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duck [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈdʌk/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/dʌk/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(duk) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'duck' (n): ducksnpl (All usages)ducknpl (Can be used as a collective plural for the birds—e.g. "The men are hunting duck.")

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 duck n (aquatic bird)SCSimplified Chinese 鸭子 yā zi TCTraditional Chinese 鴨子  Do you see the ducks in the pond?  你看到池塘里的鸭子了吗? duck n (food: meat)SCSimplified Chinese 鸭肉 yā ròu   SCSimplified Chinese 鸭子 yā ròu,yā zi TCTraditional Chinese 鴨子  We ate Peking duck at the Chinese restaurant.  我们在一家中国餐馆吃了北京烤鸭。 duck n (movement to dodge [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 忽然低头躲避   SCSimplified Chinese 忽然弓身躲避  Larry made a quick duck to avoid hitting his head on the door frame.  拉里突然低头来避免头撞到门框上。 duck⇒ vi (bend, lower head)SCSimplified Chinese 忽地低下头 hū de dī xià tóu   SCSimplified Chinese 忽地弯腰 hū de dī xià tóu,hū de wān yāo  He ducked when the ball came flying at him.  球飞向他的时候,他低头躲开了。 duck vi (dodge)SCSimplified Chinese 躲避 duǒ bì   SCSimplified Chinese 闪避 duǒ bì,shǎn bì   SCSimplified Chinese 躲闪 duǒ bì,duǒ shǎn  He ducked to the side when the ball came flying at him.  球飞过来,他躲闪到一边。 duck [sth]⇒ vtr (blow, missile: avoid)SCSimplified Chinese 躲闪 duǒ shǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 躲避 duǒ shǎn,duǒ bì   SCSimplified Chinese 躲开 duǒ shǎn,duǒ kāi  The players had to duck a shower of various missiles as they left the pitch.  运动员在离场的时候,不得不躲闪大量的抛掷物。 duck under [sth], duck behind [sth] vi + prep (dive, hide)SCSimplified Chinese 躲进   SCSimplified Chinese 藏进  To avoid saying hello, he ducked under a desk.  不想打招呼的他躲进了桌子下面。 duck under [sth] vi + prep (plunge into water) (水下)SCSimplified Chinese 扎入   SCSimplified Chinese 潜入 qián rù  Ryan ducked under the water and resurfaced a few seconds later.  瑞恩一头扎入水中,几秒后又露出了水面。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 duck n (cricket: nought) (板球)SCSimplified Chinese 零分 líng fēn  He was out for a duck.  他得了零分。 duck, ducks n UK, informal (dear, darling)SCSimplified Chinese 亲爱的 qīn ài de TCTraditional Chinese 親愛的   SCSimplified Chinese 小可爱  Cup of tea, duck? duck, duck cloth n (fabric)SCSimplified Chinese 细帆布  The hammock is made of duck. duck [sth] vtr informal (obligation) (责任等)SCSimplified Chinese 逃避 táo bì TCTraditional Chinese 逃避   SCSimplified Chinese 推脱 táo bì,tuī tuō  She ducked her appointment and went to the cinema instead.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 duck out vi phrasal informal (leave secretly)SCSimplified Chinese 溜走 liū zǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 悄悄离开  I deliberately sat at the back of the room near the door so I could duck out if the meeting was boring. duck out of [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (leave secretly) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 偷偷离开 tōu tōu lí kāi TCTraditional Chinese 偷偷離開   SCSimplified Chinese 悄悄溜走 tōu tōu lí kāi,qiāo qiāo liū zǒu  She managed to duck out of the lecture without anyone seeing her. duck out of [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (avoid inclusion) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 巧妙地避开 qiǎo miào de bì kāi   SCSimplified Chinese 逃避 qiǎo miào de bì kāi,táo bì TCTraditional Chinese 逃避  He would often try to duck out of his boss's motivational meetings.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 bummalo n (fish: Bombay duck) (生物种类)SCSimplified Chinese 龙头鱼 bummalo n (food: Bombay duck) (食物)SCSimplified Chinese 龙头鱼 DA n initialism (1950s men's hairstyle: duck's ass)SCSimplified Chinese 鸭尾发型 TCTraditional Chinese 鴨尾髮型  The movie is set in the 1950s, and all of the actors have DAs. a dead duck n informal, figurative ([sth] that will not succeed)SCSimplified Chinese 很可能会失败的事   SCSimplified Chinese 注定失败的人或事 Donald Duck n (Disney character)SCSimplified Chinese 唐老鸭 duck down n (soft feathers of a duck)SCSimplified Chinese 鸭绒 yā róng duck down vi + adv (bend, crouch down)SCSimplified Chinese 弯下身子   SCSimplified Chinese 曲身 duck egg n (egg laid by duck)SCSimplified Chinese 鸭蛋 yā dàn duck out of doing [sth] v expr informal, figurative (avoid obligation)SCSimplified Chinese 避开 bì kāi TCTraditional Chinese 避開   SCSimplified Chinese 躲避 bì kāi,duǒ bì   SCSimplified Chinese 逃避 bì kāi,táo bì TCTraditional Chinese 逃避  He always tries to duck out of talking to my parents. duck your head v expr (lower your head)SCSimplified Chinese 低下头 TCTraditional Chinese 低下頭   SCSimplified Chinese 低头 TCTraditional Chinese 低頭  I ducked my head to avoid hitting it on the lintel. duck-billed adj (animal: with a bill like a duck's) (动物)SCSimplified Chinese 鸭嘴形的  Paleontologists have found the skeleton of a duck-billed dinosaur. duck-billed platypus n (Australian aquatic mammal)SCSimplified Chinese 鸭嘴兽 yā zuǐ shòu TCTraditional Chinese 鴨嘴獸  When the duck-billed platypus was first described in Europe, everyone thought it was a hoax.  欧洲人第一次听说鸭嘴兽时,都以为是什么人的恶作剧。 ducks and drakes, duck and drake n (skipping stones on water) (游戏)SCSimplified Chinese 打水漂 duct tape, duck tape n (strong adhesive tape)SCSimplified Chinese 强力胶带 qiáng lì jiāo dài TCTraditional Chinese 強力膠帶   SCSimplified Chinese 密封胶带 qiáng lì jiāo dài,mì fēng jiāo dài  Duct tape can be used to repair almost anything. hadrosaur, duck-billed dinosaur n (type of dinosaur)SCSimplified Chinese 鸭嘴龙 lame duck n figurative ([sb] or [sth] ineffectual)SCSimplified Chinese 无能的人(或物),不中用的人(或物),废物 wú néng de rén huò wù,bù zhōng yòng de rén huò wù,fèi wù TCTraditional Chinese 廢物  That guy is such a lame duck; he's never going to make anything of his life. lame duck n US, figurative (politician before handing over power)SCSimplified Chinese 即将届满卸任的从政者  George W Bush was a lame duck from Election Day 2008 to January 20th, 2009. merganser n (type of duck)SCSimplified Chinese 秋沙鸭 qiū shā yā TCTraditional Chinese 秋沙鴨 platypus n (Australian aquatic mammal)SCSimplified Chinese 鸭嘴兽 yā zuǐ shòu TCTraditional Chinese 鴨嘴獸  The platypus is an endangered animal. rubber duck n (duck-shaped bath toy)SCSimplified Chinese 橡胶鸭子 xiàng jiāo yā zi TCTraditional Chinese 黃色(橡膠)小鴨  Children often play with rubber ducks at bathtime. scaup, scaup duck n (diving duck)SCSimplified Chinese 潜鸭,斑背潜鸭 sitting duck n figurative (easy target) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 易被击中的目标,易被欺骗的对象 yì bèi jī zhòng de mù biāo,yì bèi qī piàn de duì xiàng  With nothing to protect himself from the enemy, he was a sitting duck. strange duck n figurative, informal (odd person)SCSimplified Chinese 怪人 guài rén  What a strange duck he is. water off a duck's back, like water off a duck's back expr figurative (having no effect on [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 毫无影响   SCSimplified Chinese 毫无作用  The press wrote all sorts of nasty stories about the politician, but it was like water off a duck's back; she paid no attention to them at all.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: duck [dʌk] I n 1 [c] (=bird) 鸭(鴨) yā [只 zhī] 2 [u] (as food) 鸭(鴨)肉 yāròu II vi (also: duck down) 急忙弯(彎)下身子 jímáng wānxià shēnzi III vt 1 [+ blow] 急忙避开(開) jímáng bìkāi 2 [+ duty, responsibility] 逃避 táobì 在这些条目还发现'duck': 在英文解释里: bummalo - canard - canvasback - cinnamon teal - DA - dabble - drake - duck down - duck egg - duck-billed - duckbill - duckling - ducky - eider - eiderdown - green-winged teal - mallard - merganser - pintail - quack - rubber duck - rubber ducky - scaup - shoveler - teal - waddle - waterfowl - webbing - widgeon 中文: 鸭 - 鸭子 - 鸯 - 鸳 在单词列表中: Animals, Meat, Species of birds, 更多……同义词: drake, duckling, Mallard, Mandarin duck, Muscovy duck, 更多……习惯性搭配: ducked (to avoid), wild ducks, duck eggs, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'duck' 的论坛讨论:

Duck (derogatory term) My crane wants to be a duck ugly, for a duck a double duck fit - English Only forum a duck shoot on the Kansas line - English Only forum A duck taped with tape taken from a Duck - English Only forum A duck waddles, a kangaroo hops, and what about an elephant? - English Only forum A duck was .... in the lake - English Only forum a funny duck? - English Only forum A histological from a duck-billed dinosaur nestling - English Only forum a shell burst slick upon the duck-boards - English Only forum all spring, the mother duck sat on her eggs waiting for them to hatch. - English Only forum An occasion when the duck really did - English Only forum An occasion when really did seem to be out of the question. - English Only forum An’ den she’ll light on me lak a duck on a June bug, - English Only forum Bring on the duck, Dr Wang. - English Only forum Chicken, duck, and turkey lay eggs. - English Only forum connotations of lame duck - English Only forum Donald Duck and Henry Hen - English Only forum duck - English Only forum duck - English Only forum Duck - English Only forum Duck - English Only forum "duck" (in a Regency romance novel) - English Only forum Duck (insult?) - English Only forum Duck a diddle dill dill - English Only forum Duck aiguillette or aiguillette of duckling - English Only forum duck and cover - English Only forum duck and dither - English Only forum duck and dive - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'duck'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "duck" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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