ear是耳朵,corn是玉米,那“ear of corn”是什么意思?

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ear是耳朵,corn是玉米,那“ear of corn”是什么意思?

2023-07-23 22:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


His latest movie is just low-budget corn.


cornball (笑话、电影、故事等)陈腐的,过时的,老掉牙的

the usual cornball romantic comedy 老掉牙的浪漫喜剧


be all ears 全神贯注地听;洗耳恭听

I'm all ears - tell us what they had to say.


be out on your ear (尤指因为做错了事而)被迫离职,被迫离开

go in one ear and out the other 左耳朵进右耳朵出;当作耳边风

If I have to listen to something I don't understand, it just goes in one ear and out the other.


grin/smile from ear to ear 非常开心,笑得合不拢嘴

"We've had a fantastic response!" he said, grinning from ear to ear.


be up to your ears in sth 忙于…;埋头于…;深陷于…

I'm up to my ears in work.


have the ear of sb 使…听得进去;在…那里说得上话

have an ear for sth 擅长学习(音乐或语言),对…一听就会

She's never had much of an ear for languages.


have/keep your ear to the ground 耳听八方;注意周围情况;保持关注


corn 玉米;谷物或谷粒(小麦、玉米、燕麦、大麦)

an ear of corn 玉米穗

a sheaf of corn 一捆谷物

grains of corn 谷粒

corn on the cob 玉米棒,苞米棒

corn 陈腐的东西;老一套;煽情的东西

cornball (笑话、电影、故事等)陈腐的,过时的,老掉牙的

be all ears 全神贯注地听;洗耳恭听

be out on your ear (尤指因为做错了事而)被迫离职,被迫离开

go in one ear and out the other 左耳朵进右耳朵出;当作耳边风

grin/smile from ear to ear 非常开心,笑得合不拢嘴

be up to your ears in sth 忙于…;埋头于…;深陷于…

have the ear of sb 使…听得进去;在…那里说得上话

have an ear for sth 擅长学习(音乐或语言),对…一听就会

have/keep your ear to the ground 耳听八方;注意周围情况;保持关注返回搜狐,查看更多




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