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2024-07-09 15:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The thief was flying from justice.The thief was flying justice.小偷还在逍遥法外。


a fly man 马车车夫a flying man 飞行员a fly boat 快艇a flying boat 飞船

fly, escape, flee, run away

这组词(组)都有“跑开”“逃跑”“逃亡”的意思。它们的区别在于:escape多表示逃跑后的结果(如未被捕获,并不指逃跑的动作); flee表示逃跑的行为本身,常含有“惧怕”的意味。例如:Many people fled the burning hotel.许多人逃离了着火的旅馆。There was evidence that the burglars had been frightened and had fled.有证据说窃贼是受惊之后仓皇逃走的。fly强调“逃跑”的仓促性,通常带有紧急意味。例如:Why did the sportsman fly his country?为什么那个运动员叛逃到国外去呢?run away多用于口语,指不让人知道,有时含有“不辞而别”的意味。例如:He ran away twice from his boarding school.他两次从寄宿学校出走。

fly, drive, pilot, ride, steer

这五个词都可表示“驾驶”。它们的区别是:开汽车时用drive; 驾驶轮船用pilot; 骑自行车用ride; 如果表示操纵汽车、轮船或自行车的方向,就用steer; 但谈及飞机时, fly和pilot这两个既可表示“驾驶”又表示操纵飞机的方向。例如:He was driving car along the road.他沿着马路行驶。Can you ride a bicycle?你会骑自行车吗?He was the first man ever to fly that type of aircraft.他是驾驶那种飞机的第一人。She steered with one hand while trying to adjust the rear-view mirror with the other.她用一只手操纵方向盘,而用另一只手调整后视镜。He piloted a ship through the canal.他引领着船只通过运河。




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