mummy是什么意思 mummy的中文翻译、读音、例句

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mummy是什么意思 mummy的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-01-24 13:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1. The museum has a fascinating collection of mummies from ancient Egypt.(这家博物馆拥有来自古埃及的一系列迷人的木乃伊)

2. The sight of the mummy made the children scream in terror.(看到木乃伊,孩子们惊恐地尖叫起来)

3. The process of mummification was a complex and lengthy one.(木乃伊制作过程复杂而漫长)




例句:Mummy and Daddy will be back soon. (妈妈爸爸就要回来了。)


例句:According to witness testimony, he turned into a mummy in an instant. (根据目击者的证言 貌似是瞬间就变成了干尸)


例句:I say this mummy is wound tight and ready to go. (I say this mummy is wound tight and ready to go.)


例句:I tried to ring Mummy, but I got her number wrong. (翻译:我本想给妈妈打电话 但是拨错了号码 I tried to ring Mummy, but I got her number wrong.)


mummy一般作为名词使用,如在the mummy(盗墓迷城; [电影]木乃伊)、mummy apple([网络] 木乃伊苹果)、mummy bag((上部大、下部小的)木乃伊式睡袋)等常见短语中出现较多。

the mummy盗墓迷城; [电影]木乃伊mummy apple[网络] 木乃伊苹果mummy bag(上部大、下部小的)木乃伊式睡袋mummy brown[网络] 木乃伊棕色mummy case古代装木乃伊的箱(外面雕刻并绘有死者形象)Mummy cloth马米绉mummy track[网络] 木乃伊的轨道mummy wheatna. (由木乃伊箱中所得古代麦粒繁殖成的)埃及小麦sugar mummyn. 有年轻情人的老妇人例句

1. I say this mummy is wound tight and ready to go. (翻译:I say this mummy is wound tight and ready to go.)

2. I tried to ring Mummy, but I got her number wrong. (翻译:我本想给妈妈打电话 但是拨错了号码 I tried to ring Mummy, but I got her number wrong.)

3. Now, you lot be good for your mummy and Imamoto, okay? (翻译:你们要听妈妈和Imamoto的话 好吗?)

4. Witches' mummy maw and gulf. (翻译:女巫干尸貌狰狞。)

5. 'I want my mummy!' he wailed. (翻译:他哭叫着:“我要妈妈!” )

6. To get the treasure between Anubis' ears, dig out the two columns to the left of the mummy and stand on top of the mummy. (翻译:要拿阿努比斯耳朵之间的宝藏,要先挖木乃伊左侧的两个柱子,站在木乃伊头上。)

7. Not unless he asked you to make a mummy of yourself. (翻译:Not unless he asked you to make a mummy of yourself.)

8. Such a sweet boy for asking. (翻译:How are you doing? 开心吗 老妈? Are you happy, Mummy?)

9. Didn't Mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop, Potter? (翻译:难道咪没告诉你 偷听很没礼貌吗,波特?)

10. embalmment and drying a dead body and wrapping it as a mummy. (翻译:对尸体进行防腐和干化处理,并用布裹起来形成木乃伊。)

11. He wrapped me in a sheet from head to toe, like a mummy, (翻译:他用毯子把我裹起来,就像个木乃伊一样 只把我的露出来)

12. According to the manual, You must be a mummy ... or die. (翻译:嗯 根据手则 你必须变成 木乃伊... 或是得死)

13. You know Mummy and her crazy imagination. (翻译:你也知道 老妈脑袋里总是有奇奇怪怪的想法 You know Mummy and her crazy imagination.)

14. Mummy, I've got a tummy ache. (翻译:妈妈,我肚子疼。)

15. Elvis and Jack Kennedy explaining that Kemosabe was gunning for a mummy in cowboy duds? (翻译:猫王和肯尼迪解释说 Kemosabe穿着牛仔 向一个木乃伊开枪)





词组搭配:mummy's curse (木乃伊的诅咒)

短语:wrap in mummy cloth (用木乃伊绸缎裹起来)

发音拼写: ['mʌmi]


1. The mummy exhibition at the museum is really interesting.(博物馆的木乃伊展览非常有趣。)

2. The archaeologists unearthed several mummies in the excavation site.(考古学家在挖掘现场发掘出了几个木乃伊。)

3. The little girl was frightened by the mummy in the horror movie.(小女孩被恐怖电影中的木乃伊吓到了。)

4. The mummy's tomb was filled with treasures and artifacts.(木乃伊的墓装满了宝藏和文物。)

5. The museum staff carefully wrapped the mummy in protective cloth.(博物馆工作人员用保护布仔细包裹木乃伊。)

6. The mummy's curse was believed to bring bad luck to anyone who disturbed the tomb.(人们认为木乃伊的诅咒会给任何打扰墓穴的人带来厄运。)

7. The discovery of a well-preserved mummy shed new light on ancient Egyptian burial practices.(一具保存完好的木乃伊的发现为古埃及的葬礼仪式带来新的启示。)

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