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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 five, 5 n (cardinal number: 5) (数字)SCSimplified Chinese 五 wǔ TCTraditional Chinese 五  Two and three make five.  二加三等于五。 five, 5 n (symbol for number 5) (数字)SCSimplified Chinese 5  I can't read your writing: is that a "5" or an "S"?  我看不懂你写的字,那是个“5”还是“s”? five, 5 n (people, things: set, group of 5)SCSimplified Chinese 五个一组 TCTraditional Chinese 五個一組  They supply the pens in a plastic packet and sell them in fives.  他们供应钢笔,钢笔用塑料袋包装,五个一组售卖。 five, 5 n (time: 5 o'clock)SCSimplified Chinese 五点 wǔ diǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 五点钟 wǔ diǎn,wǔ diǎn zhōng  It's five already? I should go home soon.  已经五点了吗?我该马上回家。 five, 5 adj (5 in number)SCSimplified Chinese 五位   SCSimplified Chinese 五个  There are five people in there.  那里有五个人。 five, 5 adj (5 years of age)SCSimplified Chinese 五岁的 wǔ suì de TCTraditional Chinese 五歲的  My daughter is five today!  我女儿今天五岁了! five, 5 pron (people, things: 5 of them) (人、物)SCSimplified Chinese 五个  How many fish are in the pool? I can see five.  池塘里有几条鱼?我看见的有五条。 5 n US, written (fifth day of specified month) (一个月的第五天)SCSimplified Chinese 5号 备注: The example would be spoken "January fifth". I get back from vacation on January 5.  我1月5号度假回来。 5 n mainly UK, written (fifth day of specified month) (一个月的第五天)SCSimplified Chinese 5号 备注: The example would be spoken as "(the) fifth of October". This date format is most commonly used in the UK, though it is gaining popularity in the US. If your birthday is 5 October, you're a Libra.  如果你的生日在10月5号,你就是天秤座的。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 five, 5 n (musical group of 5)SCSimplified Chinese 五人乐团  The five have been playing music together for over a year.  这五人乐团在一起玩音乐已有一年多了。 five, 5 n (playing card: with 5 pips) (纸牌)SCSimplified Chinese 五点的纸牌  Three fives beat her two kings.  三个五压过了她的两个王。 five, 5 n US, Can, AU, informal (paper money: bill worth 5 dollars)SCSimplified Chinese 五美元   SCSimplified Chinese 五美元现金  Do you have a five that you can lend me? I need some money for lunch.  你有五美元现金可以借我吗?我需要一点钱吃午饭。 five, 5 n (5 pips on a die) (色子)SCSimplified Chinese 五点 wǔ diǎn  I rolled a five and a two, so I moved forward seven spaces. five, 5 n UK (paper money: note worth 5 pounds)SCSimplified Chinese 五英镑的钞票  Can you change a ten pound note for two fives? five, 5 n (paper money: note worth 5 euros)SCSimplified Chinese 五欧元的钞票 five, 5 n (basketball team)SCSimplified Chinese 篮球队 TCTraditional Chinese 籃球隊   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 five hundred, 500 n (cardinal number: 500) (基数词)SCSimplified Chinese 五百 wǔ bǎi  The child proudly announced that she could count to five hundred.  那孩子自豪地宣布她能数到五百。 five hundred, 500 adj (500 of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 五百(个)的 wǔ bǎi gè de  I need five hundred dollars to fix my car.  我需要500美元来修车。 five hundred thousand, 500,000 adj (500,000 in number)SCSimplified Chinese 五十万的 five o'clock, 5 o'clock n (time: 5 P.M.)SCSimplified Chinese 晚上5点 five o'clock, 5 o'clock n (time: 5 A.M.)SCSimplified Chinese 早上5点 five senses npl (sight, hearing, etc.) (指视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉)SCSimplified Chinese 五官感觉 wǔ guān gǎn jué TCTraditional Chinese 五官感覺  Nature provides endless banquets for our five senses. five stars npl (highest rating) (酒店等的最高级别)SCSimplified Chinese 五星级 wǔ xīng jí TCTraditional Chinese 五星級 five thousand adj (5000 of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 五千的 five-a-side n UK (a form of soccer)SCSimplified Chinese 五人制足球 five-dollar bill, five dollar bill n US, Can (banknote: $5)SCSimplified Chinese 五美金 wǔ měi jīn  I paid for my lunch with a five-dollar bill. five-eighth n AU, NZ (rugby position) (橄榄球)SCSimplified Chinese 中卫 zhōng wèi five-o'clock shadow n informal (stubble on a man's chin)SCSimplified Chinese 清晨才刮过傍晚就已长出的短胡须 qīng chén cái guā guò bàng wǎn jiù yǐ zhǎng chū de duǎn hú xū  My beard grows so quickly that I always have a five o'clock shadow by lunchtime. five-star n as adj (hotel, etc.: rated five stars) (酒店)SCSimplified Chinese 五星的 five-star n as adj figurative (highly rated, recommended)SCSimplified Chinese 很高评价的,强烈推荐的 fivefold, five-fold adj (having five parts)SCSimplified Chinese 由五部分组成的 fivefold, five-fold adj (quintuple, times five)SCSimplified Chinese 五倍的 fivefold, five-fold adv (by five, five times)SCSimplified Chinese 五倍地  Since Delia set up her website, sales of her artwork have increased fivefold. fivefold, five-fold adv (in five ways)SCSimplified Chinese 五重地 forty-five, 45 n (cardinal number: 45) (基数词)SCSimplified Chinese 45,四十五 sì shí wǔ  The song entered the charts at number forty-five. 45 n informal (7" vinyl record)SCSimplified Chinese 45转  He collects old 45s and other rare vinyl. forty-five, 45 adj (45 in number)SCSimplified Chinese 四十五个, 四十五位  He claimed he could live without food or water for forty-five days. The record was designed to be played at forty-five revolutions per minute. forty-five, 45 adj (45 years of age)SCSimplified Chinese 四十五岁  He couldn't believe he would be forty-five on his next birthday. forty-five, 45 pron (people, things: 45 of them) (人、物品)SCSimplified Chinese 45个 give me five interj slang (congratulatory) (庆祝方式)SCSimplified Chinese 跟我击掌,和我击掌庆祝  You passed your driving test? Give me five! high five n informal (hand-slapping gesture) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 击掌 jī zhǎng  Great job on the playing field! Give me a high five!  在赛场上表现得很好!来击个掌! high-five [sb]⇒ vtr informal (give hand-slap)SCSimplified Chinese 与...击掌  The player high-fived his teammates after scoring a goal.  那名球员进球后与队友击掌庆祝。 nine-to-five n informal (daily work routine)SCSimplified Chinese 朝九晚五,早上九点至下午五点上班 nine-to-five adj informal (relating to the workday)SCSimplified Chinese 朝九晚五的,早上九点至下午五点上班的 nine-to-five adj informal (unwilling to put in extra effort)SCSimplified Chinese 不愿付出额外努力的,只愿做本职工作的 take five v expr informal, figurative (have short break)SCSimplified Chinese 休息一下   SCSimplified Chinese 休息五分钟 twenty-five, 25 n (cardinal number: 25) (基数词)SCSimplified Chinese 二十五,25 èr shí wǔ  There are twenty-five children in the class. twenty-five, 25 adj (25 in number)SCSimplified Chinese 二十五(个)的 èr shí wǔ gè de  He requested twenty-five of those screwdrivers. twenty-five, 25 adj (25 years of age)SCSimplified Chinese 二十五岁的 èr shí wǔ suì de  Tania is twenty-five. Sharon has a twenty-five-year-old brother. twenty-five, 25 pron (people, things: 25 of them)SCSimplified Chinese 25 人   SCSimplified Chinese 25 个  Exactly 25 people have been accepted into the program.  这个项目正好录取了25人。 25 n US, written (twenty-fifth day of specified month) (日期)SCSimplified Chinese 25 日,25 号  Winter Break will be from February 21 to February 25 inclusive. 25 n mainly UK, written (twenty-fifth day of specified month) (日期)SCSimplified Chinese 25 日,25 号  The letter was dated 25 April, 2010. twenty-five cents, 25 cents npl (coins worth quarter of a dollar)SCSimplified Chinese 二十五美分 èr shí wǔ měi fēn  One quarter equals 25 cents. twenty-five percent, 25 percent, 25 per cent, 25% n (a quarter)SCSimplified Chinese 四分之一 sì fēn zhī yī   SCSimplified Chinese 百分之二十五,25% bǎi fēn zhī èr shí wǔ  Twenty-five percent is a quarter of one hundred. twenty-five percent, 25 percent, 25 per cent, 25% adv (a quarter: of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 四分之一的 sì fēn zhī yī de   SCSimplified Chinese 百分之二十五的 sì fēn zhī yī de ,bǎi fēn zhī èr shí wǔ de   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: five [faɪv] num 五 wǔ that will be five pounds, please 请(請)付5镑(鎊) qǐng fù wǔ bàng she's five (years old) 她5岁(歲)了 tā wǔ suì le it's five o'clock5点(點)了 wǔ diǎn le no later than five (o'clock)不迟(遲)于(於)5点(點) bù chíyú wǔ diǎn there are five of us我们(們)有5个(個)人 wǒmen yǒu wǔ gè rén all five of them他们(們)5个(個)人都 tāmen wǔ gè rén dōu five hundred/thousand children五百/千名儿(兒)童 wǔbǎi/qiān míng értóng 在这些条目还发现'five': 在英文解释里: draw poker - fin - five-star - fivefold - fiver - law - lustrum - pent - pentagon - pentagonal - pentagram - pentameter - pentathlon - quincunx - quinquennial - quintet - quintuple - toe 中文: 五 - 伍 - 五中 - 五代 - 五保 - 五年计划 - 五星级 - 五种 - 五行 - 五角星 - 五谷 - 五项原则 在单词列表中: Cards in a deck, 更多……习惯性搭配: (wore) the number five, [section, part, page] five, [turn to, on] page five, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'five' 的论坛讨论:

Feed five people with the food of three people Five Five weeks left before leaving France It will take me five days to get it ... education and unemployment were among their top five concerns, 'though'. - English Only forum ... five minutes away from .... by walking - English Only forum ..…"on the five day after his father's death"? Or.... the five day after his father's death "? (Without 'on') - English Only forum this school for five years / for the last five years. - English Only forum 'Bathe regularly three to five times a day' [mud facial mask] - English Only forum 'from five years' or just 'five years' - English Only forum “Green Corps” of five thousand people—one per village in each country - English Only forum “In five years” - English Only forum (Be) Five buck short in the collection plate - English Only forum (For) the last five days - English Only forum (the) five girls... - English Only forum [ate five] or [have eaten five] - English Only forum 1. Five nurses and doctors 2. five staff members on either side of him - English Only forum 1.65 metres => six five / sixty five - English Only forum 10.5 hours or ten point five hours? - English Only forum 12-five - English Only forum 125 thousand installments over five years - English Only forum 17:30: "It’s half past seventeen" vs "It's half past five p.m." - English Only forum 2,500/two thousand and five hundred - English Only forum 2.45 (two and forty-five hundredths) [decimals] - English Only forum 3.05 = three point five? - English Only forum 5 p.m. or five o'clock - English Only forum 5.35: It's twenty-five to six (a.m.)/ in the morning - English Only forum 50 miles to go five - English Only forum 5G = “Five G” in speaking - English Only forum 8 (oh) five - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'five'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "five" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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