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2023-04-30 14:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265










两者都是餐厅,但cafeteria 可以是普通商业的餐馆,但 canteen 通常是指公司,学校等内附属的小饭堂。


自助餐厅 eg:There is a cafeteria next to the laundromat.(这里有一家自助餐厅紧邻着自助洗衣店.) 不明白,可以追问 如有帮助,记得采纳,谢谢 祝学习进步!


cafeteria 英 [ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə] 美 [ˌkæfəˈtɪriə] n. 自助餐厅 复数: cafeterias 例句 I went and had an overpriced cup of coffee in the hotel cafeteria 我去酒店的咖啡厅喝了一杯要价奇高的咖啡。

dining hall,cafeteria,canteen,restaurant和buffet的区别

dining hall[英] [ˈdaɪnɪŋ hɔ:l] [美] [ˈdaɪnɪŋ hɔl] 大餐厅,食堂;饭厅;大食堂; cafeteria[英] [ˌkæfiˈtiəriə] [美] [ˌkæfɪˈtɪriə] n. 自助餐厅; canteen[英] [kænˈti:n] [美] [kænˈtin] n. 小卖部;食堂,小饭馆;水罐;餐具盒,炊具箱; restaurant[英] [ˈrestərənt] [美] [ˈrɛstərənt, -təˌrɑnt] n. 饭店;餐馆;饭馆;菜馆; buffet[英] [ˈbʌfit] [美] [bəˈfe, bu-] vt. 反复敲打;连续猛击;(人与命运,波浪等)博斗;(用手)打,殴打; n. (火车站的)饮食柜台,(火车的)餐车;自助餐;(风,波浪等的)冲击,(命运等的)折磨;碗橱,餐具架; adj. 自助餐的;快餐式的;

student cafeteria/canteen是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!   student cafeteria/canteen,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:学生餐厅。   希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。 高顿祝您生活愉快!

cafeteria什么意思 cafeteria什么意思

cafeteria的意思是自助餐厅、自助食堂,名词。 1、发音为:英 [ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə], 美 [ˌkæfəˈtɪriə] 。 2、词性:名词。 3、常见搭配: Cafeteria Nipponica日式餐厅 ; 吃货大食堂 ; 大盛食堂 ; 美食梦物语。 commercial cafeteria商业自助食堂 ; 自助餐餐馆 ; 自助餐食堂。 Cafeteria Service简易自助式服务 。 扩展资料 cafeteria同义词: 1、canteen cafeteria与canteen都可以表示自助餐厅、食堂的意思,但是两者具体侧重点不一样。cafeteria,简称cafe,餐厅,比较悠闲吃饭的地方,可以聊天的,有时候可以在露天的地方。而canteen,食堂,吃饭环境比较嘈杂,很少人在这种地方悠闲聊天。 2、lunchroom 名词,(学校或办公楼的)食堂,餐厅。 3、caf 名词,咖啡馆。


cafeteria_百度翻译 cafeteria [英]ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə [美]ˌkæfəˈtɪriə n. 自助餐厅 [例句]Heinz once promised a homeless man that he could have a free meal in the company 's cafeteria. 亨氏有一次向一位无家可归的人承诺,他可以在公司的食堂免费吃顿饭。


如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳, ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力 ~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

buffet和cafeteria在自助餐上的意思有什么区别? buffet和cafeteria在自助餐上的意思有什么区别?

buffet和cafeteria在自助餐上的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 1、指代不同 buffet:自助餐。 cafeteria:自助食堂。 2、用法不同 buffet:不预备正餐,而由就餐者随意在用餐时自行选择食物、饮料,然后或立或坐,自由地与他人在一起或是独自一人的专用餐。 cafeteria:饭堂类似快餐店经营,一般是先付款,后取收据到厨房窗口去取食物。出菜部一般分为几个,分别售卖不同种类的属食物,增加去饭堂进餐的人的选择范围。出菜部一般分为水吧、烧味部、中餐、西餐等。 3、读音不同 buffet:英[ˈbʌfeɪ,ˈbʌfɪt];美[bəˈfeɪ,ˈbʌfɪt] cafeteria:英[ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə];美[ˌkæfəˈtɪriə] 扩展资料: buffet和cafeteria不同词性的释义: 1、buffet n. 自助餐;(火车)饮食柜台;(车站)快餐部 v. 对…打来打去;将…推来搡去 2、cafeteria n. 自助餐厅;自助食堂

restaurant与dining的区别 restaurant与dining的区别

restaurant与dining的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、意思不同 1.restaurant意思:餐馆;餐厅 2.dining意思:进餐;用饭;就餐 二、用法不同 1.restaurant用法:基本意思是“饭店”“餐馆”,指可供餐饮的场所,小的可指只有一个卖饭的柜台和几张桌子的小饭馆,大的可指设有雅座或包间,出售多种食品或专于一国风味的餐厅。 例句: This restaurant gets three stars in the guidebook. 这家餐馆在旅游指南中标有三颗星。 2.dining用法:用作及物动词,跟名词或代词作宾语。 例句: The house has a spacious kitchen and dining area. 这座房子有一个宽敞的厨房和用餐区。 三、侧重点不同 1.restaurant侧重点:指昼夜开放的餐厅。 2.dining侧重点:指早中晚某个时间段开放的餐厅。

cafeteria和canteen有什么区别吗!? cafeteria和canteen有什么区别吗!?

不一样。cafeteria,简称cafe,餐厅,比较悠闲吃饭的地方,可以聊天的,有时候可以在露天的地方。canteen,食堂,吃饭地方比较吵的(在中国来说),很少人在这种地方悠闲聊天的。 扩展资料:自助餐厅(Buffet或Cafeteria)是指客人自选自取适合自己口味菜点就餐的餐厅。其就餐方式有两种:一是客人就餐先购票,到餐厅随意自取食品和饮料;二是先进餐厅自取随意食品和饮料,后到门口结算付款。不得餐后带食品或饮料出餐厅。 canteen,英语名词,意思是小卖部,食堂,小饭馆,水罐,餐具盒,炊具箱。 参考资料:自助餐厅-百度百科 canteen-百度百科

Cafe 和 restaurant 的区别

cafe: 源于法语,指可供茶、咖啡等饮料和小食品的饮食店。 restaurant: 最常用词,指有各种规格、营业时间固定、供应不同风味菜肴和饮料的食店或大餐厅。

dining room,restaurant,canteen,请说明这三个词语的区别,并各造一个句子



cafeteria [英]ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə [美]ˌkæfəˈtɪriə n. 自助餐厅 [例句]Heinz once promised a homeless man that he could have a free meal in the company 's cafeteria. 亨氏有一次向一位无家可归的人承诺,他可以在公司的食堂免费吃顿饭。


如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳, ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力 ~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

staff cafeteria是什么意思



问下,dining hall,cafeteria,canteen,restaurant和buffet的区别

canteen,食堂,吃饭地方比较吵的(在中国来说),很少人在这种地方悠闲聊天的嘈杂的自助餐厅 2. A snack bar or small cafeteria, as on a military

Buffet,cafeteria,canteen,cafe,dinner hall有什么区别和相同点

buffet是自助,不用解释了吧。cafe是我们日常在街边经常看见的那种咖啡厅,主要供应饮料和简餐。注意是简餐。cafeteria是介于cafe和restaurant之间的一种餐厅,尤其是那种拿着个盘子绕着食物柜台转一圈,最后带着选好的食物去柜台结账那种。canteen和dinner hall都是食堂,侧重表达机关单位内部员工吃饭的地方,不强调内部结构。


cafeteria 英 [ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə] 美 [ˌkæfɪˈtɪriə] n.自助餐厅


centimetres [ˈsentiˌmi:təz] n.厘米( centimetre的名词复数 )

1. Cairo has only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each inhabitant. 开罗居民的人均绿地面积仅13平方厘米。 来自柯林斯例句 2. This is a ruler graduated in both inches and centimetres. 这是一把刻有英寸和厘米的尺子. 来自《简明英汉词典》

cafeteria 用拼音怎么拼

cafeteria 英[ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə] 美[ˌkæfəˈtɪriə] n. 自助餐厅; [例句] I went and had an overpriced cup of coffee in the hotel cafeteria 我去酒店的咖啡厅喝了一杯要价奇高的咖啡。 [其他] 复数:cafeterias


A new semester, I spent time is the first week. First is the morning get up at 7 o 'clock, wash

After school, ready to start to school, and then 8 is generally have a rest. Lessons begin at 8

In class, also will certainly conscientious lectures, occasionally do some notes. After hearing a lesson in school, when

Review and prepare between text and sometimes too tired, lie prone on the table mend sleep, so that we can guarantee

The next lesson concentration. At the time, as a teacher after class. I usually go to school cafeteria lunch, lunch

After the campus will walk or to the bookstore to read some spring. Nearly 13:00, went back to the classroom

Nap during college, I will stick to prates, if not nap, afternoon classes will be no spirit

. Thus, I sleep until the alarm clock ring and will be very punctual me awake from sleep. Wash your face to the toilet

After wake up, and then began to class. Only two classes this afternoon, so to love is the class is over. the

Lesson, I'll ride bike to go home, returned home to help do housework, such as food, mopping the floor, washing room, etc. also

Not to eat of time, I will watch TV or Internet. 18:00 to eat, after dinner, I put the table

Packed with chopsticks, after washes also. I used to digest after half an hour, I began to do his homework, do

Industry is still remaining time to finish texts, and then prepare some guiding cousin don't understand her homework. At 21

I watch TV: 00, relax, ready to wash clothes, bath bed. : Because the morning

Get up at 7:00 a.m., now that I can sleep can enjoy 8 hours of sleep. These are my school

The room arrangement. Week of school time ended, also prove coming weekend. I have a good weekend, Saturday morning

Began surfing the Internet. At noon, I and my cousin after lunch bike acquisition centre to read. to

Good to people's square shopping and transformation of the weather, because there are many clothes get change garments according to the season big

Activities. I like shopping, so I for these sales activity is very interested in, or see myself before

The clothes are too expensive to buy. Now don't so expensive, of course I never leave the shopping. I

And while shopping edge to discuss a cousin popular this year what style of clothes, and talked about the new models will be listed next year

Clothes, we were talking of shopping, until ye came home to eat dinner. Look for electricity

And then start reading and do homework, evening for a shower after lying in bed listening to the music, listening to the beautiful

The music is imperceptibly asleep. On Sunday I slept again, go to the big), feel whole body park

Very tired and in the park jogging. At lunch, outside of the fierce, I can only in

Home and read, watch TV, read online news, etc. After dinner, it's still not late, I and my cousin just to floor

Next to play badminton. For too long didn't play badminton, feeling very tired, then cousin said to go to the supermarket to buy snacks eat,

We in the supermarket to buy a lot of oneself likes eating snacks back home. We ate, watching TV, evening has 21:

40, after bathing will pack a new week course, tired day lying in bed comfortable asleep again tomorrow

Welcome new week arrived. This week I had a very relaxed and happy! Weekends fruitfully.

at the student cafeteria什么意思

在学生自助餐厅 最后一个是自助餐厅的意思


自助餐厅 自主食堂

cafeteria 的中文意思


n. 1. 自助餐馆,自助食堂[C]

jane eats lunch at the cafeteria every day.语法加解释

简每天都在食堂吃午饭。 主谓宾+地点和时间状语。 一般现在时,所以eat用eats。

Buffet,cafeteria,canteen,cafe,dinner hall有什么区别和相同点

你好 buffet是自助,不用解释了吧。cafe是我们日常在街边经常看见的那种咖啡厅,主要供应饮料和简餐。注意是简餐。cafeteria是介于cafe和restaurant之间的一种餐厅,尤其是那种拿着个盘子绕着食物柜台转一圈,最后带着选好的食物去柜台结账那种。canteen和dinner hall都是食堂,侧重表达机关单位内部员工吃饭的地方,不强调内部结构。 希望对你有帮助




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