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Guix on WSL2

Originally a gist here. This document applies to Guix 1.3.0. For Guix 1.1.0, check a previous version.

This will show you how to get Guix running on WSL2. We're going to go as "minimal" as possible, without starting off one of the readily available WSL2 distros. Parts of this guide should help with understanding how to set up any custom distro on WSL, not just Guix.

Disclaimer: I'm a Guix nOOb! (hence going through the trouble of installing it on WSL2)

Table of contents Guix on WSL2 Table of contents About WSL Conventions Minimal rootfs archive Installing Guix Let Guix take over Booting the Guix WSL distro as if it were a GuixSD system A script to automate distro creation Misc Can only run one "wsl -d guix" terminal at a time How much disk space does the Guix WSL distro take? /dev/null turns into a file Docker About WSL

WSL2 distros are, in fact, more like OS containers:

A single instance of the Microsoft-shipped Linux Kernel is running at any given time (under Hyper-V). Running, from a command prompt, wsl -d distroname instructs the Kernel to create one such container, the root filesystem coming an ext4.vhdx disk image. The Kernel executes an /init binary which, again, is supplied by Microsoft and cannot be changed/customized. Together with the Kernel itself, init can be found in %systemroot%\System32\lxss\tools. /init executes a shell or the command supplied to wsl.exe /init also takes care of mounting all the file systems, setting up /dev, ... A very useful side-effect of the "single Kernel for all distros" thing is that if, say, you've got a working Ubuntu WSL distro, and a Guix WSL distro that doesn't boot, you can run dmesg under Ubuntu and see what's wrong with Guix. The Kernel is shared, the Kernel ring buffer is also shared.

In this guide we'll use the wsl --import command. Here's what that does:

Takes a .tar or .tar.gz rootfs archive. Creates an Hyper-V disk image from it: the ext4.vhdx file we mentioned before. Extracts the contents of the archive into the disk image. Adds a bunch of files/directories to the image, including /init. Stopping the LxssManager service allows you to "mount" ext4.vhdx in Windows. The disk image contents can be inspected with f.e. DiskInternals Linux Reader. Not going to go into the details here, but docker save generates an archive which can then be fed to wsl --import. That's a great way to turn a Docker container into a WSL distro. Conventions

I'll prefix each command with the "place" it's been run from.

C:\ for a Windows command prompt. (ubuntu) $ for things that are run on an Ubuntu WSL distro. This is used only to create the rootfs. Doesn't have to be Ubuntu, any distro will do. You can also get creative and do everything from Windows. If no "place" is specified, assume the command is run from the Guix WSL distro. Minimal rootfs archive

Let's start by adding busybox to the archive and nothing else.

C:\Users\Giuliano\Documents\WSL>mkdir guix (ubuntu) /mnt/c/Users/Giuliano/Documents/WSL/guix $ mkdir rootfs (ubuntu) /mnt/c/Users/Giuliano/Documents/WSL/guix $ cd rootfs (ubuntu) /mnt/c/Users/Giuliano/Documents/WSL/guix/rootfs $ curl -LO (ubuntu) /mnt/c/Users/Giuliano/Documents/WSL/guix/rootfs $ cd .. (ubuntu) /mnt/c/Users/Giuliano/Documents/WSL/guix $ tar -C rootfs -cvf rootfs.tar . ./ ./busybox

Now we can try to wsl --import.

Our main working folder contains:

C:\Users\Giuliano\Documents\WSL\guix>dir 05/01/2020 05:54 PM . 05/01/2020 05:51 PM .. 05/01/2020 05:53 PM rootfs 05/01/2020 05:54 PM 983,040 rootfs.tar

And we only have one Ubuntu distro available:

C:\Users\Giuliano\Documents\WSL\guix>wsl -l Windows Subsystem for Linux Distributions: Ubuntu-18.04

--import command causes ext4.vhdx to be created:

C:\Users\Giuliano\Documents\WSL\guix>wsl --import guix . rootfs.tar C:\Users\Giuliano\Documents\WSL\guix>dir 05/01/2020 05:58 PM . 05/01/2020 05:51 PM .. 05/01/2020 05:58 PM 66,060,288 ext4.vhdx 05/01/2020 05:53 PM rootfs 05/01/2020 05:54 PM 983,040 rootfs.tar

...and registers the guix distro:

C:\Users\Giuliano\Documents\WSL\guix>wsl -l Windows Subsystem for Linux Distributions: Ubuntu-18.04 guix

Can we actually run the guix distro? Remember there's nothing but busybox in there so we're going to try busybox's own sh implementation:

C:\Users\Giuliano\Documents\WSL\guix>wsl -d guix /busybox sh C:\Users\Giuliano\Documents\WSL\guix>

Doesn't work, we are immediately taken back to the Windows prompt. :( Let's try the dmesg-from-Ubuntu trick explained above:

(ubuntu) $ dmesg [..] [29242.265446] EXT4-fs (sde): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: discard,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered [29242.270345] init: (1) ERROR: ConfigUpdateInformation:2623: creat /etc/hostname failed: 2 [29242.270349] init: (1) ERROR: ConfigUpdateInformation:2657: creat /etc/hosts failed 2 [29242.270494] init: (2) ERROR: UtilCreateProcessAndWait:635: /bin/mount failed with 2 [29242.270583] init: (1) ERROR: UtilCreateProcessAndWait:655: /bin/mount failed with status 0x [29242.270585] ff00 [29242.270589] init: (1) ERROR: ConfigMountFsTab:2110: Processing fstab with mount -a failed. [29242.271405] init: (3) ERROR: UtilCreateProcessAndWait:635: /bin/mount failed with 2 [29242.271506] init: (1) ERROR: UtilCreateProcessAndWait:655: /bin/mount failed with status 0x [29242.271508] ff00

/etc/hostname and /etc/hosts don't exist. /bin/mount seems to "fail".

According to wsl --help, the "default shell" is used well, by default. Our rootfs doesn't have an /etc/passwd yet, Microsoft's /init can't check it to know what the root user shell should be. --exec promises to run a command as is.

C:\Users\Giuliano>wsl --help Usage: wsl.exe [Argument] [Options...] [CommandLine] Arguments for running Linux binaries: If no command line is provided, wsl.exe launches the default shell. --exec, -e Execute the specified command without using the default Linux shell. [..]

Does --exec work?

C:\Users\Giuliano\Documents\WSL\guix>wsl -d guix --exec /busybox sh / #

It does! We've got shell access to the hopefully-soon-to-be guix distro.

Now that we're in, we can check what WSL (--import) added our bare rootfs.tar. Notably, /root, /etc, /tmp and /var are missing...

/ # /busybox find / | /busybox grep -v '^.proc\|^.dev\|^.sys' find: /usr/lib/wsl/drivers: Value too large for defined data type / /busybox /mnt /mnt/wsl /mnt/c /usr /usr/lib /usr/lib/wsl /usr/lib/wsl/drivers find: /usr/lib/wsl/lib: Value too large for defined data type /usr/lib/wsl/lib /sbin /sbin/mount.drvfs /bin /bin/wslpath /run /run/WSL /run/WSL/7_interop /run/user /run/shm /run/lock /init /lost+found

Despite the mount errors in dmesg, things look OK:

/ # /busybox mount /dev/sde on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,discard,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered) tmpfs on /mnt/wsl type tmpfs (rw,relatime) tools on /init type 9p (ro,dirsync,relatime,aname=tools;fmask=022,loose,access=client,trans=fd,rfd=6,wfd=6) none on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3194532k,nr_inodes=798633,mode=755) sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime) proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,noatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000) none on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,noexec,noatime,mode=755) none on /run/lock type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime) none on /run/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime) none on /run/user type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime,mode=755) [..] Installing Guix

Guix refuses to perform certain operations as root so let's add the users/group it needs. groupadd/useradd are not available yet, so we're going to do it manually:

### Make sure you're running these from the Guix WSL distro! # /busybox mkdir -p /root /etc /tmp /var/run /run /home # /busybox chmod 1777 /tmp # /busybox cat /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash guixbuilder01:x:999:999:Guix build user 01:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin guixbuilder02:x:998:999:Guix build user 02:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin guixbuilder03:x:997:999:Guix build user 03:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin guixbuilder04:x:996:999:Guix build user 04:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin guixbuilder05:x:995:999:Guix build user 05:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin guixbuilder06:x:994:999:Guix build user 06:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin guixbuilder07:x:993:999:Guix build user 07:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin guixbuilder08:x:992:999:Guix build user 08:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin guixbuilder09:x:991:999:Guix build user 09:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin guixbuilder10:x:990:999:Guix build user 10:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin EOM # /busybox cat /etc/group root:x:0: guixbuild:x:999:guixbuilder01,guixbuilder02,guixbuilder03,guixbuilder04,guixbuilder05,guixbuilder06,guixbuilder07,guixbuilder08,guixbuilder09,guixbuilder10 EOM

At this point /etc contains:

/ # /busybox find /etc /etc /etc/passwd /etc/group

WSL distros usually have the host C:\ drive automagically mounted on /mnt/c (by the usual suspect: /init), but we don't:

/tmp # /busybox mount | /busybox grep mnt tmpfs on /mnt/wsl type tmpfs (rw,relatime) /tmp #

Copy /busybox to /bin/mount:

/tmp # /busybox cp /busybox /bin/mount

Logout of the Guix WSL distro, terminate it, make sure it's stopped:

C:\Users\Giuliano>wsl -l -v NAME STATE VERSION Ubuntu-18.04 Running 2 guix Running 2 C:\Users\Giuliano>wsl -t guix C:\Users\Giuliano>wsl -l -v NAME STATE VERSION Ubuntu-18.04 Running 2 guix Stopped 2

Log back in and notice how WSL (now that /etc exists) created resolv.conf, hosts and hostname for us:

C:\Users\Giuliano>wsl -d guix --exec /busybox sh / # /busybox find /etc /etc /etc/resolv.conf /etc/hosts /etc/passwd /etc/hostname /etc/group

The /busybox -> /bin/mount trick caused /mnt/c to appear:

/ # /busybox mount | /busybox grep mnt tmpfs on /mnt/wsl type tmpfs (rw,relatime) C:\134 on /mnt/c type 9p (rw,dirsync,noatime,aname=drvfs;path=C:\;uid=0;gid=0;symlinkroot=/mnt/,mmap,access=client,msize=65536,trans=fd,rfd=10,wfd=10) / #

Networking works now. If /busybox wget properly supported HTTPS, we could use it to download the Guix binary tarball.

/tmp # /busybox wget Connecting to ( wget: note: TLS certificate validation not implemented saving to 'guix-binary-1.3.0.x86_64-linux.tar.xz' guix-binary-1.3.0.x8 100% | 86.8M 0:00:00 ETA 'guix-binary-1.3.0.x86_64-linux.tar.xz' saved /tmp #

and extract it:

/ # /busybox tar -C / -xvJf /tmp/guix-binary-1.3.0.x86_64-linux.tar.xz

If /busybox wget fails on a TLS error, remember you can download the tarball with Windows and extract it from /mnt/c instead, i.e.:

/ # /busybox tar -C / -xvJf /mnt/c/Users/Giuliano/Downloads/guix-binary-1.3.0.x86_64-linux.tar.xz

/gnu and /var/guix are in place:

/ # /busybox ls -ld /gnu /var/guix drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 23 22:30 /gnu drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Feb 23 22:30 /var/guix / #

As per the Binary Installation instructions, activate the profile included in the tarball:

/ # /busybox mkdir -p ~root/.config/guix / # /busybox ln -sf /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix ~root/.config/guix/current / # GUIX_PROFILE="`echo ~root`/.config/guix/current" / # source $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile

And finally start the daemon:

/ # guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild &

Great, in theory we can now start using Guix to install stuff!

Make sure to enable subtitutes, unless you want Guix to buid everything from source:

/ # guix archive --authorize < /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/share/guix/

But guix pull doesn't work... :(

/ # guix pull accepted connection from pid 23, user root substitute: guix substitute: warning: host not found: Servname not supported for ai_socktype [..] build of /gnu/store/dd5mga544azygz2hhs3ksp1d8bgmi38j-isrgrootx1.pem.drv failed View build log at '/var/log/guix/drvs/dd/5mga544azygz2hhs3ksp1d8bgmi38j-isrgrootx1.pem.drv.bz2'. cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/j814i78jg0832akx856ha6za526rdvy6-le-certs-0.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built guix pull: error: build of `/gnu/store/j814i78jg0832akx856ha6za526rdvy6-le-certs-0.drv' failed

The build log also mentions those Servname not supported for ai_socktype errors. Googling tells us they are caused by a broken/missing /etc/services which indeed does not exist. Let's populate it with the basics:

/ # /busybox cat /etc/services ftp-data 20/tcp ftp 21/tcp ssh 22/tcp # SSH Remote Login Protocol domain 53/tcp # Domain Name Server domain 53/udp http 80/tcp www # WorldWideWeb HTTP https 443/tcp # http protocol over TLS/SSL ftps-data 989/tcp # FTP over SSL (data) ftps 990/tcp http-alt 8080/tcp webcache # WWW caching service http-alt 8080/udp EOM

guix pull now works...

While we are at it, let's populate /etc/nsswitch.conf too. I don't know how/when but at some point this file disappeared (either WSL or Guix are no longer creating it). Without it, the initial guix system reconfigure (see below) fails.

/ # /busybox cat /etc/nsswitch.conf group: files hosts: files dns [!UNAVAIL=return] networks: files dns [!UNAVAIL=return] passwd: files shadow: files EOM Let Guix take over

Now it'd be great if we could get our Guix WSL distro to be more like GuixSD. F.e., Guix itself should be able to make a "more proper" /etc/passwd than the one we manually edited, fix /etc/services, ...

To achieve that, we're going to try and put together a Guix System Configuration file. A WSL distro, unlike a VM or a bare metal server, doesn't need a lot of the stuff that Guix's operating-system declaration expects. In my configuration file I tried to convince Guix that it's fine to not care about the kernel/bootloader, deal with disks, ...

systems/wsl-config.scm is the hacky/uneducated operating system declaration I'm using.

Passing that file to guix system reconfigure...

~ # guix system reconfigure --no-bootloader wsl-config.scm

...creates a new "instance" of the entire OS and switches to it (that's the beauty of GuixSD and NixOS!).

[..] building /gnu/store/68wyiashnhc05wspcn26p3fw0vg2wn2l-switch-to-system.scm.drv... making '/gnu/store/b544x90ncmxm95344m0c4cygz98w2azr-system' the current system... setting up setuid programs in '/run/setuid-programs'... populating /etc from /gnu/store/5s856h5r91xslm90ymm3gn179q6z4hmi-etc... substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0% 0.0 MB will be downloaded: /gnu/store/q9wrh0rrhq3sy3n2i6m73ijql7a1m2nm-module-import-compiled downloading from ... module-import-compiled 24KiB 1.3MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0% guix system: warning: while talking to shepherd: No such file or directory ~ # [..] Booting the Guix WSL distro as if it were a GuixSD system

After the previous step the system is functional. But, when the Guix WSL distro starts afresh (because it was stopped with wsl -t guix, Windows was restarted or other), you'll notice that f.e. /run/setuid-programs disappeared (sudo stops working). Some important Guix things live in /run, which is mounted by WSL on a tmpfs (as per the FHS). Because WSL distros don't boot like normal VMs/servers, Guix doesn't have a chance to populate /run at boot time.

The source and this thread help with understanding how to "boot GuixSD by hand":

export GUIX_NEW_SYSTEM=$(/busybox readlink -f /var/guix/profiles/system) # $GUIX_NEW_SYSTEM/boot needs this to exist even though /run is expected to be empty. # I installed GuixSD in a proper VM and /run is not on tmpfs, so I'm not sure. /busybox ln -s none /run/current-system /var/guix/profiles/system/profile/bin/guile --no-auto-compile $GUIX_NEW_SYSTEM/boot &

Running the above populates /run and starts shepherd.

~ # . /etc/profile ~ # pstree init─┬─init───init───busybox─┬─pstree │ └─shepherd─┬─containerd───10*[{containerd}] │ ├─dbus-daemon │ ├─dockerd───9*[{dockerd}] │ ├─elogind │ ├─guix-daemon │ ├─syslogd │ ├─udevd │ └─4*[{shepherd}] └─{init} ~ # A script to automate distro creation

This repo contains a babashka script that automates 99% of the steps we discussed. Babashka can be installed via scoop (instructions here). You can also install GNU tar, which is required too, via scoop install tar.

Here's a full example. It creates the guixtest WSL distro (the distro name can be changed by editing the script).

C:\Users\Giuliano\Documents\WSL>bb ..\code\guix-packages\scripts\ Downloading busybox, creating the rootfs and the base WSL distro... Downloading guix and unpacking it inside the WSL distro... [..] ./gnu/store/zzkly5rbfvahwqgcs7crz0ilpi7x5g5p-ncurses-6.2/share/terminfo/z/ztx-1-a ./gnu/store/zzkly5rbfvahwqgcs7crz0ilpi7x5g5p-ncurses-6.2/share/terminfo/z/ztx11 All done, see what the final steps should be at ... C:\Users\Giuliano\Documents\WSL>wsl -d guixtest --exec /busybox sh /mnt/c/Users/Giuliano/Documents/WSL # cd ~ # . ./ ~ # guix pull accepted connection from pid 20, user root substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0% Updating channel 'guix' from Git repository at ''... [..] New in this revision: 4,536 new packages: a2jmidid, abjad, abjad-ext-ipython, abjad-ext-nauert, abjad-ext-rmakers, ack, adcli, alembic, alfis, alsa-topology-conf, alsa-ucm-conf, android-file-transfer, … 5,751 packages upgraded: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], … hint: Run `guix pull --news' to read all the news. ~ # guix system reconfigure --no-bootloader wsl-config.scm [..] module-import-compiled 23KiB 367KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0% guix system: warning: while talking to shepherd: No such file or directory ~ # ~ # ./ WARNING: (guile-user): imported module (guix build utils) overrides core binding `delete' making '/gnu/store/bfb2j1g2nghwd3js0d1d8z31zjmfzr1q-system' the current system... WARNING: (guile-user): imported module (guix build utils) overrides core binding `delete' setting up setuid programs in '/run/setuid-programs'... populating /etc from /gnu/store/4g5hklznkj700qjnrsn0iljjf6vckrv9-etc... WARNING: (guile-user): imported module (guix build utils) overrides core binding `delete' WARNING: (guile-user): imported module (guix build utils) overrides core binding `delete' WARNING: (guile-user): imported module (guix build utils) overrides core binding `delete' error in finalization thread: Success bash-5.1# herd status Started: + containerd + dbus-system + dockerd + elogind + file-system-/run/systemd + file-system-/run/user + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/devices + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/elogind + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/memory + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/net_prio + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/pids + file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/rdma + file-systems + guix-daemon + loopback + root + root-file-system + syslogd + udev + user-file-systems + user-processes One-shot: * host-name * user-homes bash-5.1# Misc Can only run one "wsl -d guix" terminal at a time

EDIT: stopping nscd works around this issue, see #4 .

I don't know why but, after shepherd is started with the recipe above, you can't open another "terminal" (I mean: open cmd.exe, run wsl -d guix --exec /busybox sh . The wsl command returns immediately back to prompt. dmesg contains:

[ 3541.851862] init: (48) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:600: initgroups failed 29 [ 3541.851865] init: (48) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:645: Create process not expected to return

This isn't really a problem for me, one terminal is enough and I use tmux anyway. I start Guix with wsl -d guix --exec /busybox sh /root/, where contains:

#!/busybox sh cd /root export GUIX_NEW_SYSTEM=$(/busybox readlink -f /var/guix/profiles/system) # $GUIX_NEW_SYSTEM/boot needs this to exist even though /run is expected to be empty. # I installed GuixSD in a proper VM and /run is not on tmpfs, so I'm not sure. /busybox ln -s none /run/current-system /var/guix/profiles/system/profile/bin/guile --no-auto-compile $GUIX_NEW_SYSTEM/boot & /busybox sleep 3 # WSL mounts /run with the noexec and nosuid mount flags, preventing the # binaries in /run/setuid-programs from being useful. As a workaround, we can # copy those binaries to /var/run/setuid-programs and bind-mount on top. /busybox rm -rf /var/run/setuid-programs /busybox mkdir -p /var/run/setuid-programs /busybox cp -p /run/setuid-programs/* /var/run/setuid-programs/ /busybox mount -o bind /var/run/setuid-programs /run/setuid-programs source /etc/profile su -l giuliano -c tmux bash How much disk space does the Guix WSL distro take?

Freshly installed:

bash-5.1# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sdc 251G 4.2G 235G 2% /  /dev/null turns into a file

At seemingly random times, /dev/null goes from being a device, to being a plain file. That upsets a lot of things, like git or tmux:

$ git status fatal: open /dev/null or dup failed: Permission denied

The fix is:

# ls -l /dev/null -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 0 May 30 18:03 /dev/null* # rm /dev/null # mknod /dev/null c 1 3 # chmod 666 /dev/null # ll /dev/null crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 May 30 18:08 /dev/null

Note that running the fix within Ubuntu, also fixes Guix (if both WSL distros are active at the same time).


The systems/wsl-config.scm operating system declaration also includes Docker. You'll just need to install the docker-cli package in your (non-root) user's Guix profile to be able to use it.

In some cases, depending on the version of WSL2 and the version of Guix, you might find that some cgroup filesystems have not been mounted. That's because Guix uses static list of cgroups names to know what to mount. For example, at the time of writing rdma (which Docker uses) is missing from the list.

To address this issue, I've opted to leave a bunch of potentially redundant cgroup (filesystem ...) definitions in systems/wsl-config.scm. They might or might not be needed, they might cause shepherd to complain that it failed to start service 'file-system-/sys/fs/cgroup/$cgroup_name', but at least Docker seems to reliably work for me.

On Ubuntu, all the /sys/fs/cgroup are set up by /usr/bin/cgroupfs-mount, which just looks at /proc/cgroups and mounts everything it finds there...




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