It is the first time that...句式分析

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It is the first time that...句式分析

2024-07-13 07:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



It is the first time that...句式分析


本站特约作者  刘永科


老师在讲“This is the first time that...”句式用法时,说that从句要用“现在完成时”。并且,老师在黑板上写了一个例句:This is my first time that I have visited Beijing. 此处该用 the的地方写成了my,我怀疑老师是否写错了,老师说此处用物主代词 my, his等也可以。后来查了一些资料,也没找到这样的例句,请问:此处不用 the,而用物主代词,可否?

下面,我们分析这个句子:This is the first time that I have visited Beijing. 这是我第一次参观北京。


This is the first time为主句,that I have visited Beijing.为定语从句,修饰the time,that为关系副词,可以省略。因此,我们常说:This is the first time I have visited Beijing.

基本句式:This (It, That) is the first (second, third) time that ...


This (It, That) is the first time that...跟与现在完成时连用,这体现了“现在完成时”的另一个特点:对过去经历的总结。意味着从过去某个时间到说话时的经历总结(也可能是人一生所经历),这跟现在完成时的“动作发生在过去,一直持续到现在”有某种关联,只不过是强调次数和经历而已。例如:

This is the first time in my life that I have taken part in such a grand celebration.这是我有生以来第一次参加如此盛大的庆典。

Although it is not an official Olympic event, this is the first time that Wushu has come so close to the Olympics.虽然这不是官方奥运比赛,但这是第一次武术距离奥运这么近。

This is the first time that the three leaders have met together and the first time that President Roosevelt has met Marshal Stalin.这是三巨头的第一次会面,同时也是罗斯福总统与斯大林元帅的首次会面。

This is the first time that a study has set out to examine whether giving up smoking has impact on memory.该研究首次着手检验戒烟是否对记忆有影响。

But this is the first time that we’ve been able to look at everything.但这是我们第一次看到全景。

This is the first time that they’ve ever had a truly stable home where they put their heads down on the same pillow each night.这是第一次他们拥有了一个真正固定的住所,每天晚上他们都躺在同一个枕头上睡觉。

This is the first time that he has written in English.这是他第一次用英语写作。

It is the first time that China has objected to manoeuvres in the area.这是中国第一次反对在此区域举行的军事演习。

It is the first time that Mrs Obama has given her approval to the work of a single company.这是奥巴马夫人第一次对一个独立公司的工作给予称赞。

It is the first time that such a large group of illegals has been uncovered.一下子揪出如此多的非法者,还是首次。

It is the first time that Stalin has left Russia since the Revolution.这也是自十月革命以来,斯大林第一次离开俄国。

It is the first time that we have talked about this issue face to face.这是我们第一次面对面地谈论到这件事情。

It is the first time that I have received your letter.那是我第一次收到你的来信。

It is the first time that he has performed on such a big stage.这是他第一次在如此大的舞台上表演。

It is the first time that she has ever lived in a city in her entire life.这是第一次她完全的生活在城市里。

It is the first time that I have been invited to attend such an important meeting.这是我第一次被邀请参加这么重要的会议。

That is not the first time that the earthquake potential of a fault has been underestimated.这并不是第一次低估地震的潜力。

That is the first time they have experienced that.这是他们第一次经历那件事。


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