Psycho (Borderlands 2)

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Psycho (Borderlands 2)

2023-08-15 14:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Psycho "I made finger pizza just for you!" Character Type Enemy

Gender Male Race Human mutant Group Affiliations Bandits Games Borderlands 2Tales from the Borderlands

Contents 1 Psycho Enemies 1.1 Regular 1.2 Badasses 2 Bosses 3 Appearances 4 Strategy 5 Quotes 6 Notes 7 Trivia 8 Gallery 9 See Also

Psychos are deranged maniacs commonly armed with buzz-axes and grenades. They are a frequent sight among bandits, and usually provide the front line of any hostile bandit group. They wear cargo pants instead of orange pants and occasionally sport rudimentary armor or tattoos; they otherwise look exactly the same as the Psychos from Borderlands. They also function in exactly the same way, except they do not perform a suicide charge when their health gets low and they will occasionally combat roll their way out of the line of fire. They can appear in fur hats and possess purplish skin as Freezing Psychos, with a mining light and pickaxe as Psycho Miners, or with pirate attire as Raiders in Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty. Psycho midgets appear as well.

Psycho Enemies Regular Angry Midget Armored Maniac Burning Psycho Flaming Midget Freezing Psycho Gravedigger Infected Psycho Infected Sprout Infected Suicide Psycho Midget Boner Midget Psycho Psycho Miner Raider (Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty only} Slagged Psycho Snow Psycho Suicide Midget Suicide Psycho Undead Psycho Undead Suicide Psycho GameSpot Expert Reviews New Tales From The Borderlands Review - Good Stories New Tales From The Borderlands Review - Good Stories

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Badasses Badass Psycho Chubby Midget Loot Midget Psycho Undead Badass Psycho Bosses Assassin Reeth Flesh-Stick Face McShooty Geary Incinerator Clayton McNally Mad Dog Savage Lee Appearances Borderlands 2 T.K. Baha's Bloody Harvest Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary Tales from the Borderlands Strategy

Psychos charge into battle to swing their buzz-axes at targets when they reach melee range. When hurt, they will occasionally roll their way out of the line of fire. Hitting a psycho on the feet causes them to trip and fall back giving time to inflict extra damage on the psycho until it recovers.

Quotes Normal I can still taste her lovely sweat box! She fed me such tears of ecstasy! LIAR! I ripped out her bumpy tummy, and her hot screams were for ME! NO! Mommy bled for us both! She bled for us BOTH! Another story to sing to the cages at home! Bring me a bucket, and I'll show you a bucket! Come to me, my pasty cake! Flavor me fancy, but you really put the pants in panting! I can't wait to take your picture! I love you! Love me, hate me - It all tastes the same! I'm gonna beat you to life! I need another head for my merry-go-round - YOURS IS PERFECT! I wonder if I plant you in the ground, if you'll grow taller? I made finger pizza just for you! I made you a salad, outta worms! I'm... gonna choke and stroke your lifeless body! I'm gonna floss my teeth... with your face! I'm gonna make hammocks, from your eye lids! I plucked a hair from the head of a dying baby! Let me give it to you! It's inside me! IT'S INSIDE ME! It's time for the meat puppet! It's time for THREE pounds of flesh! Be my garden! My gestational soils! Lick and scream, and pee! I'm COMING to make you teeth!!! Let's agree to disagree! Look into my eyes when I stare at you! Look at me when I'm charging at you! Mommy dearest was the clearest until she lost her bearing, now she's rusted, and is busted, and out of sight and hearing! O, that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix'd His canon against self-slaughter! O God! God! How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, Seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on't, ah fie, 'tis an unweeded garden, That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature Possess it merely. That it should come to this! But two months dead, nay not so much, not two, So excellent a king, that was, to this Hyperion to a satyr, so loving to my mother That he might not beteem the wings of heaven Visit her face too roughly. Heaven and earth, Must I remember? Why, she would hang on him, As if the increase of appetite had grown By what it fed on; and yet within a month - Let me think not on't; frailty, thy name is woman - A little month, or ere these shoes were old With which she followed my poor father's body Like Niobe, all tears, why she, even she - O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason Would have mourned longer - married with my uncle, My father's brother, but no more like my father Than I to Hercules. Within a month, Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears Had left the flushing in her gall'd eyes, She married. O, most wicked speed, to post With such dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not, nor it cannot come to good. But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue. (Too Solid Flesh soliloquy from Hamlet) The meat puppies, they come to the slaughter, like children to an ice cream truck! They told me to bring a pail lunch... you look pale enough to me!! This is prison and we're the guys in the shower! Wear your face like a condom! What does it all mean!? Will you marrow me? You smell like my little girl! You're a feast of eyes and piss in all this bliss! Organic or bust! My mommy's gonna be so mad! You're gonna be my new meat bicycle! My mom looked at me that way, too! Mom always said to be thorough... Here it comes, big boy! Why will no one play with me?! I'm the one who knocks! Foreskin hats for my puppets! Another slave (laughter) to feed me! (laughter) For France! You can't kill me! I'm already dead tomorrow! I've got the neeeed to seeeed! STOP LOOKING AT ME! WHY ARE YOU YELLING?! NO NEED TO SHOUT! Another walking meat puppet! I can see Uranus from here! Hahahahaha! Get ready for bad touch! A flower? For meeee? Drop-kick your babies! I AM IMMORTAL! I like my victims like I like my coffee... in the butt! Unforgivable! UNFORGIVABLE! You sat in my swing! NOW I'M GOING TO EAT YOU!! It's meat puppet master theatre! I can hear with my teeth! SEEEEEEMEEENNNN!! French me, mommy! I wanna play! Just play with me! (laughter) It's time! (laughter) for a good old fashioned slap and crap! Garters for guts! Guts for garters! I'll never stop, until they flop! The sweet songs of sausage stumps will fill my days! Your dirty sausage dog won't touch me! Just a drop! On my tongue! Slurp it! Drink it! Eat it! (sniff) Smell it! I'll feed your skin snacks to my cockatiel! Slap the Pancakes!! Start the clock! I'm going to count every minute I get with you... Eyes like grapes. Delicious!


Bam! Karate chop! Kung-fu! Seeeemen!

Taking critical damage

Ouchie-wowchies! Oh God, oh God! The worst! Peaches! Inconceivable! Oh, sweet Marcus! Pleasure in pain! ENDOOORPHINS! EXTREME! Pluto's not a planet! No! GOOOOD... No! GOOOOD! No, more diapers! Sugar meals!

Low health

Gimme my hit points back! I'm sorry, mommy... I'm sorry! Gotta get my hands...around....your throat I just...need....a new toe from you

Elemental damage

Slag I need a powerful woman! Right now! Hit me! Mommy! Where are you?! Ohh, spankings! I'm ready for prom! Heheheh... This is not organic! Even... more endorphins! Feels good, man!

Vault Hunter retreating back soon!'t run away! I need your face! Pussy! Pussypussypussypussypussy pussy! Where's the kitty? Wait! Come back! I won't eat you! Really! Hahahaha! Ruuuun! I see you! You can hide, but you can't run! Pussy! Ally reactions Goliath - Helmet shot off I think he's gonna play xylophone with my spinal cord! Bang-bang leads to smash-smash! Every time you shoot its head, another puppet loses its skin! Unleash her! Unleash the orgasm! Goliath - Raged Another playmate! Time for playtime! Got my friend back! Time for a sleepover! ​Goliath - Skill level Too much friendship! Mom says I can't see you! Bad friend! Such a bad friend! Nomad - Killed ​I'm free! Mommy's not home! I can find another animal to skin! Bye-bye, mommy... I can eat all the kittens now! No more mommy! All the cookies for me! All of them! Come back, mommy! Free of her! Free! I can't wait to cuddle with his corpse! Buzzard - Destroyed Ooohh, a shooting star! It's like a microwave meal! Free lunch! Hot delivery! Fire in the sky! Meteor shower! Rainin' man... FALL FOREVER! Marshmallow cockpit! Ally killed - other Weakness leads to deathness! Hahahaha! That was... my pasty cake! God... dammit! I had it all set up! All set up! Second helpings! Sloppy globs! And melting meat in my mouth! Did I get some on my shoe?!' You killed my twin! Now I will eat you!' He was the only one that knew! But I'll show you, too! Hahahahaha! No one touch that pile! It's mine! I feel like we grew apart since he died! He was going to FEEL ME! You understood... YOU UNDERSTOOD!

Vault Hunter killed

But you'll miss tea time! High-five! Oh, you're dead. Sorry. If only my mom could see me now... Vault Hunter skills Phaselock I can see foreverrrr! I'm home! Is that... Mr. Skaggles? Mr. Skaggles! MR. SKAGGLES! DON'T GO MR. SKAGGLES! Oh, mom... (thumb sucking sounds) Is it time-out again? But... buh-but... MOMMY!! I'm inside... I'M INSIDE ME! Just a lost Psycho in a fish bowl, singing with another head...


No, you have a time out...! Never gonna give you up... (Reference to the song Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley) End... quotes... death... gurgle... Bury me upside down! (Reference to a similar quote by Bob Knight) I miss... Mr. Skaggles... He's... licking at my face... I've changed... I'VE CHANGED! It's so... dark and... cold... no, mommy...! I didn't do it! This isn't the last thing I'll say! My words... will ring in your ears for miles! Hurricaaane! I regret nothing! I regret everything! I can't die hungry... just one... step... closer... You'll remember me! My whole life... was a joke... But the cakes we were going to bake...! Carrot juice... Bury me with Teddy... Kitty! My blood... it's salty. Notes Killing a psycho contributes to the Mama's Boys challenge in the challenge list. Trivia Tiny Tina wears a psycho mask on her head. Gallery Fleshrippers Gang psychoFleshrippers Gang psychoBloodshot Gang psychoBloodshot Gang psychoSawtooth Gang psychoSawtooth Gang psychoSlab Gang psychoSlab Gang psycho See Also Rioters v • d • eEnemies encountered on Pandora in Borderlands 2 EnemiesCreaturesSkagsAdult Skag • Alpha Skag • Armored Skag • Badass Skag • Barf Skag • Chubby Skag • Rabid Skag • Skag Pup • Skrakk • Spitter Skag • Snow Skag • Nightmare Skrakk(DLC Headhunter 1)SpiderantsChubby Spiderant • Fire Spiderant • King Spiderant • Poisonous Spiderant • Queen Spiderant • Slagged Spiderant • Spiderant Knight • Spiderant Soldier • Spiderant Sentinel • Spiderant Warrior • Spiderant Worker • SpiderlingFight for Sanctuary: Dark Web MinionRakksBadass Rakk • Chubby Rakk • Rakk • Slagged Rakk • Volcanic RakkThreshersBadass Pyre Thresher • Feeler Thresher • Slagged Thresher • Tadpole Thresher • Thresher • Turf Thresher • Wormhole Thresher • Tipsy Thresher(DLC Headhunter 4)VarkidsAdult Varkid • Badass Bloodhound Varkid • Badass Varkid • Bloodhound Varkid • Chubby Varkid • Larval Varkid • Mutated Badass Varkid • Super Badass Varkid • Ultimate Badass VarkidSon of Crawmerax: Tropical Varkid • Varkid Burner • Varkid Melter • Varkid ShockerBullymongsAdult Bullymong • Badass Bedrock Bullymong • Badass Bullymong • Bedrock Bullymong • Brat Bullymong • Bullymong Slinger • Bullyrott • Demong • MongletMercenary Day: Badass Yeti • YetiCrystalisksMini Crystalisk • Volatile Crystalisk • Volcanic Crystalisk • Cave Crystalisk(DLC1) StalkersAmbush Stalker • Badass Stalker • Chubby Stalker • Cyclone Stalker • Needle Stalker • Rabid Stalker • Slagged Stalker • Spring Stalker • Tri-Tail Stalker(DLC1) Sand Worms(Pirate's Booty &Fight for Sanctuary)Sand Worm • Sand Worm Grub • Sand Worm QueenBoroks(Hammerlock's Hunt)Armored Borok • Badass Borok • Borok • Borokling • Pink BorokScaylions(Hammerlock's Hunt)Diseased Scaylion • Scaylion Berserker • Scaylion Bug • Scaylion Queen • Scaylion Warrior • Scaylion Worker • Slagged Scaylion • Tailless ScaylionSpores(Hammerlock's Hunt &Fight for Sanctuary)Giant Corrosive Spore • Giant Explosive Spore • Giant Incendiary Spore • Slagged Spore Fight for Sanctuary: SporeWetland Drifters(Hammerlock's Hunt)Wetland Drifter • Two-Legged DrifterDragons(Dragon Keep)Basilisk • DragonGolems(Dragon Keep)Aerial Golem • Badass Iron Golem • Rock GolemSpiders(Dragon Keep)Arachne • Badass Spider • Black Widow Spider • Grass Spider • Spiderling • Suicide SpiderTreants &Magical(Dragon Keep)Stumpie • TreantBroomstick • Mimic • Pixie • Weird Ass Magic GlobeMiscellaneousCreeperBloody Harvest: PumplingWattle Gobbler: Badass Stabber Jabber • Stabber JabberMercenary Day: SnowmanSon of Crawmerax: Craboid • Craw ThumperBanditsHumansAirborne Marauder • Badass Marauder • Badass Nomad • Bruiser • Crazed Marauder • Digistruct Blaster Nomad • Elite Marauder • Heavy Nomad • Hodunk Grunt • Killer Marauder • Marauder • Marshall • Midget Nomad • Nomad • Nomad Pyro • Nomad Taskmaster • Nomad Torturer • Scavenger • Shock-Nomadic • Zaford Grunt Wedding Day Massacre: Badass Hodunk • Badass Zaford • Hodunk Skullsplitter • Zaford Blade • Zaford GroomsmanGoliathsBadass Goliath • Caustic Goliath • Goliath • Goliath Blaster • Goliath Digger • Juggernaut • Loot Goon Goliath • Midget Goliath • One-Armed BanditCampaign of Carnage: Gladiator GoliathMidgetsAngry Midget • Badass Midget • Chubby Midget • Flaming Midget • Loot Midget Goliath • Loot Midget Marauder • Loot Midget Nomad • Loot Midget Psycho • Loot Midget Rat • Midget Boner • Shotgun Midget • Suicide MidgetPsychosArmored Maniac • Badass Psycho • Burning Psycho • Freezing Psycho • Gravedigger • Midget Psycho • Psycho Miner • Slagged Psycho • Suicide PsychoRatsField Rat • Lab Rat • Midget Rat • Miner Rat • Plague Rat • Rat Thief • Tunnel RatHyperionInfantryCombat Engineer • Engineer • Hyperion Hawk • Hyperion Infiltrator • Hyperion Sniper • Hyperion Soldier • Loot Midget Engineer • Loot Midget Combat EngineerLoadersAngelic Guard • Badass • BUL • EXP • GUN • HOT • ION • JET • Loot Wee GUN • Loot Wee JET • Loot Wee WAR • PWR • RPG • SGT • Super Badass • WARARR(DLC1) • Toy Loader(DLC Headhunter 3)OtherBadass Constructor • Badass Surveyor • Constructor • Hyperion Turret • Shock Field Generator • SurveyorSand Pirates(Pirate's Booty &Son of Crawmerax)Anchorman • Badass Pirate • Buccaneer • Cabin Boy • Corsair • Cursed Pirate • Grogmaster • Gunner • Harpooner • Midget Boatswain • Pirate • Powder Monkey • Raider • Rapscallion • Minelayer • SwabbieBikers(Campaign of Carnage)Bike • Biker • Bruiser • Enforcer • Gremlin • Rioter • Torgue EngineerTorgue Loaders(Campaign of Carnage)Badass Torgue Eliminator • Torgue Bolter • Torgue Burner • Torgue Charger • Torgue Exploder • Torgue Gunner • Torgue Ripper • Torgue ThrasherSavages(Hammerlock's Hunt &Son of Crawmerax)Badass Savage • Badass Witch Doctor • Elite Savage • Partially Digested Head Hunter • Savage Hunter • Savage Murderer • Savage Triggerman • Savage Warrior • Witch DoctorDwarves(Dragon Keep)Badass Dwarf • Dwarf • Dwarf Miner • DwarfzerkerKnights(Dragon Keep)Archer • Badass Archer • Badass Knight • Knight • Paladin • Squire • Storm KnightOrcs(Dragon Keep)Badass Orc Warlord • Orc Basher • Orc Bushwhacker • Orc Fire Jumper • Orc Grunt • Orc Warrior • Orc Zapper • Orczerker Skeletons(Dragon Keep &Bloody Harvest)Dragon Keep: Armored Skeleton • Badass Skeleton • Brittle Skeleton • Chubby Bones • Enchanted Skeleton Archer • Fiery Skeleton • Giant Skeleton • Immortal Skeletaur • Midget Skeleton • Skeleton • Skeleton Archer • Skeleton Seer • Skeleton Swordsman • Suicide SkeletonBloody Harvest: Enchanted Skeleton • Burning Undead Marauder • Undead Badass Psycho • Undead Marauder • Undead Psycho • Undead Suicide PsychoWizards(Dragon Keep)Fire Mage • Necromancer • Sorcerer • WizardKitchenhands(Wattle Gobbler)Butcher • Fry Cook • Little Baker • Slaughterhouse PsychoTNKs(Digistruct Peak)BAR-TNK • SPR-TNKNew Pandora(Fight for Sanctuary)Infantry Badass Sniper • New Pandora Commander • New Pandora Heavy • New Pandora Infectologist • New Pandora Medic • New Pandora Pyro • New Pandora Recruit • New Pandora Scout • New Pandora SniperLoadersBadass Hacked Loader • Hacked EXP Loader • Hacked GUN Loader • Hacked HOT Loader • Hacked JNK Loader • Hacked WAR LoaderInfected(Fight for Sanctuary)CreaturesBadass Infected Skag • Infected Skag • Badass Lichenthrope • Infected Flower • Infected Pod • Lichenthrope • Loot Nest • TendrilHumansInfected Badass Bruiser • Infected Bruiser • Infected Badass Goliath • Infected Goliath • Infected Psycho • Infected Suicide Psycho • Infected Badass Sprout • Infected Sprout BossesMain BossesBorderlands 2Bloodwing • BNK3R • Handsome Jack • The Warrior • WilhelmPirate's BootyH3RL-E • Roscoe • The LeviathanCampaign of CarnageBadassasaurus • Motor Momma • Piston • Pyro PeteHammerlock's HuntJackenstein • Professor Nakayama • WoundspikeDragon KeepGold Golem • Handsome Dragon • Handsome Sorcerer • Mister Boney Pants Guy • Sorcerer's DaughterBloody HarvestPumpkin Kingpin • Sully the BlacksmithWattle GobblerWattle GobblerMercenary DayTinder SnowflakeWedding Day Massacre The Happy Couple (Bridget Hodunk • Colin Zaford)Son of CrawmeraxThe Son of Crawmerax the InvincibleFight for SanctuaryCassius • Hector • UranusMini-BossesBorderlands 2Bad Maw • Boom and Bewm • Captain Flynt • Gluttonous Thresher • Jack's Body Double • Knuckle Dragger • Mortar • Saturn • W4R-D3NPirate's BootyBig Sleep • Lieutenant Hoffman • Lieutenant White • No-Beard • SandmanCampaign of CarnagePiston's BlimpHammerlock's HuntChief Ngwatu • ThermitageDragon KeepSkeleton KingOptional BossesBorderlands 2Assassin Oney • Assassin Reeth • Assassin Rouf • Assassin Wot • Bagman • The Black Queen • Blue • Boll • Bone Head 2.0 • Deputy Winger • Doc Mercy • Donkey Mong • Dukino's Mom • Flinter • Foreman Jasper • Gettle • Henry • Hunter Hellquist • Incinerator Clayton • Jimmy Jenkins • King Mong • Laney White • Loader #1340 • Madame Von Bartlesby • Mad Mike • Mad Dog • Mal • McNally • Mick Zaford • Midgemong • Mobley • Muscles • Old Slappy • Pimon • Prospector Zeke • Rakkman • Requisition Officer • Savage Lee • Scorch • Sheriff of Lynchwood • Shorty • Sinkhole • Smash Head • Son of Mothrakk • Splinter Group • Spycho • Tector & Jimbo Hodunk • Terramorphous the Invincible • Tumbaa • Vermivorous the InvinciblePirate's BootyBenny the Booster • Deckhand • DJ Tanner • Grendel • Hyperius the Invincible • Hyperius Minion • Lil' Sis • Master Gee the Invincible • Mr. Bubbles • P3RV-E • Tinkles • Toothless TerryCampaign of CarnageAnonymous Troll • Buff Gamer • Enrique • Hamhock • Game Critic • Monster Truck • Pete the Invincible • Sully the StabberHammerlock's HuntArizona • Bloodtail • Bulstoss • The Bulwark • Dexiduous the Invincible • Dribbles • Omnd-Omnd-Ohk • Rakkanoth • Rouge • Voracidous the InvincibleDragon Keep420 E-Sports Masta • Ancient Dragons of Destruction • Arguk the Butcher • Canine • Edgar • [720NoScope]Headshotz • Magical Orc • Magical Spider • -=n00bkiller=- • Maxibillion • Molehill • Prince Jeffrey • Simon • Sir Boil • Sir Mash • Sir Stew • Spiderpants • The Darkness • Unmotivated Golem • Warlord Grug • Warlord Slog • Warlord Turge • xxDatVaultHuntrxxBloody HarvestClark the Combusted Cryptkeeper • Jacques O'LanternWattle GobblerChef Bork Bork • Chef Brulee • Chef Gouda Remsay • The Rat in the Hat • Wattle GobbletWedding Day MassacreBLNG Loader • Ed • Fire Crak'n • Ikaroa • Innuendobot 5000 • Loot Leprechaun • Moby • Rue, The Love Thresher • Sigmand • StellaSon of CrawmeraxSparky FlyntDigistruct Peak010011110100110101000111010101110101010001001000Fight for SanctuaryDark Web • Ghost • Haderax the Invincible • Lt. Angvar • Lt. Bolson • Lt. Hoffman • Lt. Tetra • Pizza-Addicted Skag




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