
您所在的位置:网站首页 mc改变字体颜色的代码是什么 爬取新浪微博用户信息及微博内容并进行可视化分析


2024-01-16 00:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

参考博文:https://blog.csdn.net/asher117/article/details/82793091 主要代码如下图

from selenium import webdriver from pyecharts.charts import PictorialBar from pyecharts.charts import Line from opdata.opexcel import Operatingexcel from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import time import Draw as draw import re from pyecharts import options as opts from collections import Counter import jieba.posseg as psg from snownlp import SnowNLP # browser = webdriver.Chrome() # #给定登陆的网址 # url = 'https://passport.weibo.cn/signin/login' # browser.get(url) # time.sleep(3) def login(): print(u'登陆新浪微博手机端...') # 找到输入用户名的地方,并将用户名里面的内容清空,然后送入你的账号 username = browser.find_element_by_css_selector('#loginName') time.sleep(2) username.clear() username.send_keys('输入自己的账号') # 输入自己的账号 # 找到输入密码的地方,然后送入你的密码 password = browser.find_element_by_css_selector('#loginPassword') time.sleep(2) password.send_keys('输入自己的密码') # 点击登录 browser.find_element_by_css_selector('#loginAction').click() ##这里给个15秒非常重要,因为在点击登录之后,新浪微博会有个九宫格验证码,下图有,通过程序执行的话会有点麻烦(可以参考崔庆才的Python书里面有解决方法),这里就手动 time.sleep(15) print('完成登陆!') def get_info(): dic_info={} id = 'dengchao' niCheng = id # 用户的url结构为 url = 'http://weibo.cn/' + id url = 'http://weibo.cn/' + id browser.get(url) time.sleep(3) # 使用BeautifulSoup解析网页的HTML soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.page_source, 'lxml') # 爬取商户的uid信息 uid = soup.find('td', attrs={'valign': 'top'}) uid = uid.a['href'] uid = uid.split('/')[1] # 爬取最大页码数目 pageSize = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'pagelist'}) pageSize = pageSize.find('div').getText() pageSize = (pageSize.split('/')[1]).split('页')[0] # 爬取微博数量 divMessage = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'tip2'}) weiBoCount = divMessage.find('span').getText() weiBoCount = (weiBoCount.split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') # 爬取关注数量和粉丝数量 a = divMessage.find_all('a')[:2] guanZhuCount = (a[0].getText().split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') fenSiCount = (a[1].getText().split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') dic_info.setdefault("微博总数",weiBoCount) dic_info.setdefault("微博关注", guanZhuCount) dic_info.setdefault("微博粉丝", fenSiCount) contents=[] dianZans=[] zhuanFas=[] pinLuns=[] faBuTimes=[] yuanChuangs=[] # 通过循环来抓取每一页数据 # int(pageSize) + 1 for i in range(1, 10): # pageSize+1 # 每一页数据的url结构为 url = 'http://weibo.cn/' + id + ‘?page=’ + i url = 'https://weibo.cn/dengchao?page=' + str(i) browser.get(url) time.sleep(1) # 使用BeautifulSoup解析网页的HTML soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.page_source, 'lxml') body = soup.find('body') divss = body.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'c'})[1:-2] for divs in divss: # yuanChuang : 0表示转发,1表示原创 yuanChuang = '1' # 初始值为原创,当非原创时,更改此值 div = divs.find_all('div') # 这里有三种情况,两种为原创,一种为转发 if (len(div) == 2): # 原创,有图 # 爬取微博内容 content = div[0].find('span', attrs={'class': 'ctt'}).getText() aa = div[1].find_all('a') for a in aa: text = a.getText() if (('赞' in text) or ('转发' in text) or ('评论' in text)): # 爬取点赞数 if ('赞' in text): dianZan = (text.split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') # 爬取转发数 elif ('转发' in text): zhuanFa = (text.split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') # 爬取评论数目 elif ('评论' in text): pinLun = (text.split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') # 爬取微博来源和时间 span = divs.find('span', attrs={'class': 'ct'}).getText() faBuTime = str(span.split('来自')[0]) contents.append(content) dianZans.append(dianZan) zhuanFas.append(zhuanFa) pinLuns.append(pinLun) faBuTimes.append(faBuTime) yuanChuangs.append(yuanChuang) # 和上面一样 elif (len(div) == 1): # 原创,无图 content = div[0].find('span', attrs={'class': 'ctt'}).getText() aa = div[0].find_all('a') for a in aa: text = a.getText() if (('赞' in text) or ('转发' in text) or ('评论' in text)): if ('赞' in text): dianZan = (text.split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') elif ('转发' in text): zhuanFa = (text.split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') elif ('评论' in text): pinLun = (text.split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') span = divs.find('span', attrs={'class': 'ct'}).getText() faBuTime = str(span.split('来自')[0]) contents.append(content) dianZans.append(dianZan) zhuanFas.append(zhuanFa) pinLuns.append(pinLun) faBuTimes.append(faBuTime) yuanChuangs.append(yuanChuang) # 这里为转发,其他和上面一样 elif (len(div) == 3): # 转发的微博 yuanChuang = '0' content = div[0].find('span', attrs={'class': 'ctt'}).getText() aa = div[2].find_all('a') for a in aa: text = a.getText() if (('赞' in text) or ('转发' in text) or ('评论' in text)): if ('赞' in text): dianZan = (text.split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') elif ('转发' in text): zhuanFa = (text.split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') elif ('评论' in text): pinLun = (text.split('[')[1]).replace(']', '') span = divs.find('span', attrs={'class': 'ct'}).getText() faBuTime = str(span.split('来自')[0]) contents.append(content) dianZans.append(dianZan) zhuanFas.append(zhuanFa) pinLuns.append(pinLun) faBuTimes.append(faBuTime) yuanChuangs.append(yuanChuang) dic_info.setdefault("内容", contents) dic_info.setdefault("点赞", dianZans) dic_info.setdefault("转发", zhuanFas) dic_info.setdefault("评论", pinLuns) dic_info.setdefault("时间", faBuTimes) dic_info.setdefault("原创", yuanChuangs) time.sleep(2) # print(i) return dic_info # 存入txt文件 def writetxt(jjrw, result): with open(jjrw, 'w+',encoding="utf-8") as r: for i in range(len(result)): if result[i] != "": s = str(result[i]).strip().replace("emoji", "").replace("span", "").replace("class", "").replace("#","").replace("http","") rec = re.compile("1f\d+\w*|[/=]|\r|\n|") s = rec.sub("", s) r.write(s+"\n") def count(seg_list1): # 计数 count = Counter(seg_list1) # 字典排序 result = sorted(count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return result # 读取文件并进行分词排序 def readjieba(text,excludes,list_replace): dic_result = {} seg_list1 = [] nr=[] ns=[] # 分词 seg_list = psg.cut(text) for w, t in seg_list: # 去除停用词 if len(w) != 1 and t != 'm' and w not in excludes: # 替换词 for j in list_replace: if w == j[0]: real_word == j[1] else: real_word = w if t == 'nr': nr.append("{0}".format(real_word)) if t=='ns': ns.append("{0}".format(real_word)) seg_list1.append("{0}".format(real_word)) dic_result.setdefault("全部", count(seg_list1)) dic_result.setdefault("人名", count(nr)) dic_result.setdefault("地名", count(ns)) return dic_result # 趋势图 def drawline(arrt,value,value1,value2,name): # 图表初始化配置 init_opts = opts.InitOpts(page_title=name) line = Line(init_opts=init_opts) # 标题配置 title = opts.TitleOpts(title=name, pos_left="10%") # 图例配置 legend_opts = opts.LegendOpts(orient="horizontal", pos_top="5%", pos_right="15%") # 工具箱配置 # feature = opts.ToolBoxFeatureOpts(save_as_image=True, restore=True, data_view=True, data_zoom=True) # 工具箱配置 toolbox_opts = opts.ToolboxOpts(orient="vertical", pos_bottom="15%", pos_left="90%", ) line.set_global_opts(title_opts=title, legend_opts=legend_opts, toolbox_opts=toolbox_opts, datazoom_opts = opts.DataZoomOpts(orient="vertical"), ) line.add_xaxis(arrt, ) line.add_yaxis("点赞", value, is_smooth=True, linestyle_opts=opts.LineStyleOpts(color="#E83132", width="4")) line.add_yaxis("评论", value1, is_smooth=True, linestyle_opts=opts.LineStyleOpts(color="#00FFFF ", width="4")) line.add_yaxis("转发", value2, is_smooth=True, linestyle_opts=opts.LineStyleOpts(color="#7CFC00", width="4")) line.render('{0}.html'.format(name)) def drawPictorialBar(location,values,name): c = ( PictorialBar() .add_xaxis(location) .add_yaxis( "", values, label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=False), symbol_size=22, symbol_repeat="10000", symbol_offset=[0, -5], is_symbol_clip=True, # symbol='image://https://github.githubassets.com/images/spinners/octocat-spinner-32.gif' symbol='image://http://weizhendong.top/images/1.png' ) .reversal_axis() .set_global_opts( title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title=name), xaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(is_show=False), yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts( axistick_opts=opts.AxisTickOpts(is_show=False), axisline_opts=opts.AxisLineOpts( linestyle_opts=opts.LineStyleOpts(opacity=0) ), ), ) .render("{0}.html".format(name)) ) def read_snowNLP(filename): snow_list = [] a=0 b=0 c=0 with open(filename, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line != "": s = SnowNLP(line) if s.sentiments > 0.5: snow_list.append("{0}——褒义".format(line)) a+=1 elif s.sentiments




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