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BBC Learning English

2023-11-03 22:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


一位网友来信询问 “gaze” 和 “stare” 之间的区别。这两个词都有 “注视” 的意思,但它们所描述的 “注视” 原因却不同。“Gaze” 强调 “因钦佩、仰慕或爱意而凝望”,“stare” 则常表示 “好奇地盯着人看”。本期节目讲解这两个词的用法。

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BethHello and welcome to Question and Answer of the Week. I'm Beth.

JiayingAnd I'm Jiaying. 本期 “你问我答” 节目中要回答的问题来自一位网友。问题是这样的:

Question你好!“Gaze” 与 “stare” 有区别吗?

Jiaying这个问题问得很好!“Gaze” 和 “stare” 的含义有相似之处,它们都可以用来表示 “注视,盯着看”。

BethYes, it's possible to use 'gaze' and 'stare' as a noun or a verb, and they can mean looking at something while in deep thought.

Jiaying没错,“gaze” 和 “stare” 都既可以作名词也可以作动词,表示 “凝视”,同时你正在沉思的事情通常不是你正在看的人或事物。下面的两个例句中分别使用了动词 “gaze” 和 “stare”,句子的含义相同。

ExamplesHe gazed out of the window.(他凝视着窗外。)

He stared out of the window.(他凝视着窗外。)

BethBut let's now think about the differences between 'gaze' and 'stare'.

Jiaying“Gaze” 和 “stare” 作动词使用时,第一个区别是这两个词隐含的感情色彩不同。

BethSo, 'gaze' means to fix your look at something with wonder and respect.

Jiaying动词 “gaze” 表示 “因惊奇、羡慕或尊重而凝望”,而动词 “stare” 则表示 “带着好奇的目光盯着看”,注意这个 “盯着看” 的动作不是很礼貌。

BethListen to these two sentences.

ExamplesShe gazed at Li Gang.(她注视着李钢。)

She stared at Chen Lan.(她盯着陈兰看。)

BethIn the sentence with 'gazed', we would assume she admires or loves him.

Jiaying在第一个例句中,过去式 “gazed” 体现出了她对李钢怀有仰慕之情或爱意。She gazed at Li Gang.

在第二个例句中,过去式 “stared” 突出了她 “盯着人看”。She stared at Chen Lan. 她盯着陈兰看的行为是不大礼貌,但这也有可能是 “因感到震惊而盯着看”。

BethAnd there are other differences too. Let's look at 'gaze' in more detail.

Jiaying“Gaze” 和 “stare” 的第二个区别是:“gaze” 作名词和动词使用时,含义都与 “欣赏、钦佩、爱慕地盯着看” 有关。

BethTherefore, it's used with adverbs and adjectives like 'fondly' and 'fond', 'lovingly' and 'loving'.

Jiaying所以,可以 “gaze fondly(深情地盯着看), a fond gaze(深情的凝望), gaze lovingly(深情地望着), a loving gaze(充满爱意的凝望)”。注意,在使用中,“gaze” 后跟介词 “at” 或 “into”,“gaze at a person(凝望某人)” 或 “gaze into someone's eyes(凝视某人的双眼)”。来听两个例句。

ExamplesShe gave her husband a fond gaze.(她深情地凝望着她的丈夫。)

He gazed lovingly at his newborn son.(他慈爱地看着刚出生的儿子。)

BethWe can also use 'gazing' as the second half of a word, to mean 'look at'. The most common of these words is 'stargazing'.

Jiaying是的,“gazing” 还可以和其它名词搭配使用,比如 “stargazing(观星)”。这里,“gazing” 的意思是 “看”。

BethGreat. Now, let's look at 'stare'.

Jiaying动词 “stare” 表示 “目不转睛地盯着看”,常与负面的情绪有关。

BethExactly! If someone is staring at you, you might think they're a rude person.


ExampleWhy are you staring at me? Stop it!(你为什么盯着我看?别看了!)

Jiaying说话人问对方为什么 “盯着自己看”。“Stare” 还可以用来表示 “因为惊讶而盯着看”。

BethThat's right. People sometimes 'stare' because they're surprised about something. It can be used with the adverbs 'open-mouthed' or 'in disbelief'. Have a listen.

ExamplesThe children stared open-mouthed at the huge chocolate cake.(孩子们目瞪口呆地盯着那个巨大的巧克力蛋糕。)

When she told me she was pregnant with triplets, I stared in disbelief.(当她告诉我她怀了三胞胎时,我难以置信地盯着她。)

Jiaying如果我们对某件事情感到困惑,可能会眉头紧皱地 “stare(盯着看)”。

BethTo show this confusion, it can be used with the adverbs and adjectives 'curiously' and 'curious', or 'quizzically' and 'quizzical'. Listen to these examples.

ExamplesHe asked her a question, but she just stared at him quizzically.(他问了她一个问题,但她只是疑惑地瞪着他看。)

I gave a curious stare because they had been whispering for hours.(我好奇地瞪了他们一眼,因为他们低声细语地说了好几个小时。)

Jiaying我们来总结一下前面讲过的内容:单词 “gaze” 可以表示 “凝望”,尤其指 “某人陷入了沉思或对其所注视的人或物怀有爱意、仰慕或钦佩之情”。单词 “stare” 的意思是 “目不转睛地盯着看”,但注意这种 “盯着看” 比较不礼貌。“Stare” 也可以表示 “因惊讶或困惑而瞪着”。

好了,希望在听了我们的讲解后,你对近义词 “gaze” 和 “stare” 的区别有了更好的理解。谢谢这位网友发来的问题。如果你也在学习英语时遇到了疑问,欢迎你通过微博把问题发送给我们,你也可以将问题发送至:[email protected] 

谢谢收听 “你问我答”。Bye, everyone!





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