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2023-12-18 04:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


string   tp;  wchar_t   *s;  char   *d;  tp=s;  d=tp.c_str();  也可使用WideCharToString(wchar_t   *   Source);函数转换




LPSTR = char *  LPCSTR = const char *  LPWSTR = wchar_t *  LPCWSTR = const wchar_t *  LPOLESTR = OLECHAR * = BSTR = LPWSTR(Win32)  LPCOLESTR = const OLECHAR * = LPCWSTR(Win32)  LPTSTR = _TCHAR *  LPCTSTR = const _TCHAR *


char 和 wchar_t相互转化 关键字: char 和 wchar_t相互转化

C代码 复制代码

#include #include //function: charTowchar//purpose:char to WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR etcvoid charTowchar(const char *chr, wchar_t *wchar, int size)  {         MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, chr,          strlen(chr)+1, wchar, size/sizeof(wchar[0]) );  }  //function: wcharTochar//purpose:WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR to charvoid wcharTochar(const wchar_t *wchar, char *chr, int length)  {      WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, wchar, -1,          chr, length, NULL, NULL );  }  int main (void)  {  char     chr[128];  wchar_t  *wchar = L"陈鸿钦";  //wchar_t to char    wcharTochar(wchar, chr, sizeof(chr));      printf("char is %s/n", chr);  //char to wchar_t    wchar = (wchar_t *)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * 64);      charTowchar(chr, wchar, sizeof(wchar_t) * 64);      wprintf_s(L"%s/n", wchar);//    getchar();  return 0;  } 

函数原型:  int WideCharToMultiByte(    UINT CodePage,    DWORD dwFlags,    LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr,    int cchWideChar,    LPSTR lpMultiByteStr,    int cbMultiByte,    LPCSTR lpDefaultChar,       LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar  );

参数说明:  1、CodePage  指定要转换成的字符集代码页,它可以是任何已经安装的或系统自带的字符集,可以选择以下的代码页:  CP_ACP         //当前系统ANSI代码页  CP_MACCP       //当前系统Macintosh代码页  CP_OEMCP       //当前系统OEM代码页,一种原始设备制造商硬件扫描码  CP_SYMBOL      //Symbol代码页,用于Windows 2000及以后版本  CP_THREAD_ACP  //当前线程ANSI代码页,用于Windows 2000及以后版本  CP_UTF7  //UTF-7,设置此值时lpDefaultChar和lpUsedDefaultChar都必须为NULL  CP_UTF8  //UTF-8,设置此值时lpDefaultChar和lpUsedDefaultChar都必须为NULL

2、dwFlags  指定如何处理没有转换的字符,一般情况下设为0  WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS  //把不能直接转换成相应多字节字符的Unicode字符转换成lpDefaultChar指定的默认字符。  WC_COMPOSITECHECK     //把合成字符转换成预制的字符。它可以与后三个选项中的任何一个组合使用,如果没有与他们中的任何一个组合,则与选项WC_SEPCHARS相同。  WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS  //此选项会致使函数遇到无效字符时失败返回,并且GetLastError会返回错误码ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION。否则函数会自动丢弃非法字符。此选项只能用于UTF8  WC_DISCARDNS      //转换时丢弃不占空间的字符,与WC_COMPOSITECHECK一起使用  WC_SEPCHARS       //转换时产生单独的字符,此是默认转换选项,与WC_COMPOSITECHECK一起使用  WC_DEFAULTCHAR    //转换时使用默认字符代替例外的字符,(最常见的如"?"),与WC_COMPOSITECHECK一起使用

3、lpWideCharStr  //要转换的宽字符串  4、cchWideChar    //要转换宽字符串的长度,-1表示转换到字符串结尾  5、lpMultiByteStr //接收转换后输出的字符串的缓冲区  6、cbMultiByte    //输出缓冲区大小,如果为0,lpMultiByteStr将被忽略,函数将返回所需缓冲区大小而不使用lpMultiByteStr。  7、lpDefaultChar  //指向字符的指针,在指定编码里找不到相应字符时使用此字符作为默认字符代替,如果为NULL则使用系统默认字符  8、lpUsedDefaultChar  //开关变量的指针,用以表明是否使用过默认字符,可设为NULL


下面就来看看如何将wstring和wchar_t*转换为string和char*  wstring转换为string:  wstring wstr=_T("翔翔糖糖");  int size=WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,wstr.c_str(),-1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL);  char *ch=new char[size+1];  if(!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,wstr.c_str(),-1,ch,size,NULL,NULL))  {      return false;  }  string str=ch;

wchar_t*转换为char*:  wchar_t *wch=_T("翔翔糖糖");  int size=WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,wch,-1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL);  char *ch=new char[size+1];  if(!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,wch,-1,ch,size,NULL,NULL))  {      return false;  }

wchar_t* wstr = L"A wide character string.";

char* ascii = new char[wcslen(wstr) + 1];

wcstombs( ascii, wstr, wcslen(wstr) );


另一种方法:                                                                                                                           char* localeInfo;                                                                                                                 wchar_t *pwchello = L"/x3042/x3043"; // 2 Hiragana characters                                       wchar_t *pwc;

wchar_t*转换为char*:                                                                                                        size_t size;                                                                                                                            int requiredSize;                                                                                                                   requiredSize = wcstombs( NULL, pwchello, 0);                                                                    pmbhello = (unsigned char *)malloc( requiredSize + 1);                                               size = wcstombs( pmbhello, pwchello, requiredSize + 1);

char* 转换为 wchar_t*                                                                                                       size_t size;                                                                                                                            int requiredSize;                                                                                                                   requiredSize = mbstowcs(NULL, pmbhello, 0);                                                                     pwc = (wchar_t *)malloc( (requiredSize + 1) * sizeof( wchar_t ));                                       size = mbstowcs( pwc, pmbhello, requiredSize + 1);



std::string   str;  LPCTSTR   lpstr   =   (LPCTSTR)str.c_str();





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