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2024-07-01 21:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

“Phrasal verbs” are a combination of two or more words that have taken on new meaning. Because they are rarely understandable unless explained, phrasals are tricky for those learning English. This infographic lists a few two word verb sets using “bring.”


 “Bring” as a Verb“Bring” 作为动词

By itself, “bring” means to carry, cause, attract or come toward the speaker.它本身的意思是带来,引起,吸引或靠近说话的人

“The dog is trained to bring my slippers.”“这只狗被训练的会为我递拖鞋。”

“An old superstition says that killing a spider brings rain.”“古老的迷信说,打死蜘蛛会下雨。”

“Dialing 911 will bring help.”“拨打911会得到帮助。”

“Bring my cape! This is a job for Superduck!”“带上我的披肩,这是Superduck的工作!”

“Bring” as a Phrasal Verb“Bring”作为短语动词

Phrasal verbs are strange; their meanings almost never have to do with the individual words, and they generally require memorization. The set consists of a verb and at least one preposition.短语动词是奇特的;它们的意思几乎跟单个单词没有任何关系,并且它们通常需要记住。短语动词由一个动词和至少一个介词组成。

“Bring To”带去

This can be literal.这个可以照字面意思理解。

“What should I bring to the party?”“我应该带些什么去派对?”

It can also be a phrasal verb that indicates someone has been helped to regain consciousness. The person pointed to is usually placed between the verb and preposition; this can be either a noun or pronoun.它也可以是一个短语动词,表示使某人恢复知觉。指的这个人通常置于动词和介词之间;它可以是名词也可以是代词。

“When someone is knocked out in the ring, smelling salts are used to bring a boxer to.”“当某人在拳台上被击倒时,盐的味道通常能让拳击手恢复知觉。”

“The smell of coffee will always bring me to in the morning.”“咖啡的味道总是能让我清醒到天明。”

“Bring Out”拿出

Something is being carried or conveyed.拿出或者显示某东西

“Bring out the burgers. We are starving.”“把汉堡拿出来,我们饿了。”

As a phrasal, something is being released, revealed, stressed/highlighted or developed.作为一个短语,它的意思是发布、暴露、显露、加压/ 强调或发展。

“My favorite band, the Orange Waffles, will bring out a new album this fall.”“我喜爱的乐队,the Orange Waffles这个秋天将会发布新的专辑。”

“Brighter light will bring out the cobwebs in the corners.”“明亮的光线会显露角落里的蜘蛛网。

“A blue blouse will bring out the blue in Betty’s eyes.”“一件蓝色的衬衫会在Betty的眼睛里面显示出蓝色。”

“Regular practice will bring out an athlete’s skills.”“有规律的练习会增强运动员的技能。”

“Bring On”导致,呈上,引起,使发生

To cause something to occur, introduce something or cause something to appear.引起某事发生,导致某事或者促使某事出现

“Strong smells may bring on sneezing attacks in some people.”“强烈的气味会使一些人打喷嚏。”

“The raising of the curtain will bring on the actors.”“幕布上升时,演员将会出场。”

“It’s my birthday. Bring on the cake!”“今天是我生日。带上蛋糕!”

“Bring Up”带上

Used literally, this shows upward motion toward the speaker.照字面意思使用时,相对于说话者它是向上运动

“The next time you go downstairs, bring up the laundry basket.”“下次你下楼时,把洗衣篮带下来。”

As a phrasal, it indicates the rearing of children or animals, mentioning a subject or an abrupt stop. The last is often seen with the word “short.”“作为短语,它表示抚养孩子或动物,提出一个主题,或突然停止。最后一个经常会与“short”一起使用。”

“The suburbs are a nice place to bring up a family.”“郊区是抚育家庭的好地方。”

“We’re hungry. If you bring up pizza again, you have to order one for us.”“我们饿了。如果你们又预定了披萨,你一定要给我们也捎上一个。”

“Flashing lights in the rear-view mirror will bring a driver up short.”“后视镜中闪烁的光会让司机暂时停一会。”

“Bring Down”使(某物或某人)带下、掉下

Like “bring up,” this shows motion toward a speaker, but downward, when used literally.像“bring up” 一样,当按字面意思使用时,相对于说话者它是向下运动。

“The next time you go upstairs, bring down my sweater.”“下次你上楼时,把我的毛衣带下来。”

Used as a phrasal, it means to collapse, lower a person’s mood, injure or kill, capture or reduce.用作短语时,意思是摧垮,崩溃,让人心情不好,受伤、杀死、捕获或者减少。

“Strong winds can bring down poorly constructed buildings.”强风会摧垮不够牢固的建筑。

“I am happy today and will not let any bad news bring me down.”“今天我很开心,不会让坏消息使我难过的。”

“Predators prefer to bring down weak or sick prey.”“捕食者倾向于捕捉虚弱或生病的猎物。”

“Several officers teamed up to bring down the bank robbers.”一些官员分组来击退银行抢劫犯。

“Flooding the market should bring down prices.”“”市场供给过度会冲击价格。“

“Bring About”引起

To accomplish or cause something to happen.”完成某事或使某事发生“

“Unity will bring about change.”“统一会带来变化。”

“Dieting and exercise will bring about weight loss.”“节食和运动会使体重减少。”




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