106August sun,the first y

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106August sun,the first y

#106August sun,the first y| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

106August sun,the first yellow leaveson the birchesButterfly brooch,gems to perpetuatea flitting momentNine tall poplarsclose to the terminal -I count them again* * * * * * * * * * * * *After the disaster:from the piled-up bodiesdisharmony of cell phonesLast day of the peace,nothing in particularfailed to take placeUpdated geography,from old battle-fieldsto new bomb sitesHAIKU HARVEST 2001 – 2006

107Granny’s apple-pie:the recipe forgotten,the time to taste it, tooStone memorial,scent of lilac lingeringover lost livesRakesh BiswasPoem © 2001 by Rakesh Biswas. Art © 2001 by Angelee Deodhar.HAIKU HARVEST 2001 – 2006

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ContentsThe poets in HAIKU HARVEST

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6bright sunlightdown the snowy hill

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8drought’s endpuddles soak the ro

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11last night a deep snowon the porc

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13DENIS M. GARRISONgone two yearsno

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Haiku HarvestVolume 1, Number 2Summ

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18vacant beach -a hermit crab and I

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20out in today’s trashbroken exer

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22FRANK HAATAJAa picnic destroyedth

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24HAIKU HARVEST 2001 - 2006

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26two horsescircle each other-but n

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28cold white lunar lightice-curtain

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30HAIKU HARVEST 2001 - 2006

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32Maria Steyncampsite embers . . .r

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34camping near Bear Lake -it is dif

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36parking till seven -street people

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38choir practicescent of burning le

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40winter skythe crow’s pale eyess

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42black cloudswater fallingthrough

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44late night stormlightning in the

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46Sijotropical clear blue watercarr

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48low-lying clouds -trumpeter swans

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50A towel of snowon the leaning bro

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52golf course -driven by extreme me

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54empty cornerslowly the moon leave

Page 58 and 59: 56These seven haiku were posted on Page 60 and 61: 58HAIKU HARVEST 2001 - 2006Page 62 and 63: 60home gamemoving my chairto the otPage 64 and 65: 62old electric fencea bumblebeescanPage 66 and 67: 64Withered stalks,old moss the coloPage 68 and 69: 66Not yet - the roses.Not yet - thePage 70 and 71: 68Sean LauseBach on the radioa spidPage 72 and 73: 70Dew dropon a blade of grassrainboPage 74 and 75: 72no skylarkto welcome the sunI begPage 76 and 77: 74a light rain fallson the garden sPage 78 and 79: 76Brian Hendersoncleaning out the cPage 80 and 81: 78the day she diedshe walked among Page 82 and 83: 80HAIKU HARVEST 2001 - 2006Page 84 and 85: 82Kathy Lippard CobbBreathstrokesAnPage 86 and 87: 84ebb tidewe hold on tight,then letPage 88 and 89: 86Sunrise —vines intertwinethe olPage 90 and 91: 88a fox on the pondprancing, pointiPage 92 and 93: 90Crystalline #40The dead and missiPage 94 and 95: 92CinquainCold nightsand autumn chiPage 96 and 97: 94the strains of Haydncoming from tPage 98 and 99: 96Angèle LuxPlay ofblue water overPage 100 and 101: 98falling leavesthe sleeping cat twPage 102 and 103: 100Blue water reflecting the blue sPage 104 and 105: 102Loaded with snowthe birches are Page 106 and 107: 104After the rainone petal lefton tPage 110 and 111: 108HAIKU HARVEST 2001 - 2006Page 112 and 113: 110anti-heroism, crime, passion, thPage 114 and 115: 112nix on the blindfoldto hell withPage 116 and 117: 114April:snowliesprised from cold fPage 118 and 119: 116The once-stately clockRuns down Page 120 and 121: 118Craig SernottiBirds that singarePage 122 and 123: 120gKthe large turkey carvedwith nePage 124 and 125: 122Richard StevensonHot Flashes: MaPage 126 and 127: 124their promises are lies -therePage 128 and 129: 126so lovelyin the moonlight,even dPage 130 and 131: 128Kenneth Pobotwo towers fallafterPage 132 and 133: 130She stands outside on the bone-wPage 134 and 135: 132Denis M. GarrisonWar Ku - AsiaVIPage 136 and 137: 134HAIKU HARVEST 2001 - 2006Page 138 and 139: 136Winners of the July 2001 WHC ShoPage 140 and 141: 138HONORABLE MENTIONClouds inside tPage 142 and 143: 140Cinquains by Kirsty KarkowjoyfulPage 144 and 145: 142Cinquains by Debra Woolard BendePage 146 and 147: 144Cinquains by Kathy Lippard CobbBPage 148 and 149: 146Seaside:the moon ripples,then ruPage 150 and 151: 148crystalline #6Page after page, sPage 152 and 153: 150threadedmy loom receivesyour skiPage 154 and 155: 152Mondaytraces smooth hipof indigoPage 156 and 157: 154crystalline #10Windy, wintry dayPage 158 and 159:

156Crystalline Sequence by Denis Ga

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158DREAM CHASINGOld dogsleeps in my

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160haiku, and if that poet is going

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162This is euphony, more important

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164A Brief Technical Description of

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166HAIKU HARVEST 2001 - 2006

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168dawnthe driveway coveredwith cru

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170blush sunrise—ducklings huddle

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172J.B. Conwaycrippled speckled bir

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174after the rain—sunshine and sh

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176onceI could have run up this hil

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178start of winter -one single pink

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180Ann K. Schwaderthe old doglimps

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182Even the sense of touch is invol

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184The nuclear family takes over fr

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186Towards the end of January our c

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188Margarita Engle — Clovis, Cali

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190Jon Daveyseaward path—behind r

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192Denis M. Garrisonknee deep inthi

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194winter sunset—the art museum s

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196Deborah P. Kolodjithe leaf falls

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198reading Issacherry tree blooms a

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200Lewis SandersWinter rainname of

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202R. K. SinghDisappearsinto dust h

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204the emerald hour—grass greener

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206Robert D. Wilsonwar hero,asleep

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208Ebb tide turns and surges ashore

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210CLOISTEREnshrinedin ivy vines,a

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212left behindthe cup of green teai

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214Editor’s Choicefresh bread is

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216Denis M. Garrisonchimney smokeca

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218dear old birth house—memories

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220clock chimesa hummingbird’s ne

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222funeral daywinter deer settleon

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224ocean breezethe yellow pansiesli

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226weather-worn barnten different v

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228Denis M. Garrisonshelter trash c

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230STILL STONEMillstoneimmobilized

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232from behind dark glassesso muchh

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234HAIKU HARVEST 2001 - 2006

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236Jane McLean — Sydney, Australi

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238Following is a short sequence of

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240HAIKU HARVEST 2001 - 2006

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242next doora chainsawgrowls, the a

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244dad’s graveall the flowers he

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246Aurora Antonovicon the way to th

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248shutters slapthe house awake—c

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250homeboundhot August mornwild tur

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252Angelee Deodharafter the summer

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254Blonde thunderstorm—my wife’

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256orchid showwe bow our heads to m

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258runningbeside a miniature horsem

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260Each day,while othersenjoy the s

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262winter afternoonthe rabbit in th

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264aerobics classtwo swallows swerv

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266in the riverbobbing with the gee

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268charred earthsilence in the airH

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270I could smell hercheap perfume e

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272hot and hazya kettle of hawksat

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274first snowa passing childsticks

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276graffition the corner mailboxnew

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278falling starhow many breaths lef

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280Francis Masatprairie dawn mist s

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282snowfallthe forest fadesinto sil

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284Scott Metzlingering daylight . .

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286south wind—children cry jumpin

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288TankaCourtyard barbecue:smoke, C

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290The next three are originally wr

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292Sandee Mpony-McMullanopening the

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294graves side by side—the poet s

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296dry trace of tearlike accidental

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298big birthdayinstead of perfumeI

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300Zipsagainst a dark sky lightly t

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302night rain . . .a baby frog hops

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304deepin the scent of summera home

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306morning stillnessacorns settled

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308each sparka distant campfirewint

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310Nursery wardsthe babies and doll

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312Negotiatingthe long sleepless ni

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314twilightI try to imitatethe robi

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316wave petunias—the crackle of b

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318CarrieAnn Thunellcrowded cafésh

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320mother singsan old-fashioned son

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322this morning,in a different ligh

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324HAIKU HARVEST 2001 - 2006

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326Colin Stewart Jones — Aberdeen

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328break in continuity? Well, somet

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330there is a wide range of positio

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332it. There is no stopping it.So,

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334underpinnings, those same tradit

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336Haiga by Minerva Bloom.HAIKU HAR

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338high abovethe shantytownhomemade

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340mudflatspainted over—scarlet i

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342THE POETSLeander Aaldersa holein

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344an’yafrom the eavesan occasion

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346pulling out crabgrassin the pave

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348Minerva Bloombone colda fisherma

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350Brentt Bodoha candle flicker…t

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352I turn onthe air conditionera cr

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354late autumnwindswept bee clingst

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356the same rivernot the sameriverS

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358Jasminka Diordievicinstead of le

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360from the pawnshop windowmy guita

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362stinging nettlesa soldier’s gr

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364old chartof the known worldmy an

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366the tasteof his kiss…seduction

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368loungingnude in bed…a man, a d

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370achiote stallthe red of sunriseo

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372Victor P. Gendranoher touchsensu

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374rainon my bald spot—recalling

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376clothes tumbling dry,a fresh win

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378unzipping summerin the grassyour

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380a drop of perspirationonto the r

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382telling me aboutlaughter and tea

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384backyard rainbowlinking lawn and

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386The clangor of bellscalled me fr

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388the smileof the young woman I pa

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390Tracy Koretskywalking alone—fo

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392Darrell Lindseyroasting marshmal

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394trifolium repensi tell her i am

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396Jacek Margolakautumn winda chimn

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398spring equinoxi wash mother’s

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400a monk doses—dragonflies wheel

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402busy morning—coffee splotchesr

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404this heatagainst the cold window

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406Zane ParksAccidentJust a kid. Ri

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408Mihajlo M. Pavlovictwo grey owls

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410Paul Pfleuger, Jr.invisible moon

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412winter templeour desires twirl a

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414into my empty chest cavity.Soon,

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416all the puddlesI step inyesterda

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418Helen Ruggieriin the darkmaking

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420station and fill up on air and s

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422clouds in the wetlandsbreak from

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424Carla Sariwinter dawnthe unceasi

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426light breeze . . .a leaf takes i

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428early morning bird songscarried

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430R.K. SinghSitting cross-leggedth

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432Sue Stanfordnew lovera flock of

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434garden walkthe sudden liftof bee

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436Indian summertaking a nap in the

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438early morningthe crow barksat th

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440vacation overa cockroach rushes

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442a cat peeksfrom the homeless man

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444Planningour fifth hiking season.

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446on his heada knotted handkerchie

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448this eveningthe same mirroras ye

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450Rafal Zabratynski (RaV)ONE SUMME

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452HAIKU HARVEST 2001 - 2006

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Modern English TankaPrint Edition:

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