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2024-05-21 05:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

flag [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈflæg/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/flæg/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(flag) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'flag' (v): (⇒ conjugate)flagsv 3rd person singular flaggingv pres p flaggedv past flaggedv past p

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 flag n (symbol of country)SCSimplified Chinese 国旗 guó qí TCTraditional Chinese 國旗   SCSimplified Chinese 旗帜 guó qí,qí zhì TCTraditional Chinese 旗幟  The American flag is recognized throughout the world.  世界各地的人都认识美国国旗。 flag n (banner)SCSimplified Chinese 旗子 qí zi   SCSimplified Chinese 横幅 qí zi,héng fú  We put a flag outside the house to announce the baby.  我们在屋外放了一面横幅,告知大家孩子的降临。 flag [sth]⇒ vtr figurative (mark)SCSimplified Chinese 作记号于 zuò jì hào yú TCTraditional Chinese 作記號於   SCSimplified Chinese 标示 zuò jì hào yú ,biāo shì  The errors were flagged in the margin.  错误都在页边上标示出来了。 flag [sth] vtr (bus, taxi: hail) (出租车,公交车等)SCSimplified Chinese 打手势让...停下,叫,拦 jiào TCTraditional Chinese 叫,攔  The doorman will flag a cab for you.  门童会帮您叫出租车。 flag [sth] vtr (signal [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 打旗号表示  The sailors used a semaphore system to flag messages.  水手们根据一种视觉通信系统,用旗子打旗号来传达信息。 flag [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep (signal [sth] to [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 向某人发送...的信号   SCSimplified Chinese 向某人传递...的信号  Ships use coloured bunting to flag messages to one another.  船只用彩旗传递信息。 flag⇒ vi (droop)SCSimplified Chinese 减速 jiǎn sù   SCSimplified Chinese 变缓 jiǎn sù,biàn huǎn  The horse began to flag as it neared the winning post.  在接近终点杆时,那匹马开始减速。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 flag n (finish line) (比赛)SCSimplified Chinese 结束信号旗 jié shù xìn hào qí  The racing drivers sped towards the flag. flag n (flagship)SCSimplified Chinese 旗舰 qí jiàn  The flag was a large cruiser, with powerful guns. flag n (newspaper masthead)SCSimplified Chinese 报头 bào tóu   SCSimplified Chinese 印在报头的报刊名 bào tóu,yìn zài bào tóu de bào kān míng  A newspaper's flag is on the top of page one. flag n slang (American football: penalty) (俚语,腰旗橄榄球)SCSimplified Chinese 腰旗 yāo qí  The football team got a flag because of a bad foul by the other team. flag n (flagstone: stone slab)SCSimplified Chinese 石板 shí bǎn  Moss is growing between the flags of the patio.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 flag [sb/sth] down, flag down [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (stop by signalling: taxi, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 给信号使停下 gěi xìn hào shǐ tíng xià   SCSimplified Chinese 挥手拦车  It's hard to flag down a taxi during the rush hour. Julie was lost and had no signal on her phone; she had to flag down a passing car to ask for help.  在上下班高峰时段很难叫到一辆出租车。  朱莉迷路了,手机也没信号,她不得不拦下一辆过路的汽车寻求帮助。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 battle flag n (leads soldiers into battle)SCSimplified Chinese 战旗 zhàn qí checkered flag (US), chequered flag (UK) n (flag with black and white squares)SCSimplified Chinese 格子旗   SCSimplified Chinese 方格旗 the checkered flag (US), the chequered flag (UK) n (signal for car race winner) (赛车)SCSimplified Chinese 格子旗 flag carrier n (transport company with special status)SCSimplified Chinese 船旗承运人   SCSimplified Chinese 悬挂第三国国旗的承运人 flag carrier n historical (state-owned airline) (历史用语)SCSimplified Chinese 国有航空公司 flag football (sports)SCSimplified Chinese 腰旗橄榄球   SCSimplified Chinese 夺旗式橄榄球 flag-bearer n ([sb] who carries a flag in a parade, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 旗手 qí shǒu flag-bearer n figurative ([sb] who advocates strongly for a cause) (比喻义)SCSimplified Chinese 旗手 qí shǒu flag-waving n (patriotism)SCSimplified Chinese 强烈的爱国主义 qiáng liè de ài guó zhǔ yì  I'm sick and tired of all his flag-waving. flag-waving adj informal (very patriotic)SCSimplified Chinese 狂热爱国主义的 kuáng rè ài guó zhǔ yì de  The flag-waving family celebrates every national holiday enthusiastically. flagpole, flag pole, flag-pole, pole n (mast from which a flag is flown)SCSimplified Chinese 旗杆 qí gān  The Girl Scouts raised the flag on the flagpole. national flag n (emblem of a country)SCSimplified Chinese 国旗 guó qí TCTraditional Chinese 國旗  The national flag of Scotland is navy blue with a white St Andrews Cross. quarantine flag, yellow flag, also UK: yellow jack n (ship's disease signal)SCSimplified Chinese 检疫旗 TCTraditional Chinese 檢疫旗   SCSimplified Chinese 黄色检疫旗 red flag n (communist symbol) (共产主义的象征)SCSimplified Chinese 红旗 TCTraditional Chinese 紅旗  The red flag no longer flies over the Kremlin. red flag n figurative (danger sign)SCSimplified Chinese 示警红旗 shì jǐng hóng qí TCTraditional Chinese 危險徵兆  Drinking more than four beers every evening is a definite red flag for alcoholism. red flag n figurative (provocation)SCSimplified Chinese 挑衅 tiǎo xìn TCTraditional Chinese 挑釁   SCSimplified Chinese 让人冒火之事  His constant complaining was acting as a red flag to me. sweet flag, sweet calamus n (plant: Acorus calamus)SCSimplified Chinese 菖蒲 Union Jack, Union flag n UK (United Kingdom national flag) (英国国旗)SCSimplified Chinese 联合杰克 white flag n figurative (surrender) (比喻,投降的标志)SCSimplified Chinese 白旗 bái qí  Cooking him his favourite meal is her way of showing a white flag.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: flag [flæg] I n [c] 1 旗 qí [面 miàn] 2 (also: flagstone) 石板 shíbǎn II vi [person] 疲倦 píjuàn [spirits, enthusiasm] 衰退 shuāituì to fly the flag (fig) 表示拥(擁)护(護)和支持 biǎoshì yōnghù hé zhīchí flag down vt [+ taxi, car] 挥(揮)手示意…停下 huīshǒu shìyì…tíngxià flag up vt 提出 tíchū 在这些条目还发现'flag': 在英文解释里: banderole - banner - burgee - checkered flag - color - color guard - display - ensign - flag-bearer - flagpole - flagstaff - fluttering - fly - furled - hail a taxi - half-mast - halliard - jack - Jolly Roger - Old Glory - pennant - pennon - run up - semaphore - skull and crossbones - standard - standard bearer - Stars and Stripes - swallow-tailed - tricolor - Union Jack - wilt 中文: 旗 - 旗帜 - 国旗 - 标识 - 红旗 在单词列表中: Football terms, Striped objects, Golf, 更多……同义词: banner, standard, colors, colours, pennant, 更多……习惯性搭配: flag down a [taxi, policeman], the [German] flag, [on, up] the flag pole, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'flag' 的论坛讨论:

Angkor Wat is on the Cambodian flag. false flag He's a walking red flag, but I am colour-blind. “flag” the data with qualifiers - English Only forum [boom] uses flag as ragbag - English Only forum A cell on the flag - English Only forum A flag little bit lower - English Only forum A red flag (for someone) to calm down - English Only forum A rod with a flag at the end - English Only forum a ship under the flag of... (?) - English Only forum "a union flag" or "the Union flag" - English Only forum After the flag - English Only forum countries have a national flag - English Only forum an adornment you wear; you wear the American flag here when you’re a politician - English Only forum Are you waving the flag at me? - English Only forum as is the flag to be carried - English Only forum colors of which country's flag - English Only forum definition of flag - English Only forum Denmark’s is the oldest national flag. - English Only forum ..... dividing the flag into three - English Only forum dip/flag - English Only forum Drop the flag - English Only forum efforts began to flag - English Only forum erect/put up a flag? - English Only forum False Flag Attack. - English Only forum fighting for enemy's flag - English Only forum flag - English Only forum Flag - English Only forum flag - staff unit - English Only forum flag (v): "flagged as XYZ" or "flagged XYZ"? - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'flag'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "flag" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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