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#operate| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Contents 1 English 1.1 Etymology 1.2 Pronunciation 1.3 Verb 1.3.1 Derived terms 1.3.2 Related terms 1.3.3 Translations 1.4 References 2 Italian 2.1 Adjective 2.2 Verb 2.3 Anagrams 3 Latin 3.1 Participle English[edit] Etymology[edit]

From Latin operātus, past participle of operārī (“to work, labor, toil, have effect”), from opus, operis (“work, labor”).

Pronunciation[edit] (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈɒpəɹeɪt/ (General American) IPA(key): /ˈɑpəɹeɪt/ Audio (US)(file) Hyphenation: op‧er‧ate Verb[edit]

operate (third-person singular simple present operates, present participle operating, simple past and past participle operated)

(transitive or intransitive) To perform a work or labour; to exert power or strength, physical or mechanical; to act. Could someone explain how this meeting operates? In this town, the garbage removal staff operate between six o'clock at midnight. The police had inside knowledge of how the gang operated. (transitive or intransitive) To produce an appropriate physical effect; to issue in the result designed by nature; especially (medicine) to take appropriate effect on the human system. 2010, Peter A. Frensch, ‎Ralf Schwarzer, Cognition and Neuropsychology The drug operates by facilitating the negative neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), resulting in the blocking of neural long-term potentiation. (transitive or intransitive) To act or produce effect on the mind; to exert moral power or influence. 1706 September 19 (Gregorian calendar), Francis Atterbury, “A Sermon Preach’d in the Guild-Hall Chapel, London, Sept. 28. 1706. Being the Day of the Election of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor.”, in Fourteen Sermons Preach’d on Several Occasions. […], London: […] E. P. [Edmund Parker?] for Jonah Bowyer, […], published 1708, OCLC 1015443083, page 405:The Virtues of private Perſons, how Bright and Exemplary ſoever, operate but on Few; on thoſe only who are near enough to obſerve, and inclin'd to imitate them: their ſphere of Action is narrow, and their Influence is confin'd to it. 1720, Jonathan Swift, A Letter to a Young Clergyman A plain, convincing reason operates on the mind both of a learned and ignorant hearer as long as they live. (medicine, transitive or intransitive) To perform some manual act upon a human body in a methodical manner, and usually with instruments, with a view to restore soundness or health, as in amputation, lithotomy, etc. The surgeon had to operate on her heart. I'm being operated tomorrow. (transitive or intransitive) To deal in stocks or any commodity with a view to speculative profits. (transitive or intransitive) To produce, as an effect; to cause. 2012 January 1, Robert L. Dorit, “Rereading Darwin”, in American Scientist, volume 100, number 1, page 23:We live our lives in three dimensions for our threescore and ten allotted years. Yet every branch of contemporary science, from statistics to cosmology, alludes to processes that operate on scales outside of human experience: the millisecond and the nanometer, the eon and the light-year. (transitive or intransitive) To put into, or to continue in, operation or activity; to work. to operate a machine 2013 June 14, Jonathan Freedland, “Obama's once hip brand is now tainted”, in The Guardian Weekly, volume 189, number 1, page 18:Now we are liberal with our innermost secrets, spraying them into the public ether with a generosity our forebears could not have imagined. Where we once sent love letters in a sealed envelope, or stuck photographs of our children in a family album, now such private material is despatched to servers and clouds operated by people we don't know and will never meet. Derived terms[edit] battery-operated chief operating officer coin-operated co-operate inter-operate misoperate operatable operatee operating concept operating cycle operating depth operating expense operating loss operating room operating system operating table operating theatre/operating theater operating time power-operated reoperate teleoperate  Related terms[edit] opera operable operand operant operation operational operative operator opus  Translations[edit] to perform a work or labour Bulgarian: работя (bg) (rabotja) Finnish: tehdä (fi), toimia (fi), suorittaa (fi) French: opérer (fr), œuvrer (fr) Galician: obrar (gl), traballar (gl), operar (gl) Greek: Ancient: ἐνεργέω (energéō) Hungarian: működik (hu), üzemel, tevékenykedik (hu), tevékenységet folytat Italian: operare (it), lavorare (it) Norman: opéther (Jersey) Portuguese: obrar (pt), trabalhar (pt) Russian: рабо́тать (ru) (rabótatʹ) Spanish: operar (es), obrar (es), trabajar (es) Ukrainian: працюва́ти (uk) (pracjuváty) to produce a physical effect Bulgarian: действам (bg) (dejstvam) Finnish: toimia (fi), tehota (fi) Hungarian: hat (hu), működik (hu) Ancient: ἐνεργέω (energéō) Italian: operare (it) Russian: рабо́тать (ru) (rabótatʹ), де́йствовать (ru) (déjstvovatʹ) Spanish: operar (es), trabajar (es) to produce effect on the mind; to exert moral power Bulgarian: въздействам (bg) (vǎzdejstvam) Finnish: vaikuttaa (fi) Hungarian: hat (hu) Italian: influenzare (it), controllare (it), manipolare (it) Russian: ока́зывать влия́ние (okázyvatʹ vlijánije), влия́ть (ru) (vlijátʹ) Spanish: influir (es); controlar (es), manipular (es) medicine: to perform some manual act upon a human body in a methodical manner Bulgarian: оперирам (bg) (operiram) Chinese: Mandarin: 動手術 (zh), 动手术 (zh) (dòng shǒushù) Esperanto: operacii Finnish: leikata (fi), operoida (fi) French: opérer (fr) German: operieren (de) Hebrew: נִתֵּחַ‎ (he) (nittéaẖ) Hungarian: operál (hu), műt (hu) Italian: operare (it) Khmer: វះកាត់ (vĕəh kat) Maori: tapahi, poka, hāparapara Portuguese: operar (pt) Russian: опери́ровать (ru) (operírovatʹ) Spanish: operar (es) Thai: ผ่าตัด (th) (pàa-dtàt) Ukrainian: оперува́ти (operuváty) to deal in stocks Bulgarian: оперирам (bg) (operiram) Finnish: operoida (fi) Italian: speculare (it) Russian: спекули́ровать (ru) (spekulírovatʹ) Spanish: especular (es), controlar (es), manipular (es) to produce, as an effect; to cause — See also translations at cause#Verb,‎ effect#Verb,‎ bring about Finnish: aiheuttaa (fi) Hungarian: hat (hu), hatást fejt ki, működik (hu), okoz (hu), előidéz (hu), (contribute, affect, influence) közrejátszik (hu), szerepet játszik, befolyásol (hu) Italian: operare (it) Russian: вызыва́ть (ru) (vyzyvátʹ) to operate a machine Arabic: شَغَّلَ‎ (šaḡḡala) Bulgarian: управлявам (bg) (upravljavam) Chinese: Mandarin: 操作 (zh) (cāozuò) Finnish: käyttää (fi) German: betreiben (de), bedienen (de) Hungarian: működtet (hu), üzemeltet Japanese: 操作する (ja) (そうさする, sōsa suru) Portuguese: operar (pt) Russian: управля́ть (ru) (upravljátʹ) (+ instrumental case), эксплуати́ровать (ru) (ekspluatírovatʹ) (transitive), опери́ровать (ru) (operírovatʹ) (+ instrumental case) Tuvaluan: fakatele Ukrainian: керува́ти (keruváty) The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout § Translations. Translations to be checked Arabic: شَغَّلَ‎ (šaḡḡala) Dutch: aandrijven (nl), opereren (nl) French: opérer (fr) German: operieren (de) Italian: operare (it), attivare (it) Japanese: 運営する (うんえいする, unei suru) Korean: 경영하다 (ko) (gyeong'yeonghada) Portuguese: operar (pt) Russian: опери́ровать (ru) (operírovatʹ) Swedish: operera (sv) References[edit] operate in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 operate in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911 Italian[edit] Adjective[edit]

operate pl

plural of operata Verb[edit]


inflection of operare: second-person plural present indicative second-person plural imperative feminine plural past participle Anagrams[edit] poetare, poeterà Latin[edit] Participle[edit]


vocative masculine singular of operātus




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