
您所在的位置:网站首页 beautifully用英语怎么说 踌躇满志的英文怎么说


2023-12-08 05:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

踌躇满志的英文:[Literal Meaning] self-content/satisfied to be ready to do something proudly

[解释] 踌躇:从容的样子。对自己取得的成就非常得意。

[Explanation] to look as if one had a great success

[例子] 得知自己的计划被采纳之后,他踌躇满志,开始考虑下一步的行动

[Example] Knowing that his plan was adopted, he looked like the cat that swallowed the canary and began to consider the next step.

[英文等价词] to look like the cat that swallowed the canary

参考例句:To be self-satisfied,puffed up with pride踌躇满志He’d been contented enough the first few years最初几年他倒是踌躇满志。Don't be self-satisfied when you make some achievements.取得一些成绩,不要踌躇满志。The transported Dunwoody, with his aladdin's apple, was receiving the fickle attentions of all踌躇满志的邓武迪拿着那只宝贝苹果,陶醉在大伙趋炎附势的注意中。They sound the popular note, and they sound it so beautifully and morally and contentedly他们唱着迎合大众的论调,他们唱得那么漂亮、那么循规蹈矩而踌躇满志。The bloated numbers make clear that the production's target audience is not necessarily Chinese组织者踌躇满志,明确表示演出的观众定位不一定非中国人不可。Colonel Curgill thanked him crisply and glowed with self-satisfaction as he strode across the area丘吉尔上校爽快地向他道了谢,踌躇满志地迈着大步穿过了营地。My happy eye was upon it always, and I sat motionless, steeped in satisfaction, drunk with enjoyment我的快乐的眼睛老是盯着它;而且我老是坐在那里不动,一百二十分的踌躇满志,高兴得简直如醉如痴。Franz complimented Albert, who looked at himself in the glass with an unequivocal smile of satisfaction弗兰兹向阿尔贝恭维了一番,阿尔贝自己也对着镜子照了照,脸上带着踌躇满志的微笑。


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