
您所在的位置:网站首页 deadly是什么意思 该死的“感冒发烧”的英语怎么说?


2023-01-01 06:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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1、 I have a fever. 或 I feel feverish. 我感觉有点发烧。

“feverish”一词是从 “fever”变过来的,意思就是“发烧的,发热的”。


----What’s the matter with you, baby?

----Oh, I feel feverish. (= I have a fever.)

当然,如果是“发高烧”,我们还可以说:I have a high temperature.

2、Your head is burning up. 你的头好烫。

“burn up” 这个短语的意思是“烧起来”,而 “up” 表示这个“烧”的程度越来越深。我们在新概念二册第49课就学到一个类似的短语: “blow up”,意思是“(暴风雨)出现并加剧”。通常,感觉自己发烧后会请人摸摸自己的额头,所以我们可以这样用这句话:

----I feel feverish.

----Really? Let me feel your forehead. Wow, your head is burning up.

3、 I think I’m coming down with a bad cold. 我想我是得了重感冒了吧。

这个句子中有一个值得一学的短语,那就是“come down with…”,意思是“染上(病),患(病)”,比如:Unfortunately, he has come down with the deadly Ebola virus. (不幸的是,他已经感染上了致命的埃博拉病毒)。好,咱们回过头来看看这个句子该怎么用:

----Sally, you don’t look well. You have been coughing and sneezing since morning.

----Yeah, I think I’m coming down with a bad cold.

4、I have a runny nose and my throat is itchy. 我流鼻涕,喉咙也很痒。

流鼻涕和喉咙发痒都是感冒发烧的症状。在英文中,“流鼻涕”叫 “have a runny nose”,“runny”就是“流鼻涕的,水分多的”,而 “itchy”这个单词就是 “发痒的”,比如,itchy skin, itchy finger等。这个句子很常用,来看看下面的对话:

----How do you feel today?

----Oh, I have a runny nose and my throat is itchy. It’s so annoying!

5、Damn, you gave it to me! 该死的,你(把感冒)传染给我了!

“damn”是老外常用的一个语气词,意为“厌烦的,该死的”,也可以说 “Damn it!” (该死的,见鬼的)。跟那些感冒的人呆久了,难免会被传染,所以,我们可以用到这个句子,比如:

----Oh, damn, you gave it to me! Now I am uncomfortable!

----I’m so sorry!

6、 It feels like I’m knocking at death’s door. 我感觉自己要挂了。

有时候感冒发烧会让我们“痛不欲生”,所以我们常常都会夸张地说: “我要死了,我要死了!” 这句话英文也有对应的:I’m knocking at death’s door. “be knocking at death’s door”意为“垂死”,比如:This patient is knocking at death’s door. (这位病人在临死的边缘了)。当然,当我们感冒发烧的时候说这句话只是一种夸大的用法,来看看怎么用:

----John told me you were sick. I’m sure you will get better in a few days.

----Thanks. You are so sweet, but it feels like I am knocking at death’s door now.(注意是夸张哦!不是真的 )


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