Java Http接口签名验签实例

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Java Http接口签名验签实例

2024-01-09 20:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


调用第三方接口或者前后端分离开发,调用业务接口时为防止刷机/违规调用等现象 需要加验签机制,比如支付类等接口,接口双方为了确保数据参数在传输过程中未经过篡改,都需要对接口数据进行加签,然后在接口服务器端对接口参数进行验签,确保两个签名是一样的,验签通过之后再进行业务逻辑处理。



签名验签的大方向无非就是:客户端与服务端约定好,按照统一算法,统一参数,统一顺序,统一密钥 进行加密,然后作对比;我这里就介绍一种比较简单实用且常用的签名/验签方式思路:客户端:     签名通过header传到服务端,key名为:token       签名:API版本号+AK+签名过期时间+密钥(SK)+URL+requestMethod+客户端已排序的参数 做加密;

        加密算法:MD5;         密钥(SK): 前后端统一,签名加密的时候使用相当于加盐;         AK : 多客户端使用不同的SK, 服务端就需要通过AK找到对应的SK进行加密验签;         签名过期时间:客户端定义的签名过期时间,超过该时间该签名请求不可通过;

    请求参数:已排序的参数通过request-line 或 request-body传到服务端






/**   * @Description:验签拦截   * @Author pengju   * @date 2018/4/11 13:44 */ public class ApiAkSkInterceptor implements HandlerInterceptor { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApiAkSkInterceptor.class); @Autowired private BaseOpenApiConfig baseOpenApiConfig; /** * Intercept the execution of a handler. Called after HandlerMapping determined * an appropriate handler object, but before HandlerAdapter invokes the handler. *

DispatcherServlet processes a handler in an execution chain, consisting * of any number of interceptors, with the handler itself at the end. * With this method, each interceptor can decide to abort the execution chain, * typically sending a HTTP error or writing a custom response. *

Note: special considerations apply for asynchronous * request processing. For more details see * {@link AsyncHandlerInterceptor}. * * @param request current HTTP request * @param response current HTTP response * @param handler chosen handler to execute, for type and/or instance evaluation * @return {@code true} if the execution chain should proceed with the * next interceptor or the handler itself. Else, DispatcherServlet assumes * that this interceptor has already dealt with the response itself. * @throws Exception in case of errors */ @Override public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception { if (handler == null || !(handler instanceof HandlerMethod)) { return true; } HandlerMethod handlerMethod = (HandlerMethod) handler; if (handlerMethod.getBeanType().isAnnotationPresent(ApiAkSkNotValidator.class) || handlerMethod.getMethod().isAnnotationPresent(ApiAkSkNotValidator.class)) { return true; } final long bt = System.currentTimeMillis(); response.addHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json;charset=UTF-8"); try { // get header token String requestUri = request.getRequestURI(); final String requestMethod = request.getMethod(); final String token = request.getHeader(TokenHelper.X_IBEE_AUTH_TOKEN);"checkApiAkSkToken: check token,request uri={},method={},header token={}", requestUri, requestMethod, token); // token if (StringUtils.isBlank(token) || token.split("-").le




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