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#《经济学人》双语:美国中西部地区奇特的饮酒文化| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Midwestern drinking habits

Twofisted taste

Chicago tries to export its most unpleasant booze




Care for a shot of Malört?Why do parts of the Midwest love such awful booze?来一杯苦艾酒吗?


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NEW VISITORS to Chicago—at least those who stay with local friends or relatives—can expect many lovely experiences.


They will be taken to the Art Institute, to pose like Ferris Bueller in front of priceless paintings, and to The Bean to take selfies with the skyline, then perhaps for an Italian beef sandwich.


Almost as inevitable, at least if they are not teetotallers, is that afterwards they will be taken to a bar and forced to drink a “Chicago handshake”: a pint of Old Style beer and a shot of a deeply bitter spirit that is almost entirely unknown outside the Windy City.几乎可以肯定的是,如果他们不是滴酒不沾的人,就一定会被带去酒吧,被迫喝上一杯“芝加哥见面酒”:一品脱的老式啤酒和一杯非常苦涩的烈酒,这种烈酒在“风城”(芝加哥)以外几乎不为人知。

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That is Jeppson’s Malört, a wormwood liqueur invented by Carl Jeppson, a Swedish immigrant to the city almost a century ago.

这就是Jeppson’s Malört,一种由卡尔·杰普森发明的苦艾酒,他是近百年前移居该市的瑞典裔移民。

The spirit is so closely associated with Chicago that it includes a version of its flag on the bottle (an old one, with three stars instead of four).


It tastes, connoisseurs say, a little like an old shoe. Yet its owners would like it to sell elsewhere.


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In late March Malört went on sale in Ohio, with a flurry of publicity mostly focused on how awful it is.


Since 2018, when CH Distillery, a small Chicago-based maker of vodka, gins and other spirits, bought the brand, it has expanded sales to around 30 states, says Tremaine Atkinson, the firm’s CEO.

CH Distillery总部位于芝加哥,这是一家小型伏特加、杜松子酒和其他烈酒制造商。该公司的首席执行官屈里曼阿特金森说,自2018年收购Malört品牌以来,它已将其推广销售到了30个州左右。

The market is already there, largely because “Chicagoans land in other places and they all seem to get nostalgic about Malört,” he says. As a result, “it spreads like the noxious weed that wormwood is.”


Some fans have even written in from New Zealand, Mr Atkinson says, sending a recording of a song about the drink that leaves a similar aftertaste to its subject. He declined to share it with The Economist.


It is less clear yet, however, whether the market expands much beyond Chicagoans who have moved away.


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And what about the core market, Chicago proper?


Some might expect the growing sophistication of American drinking culture to reduce the appeal of bizarre hooch.


Visitors to even the smallest towns can now usually buy a fancy craft beer made nearby, so why drink something awful to feel like a local?


Drinks like Malört seem to hold on as a symbol of regional pride.


Indeed, some fancy bars have recently started offering Malört cocktails—a less traumatising way to try the city spirit.


Mr Atkinson says the taste of wormwood goes especially well with citrus flavours.


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Of course, Malört is not the only Midwestern alcoholic speciality outsiders are shocked by.


In Wisconsin, locals drink a sickly sweet version of an Old Fashioned made with Korbel, a Californian brandy, and Sprite, topped with a glazed cherry. Over half of Korbel’s sales are in the Badger State.

在威斯康星州,当地人会喝一种用加州白兰地Korbel和雪碧制成的甜腻Old Fashioned酒,上面还会加一颗糖霜樱桃。一半以上的Korbel酒销量是在威斯康星州。

In Michigan a popular cocktail, the “Hummer”, features white rum, Kahlúa and two full scoops of vanilla ice cream.


Midwesterners are more likely to indulge in binge-drinking than most other Americans (see map).


Malört is advertised as being “savoured by two-fisted drinkers”. That is because you need something else in your other hand to wash it down.Malört被宣传为“双手拿酒者的最爱”。这是因为你需要用另一只手拿点别的东西来冲淡它的味道。

(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量555左右)原文出自:2023年4月1日《The Economist》United states版块。


本文翻译整理: Irene

本文编辑校对: Irene仅供个人英语学习交流使用。


瑞典苦艾酒Jeppson's Malört出现于上个世纪。它的主要成分是艾草。这似乎没有什么特别的。但它的味道是苦涩的。很多人都觉得这是最令人厌恶的饮品。

芝加哥市民戏称云门为“豆子”(the bean),从侧面看,这座巨大的不锈钢雕塑真的很像一颗浑圆饱满的蚕豆。云门被称为具有标志性和革新性的作品,它在主题上和很多卡普尔以前的作品有着共通点。塑像的镜子效果让人联想到以前游乐园里的哈哈镜,但这些效果有着更严肃的目的,他们让巨大的“云门”看起来相当轻巧。“云门”被认为是卡普尔最有野心的作品,因为这个镜子形的艺术品结构十分复杂。


费里斯·布里尔(Ferris Bueller)是1986年约翰·休斯(John Hughes)电影《费里斯·布里尔的休假》(Ferris Bueller’s Day Off)中的主角。这部电影讲述了一位高中聪明人决定从学校请一天假,尽管校长对此持反对意见。

【重点句子】(3 个)

It is less clear yet, however, whether the market expands much beyond Chicagoans who have moved away.


Some might expect the growing sophistication of American drinking culture to reduce the appeal of bizarre hooch.


Midwesterners are more likely to indulge in binge-drinking than most other Americans.






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