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2023-08-10 22:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


- 2020 -

Ⅰ.Translate the following terms into Chinese. (15 points, 1 point each)


2. NDA

3. ETA

4. ERP

5. DTP

6. pediatrics

7. pentathlon

8. Internal Revenue Service

9. initial public offering

10. rheumatoid arthritis

11. Alzheimer’s disease

12. internal rate of return

13. departure lounge

14. general ledger

15. financial leverage

Ⅱ.Translate the following terms into English. (15points, 1point each)

1. 融媒体

2. 氨基酸

3. 真人秀

4. 狗仔队

5. 总碳水化合物

6. 供给侧改革

7. 中共中央政治局

8. 报复性关税

9. 文化事业

10. 精准扶贫

11. 民族地区

12. 非公有制经济

13. 共有产权住房

14. 非洲猪瘟

15. 农药残留

Ⅲ.Translate the following passage into Chinese. (60 points)

The cultural and religious crisis through which the Roman Empire was passing in the fourth century is one of the most significant events in the history of the world. The old pagan culture came into collision with Christianity, which received official recognition during the reign of Constantine at the beginning of the fourth century and was declared the dominant state religion by Theodosius the Great at the end of that same century. It might have seemed at first that these two clashing elements, representing two diametrically opposed points of view, would never find a basis for mutual agreement. But Christianity and pagan Hellenism did intermix gradually to form a Christian-Greco-Eastern culture subsequently known as Byzantine. Its center was the new capital of the Roman Empire, Constantinople.

The person who was chiefly responsible for the many changes in the empire was Constantine the Great. During his reign Christianity stepped for the first time on the firm ground of official recognition. From this time forward the old pagan empire gradually changed into a Christian empire.

The conversion of nations or states to Christianity has usually taken place during the early stage of their historical existence when the past has created no firmly established traditions, but merely some crude and primitive customs and forms of government. In such cases the conversion has caused no great crisis in the life of the people. But this was not characteristic of the Roman Empire in the fourth century. It already possessed an old world culture and had developed forms of government perfect for that time. It had a great past and an extensive body of ideas which had been assimilated by the population. 

This empire, changing in the fourth century into a Christian state, entered upon an era during which its past was contradicted, at times completely denied; this was bound to lead to an extremely acute and difficult crisis.

Ⅳ.Translate the following passage into English. (60 points)







- 2019 -

Ⅰ.Translate the following terms into Chinese. (15points, 1point each)

1. EQ

2. CBD

3. CIO

4. OTC

5. UPU

6. pentathlon

7. dopamine

8. adversity quotient

9. certificate of origin

10. no loitering

11. financial statement

12. national treatment

13. pyramid scheme

14. induction cooker

15. interim provisions


Ⅱ.Translate the following terms into English. (15 points, 1 point each)

1. 自拍

2. 网络空间

3. 健身教练

4. 剁手党

5. 水陆两栖飞机

6. 吃瓜群众

7. 政府采购

8. 暂行规定

9. 报复性关税

10. 文化事业单位

11. 司法行政机关

12. 科技创业板

13. 疏导公众情绪

14. 大道至简

15. 上海自由贸易试验区

Ⅲ.Translate the following passage into Chinese. (60 points)

Major global trends, such as population growth, urbanization, uneven economic growth, increasing inequality, sudden or protracted political transitions and climate change suggest that humanitarian caseloads will continue to increase. Already, the consequences of disasters for national and regional development, as well as economic growth, have led many Governments to bolster national capacities for disaster management. People affected by emergencies also increasingly use technology to articulate their needs, to seek resources from their own communities, neighbors and Governments. Humanitarian actors can leverage technology to distribute assistance more quickly and cost-effectively and to map hazards for better coordination and planning. It will be essential to support innovation in the sector and for humanitarian organizations to harness the opportunities technology can provide.

Member States and humanitarian actors are still better at responding to the crises than at preventing or preparing for them. Recognizing this, the United Nations brought resilience to the forefront of the humanitarian agenda in 2012 through closer collaboration between humanitarian and development agencies to manage risks and address the underlying vulnerabilities. Increased synergies between disaster risk reduction, including preparedness, and climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts will be needed.

Given the changing humanitarian landscape, we must continue to adapt and update the international humanitarian system, making it more inclusive and interoperable, connecting and convening all actors who can and want to contribute to different aspects of preparedness, response, resilience and recovery. We must put a greater premium on evidence, innovation and partnerships, as well as on enhanced capacity, especially at the local level. More must be done to engage affected countries. Preparations are under way for a World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 to take stock of the changing environment, agree on how to adapt and make humanitarian action fit for future challenges.

Ⅳ.Translate the following passage into English. (60 points)



- 2018 -

Ⅰ.Translate the following terms into Chinese. (15points, 1point each) 

1. Universiade 

2. Ethereum 

3. AIIB 

4. CDM 

5. COP 

6. INDC 

7. graphene 

8. demographic dividend 

9. on-board infotainment 

10. majority ownership 

11. flipped classroom 

12. private equity 

13. human-machine interaction 

14. AI 

15. UI

Ⅱ.Translate the following terms into English. (15points, 1point each) 

1. 行政审批 

2. 民主集中制原则 

3. 要有大局意识 

4. 中共中央军事委员会 

5. 名胜古迹 

6. 小康社会 

7. 上市公司 

8. 共享单车 

9. 造林工程 

10. 论语 

11. 员工福利 

12. 表情包 

13. 社会主义核心价值观 

14. 食品添加剂 

15. 译制片 

Ⅲ.Translate the following passage into Chinese. (60 points)

A survey of rural in- and out-of school young people towards agriculture, based on field-work in two regions in Ethiopia, is remarkably rich and insightful. Life as a farmer was tied to life in a village which most respondents saw as hard and demanding. Yet there was considerable heterogeneity in the views of the young. Participants in both regions concurred that agriculture has changed significantly over the last decade. The introduction and adoption of agricultural inputs such as improved seeds, fertilisers and better farming methods have produced significant increases in productivity and earnings. 

There were competing narratives on whether agriculture was becoming more desirable to young people as a result. Participants felt that these developments were making agriculture more and more profitable and therefore more appealing. But they felt that there was a huge obstacle in engaging in it – scarcity of land. Although the dominant view was that young people are disinterested in agriculture, some participants pointed out that this was not always the case. 

A slightly more positive attitude towards agriculture was evident among young people who had left school, either failing to complete high school for various reasons or to qualify for higher level education. Although this group of respondents were equally aware of the grimness of traditional agriculture and the life of the common farmer, many were not dismissive of agriculture as a possible future livelihood, while a few even saw it as a preferred livelihood option, under improved conditions. 

Ⅳ.Translate the following passage into English. (60 points)


步入北京园的第一进院,是个四合院式的宫廷园林,依景种植松石、翠竹,还有以白色花卉为主的牡丹、玉兰、海棠,体现了幽静、典雅的宫廷氛围;第二进院是自然与人工交汇的山水园,突显堂皇大气,是全园景观的经典;第三进院则是 一处既含蓄又内敛的皇家山地园,北京园的主要建筑万象昭辉就坐落于此。


- 2017 -

Ⅰ.Translate the following terms into Chinese. (15points, 1point each) 


2. RSVP 

3. FYI 

4. R.I.P 

5. LAN 

6. European Council 

7. probability theory 

8. capital flight 

9. notary office 

10. listed company 

11. nuclear proliferation 

12. trademark registry 

13. livestock tax 

14. mortgage loan 

15. chemical castration 

Ⅱ.Translate the following terms into English. (15points, 1point each) 

1. 秋衣裤 

2. 选美比赛 

3. 磁悬浮列车 

4. 重型运载火箭 

5. 杂交水稻 

6. 东坡肉 

7. 签署国 

8. 印花税 

9. 首付 

10. 公务员考试 

11. 利益共同体 

12. 激励制度 

13. 打车软件 

14. 上善若水 

15. 有容乃大 

Ⅲ.Translate the following passage into Chinese. (60 points)

Beauty is a curious phenomenon, one of permeable, shifting boundaries. We may think we understand it, since we sense it effortlessly. In fact, it is a bundle of mysteries researchers are still uncovering. 

Consider the ancient proverb: beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Until about 30 years ago it seemed too obvious for scientists to bother with. When they finally tested it, their results startled them. 

On the one hand, the maxim is false. Facial beauty is the same throughout the world. In every tribe and culture, individuals will consider Marilyn Monroe, say, an attractive woman. It goes further. Males can identify good-looking men, and females charming women. Old and young, rich and poor, learned and ignorant, all agree on who is beautiful. So do people of every class and personality type. 

We don’t learn this response. We’re born with it. In one recent study, babies just 20 hours old recognized attractive faces and preferred them. So beauty is in our DNA. The eye of the beholder doesn’t matter. 

On the other hand, and this is where it gets interesting, the facial shell is just the foundation of beauty. We see the self in the face, every day, all the time, and we can’t distinguish the two. 

This blurring means that we gift the attractive with a large number of virtues. They seem more competent, likeable, happier, blessed with better lives and personalities. In one experiment, people predicted happier marriages and better jobs for them, and rated them lower on only on aspect: their caliber as parents. Another study found people consider them more amiable, happy, flexible, pleasure-seeking, serious, candid, outspoken, perceptive, confident, assertive, curious and active. They exert more control over their destiny, subjects felt, while the homely endure the world’s sudden change. 

It is called the “beautiful is good” stereotype, and it grants the attractive a parade of boons. Teachers consider them smarter and give them higher grades. Bosses promote them faster. In one tale in One Thousand and One Nights, a thief steals a coin-bag, and when the victim accuses him, people protest: “No, he’s such a handsome youth. He wouldn’t steal anything! ” In fact, attractive people can shoplift with greater ease, since witnesses are less likely to report them. And when they do stand before the court, juries acquit them more readily and judges give them lighter penalties. 

Ⅳ.Translate the following passage into English. (60 points)



- 2016 -

Ⅰ.Translate the following terms into Chinese. (15points, 1point each) 

1. AKA 

2. RSVP 

3. GUI 

4. CIF 

5. TPP 

6. Grand Prix 

7. life expectancy 

8. payable at sight 

9. No Loitering 

10. World Anti-Doping Agency 

11. cholesterol 

12. national treatment 

13. Interpol 

14. insurance policy 

15. displaced people 

Ⅱ.Translate the following terms into English. (15points, 1point each) 

1. 和平共处五项原则 

2. 阅兵 

3. 华侨 

4. 21 世纪海上丝绸之路 

5. 抗日战争 

6. 佣金 

7. 人民币离岸市场 

8. 传销 

9. 川菜 

10. 转基因玉米 

11. 电磁炉 

12. 农药残留 

13. 不可抗力 

14. 天下为公 

15. 消防通道 

Ⅲ.Translate the following passage into Chinese. (60 points)

Human history is the story of a species so skilled at exploiting and altering its environment that it now has the power to create new life forms genetically or destroy life on a vast scale and extinguish many species. As builders, colonists, and conquerors, humans have shown an astonishing capacity to invent, transform, and lay waste. "Wonders are many, but none is more wonderful than man," wrote the Greek playwright Sophocles. "Cunning beyond fancy's dream is the fertile skill which brings him, now to evil, now to good." 

Humans owe their phenomenal ability to alter the world for good or ill to a process of evolution that began in Africa more than four million years ago with the emergence of the first hominids: primates with the ability to walk upright. Early hominids stood only three or four feet tall on average and had brains roughly one-third the size of the modern human brain, which limited their capacity to reason or speak. But their upright posture and opposable thumbs (used to grip objects between fingers and thumb) allowed them to gather and carry food and process it using simple tools. 

Ⅳ.Translate the following passage into English. (60 points)






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