
您所在的位置:网站首页 colordrawx7一段时间被禁用 使用powershell禁用AD上长时间没有登录的用户账户和计算机账户


2023-09-09 16:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

#Function: Disabale users who have not logged in more than 180 days #Author: Junson142099 #Last Updated Date: July 7, 2021 #Search and disable users that have not been connected to AD for more than 180 days echo 'Please make sure you are running this script as administrator!' Import-Module ActiveDirectory #Export a list to a text document $x = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $curDateTime = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd-HHmmss Get-ADUser -properties lastLogonDate -filter {enabled -eq "True"} -SearchBase "ou=users,ou=shenzhen,dc=junson,dc=com" | where { $_.lastLogonDate -lt (get-date).addmonths(-6)} | Out-File $x\DisableUsers$curDateTime.txt -NoClobber -Encoding Default $yesNo = Read-Host -prompt 'Please find DisableUsers.txt and confirm that all the users in the list is what you want to disable, do you want to continue? Y/N: ' if ($yesNo -eq 'y'){ #Disable users in the list #If you need to exclude some computers, you can add {-and name -ne "XXXUSER"} in the filter. Get-ADUser -properties lastLogonDate -filter {enabled -eq "True"} -SearchBase "ou=users,ou=shenzhen,dc=junson,dc=com" | where { $_.lastLogonDate -lt (get-date).addmonths(-6)} | Disable-ADAccount echo 'Disable completed!' pause Exit }else{ echo 'Cancelled!' pause Exit } #Function: Disabale computers which have not logged in more than 90 days #Author: Junson142099 #Last Updated Date: July 7, 2021 #Search and disable computers that have not been connected to AD for more than 90 days echo 'Please make sure you are running this script as administrator!' Import-Module ActiveDirectory #Export a list to a text document $x = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $curDateTime = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd-HHmmss Get-ADComputer -properties lastLogonDate -filter {enabled -eq "True"} -SearchBase "ou=computers,ou=shenzhen,dc=junson,dc=com" | where { $_.lastLogonDate -lt (get-date).addmonths(-3)} | Out-File $x\DisableComputers$curDateTime.txt -NoClobber -Encoding Default $yesNo = Read-Host -prompt 'Please find DisableComputers.txt and confirm that all the computers in the list is what you want to disable, do you want to continue? Y/N: ' if ($yesNo -eq 'y'){ #Disable computers in the list #If you need to exclude some computers, you can add {-and name -ne "XXXPC"} in the filter. Get-ADComputer -properties lastLogonDate -filter {enabled -eq "True"} -SearchBase "ou=computers,ou=shenzhen,dc=junson,dc=com" | where { $_.lastLogonDate -lt (get-date).addmonths(-3)} | Disable-ADAccount echo 'Disable completed!' pause Exit }else{ echo 'Cancelled!' pause Exit } 脚本使用说明:


1、先编辑脚本,修改你想查询和禁用的ou范围,现在以我的测试服务器为例,请务必保证两处的ou范围是一致的,否则导出的列表和实际禁用的账户可能会不一致。 在这里插入图片描述

2、在AD上以管理员方式运行此脚本,会自动生成一个txt文件,里面记录了本次查找出距离最后一次登录的超过180天的用户。请确认此列表里的用户都是你想要禁用的,如确认输入y,脚本会自动禁用这些用户。否则请输入n,并回到第一步修改查询范围或添加排除范围。 在这里插入图片描述




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