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#uniapp中的分享功能实现(APP,小程序,公众号)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





微信好友 微信朋友圈 appShare(scene) { let that = this let routes = getCurrentPages(); // 获取当前打开过的页面路由数组 let curRoute = routes[routes.length - 1].$page.fullPath // 获取当前页面路由,也就是最后一个打开的页面路由 uni.share({ provider: "weixin", //分享服务提供商(即weixin|qq|sinaweibo) scene: scene, //场景,可取值参考下面说明。 type: 0, //分享形式 href: `${HTTP_IP_URL}${curRoute}&spread=${that.uid}`, //跳转链接 title: that.storeInfo.storeName, //分享内容的标题 summary: that.storeInfo.storeInfo, //分享内容的摘要 imageUrl: that.storeInfo.image, //图片地址 success: function(res) { that.posters = false; //成功后关闭底部弹框 }, fail: function(err) { uni.showToast({ title: '分享失败', icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) that.posters = false; } }); },

type 值说明


scene 值说明


uni.share 在App端各社交平台分享配置说明

打开 manifest.json -> App模块权限配置,勾选 Share(分享);按如下文档具体配置微信、微博、QQ的参数

在 manifest.json 的 App SDK 配置里,勾选微信消息及朋友圈,并填写 appid,如需在iOS平台使用还需要配置通用链接。 image


图片替换文本 小程序中的分享有两种,一种是通过右上角的胶囊分享,还可以通过在页面中写button,通过open-type="share"方式分享。 //onShareAppMessage 分享给朋友 //onShareTimeline 分享到朋友圈 // #ifdef MP onShareAppMessage: function(res) { if (res.from === 'button') { // 来自页面内转发按钮 console.log(res.target) } let that = this; return { title:'这是标题', imageUrl: '这是描述', path: '/pages/goods_details/index?id=' + that.id, } }, // #endif


图片替换文本 公众号中的分享需要使用微信的JS-SDK,可以直接下载js文件引入,也可以通过npm下载。 ​ 公众号的分享比较繁琐,我们可以将其封装一下,在需要使用的地方传入对应的title,link和jsapi,就可以简便操作。


// #ifdef H5 import WechatJSSDK from "@/plugin/jweixin-module/index.js"; import { getWechatConfig, wechatAuth } from "@/api/public"; import { WX_AUTH, STATE_KEY, LOGINTYPE, BACK_URL } from '@/config/cache'; import { parseQuery } from '@/utils'; import store from '@/store'; import Cache from '@/utils/cache'; class AuthWechat { constructor() { //微信实例化对象 this.instance = WechatJSSDK; //是否实例化 this.status = false; this.initConfig = {}; } isAndroid(){ let u = navigator.userAgent; return u.indexOf('Android') > -1 || u.indexOf('Adr') > -1; } signLink() { if (typeof window.entryUrl === 'undefined' || window.entryUrl === '') { window.entryUrl = location.href.split('#')[0] } return /(Android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? location.href.split('#')[0] : window.entryUrl; } /** * 初始化wechat(分享配置) */ wechat() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // if (this.status && !this.isAndroid()) return resolve(this.instance); getWechatConfig() .then(res => { this.instance.config(res.data); this.initConfig = res.data; this.status = true; this.instance.ready(() => { resolve(this.instance); }) }).catch(err => { console.log('微信分享配置失败',err); this.status = false; reject(err); }); }); } /** * 验证是否初始化 */ verifyInstance() { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (that.instance === null && !that.status) { that.wechat().then(res => { resolve(that.instance); }).catch(() => { return reject(); }) } else { return resolve(that.instance); } }) } // 微信公众号的共享地址 openAddress() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.wechat().then(wx => { this.toPromise(wx.openAddress).then(res => { resolve(res); }).catch(err => { reject(err); }); }).catch(err => { reject(err); }) }); } // 获取经纬度; location(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.wechat().then(wx => { this.toPromise(wx.getLocation,{type: 'wgs84'}).then(res => { resolve(res); }).catch(err => { reject(err); }); }).catch(err => { reject(err); }) }); } // 使用微信内置地图查看位置接口; seeLocation(config){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.wechat().then(wx => { this.toPromise(wx.openLocation, config).then(res => { resolve(res); }).catch(err => { reject(err); }); }).catch(err => { reject(err); }) }); } /** * 微信支付 * @param {Object} config */ pay(config) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.wechat().then((wx) => { this.toPromise(wx.chooseWXPay, config).then(res => { resolve(res); }).catch(res => { resolve(res); }); }).catch(res => { reject(res); }); }); } toPromise(fn, config = {}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fn({ ...config, success(res) { resolve(res); }, fail(err) { reject(err); }, complete(err) { reject(err); }, cancel(err) { reject(err); } }); }); } /** * 自动去授权 */ oAuth(snsapiBase,url) { if (uni.getStorageSync(WX_AUTH) && store.state.app.token && snsapiBase == 'snsapi_base') return; const { code } = parseQuery(); if (!code || code == uni.getStorageSync('snsapiCode')){ return this.toAuth(snsapiBase,url); }else{ if(Cache.has('snsapiKey')) return this.auth(code).catch(error=>{ uni.showToast({ title:error, icon:'none' }) }) } } clearAuthStatus() { } /** * 授权登录获取token * @param {Object} code */ auth(code) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { wechatAuth(code, Cache.get("spread")) .then(({ data }) => { resolve(data); Cache.set(WX_AUTH, code); Cache.clear(STATE_KEY); // Cache.clear('spread'); loginType && Cache.clear(LOGINTYPE); }) .catch(reject); }); } /** * 获取跳转授权后的地址 * @param {Object} appId */ getAuthUrl(appId,snsapiBase,backUrl) { let url = `${location.origin}${backUrl}` if(url.indexOf('?') == -1){ url = url+'?' }else{ url = url+'&' } const redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent( `${url}scope=${snsapiBase}&back_url=` + encodeURIComponent( encodeURIComponent( uni.getStorageSync(BACK_URL) ? uni.getStorageSync(BACK_URL) : location.pathname + location.search ) ) ); uni.removeStorageSync(BACK_URL); const state = encodeURIComponent( ("" + Math.random()).split(".")[1] + "authorizestate" ); uni.setStorageSync(STATE_KEY, state); return `https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=${appId}&redirect_uri=${redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state=${state}#wechat_redirect`; // if(snsapiBase==='snsapi_base'){ // return `https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=${appId}&redirect_uri=${redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base&state=${state}#wechat_redirect`; // }else{ // return `https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=${appId}&redirect_uri=${redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state=${state}#wechat_redirect`; // } } /** * 跳转自动登录 */ toAuth(snsapiBase,backUrl) { let that = this; this.wechat().then(wx => { location.href = this.getAuthUrl(that.initConfig.appId,snsapiBase,backUrl); }) } /** * 绑定事件 * @param {Object} name 事件名 * @param {Object} config 参数 */ wechatEvevt(name, config) { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let configDefault = { fail(res) { if (that.instance) return reject({ is_ready: true, wx: that.instance }); that.verifyInstance().then(wx => { return reject({ is_ready: true, wx: wx }); }) }, success(res) { return resolve(res,2222); } }; Object.assign(configDefault, config); that.wechat().then(wx => { if (typeof name === 'object') { name.forEach(item => { wx[item] && wx[item](configDefault) }) } else { wx[name] && wx[name](configDefault) } }) }); } isWeixin() { return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("micromessenger") !== -1; } } export default new AuthWechat(); // #endif


// 微信分享; setOpenShare: function(data) { let that = this; if (that.$wechat.isWeixin()) { let configAppMessage = { desc: data.synopsis, title: data.title, link: location.href, imgUrl: data.img }; that.$wechat.wechatEvevt(["updateAppMessageShareData", "updateTimelineShareData"], configAppMessage); } },


h5示例: CRMEB-JAVA. gitee开源地址: CRMEB-JAVA. 都看到这里了,点击上面gitee链接给个star吧




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