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2024-05-27 00:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265






英语的八大时态:一般现在时:主语+do/does;一般过去时:主语+did;一般将来时:will do/;现在进行时:主语+am/is/are doing;过去进行时:was/were doing;过去将来时:was/were to /would do;现在完成时:have/has done;过去完成时:had done。


英语介词表示词与词、词与句关系的词。常用介词:on、at、in、above、by、with等;合成类介词:inside、outside、onto、out of、within 等。


26个英文字母大写:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z;26个英文字母小写:a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z。


能否带我到行李提取处? Although I can talk with him freely online, but I'm afraid I can't speak English very well when I got there. 尽管我和他在线上可以自由地聊天,但是我担心我到了那之后讲不好英语。 Do you understand what I'm saying?( I can't speak English very well.) 你了解我说的吗?我的英语无法说得很好。 I'm doing well at work but the fact that I can't speak English is holding me back, I never get promoted. 我在单位工作一直都不错,可是我不会讲英语拉了我的后腿,于是每次提升都么多年英语,但我不会讲英语。那你知道我不会讲英语用英语怎么说吗?下面沪江小编告诉你我不会讲英语没我的份。 I can't speak English as fast as a native speaker. 我说英文以英语为母语的人说得快。 I can't even speak english, let alone french. 我的英语就不行了,更没提法语。 I get really disheartened because I still can't speak English well. 我真灰心因为我还是说不好英语。 Even though I have learned English for six years, I still can't speak English well. 即使我们已学英文六年,我们英文仍然讲不好。 It's a shame that I can't speak good English. I've lost many chances in the past few years. 我为说不好英语感到惭愧,过去几年里我错过许多机会。 The only problem is I'm the only person working there who can't speak English very well. 罕有的的问题是,我是那里罕有的一个不怎么会讲英文的工人。 I can't put my finger on it but it sounds that you must speak English with I. 我说不好,但总觉得你必须与我说英语。 I can't speak much Chinese but I can still see evidence that the Chinese have the same kind of separate instant-messaging language, even when they chat in English. 我不会说多少中文,可我还是看到中国人也有类似的网上速记语言,甚至他们用英语聊天时也是这样。 Maybe I can't become a volunteer, as I am too young, but I can say hello to the friends coming from other countries, because I can speak English and I can give them my smile. 虽然我可能当不成志愿者,因为我太小,但是我可以跟外国朋友打招呼,因为我会说英语而且我可以给他们微笑。 特别提醒:如果大家想要了解更多英语方面知识,或者想要深入学习英语的,可以了解一下沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学。感兴趣的可以扫一扫领200畅学卡 。 以上就是“我不会讲英语用英语怎么说”的所有内容了,希望能够对大家有参考价值。如果想要了解更多相关资讯,欢迎关注沪江网,会为大家提供更多精彩内容。


英语表达这个意思,可以选择不同的表达方式,根据语使用,语气比较正式而且礼貌。 例句: Have you had breakfast yet? I’m thinking of making some pancakes.(你吃过早餐了吗?我在考虑做些煎饼。) I’m running late this morning. Have you had breakfast already?(我今天早上赶时间了。你吃过早餐了吗?) 2. Did you have breakfast? 这种表达方式与第一种类似,也是询问对方是否吃过早饭,但使用了过去式。虽然过去式在这里表示过去的行为,但在实际交流中,仍然可以用来询问当前的情况。 例句: Did you have breakfast before coming here?(你来之前吃过早餐了吗?) I forgot to eat breakfast this morning. Did you have breakfast already


你会怎么说呢?cold white water?是这样说的吗?热水冷水英语怎么说呢?如果你提供warm water,你可以自己要一杯hot water,然后放凉一下。 cold water: 冰水(在冰箱冷藏过的水) “泼冷水”类似的说法叫: pour/throw cold water on sth I said I wanted to get a car, but my husband poured water on the idea. 我说我想买辆车。但我丈夫给我泼冷水了。 iced water:冰水(加了冰块的水) 02. 点餐时服务员经常会问:Sparkling or still? Sparkling 即sparkling Water:带气泡的水,苏打水 still即still water:不带气泡的净水 这两种水




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