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新华网 2019-04-23 10:14

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Seven decades after its founding, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy has developed into a strategic force consisting of five services and with both nuclear and conventional weapons, playing an important role in safeguarding world peace.人民海军诞生70年以来,已经发展成为五大兵种齐全、核常兼备的战略性军种,在维护世界和平方面发挥着重要的作用。


PLA Navy ships conduct supply operations at an unspecified location in February. [Photo/Xinhua]


On Tuesday, China will hold a grand naval parade in the port city of Qingdao and its nearby sea areas and airspace, displaying 32 Chinese vessels and 39 warplanes, including the country's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, and latest nuclear submarines, destroyers and fighter jets.4月23日,我国将在山东青岛及其附近海空域举行各国海军舰艇海上阅兵,受阅舰艇32艘,受阅战机39架,其中包括我国首艘航母“辽宁舰”,以及最新的核潜艇、驱逐舰以及战斗机等。


Nearly 20 foreign vessels from around a dozen countries, including Russia, Australia and India, will also take part in the parade.俄罗斯、澳大利亚、印度等10多个国家派出近20艘舰艇参加国际舰队检阅。


Over the century before the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, world powers made some 470 invasions into China via the sea.1949年中华人民共和国成立之前的100多年间,世界列强共计470多次从海上入侵中国。


In the 1950s, Mao Zedong gave the important instruction of building a strong navy step-by-step, laying the foundation for decades of rapid development of the naval force.上世纪50年代,毛泽东作出关于有步骤地建设强大海军的重要指示,为之后几十年海军快速发展奠定了基础。


The development of the navy gained new momentum with the initiation of China's reform and opening-up. In 1979, Deng Xiaoping pointed out that strengthening China's maritime defense was a "priority vital to the fate of the country and its people."改革开放的春潮,人民海军迎来了新发展。1979年,邓小平指出:“巩固强大的海防,是事关国家和民族命运的大事。”


In the 1990s, as the PLA Navy strove to enhance its modernization capabilities, its development entered a new phase. In 1995, Jiang Zemin called for prioritized efforts to build the navy and accelerate its modernization drive.上世纪90年代,人民海军围绕提高现代化水平,进入一个重要的建设发展时期。1995年,江泽民指示,必须把海军建设摆在重要地位,加快海军现代化建设步伐。


In 2006, Hu Jintao stressed the building of a strong navy force in accordance with the missions of the PLA in the new century and at the new historical stage.2006年,胡锦涛指出,要努力锻造一支与履行新世纪新阶段我军历史使命要求相适应的强大的人民海军。


Russian navy's guided missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov arrives in the port city of Qingdao, East China's Shandong province, April 21, 2019, to join multinational naval events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy. [Photo/Xinhua]


As socialism with Chinese characteristics entered a new era, President Xi Jinping laid out plans for the navy's development, opening a new chapter of building a world-class navy.中国特色社会主义进入新时代,习近平主席统揽全局、把握大势,擘画蓝图、亲力推动,开启了全面建成世界一流海军的新航程。


On Dec. 8, 2012, Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, boarded a navy destroyer, the Haikou, in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, for a four-hour inspection voyage. It was his first visit to a PLA force outside Beijing after the 18th National Congress of the CPC.2012年12月8日,习近平主席来到深圳蛇口港视察海口舰并随舰航行4个小时。这是党的十八大后,习近平第一次到京外视察部队。


On Aug. 28, 2013, Xi boarded the Liaoning during a visit to a training base of the navy and urged officers and soldiers to make contributions to building a strong navy.2013年8月28日,习近平主席视察海军某舰载机综合试验训练基地。当天,习近平还登上辽宁舰,叮嘱官兵们为建设强大的人民海军作贡献。


On May 24, 2017, during an inspection to the PLA Navy headquarters, Xi called for efforts to build the PLA Navy into a strong and modern force to lend support for the realization of the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation and the dream of a strong army.



On April 12, 2018, Xi called for the building of a world-class navy in a navy review in the South China Sea, the largest of its kind since the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.2018年4月12日,新中国历史上规模最大的海上阅兵在南海海域隆重举行,习近平主席检阅了编队并发出“努力把人民海军全面建成世界一流海军”的伟大号召。


On June 11, 2018, Xi stressed building an elite maritime force during an inspection to the navy under the Northern Theater Command of the PLA.2018年6月11日,习近平主席亲赴北部战区海军视察指导,勉励大家把打赢本领搞过硬,锻造海上精兵劲旅。


During the past 70 years, the navy has also made great strides in the development of military equipment, with the launch of the first home-made aircraft carrier and the mass deliveries of carrier-based J-15 fighter jets.70年来,海军在军事装备方面也取得了长足发展,第一艘国产航母下水,歼-15舰载战斗机批量交付。


The navy has also completed the mass upgrading of its fighter jets, early warning aircraft, anti-submarine patrol aircraft, as well as the deployment of new missiles and torpedoes.新型战斗机、预警机、反潜巡逻机整建制改装,新型导弹、鱼雷实现战斗部署。


Members of the PLA Navy rescue a cargo ship from pirates on April 9, 2017 in the Gulf of Aden. Niu Yunhai / China News Service



On April 4, 2019, a PLA Navy fleet set sail from a port in east China's Zhoushan for the navy's 32nd escort mission in the Gulf of Aden and the waters off the Somali coast.2019年4月4日,舟山某军港码头,人民海军第32批护航编队解缆起航,奔赴亚丁湾、索马里海域执行护航任务。


The blue seawaters have served as a witness to the navy's voyages outbound and across the globe.滔滔碧海,见证人民海军走向世界的航迹。


In 1980, the navy dispatched a fleet out of Chinese territorial waters for the first time. It made its first overseas visit and first global voyage in 1985 and 2002, respectively.1980年,人民海军派遣远航编队第一次驶出领海。1985年,人民海军舰艇编队首次出国访问。2002年,人民海军首次环球航行。


In 2008, the first Chinese naval fleet charged with an escort mission arrived in the Gulf of Aden and the waters off Somalia to escort Chinese and foreign ships. In 2009, China held its first multinational naval events to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.2008年,人民海军首批护航编队奉命抵达亚丁湾、索马里海域,为中外船舶护航。2009年,我国首次举行多国海军活动,庆祝人民海军成立60周年。


The special force squad from the PLA Navy destroyer Haikou carries out a simulated rescue mission during the 2014 Rim of the Pacific naval exercise. HU KAIBING/FOR CHINA DAILY


Xi has proposed building a community with a shared future for humanity, calling for efforts to exercise the concept in maritime space and to foster new thinking on common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security.习近平主席提出构建人类命运共同体,推动在海洋空间践行人类命运共同体理念,倡导共同、综合、合作、可持续的新安全观。


On Feb. 6, 2014, during a visit to Russia, Xi, along with Russian President Vladimir Putin, made video calls with commanding officers of the Chinese and Russian navy vessels that were jointly escorting the shipments of Syrian chemical weapons set to be destroyed, encouraging them to complete the UN mandated mission and work together to safeguard international and regional security.2014年2月6日,正在俄罗斯访问的习近平主席与俄罗斯总统普京一起,同执行叙利亚化学武器海运联合护航任务的中俄军舰舰长视频通话,勉励他们再接再厉,完成好护航任务,共同致力于维护国际和地区安全。


After civil war broke out in Yemen in the spring of 2015, Xi decisively ordered the Chinese fleet that was conducting the Chinese navy's 19th escort mission in the Gulf of Aden to help evacuate Chinese nationals from the war-torn country. The fleet managed to evacuate 621 Chinese citizens as well as 276 people of 15 other countries out of Yemen.2015年春,也门内战爆发。党中央、习近平主席果断决策,命令正在亚丁湾执行护航任务的第19批护航编队前往也门撤侨。人民海军成功将621名中国同胞和15个国家的276名外国公民安全撤离。


In November 2017, Xi inspected via video a support base in Djibouti, the PLA's first overseas support base, encouraging troops stationed there to help promote international and regional peace and stability.2017年11月,习近平主席通过视频察看驻吉布提保障基地,这是我军第一个海外保障基地,习近平勉励大家促进国际和地区和平稳定。


Having participated in the Gulf of Aden escort missions, the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, the global circumnavigation of the 152 Naval Fleet, among other missions, the PLA Navy has become an important force of safeguarding world peace and promoting win-win cooperation.亚丁湾护航、马航失联客机搜救、152编队环球航行……人民海军成为维护世界和平、促进合作共赢的重要力量。


Since 2008, the PLA Navy has sent 32 escort fleets, 103 vessels, 69 helicopters, and more than 27,000 officers and soldiers to escort over 6,600 vessels, more than a half of which were foreign ships.10年护航,人民海军累计派出32批护航编队、103艘次舰艇、69架次直升机、2.7万余人次官兵,为6600余艘船舶护航,其中一半以上是外国船舶。


As of April 2019, the PLA Navy has paid over 100 visits to 138 ports of 94 countries and has participated in more than 60 joint military drills with foreign navies.截至2019年4月,人民海军舰艇先后出访100余次,到达6大洲94个国家138个港口,与外军联演联训60余次。


Since 2010, the naval hospital ship Peace Ark has traveled to 43 countries and regions and provided free medical services to over 230,000 people.2010年以来,和平方舟医院船远赴43个国家和地区,为23万余人次提供医疗服务。





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