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#Drools中eval的正确打开姿势| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




import java.util.*; global me.tangliu.drools.Test test; rule "rule01" when Map(this["A"] == 1000) || eval(test.testBoolean()) then System.out.println("reaching then"); end

我期望的时,当A == 1000时,直接跳转到RHS语句(then部分),而不需要执行test.testBoolean()(or短路),可是运行结果如下所示:

9:51:10.801 [main] DEBUG org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.KieRepositoryImpl - Cannot load a KieRepositoryScanner, using the DummyKieScanner 19:51:11.096 [main] DEBUG org.drools.core.common.DefaultAgenda - State was INACTIVE is now FIRING_ALL_RULES going into test boolean reaching then 19:51:11.112 [main] DEBUG org.drools.core.common.DefaultAgenda - State was FIRING_ALL_RULES is now HALTING 19:51:11.112 [main] DEBUG org.drools.core.common.DefaultAgenda - State was HALTING is now INACTIVE 19:51:11.112 [main] DEBUG org.drools.core.common.DefaultAgenda - State was INACTIVE is now DISPOSED

going into test boolean 是在testBoolean方法中打印的日志,说明当前面this["A"] == 1000满足时,及时你写的是or,后面的判断依然会执行,or短路并未生效。


import java.util.*; global me.tangliu.drools.Test test; rule "rule01" when Map(this["A"] == 1000) && eval(test.testBoolean()) then System.out.println("reaching then"); end



rule "rule01" when Map(this["A"] == 1000) || eval(test.testBoolean()) || eval(test.testBoolean2()) then System.out.println("reaching then"); end


going into test boolean reaching then reaching then going into test boolean 2 reaching then


The CE eval is essentially a catch-all which allows any semantic code (that returns a primitive boolean) to be executed. This code can refer to variables that were bound in the LHS of the rule, and functions in the rule package. Overuse of eval reduces the declarativeness of your rules and can result in a poorly performing engine. While eval can be used anywhere in the patterns, the best practice is to add it as the last conditional element in the LHS of a rule. Evals cannot be indexed and thus are not as efficient as Field Constraints. However this makes them ideal for being used when functions return values that change over time, which is not allowed within Field Constraints.

val is very convenient as it allows us to include pretty much any condition in a rule. However, it’s considerably slower. With other conditions, Drools can cache (remember) the results because it can figure out when these results need to change. With eval, Drools doesn’t have this visibility. Therefore, all eval expressions need to be rechecked every time the rule is true. If you have to use eval, it’s best to add it as the last condition in a rule—meaning, it will be called less often. If any of the previous conditions return ‘false’, then Drools shortcuts, because there is no need to check any of the remaining conditions.




我对drools的LHS的语义理解不对,它不像我们的java或者其他代码中的语法,它其实可以理解为:每一行是一个条件(条件间使用and链接),每一个条件是由多个约束组成的对一个对象的完整的约束,不应该在一行里面存在对多个对象的约束判断。换句话说,如果eval不是用在内联约束(inline expression),而是用在条件,那么,一行应该只有一个eval。具体来说,我们的语法应该是:

when eval( A() || B() ) then


when eval( A()) || eval( B()) then


rule "rule01" when $m: Map() eval( Integer.valueOf((String)$m.get("A")) == 1000 || test.testBoolean()) then System.out.println("reaching then"); end


import function testBoolean(){ return me.ltang.drools.Test.testBoolean(); } rule "rule01" when Map(this["A"] == 1000 || eval(testBoolean())) then System.out.println("reaching then"); end





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