
您所在的位置:网站首页 care与careful的区别 区别辨析careful、cautious、attentive与prudent


2023-08-12 23:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2022年12月27日 口语与词汇



careful : 侧重做事谨慎、留心,特别注意一些细节地方。

Be careful! 小心! He was careful to keep out of sight. 他小心翼翼地躲开别人的视线。 Be careful not to wake the baby. 注意别吵醒了宝宝。 You must be careful when handling chemicals. 接触化学药品必须小心谨慎。 Be careful of the traffic. 注意交通安全。 Please be careful with my glasses (= Don't break them) . 请当心别打碎我的眼镜。 Be careful you don't bump your head. 留神别撞了头。

cautious : 着重考虑事情的后果,谨慎留意,防止出差错。

He was very cautious about committing himself to anything. 他谨小慎微,从不轻易表态。 The government has been cautious in its response to the report. 政府对此报道反应谨慎。 They've taken a very cautious approach. 他们采取了十分谨慎的态度。 They expressed cautious optimism about a solution to the crisis. 他们对解决危机持谨慎的乐观态度。

attentive : 指认真地注意地倾听别人的意见,留心别人的需要等。

an attentive audience 聚精会神的听众 The vast majority of the attentive audience applauded these sentiments. 大多数聚精会神听讲的观众都对这些观点表示赞赏。

prudent : 指遇事审慎,思考计划周密,不贸然行事。

a prudent businessman 精明的商人 a prudent decision/investment 审慎的决定 / 投资 It might be more prudent to get a second opinion before going ahead. 行动之前再征求一下意见也许更为慎重。 词汇辨析




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