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2018-02-13 Tues (Day 18)


resources = ['黄超超', '桃子Mélodie老师','ji_ji'] members = '@melody真,@aqua,@Grace,@穆紫,@Penny,@董长青,@arnkin,@大马工作, @豆腐块,@云中君'

@aqua Innovate uk/ˈɪn.ə.veɪt/  us/ˈɪn.ə.veɪt/

释义 to introduce changes and new ideas 改革;创新 词源 1540s, "introduce as new" (trans.), from Latin innovatus, past participle of innovare "to renew, restore;" also "to change," *from in- "into" (from PIE root en "in") + novus "new" (see new). Intransitive meaning "bring in new things, alter established practices" is from 1590s. Related: Innovated; innovating. innovate : in-,进入,使,-nov,新的,词源同new.引申词义创新。 我的理解:创新就是进入新时代。 助记 Mid 16th century: from Latin innovat- ‘renewed, altered’, from the verb innovare, from in- ‘into’ + novare ‘make new’ (from novus ‘new’). 同义词 to reform 创新;改革;革新 found / construct / institute / influence / fashion改变;创立;创始


助记 词源*nu-是new的变体, 最初含义为‘holding in the hand’, 握在手里的.

只有每一个Now, 才是握在手里的.


Indo-European *nu- or *nū- (a relative of the ancestor of new). originally meant literally ‘holding in the hand’ Etymology now: [OE] Now is the English member of a widespread family of words denoting ‘present time’ that are traceable back to Indo-European *nu- or *nū- (a relative of the ancestor of new). Others include Greek nun, Latin nunc, Sanskrit nū, Czech nyní, and, among the Germanic languages, German nun and Dutch, Swedish, and Danish nu. (French maintenant ‘now’, incidentally, originally meant literally ‘holding in the hand’, and developed its present sense via ‘at hand’ and ‘soon’.) OED Origin Old English nū, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch nu, German nun, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin nunc and Greek nun.

释义, 略


dent=tooth 牙齿 dentist (n.) 牙科医生 dentistry (n.)牙科学,牙科,牙科业 dental (adj.)牙齿的,牙科的 denture (n.) 假牙


助记, 词根 -dent From an Indo-European root shared by Latin dent-, Greek odont-. 词源, OED Origin Old English tōth (plural tēth), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch tand and German Zahn, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin dent-, Greek odont-. Etymology tooth: [OE] Etymologically, a tooth is an ‘eater’. Its ultimate source is the prehistoric Indo- European *base ed- ‘eat’, which also lies behind English eat and edible. From this was formed the **noun dont-, dent- ‘tooth’, whose descendants include Latin dēns ‘tooth’ (source of English dentist, indent, trident [16], etc), Greek odón ‘tooth’, (source of English odontology [19]), Welsh dant ‘tooth’, and prehistoric Germanic *tanthuz. This evolved into German zahn, Dutch, Swedish, and Danish tand, and English tooth. A variant of *tanthuz may lie behind English tusk. => dentist, eat, edible, indent, odontology, trident, tusk[tooth 释义, 略 拓展, dent=tooth 牙齿 dentist (n.) 牙科医生 dentistry (n.)牙科学,牙科,牙科业 dental (adj.)牙齿的,牙科的 denture (n.) 假牙

@穆紫 ObligationUK ** /ˌɒb.lɪˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ US ** /ˌɑː.bləˈɡeɪ.ʃən/

词源 OED Origin Middle English (in the sense ‘formal promise’): via Old French from Latin obligatio(n-), from the verb obligare (see oblige). Etymology c. 1300, from Old French obligacion "obligation, duty, responsibility" (early 13c.) and directly from Latin obligationem (nominative obligatio) "an engaging or pledging," literally "a binding" (but rarely used in this sense), noun of action from past participle stem of obligare (see oblige). The notion is of binding with promises or by law or duty. 助记:oblige(帮助)+tion 词典:the fact that you are obliged to do something 义务;责任;职责[ + to infinitive ] If you have not signed a contract, you are under no obligation to (= it is not necessary to) pay them any money.如果你没有签合同,你就没有义务付给他们钱。You have a legal obligation to (= the law says you must) ensure your child receives an education.法律规定你有义务确保自己的孩子接受教育。 [ C ] something that you must do 必须要做的事情I don't have time to do his work for him - I have too many obligations as it is.我没有时间帮他干活儿——我自己的事还多得做不完呢。

Oblige /əˈblaɪdʒ/

助记, /əˈblaɪdʒ/ to bind with a promise. 词源, OED Origin Middle English (in the sense ‘bind by oath’): from Old French obliger, from Latin obligare, from ob- ‘towards’ + ligare ‘to bind’. Etymology oblige: [13] To oblige someone is etymologically to ‘bind them to’ something with a promise. The word comes via Old French obliger from Latin obligāre, a compound verb formed from the prefix ob- ‘to’ and ligāre ‘tie’ (source of English liable, ligament, etc). By classical times its original literal sense had been extended figuratively to ‘make liable, put under an obligation’. The synonymous obligate [16] comes from its past participial stem, as does obligatory [15]. => liable, ligament, obligatory oblige (v.) c. 1300, "to bind by oath," from Old French obligier "engage one's faith, commit (oneself), pledge" (13c.), from Latin obligare "to bind, bind up, bandage," figuratively "put under obligation," from ob "to" (see ob-) + ligare "to bind," from PIE root *leig- "to bind" (see ligament). Main modern meaning "to make (someone) indebted by conferring a benefit or kindness" is from 1560s. Related: obliged; obliging. 释义, 责成;强迫,迫使 , to force someone to do something, or to make it necessary for someone to do something 2)(尤指按别人要求的去做以)讨好,帮助,为…效劳 to please or help someone, especially by doing something they have asked you to do

@Grace 今天分享的这个单词似乎有点简单。不好意思了!最近不是很流行“佛系”一说吗?因此想要了解这个单词。 Zen

助记 应源于中国的“禅”,发音相近。 词源 Etymology school of Mahayana Buddhism, 1727, from Japanese, from Chinese ch'an, ultimately from Sanskrit dhyana "thought, meditation," from PIE root *dheie- "to see, look" (source also of Greek sema "sign, mark, token"). As an adjective from 1881. 摘自牛津词典 Origin Japanese, literally ‘meditation’, from Chinese chán ‘quietude’, from Sanskrit dhyāna ‘meditation’. 释义 n.禅,禅宗(中国佛教宗派)a form of Buddhism, originally developed in Japan, that emphasizes that religious knowledge is achieved through emptying the mind of thoughts and giving attention to only one thing, rather than by reading religious writings; adj. 佛系的relaxed and not worrying about things that you cannot change 4、其他相关词语 Daoist n.道教 Buddhism n.佛教;佛门

@melody真 演讲之禅

@arnakin 光系列 All transparent substances slow down the light that moves through them--that's why light seems to bend, or refract, when it passes from air to water. 一切透明物质都会减缓通过它的光的运动速度——这就是为什么当光由空中进入水中时,光看上去似乎被弯曲或折射

Refract 折射;可以和昨天的reflect 反射 做对比记忆 OED Origin Early 17th century: from Latin refract- ‘broken up’, from the verb refringere, from re- ‘back’ + frangere ‘to break’.

由于光在两种不同的物质里传播速度不同,故在两种介质的交界处传播方向发生变化,这就是光的折射。 鱼儿在清澈的水里面游动,可以看得很清楚.然而,沿着你看见鱼的方向去叉它,却叉不到.有经验的渔民都知道,只有瞄准鱼的下方才能把鱼叉到.鱼叉叉向的是鱼的虚像. 在如,由于光的折射,池水看起来比实际的深度浅.所以,当你站在岸边,看见清澈见底,深不过齐腰的水时,千万不要贸然下去,以免因为对水深估计不足,惊慌失措,发生危险。 同样,随着我们年龄的增长,眼睛的晶状体变厚,因此对光线的折射也会发生变化。

找到一句挺优美又有点伤感的句子: She said, “After it rains there's usually a dew left on the grass. And because of the way my eyes refract the light, I see rainbows in the grass. 她说,“下过雨后总有水珠留在玻璃上,因为我眼睛只能折射光线,我会看到玻璃中的彩虹。”

是不是需要找来 原书 欣赏 才能领会其中的伤感?


Felicity UK ​ /fəˈlɪs.ə.ti/ US ​/fəˈlɪs.ə.t̬i/ 

释义 幸福;幸运;令人幸福的事 [ U ] happiness, luck, or acondition that producespositive results

the dubious felicity of marriage婚姻的忧喜未卜

[ U ] the fact that words orremarks are suitable andexpress what was intended(文字或语言的)贴切,恰当,得体 As a songwriter, he combined greatlinguistic felicity with an ear for a tune.作为一名歌曲作者,他既深谙乐曲的曲调又有着不俗的文采。 [ C usually plural ] a word or remarkthat is suitable or right andexpresses well the intendedthought or feeling恰当的语句;精妙的评论 Her article contained one or two verbalfelicities that will stay in my mind foryears.她的文章中有一两处精妙之语,会令我多年难以忘怀。 2. 词源 late 14c., "happiness; that which is a source of happiness," from Old French felicite "happiness" (14c.), from Latin felicitatem (nominative felicitas) "happiness, fertility," from felix (genitive felicis) "happy, fortunate, fruitful, fertile," from Latin root *fe-, equivalent of PIE *dhe(i)- "to suck, suckle, produce, yield" (see fecund). Meaning "skillful adroitness, admirable propriety" is from c. 1600. A relic of Rome's origins as an agricultural community: that which brings happiness is that which produces crops. Compare pauper (see poor (adj.)) "poor, not wealthy," literally "producing little." 3. 助记, fertility和felicity的关系,有点类似纬度altitude和latitude,或者ridiculous和ludicrous之间的关系?是否因为语言之初,书写不是很严格?或者记录官笔误?类似中国的群和羣的关系


@桃子Mélodie老师 Pianoforte 钢琴发明于1709年的意大利,意大利语为pianoforte,也就是“强弱”的意思,与钢琴的前身羽管琴相比,钢琴可以通过敲击琴键的力度来展现音量的变化,完成了从拨弦乐器到打击乐器的转变,可以做到音量上真正的“强弱”之分。

钢琴这一个单词在意大利里面念作pianoforte, 这个很有意思,现在咱们的单词piano这是弱的意思,

@ 董长青 @桃子Mélodie老师 谢谢,每天都有收获的感觉真爽

forte是强,piano是弱。 现在我们看到的钢琴其实是简写,piano

@aqua 我记得日语的发音好像就是英语直译过去的




tooth 词源(Etymology) - 优词词源英文版 Etymology Online的替代.

鲁教版英语教材 三年到七年级




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