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2023-12-27 15:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1、千赞博客(YOLOv3,内附有v1,v2链接):yolo系列之yolo v3【深度解析】_木盏-CSDN博客_yolov3

2、 知乎江大白大佬(对新手快速了解很友好,但知识有一点点没覆盖到):

yolov5:深入浅出Yolo系列之Yolov5核心基础知识完整讲解 - 知乎 v3-x的: 深入浅出Yolo系列之Yolov3&Yolov4&Yolov5&Yolox核心基础知识完整讲解 - 知乎


 3. yolov4相关的边缘技术(数据增强之类的,有些还比较详细,可以拓展一下):

想读懂YOLOV4,你需要先了解下列技术(一) - 知乎


yolov1(包括算法讲解,论文精读,可选集,里面的作者介绍之类的讲解我也很喜欢):【精读AI论文】YOLO V1目标检测,看我就够了_哔哩哔哩_bilibili yolov2:【精读AI论文】YOLO V2目标检测算法_哔哩哔哩_bilibiliyolov3:【精读AI论文】YOLO V3目标检测(附YOLOV3代码复现)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

 5、 论文在这些博客里面基本都有链接

6. 本文的内容可能比较零散,还没整理,想具体了解Yolo可以看上面的博客或者我的其他文章

二、yolov5模型重写 1、yolov5训练复现



2、读yolov5代码 (1)从detect,    parse_opt开始: def parse_opt(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--weights', nargs='+', type=str, default=ROOT / 'yolov5s.pt', help='model path(s)') parser.add_argument('--source', type=str, default=ROOT / 'data/images', help='file/dir/URL/glob, 0 for webcam') parser.add_argument('--imgsz', '--img', '--img-size', nargs='+', type=int, default=[640], help='inference size h,w') parser.add_argument('--conf-thres', type=float, default=0.25, help='confidence threshold') parser.add_argument('--iou-thres', type=float, default=0.45, help='NMS IoU threshold') parser.add_argument('--max-det', type=int, default=1000, help='maximum detections per image') parser.add_argument('--device', default='', help='cuda device, i.e. 0 or 0,1,2,3 or cpu') parser.add_argument('--view-img', action='store_true', help='show results') parser.add_argument('--save-txt', action='store_true', help='save results to *.txt') parser.add_argument('--save-conf', action='store_true', help='save confidences in --save-txt labels') parser.add_argument('--save-crop', action='store_true', help='save cropped prediction boxes') parser.add_argument('--nosave', action='store_true', help='do not save images/videos') parser.add_argument('--classes', nargs='+', type=int, help='filter by class: --classes 0, or --classes 0 2 3') parser.add_argument('--agnostic-nms', action='store_true', help='class-agnostic NMS') parser.add_argument('--augment', action='store_true', help='augmented inference') parser.add_argument('--visualize', action='store_true', help='visualize features') parser.add_argument('--update', action='store_true', help='update all models') parser.add_argument('--project', default=ROOT / 'runs/detect', help='save results to project/name') parser.add_argument('--name', default='exp', help='save results to project/name') parser.add_argument('--exist-ok', action='store_true', help='existing project/name ok, do not increment') parser.add_argument('--line-thickness', default=3, type=int, help='bounding box thickness (pixels)') parser.add_argument('--hide-labels', default=False, action='store_true', help='hide labels') parser.add_argument('--hide-conf', default=False, action='store_true', help='hide confidences') parser.add_argument('--half', action='store_true', help='use FP16 half-precision inference') parser.add_argument('--dnn', action='store_true', help='use OpenCV DNN for ONNX inference') opt = parser.parse_args() opt.imgsz *= 2 if len(opt.imgsz) == 1 else 1 # expand print_args(FILE.stem, opt) #FILE = Path(__file__).resolve() return opt #2021.10.31最新代码

    weights:训练的权重     source:测试数据,可以是图片/视频路径,也可以是'0'(电脑自带摄像头),也可以是rtsp等视频流     output:网络预测之后的图片/视频的保存路径     img-size:网络输入图片大小     conf-thres:置信度阈值     iou-thres:做nms的iou阈值     device:设置设备     view-img:是否展示预测之后的图片/视频,默认False     save-txt:是否将预测的框坐标以txt文件形式保存,默认False     classes:设置只保留某一部分类别,形如0或者0 2 3     agnostic-nms:进行nms是否也去除不同类别之间的框,默认False(NMS是去除重叠比较大的同类的框,这个参数可能是去除不同类别的)     augment:推理的时候进行多尺度,翻转等操作(TTA)推理     update:如果为True,则对所有模型进行strip_optimizer操作,去除pt文件中的优化器等信息,默认为False


 default是默认的参数,即使不写上去也会执行;action='store_true是写上去这个名字比如--view-img就为true;nargs='+'是可以输入多个参数(filter by class: --class 0, or --class 0 2 3)

FILE = Path(__file__).resolve()





ROOT = FILE.parents[0] # YOLOv5 root directory


if str(ROOT) not in sys.path: sys.path.append(str(ROOT)) # add ROOT to PATH

ROOT = Path(os.path.relpath(ROOT, Path.cwd()))

os.path.relpath是求相对路径的(把绝对路径转化成相对路径,前面那个相对于后面那个的相对路径):,【python3学习笔记】os.path.relpath(path[, start])_Murphy.AI 的文章-CSDN博客


(3)run函数: def run(weights=ROOT / 'yolov5s.pt', # model.pt path(s) source=ROOT / 'data/images', # file/dir/URL/glob, 0 for webcam imgsz=640, # inference size (pixels) conf_thres=0.25, # confidence threshold iou_thres=0.45, # NMS IOU threshold max_det=1000, # maximum detections per image device='', # cuda device, i.e. 0 or 0,1,2,3 or cpu view_img=False, # show results save_txt=False, # save results to *.txt save_conf=False, # save confidences in --save-txt labels save_crop=False, # save cropped prediction boxes nosave=False, # do not save images/videos classes=None, # filter by class: --class 0, or --class 0 2 3 agnostic_nms=False, # class-agnostic NMS augment=False, # augmented inference visualize=False, # visualize features update=False, # update all models project=ROOT / 'runs/detect', # save results to project/name name='exp', # save results to project/name exist_ok=False, # existing project/name ok, do not increment line_thickness=3, # bounding box thickness (pixels) hide_labels=False, # hide labels hide_conf=False, # hide confidences half=False, # use FP16 half-precision inference dnn=False, # use OpenCV DNN for ONNX inference ):

iou_thres:NMS IOU threshold


visualize: --------可视化功能



exist_ok:existing project/name ok, do not increment

opt = parser.parse_args() opt.imgsz *= 2 if len(opt.imgsz) == 1 else 1 # expand print_args(FILE.stem, opt)

opt.imgsz这行是前面放参数的时候 ,default=[640],长度是1,调整成2


save_img = not nosave and not source.endswith('.txt')


webcam = source.isnumeric() or source.endswith('.txt') or source.lower().startswith( ('rtsp://', 'rtmp://', 'http://', 'https://'))




# Directories save_dir = increment_path(Path(project) / name, exist_ok=exist_ok) # increment run (save_dir / 'labels' if save_txt else save_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # make dir






如果save_txt=False,就创建save_dir,那上面就已经increment_path就已经创建save_dir并返回路径了,下面怎么再mkdir   save_dir,还有save_txt=False是什么参数True呢,也就是说这执行的是什么功能

# Initialize set_logging() device = select_device(device) half &= device.type != 'cpu' # half precision only supported on CUDA



w = str(weights[0] if isinstance(weights, list) else weights) classify, suffix, suffixes = False, Path(w).suffix.lower(), ['.pt', '.onnx', '.tflite', '.pb', ''] check_suffix(w, suffixes) # check weights have acceptable suffix pt, onnx, tflite, pb, saved_model = (suffix == x for x in suffixes) # backend booleans stride, names = 64, [f'class{i}' for i in range(1000)] # assign defaults


dsfPython isinstance() 函数_小白_努力-CSDN博客




if pt: model = torch.jit.load(w) if 'torchscript' in w else attempt_load(weights, map_location=device) stride = int(model.stride.max()) # model stride names = model.module.names if hasattr(model, 'module') else model.names # get class names if half: model.half() # to FP16 if classify: # second-stage classifier modelc = load_classifier(name='resnet50', n=2) # initialize modelc.load_state_dict(torch.load('resnet50.pt', map_location=device)['model']).to(device).eval() elif onnx: if dnn: check_requirements(('opencv-python>=4.5.4',)) net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromONNX(w) else: check_requirements(('onnx', 'onnxruntime-gpu' if torch.has_cuda else 'onnxruntime')) import onnxruntime session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(w, None) else: # TensorFlow models check_requirements(('tensorflow>=2.4.1',)) import tensorflow as tf if pb: # https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/migrate#a_graphpb_or_graphpbtxt def wrap_frozen_graph(gd, inputs, outputs): x = tf.compat.v1.wrap_function(lambda: tf.compat.v1.import_graph_def(gd, name=""), []) # wrapped import return x.prune(tf.nest.map_structure(x.graph.as_graph_element, inputs), tf.nest.map_structure(x.graph.as_graph_element, outputs)) graph_def = tf.Graph().as_graph_def() graph_def.ParseFromString(open(w, 'rb').read()) frozen_func = wrap_frozen_graph(gd=graph_def, inputs="x:0", outputs="Identity:0") elif saved_model: model = tf.keras.models.load_model(w) elif tflite: interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=w) # load TFLite model interpreter.allocate_tensors() # allocate input_details = interpreter.get_input_details() # inputs output_details = interpreter.get_output_details() # outputs int8 = input_details[0]['dtype'] == np.uint8 # is TFLite quantized uint8 model imgsz = check_img_size(imgsz, s=stride) # check image size

pd,   saved_model,   tflite都是TensorFlow models

tflite:tensorflow 19: tflite 概念理解_yuanlulu的博客 -CSDN博客_tflite



if pt: model = torch.jit.load(w) if 'torchscipt' in w else attempt_load(weights, map_location=device) stride = int(model.stride.max()) names = model.module.names if hasattr(model, 'module') else model.names i if half: model.half() if classify: modelc = load_classifier(name='resnet50', n=2) modelc.load_state_dict(torch.load('resnet50.pt', map_location=device)['model']


# Dataloader if webcam: view_img = check_imshow() cudnn.benchmark = True # set True to speed up constant image size inference dataset = LoadStreams(source, img_size=imgsz, stride=stride, auto=pt) bs = len(dataset) # batch_size else: dataset = LoadImages(source, img_size=imgsz, stride=stride, auto=pt) bs = 1 # batch_size vid_path, vid_writer = [None] * bs, [None] * bs


cudnn.benchmark = True:

在推理时使用torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = true,可以让内置的 cuDNN 的 auto-tuner 自动寻找最适合当前配置的高效算法,来达到优化运行效率的问题。 一般来讲,应该遵循以下准则: ①. 如果网络的输入数据维度或类型上变化不大,设置 torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = true 可以增加运行效率; ②. 如果网络的输入数据在每次 iteration 都变化的话,会导致 cnDNN 每次都会去寻找一遍最优配置,这样反而会降低运行效率。 所以,推理视频流时,应保证每个摄像头传递给算法的图片一样大小。



打开webcam之后这里dataset只得到一张图片,这跟stride=32有冲突吗,还有这里两种情况的e 代码

# Run inference if pt and device.type != 'cpu': model(torch.zeros(1, 3, *imgsz).to(device).type_as(next(model.parameters()))) # run once dt, seen = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 0 for path, img, im0s, vid_cap in dataset: t1 = time_sync() if onnx: img = img.astype('float32') else: img = torch.from_numpy(img).to(device) img = img.half() if half else img.float() # uint8 to fp16/32 img /= 255.0 # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0 if len(img.shape) == 3: img = img[None] # expand for batch dim t2 = time_sync() dt[0] += t2 - t1



img = img[None] 可以让图片张量直接增加一个维度 


for 里面的im0s是什么用,下面记得注意一下


if pt: visualize = increment_path(save_dir / Path(path).stem, mkdir=True) if visualize else False pred = model(img, augment=augment, visualize=visualize)[0] elif onnx: if dnn: net.setInput(img) pred = torch.tensor(net.forward()) else: pred = torch.tensor(session.run([session.get_outputs()[0].name], {session.get_inputs()[0].name: img})) else: # tensorflow model (tflite, pb, saved_model) imn = img.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).cpu().numpy() # image in numpy if pb: pred = frozen_func(x=tf.constant(imn)).numpy() elif saved_model: pred = model(imn, training=False).numpy() elif tflite: if int8: scale, zero_point = input_details[0]['quantization'] imn = (imn / scale + zero_point).astype(np.uint8) # de-scale interpreter.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], imn) interpreter.invoke() pred = interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[0]['index']) if int8: scale, zero_point = output_details[0]['quantization'] pred = (pred.astype(np.float32) - zero_point) * scale # re-scale pred[..., 0] *= imgsz[1] # x pred[..., 1] *= imgsz[0] # y pred[..., 2] *= imgsz[1] # w pred[..., 3] *= imgsz[0] # h pred = torch.tensor(pred) t3 = time_sync() dt[1] += t3 - t2 visualize = increment_path(save_dir / Path(path).stem, mkdir=True) if visualize else False





save_dir / Path(path).stem = {PosixPath}/runs/detect/exp10/bus

visualize = increment_path(save_dir / Path(path).stem, mkdir=True)=/runs/detect/exp10/bus


# NMS pred = non_max_suppression(pred, conf_thres, iou_thres, classes, agnostic_nms, max_det=max_det) dt[2] += time_sync() - t3


pred ---- Tensor(1,18900,85)


# Second-stage classifier (optional) if classify: pred = apply_classifier(pred, modelc, img, im0s)


# Process predictions for i, det in enumerate(pred): # per image seen += 1 if webcam: # batch_size >= 1 p, s, im0, frame = path[i], f'{i}: ', im0s[i].copy(), dataset.count else: p, s, im0, frame = path, '', im0s.copy(), getattr(dataset, 'frame', 0) p = Path(p) # to Path save_path = str(save_dir / p.name) # img.jpg txt_path = str(save_dir / 'labels' / p.stem) + ('' if dataset.mode == 'image' else f'_{frame}') # img.txt s += '%gx%g ' % img.shape[2:] # print string gn = torch.tensor(im0.shape)[[1, 0, 1, 0]] # normalization gain whwh imc = im0.copy() if save_crop else im0 # for save_crop annotator = Annotator(im0, line_width=line_thickness, example=str(names)) if len(det): # Rescale boxes from img_size to im0 size det[:, :4] = scale_coords(img.shape[2:], det[:, :4], im0.shape).round() # Print results for c in det[:, -1].unique(): n = (det[:, -1] == c).sum() # detections per class s += f"{n} {names[int(c)]}{'s' * (n > 1)}, " # add to string # Write results for *xyxy, conf, cls in reversed(det): if save_txt: # Write to file xywh = (xyxy2xywh(torch.tensor(xyxy).view(1, 4)) / gn).view(-1).tolist() # normalized xywh line = (cls, *xywh, conf) if save_conf else (cls, *xywh) # label format with open(txt_path + '.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(('%g ' * len(line)).rstrip() % line + '\n') if save_img or save_crop or view_img: # Add bbox to image c = int(cls) # integer class label = None if hide_labels else (names[c] if hide_conf else f'{names[c]} {conf:.2f}') annotator.box_label(xyxy, label, color=colors(c, True)) if save_crop: save_one_box(xyxy, imc, file=save_dir / 'crops' / names[c] / f'{p.stem}.jpg', BGR=True)


det[:, :4] = scale_coords(img.shape[2:], det[:, :4], im0.shape).round()

scale_coords是把det[ : , :4](coords(xyxy))从img.shape[2: ]变成im0.shape(这里det[ : , :4]是xyxy的格式吗?) 

for c in det[:, -1].unique():

det[ : ,-1]是什么意思,看好像操作之后值都变了,虽然变成Tensor(3,),这里-1的理解是这段代码的关键unique()函数是去掉张量中重复的部分

det[ : ,-1] = tensor([0.,0.,67.])

det[ : ,-1] = tensor([0.,67.])

det[ : ,-1] == c的神奇功能:

for *xyxy, conf, cls in reversed(det):





im0 = annotator.result()


2.1   hyp.scratch.yaml   超参数设置







2.2  train.py def parse_opt(known=False): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--weights', type=str, default=ROOT / 'yolov5s.pt', help='initial weights path') parser.add_argument('--cfg', type=str, default='', help='model.yaml path') parser.add_argument('--data', type=str, default=ROOT / 'data/coco128.yaml', help='dataset.yaml path') parser.add_argument('--hyp', type=str, default=ROOT / 'data/hyps/hyp.scratch.yaml', help='hyperparameters path') parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=300) parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=16, help='total batch size for all GPUs, -1 for autobatch') parser.add_argument('--imgsz', '--img', '--img-size', type=int, default=640, help='train, val image size (pixels)') parser.add_argument('--rect', action='store_true', help='rectangular training') parser.add_argument('--resume', nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='resume most recent training') parser.add_argument('--nosave', action='store_true', help='only save final checkpoint') parser.add_argument('--noval', action='store_true', help='only validate final epoch') parser.add_argument('--noautoanchor', action='store_true', help='disable autoanchor check') parser.add_argument('--evolve', type=int, nargs='?', const=300, help='evolve hyperparameters for x generations') parser.add_argument('--bucket', type=str, default='', help='gsutil bucket') parser.add_argument('--cache', type=str, nargs='?', const='ram', help='--cache images in "ram" (default) or "disk"') parser.add_argument('--image-weights', action='store_true', help='use weighted image selection for training') parser.add_argument('--device', default='', help='cuda device, i.e. 0 or 0,1,2,3 or cpu') parser.add_argument('--multi-scale', action='store_true', help='vary img-size +/- 50%%') parser.add_argument('--single-cls', action='store_true', help='train multi-class data as single-class') parser.add_argument('--adam', action='store_true', help='use torch.optim.Adam() optimizer') parser.add_argument('--sync-bn', action='store_true', help='use SyncBatchNorm, only available in DDP mode') parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=8, help='maximum number of dataloader workers') parser.add_argument('--project', default=ROOT / 'runs/train', help='save to project/name') parser.add_argument('--name', default='exp', help='save to project/name') parser.add_argument('--exist-ok', action='store_true', help='existing project/name ok, do not increment') parser.add_argument('--quad', action='store_true', help='quad dataloader') parser.add_argument('--linear-lr', action='store_true', help='linear LR') parser.add_argument('--label-smoothing', type=float, default=0.0, help='Label smoothing epsilon') parser.add_argument('--patience', type=int, default=100, help='EarlyStopping patience (epochs without improvement)') parser.add_argument('--freeze', type=int, default=0, help='Number of layers to freeze. backbone=10, all=24') parser.add_argument('--save-period', type=int, default=-1, help='Save checkpoint every x epochs (disabled if < 1)') parser.add_argument('--local_rank', type=int, default=-1, help='DDP parameter, do not modify') # Weights & Biases arguments parser.add_argument('--entity', default=None, help='W&B: Entity') parser.add_argument('--upload_dataset', action='store_true', help='W&B: Upload dataset as artifact table') parser.add_argument('--bbox_interval', type=int, default=-1, help='W&B: Set bounding-box image logging interval') parser.add_argument('--artifact_alias', type=str, default='latest', help='W&B: Version of dataset artifact to use') opt = parser.parse_known_args()[0] if known else parser.parse_args() return opt




2.2.1   训练流程


sum([0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.9]*[精确度, 召回率, [email protected], [email protected]:0.95]


yolov5的日志文件做的非常好 ,在runs文件夹下记录了每一次迭代的结果,进入其中一次查看。





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