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foot [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈfʊt/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/fʊt/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(fŏŏt) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'foot' (n): feetnpl (All usages other than the sediment sense)footnpl (For the measurement only)footsnpl (For the sediment sense only)

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 foot n (anatomy: end of leg) (人体部位)SCSimplified Chinese 脚,足 jiǎo ,zú TCTraditional Chinese 腳,足  He kicks best with his right foot.  他右脚踢球踢得最好。 foot, plural: foot, feet n (measure: 0.3048 m) (等于0.3048米)SCSimplified Chinese 英尺 yīng chǐ TCTraditional Chinese 英尺  The box was a little more than one foot wide.  箱子的宽度略大于一英尺。 foot n (base)SCSimplified Chinese 底座 dǐ zuò TCTraditional Chinese 底座  The foot of this cabinet needs repairing.  这个柜子的底座需要修理。 foot n (bottom)SCSimplified Chinese 底部 dǐ bù   SCSimplified Chinese 下端 dǐ bù,xià duān   SCSimplified Chinese 最下部 dǐ bù,zuì xià bù  She looked up from the foot of the stairs.  她从楼梯的底部向上望去。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 foot n (tread, step)SCSimplified Chinese 脚步 jiǎo bù TCTraditional Chinese 腳步   SCSimplified Chinese 步伐 jiǎo bù,bù fá TCTraditional Chinese 步伐  With each foot he took he was drawing nearer the edge.  他迈出的每一步都让他离边缘越来越近。 foot n (infantry)SCSimplified Chinese 步兵 bù bīng TCTraditional Chinese 步兵  He led a regiment of foot in the Civil War.  在内战中他领导着一个步兵团。 foot n (chair, table leg: end)SCSimplified Chinese (桌、椅等家具)腿的下部 zhuō yǐ děng jiā jù tuǐ de xià bù  The table's front legs both ended in a scrolled foot. foot n (end opposite the head)SCSimplified Chinese 脚 jiǎo TCTraditional Chinese 腳   SCSimplified Chinese 尾部 jiǎo ,wěi bù  The blankets always ended up at the foot of the bed.  最后毯子总是堆到床尾。 foot n (sediment, dregs)SCSimplified Chinese 残渣 cán zhā   SCSimplified Chinese 渣滓 cán zhā,zhā zǐ foot it vtr (walk)SCSimplified Chinese 走 zǒu TCTraditional Chinese 走   SCSimplified Chinese 步行 zǒu,bù xíng TCTraditional Chinese 步行  The car has broken down, so we'll have to foot it.  汽车坏了,我们只好步行前往。 foot [sth]⇒ vtr (walk on, tread)SCSimplified Chinese 登上 dēng shàng   SCSimplified Chinese 走上  On opening night, several actors will foot the stage for the first time. foot [sth] vtr informal (pay: a bill)SCSimplified Chinese 付钱, 支付  The father of the bride will foot the bill for the wedding.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 athlete's foot n (fungal infection)SCSimplified Chinese 足癣 zú xuǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 脚气 zú xuǎn,jiǎo qì  I wear sandals in the shower at the gym so I won't pick up athlete's foot. ball, ball of the foot n (part of foot at base of big toe)SCSimplified Chinese 前脚掌  He stood on the balls of his feet, ready to move.  他踮起脚,准备行动。 board foot (measurement unit)SCSimplified Chinese 板英尺   SCSimplified Chinese 板尺 bound hand and foot, tied hand and foot expr (with hands and feet tied)SCSimplified Chinese 手脚被捆绑的 shǒu jiǎo bèi kǔn bǎng de  The kidnappers left him bound hand and foot in the trunk of the car.  绑匪将他的手脚捆绑起来,扔在汽车的后备箱里。 be bound hand and foot, be tied hand and foot v expr (have hands and feet tied together)SCSimplified Chinese 手脚被捆住  The criminal was bound hand and foot so he couldn't escape. be bound hand and foot v expr figurative (inescapably obligated) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 被完全束缚的   SCSimplified Chinese 被严格约束的  Every child is bound hand and foot by their parents' rules.  每个孩子都被自己父母的规矩完全束缚。 CF n written, invariable, initialism (cubic foot) (书面首字母缩略)SCSimplified Chinese 立方英尺 lì fāng yīng chǐ claw foot n (furniture decoration)SCSimplified Chinese 爪式底脚 claw foot n (foot with claws)SCSimplified Chinese 带爪的脚 claw foot n (distortion of human foot)SCSimplified Chinese 爪形足   SCSimplified Chinese 弓形趾 clubfoot, club foot, club-foot n (congenital deformity of the foot)SCSimplified Chinese 畸形足 jī xíng zú  Persons with a clubfoot appear to be walking on their ankles. crow's-feet npl figurative (wrinkles at outer corner of eye)SCSimplified Chinese 眼角鱼尾纹  She thought the crow's feet at her eyes were the first sign that she was getting old. cubic foot n (measure of volume: one foot cubed) (容积、体积测量单位)SCSimplified Chinese 立方英尺 lì fāng yīng chǐ  A cubic foot container will hold about 7½ gallons of water. flatfoot, flat foot n (foot condition: low arches)SCSimplified Chinese 扁平足 biǎn píng zú flatfoot, flat foot n (foot with low arches)SCSimplified Chinese 扁平足 biǎn píng zú flatfoot, flat foot n dated, slang (sailor)SCSimplified Chinese 水手 shuǐ shǒu foot binding n (Chinese foot-wrapping)SCSimplified Chinese 裹脚,缠足,裹小脚 foot brake (foot-operated brake)SCSimplified Chinese 脚刹 foot doctor n (podiatrist)SCSimplified Chinese 脚病医生 jiǎo bìng yī shēng TCTraditional Chinese 腳病醫生   SCSimplified Chinese 专治足病的医生 jiǎo bìng yī shēng,zhuān zhì zú bìng de yī shēng  I went to the foot doctor to have my bunions removed. foot pump n (foot-operated pumping device)SCSimplified Chinese 脚踏打气泵 jiǎo tà dǎ qì bèng  We inflated the dinghy with a foot pump. foot race, footrace n (running competition)SCSimplified Chinese 竞走(比赛) jìng zǒu bǐ sài  The three-legged race was always my favorite foot race. foot rot n (sheep disease) (常见于绵羊的疾病)SCSimplified Chinese 足腐病 foot soldier n (infantry soldier, ground soldier)SCSimplified Chinese 步兵 bù bīng TCTraditional Chinese 步兵  It's still the poor foot soldier who has to do all the dirty work in armed conflicts. foot soldier n (ordinary worker)SCSimplified Chinese 普通员工 pǔ tōng yuán gōng TCTraditional Chinese 普通員工  The real foot soldiers of this company are on the factory floor assembling the products. foot the bill vi (pay the costs)SCSimplified Chinese 付帐 fù zhàng   SCSimplified Chinese 负担费用 fù zhàng,fù dān fèi yòng   SCSimplified Chinese 买单 fù zhàng,mǎi dān  The Insurance company refused my claim, so I had to foot the bill for repairs myself. foot traffic n (pedestrians)SCSimplified Chinese 人流,步行交通 rén liú TCTraditional Chinese 人流  Be careful driving on this street; there is a lot of foot traffic because the university is nearby. footbath n (basin, bowl for washing feet)SCSimplified Chinese 洗脚盆 footbath n (swimming pool: basin for cleaning feet) (游泳馆)SCSimplified Chinese 洗脚池 footscraper (US), foot scraper, mud-scraper (UK) n (tool that removes mud from shoes)SCSimplified Chinese 刮鞋板   SCSimplified Chinese 刮足垫 footsore, footworn, footweary, foot-weary adj (tired from walking)SCSimplified Chinese (由走路过多引起的)脚酸的 yóu zǒu lù guò duō yǐn qǐ de jiǎo suān de   SCSimplified Chinese 脚痛的 yóu zǒu lù guò duō yǐn qǐ de jiǎo suān de,jiǎo tòng de from head to foot expr (all over your body)SCSimplified Chinese 从头到脚 cóng tóu dào jiǎo TCTraditional Chinese 從頭到腳   SCSimplified Chinese 全身 cóng tóu dào jiǎo,quán shēn TCTraditional Chinese 全身  It was raining so hard that I was soon drenched from head to foot. get off on the right foot v expr figurative (have a good start)SCSimplified Chinese 开头顺利   SCSimplified Chinese 一开始就很顺利 get off on the wrong foot v expr figurative (have a bad start)SCSimplified Chinese 出师不利   SCSimplified Chinese 一开始就不顺利 get your foot in the door, get a foot in the door v expr figurative (succeed at an initial step)SCSimplified Chinese 成功的开始   SCSimplified Chinese 迈出成功的第一步 lucky rabbit's foot n (paw of a rabbit kept as a lucky charm)SCSimplified Chinese 幸运兔腿 xìng yùn tù tuǐ TCTraditional Chinese 幸運兔腿  I always carry my lucky rabbit's foot when I sit an exam. on foot adv (walking)SCSimplified Chinese 步行 bù xíng TCTraditional Chinese 步行   SCSimplified Chinese 徒步 bù xíng ,tú bù   SCSimplified Chinese 走路 bù xíng ,zǒu lù TCTraditional Chinese 走路  It sometimes takes longer to drive than to get to work on foot.  有些时候开车上班比步行更费时。 on your back foot adv figurative (on the defensive)SCSimplified Chinese 处于守势   SCSimplified Chinese 防守一方 put your best foot forward v expr figurative (do your best)SCSimplified Chinese 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù TCTraditional Chinese 全力以赴  I'm not really much good at it but I'll put my best foot forward. put your best foot forward v expr figurative (make good impression)SCSimplified Chinese 尽量给人留下好印象  Put your best foot forward at the job interview. put your foot down v expr informal (accelerate, drive faster)SCSimplified Chinese 加速 jiā sù TCTraditional Chinese 加速   SCSimplified Chinese 踩油门 jiā sù,cǎi yóu mén TCTraditional Chinese 踩油門  If you put your foot down, we can get through the lights before they turn red. put your foot down v expr informal, figurative (insist on [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 坚持 jiān chí TCTraditional Chinese 堅持  I had to put my foot down and tell him I wouldn't lie for him again. put your foot in it v expr UK, informal, figurative (make an embarrassing blunder)SCSimplified Chinese 说错话 shuō cuò huà TCTraditional Chinese 說錯話   SCSimplified Chinese 犯错 shuō cuò huà,fàn cuò put your foot in your mouth, also UK: put your foot in it v expr figurative (make spoken blunder)SCSimplified Chinese 说错话 shuō cuò huà TCTraditional Chinese 說錯話   SCSimplified Chinese 说不合适的话 set foot v expr (enter)SCSimplified Chinese 访问,到访 fǎng wèn,dào fǎng TCTraditional Chinese 訪問   SCSimplified Chinese 去,到往 qù TCTraditional Chinese 去   SCSimplified Chinese 踏入  Liam has never set foot in England. Peter is so rude. I'll never set foot in his house again! square foot, plural: square feet n often pl (imperial measure: one foot squared)SCSimplified Chinese 平方英尺  The room is only twenty-two square feet; that's not a lot of room for furniture! the shoe is on the other foot, the boot is on the other foot expr figurative (circumstances reversed)SCSimplified Chinese 形势已经转变   SCSimplified Chinese 形势已经不同了  Lily was always scornful of unemployed people; the shoe's on the other foot now that she's lost her job. trench foot n (foot disease caused by cold and damp)SCSimplified Chinese 战壕足病 underfoot, under foot adv (on the ground, under one's feet)SCSimplified Chinese 在脚下 zài jiǎo xià   SCSimplified Chinese 在地上 zài jiǎo xià,zài dì shàng  Sharon liked the sound of snow crunching underfoot. webfoot, webbed foot, plural: webfeet, webbed feet n (bird, frog: toes joined)SCSimplified Chinese 蹼趾 webfoot, webbed foot, plural: webfeet, webbed feet n (person: conjoined toes)SCSimplified Chinese (脚趾间有薄膜连接的)蹼足 jiǎo zhǐ jiān yǒu bó mó lián jiē de pǔ zú wrong-foot [sb]⇒ vtr (make [sb] lose balance) (比赛)SCSimplified Chinese 打得某人手忙脚乱  The tennis player hit a shot across the court that wrong-footed his opponent. wrong-foot [sb] vtr figurative (make [sb] appear wrong)SCSimplified Chinese 使某人措手不及   SCSimplified Chinese 使某人张皇失措  The author wrong-footed critics when his book became a surprise bestseller.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: foot [fut] (pl feet)I n 1 [c] (=measure) 英尺 yīngchǐ a man over 6 feet tall一个(個)6英尺多高的男子 yī gè liù yīngchǐ duō gāo de nánzǐ 2 [c] [of person] 脚(腳) jiǎo [只 zhī] 3 [c] [of animal] 蹄 tí [个 gè] 4 [c] [of bed] 放脚(腳)的一头(頭) fàngjiǎo de yī tóu 5 [s] [of cliff, hill, stairs] 最底部 zuìdǐbù II vt ▶ to foot the bill 付账(賬) fùzhàng on foot 步行 bùxíng to be on one's feet (standing) 站起来(來) zhàn qǐlái to get or rise to one's feet站起来(來) zhàn qǐlái to get back on one's feet (after illness, bad experience) 恢复(復)元气(氣) huīfù yuánqì to find one's feet (fig) 适(適)应(應) shìyìngto put one's foot down; (in car) (=accelerate) 踩油门(門) cǎi yóumén (=say no) 坚(堅)决(決)反对(對) jiānjué fǎnduì to put one's feet up (=relax) 双(雙)脚(腳)平搁(擱)起来(來)休息 shuāngjiǎo pínggē qǐlái xiūxi to set foot somewhere去某处(處) qù mǒuchù to stand on one's own two feet自力更生 zì lì gēng shēng at the foot of the page在页(頁)脚(腳) zài yèjiǎo 在这些条目还发现'foot': 在英文解释里: afoot - anapest - ankle - arch - arch support - arches - ball - base - big toe - cat's paw - CF - chiropodist - claw foot - cloven hoof - clubfoot - clubfooted - corn - corn plaster - cross country - cross-country race - cubic foot - dactyl - dance step - flatfoot - flatfooted - foot binding - foot brake - foot pump - footboard - footbridge - footpad - footprint - footrest - footslogger - footwork - forefoot - forepaw - fps - frappe - ft. - fun run - gaiter - heel - heel bone - hemmer - hoof - hoof it - hoplite - infantry - infantryman 中文: 脚 - 足 - 垂足 - 山脚 - 徒 - 步行 - 涉足 - 英尺 - 赛跑 - 跺 - 踏板 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Units of distance, Parts of the lower body, 更多……同义词: paw, pad, hoof, left foot, right foot, 更多……习惯性搭配: foot the bill, a [cubic, square] foot, a 10-foot [deck, measurement, sidewalk, room], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'foot' 的论坛讨论:

Put your foot in your mouth ''I had a fishing hook piercing through my foot'' - English Only forum ''Put your best foot forward'' in American English - English Only forum 'I hurt my foot' vs 'My foot was hurt' - English Only forum 'submountain' vs. 'mountain-foot' - English Only forum [door] swing back on my foot - English Only forum ~unable to do anything its foot and look up at the sky. Or ~ - English Only forum 10 foot pole, or 10-foot pole - English Only forum 12 foot long or 12 feet long - English Only forum 22-foot tide, 22.8, highest tide of the season - English Only forum 36 foot bed - English Only forum 40-foot fire walk - English Only forum 50 foot-candles of natural or artificial light - English Only forum 6 feet / 6 foot 1 inch / 1 inches - English Only forum 6 feet tall or 6 foot tall? - English Only forum 60 foot across - English Only forum 60 foot? - English Only forum 7-feet/7-foot? - English Only forum a a-thousand-foot wire - English Only forum a broken ring of thousand-foot rock - English Only forum a cube measuring a foot each way - English Only forum a foot and a half of rain vs. three dollars in cash - English Only forum A foot and a half of space - English Only forum a foot of concrete - English Only forum a foot shoulder - English Only forum a foot taller - English Only forum A human foot set foot - English Only forum a price per saleable square foot - English Only forum a row of sharp teeth a foot long - English Only forum A ten-foot-tall Marine - hyphens and measurements? - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'foot'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "foot" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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