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2024-06-14 07:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

ElvUI - The Burning Crusade (2.4.3)

This is the backported version of ElvUI for World of Warcraft - The Burning Crusade (2.4.3) ElvUI is a full UI replacement. It completely replaces the default Blizzard UI at every level with a new and better interface. As such, you'll only ever have to update ElvUI and not worry too much about its individual components. This UI will arrange your interface to be more flexible and practical.



ElvUI_AddOnSkins ElvUI_AuraBarsMovers ElvUI_BagControl ElvUI_CastBarOverlay ElvUI_CastBarSnap ElvUI_ChannelAlerts ElvUI_CustomTweaks ElvUI_DataTextBars ElvUI_Enhanced ElvUI_EnhancedFriendsList ElvUI_ExtraActionBars ElvUI_FogOfWar ElvUI_LocPlus ElvUI_MicrobarEnhancement ElvUI_MinimapButtons ElvUI_SwingBar

-- Please Note: These plugins will not function without ElvUI installed.

Currently the aggro / threat highlights does not work on unitframes and nameplates. As a temporary fix you can get this plugin writen by Tremolo4


Commands: /ec or /elvui Toggle the configuration GUI. /rl or /reloadui Reload the whole UI. /moveui Open the movable frames options. /bgstats Toggles Battleground datatexts to display info when inside a battleground. /hellokitty Enables the Hello Kitty theme (can be reverted by repeating the command). /hellokittyfix Fixes any colors or borders to default after using /hellokitty. Optional Use. /harlemshake Enables Harlem Shake april fools joke. (DO THE HARLEM SHAKE!) /egrid Toggles visibility of the grid for helping placement of thirdparty addons. /farmmode Toggles the Minimap Farmmode. /in The input of how many seconds you want a command to fire. usage: /in example: /in 1.5 /say hi /enable Enable an Addon. usage: /enable example: /enable AtlasLoot /disable Disable an Addon. usage: /disable example: /disable AtlasLoot --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Development ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /etrace Toggles events window. /luaerror on Enable luaerrors. /luaerror off Disable luaerrors. /cpuimpact Toggles calculations of CPU Impact. Type /cpuimpact to get results when you are ready. /cpuusage Calculates and dumps CPU usage differences (module: all, showall: false, minCalls: 15, delay: 5). /frame Command to grab frame information when mouseing over a frame or when inputting the name. usage: /frame (when mousing over frame) or /frame example: /frame WorldFrame /framelist Dumps frame level information with children and parents. Also places info into copy box. /framestack Toggles dynamic mouseover frame displaying frame name and level information. /resetui If no argument is provided it will reset all frames to their default positions. If an argument is provided it will reset only that frame. example: /resetui uf (resets all unitframes) Languages:

ElvUI supports and contains language specific code for the following gameclients:

English (enUS) Korean (koKR) French (frFR) German (deDE) Chinese (zhCN) Spanish (esES) Russian (ruRU) FAQ: I would like to report a bug. What i need to do?

Make sure you're using the latest version of ElvUI Describe your issue in as much detail as possible. If your issue is graphical, please take some screenshots to illustrate it. What were you doing when the problem occurred? Explain how people can reproduce the issue. The more info you provide, the better and faster support you will receive.

I would like to request a feature. Where do I go?

This repository has been created to reproduce the original ElvUI functions. If you want to request a feature, post in the ElvUI_Enhanced

I have a suggestion/problem with ElvUI_"PluginName". Where do I go?

Create an issue at the bug tracker of ElvUI_"PluginName" repository.

FAQ RU: 携 褏芯褔褍 褋芯芯斜褖懈褌褜 芯 斜邪谐械. 效褌芯 屑薪械 薪褍卸薪芯 写械谢邪褌褜?

校斜械写懈褌械褋褜 褔褌芯 胁褘 懈褋锌芯谢褜蟹褍械褌械 锌芯褋谢械写薪褞褞 胁械褉褋懈褞 ElvUI 袛械褌邪谢褜薪芯 芯锌懈褕懈褌械 褋胁芯褞 锌褉芯斜谢械屑褍. 袝褋谢懈 胁邪褕邪 锌褉芯斜谢械屑邪 薪芯褋懈褌 胁懈蟹褍邪谢褜薪褘泄 褏邪褉邪泻褌械褉, 锌芯卸邪谢褍泄褋褌邪 锌褉械写芯褋褌邪胁褜褌械 褋泻褉懈薪褕芯褌褘. 效褌芯 胁褘 写械谢邪谢懈, 泻芯谐写邪 锌褉芯懈蟹芯褕谢邪 芯褕懈斜泻邪? 袨锌懈褕懈褌械, 泻邪泻 屑芯卸薪芯 胁芯褋锌褉芯懈蟹胁械褋褌懈 褝褌褍 芯褕懈斜泻褍. 效械屑 斜芯谢褜褕械 懈薪褎芯褉屑邪褑懈懈 芯 锌褉芯斜谢械屑褘 胁褘 锌褉械写芯褋褌邪胁懈褌械, 褌械屑 斜褘褋褌褉械械 胁邪屑 锌芯屑芯谐褍褌.

携 褏芯褌械谢 斜褘 锌芯锌褉芯褋懈褌褜 芯 写芯斜邪胁谢械薪懈懈 胁芯蟹屑芯卸薪芯褋褌懈 胁 ElvUI. 袚写械 薪邪锌懈褋邪褌褜?

袛邪薪薪褘泄 褉械锌芯蟹懈褌芯褉懈泄 褋芯蟹写邪薪 褋 褑械谢褜褞 胁芯褋锌褉芯懈蟹胁械写械薪懈褟 芯褉懈谐懈薪邪谢褜薪芯谐芯 褎褍薪泻褑懈芯薪邪谢 ElvUI. 袟邪锌褉芯褋褘 薪邪 写芯斜邪胁谢械薪懈械 薪芯胁芯谐芯 褎褍薪泻褑懈芯薪邪谢邪 褉邪褋褋屑邪褌褉懈胁邪褞褌褋褟 胁 褉械锌芯蟹懈褌芯褉懈懈 ElvUI_Enhanced

校 屑械薪褟 锌褉芯斜谢械屑邪 褋 ElvUI_"袠屑褟袩谢邪谐懈薪邪". 袚写械 薪邪锌懈褋邪褌褜?

小芯蟹写邪泄褌械 蟹邪锌褉芯褋 胁 褉械锌芯蟹懈褌芯褉懈懈 斜邪谐-褌褉械泻械褉械 ElvUI_"袠屑褟袩谢邪谐懈薪邪".




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