pin in (In hitrhlamK two limuirrd abovi f ;fa, four mil yu f Anbury Park. X. J. Scientifically Bottled at the Spring. Shipped Only in llaa. Reaches You Fresh as th Morning: Dew. I eleplionc nr drop a pistil and nur representative will rail. CAMPBELL. MORRELL ; CO. EUI.IMAE AGENTS FOR PASSAIC AND AIIINIIV PIIONE Ti DFEKE, 6 PASSAIC AE. COAL and WOOD Genuine PITTST0N Coal R. J. O'BRIEN ; BRO. CO. Phone 171 PASSAIC, N. J. niT txi n" mi ii n 1 11 111 11 n 1 1 min 1 minin' it r - Lehigh and Jeddo Lehigh (GOD AIL EGO STOVE NUT PEA All Kinds and Plenty of it. Prices Reduced Order Now TO The Peoples Company Central Ave., Clifton Made from Doubly Distilled Artesian Well Water Why use impure, dangerous ice, when you can get pure ice at the same cost? Insist on Distilled Water Ice made by THE PEOPLES COMPANY nrsn LICENSED PAWN BROKER HOME LOAN COMPANY 106 WaahinR-ton Street, Paterson, N. J. Buaineaa Strictly Confidential. Private Entrance On!) legal rates cf interest rhargetl Phlla(!e!pti!a h.edica. Clfice ..1 tii. itn itreet. Fitcm X j. t. VmiUfTMAN fbyiftas It ibuD U Iftftdb fti- HMimNI In , -t Cbiv I DttHIN ftf Mft l4 ' M4 IMt4st tt Ntrt LI IimmK itl Mmih H plft Aflli Catarrh of Ear, No3e and Throat wwM M m iJin mW. , h Mtsi Rttlrnt IN m Mh w4 4nmOn tr Niin ' u 1 SO ft M ( . N I Iu4f4 H to Ift.if ft. ft fiNl n tuagai 1 Leans majj on a! Persona Proper!) A.biu Snuttv. Janie A. Harmon la Ofrtee I -SUM it A HARMON 1 IS7 Market Rt Paterson. Sew Jerv, Tel IN I IILLliM i BEYES3ER8 Artia'ie State. Aheslos, Til and I Mital Rrs.fing Old Rhlngt Roofi i Covered with Slate a Specialty. I All AA'nrk fiiisrtntnvt. j 19 and 15 A Boren ktreet THrpkon GJ7-W WOOD MKEE LAAAAF-R. Rooms 21. 7! and R Patereoo Saving Institutioo Bldg psterxoo, N, J. Ml OUR 25TH YEAR Peoples Bank i2k Trust Co. ASSETS $3,500,000 PatUfled customer are mr bel advertisement more are coming at! the time fur box rontaimrg wills tn b forwarded by us to the surrogate direrg, is filling up rapidly. 1 hove whn want an ixcculor who can't die, and rik Ihe appointment nf someone who prohah'.v would not he atisfactory, H hr egmg u busine-s of tins character n!mot daily. We allow interest in our Provident Department. BIRD AV. SPENCER, resident. THE PASSAIC TRUST 'M CO. i main r.ftabUshed Saving Frees You from worry about the prevent and from anxiety for the future. Pavn regularly and you ran do hitter work. It takes a hand account to make ynu do it. Open one today. Money Deposited Now Earns Interest From July 1st RESOURCES Passaic National Bank United States, State and City Depository CAPITAL and SUPLUS $600,000.00 Strong in Resources, Conservative in Management, Pro gressive in Policy. Chas. M. Howe, Pres Lockwood Bros. Co Sale of Crex Rugs If you need rool, durable 11 nr coverings for your home in town nr rouniry. sei.e this opportunity. .No seconds, no imperfect rugs; the bo-q miming patterns in plain and figured mgi These rugs must nut be ruiifuseij with cheap Japanese or other imitations with which the market is flooded. Always 290. 292. 291 Main RMEt THE MW BOOKS THE BHIGFfT BOOKS THE BEST BOuEft-THE BOOKS TOO WANT TO READ, fiction. Travel, Biography. History. Juvroile, onl, Twa LmU pc, day at MRS. S. S WOOD'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY 77 Fenolngton Avanuav Ovr 1JUO velum from - Tl. irturh 0. ao. ONLY A FEW LEFT. THI3 PASSAIC HERALDS PRESENTATION TO ITS READERS OF Exciting Experiercas in Our War With Mexico ILLUSTRATED HOW TO GET THIS BOOK On accounl of this timely book we hv arranged wllh th publisher to di'lrllmle a limib-d relit ion among our readers for the mer nt of production and handling. It I hound m hcaw cloth. It contain over 10 pages with full page photograph llluslratio. and numerous tevt fill xtra-tlon, with map printed In color. IT 13 ACTl'AU.Y A IIJ10 A'Al.l F.. (!u( (hi coupon from ((I) Issue nf the le Dally Herald and present with 35 C.F.NT 'which rovett th Items of th cost of packing, express from factorv. clerk hire, and other necessary expense items', and Ihe book will be delivered to you. If ordered mailed add 13 cent lo cover postage. COUPON John Riszak 127 SF.tONO irnt.LT STEAKNS, Treasurer. Kvzrm 183T $5,000,000.00 Geo. T. Kenter, Cashier Reliable Street Paterson 1394-M. Panale. Raw Jtmy. to elcL Library up (a frota 1 to I p. a. No. 29 tuareshl Itekela fog All rURLIGN truiANGfc r amaic lias, AAAI. H.




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