offer的几种用法? offer有哪几种用法?有哪些固定短语搭配?

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offer的几种用法? offer有哪几种用法?有哪些固定短语搭配?

2024-04-22 11:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

offer的几种用法? offer有哪几种用法?有哪些固定短语搭配?李毅2017/7/6 7:34:11阅读407次英语

offer的几种用法? offer有哪几种用法?有哪些固定短语搭配?

刘家诚河北省 武安市2017/7/6 7:38:48

一、 offer作动词的用法:1.offer有"(主动)拿给,给予"的意思,相当于give,后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,即offer sb sth =offer sth to sb,如:The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus.那个年轻人在公共汽车上将自己的座位让给了那个老人.Many people willingly offered their blood.很多人自愿献血.No food was offered at the party.聚会时没有提供食品.2.offer作"提出、表示"解.如:Johnson offered a new suggestion.约翰逊提出了一个新建议.We all went to offer congratulations.我们都前去表示祝贺.The boss in the company came personally to offer us apologies.那个公司的老板亲自来向我们道歉.The president offered no comment on the question.总统对这个问题未作评论.3.offer后接不定式,表示"主动提出做某事".如:He offered to drive us to the airport,but we preferred to walk there.他主动提出送我们去机场,但我们宁愿走路去.She offered to lend me her bike.她提出将自行车借给我.The boy offered to pay for the desk he had broken.那男孩主动提出赔偿被他弄坏的桌子.4.offer还有"出售"、"出价"的意思.① offer sth for (money) 以多少钱出售某物He offered this bike for 600 yuan.这辆自行车他要价600元.The next morning we offered our boat for only 6 dollars.第二天上午我们仅以6美元出售我们的船.② offer sb (money) for sth / to buy sth 出价多少购买某物We offered him 10,000 yuan for his house.我们愿出一万元钱来购买他的房子.They offered him 3,000 yuan to buy the laptop.他们愿出3,000元来买他的笔记本电脑.二、 offer作名词的用法:1.offer表示愿做某事或给予某物(后接of / to do sth)Thank you for your kind offer of helping me.= Thank you for your kind offer to help me.谢谢你提供的帮助.`Practise making offers and requests.练习提供帮助和请求.2.offer有"出价"的意思.如:I've had an offer of $8888 for that house.有人向我出价8888 美元买那房子.They made me an offer of ten thousand yuan for my motorbike.= They offered me ten thousand yuan for my motorbike.=They offered to buy my motorbike for ten thousand yuan.他们肯出一万元买我的摩托车

0 0 崔纤纤河南省 驻马店市2017/7/6 7:38:48

offer to do 常用动词短语 主动做某事offer sb sth 给某人某物另外offer还是名词啊,申请学校、工作都会常用到这个词,相信你也比较了解了!

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