Intellij Idea 2017.2 Can't Add Openjk 9 on Linux Mint 18

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Intellij Idea 2017.2 Can't Add Openjk 9 on Linux Mint 18

2022-12-03 09:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Intellij IDEA 2017.2 can't add openjk 9 on Linux Mint 18

“ Ubuntu PPA for OpenJDK” currently has very old build of openjdk-9(9~b115-1ubuntu1).

So the IDEA does not recognize it as a valid SDK.

I removed current installed version:

sudo apt-get remove '^openjdk-9.*'

Then I have downloaded newer .deb build(9~b181) files including jre,jre-headless,... from launchpad build archive.

sudo dpkg -i openjdk-9-jre-headless_9_b181-4_amd64.deb openjdk-9-jre_9_b181-4_amd64.deb openjdk-9-jdk-headless_9_b181-4_amd64.deb openjdk-9-jdk_9_b181-4_amd64.deb

Just Execute the above command at a single line, line breaks are for better readability.

Ignore any error complaining about:

"Package libpng16-16 is not installed."

Next execute the following:

sudo apt-get install -f

Now after installing this build of openjdk-9 the IDEA is happy with SDK home.

Thanks @y.bedrov for his useful comment.

Update:However this solution enables you to declare openjdk-9 in the mentioned IDEA version(2017-2) but you are not able to compile any class within the IDEA itself.You can only compile your application with elder jdk and run it with openjdk-9. There is an other issue which indicates this here.

In the newer IDEA versions(I have tested 2017.3) this build of openjdk is not allowed to be used as new SDK any more, see this issue.

The short reason is an issue in Debian package which contains incorrectly compiled lib/jrt-fs.jar file.

See this Answer for more information

OpenJDK 9 IntelliJ IDEA (Ubuntu) Can't resolve Symbol

The problem is related to Debian packaging of openjdk-9 in the lib/jrt-fs.jar file. This file is compiled incorrectly.

This bug is reported here and there is a more complete Answer here.

If you insist to make use of openjdk you might wait for the new versions or try to build it from the source using the recommended options on the launchpad.

The selected directory is not a valid home for JDK 10

I had a similar problem a few days ago with IntelliJ after trying to configure Java 10, but I ended up reinstalling the latest build of IntelliJ and it fixed it for me.

As for why that was needed, I didn't care until I saw your question, which in turn led me to the following question: Intellij IDEA 2017.2 can't add openjk 9 on Linux Mint 18

I am using Intellij IDEA 2017.2.5 on Linux Mint 18.2 and trying to add new openjdk-9 SDK but IDEA does not accept openjdk 9 as valid JDK

And one of the comment states the following:

Looks like it's not the latest build. IDEA does not support builds earlier than b164.

Although that was the case for Java 9, I'm sure it's very likely to apply for Java 10 too.

Interestingly enough, it seems that this happened for some users back with Java 1.8 and IntelliJ 2016.x: Selected directory is not a valid home for JDK - Intellij IDEA2016 on Windows

You should probably just install the latest build of IntelliJ too, if your license doesn't cover 2018.x, you should still be able to update from 2017.2 to 2017.3

Navigate | Class or File popup closes immediately in IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2

It's a known issue, please follow it here for updates:

IDEA-173000 Navigate | File and Class popups disappear

Workaround (add the following via Help | Edit Custom VM Options):


Downgrading to 2017.1 version is another option.

UPDATE: the issue is resolved in 2017.2.3 release.

The selected directory is not a valid home for Go Sdk

It turns out that google-go-lang-idea-plugin requires a slightly different folder structure than the default apt install produces. To fix it:

# mkdir /usr/lib/go/bin# ln -s /usr/bin/go /usr/lib/go/bin/go# ln -s /usr/bin/godoc /usr/lib/go/bin/godoc# ln -s /usr/bin/gofmt /usr/lib/go/bin/gofmt How to install Intellij IDEA on Ubuntu?

Note: This answer covers the installation of IntelliJ IDEA. For an extended script, that covers more JetBrains IDEs, as well as help for font rendering issues, please see this link provided by brendan.

Furthermore, a manual Desktop Entry creation is optional, as newer versions of IntelliJ offer to create it on first startup.

I have my intellij int /opt folder. So what I do is:

Download IntellijExtract intellij to /opt-folder: sudo tar -xvf -C /opt/ (the -C option extracts the tar to the folder /opt/)Create a Desktop Entry File called idea.desktop (see example file below) and store it anywhere you want (let's assume in your home directory)Move the idea.desktop from your home directory to /usr/share/applications: sudo mv ~/idea.desktop /usr/share/applications/

Now (in a lot) Ubuntu versions you can start the application after the GUI is restarted. If you don't know how to do that, you can restart your PC..

idea.desktop (this is for community edition version 14.1.2, you have to change the paths in Exec= and Icon= lines if the path is different for you):

[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8Name=IntelliJ IDEAComment=IntelliJ IDEAExec=/opt/ideaIC-14.1.2/bin/idea.shIcon=/opt/ideaIC-14.1.2/bin/idea.pngTerminal=falseStartupNotify=trueType=Application

EditI also found a shell script that does this for you, here. The given script in the link installs Oracle Java 7 for you and gives you the choice between Community and Ultimate Edition. It then automatically downloads the newest version for you, extracts it and creates a desktop entry.

I have modified the scripts to fulfill my needs. It does not install java 8 and it does not ask you for the version you want to install (but the version is kept in a variable to easily change that). You can also update Intellij with it. But then you have to (so far) manually remove the old folder! This is what i got:

Edit2Here is the new version of the script. As mentioned in the comments, breandan has updated the script to be more stable (the jetbrains website changed its behavior). Thanks for the update, breandan.


echo "Installing IntelliJ IDEA..."

# We need root to install[ $(id -u) != "0" ] && exec sudo "$0" "$@"

# Attempt to install a JDK# apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk# add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java && apt-get update && apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

# Prompt for edition#while true; do# read -p "Enter 'U' for Ultimate or 'C' for Community: " ed # case $ed in# [Uu]* ) ed=U; break;;# [Cc]* ) ed=C; break;;# esac#doneed=C

# Fetch the most recent versionVERSION=$(wget "" -qO- | grep -P -o -m 1 "(?




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