2021学年Unit 4 Breaking boundaries精品教案及反思

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2021学年Unit 4 Breaking boundaries精品教案及反思

#2021学年Unit 4 Breaking boundaries精品教案及反思| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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教学设计Starting ut板块教学设计(建议时长10–15分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)课型Listening + Viewing主题语境人与社会——打破边界内容分析本板块有两个活动,活动1呈现了一段视频,介绍了今天的世界存在的一些不均衡现象。活动2要求学生观察三幅图片,并谈谈这些图片分别反映了什么问题及自己有无相关经历。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:看懂视频,通过数据类比更清晰地认识我们今天的世界;看懂图片,就边界问题结合自己的亲身经历谈谈自己的看法,引发对单元主题的初步思考。教学重点引导学生看懂视频,更清晰地认识我们今天的世界。教学难点引导学生理解三幅图片,就边界问题结合自己的亲身经历谈谈自己的看法,引发学生对“打破边界”的初步思考。教学策略视听教学法、交际教学法Teaching cntentsPrceduresPurpses Teacher’s activityStudents’ activityActivity 1Teacher plays the vide and asks students t watch it carefully.Teacher asks students t answer the questins. Teacher plays the vide again if needed.Teacher asks students t wrk in grups and discuss the questins.Teacher invites sme students t share their answers t the questins.Students watch the vide carefully.Students answer the questins. Students watch the vide again if needed.Students wrk in grups and discuss the questins.Sme students share their answers t the questins with the class.T aruse students’ interest in the tpic.T help students get a basic understanding f ur tday’s wrld.Activity 2Teacher asks students t view the three pictures and answer the first questin individually.Teacher checks the answer t the first questin with the class.Teacher asks students t wrk in grups t answer the secnd questin.Teacher invites students t share the answers.Students view the pictures and answer the first questin individually.Students check the answers t the first questin with the teacher.Students discuss the secnd questin in grups.Sme students share the answers with the class.T help students have a further understanding f breaking bundaries.Understanding ideas板块教学设计(建议时长30–35分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)课型Reading主题语境人与社会——打破边界内容分析本板块呈现了一篇反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为日记。课文为一名无国界医生的日记,记录了100天以来作者与其他无国界医生共同抗击埃博拉时的所见所闻所感,语言朴实感人,展现了无国界医生肩负的责任感、团队意识、奉献精神和永不放弃的信念。读前的导入活动为一段关于无国界医生组织的简介,意在帮助学生搭建背景知识,为课文学习做铺垫。读中活动请学生找出文章的核心观点并想出五个形容词来描述无国界医生精神。读后活动通过梳理和体会作者这100天的经历和感受、理解习近平总书记在十九大报告里关于“构建人类命运共同体”的讲话以及回答开放性问题等活动,帮助学生深入探究主题意义,同时提升思维能力。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:读懂日记,了解作者作为无国界医生日常所面临的一些难题,并获取文章的主要观点;找出相关细节信息并梳理课文的写作脉络,总结作者从出发前到今天的经历和感受;基于文章内容,从无国界医生无私奉献的精神中感知单元主题意义,加深对“无国界”和“人类命运共同体”的理解。教学重点引导学生读懂语篇,获取文章的主要观点,并梳理课文的写作脉络。教学难点帮助学生基于文章内容,从无国界医生无私奉献的精神中感知单元主题意义,加深对“无国界”和“人类命运共同体”的理解。Teaching cntentsPrceduresPurpses Teacher’s activityStudents’ activityActivity 1Teacher asks students t read the infrmatin abut MSF and think abut the questins. Teacher divides the class int grups t have discussins abut the questins.Teacher chses ne r tw grups t share their results with the class.Students read the infrmatin abut MSF and think abut the questins individually.Students wrk in grups and discuss the questins.One r tw grups present their results t the class.T let students get the basic infrmatin abut MSF. Activity 2Teacher asks students t read the jurnal quickly and find ut what the authr was tackling.Teacher asks sme students t share the answers.Students read the jurnal quickly and find ut what the authr was tackling.Sme students share the answers with the class.T let students get the main idea f the jurnal.Activity 3Teacher asks students t read the passage again and finish the first task in activity 3.Teacher invites sme students t share their answers with the class and thers t make cmmentsTeacher asks students t wrk in grups and use five adjectives t describe the spirit f MSF dctrs and give reasns.Students read the passage again and finish the first task.Sme students share their answers with the class. Others make cmments.Students wrk in grups and use five adjectives t describe the spirit f MSF dctrs and give reasns.T help students figure ut the authr’s ideas in writing the passage.Activity 4Teacher asks students t read the passage carefully and cmplete the table.Teacher checks the answers with the students.Teacher asks students t read the infrmatin and answer the questins.Teacher invites sme students t share their answers with the class.Students read the passage carefully and cmplete the table.Students check the answers with the teacher.Students read the infrmatin and answer the questins.Sme students share their answers with the class.T help students figure ut the key infrmatin with sme details f the passage.T braden students’ thughts abut “a cmmunity with a shared future fr mankind”.Think & ShareTeacher asks students t think abut and answer the questins individually.Teacher asks students t discuss the questins in grups.Teacher invites sme students t share the answers with the class.Students think abut and answer the questins individually.Students discuss the questins in grups.Sme students share the answers with the class. T help students have a deeper understanding f the jurnal. T braden students’ hrizn.T help students better understand “a cmmunity with a shared future fr mankind”.


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