
您所在的位置:网站首页 comtemplate意思 contemplate在英文合同中的使用和译法


2023-01-05 11:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

contemplate是英文合同常见词,比如transactions contemplated in this Agreement,或者transactions contemplated by this Agreement,通常处理方式有两种,译为“本协议项下拟议交易”或者“本协议项下交易”。

The General Partner on behalf of the Fund may enter into and perform the Subscription Agreements, the Investment Management Agreement and any other agreement with the Investment Manager pursuant to clause 6.3 and any documentcontemplated thereby or related thereto, all without any further act, vote or approval of any Person, including any Partner, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement. 


The Buyer acknowledges that the Warrantors’ Warrantiesand indemnities provided in Clause 7 are the only representations, warrantiesand indemnities of the Warrantors in connection with the transactions contemplated in this Agreement to the exclusion of any other representations, warranties and indemnities, whether express or implied. 





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