E. Swamp Witch's Hut

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E. Swamp Witch's Hut

#E. Swamp Witch's Hut| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Table of ContentsIntroductionUsing This GuideDifficulty LevelsFully Installing the Arcane Unleashed DLCGame BasicsCharacter InformationItems and EquipmentMovement in Area MapsCombatTraveling in the Overworld MapRestingHome BasePrologueAct 1: Stolen LandA. Oleg's Trading PostB. Nettle's CrossingNorth Narlmarches: Waterlogged LowlandC. Ancient TombD. Pine PatchE. Thorn FordF. Swamp Road: Technic League Random EncounterG. Technic League EncampmentNorth Narlmarches: Boggard Hunting GroundsA-2. Oleg's Trading Post RevisitedNorth Narlmarches: Oak-That-StrayedH. Abandoned HutI. Temple of the ElkJ. Old SycamoreA-3. Oleg's Trading Post RevisistedOutskirts: Endless PlainsOutskirts: Fangberry CaveOutskirts: Two-River's FieldShrike Hills: Riverine RiseShrike Hills: Trail in the HillsK. Stag Lord's FortA-4. Oleg's Trading Post RevisitedNorth Narlmarches: Old OakNorth Narlmarches: Tuskgutter's Lair - Amiri: Prove Your Worth Part 1North Narlmarches: Tranquil River BendNorth Narlmarches: Three-Pine IsletNorth Narlmarches: Glade in the WildernessShrike Hills: Old MesaAct 2: Troll TroubleA. Jamandi Aldori's Mansion (Act 2)B. Capital: TuskdaleVarnhold: Sorrowflow - Kalikke/KanerahOleg's Trading Post: Artisan BokkenB-2 Capital RevisitedC. A Ford Across the Skunk RiverSouth Narlmarches: Overgrown PoolD. Ruined WatchtowerSouth Narlmarches: Bandit CampE. Swamp Witch's HutSouth Narlmarches: Monster DenF. Lone HouseB-3. Capital Revisited and Bald HilltopC-2. A Ford Across the Skunk River (Troll Invasion)D-2. Ruined Watchtower (Troll Invasion)South Narlmarches: Wilderness Encounter - DaltonSouth Narlmarches: Wilderness Encounter - Kobold Shaman and Branded TrollsF-2. Lone House (Troll Invasion)South Narlmarches: Kobold TrailSouth Narlmarches: Kobold CampSouth Narlmarches: Troll ClearingG. Dwarven RuinsAct 2, Part 2: Adventuring After Troll TroubleSettling Regions During Acts 2 and 3A-1. Verdant Chambers (Group Visit)A-2. Verdant Chambers (Solo Visit)Shrike Hills: Ratnook HillB. Bridge over the Gudrin RiverKamelands: Mud BowlKamelands: Wolf's LairKamelands: Empty Skull RockC. Secluded LodgeD. Lost Child: Swamp Witch's Hut (Revisited)Lost Child: Random Encounter - LizardfolkE. Lost Child: Lizardfolk VillageKamelands: Bald StonesSilverstep: Dragonleaf GulchSilverstep: Ironstone GullyShrike Hills: Lonely BarrowSilverstep: Ancient MineF. The Lonely Hunter: Lake Silverstep VillageG. The Lonely Hunter: Silverstep GroveH. VarnholdI. Candlemere TowerShrike Hills: Arbor RockShrike Hills: Hilltop TrailDire Narlmarches: Saint Galvan's GulletDire Narlmarches: Brown BaldheadDire Narlmarches: Tenacious MarshDire Narlmarches: Swamp RuinsDire Narlmarches: Sunny HillockJ. An Ancient Curse, Part Two: Bald HilltopAct 2 Companion QuestsKalikke/Kanerah: A Task for the Sweet TeethAmiri: Prove Your Worth Part 2 - Hodag's LairValerie: Shelyn's ChosenJaethal: Investigate My DeathLinzi: Easier to Ask ForgivenessTristian: Kingdom of the CleansedArtisan QuestsArtisan Bokken: An Ancient FormulaArtisan Dragn: OnslaughtArtisan Shaynih'a: One Thousand and One Questionable StoriesArtisan Nazrielle: Nazrielle's Greatest CreationArtisan Varrask: ObliterationArtisan Sharel: A Bloody CraftArtisan Kimo Tavon: A Trail of MisfortuneArtisan Kimo Tavon: Affairs of the HeartArtisan Mim: Three Wishes - Talon PeakArtisan Irlene: A Simple FavorAct 3: Season of the Bloom - A. Capital: TuskdaleB. An Amusement for NoblesC. Monster InvasionD. Random Encounter: Wilderness ClearingE1. Shrike Hills: Lonely MillE2. Shrike Hills: Goblin Village - Mother of MonstersF. Bridge Over the Gudrin River (Revisited)G. Witch HuntA-2. Capital: Unrest in the StreetsH. Goblin FortI. Return to the CapitalJ. Womb of LamashtuA3. Capital: After the Season of the BloomK. An Ancient Curse, Part Three - Bald HilltopAct 3 Companion QuestsEkundayo: A Feast of FeastsAmiri: PariahTenebrous DepthsTenebrous Depths - Part 1Tenebrous Depths - Part 2Version Information / Update StatusAct 2: Troll TroubleE. Swamp Witch's Hut

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I highly recommend having one of your spellcasters prepare Delay Poison, Communal (3) for this area because of the environmental poisonous clouds around Locations Y and Z. This area has a number of optional encounters that are murderous for a 5th or 6th level party. I recommend skipping them for now, since you’ll have to come back here eventually. I’ll point them out as they come up.

From Bandit Camp: 1) W, 2) S, 3) SW x2, 4) S, 5) SW.

Hunting in this area during rest: Lore (Nature) DC 21.

You can unlock a shop on this map, so you may wish to drop any heavy items (such as extra armor) you may be carrying at the beginning of this map, to speed up movement in this area and to reduce the risk of gaining fatigue from encumbrance while you wander around.

Events & PeopleFerocious Worg (Magical Beast 4, Barbarian 3), Worg x4 (Magical Beast 4). You should be 5th or 6th level at this point. The Ferocious Worg is the only real threat here. Keep your ranged squishies on the high ground to give them a bit more protection from getting pulled into melee combat. Dire Boar x3 (Animal 5). Mudleaf. This requires a Lore: Nature DC 27 to collect (33 exp on success, 1d6+3 magic damage on failure). You need to collect 3 of these, and the bushes are destroyed on failure, so I strongly recommend saving before each collection attempt. According to the Internet, these regrow once when the Troll Invasion begins, so come back later if you failed to collect enough the first time. Falchos and Tiressia: If you took the Quest: Feather Tokens, you can ask Tiressia for some feather tokens to receive a Pouch of Feather Tokens for free. Asking about the village provides information and unlocks other conversation choices for this area. If you are romancing Tristian and he is with you, you can improve his affection by selecting the conversation choice: “1. You’re judging by appearances….” when he first speaks.During this conversation, they’ll tell you about a threat called the Scythe-Tree, which begins the Quest: Gnarled Branches. There are a number of ways to resolve this situation: 1) offer to kill the Scythe Tree without a reward (LG moral choice), 2) offer to kill it but ask for a reward (no moral choice), 3) convince Falchos to leave (CN moral choice, Diplomacy DC 20 check - 45 exp and 780 gold, Jade x3, Moonstone, x4, Citrine x2), or 4) walk away (NE moral choice). If you picked the NE choice, the fey will try to charm you (Will DC 26). If you fail, time will pass and you’ll be thrown into combat with the Scythe Tree. Falchos will attack if you succeed on the Will save.The Scythe Tree is located at Location Y to the SE portion of the map. Defeating the Scythe Tree and completing the Quest: Gnarled Branches will earn you 450 exp and grant you the Curse Project: Research into the Nature of Curses: the Scythe Tree. If you asked for a reward, you will also get the same treasure as if you had convinced Falchos to leave (780 gold, Jade x3, Moonstone, x4, Citrine x2).If you end up fighting them, Falchos is a Fey 8, Ranger 5 and carries a Chainshirt +1. Tiressia is a Fey 9 and will summon beasts. She carries a Pouch of Feather Tokens.Path (Perception DC 0). Traversing the path requires an Athletics DC 26 (33 exp on success, 2d6+3 slashing damage on failure). I recommend skipping it for now given the extreme difficulty of the enemies at Location F. There are three Greater Enraged Owlbears (Magical Beast 18) on the other side of the path. This is an extremely challenging battle for a 5th to 7th level party. On Normal difficulty, they each have AC 22, 261 hp, Fort +21/Ref +15/Will +9 saves, and they each make three attacks: a bite and two claw at +26 to hit (with power attack) for 2d6+24 damage (with power attack). I strongly recommend avoiding them for now, since you’ll need to return to the map later anyway.They should be reasonably doable for an 8th or 9th level party if you buff properly and concentrate your attacks on one enemy at a time. Spells like Blur (2), Mirror Image (2), and Displacement (3), and Haste (3) will significantly improve your survivability, while spells like Cat’s Grace (2), Shield of Faith (1), and Barkskin (2) will boost your tank’s AC above what their magic items may provide. Control spells like Grease (1), Web (2), Stinking Cloud (3), Confusion (3), Hideous Laughter (1), or Cacophonous Call (2) may also slow them down for a few rounds. Their corpses can be skinned with a Nature DC 27 for Owlbear Pelts (32 gold).Greater Werewolf (Fighter 7), Ferocious Worg x3 (Magical Beast 4, Barbarian 3). These enemies are stealthed (Perception DC 29). The Werewolf has a Masterwork Longsword.On Normal difficulty, the Ferocious Worgs have 19 AC, 73 hp, and Fort +10/Ref +9/Will +6 saves, and they each make 1 attack at +10 to hit for 1d6+11 damage. The Greater Werewolf has 17 AC, 74 hp, Fort +9/Ref +4/Will +4 saves, and DR 10/silver; he makes 3 attacks: 2 sword attacks at +13/+8 to hit for 1d8+14 damage and a bite at +5 to hit for 1d6+4 damage. They are challenging but doable for a 6th level party, if you know they’re there and have time to buff/prepare. Skip them and return later if you find them challenging. Like many enemies, they are vulnerable to Stinking Cloud (3). Hodag-like Treant x2 (Magical Beast 8). These treants have 4 attacks each and have high strength. On Normal difficulty, they have AC 21, 100 hp, 21 Fort +12/Ref +7/Will +7 saves, and DR 10/cold iron. They each make 4 attacks at a +12 to hit: a bite and a tail slap for 1d8+15 damage and 2 claws for 1d6+15 damage. This is a dangerous but very doable encounter for a 6th level party, though you may wish to have one or more melee characters switch to a cold iron weapon to beat their DR. Their low Reflex and Will saves make them susceptible to control spells. Will-o’-wisp x2 (Aberration 9). On Normal difficulty, they have AC 24, 41 hp, Fort +3/Reflex +9/Will +12 saves, and electricity immunity. They are vulnerable to the spell Magic Missile (1). They make touch attacks at a +16 to hit (+2 with concealment) for 2d8 electricity damage . Resist Energy (2) or Resist Energy, Communal (3) will help. They have high AC and concealment and are hard to hit, but they pose little threat if your characters (especially the tank) have electricity resistance.Greater Tatzlwyrm (Dragon 6), Tatzlwyrm x2 (Dragon 3). Tatzlwyrms have poison that deal Str damage, which you can completely neutralize with Delay Poison, Communal (3).Ghoul (Fighter 4, Undead 2). Speaking to him will start the Quest: Coins for a Dead Man’s Eyes. He carries a Masterwork Handaxe.If you bring him the coins from the well at Location V, you can ask him about their meaning and the curse to gain 135 exp for advancing the quest. You can only get this experience once from either the Ghoul or the Spectre. If you then ask him “2. Was it you who cursed Wilber and Callitropsia?” he’ll tell you to give the coins to the Spectre. If you free the Spectre and return, he’ll ask you to destroy his body and attack you, in an effort to commit suicide by adventurers.You can alternatively give him his final rest by placing the coins in his eyes to receive 450 exp and Cloak of Resistance +2; this will prevent you from freeing the Spectre (who gives a much better reward).Trail (Perception DC 0): Athletics DC 22 (33 exp, 3d6+3 slashing damage on failure). There used to be no penalty for failure, but it has since been patched. The return trip requires an Athletics DC 0. Venomhodag x4 (Magical Beast 8). They start off invisible/stealthed. On Normal difficulty, they have AC 23, 84 hp, Fort +10/Ref +12/Will +7 saves, spell resistance 18, and cold and electricity resistance 10. They each make 4 attacks at a +12 to hit: a bite and tail slap for 1d8+14 damage and 2 claws for 1d6+14 damage. They are susceptible to Stinking Cloud (3), but it may be difficult for a level 5 to 6 party to defeat enough of them quickly enough to survive this battle. Like the Greater Enraged Owlbears, they have high defenses, multiple attacks and high attack rolls, so I recommend avoiding this battle for now. This battle should be very doable for a 7th level party. Giant Slug x3 (Vermin 12). On Normal difficulty, they have AC 18, 102 hp, Fort +12/Ref +0/Will +4 saves, DR 10/slashing or piercing, and immunity to acid, mind affecting effects, and being prone. They make 1 attack at +15 to hit for 6d8+12 damage +2d8 acid damage. They also have a Spit Acid ranged touch (ray) attack at a +3 to hit for 10d6 acid damage. Protect your characters with Resist Energy, Acid (3) before this fight. They are vulnerable to Stinking Cloud (3), though they have a fairly high Fort save. This is a doable battle, but may take a few reloads, depending on how lucky you are. Feel free to skip it and come back later if you find them to be too challenging. Dire Boar x4 (Animal 5). Gate. Interacting with the gate brings up a number of options, the ones that advance the conversation are: 1) gently throw a pebble at the window (Dex DC 15 - 18 exp), 2) ring the bell, or 3) open the gate and enter. The Old Beldame will come out if you succeed on the Dex check or ring the bell. Failure on the Dex check (option 2) or opening the gate and entering (option 3) leads to combat with the Scarecrow (Construct 15) and the Old Beldame (Wizard 8). The Scarecrow has an automatic Fascinate effect that applies every round. I don’t recommend fighting them since it’s a really challenging battle for a 5th to 6th level party and since the meagre rewards aren’t worth the lost opportunity cost. The Old Beldame: If you ask: “3. How can I help you, …?” she will give you the Errand: Mushrooms from the Mud Bowl and ask you to bring her 10 Black Rattlecaps.If you talk to her while carrying any Gloomberries, Dizzyheads, or Mudleafs in your inventory, you will get the option to “3. [show the herb you’ve found at the swamp]. She will ask you to bring her 3 of each, starting the Errand: Swamp Bouquet. If you give her the requested herbs, you’ll earn 400 gold and 300 exp and she'll be willing to speak to you and to sell/buy items.You can buy a Pouch of Feather Tokens from her for 500 gold if you didn’t get one from Tiressia. She also sells a number of spell scrolls, including scrolls of Haste (3), Greater Invisibility (4), and Freedom of Movement (4); these can be worth buying for your wizards if you haven’t yet gotten these spells. You can also buy a copy of the Book: “Of Transmutations & Bodily Poisons, Part I” from her if you didn’t get a copy from the Abandoned Hut. This is a great opportunity to sell some of the treasure you’ve picked up along the way.If you heard about Elga Verniex from Falchos and Tiressia, you can ask her if she’s Elga. Talk to Falchos and Tiressia again to receive a letter for her from her father. You can give it to her for more dialogue options and plot.If you speak to her after finishing the Quest: Coins for a Dead Man’s Eyes, she’ll ask you what you think about it all. This has no in-game benefit besides providing more story, which is its own benefit. Greater Tatzlwyrm (Dragon 6), Tatzlwyrm x3 (Dragon 3). Mobility DC 20 (33 exp). The return path does not require a check.Will-o’-wisp x2 (Aberration 9). Nyrta’s Corpse. If you’ve defeated the Scythe Tree, you can put the Old Wedding Ring on her body (LG moral choice, 54 exp). You can alternatively gather some flowers and lay them near the body (NG moral choice) or take treasure from the body (NE moral choice). The treasure is a Ring of Protection +1, a Gold Ring, an Emerald, and 91 gold.If you take the treasure, your next random encounter will be a confrontation with a Nereid who will flee after summoning 5 Giant Frogs (Animal 2) to fight you. A Greater Tatzylwyrm (Dragon 6) and Tatzylwyrms x3 (Dragon 3) will appear after 2-3 rounds from the SW and SE respectively, and a Poisonous Shambling Mound (Plant 11) will appear a few rounds after that from the NW. The Shambling Mound is immune to poison, mind-affecting effects, and electricity, and it has fire resistance 10. This can be a rather difficult encounter at this level, so I’d recommend holding off a few levels if you really want to rob her corpse.Well. You can knock on the lid (Will DC 20 - 45 exp). Opening the lid begins combat with Ancient Will-o’-wisp (Aberration 16) and War Wisp x2 (Aberration 11). On Normal difficulty, the Ancient Will-o'-wisp has AC 27, 136 hp, Fort +10/Ref+14/Will +13 saves, and electricity immunity, and it's vulnerable to Magic Missile (1). It shoots Lightning Bolts for 10d6 electricity damage (Reflex DC 19 for half damage). The War Wisps have AC 25, 61 hp, Fort +4/Ref +13/Will +10 saves, electricity immunity, and are vulnerable to Magic Missile (1). They make lightning attacks for 7d6 electricity damage (Reflex DC 14 for half damage). These enemies like to use area line attacks, so you should spread your characters out before the battle begins. Because they have high AC, deal a lot of AOE electricity damage, and can be difficult to hit, I recommend holding off on this encounter until your party reaches 7th level. A Resist Electricity, Communal (3) spell cast at caster level 7 will all but negate their attacks, trivializing this battle. You don't need to wait until 7th level, and it's possible to fight and defeat them at a lower level (Protection from Energy (3) spells help), but there's really no need given their high AC and since you'll have to come back to this map later.The War Wisps will each carry a Coin with Wilber’s Name; the Will-o’-wisp carries a Coin with Callitropsia’s Name. If you bring these coins to the Old Beldame or Tiressia, they will tell you that the coins are related to a curse. You can bring these coins to the Spectre and the Ghoul for more information and to advance the Quest: Coins for a Dead Man’s Eyes. Greater Worg (Barbarian 5, Magical Beast 4), Ferocious Worg x3 (Magical Beast 4, Barbarian 3). You can limit the number of enemies you fight at any time by having your tank charge from the north. Spectre (Undead 8): Speaking to the Spectre will begin the Quest: Coins for a Dead Man’s Eyes. If you come here after speaking with the Ghoul, there will be additional dialogue options. If you choose to attack him, he’ll deal negative level drain with his attacks, and you won’t get any exp from the battle. It’s really not worth it.If you bring him the coins from the well and say “2. I’ve found some coins in the well. …”, he’ll explain what they mean and you’ll get 135 exp for advancing the quest. You can only get this experience once from either the Ghoul or the Spectre. If you also bring Nyta’s Letter and ask him about it, he’ll explain what happened to cause the situation. You can solve the Quest: Coins for a Dead Man’s Eyes to the Spectre’s benefit if you ask: “3. What keeps you from your eternal rest?” and “5. [Put the coins on Erastil’s altar].” This will earn you 450 exp and reveal Treasure #35 (a Phylactery of Positive Channeling).The characters will make a Perception check (DC 0) when you approach the Spectre. However, nothing appears, and it’s unclear what, if anything, is discovered. Scythe Tree (Plant 16). It carries an Old Wedding Ring and Nyta’s Letter on its corpse.On Normal difficulty, the Scythe Tree has AC 25, 152 HP, Fort +15/Ref +8/Will+8 saves, and DR 10/slashing, and it's immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, paralysis, and stun, among other effects. It makes 3 attacks at a +18 attack bonus for 2d4+16 damage. It doesn't have prone immunity and can be tripped or knocked down with the Grease (1) spell. The purple clouds in the area are poisonous (Fort DC 12) and will deal 1d3 Con damage per round until the character makes a save. I strongly recommend having one of your clerics or other spellcasters prepare Delay Poison, Communal (3) while you're in this area. Thanks Runetooth, for reminding me that I forgot to add this note!Giant Slug x2 (Vermin 12).

TreasureBody: 18 gold, Longsword, Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Scroll of Acid Arrow, Onions.Locked Chest (Perception DC 18, Trickery DC 20): Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds, Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Enlarge Person, Turquoise, 7 gold, Scroll of Cure Light Wounds.Swordsman’s Passion (Dueling Sword +2, Agile, Finesse Wielding).Stump (Perception DC 20): Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Scroll of Bless x2, Scroll of Scorching Ray, 16 gold, Scroll of Cure Light Wounds.1,011 gold, Pearl x22, Exquisite Pearl x6, Taldan Warrior’s Dog Tag, Flour.Ring of Protection +2 (Perception DC 24). Token of the Dryad.Shambletus. Scroll of Bless x2, 23 gold, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Scroll of Cure Light Wounds x3, Scroll of Acid Arrow. Trapped Box (Perception DC 24 to spot the box, Perception DC 22 to notice the trap, Trickery DC 22 to disarm - 36 exp): Demolisher (Heavy Pick +1, Adamantine, Construct Bane). Log (Perception DC 19): Citrine, Potion of Cat’s Grace, 8 gold.(Perception DC 0): Leather Armor +2, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2, 48 gold.Gloomberry. Token of the Dryad, Shard of Knight’s Bracers.Herbs.Scroll of Acid Arrow, 14 gold, Scroll of Bless x2, Moonstone, Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, Jade, Silver Ring.Token of the Dryad.Milk, Butter, Recipe: Fish-on-a-Stick. Clear Quartz, Potion of Enlarge Potion, Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds, Scroll of Bless, 15 gold. Log (Perception DC 18): Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, 2 gold, Potion of Enlarge Person, Scroll of Scorching Ray, Silver Ring, Moonstone, Jade, Turquoise. Locked Chest (Perception DC 20, Trickery DC 18): Copper Ring, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Exquisite Pearl, 3 gold, Potion of Shield of Faith, Jasper, Scroll of Bless, Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds.Mushrooms.Rocks (Perception DC 19): Token of the Dryad.Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, Scroll of Hold Person, 15 gold.Rocks (Perception DC 19): Taldan Warrior’s Dog Tag.Locked Chest (Trickery DC 19): Scroll of Scorching Ray x2, Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, 6 gold, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Scroll of Bless.Locked Chest (Trickery DC 18): Scroll of Bless, Potion of Bull’s Strength, 2 gold. Dizzyhead (Perception DC 22).Dizzyhead (Perception DC 27). Potion of Barkskin, Scroll of Bless, Scroll of Cure Light Wounds x2, 3 gold. Bodies: a) Pearl, Shortsword, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, 13 gold; b) Green Quartz, Potion of Owl’s Wisdom, 3 gold, Handaxe.a) Token of the Dryad, Cypress Queen’s Flower; b) Wand of Burning Arc (27 charges). Token of the Dryad (Perception DC 19).Trapped Chest (Perception DC 22 to see the chest, DC 26 to see the trap, Trickery DC 22 to disarm): Gloves of Dueling (+4 to CMD against disarm; +2 bonus to the Weapon Training ability if the wielder has the ability).Phylactery of Positive Channeling. This requires you to resolve the Quest: Coins for a Dead Man’s Eyes in the Spectre’s favor.Leaving the Area

It’s important to give yourself about a day and a half before the 14 day deadline for An Ancient Curse to travel back to your capital. You can continue on to the Monster Den if you have the time or you can skip this area for now, since you’ll return to this area soon enough.




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