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#科学期刊标题常用缩写列表| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

为了保持这个清单,使用了 ISO 4-1972 "Documentation - International code for the abbreviation of titles of periodicals"和ISDS"List of serial title word abbreviations"。

2D Mater2D Materials 3 Biotech3 Biotech 3D Print Addit Manuf3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 3D Print Med3D Printing in Medicine A & AAstronomy and Astrophysics A F Z : Allg Fischwirtschztg Zentorg FischwirtschA F Z : Allgemeine Fischwirtschaftszeitung Zentralorgan der Fischwirtschaft AAPG BullAAPG Bulletin AAPG MemAAPG Memoir AAPS JAAPS Journal AATCC J ResAATCC Journal of Research ABB RevABB Review Abh Akad Wiss DDRAbhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR Abh Akad Wiss DDR, Abt Math, Naturwiss, TechAbhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Abteilung Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik Abh Akad Wiss Lit Mainz Math-Natwiss KlAbhandlungen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Abh Math Semin Univ HamburgAbhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg Abh Natwiss Ver BremAbhandlungen Naturwissenschaftliche Verein zu Bremen Abh Senckb Naturforsch GesAbhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft ACA TransACA Transactions Acad Forensic PatholAcademic Forensic Pathology Acad RadiolAcademic Radiology Acat Zool TaiwanActa Zoologica Taiwanica Acc Chem ResAccounts of Chemical Research Access MicrobiolAccess Microbiology Accid Anal PrevAccident Analysis and Prevention Accredit Qual AssurAccreditation and Quality Assurance ACH - Models ChemACH - Models in Chemistry Achiev Life SciAchievements in the Life Sciences ACI Mater JACI Materials Journal ACI Struct JACI Structural Journal ACIAR ProcACIAR Proceedings ACM Comput SurvACM Computing Surveys ACM Digital Threats: Res PractACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice ACM J Comput Cult HeritageACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage ACM J Data Inf QualACM Journal of Data and Information Quality ACM J Emerging Technol ComputACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing ACM J Exp AlgorithmicsACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics ACM Trans Accessible ComputACM Transactions on Accessible Computing ACM Trans AlgorithmsACM Transactions on Algorithms ACM Trans Appl PerceptACM Transactions on Applied Perception ACM Trans Archit Code OptimACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization ACM Trans Asian Lang Inf ProcessACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing ACM Trans Asian Low-Resour Lang Inf ProcessACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing ACM Trans Auton Adapt SystACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems ACM Trans Comput EducACM Transactions on Computing Education ACM Trans Comput LogicACM Transactions on Computational Logic ACM Trans Comput SystACM Transactions on Computer Systems ACM Trans Comput TheoryACM Transactions on Computation Theory ACM Trans Comput-Hum InteractACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction ACM Trans Database SystACM Transactions on Database Systems ACM Trans Des Autom Electron SystACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems ACM Trans Econ ComputACM Transactions on Economics and Computation ACM Trans Embedded Comput SystACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems ACM Trans GraphicsACM Transactions on Graphics ACM Trans Inf SystACM Transactions on Information Systems ACM Trans Inf Syst SecurACM Transactions on Information and System Security ACM Trans Intell Syst TechnolACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology ACM Trans Interact Intell SystACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems ACM Trans Internet TechnolACM Transactions on Internet Technology ACM Trans Knowl Discovery DataACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data ACM Trans Manage Inf SystACM Transactions on Management Information Systems ACM Trans Math SoftwareACM Transactions on Mathematical Software ACM Trans Model Comput SimulACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation ACM Trans Multimedia Comput Commun ApplACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications ACM Trans Parallel ComputACM Transactions on Parallel Computing ACM Trans Program Lang SystACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems ACM Trans Reconfigurable Technol SystACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems ACM Trans Sens NetwACM Transactions on Sensor Networks ACM Trans Software Eng MethodACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology ACM Trans Speech Lang ProcessACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing ACM Trans StorageACM Transactions on Storage ACM Trans WebACM Transactions on the Web ACOPS YearbACOPS Yearbook Acoust ImagingAcoustical Imaging Acoust PhysAcoustical Physics Acoust Res Lett OnlineAcoustics Research Letters Online Acoust Sci TechnolAcoustical Science and Technology Acoust TodayAcoustics Today ACS Appl Bio MaterACS Applied Bio Materials ACS Appl Electron MaterACS Applied Electronic Materials ACS Appl Energy MaterACS Applied Energy Materials ACS Appl Mater InterfacesACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ACS Appl Nano MaterACS Applied Nano Materials ACS Appl Polym MaterACS Applied Polymer Materials ACS Biomater Sci EngACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering ACS CatalACS Catalysis ACS Cent SciACS Central Science ACS Chem BiolACS Chemical Biology ACS Chem Health SafACS Chemical Health and Safety ACS Chem NeurosciACS Chemical Neuroscience ACS Comb SciACS Combinatorial Science ACS Earth Space ChemACS Earth and Space Chemistry ACS Energy LettACS Energy Letters ACS ES&T EngACS ES&T Engineering ACS ES&T WaterACS ES&T Water ACS Infect DisACS Infectious Diseases ACS Macro LettACS Macro Letters ACS Mater LettACS Materials Letters ACS Med Chem LettACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters ACS NanoACS Nano ACS OmegaACS Omega ACS Pharmacol Transl SciACS Pharmacology & Translational Science ACS PhotonicsACS Photonics ACS SensACS Sensors ACS Sustainable Chem EngACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ACS Symp SerACS Symposium Series ACS Synth BiolACS Synthetic Biology Act Passive Electron ComponActive and Passive Electronic Components Acta Acad Agric Tech Olst ,Protect Aquar PiscatActa Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis Protectio Aquarum et Piscatoria Acta Acad Agric Tech Olst, Geod Ruris RegulActa Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis Geodaesia et Ruris Regulatio Acta Acad Agric Tech Olst, Technol AlimentActa Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis Technologia alimentarum Acta Acad Agric Tech Olst, VetActa Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis Veterinaria Acta AcustActa Acustica Acta Acust united AcustActa Acustica united with Acustica Acta AdriatActa Adriatica Acta Agric Scand Sect AActa Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A: Animal Science Acta Agric Scand Sect BActa Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B: Soil and Plant Science Acta AmazonActa Amazonica Acta AnatActa Anatomica Acta ArctActa Arctica Acta AstronautActa Astronautica Acta Autom SinActa Automatica Sinica Acta Biochim Biophys SinActa Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica Acta Biochim PolActa Biochimica Polonica Acta Biol Cracov, BotActa Biologica Cracoviensia Serie Botanique Acta Biol Cracov, ZoolActa Biologica Cracoviensia Serie Zoologique Acta Biol HungActa Biologica Hungarica Acta Biol Jugosl, BActa Biologica Jugoslavica Serija B Mikrobiologija Acta Biol Jugosl, EActa Biologica Jugoslavica Serija E Ichthyologia Acta Biol Med GerActa Biologica et Medica Germanica Acta Biol Med Soc Sci GedanensisActa Biologica et Medica Societas Scientiarum Gedanensis Acta Biol ParanActa Biologica Paranaense Acta Biol VenezActa Biologica Venezuelica Acta BiomaterActa Biomaterialia Acta Bioquim Clin LatinoamActa Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana Acta BiotechnolActa Biotechnologica Acta BiotheorActa Biotheoretica Acta Boreal, AActa Borealia A Scientia Acta Bot FennActa Botanica Fennica Acta Bot HungActa Botanica Hungarica Acta Bot NeerlActa Botanica Neerlandica Acta Chem ScandActa Chemica Scandinavica Acta Chem Scand Ser AActa Chemica Scandinavica, Series A: Physical and Inorganic Chemistry Acta Chem Scand Ser BActa Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Acta Chim HungActa Chimica Hungarica Acta Chim SinicaActa Chimica Sinica Acta ChromatogrActa Chromatographica Acta Cienc Indica, ChemActa Ciencia Indica Chemistry Acta Cienc Indica, PhysActa Ciencia Indica Phyics Acta Cient VenezActa Scientifica Venezolana Acta Crystallogr, Sect A: Found CrystallogrActa Crystallographica Section A: Foundations Acta Crystallogr, Sect B: Struct SciActa Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science Acta Crystallogr, Sect C: Cryst Struct CommunActa Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications Acta Crystallogr, Sect D: Biol CrystallogrActa Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography Acta Crystallogr, Sect E: Struct Rep OnlineActa Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online Acta Crystallogr, Sect F: Struct Biol Cryst CommunActa Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications Acta Ecol SinActa Ecologica Sinica Acta EntomolActa Entomologica Acta Entomol FennActa Entomologica Fennica Acta Farm BonaerenseActa Farmaceutica Bonaerense Acta Faun EntomolActa Faunistica Entomologica Acta Genet SinActa Genetica Sinica Acta Geod GeophysActa Geodaetica et Geophysica Acta Geodyn GeomaterActa Geodynamics et Geomaterialia Acta Geol LeopoldActa Geologica Leopoldensia Acta Geol LilloActa Geologica Lilloana Acta Geol PolActa Geologica Polonica Acta Geol SinActa Geologica Sinica Acta GeophysActa Geophysica Acta Geophys SinActa Geophysica Sinica Acta GeotechActa Geotechnica Acta HistochemActa Histochemica Acta HorticActa Horticulturae Acta HydrobiolActa Hydrobiologica Acta Hydrobiol LituActa Hydrobiologica Lituanica Acta Hydrobiol SinActa Hydrobiologica Sinica Acta Hydroch HydrobActa Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica Acta Hydrochim HydrobiolActa Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica Acta Ichthyol PiscatActa Ichthyologica et Piscatoria Acta MaterActa Materialia Acta MechActa Mechanica Acta Mech SinActa Mechanica Sinica Acta Mech Solida SinActa Mechanica Solida Sinica Acta MetallActa Metallurgica Acta Metall MaterActa Metallurgica et Materialia Acta Metall SinicaActa Metallurgica Sinica Acta Meteorol SinActa Meteorologica Sinica Acta Microbiol HungActa Microbiologica Hungarica Acta Microbiol PolActa Microbiologica Polonica Acta Micropalaeontol SinActa Micropalaeontologica Sinica Acta Morphol HungActa Morphologica Hungarica Acta Morphol Neerl-ScandActa Morphologica Neerlando-Scandinavica Acta Mus Maced Sci NatActa Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium Acta Mus MoravActa Musei Moraviae Acta NeuropatholActa Neuropathologica Acta NeuropsychiatrActa Neuropsychiatrica Acta NumerActa Numerica Acta Oceanogr TaiwanActa Oceanographica Taiwanica Acta Oceanol SinActa Oceanologica Sinica Acta Oceanolog SinActa Oceanologica Sinica Acta Odontol ScandActa Odontologica Scandinavica Acta Oecol Int J EcolActa Oecologica International Journal of Ecology Acta PalaeobotActa Palaeobotanica Acta Palaeontol PolActa Palaeontologica Polonica Acta Palaeontol PolonicaActa Palaeontologica Polonica Acta Pharmacol SinActa Pharmacologica Sinica Acta Phys Chim DebrecinaActa Physica et Chimica Debrecina Acta Phys Chim SinActa Physico-Chimica Sinica Acta Phys DebrecinaActa Physica Debrecina Acta Phys Pol AActa Physica Polonica A Acta Phys Pol BActa Physica Polonica B Acta Phys Pol B Proc SupplActa Physica Polonica Proceedings Supplement Acta Physiol ScandActa Physiologica Scandinavica Acta Phytogeogr SuecActa Phytogeographica Suecica Acta Phytopathol Acad Sci HungActa Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Acta PolymActa Polymerica Acta Polytech Scand, Chem Technol SerActa Polytechnica Scandinavica - Chemical Technology Series Acta ProtozoolActa Protozoologica Acta r Soc Sci Litt Gothobg, ZoolActa Regiae Societatis Scientiarum et Litterarum Gothoburgensis Zoologica Acta Sci CircumstActa Scientiae Circumstantiae Acta Sci Nat Univ SunyatseniActa Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni Acta Sedimentol SinActa Sedimentologica Sinica Acta Seismol SinActa Seismologica Sinica Acta Soc Zool BohemoslovActa Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovacae Acta TechActa Technica Acta TropActa Tropica Acta Vet ScandActa Veterinaria Scandinavica Acta ZoolActa Zoologica Acta Zool CracovActa Zoologica Cracoviensia Acta Zool FennActa Zoologica Fennica Acta Zool HungActa Zoologica Hungarica Acta Zool LilloActa Zoologica Lilloana Acta Zool Pathol AntverpiensiaActa Zoologica et Pathologica Antverpiensia Acta Zool SinActa Zoologica Sinica Actes Dir Rech Sci Tech (Que Prov)Actes Direction de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (Quebec Prov) Actes Soc Helv Sci NatActes de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles Actual BiolActualidades Biologicas Actual ChimActualite Chimique Ad Hoc NetworksAd Hoc Networks Addict BehavAddictive Behaviors Addict Behav RepAddictive Behaviors Reports Addict BiolAddiction Biology Addit ManufAdditive Manufacturing Addit PolymAdditives for Polymers Adhes AgeAdhesives Age Adm Law RevAdministrative Law Reviews Adm RepAdministrative Report Adour GaronneAdour Garonne Adsorpt Sci TechnolAdsorption Science and Technology Adv Acoust VibrAdvances in Acoustics and Vibrations Adv AerodynAdvances in Aerodynamics Adv AgricAdvances in Agriculture Adv Anim BiosciAdvances in Animal Biosciences Adv Appl CeramAdvances in Applied Ceramics Adv Appl MathAdvances in Applied Mathematics Adv Appl Math MechAdvances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Adv Appl MicrobiolAdvances in Applied Microbiology Adv Appl ProbabAdvances in Applied Probability Adv Archaeol PractAdvances in Archaeological Practice Adv AstronAdvances in Astronomy Adv At Mol Opt PhysAdvances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics Adv Atmos SciAdvances in Atmospheric Sciences Adv Bio RegulAdvances in Biological Regulation Adv Biochem Eng/BiotechnolAdvances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology Adv BioinfAdvances in Bioinformatics Adv Biomarker Sci TechnolAdvances in Biomarker Sciences and Technology Adv Bionics Biokinet BiocybernAdvanced Bionics, Biokinetics and Biocybernetics Adv BiophysAdvances in Biophysics Adv BiosystAdvanced Biosystems Adv Bot ResAdvances in Botanical Research Adv Bridge EngAdvances in Bridge Engineering Adv Build Energy ResAdvances in Building Energy Research Adv Carbohydr Chem BiochemAdvances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry Adv Cem Based MaterAdvanced Cement Based Materials Adv Cem ResAdvances in Cement Research Adv Chem PhysAdvances in Chemical Physics Adv Chem SerAdvances in Chemistry Series Adv ChromatogrAdvances in Chromatography Adv Civ EngAdvances in Civil Engineering Adv Clim Change ResAdvances in Climate Change Research Adv Colloid Interface SciAdvances in Colloid and Interface Science Adv Complex SystAdvances in Complex Systems Adv Compos Hybrid MaterAdvanced Composites and Hybrid Materials Adv Compos MaterAdvanced Composite Materials Adv Comput MathAdvances in Computational Mathematics Adv Condens Matter PhysAdvances in Condensed Matter Physics Adv Control ApplAdvanced Control for Applications Adv Cryog EngAdvances in Cryogenic Engineering Adv Damage MechAdvances in Damage Mechanics Adv Dev BiolAdvances in Developmental Biology Adv Device MaterAdvanced Device Materials Adv Drug Delivery RevAdvanced Drug Delivery Reviews Adv Ecol ResAdvances in Ecological Research Adv Electron MaterAdvanced Electronic Materials Adv Energy MaterAdvanced Energy Materials Adv Eng EducAdvances in Engineering Education Adv Eng InfAdvanced Engineering Informatics Adv Eng MaterAdvanced Engineering Materials Adv Eng SoftwareAdvances in Engineering Software Adv Environ ResAdvances in Environmental Research Adv Environ Sci TechnolAdvances in Environmental Science and Technology Adv Enzyme RegulAdvances in Enzyme Regulation Adv Enzymol Relat Areas Mol BiolAdvances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology Adv Enzymol Relat SubjAdvances in Enzymology and Related Subjects Adv Enzymol Relat Subj BiochemAdvances in Ezymology and Related Subjects of Biochemistry Adv Filtr Sep TechnolAdvances in Filtration and Separation Technology Adv Food Nutr ResAdvances in Food and Nutrition Research Adv Forensic HaemogenetAdvances in Forensic Haemogenetics Adv Free Radical Biol MedAdvances in Free Radical Biology and Medicine Adv Funct MaterAdvanced Functional Materials Adv Fuzzy SystAdvances in Fuzzy Systems Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics Adv GeosciAdvances in Geosciences Adv Healthcare MaterAdvanced Healthcare Materials Adv Heterocycl ChemAdvances in Heterocyclic Chemistry Adv High Energy PhysAdvances in High Energy Physics Adv Hum Comput InteractAdvances in Human-Computer Interaction Adv Ind Eng Polym ResAdvanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research Adv Inorg ChemAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry Adv LimnolAdvances in Limnology Adv Lipid ResAdvances in Lipid Research Adv Magn Opt ResonAdvances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance Adv Manuf Polym Compos SciAdvanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science Adv Mar BiolAdvances in Marine Biology Adv Mass SpectromAdvances in Mass Spectrometry Adv MaterAdvanced Materials Adv Mater ForumAdvanced Materials Forum Adv Mater InterfacesAdvanced Materials Interfaces Adv Mater Opt ElectronAdvanced Materials for Optics and Electronics Adv Mater ProcessesAdvanced Materials and Processes Adv Mater ResAdvances in Materials Research Adv Mater Sci EngAdvances in Materials Science and Engineering Adv MathAdvances in Mathematics Adv Math PhysAdvances in Mathematical Physics Adv MechAdvances in Mechanics Adv Mech EngAdvances in Mechanical Engineering Adv Med Dent SciAdvances in Medical and Dental Sciences Adv Med SciAdvances in Medical Science Adv MeteorolAdvances in Meteorology Adv Modell Anal AAdvances in Modelling and Analysis A Adv Modell Anal BAdvances in Modelling and Analysis B Adv Mol PatholAdvances in Molecular Pathology Adv Mol Relax Interact ProcessesAdvances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction Processes Adv MultimediaAdvances in Multimedia Adv Nat Appl SciAdvances in Natural and Applied Science Adv Nat Sci: Nanosci NanotechnolAdvances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Adv Neuroimmune BiolAdvances in Neuroimmune Biology Adv Nonlinear AnalAdvances in Nonlinear Analysis Adv Nonlinear StudAdvanced Nonlinear Studies Adv Numer AnalAdvances in Numerical Analysis Adv NutrAdvances in Nutrition Adv Oceanogr LimnolAdvances in Oceanography and Limnology Adv Oper ResAdvances in Operations Research Adv Opt MaterAdvanced Optical Materials Adv Opt PhotonicsAdvances in Optics and Photonics Adv Opt TechnolAdvances in Optical Technologies Adv OptoElectronAdvances in OptoElectronics Adv Org GeochemAdvances in Organic Geochemistry Adv Org SynthAdvances in Organic Synthesis Adv Organomet ChemAdvances in Organometallic Chemistry Adv PhotonicsAdvanced Photonics Adv PhysAdvances in Physics Adv Phys Org ChemAdvances in Physical Organic Chemistry Adv Polym SciAdvances in Polymer Science Adv Polym TechAdvances in Polymer Technology Adv Powder Metall Part MaterAdvances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials Adv Powder TechnolAdvanced Powder Technology Adv Power ElectronAdvances in Power Electronics Adv Prod Eng ManageAdvances in Production Engineering & Management Adv Protein ChemAdvances in Protein Chemistry Adv Quantum ChemAdvances in Quantum Chemistry Adv Quantum TechnolAdvanced Quantum Technologies Adv Radiat OncolAdvances in Radiation Oncology Adv Radio SciAdvances in Radio Science Adv RobAdvanced Robotics Adv SciAdvanced Science Adv Sci LettAdvanced Science Letters Adv Sci ResAdvances in Science and Research Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein ResAdvances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research Adv Space ResAdvances in Space Research Adv SpectroscAdvances in Spectroscopy Adv Stat Climatol Meteorol OceanogrAdvances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography Adv Struct EngAdvances in Structural Engineering Adv Stud Theor PhysAdvanced Studies in Theoretical Physics Adv Synchrotron RadiatAdvances in Synchrotron Radiation Adv Synth CatalAdvanced Synthesis and Catalysis Adv Theor Math PhysAdvances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Adv Theor SimulAdvanced Theory and Simulations Adv Transp StudAdvances in Transportation Studies Adv TribolAdvances in Tribology Adv VirolAdvances in Virology Adv Water ResAdvances in Water Research Adv Water ResourAdvances in Water Resources Adv X-Ray AnalAdvances in X-Ray Analysis Adverse Drug React Toxicol RevAdverse Drug Reactions and Toxicological Reviews Advis Serv Sea Grant Program South Calif UnivAdvisory Services Sea Grant Program Southern California University Aegir/SeaAegir/Sea Aeolian ResAeolian Research Aeronaut JAeronautical Journal Aerosol Air Qual ResAerosol and Air Quality Research Aerosol Sci EngAerosol Science and Engineering Aerosol Sci TechnolAerosol Science and Technology Aerosp Med Hum PerformAerospace Medicine and Human Performance Aerosp Sci TechnolAerospace Science and Technology Aerosp SystAerospace Systems AEU Int J Electron CommunAEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications Afr EntomolAfrican Entomology Afr J Aquat SciAfrican Journal of Aquatic Science Afr J Biochem ResAfrican Journal of Biochemistry Research Afr J EcolAfrican Journal of Ecology Afr J Environ Sci TechnolAfrican Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Afr J Food Agric Nutr DevAfrican Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development Afr J Food SciAfrican Journal of Food Science Afr J Lab MedAfrican Journal of Laboratory Medicine Afr J Mar SciAfrican Journal of Marine Science Afr J Plant SciAfrican Journal of Plant Science Afr J Range Forage SciAfrican Journal of Range and Forage Science Agal ResAgal Research Agra Univ J Res: SciAgra University Journal of Research: Science AGREPPermanent inventory of Agricultural Research Projects in the Commission of European Communities Agric Agric Sci ProcediaAgriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia Agric Ecosyst EnvironAgriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Agric EnvironAgriculture and Environment Agric Environ LettAgricultural & Environmental Letters Agric Food SciAgricultural and Food Science Agric Food SecurAgriculture & Food Security Agric For BullAgriculture and Forestry Bulletin Agric For EntomolAgricultural and Forest Entomology Agric For MeteorolAgricultural and Forest Meteorology Agric Pesca Aliment EspAgricultura, la Pesca y la Alimentacion Espanolas Agric ResAgricultural Research Agric Resour Econ RevAgricultural and Resource Economics Review Agric SystAgricultural Systems Agric WastesAgricultural Wastes Agric Water ManageAgricultural Water Management Agrofor SystAgroforestry Systems Agron JAgronomy Journal Agron LusitAgronomia Lusitana Agron Sustainable DevAgronomy for Sustainable Development AGSO J Aust Geol GeophysAGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics AGU AdvAGU Advances AI CommunAI Communications AIAA J Air TranspAIAA Journal of Air Transportation Ain Shams Eng JAin Shams Engineering Journal AIP AdvAIP Advances Air Qual Atmos HealthAir Quality, Atmosphere and Health Air Soil Water ResAir, Soil and Water Research Air Water PollutAir and Water Pollution Aircr DesAircraft Design Aircr EngAircraft Engineering AlChE JAIChE Journal AlChE Symp SerAIChE Symposium Series Alcohol AlcoholAlcohol and Alcoholism Alcohol Drug AddictAlcoholism and Drug Addiction Alcohol: Clin Exp ResAlcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research ALCOM NewsALCOM News ALCOM RepALCOM Report Aldrichimica ActaAldrichimica Acta Al'gologiyaAl'gologiya Algorithmic FinanceAlgorithmic Finance Algorithms Mol BiolAlgorithms for Molecular Biology Aliment Pharmacol TherAlimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Allan Hancock Atl Exped, RepAllan Hancock Atlantic Expedition Report Allan Hancock Found, Tech RepAllan Hancock Foundation Technical Report Allan Hancock Monogr Mar BiolAllan Hancock Monographs in Marine Biology Allan Hancock Occas PapAllan Hancock Occasional Papers Allan Hancock Occas Pap, New SerAllan Hancock Occasional Papers New Series Allan Hancock Pac ExpedAllan Hancock Pacific Expeditions Allg Fisch-ZtgAllgemeine Fischerei-Zeitung Alp BotAlpine Botany Alp EntomolAlpine Entomology Alsk Fish Res BullAlaska Fishery Research Bulletin Alsk Sea Grant Rep Alsk Sea Grant Program, Univ AlskAlaska Sea Grant Report Alaska Sea Grant Program, University of Alaska Am Assoc Pet Geol BullAmerican Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin Am Bee JAmerican Bee Journal Am Biol TeachAmerican Biology Teacher Am Ceram Soc BullAmerican Ceramic Society Bulletin Am Chem JAmerican Chemical Journal Am Christmas Tree JAmerican Christmas Tree Journal Am Econ RevAmerican Economic Review Am Fish Soc SympAmerican Fisheries Society Symposium Am Ind Hyg Assoc JAmerican Industrial Hygiene Association Journal Am J AddictAmerican Journal on Addictions Am J Agric EconAmerican Journal of Agricultural Economics Am J Altern AgricAmerican Journal of Alternative Agriculture Am J Biochem BiotechnolAmerican Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Am J BioethicsAmerican Journal of Bioethics Am J BotAmerican Journal of Botany Am J Clin NutrAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Am J Clin PatholAmerican Journal of Clinical Pathology Am J Drug Alcohol AbuseAmerican Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Am J Econ SociolAmerican Journal of Economics and Sociology Am J Food TechnolAmerican Journal of Food Technology Am J Forensic Med PatholAmerican Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Am J Health Syst PharmAmerican Journal of Health System Pharmacy Am J Health-Syst PharmAmerican Journal of Health System Pharmacy Am J HematolAmerican Journal of Hematology Am J Hum GenetAmerican Journal of Human Genetics Am J Ind MedAmerican Journal of Industrial Medicine Am J Int LawAmerican Journal of International Law Am J Med GenetAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics Am J Neuroprot NeuroregenerAmerican Journal of Neuroprotection and Neuroregeneration Am J Nucl Med Mol ImagingAmerican Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Am J PatholAmerican Journal of Pathology Am J Pharmacol ToxicolAmerican Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Am J PhilolAmerican Journal of Philology Am J PhysAmerican Journal of Physics Am J Phys AnthropolAmerican Journal of Physical Anthropology Am J PhysiolAmerican Journal of Physiology Am J Plant SciAmerican Journal of Plant Science Am J Potato ResAmerican Journal of Potato Research Am J PrimatolAmerican Journal of Primatology Am J Respir Cell Mol BiolAmerican Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Am J SciAmerican Journal of Science Am J Sports MedAmerican Journal of Sports Medicine Am J Surg PatholAmerican Journal of Surgical Pathology Am J Trop Med HygAmerican Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Am J Vet ResAmerican Journal of Veterinary Research Am LabAmerican Laboratory Am Malacol BullAmerican Malacological Bulletin Am Malacol Bull, Spec EdAmerican Malacological Bulletin Special Edition Am Math MonAmerican Mathematical Monthly Am Midl NatAmerican Midland Naturalist Am MineralAmerican Mineralogist Am Mus NovitAmerican Museum Novitates Am NatAmerican Naturalist Am SciAmerican Scientist Am Univ Law RevAmerican University Law Review Am ZoolAmerican Zoologist AmazonianaAmazoniana : Limnologia et Oecologia Regionalis Systemae Fluminis Amazonas AmbienteAmbiente AmbioAmbio Ambio Spec RepAmbio Special Report AmeghinianaAmeghiniana Amino AcidsAmino Acids Ammonia Plant Saf Relat FacilAmmonia Plant Safety and Related Facilities An Acad Bras CiencAnais de Academia Brasileira de Ciencias An Asoc Quim ArgentAnales de la Asociacion Quimica Argentina An BiolAnales de Biologia An Cent Cienc Mar LimnolAnales del Centro de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia An Clube Mil Nav, LisbAnais do Clube Militar Naval, Lisbon An Fac Med Vet, LisbAnais de Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria, Lisbon An Inst Biol, Univ Nac Auton Mex, BotAnales del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Serie Botanica An Inst Biol, Univ Nac Auton Mex, ZoolAnales del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Serie Zoologia An Inst Cienc Mar LimnolAnales del Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia An Inst Cienc Mar Limnol Univ Nac Auton MexAnales del Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico An Inst Hid, LisbAnais do Instituto Hidrografico, Lisbon An Inst Hig Med Trop, LisbAnais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Lisbon An Inst Invest Mar Punta de BetinAnales del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Punta de Betin An Inst PatagonAnales del Instituto de la Patagonia An Mus Hist Nat ValpsoAnales del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso An QuimAnales de Quimica An Univ Bucur, BiolAnalele Universitatii Bucurestii Biologie An Univ Galati Tehn Piscic Constr Amenajari PiscicAnalele Universitatii din Galati Tehnica Piscicola, Constructii si Amenajari Piscicole Anal BioanalChemAnalytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Anal BiochemAnalytical Biochemistry Anal Cell PatholAnalytical Cellular Pathology Anal ChemAnalytical Chemistry Anal Chem InsightsAnalytical Chemistry Insights Anal Chem ResAnalytical Chemistry Research Anal ChimAnnali di Chimica Anal Chim ActaAnalytica Chimica Acta Anal Chim Acta: XAnalytica Chimica Acta: X Anal CommunAnalytical Communications Anal LettAnalytical Letters Anal MethodsAnalytical Methods Anal ProcAnalytical Proceedings Anal Proc incl Anal CommunAnalytical Proceedings including Analytical Communications Anal SciAnalytical Sciences Anal Sci AdvAnalytical Science Advances Anal SensAnalysis & Sensing AnalusisAnalusis AnalystAnalyst Anat EmbryolAnatomy and Embryology Anat RecAnatomical Record Andean GeolAndean Geology Angew BotAngewandte Botanik Angew ChemAngewandte Chemie Angew Chem Int EdAngewandte Chemie International Edition Angew Makromol ChemAngewandte Makromolekulare Chemie Anim BehavAnimal Behaviour Anim BiotechnolAnimal Biotechnology Anim BiotelemAnimal Biotelemetry Anim ConservAnimal Conservation Anim Feed Sci TechnolAnimal Feed Science and Technology Anim FrontAnimal Frontiers Anim GenetAnimal Genetics Anim Health Res RevAnimal Health Research Reviews Anim Learn BehavAnimal Learning and Behavior Anim Models Exp MedAnimal Models and Experimental Medicine Anim Nutr Feed TechnolAnimal Nutrition and Feed Technology Anim ProdAnimal Production Anim Prod SciAnimal Production Science Anim Res DevAnimal Research and Development Anim SciAnimal Science Anim Sci TechnolAnimal Science and Technology AnimaliaAnimalia Ann Agrar SciAnnals of Agrarian Science Ann AnatAnnals of Anatomy Ann Appl BiolAnnals of Applied Biology Ann Biochim Clin QueAnnales de Biochimie Clinque du Quebec Ann Biol (Greece)Annales Biologiques Ann Biol (UK)Annals of Biology Ann Biol ClinAnnales de Biologie Clinique Ann Biol Clin QueAnnales de Biologie Clinique du Quebec Ann Biomed EngAnnals of Biomedical Engineering Ann BotAnnals of Botany Ann Bot FennAnnales Botanici Fennici Ann Bot Soc Zool Bot Fenn VanamoAnnales Botanici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae Vanamo Ann ChimAnnales de Chimie Ann Chim (Rome)Annali di Chimica Ann Chim AnalAnnals Chimie Analytique Ann Chim Anal Rev Chim Anal ReuniesAnnales de Chimie Analytique et Revue de Chimie Analytique Reunies Ann Chim Sci MatAnnales de Chimie Science des Materiaux Ann Clin BiochemAnnals of Clinical Biochemistry Ann Clin Transl NeurolAnnals of Clinical and Translational Neurology Ann ComposAnnales des Composites Ann EndrocrinolAnnales d'Endrocrinologie Ann Entomol Soc AmAnnals of the Entomological Society of America Ann Fac Sci Naut, Ist Univ Nav, NapoliAnnali della Facolta di Scienze Nautiche, Istituto Universitario Navale, Napoli Ann For SciAnnals of Forest Science Ann GenetAnnales de Genetique Ann GeofisAnnali di Geofisica Ann GeogrAnnales de Geographie Ann Geol Pays HellAnnales Geologiques des Pays Helleniques Ann GeophysAnnales Geophysicae Ann Geophys Atmos Hydrosph Space SciAnnales Geophysicae Atmospheres, Hydrospheres and Space Sciences Ann GisAnnals of GIS Ann GlaciolAnnals of Glaciology Ann HematolAnnals of Hematology Ann HepatolAnnals of Hepatology Ann Hum BiolAnnals of Human Biology Ann HydrogrAnnales Hydrographiques Ann Hydrogr, 5Annales Hydrographiques 5eme serie Ann Inst Biol (Tihany)Annales Instituti Biologici (Tihany) Ann Inst Henri PoincareAnnales de l'Institute Henri Poincare Ann Inst OceanogrAnnales de l'Institut Oceanographique Ann Inst Oceanogr , Paris, Nouv SerAnnales de l'Institut Oceanographique, Paris Nouvelle Serie Ann LimnolAnnales de Limnologie Ann Meteorol N FAnnalen der Meteorologie Neue Folge Ann MicrobiolAnnals of Microbiology Ann Mo Bot GardAnnals Missouri Botanical Garden Ann Mus Civ Stor Nat GenovaAnnali di Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova Ann Mus Civ Stor Nat Giacomo DoriaAnnali di Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Giacomo Doria Ann Mus GoulandrisAnnales Musei Goulandris Ann N Y Acad SciAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences Ann Natal MusAnnals of the Natal Museum Ann Nathist Mus WienAnnalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Ann Nathist Mus Wien, AAnnalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie A Mineralogie und Petrographie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Antrhopologie und Praehistorie Ann Nathist Mus Wien, BAnnalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie Ann Nathist Mus Wien, CAnnalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie C Jahresberichte Ann NeurolAnnals of Neurology Ann Nucl EngAnnals of Nuclear Engineering Ann NY Acad SciAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences Ann Obs Nat AthenesAnnales de l'Observatoire National d'Athenes Ann Occup HygAnnals of Occupational Hygiene Ann PaleontolAnnales de Paleontologie Ann Pharm FrAnnales Pharmaceutiques Francaises Ann PharmacotherAnnals of Pharmacotherapy Ann PhysAnnalen der Physik Ann Plant Prot SciAnnals of Plant Protection Sciences Ann Ponts ChausseesAnnales des Ponts et Chausses Ann Rev Cancer BiolAnnual Review of Cancer Biology Ann S Afr MusAnnals of the South African Museum Ann SciAnnals of Science Ann Sci Nat Zool Biol AnimAnnales des Sciences Naturelles - Zoologie et Biologie Animale Ann Sci Nat, 12Annales des Sciences Naturelles 12eme Serie Zoologie et Biologie Animale Ann Sci Nat, BAnnales des Sciences Naturelles B Zoologie Ann Sci Univ Besancon, 4Annales Scientifiques de l'Universite de Besancon 4eme serie Geologie Ann Soc Belg Med TropAnnales de la Societe Belge de Medecine Tropicale Ann Soc r Zool BelgAnnales de la Societe royale Zoologique de Belgie Ann Soc Sci Nat Charente-MaritAnnales de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de la Charente- Maritime Ann Solid Struct MechAnnals of Solid and Structural Mechanics Ann Stn Biol Besse-en-ChandesseAnnales de la Station Biologique de Besse-en-Chandesse Ann TelecommunAnnals of Telecommunications Ann Toxicol AnalAnnales de Toxicologie Analytique Ann Trop Med ParasitolAnnals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Ann Univ Buc ChimAnalele Universitatii Bucurersti Chimie Ann Work Exposures HealthAnnals of Work Exposures and Health Ann ZoolAnnales Zoologici Ann Zool (Agra)Annals of Zoology (Agra) Ann Zool FennAnnales Zoologici Fennici Ann ZootechAnnales de Zootechnie Annee BiolAnnee Biologique Annu Dep Rep Dir Agric Fish (Hong Kong)Annual Departmental Report by the Director of Agriculture and Fisheries (Hong Kong) Annu Inst Meteorol Climatol Univ ThessalonAnnuaire de l'Institut Meteorologique et Climatologique Universite de Thessaloniki Annu Pesce PescaAnnuario del Pesce e della Pesca Annu Proc Gulf Caribb Fish InstAnnual Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Annu Rep Acc Anglian WaterAnnual Report and Accounts Anglian Water Annu Rep Acc Ir Sea Fish BoardAnnual Report and Accounts Irish Sea Fisheries Board Annu Rep Acc Natl Rivers Auth (G B)Annual Report and Accounts National Rivers Authority (Great Britain) Annu Rep Acc Sea Fish Ind AuthAnnual Report and Accounts Sea Fish Industry Authority Annu Rep Acc South West Water AuthAnnual Report and Accounts South West Water Authority Annu Rep Acc Thames Water AuthAnnual Report and Accounts Thames Water Authority Annu Rep Acc Yorks Water AuthAnnual Report and Accounts Yorkshire Water Authority Annu Rep Anal At SpectroscAnnual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy Annu Rep Atl Fish Restructuring ActAnnual Report Atlantic Fisheries Restructuring Act Annu Rep Atl Salmon FedAnnual Report Atlantic Salmon Federation Annu Rep Aust Inst Mar SciAnnual Report Australian Institute of Marine Science Annu Rep Bermud Biol Stn ResAnnual Report Bermuda Biological Station for Research Annu Rep Can Inst Fish TechnolAnnual Report Canadian Institute of Fisheries Technology Annu Rep Can Inst Sci Tech InfAnnual Report Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information Annu Rep Can Water ActAnnual Report Canada Water Act Annu Rep Catch Effort Stat Fish Grounds Korean Tuna Longline FishAnnual Report of Catch and Effort Statistics and Fishing Grounds for the Korean Tuna Longline Fishery Annu Rep Cent Inland Capture Fish Res Inst, BarrackporeAnnual Report Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore Annu Rep Cent Inst Fish Technol, CochinAnnual Report Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin Annu Rep Cent Mar Res Inst CochinAnnual Report Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin Annu Rep Chesapeake Bay FoundAnnual Report Chesapeake Bay Foundation Annu Rep Chicago Nat Hist MusAnnual Report of Chicago Natural History Museum Annu Rep Chief Dir Mar Dev (S Afr)Annual Report Chief Directorate Marine Development (South Africa) Annu Rep Clyde River Purif BoardAnnual Report Clyde River Purification Board Annu Rep Dep Environ Aff, S AfrAnnual Report Department of Environment Affairs S Africa Annu Rep Dep Fish (Zambia)Annual Report Department of Fisheries (Zambia) Annu Rep Dep Fish Cyprus FishAnnual Report on the Department of Fisheries and the Cyprus Fisheries Annu Rep Dep Fish Oceans (Can)Annual Report Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada) Annu Rep Dep Oceanogr , Univ B CAnnual Report Department of Oceanography, University of British Columbia Annu Rep Dir Dep Plant BiolAnnual Report of the Director Department of Plant Biology Annu Rep Dir Fish Ind Res Inst, Univ Cape TownAnnual Report of the Director Fishing Industry Research Institue, University of Cape Town Annu Rep Durb Nat Hist MusAnnual Report Durban Natural History Museum Annu Rep Effort Catch Stat Area Taiwan Demersal Fish FishAnnual Report of Effort and Catch Statistics by area on Taiwan Demersal Fish Fisheries Annu Rep Effort Catch Stat Taiwan Distant Gill Net FishAnnual Report of Effort and Catch Statistics on Taiwan Distant Gill Net Fishery Annu Rep Environ CanAnnual Report Environment Canada Annu Rep ERL/NOAAAnnual Report Environmental Research Laboratories, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US) Annu Rep Fish Aquac (N B)Annual Report Fisheries and Aquaculture (New Brunswick) Annu Rep Fish Board ScotlAnnual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland Annu Rep Fish Dep (Solomon Isls)Annual Report Fisheries Department (Solomon Islands) Annu Rep Fish Dev Act Dep Fish Oceans (Can)Annual Report Fisheries Development Act Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada) Annu Rep Fish Div (Fiji)Annual Report Fisheries Division (Fiji) Annu Rep Fish Div (Kiribati)Annual Report Fisheries Division (Kiribati) Annu Rep Fish Health Unit, Fac Vet Med, Univ PEIAnnual Report Fish Health Unit, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Prince Edward Island Annu Rep Fish Improv Loans Act Dep Fish Oceans (Can)Annual Report Fisheries Improvement Loans Act Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada) Annu Rep Fish Mark Organ Hong KongAnnual Report Fish Marketing Organization, Hong Kong Annu Rep Fish Prices Support Board CanAnnual Report Fisheries Prices Support Board Canada Annu Rep Fish Surv IndiaAnnual Report Fishery Survey of India Annu Rep Forth River Purif BoardAnnual Report Forth River Purification Board Annu Rep Freshw Biol AssAnnual Report Freshwater Biological Association Annu Rep Freshw Fish Cent, ChristchAnnual Report Freshwater Fisheries Centre, Christchurch Annu Rep GLFCAnnual Report Great Lakes Fishery Commission Annu Rep Gt Barrier Reef Mar Park AuthAnnual Report Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Annu Rep Highl River Purif BoardAnnual Report Highland River Purification Board Annu Rep Huntsman Mar Sci CentAnnual Report Huntsman Marine Science Centre Annu Rep I-ATTCAnnual Report Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Annu Rep INPFCAnnual Report International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Annu Rep Inst Aquac, Univ StirlingAnnual Report Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling Annu Rep Inst Landsc EcolAnnual Report Institute of Landscape Ecology Annu Rep Inst Oceanogr SciAnnual Report Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Annu Rep Iowa Coop Fish Wildl Res UnitAnnual Report Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annu Rep IPHCAnnual Report International Pacific Halibut Commission Annu Rep Iran Fish Res Train OrganAnnual Report Iranian Fisheries Research and Training Organization Annu Rep Jpn Mar Sci Technol CentAnnual Report of Japan Marine Science and Technology Center Annu Rep Mar Biol Assoc UKAnnual Report Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom Annu Rep Mar Mamm CommAnnual Report of the Marine Mammal Commission Annu Rep Med ChemAnnual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry Annu Rep Minist Agric Fish (N Z)Annual Report Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (New Zealand) Annu Rep Murray-Darling Freshw Res CentAnnual Report Murray-Darling Freshw Res Cent Annu Rep NAFOAnnual Report Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Annu Rep Natl Bur Fish Genet Resour (India)Annual Report National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (India) Annu Rep Natl Cent Atmos Res (U S)Annual Report National Center for Atmospheric Rseearch (US) Annu Rep Natl Inst Freshw Fish Res (Niger)Annual Report National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research (Nigeria) Annu Rep Natl Inst GenetAnnual Report of the National Institute of Genetics Annu Rep Natl Inst OceanogrAnnual Report of the National Institute of Oceanography Annu Rep Neth Inst Law SeaAnnual Report Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea Annu Rep Neth Inst Sea ResAnnual Report Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Annu Rep Niger Inst Oceanogr Mar ResAnnual Report Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research Annu Rep NOAA/ERL/GLELAnnual Report National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US), Enrivonmental Research Laboratories, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Annu Rep NOAA/ERL/PMELAnnual Report Natinal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US), Environmental Reserach Laboratories, Pacific Marine Environmental Research Laboratory Annu Rep NODCAnnual Report National Oceanographic Data Center Annu Rep North East River Purif BoardAnnual Report North East River Purification Board Annu Rep North Pac Anadromous Fish CommAnnual Report North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Annu Rep North Pac Mar Sci OrganAnnual Report North Pacific Marine Science Organization Annu Rep North South Wales AgricAnnual Report North South Wales Agriculture Annu Rep North West Water AuthAnnual Report North West Water Authority Annu Rep Northumbr WaterAnnual Report Nothumbrian Water Annu Rep Ocean Inst, HonoluluAnnual Report Oceanic Institute, Honolulu Annu Rep Oceanogr Obs Natl Fish Res Dev Agency (Korea)Annual Report of Oceanographic Observations National Fisheries Research and Development Agency (Korea) Annu Rep Pac Salmon CommAnnual Report Pacific Salmon Commission Annu Rep Pac States Mar Fish CommAnnual Report Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Annu Rep Prog Chem Sect A: Inorg ChemAnnual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic Chemistry Annu Rep Prog Chem Sect B: Org ChemAnnual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Annu Rep Prog Chem Sect C: Phys ChemAnnual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C: Physical Chemistry Annu Rep R Soc Chem Sect A: Inorg ChemAnnual Reports - Royal Society of Chemistry, Section Section A: Inorganic Chemistry Annu Rep R Soc Chem Sect B Org ChemAnnual Reports - Royal Society of Chemistry, Section Section B: Organic Chemistry Annu Rep R Soc Chem Sect C Phys ChemAnnual Reports - Royal Society of Chemistry, Section Section C: Physical Chemistry Annu Rep Res Dev Dep Agric North IrelAnnual Report on Research and Development Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland Annu Rep ROMAnnual Report Royal Ontario Museum Annu Rep Salm Genet Res Program (Can)Annual Report Salmon Genetics Research Program (Canada) Annu Rep Salmon Res Agency Irel IncAnnual Report Salmon Research Agency of Ireland Incorporated Annu Rep Scott Mar Biol AssAnnual Report Scottish Marine Biological Association Annu Rep Scripps Inst OceanogrAnnual Report Scripps Institution of Oceanography Annu Rep Sea Fish Inst, GdyniaAnnual Report Sea Fisheries Institute, Gdynia Annu Rep Seychelles Fish AuthAnnual Report Seychelles Fishing Authority Annu Rep Sir Alister Hardy Found Ocean SciAnnual Report Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science Annu Rep South Calif Coast Water Res ProjAnnual Report Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Annu Rep Univ Mar Biol Stn, MillportAnnual Report University Marine Biological Station, Millport Annu Rep Univ South Calif, Inst Mar Coast StudAnnual Report University of Southern California, Institute for Marine and Coastal Studies Annu Res Rep Kuwait Inst Sci ResAnnual Research Report Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Annu Res Summ, Alligator Rivers Reg Res InstAnnual Research Summary Alligator Rivers Region Research Institute Annu Rev Anal ChemAnnual Review of Analytical Chemistry Annu Rev Anim BiosciAnnual Review of Animal Biosciences Annu Rev BiochemAnnual Review of Biochemistry Annu Rev Biomed Data SciAnnual Review of Biomedical Data Science Annu Rev BiophysAnnual Review of Biophysics Annu Rev Cell Dev BiolAnnual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology Annu Rev Condens Matter PhysAnnual Review of Condensed Matter Physics Annu Rev ControlAnnual Review in Control Annu Rev Control Rob Auton SystAnnual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems Annu Rev Earth Planet SciAnnual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences Annu Rev Ecol Evol SystAnnual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics Annu Rev Ecol SystAnnual Review of Ecology and Systematics Annu Rev Energy EnvAnnual Review of Energy and the Environment Annu Rev Energy EnvironAnnual Review of Energy and the Environment Annu Rev EntomolAnnual Review of Entomology Annu Rev Environ ResourAnnual Review of Environment and Resources Annu Rev Fish DisAnnual Review of Fish Diseases Annu Rev Fluid MechAnnual Review of Fluid Mechanics Annu Rev Freshw Fish Lab PitlochryAnnual Review Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory of Pitlochry Annu Rev Freshw Fish Lab, PitlochryAnnual Review Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory, Pitlochry Annu Rev GenetAnnual Review of Genetics Annu Rev Gt Lakes Fish Res Branch (Can) Annual Review Great Lakes Fisheries Research Branch (Canada) Annu Rev Mar Lab, AberdAnnual Review Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen Annu Rev Mater ResAnnual Review of Materials Research Annu Rev Mater SciAnnual Review of Materials Science Annu Rev MicrobiolAnnual Review of Microbiology Annu Rev NutrAnnual Review of Nutrition Annu Rev Ocean Aff Law Policy Main DocsAnnual Review of Ocean Affairs: law and policy, main documents Annu Rev Pharmacol ToxicolAnnual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Annu Rev Phys ChemAnnual Review of Physical Chemistry Annu Rev PhysiolAnnual Review of Physiology Annu Rev PhytopahtolAnnual Review of Phytopathology Annu Rev PhytopatholAnnual Review of Phytopathology Annu Rev Plant BiolAnnual Review of Plant Biology Annu Rev Plant PhysiolAnnual Review of Plant Physiology Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol BiolAnnual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology Annu Rev Stat ApplAnnual Review of Statistics and Its Application Annu Rev Vision SciAnnual Review of Vision Science Annu Stat Prod Peche TunisAnnuaire des Statistiques des Produits de la Peche en Tunisie Annu Summ Fish Harvest Act ,West Can Freshw FishAnnual Summary of Fish Harvesting Activities, Western Canadian Freshwater Fisheries Annu Summ Fish Mar Mamm Harvest Data N W TAnnual Summary of Fish and Marine Mammal Harvest Data for the Northwest Territories Antarct J USAntarctic Journal of the United States Antarct Rec (Christch)Antartctic Record (Christchurch) Antarct Rec (Tokyo)Antarctic Record (Tokyo) Antarct ResAntarctic Resesarch Antarct Res Book SerAntarctic Research Book Series Antarct SciAntarctic Science AntarcticAntarctic AntarktikaAntarktika Antartct SciAntarctic Science AntartidaAntartida Anthropocene CoastsAnthropocene Coasts Anthropocene RevAnthropocene Review Antibody TherAntibody Therapeutics Anti-Cancer Drug DesAnti-Cancer Drug Design Anticancer ResAnticancer Research Anti-Corros Methods MaterAnti-Corrosion Methods and Materials Antimicrob Agents ChemotherAntimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Antioxid Redox SignalingAntioxidants & Redox Signaling Antisense Nucleic Acid Drug DevAntisense and Nucleic Acid Drug Development Antiviral Chem ChemotherAntiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy Antonie van LeeuwenhoekAntonie van Leeuwenhoek Anu Estad Pesca Secr Medio Ambient Recur Nat PescaAnuario Estadistico de Pesca Secretaria de Medio Ambiente Recursos Naturales y Pesca Anu Estad Pesca Serv Nac Pesca (Chile)Anuario Estadistico de Pesca Servicio Nacional de Pesca (Chile) Anu Estad Pesq Minist Pesq (Peru)Anuario Estadistico Pesquero Ministerio de Pesqueria (Peru) ANZIAM JANZIAM Journal AOAC Int JAOAC International Journal APL BioengAPL Bioengineering APL MaterAPL Materials APL PhotonicsAPL Photonics APL: Org Electron PhotonicsAPL: Organic Electronics and Photonics Appita JAppita Journal Appl AcoustApplied Accoustics Appl Adhes SciApplied Adhesion Science Appl Algebra Eng Commun ComputApplicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing Appl Anim Behav SciApplied Animal Behaviour Science Appl Anim SciApplied Animal Science Appl Appl MathApplications and Applied Mathematics Appl Artif IntellApplied Artifical Intelligence Appl Biochem BiotechnolApplied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Appl Biochem MicrobiolApplied Biochemistry and Microbiology Appl Biol ChemApplied Biological Chemistry Appl Biol SciApplied Biological Science Appl Bionics BiomechApplied Bionics and Biomechanics Appl BiosafApplied Biosafety Appl Catal, AApplied Catalysis A: General Appl Catal, BApplied Catalysis B: Environmental Appl Clay SciApplied Clay Science Appl Compos MaterApplied Composite Materials Appl Comput GeosciApplied Computing and Geosciences Appl Comput Harmon AnalApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis Appl Comput Intell Soft ComputApplied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing Appl EnergyApplied Energy Appl Eng AgricApplied Engineering in Agriculture Appl Entomol ZoolApplied Entomology and Zoology Appl Environ MicrobiolApplied and Environmental Microbiology Appl Environ Soil SciApplied and Environmental Soil Science Appl ErgonApplied Ergonomics Appl GeochemApplied Geochemistry Appl GeogrApplied Geography Appl GeophysApplied Geophysics Appl Immunohistochem Mol MorpholApplied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology Appl Magn ResonApplied Magnetic Resonance Appl Mater TodayApplied Materials Today Appl Math ComputApplied Mathematics and Computation Appl Math LettApplied Mathematics Letters Appl Math MechApplied Mathematics and Mechanics Appl Math ModelApplied Mathematical Modelling Appl Math ModellApplied Mathematical Modelling Appl Math OptimApplied Mathematics and Optimization Appl Math Res eXpressApplied Mathematics Research eXpress Appl Mech RevApplied Mechanics Reviews Appl MicrobiolApplied Microbiology Appl Microbiol BiotechnolApplied Microbiology and Biotechnology Appl MicroscApplied Microscopy Appl NanosciApplied Nanoscience Appl Network SciApplied Network Science Appl Numer MathApplied Numerical Mathematics Appl Ocean ResApplied Ocean Research Appl OntolApplied Ontology Appl OptApplied Optics Appl Organomet ChemApplied Organometallic Chemistry Appl ParasitolApplied Parasitology Appl Petrochem ResApplied Petrochemical Research Appl Phys AApplied Physics A Appl Phys BApplied Physics B Appl Phys B: Lasers OptApplied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Appl Phys ExpressApplied Physics Express Appl Phys LettApplied Physics Letters Appl Phys ResApplied Physics Research Appl Phys RevApplied Physics Reviews Appl Physiol Nutr MetabApplied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism Appl Plant SciApplications in Plant Sciences Appl Polym ComposApplied Polymer Composites Appl Radiat IsotApplied Radiation and Isotopes Appl RadiolApplied Radiology Appl Sci ResApplied Scientific Research Appl Soft ComputApplied Soft Computing Appl Soil EcolApplied Soil Ecology Appl Solar EnergyApplied Solar Energy Appl SpectroscApplied Spectroscopy Appl Spectrosc RevApplied Spectroscopy Reviews Appl Stochastic Models Bus IndApplied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry Appl SupercondApplied Superconductivity Appl Surf SciApplied Surface Science Appl Therm EngApplied Thermal Engineering Appl Transl GenomicsApplied & Translational Genomics Appl Transl GeonomicsApplied and Translational Geonomics Appl Veg SciApplied Vegetation Science Appl Water SciApplied Water Science Apunt Univ Univ Auton Baja Calif Sur, DidactApuntes Universitarios Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur Serie Didactica AQEIC Bol TecAQEIC Boletin Tecnico Aqua FennAqua Fennica Aqua ReveAqua Reve Aquac Dev Coord Programme RepAquaculture Development and Coordination Programme Report Aquac EngAquacultural Engineering Aquac EurAquaculture Europe Aquac Ext Man Aquac Dep, Southeast Asian Fish Dev CentAquaculture Extension Manual Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquac Ext Pam Aquac Dep, Southeast Asian Fish Dev CentAquaculture Extension Pamphlet Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquac HungAquacultura Hungarica Aquac MagAquaculture Magazine Aquac NewsAquaculture News Aquac NutrAquaculture Nutrition Aquac ResAquaculture Research Aquac Situat Outlook RepAquaculture Situation and Outlook Report Aquacult EngAquacultural Engineering Aquacult NutrAquaculture Nutrition Aquacult RepAquaculture Reports Aquacult ResAquaculture Research AquacultureAquaculture Aquar PondkeepAquarist and Pondkeeper AquaramaAquarama AquariusAquarius Aquat BiosystAquatic Biosystems Aquat BotAquatic Botany Aquat ConservAquatic Conservation Aquat Conserv Mar Freshwater EcosystAquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Aquat Ecosyst Health ManageAquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Aquat Environ Monit Rep Dir Fish Res (G B)Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain) Aquat Environ Prot Anal Methods Dir Fish Res (G B)Aquatic Environment Protection Analytical methods Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain) Aquat GeochemAquatic Geochemistry Aquat InsectsAquatic Insects Aquat Living ResourAquatic Living Resources Aquat MammAquatic Mammals Aquat Microb EcolAquatic Microbial Ecology Aquat ProcediaAquatic Procedia Aquat SciAquatic Sciences Aquat Sci Fish AbstrAquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Aquat Sci Fish Abstr, 1Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Pt 1 Biological Sciences and Living Resources Aquat Sci Fish Abstr, 2Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Pt 2 Ocean Technology, Policy and Non-Living Resources Aquat Sci Fish Abstr, 3Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Pt 3 Aquatic Pollution and Environmental Quality Aquat ToxicolAquatic Toxicology Aquilo, ZoolAquilo Serie Zoologica Aquitaine OceanAquitaine Ocean Arabian J ChemArabian Journal of Chemistry Arabian J GeosciArabian Journal of Geosciences Arb Anat Inst Kais-Jpn Univ SendaiArbeiten aus dem Anatomischen Institut der Kaiserlich-Japanischen Universitaet zu Sendai Arb DLGArbeiten der DLG Arb Dtsch Fisch-VerbArbeiten des Deutschen Fischerei-Verbaendes Arb Kais Biol Anst Land ForstwirtschArbeiten der Kaiserlichen Biologischen Anstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Arch Agron Soil SciArchives of Agronomy and Soil Science Arch Anim BreedArchives Animal Breeding Arch Anim NutrArchives of Animal Nutrition Arch Biochem BiophysArchives of Biochemistry and Biophysics Arch Biol Med ExpArchivos de Biologia y Medicina Experimental Arch Cent Rech Oceanogr, Dakar-ThiaroyeArchives Centre de Recherches Oceanographique, Dakar-Thiaroye Arch Civ Mech EngArchives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Arch CombustArchivum Combustionis Arch Comput Methods EngArchives of Computational Methods in Engineering Arch Control SciArchives of Control Sciences Arch Doc Micro-edArchives et Documents Micro-Edition Arch ElektrotechArchiv für Elektrotechnik Arch Environ Contam ToxicolArchives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Arch Environ HealthArchives of Environment Health Arch Environ Occup HealthArchives of Environmental & Occupational Health Arch Exp Pathol PharmakolArchiv für Experimentalle Pathologie und Pharmakologie Arch Fish Mar ResArchive of Fishery and Marine Research Arch Foundry EngArchives of Foundry Engineering Arch Freunde Naturgesch MecklenbgArchiv der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg Arch Gen PsychiatryArchives of General Psychiatry Arch Hist Exact SciArchive for History of Exact Sciences Arch HydrobiolArchiv fuer Hydrobiologie Arch Hydrobiol SupplArchiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement Arch Hydrobiol Suppl Algol StudArchiv fuer Hydrobiologie Supplementband Algological Studies Arch Hydrobiol Suppl Arb Limnol Inst Univ KonstanzArchiv fuer Hydrobiologie Supplementband Arbeiten aus dem Limnologischen Institut der Universitaet Konstanz Arch Hydrobiol Suppl Large RiversArchiv fuer Hydrobiologie Supplementband Large Rivers Arch Hydrobiol Suppl Monogr BeitrArchiv fuer Hydrobiologie Supplementband Monographische Beitraege Arch Hydrobiol Suppl Unters Elbe-AestuarsArchiv fuer Hydrobiologie Supplementband Untersuchungen des Elbe-Aestuars Arch Immunol Ther ExpArchivum Immunolgiae et Therapiae Experimentalis Arch Insect Biochem PhysiolArchives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology Arch Int Physiol Biochim BiophysArchives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique Arch Ital BiolArchives Italiennes de Biologie Arch KrimArchiv für Kriminologie Arch LagerstattenforschArchiv für Lagerstattenforschung Arch LebensmhygArchiv fuer Lebensmittelhygiene Arch LebensmittelhygArchiv für Lebensmittelhygiene Arch Mal Prof EnvironArchives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environment Arch Metall MaterArchives of Metallurgy and Materials Arch Meteorol Geophys Bioklimatol AArchiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik, und Bioklimatologie Serie A Meteorologie und Geophysik Arch MicrobiolArchives of Microbiology Arch Min SciArchives of Mining Sciences Arch MollArchiv fuer Molluskenkunde Arch Neerl Sci Exactes NatArchives Neerlandaises Sci Exactes et Naturelles Arch Neerl ZoolArchives Neerlandaises de Zoologie Arch NeurolArchives of Neurology Arch Oceanogr LimnolArchivio di Oceanografia e Limnologia Arch PharmArchiv der Pharmazie Arch Pharmacal ResArchives of Pharmacal Research Arch Physiol BiochemArchives of Physiology and Biochemistry Arch ProtistenkdArchiv fuer Protistenkunde Arch Ration Mech AnalArchive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis Arch Razi InstArchives of Razi Institute Arch Sci Mer Biol Mar Cent Noumea, ORSTOMArchives Sciences de la Mer Biologie Marine Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Arch Sci Mer Oceanogr Phys Cent Noumea, ORSTOMArchives Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Physique Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Arch ToxicolArchives of Toxicology Arch Vet ItalArchivio Veterinario Italiano Arch VirolArchives of Virology Arch Zool ItalArchivio Zoologico Italiano Arch ZootecArchivos de Zootecnia Archaeol DialoguesArchaeological Dialogues Archaeol RepArchaeological Reports Arct Alp ResArctic and Alpine Research Arct Antarct Alp ResArctic, Antartic, and Alpine Research Arct SciArctic Science ArcticArctic Ark FysArkiv foer Physik Ark GeofysArkiv foer Geohysik Ark Kemi Mineral GeolArkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi Ark Mat Astron FysArkiv foer Matematik, Astronomi, och Fysik Arkh Anat Gistol EhmbriolArkhiv Anatomii Gistologii i Ehmbriologii Arnoldia ZimbArnoldia Zimbabwe Arq Cienc MarArquivos de Ciencias do Mar Arq Mus Bocage Nova SerArquivos do Museu Bocage Nova Serie Arquipel Cienc Biol MarArquipelago Ciencias Biologicas e Marinhas Arrhythmia Electrophysiol RevArrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review Arthropod Manage TestsArthropod Management Tests Arthropod Struct DevArthropod Structure & Development Artif Cells Nanomed BiotechnolArtificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology Artif Cells, Blood Substitues, Immobilization BiotechnolArtificial Cells Blood Substitutes and Immobilization Biotechnology Artif IntellArtificial Intelligence Artif Intell AgricArtificial Intelligence in Agriculture Artif Intell MedArtificial Intelligence in Medicine Artif LifeArtificial Life Artif OrgansArtificial Organs Arzneim-ForschArzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research ASEAN Food JASEAN Food Journal Asia Pac J Med ToxicolAsia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology Asian BiomedAsian Biomedicine Asian Fish SciAsian Fisheries Science Asian J Atmos EnvironAsian Journal of Atmospheric Environment Asian J BiochemAsian Journal of Biochemistry Asian J BiotechnolAsian Journal of Biotechnology Asian J ChemAsian Journal of Chemistry Asian J ControlAsian Journal of Control Asian J Exp Biol SciAsian Journal of Experimental Biological Sciences Asian J Exp SciAsian Journal of Experimental Sciences Asian J Mater SciAsian Journal of Materials Science Asian J Microbiol Biotechnol Environ Exp SciAsian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences Asian J Org ChemAsian Journal of Organic Chemistry Asian J Pharm Clin ResAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research Asian J Pharm SciAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Asian J PhysAsian Journal of Physics Asian J SpectroAsian Journal of Spectroscopy Asian J Water Environ PollutAsian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution Asian Mar BiolAsian Marine Biology Asian Text JAsian Textile Journal Asian-Australas J Anim SciAsian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences Asia-Pac J Atmos SciAsia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences Asia-Pac J Chem EngAsia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering ASME J Convergence Biomed Eng BiotechnolASME Journal of Convergence in Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology ASRA JASRA Journal ASSAY Drug Dev TechnolASSAY and Drug Development Technologies Assistive TechnolAssistive Technology Astarte Short Pap Dep Zool, Tromsoe MusAstarte : Short Papers from the Department of Zoology Tromsoe Museum Astarte: J Arctic BiolAstarte : Journal of Arctic Biology ASTM Spec Tech PublASTM Special Technical Publication ASTRA ProcASTRA Proceedings Astron AstrophysAstronomy and Astrophysics Astron Astrophys RevAstronomy and Astrophysics Review Astron ComputAstronomy and Computing Astron Educ RevAstronomy Education Review Astron GeophysAstronomy & Geophysics Astron JAstronomy Journal Astron LettAstronomy Letters Astron NachrAstronomische Nachrichten Astron RepAstronomy Reports Astropart PhysAstroparticle Physics Astrophys BullAstrophysical Bulletin Astrophys JAstrophysical Journal Astrophys J LettAstrophysical Journal Letters Astrophys J Suppl SerAstrophysical Journal Supplement Series Astrophys Space SciAstrophysics and Space Science Astrophys Space Sci TransAstrophysics and Space Science Transactions At Data Nucl Data TablesAtomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables At EnergyAtomic Energy At SpectroscAtomic Spectroscopy Atl GeolAtlantic Geology Atl Salmon JAtlantic Salmon Journanl AtlanticaAtlantica Atmos Chem PhysAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics Atmos Chem Phys DiscussAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions Atmos EnvironAtmospheric Environment Atmos Environ Part AAtmospheric Environment Part A General Topics Atmos Environ Part BAtmospheric Environment Part B Urban Atmosphere Atmos Meas TechAtmospheric Measurement Techniques Atmos Meas Tech DiscussAtmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions Atmos OceanAtmosphere-Ocean Atmos Oceanic OptAtmospheric and Oceanic Optics Atmos Oceanic Sci LettAtmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters Atmos Pollut ResAtmospheric Pollution Research Atmos ResAtmospheric Research Atmos Res LettAtmospheric Research Letters Atmos Sci LettAtmospheric Science Letters AtmosferaAtmosfera Atmos-OceanAtmosphere-Ocean Atmos-Ocean SystAtmosphere-Ocean System Atoll Res BullAtoll Research Bulletin Atomization SpraysAtomization and Sprays Atti Accad Ligure Sci LettereAtti dell'Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere Atti Accad Naz Lincei Cl Sci Fis Mat Nat Mem, 3Atti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali Memorie Sezione 3 Atti Accad Naz Lincei Cl Sci Fis Mat Nat RendAtti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti Atti Mus Civ Stor Nat, TriesteAtti del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale - Trieste Atti Soc Ital Sci natAtti de la Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali (Milano) Atti Soc Pelorit Sci Fis Mat NatAtti della Societa Peloritana di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali Aust Field OrnithAustralian Field Ornithology Aust FishAustralian Fisheries Aust GemmolAustralian Gemmologist Aust GeogrAustralian Geographic Aust Geomech JAustralian Geomechanics Journal Aust J Agric Resour EconAustralian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Aust J Basic Appl SciAustralian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Aust J BotAustralian Journal of Botany Aust J ChemAustralian Journal of Chemistry Aust J Civ EngAustralian Journal of Civil Engineering Aust J Crop SciAustralian Journal of Crop Science Aust J Earth SciAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences Aust J EcolAustralian Journal of Ecology Aust J Edu ChemAustralian Journal of Education in Chemistry Aust J Electr Electron EngAustralian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Aust J Exp AgricAustralian Journal of Experimental Research Aust J Forensic SciAustralian Journal of Forensic Sciences Aust J Grape Wine ResAustralian Journal of Grape and Wine Research Aust J Mar Freshw ResAustralian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Aust J Mar Freshwater ResAustralian Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research Aust J Mech EngAustralian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Aust J PhysAustralian Journal of Physics Aust J Soil ResAustralian Journal of Soil Research Aust J Struct EngAustralian Journal of Structural Engineering Aust J Water ResourAustralian Journal of Water Resources Aust J ZoolAustralian Journal of Zoology Aust MammolAustralian Mammalogy Aust Mar Sci BullAustralian Marine Science Bulletin Aust Meteorol MagAustralian Meteorological Magazine Aust Meteorol Oceanogr JAustralian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal Aust NZ J StatAustralian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics Aust Syst BotAustralian Systematic Botany Aust ZoolAustralian Zoologist Austasia AquacAustasia Aquaculture Austral EntomolAustral Entomology Australas J Environ EducAustralasian Journal of Environmental Education Australas Phys Eng Sci MedAustralasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine Austrian J Earth SciAustrian Journal of Earth Sciences Austrian J For SciAustrian Journal of Forest Science Autom ConstrAutomation in Construction Autom Control Comput SciAutomatic Control and Computer Sciences Autom Doc Math LingAutomatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics Autom Remote ControlAutomation and Remote Control Auton Autacoid PharmacolAutonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology Av QuimAvances en Quimica Avian Biol ResAvian Biology Research Avian ResAvian Research Aviat Space Environ MedAviation, Space and Environmental Medicine AVS Quantum SciAVS Quantum Science AWWA Water SciAWWA Water Science Backgr Fish Stat Aust Fish ServBackground Fisheries Statistics Australian Fisheries Service Balt Sea Environ ProcBaltic Sea Environment Proceedings BamidgehBamidgeh Bangladesh J EntomolBangladesh Journal of Entomology Bangladesh J PharmacolBangladesh Journal of Pharmacology Bangladesh J ZoolBengladesh Journal of Zoology BanmarBanmar Basic Appl EcolBasic and Applied Ecology Basic Clin Physiol PharmacolBasic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Basin ResBasin Research BasteriaBasteria Bay Bengal NewsBay of Bengal News Bayer CropSci JBayer CropScience Journal BBA ClinBBA Clinical BeaufortiaBeaufortia Behav Brain ResBehavioural Brain Research Behav EcolBehavioral Ecology Behav Ecol SociobiolBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology Behav Neural BiolBehavioral and Neural Biology Behav NeurolBehavioural Neurology Behav PharmacolBehavioural Pharmacology Behav Res TherBehavioral Resesarch and Therapy Behav SciBehavioral Science Behav Sleep MedBehavioral Sleep Medicine BehaviourBehaviour Beilstein J NanotechnolBeilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Beilstein J Org ChemBeilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry Beitr Biol PflanzBeitraege zur Biologie der Pflanzen Beitr Chem Physiol PatholBeitraege zur Chemischen Physiologie und Pathologie Beitr EntomolBeitraege zur Entomologie Beitr Gerichtl MedBeitraege zur Gerichtlichen Medizin Beitr Kryst MineralBeitrage zur Krystallographie und Mineralogie Beitr MeereskdBeitraege zur Meereskunde Belg ZeevissBelgische Zeevisserij Bell Lab RecBell Laboratories Record Bell Labs Tech JBell Labs Technical Journal BerChemische Berichte Ber Bayer Landesanst WasserforschBerichte der Bayerischen Landesanstalt fuer Wasserforschung Ber Biol Anst HelgolBerichte der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland Ber Bunsen GesBerichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft Ber Bunsen Ges Phys ChemBerichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie Ber Dtsch Bot GesBerichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft Ber Dtsch Chem GesBerichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft Ber Dtsch Ges Geol Wiss Reihe ABerichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaft Reihe A: Geologie und Palaeontologie Ber Dtsch Ges Geol Wiss Reihe BBerichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaft Reihe B: Mineralogie und Lagerstattenforschung Ber Dtsch Keram GesBerichte der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft Ber Dtsch Pharm GesBerichte der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft Ber Dtsch Phys GesBerichte der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft Ber Dtsch WetterdienstesBerichte der Deutschen Wetterdienstes Ber Gesamte Physiol Exp PharmakolBerichte uber die Gesamte Physiologie und Experimentalle Pharmakologie Ber Inst Meereskd Christian-Albrechts-Univ KielBerichte aus dem Institut fuer Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Kiel Ber LandwirtschBerichte ueber Landwirtschaft Ber PolarforschBerichte zur Polarforschung Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, ABerichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe A Meteorologie Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, BBerichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe B Ozeanographie Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, CBerichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe C Geophysik Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, DBerichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe D Biogeochemie und Meereschemie Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, EBerichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe E Hydrobiologie und Fischereiwissenschaft Ber Zent Meeres- Klimaforsch Univ Hambg, ZBerichte aus dem Zentrum fuer Meerees-und Klimaforschung der Universitaet Hamburg Reihe Z Interdisziplinaere Zentrumsberichte Berg- Huettenmaenn MonatshBerg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte Berl Beitr ArchaeomBerliner Beitraege zur Archaeometrie Berl Geogr StudBerliner Geographsiche Studien Berl Geowiss Abh, Reihe ABerliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe A: Geologie und Palaeontologie Best Pract Res Clin HaematolBest Practice & Research, Clinical Haematology Beton- StahlbetonbauBeton- und Stahlbetonbau Betonwerk Fertigteil TechBetonwerk und Fertigteil Technik BHM Berg- Huttenmann MonatshBHM Berg- und Huttenmannische Monatshefte Bibliogr Invertebr Aquat CanBibliographia Invertebratorum Aquaticorum Canadensium Bibliogr Sci Nat HelvBibliographia Scientiae Naturalis Helvetica Bibliogr Ser Dep Prim Ind (Qld)Bibliography series Department of Primary Industries (Queensland) Biedermanns ZentralblBiedermanns Zentralblatt Biedermanns Zentralbl Abt ABiedermanns Zentralblatt Abteilung A: Allgemeiner und Referierender Teil Biedermanns Zentralbl Abt BBiedermanns Zentralblatt Abteilung B: Tierernahrung Bienn Rep Aquatron Lab, Dalhous UnivBiennial Report Aquatron Laboratory, Dalhousie University Bienn Rep Dep Oceanogr, Dalhous UnivBiennial Report Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University Bienn Rep IAEA Mar Environ LabBiennial Report IAEA Marine Environment Laboratory Bienn Rep Isr Oceanogr Limnol ResBiennial Report Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Bienn Rep Keikyu Aburatsubo Mar Park AquarBiennial Report of the Keikyu Aburatsubo Marine Park Aquarium Big DataBig Data Big Data ResBig Data Research Big Earth DataBig Earth Data Bijdr DierkdBijdragen tot de Dierkunde Biljeske-NotesBiljeske-Notes Bio RevBio Review BioacousticsBioacoustics Bioact Carbohydr Dietary FibreBioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre Bioact MaterBioactive Materials Biocatal Agric BiotechnolBiocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology Biocatal BiotransformBiocatalysis and Biotransformation BiocenosisBiocenosis Biochem ArchBiochemical Archives Biochem Biophys RepBiochemistry and Biophysics Reports Biochem Biophys Res CommunBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Biochem Cell BiolBiochemistry and Cell Biology Biochem EducBiochemical Education Biochem Eng JBiochemical Engineering Journal Biochem GenetBiochemical Genetics Biochem InsightsBiochemistry Insights Biochem JBiochemical Journal Biochem Med Metab BiolBiochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology Biochem Mol Biol EducBiochemistry and Molecular Biology Education Biochem Mol Biol IntBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Biochem Mol MedBiochemical and Molecular Medicine Biochem PharmacolBiochemical Pharmacology Biochem Physiol PflanzBiochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen Biochem PrepBiochemical Preparations Biochem Res IntBiochemistry Research International Biochem Soc SympBiochemical Society Symposium Biochem Soc TransBiochemical Society Transactions Biochem Syst EcolBiochemical Systematics and Ecology Biochemistry (N Y)Biochemistry (New York) Biochemistry (Wash)Biochemistry (Washington) Biochim Biophys ActaBiochimica et Biophysica Acta Biochim Biophys Acta, BioenergBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics Biochim Biophys Acta, BiomembrBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Biomembranes Biochim Biophys Acta, Biophys Incl PhotsynthBiochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biophysics including Photosynthesis Biochim Biophys Acta, EnzymolBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Enzymology Biochim Biophys Acta, Enzymol Biol OxidBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Enzymology and Biological Oxidation Biochim Biophys Acta, Gen SubjBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, General Subjects Biochim Biophys Acta, Gene Regul MechBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Gene Regulatory Mechanisms Biochim Biophys Acta, Gene Struct ExpressionBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Gene Structure and Expression Biochim Biophys Acta, Lipids Lipid MetabBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Lipids and Lipid Metabolism Biochim Biophys Acta, Mol Basis DisBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Molecular Basis of Disease Biochim Biophys Acta, Mol Cell Biol LipidsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids Biochim Biophys Acta, Mol Cell ResBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Molecular Cell Research Biochim Biophys Acta, Mucroproteins MucopolysaccharidesBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Mucoproteins and Mucopolysaccharides Biochim Biophys Acta, Nucleic Acids Protein SynthBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis Biochim Biophys Acta, Protein StructBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Protein Structure Biochim Biophys Acta, Protein Struct Mol EnzymolBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology Biochim Biophys Acta, Proteins ProteomicsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Proteins and Proteomics Biochim Biophys Acta, Rev BioenergBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Reviews on Bioenergetics Biochim Biophys Acta, Rev BiomembrBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Reviews on Biomembranes Biochim Biophys Acta, Rev CancerBiochimica et Biophysica Acta, Reviews on Cancer Biochim OpenBiochimie Open BiochimieBiochimie Biochip JBiochip Journal Bioconjugate ChemBioconjugate Chemistry Biocontrol SciBiocontrol Science Biocontrol Sci TechnolBiocontrol Science and Technology Biodes ResBiodesign Research Biodivers Data JBiodiversity Data Journal Biodiversity ConservBiodiversity and Conservation Bioelectrochem BioenergBioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics Bioelectron MedBioelectronics in Medicine Bioenergy ResBioenergy Research Bioeng TodayBioengineering Today Bioeng Transl MedBioengineering & Translational Medicine BiofizikaBiofizika Biofuel Res JBiofuel Research Journal Biofuels, Bioprod BiorefinBiofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining Biog AminesBiogenic Amines BiogeographicaBiogeographica Biogeosci DiscussBiogeosciences Discussions Bioinf Biol InsightsBioinformatics and Biology Insights Bioinorg Chem ApplBioinorganic Chemistry and Applications Bioinspiration BiomimeticsBioinspiration & Biomimetics Bioinspired Biomimetic NanobiomaterBioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials BiokhimiyaBiokhimiya Biol AbstrBiological Abstracts Biol Abstr, ABiological Abstracts Section A Abstracts of General Biology Biol Abstr, BBiological Abstracts Section B Abstracts of Experimental Animal Biology Biol Abstr, CBiological Abstracts Section C Abstracts of Microbiology- Immunology and Parasitology Biol Abstr, DBiological Abstracts Section D Abstracts of Plant Sciences Biol Abstr, EBiological Abstracts Section E Abstracts of Animal Sciences Biol Abstr, GBiological Abstracts Section G Abstracts of Food and Nutrition Research Biol AcuatBiologia Acuatica Biol BullThe Biological Bulletin Biol CellBiology of the cell Biol ChemBiological Chemistry Biol Chem Hoppe-SeylerBiological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler Biol ConservBiological Conservation Biol ControlBiological Control Biol CybernBiological Cybernetics Biol DirectBiology Direct Biol EngBiological Engineering Biol Environ Proc R Ir Acad, BBiology and Environment Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Section B Biol Fertil SoilsBiology and Fertility of Soils Biol Gallo-HellBiologia Gallo-Hellenica Biol GenBiologia Generalis Biol Inspired Cognit ArchitBiologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Biol InvasionsBiological Invasions Biol J Linn SocBiological Journal of the Linnean Society Biol LettBiology Letters Biol Mass SpectromBiological Mass Spectrometry Biol Med Phys Biomed EngBiological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering Biol MeddBiologiske Meddelelser Biol MembrBiological Membranes Biol Methods ProtocBiology Methods & Protocols Biol MoryaBiologija Morya Biol NaukiBiologicheskie Nauki Biol Notes Ill Nat Hist SurvBiological Notes Illinois Natural History Survey Biol OpenBiology Open Biol Pharm BullBiological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin Biol PhilosBiology and Philosophy Biol PlantBiologia Plantarum Biol PsychiatryBiological Psychiatry Biol Rep U S Fish Wildl ServBiological Report of the US Fish and Wildlife Service Biol ReprodBiology of Reproduction Biol ResBiological Research Biol Res NursBiological Research For Nursing Biol Resur Gidrosfery Isplo'zBiologicheskie Resursy Gidrosfery i ikh Ispol'zoganie Biol RevBiological Reviews Biol Rev Camb Philos SocBiological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Biol Rhythm ResBiological Rhythm Research Biol Serv Program US Fish Wildl ServBiological Services Program US Fish and Wildlife Service Biol SkrBiologiske Skrifter Biol Syst Open AccessBiological Systems: Open Access Biol Trace Elem ResBiological Trace Element Research Biol unserer ZeitBiologie in unserer Zeit Biol Vestn Glas Slov BiolBioloski Vestnik : Glasilo Slovenskih Biologov Biol Vnutr VodBiologiya Vnutrennikh Vod Biol WastesBiological Wastes Biol, ABiologia Seria A Botanika Biol, BBiologia Seria B Zoologia Biol, CBiologia Seria C Vseobecna biologia Biologia (Lahore)Biologia (Lahore) BiologijaBiologija Biom Technol TodayBiometric Technology Today Biomarker InsightsBiomarker Insights Biomarker ResBiomarker Research Biomarkers MedBiomarkers in Medicine Biomass BioenergyBiomass and Bioenergy Biomass Convers BiorefinBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery Biomater Artif Cells Artif OrgansBiomaterials Artificial Cells and Artificial Organs Biomater Med Devices Artif OrgansBiomaterials Medical Devices and Artificial Organs Biomater SciBiomaterials Science Biomech Model MechanobiolBiomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology Biomed Biochim ActaBiomedica Biochimica Acta Biomed ChromatogrBiomedical Chromatography Biomed EngBioMedical Engineering Biomed Eng Comput BiolBiomedical Engineering and Computational Biology Biomed Eng LettBiomedical Engineering Letters Biomed Eng OnlineBiomedical Engineering Online Biomed Environ SciBiomedical and Environmental Sciences Biomed HubBiomedicine Hub Biomed Imaging Intervention JBiomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal Biomed Inf InsightsBiomedical Informatics Insights Biomed LettBiomedical Letters Biomed MaterBiomedical Materials Bio-Med Mater EngBio-Medical Materials and Engineering Biomed MicrodevicesBiomedical Microdevices Biomed Opt ExpressBiomedical Optics Express Biomed PharmacotherBiomedicine & Pharmacotherapy Biomed Phys Eng ExpressBiomedical Physics & Engineering Express Biomed Res IntBiomed Research International Biomed Res Trace EleBiomedical Research on Trace Elements Biomed Sci InstrumBiomedical Sciences Instrumentation Biomed Signal Process ControlBiomedical Signal Processing and Control Biomed Spectrosc ImagingBiomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging Biomed TechBiomedizinische Technik BiometricsBiometrics BiometrikaBiometrika Biomol Detect QuantifBiomolecular Detection and Quantification Biomol EngBiomolecular Engineering Bioorg ChemBioorganic Chemistry Bioorg Chem ApplBioorganic Chemistry and Applications Bioorg KhimBioorganicheskaya Khimiya (Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry) Bioorg Med ChemBioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Bioorg Med Chem LettBioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters Biopharm Drug DisposBiopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition Biophys ChemBiophysical Chemistry Biophys JBiophysical Journal Biophys RevBiophysical Reviews Biophys Rev LettBiophysical Reviews and Letters BiopolymersBiopolymers Biopreserv BiobankingBiopreservation and Biobanking Bioprocess Biosyst EngBioprocess and Biosystems Engineering Bioprocess EngBioprocess Engineering Bioprocess IntBioprocess International Bioprocess JBioprocessing Journal Biorem JBioremediation Journal Biores Open AccessBioresearch Open Access Bioresour TechnolBioresource Technology Bioresour Technol RepBioresource Technology Reports Biosaf HealthBiosafety and Health Biosci Biotechnol BiochemBioscience, Biotechnology and, Biochemistry Biosci Biotechnol Res AsiaBiosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia Biosci Biotechnol, BiochemBioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry Biosci HorizBioscience Horizons Biosci RepBioscience Reports BioScienceBioScience Biosens BioelectronBiosensors and Bioelectronics Biosens Bioelectron: XBiosensors and Bioelectronics: X Biosurf BiotribolBiosurface and Biotribology Biosyst EngBiosystems Engineering BiosystemsBiosystems BiotaBiota Biotech HistochemBiotechnic and Histochemistry Biotechnol AdvBiotechnology Advances Biotechnol Agron Soc EnvironBiotechnologie, Agronomie, Societe et Environnement Biotechnol Appl BiochemBiotechnology and Applied Biochemistry Biotechnol BioengBiotechnology and Bioengineering Biotechnol BiofuelsBiotechnology for Biofuels Biotechnol Bioprocess EngBiotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Biotechnol Biotechnol EquipBiotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment Biotechnol Dev MonitBiotechnology and Development Monitor Biotechnol JBiotechnology Journal Biotechnol Law RepBiotechnology Law Report Biotechnol LettBiotechnology Letters Biotechnol ProgrBiotechnology Progress Biotechnol Rep,Biotechnology Reports Biotechnol Res IntBiotechnology Research International Biotechnol TechBiotechnology Techniques BiotropicaBiotropica Bird Conserv IntBird Conservation International Bird StudyBird Study Biul Morskiego Inst Ryb, GdynBiuletyn Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego, Gdynia Blood AdvBlood Advances Blood Cancer JBlood Cancer Journal Blood Cells Mol DisBlood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases BlumeaBlumea BMC BiochemBMC Biochemistry BMC BioinfBMC Bioinformatics BMC BiolBMC Biology BMC Biomed EngBMC Biomedical Engineering BMC BiophysBMC Biophysics BMC BiotechBMC Biotechnology BMC Cell BiolBMC Cell Biology BMC ChemBMC Chemistry BMC Chem BiolBMC Chemical Biology BMC Chem EngBMC Chemical Engineering BMC Clin PharmacolBMC Clinical Pharmacology BMC Dev BiolBMC Developmental Biology BMC EcolBMC Ecology BMC EnergyBMC Energy BMC Evol BiolBMC Evolutionary Biology BMC GenetBMC Genetics BMC GenomicsBMC Genomics BMC MaterBMC Materials BMC Mech EngBMC Mechanical Engineering BMC Med GenetBMC Medical Genetics BMC Med GenomicsBMC Medical Genomics BMC Med ImagingBMC Medical Imaging BMC Med Inf Decis MakingBMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making BMC Med PhysBMC Medical Physics BMC Med Res MethodBMC Medical Research Methodology BMC MicrobiolBMC Microbiology BMC Mol BiolBMC Molecular Biology BMC Mol Cell BiolBMC Molecular and Cell Biology BMC NutrBMC Nutrition BMC PharmacolBMC Pharmacology BMC PhysiolBMC Physiology BMC Plant BiolBMC Plant Biology BMC Struct BiolBMC Structural Biology BMC Syst BiolBMC Systems Biology BMC Vet ResBMC Veterinary Research BMC ZoolBMC Zoology BME FrontBME Frontiers BMJ Nutr Prev HealthBMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health BMJ Open SciBMJ Open Science BMR J Aust Geol GeophysBMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics BocagianaBocagiana Boch Geol Geotech ArbBochumer Geologische und Geotechnisce Arbeiten Bol Acad Nac Cienc Cordoba (Argent)Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias en Cordoba (Argentina) Bol Alerta Clim Com Perm Pac SurBoletin de Alerta Climatico Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur Bol Antart ChilBoletin Antartico Chileno Bol Cienc MarBoletim de Ciencias do Mar Bol Cient Cent Invest Oceanogr Hidrogr, CartagenaBoletin Cientifico Centro de Investigaciones Oceanograficas e Hidrograficas, Cartagena Bol Cient INPABoletin Cientifico INPA Bol Cient Tec Inst Nac Pesca EcuadBoletin Cientifico y Tecnico Instituto Nacional de Pesca del Ecuador Bol Climatol Inst Oceanogr, Univ Sao PauloBoletim Climatologico do Instituto Oceanografico, Universidade de Sao Paulo Bol Comer Exter Sect Pesq Minist Agric (Chile)Boletin de Comercio Exterior: Sector Pesquero Ministerio de Agricultura (Chile) Bol Comer Inst Nac Pesca (Urug)Boletin Comercial Instituto Nacional de Pesca (Uruguay) Bol Dep Oceanogr Limnol Cent Biocienc Univ Fed Rio Grande do NorteBoletim do Departamento de Oceanografia e Limnologia do Centro de Biociencias da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Bol Divulg Inst Invest Pesq MaputoBoletim de Divulgacao Instituto de Investigacao Pesqueir, Maputo Bol Ecotropica Ecosistemas del TropBoletin Ecotropica : Ecosistemas del Tropico Bol Ecotropica Ecosistemas TropBoletin Ecotropica : Ecosistemas Tropicales Bol ERFENBoletin ERFEN Bol Estac Cent EcolBoletin de la Estacion Central de Ecologia Bol Estad Pesq Inst Nac Pesca (Urug)Boletin Estadistico Pesquero Instituto Nacional de Pesca (Uruguay) Bol Estad Pesq Inst Nac Pesca Acuic (Colomb)Boletin Estadistico Pesquero Instituto Nacional de Pesca y Acuicultura (Colombia) Bol Estad Pesq Pac SudesteBoletin de Estadisticas Pesqueras del Pacifico Sudeste Bol Estad Sist Inf Pesq, SantiagoBoletin de Estadisticas Sistema de Informacion Pesquera, Santiago Bol EstatBoletim Estatistico Bol Fac Biol Mar Univ Bogota Jorge Tadeo LozanoBoletin Facultad de Biologia Marina, Universidad de Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano Bol Fac Pesq, Univ Nac Agrar (La Molina)Boletin Facultad de Pesqueria, Universidad Nacional Agraria (La Molina) Bol Fisiol Anim Univ Sao PauloBoletim de Fisiologia Animal Universidade de Sao Paulo Bol GeogrBoletim Geografico Bol Geol MinBoletin Geologico y Minero Bol Inst Esp OceanogrBoletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia Bol Inst Geogr Univ Nac Auton MexBoletin Instituto de Geografia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Bol Inst Mar PeruBoletin Instituto del Mar del Peru Bol Inst Nac Invest PescasBoletim (do) Instituto Nacional de investigacao das Pescas Bol Inst Oceanogr VenezBoletim del Instituto Oceanografico de Venezuela Bol Inst Oceanogr, Sao PauloBoletim do Instituto Oceanografico, Sao Paulo Bol Inst Pesca, Sao PauloBoletim do Instituto de Pesa, Sao Paulo Bol Inst Port Invest MaritBoletim do Instituto Portugues de Investigacao Maritima Bol Latinoam Caribe Plant Med AromatBoletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas Bol Mus MarBoletin Museo del Mar Bol Mus Munic FunchalBoletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal Bol Mus Nac Hist Nat (Chile)Boletin Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile) Bol PescasBoletin de Pescas Bol r Soc Esp Hist Nat ActasBoletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural Actas Bol r Soc Esp Hist Nat, BiolBoletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural Seccion Biologica Bol r Soc Esp Hist Nat, GeolBoletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural Seccion Geologica Bol Red AcuicBoletin Red Acuicultura Bol Soc Chil QuimBoletin de la Sociedad Chilena de Quimica Bol Soc Esp Ceram VidrioBoletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio Bol Soc Port Cienc NatBoletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciencias Naturais Bol Tec CEPTABoletim Technico do CEPTA Bol Tec Inst Pesca, Sao PauloBoletim Tecnico Instituto de Pesca, Sao Paulo Bol Tec PETROBRASBoletim Tecnico da PETROBRAS Bol Tec Prod PetBoletim Tecnico da Producao de Petroleo Boll Assoc Rom EntomolBollettino dell'Associazione Romana di Entomologia Boll BimestBollettino Bimestrale Boll Chim IgBollettino dei Chimici Igienisti Boll Geofis Teor ApplBollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata Boll MalacolBollettino Malacologico Boll Mus Civ Stor Nat VeneziaBollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia Boll Mus Zool Anat Comp R Univ GenovaBollettino dei Musei di Zoologia e Anatomia comparata della R Universita di Genova Boll Mus Zool Anat Comp, TorinoBollettino dei Musei di Zoologia e Anatomia comparata, Torino Boll Oceanol Teor ApplicBollettino di Oceanologia Teorica ed Applicata Boll Pesca, Piscic IdrobiolBollettino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia Boll Soc Entomol ItalBollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana Boll Soc Veneziana Stor Nat Mus Civ Stor NatBollettino della Societa Veneziana di Storia Naturale e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Boll Unione Ital Chim IgBollettino - Unione Italiana Chimici Igienisti Boll ZoolBollettino di Zoologia Bone ResBone Research Bonn Zool BeitrBonner Zoologische Beitraege Bookl NY Sea Grant InstBooklet New York Sea Grant Institute Boreal Environ ResBoreal Environment Research BoreasBoreas Boston Coll Environ Aff Law RevBoston College Environmental Affairs Law Review Bot ActaBotanica Acta Bot ChrBotanika Chronika Bot J Linn SocBotanical Journal of the Linnean Society Bot KoezlemenyekBotanikai Koezlemenyek Bot MarBotanica Marina Bot Mus Leafl Harv UnivBotanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University Bot NotiserBotaniska Notiser Bot RevBotanical Review Botanicheskij ZhBotanicheskij Zhurnal Boundary Layer MeteorolBoundary-Layer Meteorology Boundary-Layer MeteorolBoundary-Layer Meteorology Br BirdsBritish Birds Br Ceram TransBritish Ceramic Transactions Br Corros JBritish Corrosion Journal Br Dent JBritish Dental Journal Br Food JBritish Food Journal Br J AddictBritish Journal of Addiction Br J Appl PhysBritish Journal of Applied Physics Br J CancerBritish Journal of Cancer Br J Clin PharmacolBritish Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Br J HaematolBritish Journal of Haematology Br J Hist SciBritish Journal for the History of Science Br J Math Stat PsycholBritish Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology Br J Med PractBritish Journal of Medical Practitioners Br J NutrBritish Journal of Nutrition Br J PharmacolBritish Journal of Pharmacology Br J Sports MedBritish Journal of Sports Medicine Br Overseas DevBritish Overseas Development Br Phycol JBritish Phycological Journal Br Polym JBritish Polymer Journa Br Vet JBritish Veterinary Journal Brain Behav EvolBrain Behavior and Evolution Brain ConnectBrain Connectivity Brain Neurosci AdvBrain and Neuroscience Advances Brain PlastBrain Plasticity Brain ResBrain Research Brain Res BullBrain Research Bulletin Brain Res ProtocBrain Research Protocols Brain Res RevBrain Research Reviews Brain Sci AdvBrain Science Advances Brain Struct FunctBrain Structure & Function Braunschw Natkdl SchrBraunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften Braz J Aquat Sci TechnolBrazilian Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Technology Braz J ChemBrazilian Journal of Chemistry Braz J Chem EngBrazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Braz J Food TechnolBrazilian Journal of Food Technology Braz J GeolBrazilian Journal of Geology Braz J Mater Sci EngBrazilian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Braz J OceanogrBrazilian Journal of Oceanography Braz J PhysBrazilian Journal of Physics BrenesiaBrenesia Brennst-Warme-KraftBrennstoff-Warme-Kraft BrevioraBreviora BrewingSci Monatsschr BrauwissBrewingScience - Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft Bridge StructBridge Structures Briefings BioinfBriefings in Bioinformatics BrittoniaBrittonia Brown Univ Psychopharmacol UpdateBrown University Psychopharmacology Update Buffalo Law RevBuffalo Law Review Build AcoustBuilding Acoustics Build EnvironBuilding and Environment Build SciBuilding Science Build Serv Eng Res TechnolBuilding Services Engineering Research and Technology Build SimulBuilding Simulation Bul Annu Stat Peche Natl Inst Sci Peches Marit, CasablancaBuletin Annuel des Statistiques de la Peche Nationale Institut Scientifique des Peches Maritimes, Casablanca Bul Cercet Piscic, NouaBuletin de Cercetari Piscicole Serie Noua Bul Instit Cercet PiscicBuletinul Institutului de Cercetari Piscicole Bul Instit Cercet Proiect PiscicBuletinul Institutului de Cercetari si Proiectari Piscicole Bul MaritekBuletin Maritek Bul Univ Galati Tech PiscicBuletinul Universitatii din Galati Technica Piscicola Bul VURH VodnanyBuletin VUHR Vodnany Bulg J PhysBulgarian Journal of Physics Bull Acad Soc Lorraines SciBulletin des Academie et Societe Lorraines des Sciences Bull Air PollutBulletin of Air Pollution Bull Am Meteorol SocBulletin of the American Meteorological Society Bull Am Mus Nat HistBulletin of the American Museum of Natural History Bull Anal Bibliogr HellBulletin Analytique de Bibliographie Hellenique Bull Aquac Assoc CanBulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada Bull Assoc Eng Geol, FlorissantBulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, Florissant Bull Assoc Geogr FrBulletin de l'Association de Geographes Francais Bull Astron Inst NethBulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands Bull Astron Soc IndiaBulletin of the Astronomical Society of India Bull At SciBulletin of the Atomic Scientists Bull Atmos ElectrBulletin of Atmospheric Electricity Bull Atmos Sci TechnolBulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology Bull Aust Math SocBulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society Bull Bingham Oceanogr CollectBulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Bull Biol Board CanBulletin The Biological Board of Canada Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist) BotBulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Botany Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist) EntomolBulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist) Entomol (Suppl)Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology (Suppl) Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist) ZoolBulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology Bull Br Mycol SocBulletin of the British Mycological Society Bull Brackishwater Aquac Dev Cent, JeparaBulletin of the Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Centre, Jepara Bull Brew SciBulletin of Brewing Science Bull Bur Resour Sci (Aust)Bulletin Bureau of Resource Sciences (Australia) Bull Can Biochem SocBulletin of the Canadian Biochemical Society Bull Can Pet GeolBulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology Bull Can Petrol GeolBulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology Bull Cent Belg Etud Doc EauxBulletin du Centre Belge d'Etude et de Documentation des Eaux Bull Cent Etud Rech Sci, BiarritzBulletin du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Scientifiques Biarritz Bull Cent Natl Rech Oceanogr Pech (Maurit)Bulletin du Centre National de Recherches Oceanographiques et des Peches (Mauritania) Bull Cent Rech Explor Prod Elf-AquitaineBulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine Bull Chem Soc EthiopBulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia Bull Chem Soc JpnBulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Bull Cl Sci Acad R BelgBulletin de la Classe des Sciences, Academie Royale de Belgique Bull Coll Agric Vet Med, Nihon UnivBulletin of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Nihon University Bull Coll Sci, Univ RyukyusBulletin of the College of Science, University of the Ryukyus Bull Comm Int Explor Sci Mer MediterrBulletin de la Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Mediterranee Bull Comm Thalassographique HellBulletin de la Commission Thalassographique Hellenique Bull Cons Int Rech Union Geod Geophys Int (Venise)Bulletin Conseil International de Recherches Union Geodesique et Geophysique Internationale (Venise) Bull Dep Mar Sci, Univ CochinBulletin of the Department of Marine Sciences, University of Cochin Bull Dep Prim Ind (Qld)Bulletin Department of Primary Industries (Queensland) Bull Earthquake EngBulletin of Earthquake Engineering Bull EC Fish CoopBulletin EC Fisheries Cooperation Bull ECerSBulletin of ECerS Bull ElectrochemBulletin of Electrochemistry Bull Eng Geol EnvironBulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment Bull Entomol ResBulletin of Entomological Research Bull Entomol Soc AmBulletin of the Entomological Society of America Bull Environ Contam ToxicolBulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Bull Estuar Coast Sci AssocBulletin of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association Bull Eur Ceram SocBulletin of the European Ceramic Society Bull Exp Biol MedBulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine Bull Fac Bioresour Mie UnivBulletin of the Faculty of Bioresources Mie University Bull Fac Fish Hokkaido UnivBulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries Hokkaido University Bull Fac Fish Mie UnivBulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries Mie University Bull Fac Fish Nagasaki UnivBulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries Nagasaki University Bull Fish Exp Stn Okayama PrefectBulletin of the Fisheries Experiment Station, Okayama Prefecture Bull Fish Res Board CanBulletin Fisheries Research Board of Canada Bull Fish Res Lab, GreeceBulletin of the Fisheries Research Laboratory, Greece Bull Fish StatBulletin of Fishery Statistics Bull Fish Surv IndiaBulletin of Fishery Survey of India Bull Fla Mus Nat Hist Biol SciBulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History Biological Sciences Bull Fr Peche PiscicBulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Pisciculture Bull Fr Piscic Ichthyol Hydrobiol ApplBulletin Francais de Pisciculture : Ichthyologie et Hydrobiologie Appliquees Bull Geogr Surv InstBulletin of the Geographical Survey Institute Bull Geol Soc ChinaBulletin of the Geological Society of China Bull Geol Soc DenBulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark Bull Glaciol ResBulletin of Glaciological Research Bull Hiroshima Fish Exp StnBulletin of the Hiroshima Fisheries Experimental Station Bull Hist ChemBulletin for the History of Chemistry Bull Hokkaido Natl Fish Res InstBulletin of the Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute Bull Hydrobiol Stn (Greece)Bulletin of the Hydrobiological Station (Greece) Bull HydrogrBulletin Hydrographique pour l'Annee Bull Hyogo Prefect Fish Exp StnBulletin of the Hyogo Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station Bull I-ATTCBulletin Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Bull Indian Vac SocBulletin of the Indian Vacuum Society Bull Inf COECBulletin d'Information Comite Central d'Oceanographie d'Etude des Cotes Bull Inst EgypteBulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte Bull Inst Fish Sci Tong-Yeong Natl Fish CollBulletin of the Institute of Fisheries Sciences, Tong-Yeong National Fisheries College Bull Inst Fondam Afr Noire, ABuleltin de l'Institut Fondamental de l'Afrique Noire Serie A Sciences Naturelles Bull Inst Mar Biol Oceanogr Fourah Bay CollBulletin of the Institute of Marine Biology and Oceanography Fourah Bay College Bull Inst Min MetallBulletin Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Bull Inst Natl Sci Tech Oceanogr Peche SalammboBulletin de l'Institut National Scientifique et Technique d'Oceanographie et de Peche de Salammbo Bull Inst OceanogrBulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique Bull Inst Oceanogr FishBulletin of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Bull Inst PasteurBulletin de l'Institut Pasteur Bull Inst Pech MarocBulletin de l'Institut des Peches Maritimes du Maroc Bull Inst r Sci Nat BelgBulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique : Biologie Bull Inst Zool Acad SinBulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica Bull Int Assoc Eng GeolBulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology Bull Int Dairy AssocBulletin of the International Dairy Association Bull Int North Pac Fish CommBulletin International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bull Ir Biogeogr SocBulletin of the Irish Biogeogr Soc Bull Jpn Sea Natl Fish Res InstBulletin of the Japan Sea National Fisheries Research Institute Bull Jpn Sea Res Inst Kanazawa UnivBulletin of the Japan Sea Research Institute Kanazawa University Bull Jpn Soc Fish OceanogrBulletin of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography Bull Jpn Soc Sci FishBulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries Bull Kanagawa Prefect Fish Exp StnBulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Fishery Experimental Station Bull KORDIBulletin of Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute Bull Korean Chem SocBulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Bull Korean Fish SocBulletin of the Korean Fisheries Society Bull Kyoto Inst Ocean Fish SciBulletin of the Kyoto Institute of Oceanic and Fishery Science Bull Lab Marit DinardBulletin du Laboratoire Maritime de Dinard Bull Liaison COIPMBulletin de Liaison du COIPM Bull London Math SocBulletin of the London Mathematical Society Bull Mar Biol Res Cent (Libya)Bulletin of the Marine Biology Research Centre (Libya) Bull Mar Biol Stn AsamushiThe Bulletin of the Marine Biological Station of Asamushi Bull Mar EcolBulletins of Marine Ecology Bull Mar Park Res StnBulletin Marine Park Research Station Bull Mar Res Cent (Libya)Bulletin of the Marine Research Centre (Libya) Bull Mar SciBulletin of Marine Science Bull Mar Sci Fish, Kochi UnivBulletin of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Kochi University Bull Mater SciBulletin of Materials Science Bull Math BiolBulletin of Mathematical Biology Bull Math SciBulletin of Mathematical Sciences Bull Med Subaquat HyperbBulletin de Medecine Subaquatique et Hyperbare Bull Mens Soc Linn LyonBulletin Mensuel de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon Bull Mt Desert Isl Biol LabBulletin Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory Bull Mus Comp ZoolBulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology Bull Mus Comp Zool Harvard UnivBulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University Bull Mus Hist Natl ParisBulletin du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat, 3Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 3e Serie Zoologie Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat, 4Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 4e Serie Miscellanea Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat, 4ABulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 4e Serie Section A Zoologie, Biologie et Ecologie Animales Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat, 4BBulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 4e Serie Section B Adansonia Botanique Phytochimie Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat, 4CBulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 4e Serie Section C Sciences de la Terre Paleontologie, Geologie, Mineralogie Bull Mus Oceanogr MonacoBulletin du Musee Oceanographique de Monaco Bull N Y Acad MedBulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine Bull Nagasaki Prefect Inst FishBulletin of the Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries Bull Nansei Natl Fish Res InstBulletin of Nansei National Fisheries Research Institute Bull Natl Fish Res Dev Agency (Korea)Bulletin of National Fisheries Research and Development Agncy (Korea) Bull Natl Fish Univ Pusan Nat SciBulletin of the National Fisheries University of Pusan Natural Sciences Bull Natl Inst Oceanogr Fish (Egypt)Bulletin of teh National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Egypt) Bull Natl Pearl Res LabBulletin of the National Pearl Research Laboratory Bull Natl Res Inst Aquac (Jpn)Bulletin of National Research Institute of Aquaculture (Japan) Bull Natl Res Inst Far Seas FishBulletin of the National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries Bull Natl Res Inst Fish Eng (Jpn)Bulletin of National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering (Japan) Bull Natl Res Inst Fish Sci (Jpn)Bulletin of National Research Institute of Fisheries Science (Japan) Bull Natl Sci Mus (Jpn), ABulletin of the National Science Museum (Japan) Series A Zoology Bull Natl Sci Mus (Jpn), BBulletin of the National Science Museum (Japan) Series B Botany Bull Natl Sci Mus (Jpn), CBulletin of the National Science Museum (Japan) Series C Bull Natl Sci Mus (Jpn), DBulletin of the National Science Museum (Japan) Series D Bull Nor Geol UndersBulletin Norges Geologiske Undersoekels Bull NY State Agric Exp StnBulletin New York State Agricultural Experiment Station Bull Ocean Res Inst Univ TokyoBulletin of the Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo Bull Off Inf Cons Super PecheBulletin Officiel d'Information du Conseil Superieur de la Peche Bull Off Natl PechesBulletin de l'Office National des Peches Bull Osaka Prefect Fish Exp StnBulletin of the Osaka Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station Bull Peabody Mus Nat HistBulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History Bull Perm Int Assoc Navig CongrBulletin of the Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses Bull Plankton Soc JapanBulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan Bull Pol Acad Sci, ChemBulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Chemistry Bull S Afr Assoc Mar Biol ResBulletin South African Association for Marine Biological Research Bull Sci Tech Dep Hydrobiol Inst Natl Rech Agron (Fr)Bulletin Scientifique et Technique Departement d'Hydrobiologie Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (France) Bull Scripps Inst Oceanogr Univ CalifBulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California Bull Sea Fish Res Stn IsrBulletin of the Sea Fisheries Research Station of Israel Bull Seikai Natl Fish Res InstBulletin of the Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute Bull Seismol Soc AmBulletin of the Seismological Society of America Bull Soc Chim BelgBulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges Bull Soc Chim FrBulletin de la Societe Chimique de France Bull Soc Entomol FrBulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France Bull Soc Fr PhysBulletin de la Societe Francaise de Physique Bull Soc Geol FrBulletin de la Societe Geologique de France Bull Soc Geol GreceBulletin de la Societe Geologique de Grece Bull Soc Linn BordBulletin de la Societe Linneene de Bordaeux Bull Soc Oceanogr FrBulletin de la Societe d'Oceanographie de France Bull Soc Pathol ExotBulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique Bull Soc Sea Water Sci (Jpn)Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science (Japan) Bull Soc Vac CoatersBulletin - Society of Vacuum Coaters Bull Soc Zool FrBulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France Bull South Calif Acad SciBulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences Bull Stat Peches Marit Pays Nord EurBulletin Statistique des Peches Maritimes des Pays du Nord de l'Europe Bull Stat Sect Mer Serv Mer Aquac (Fr Polyn)Bulletin Statistique du Secteur de la Mer Service de la Mer et de l'Aquaculture (French Polynesia) Bull Stn Oceanogr SalammboBulletin Station Oceanographique de Salammbo Bull Suisse Peche PiscicBulletin Suisse de Peche et Pisciculture Bull Tech Bur VeritBulletin Technique du Bureau Veritas Bull Tohoku Natl Fish Res InstBulletin of the Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute Bull Tohoku Reg Fish Res LabBulletin of Tohoku Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory Bull Tokai Reg Fish Res LabBulletin of Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory Bull Tokushima Prefect MusBulletin of the Tokushima Prefectural Museum Bull Tong-Yeong Natl Fish CollBulletin of Tong-Yeong National Fisheries College Bull Torrey Bot ClubBulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club Bull US Bur FishBulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries Bull US Dep Commer Bur FishBulletin US Department of Commerce Bureau of Fisheries Bull US Geol SurvBulletin US Geological Survey Bull US Natl MusBulletin United States National Museum Bull VolcanolBulletin of Volcanology Bull WHOBulletin of the World Health Organization Bull Zool MusBulletin Zoologisch Museum Bull Zool NomenclBulletin of Zoological Nomenclature Bur Fish DocBureau of Fisheries Document Bur Mines Inf CircBureau of Mines Information Circular Bur Mines Rep InvestBureau of Mines Report of Investigations Burnout ResBurnout Research ByteByte Byull Eksp Biol MedByulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii i Meditsiny Byull MOIP BiolByulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelej Prirody Otdel Biologicheskij C O A Fish Ser Rep Fish Dis ResC O A Fisheries Series : Reports on Fish Disease Research CABI Agric BiosciCABI Agriculture and Bioscience Cah Biol MarCahiers de Biologie Marine Cah Ethol Fondam Appl Anim HumCahiers d'Ethologie Fondamentale et Appliquee, Animale et Humaine Cah Ethol Fondam Appl Anim Hum (Collect Enq Doss)Cahiers d'Ethologie Fondamentale et Appliquee, Animale et Humaine Collection Enquetes et Dossiers Cah Inf Dir Rech Sci Tech (Que Prov)Cahier d'Information Direction la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (Quebec Prov) Cah Inf Peches Dir Peche AquacCahier d'Information Direction de la Peche et de l'Aquaculture Cah Inf Tech/Rev MetallCahiers d'Informations Techniques / Revue de Metallurgie Cah OceanogrCahiers Oceanographiques Cah Sci Cent Tech For Trop Nogent-sur-MarneCahiers Scientifiques Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, Nogent-sur-Marne Cah Sci Hum Inst Fr Rech Sci Dev CoopCahiers des Sciences Humaines Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation CalanusCalanus Calif Coop Ocean Fish Invest Data RepCalifornia Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Data Report Calif Coop Ocean Fish Invest RepCalifornia Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries investigations Reports Calif Fish GameCalifornia Fish and Game Calif Law RevCalifornia Law Review CalphadCalphad - Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry Cambridge Archaeol JCambridge Archaeological Journal Cambridge Univ Med Soc MagCambridge University Medical Society Magazine Can Agric EngCanadian Agricultural Engineering Can Appl Math QCanadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly Can Assoc Radiol JCanadian Association of Radiologists Journal Can Bee JCanadian Bee Journal Can BiodiversityCanadian Biodiversity Can Biosyst EngCanadian Biosystems Engineering Can Bull Fish Aquat SciCanadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Can Ceram QCanadian Ceramics Quarterly Can Chem ProcessCanadian Chemical Processing Can Contract Rep Hydrogr Ocean SciCanadian Contractor Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences Can Data Rep Fish Aquat SciCanadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Can Data Rep Hydrogr Ocean SciCanadian Data Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences Can EntomolCanadian Entomologist Can Field-NatCanadian Field-Naturalist Can Fish Annu Stat RevCanadian Fisheries - Annual Statistical Review Can Fish Int TradeCanadian Fisheries - International Trade Can Fish LandCanadian Fisheries - Landings Can Fish Prod InventoriesCanadian Fisheries - Products and Inventories Can Fish Stat HighlightsCanadian Fisheries - Statistical Highlights Can GeogrCanadian Geographer Can Geotech JCanadian Geotechnical Journal Can Ind Rep Fish Aquat SciCanadian Industry Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Can J AddictCanadian Journal of Addiction Can J AgingCanadian Journal on Aging Can J Agr SciCanadian Journal of Agricultural Science Can J Agric EconCanadian Journal of Agricultural Economcs Can J AnaesthCanadian Journal of Anaesthesia Can J Anal Sci SpectrosCanadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy Can J Anim SciCanadian Journal of Animal Science Can J Appl PhysiolCanadian Journal of Applied Physiology Can J Appl SciCanadian Journal of Applied Sciences Can J Appl SpectroscCanadian Journal of Applied Spectroscopy Can J Appl Sport SciCanadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences Can J Behav SciCanadian Journal of Behavioural Science Can J BiochemCanadian Journal of Biochemistry Can J Biochem Cell BiolCanadian Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Can J BotCanadian Journal of Botany Can J ChemCanadian Journal of Chemistry Can J Chem EngCanadian Journal of Chemical Engineering Can J Civ EngCanadian Journal of Civil Engineering Can J Comp MedCanadian Journal of Comparative Medicine Can J Comp Med Vet SciCanadian Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science Can J DiabetesCanadian Journal of Diabetes Can J Diet Pract ResCanadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research Can J Earth SciCanadian Journal of Earth Sciences Can J Electr Comput EngCanadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Can J Emergency MedCanadian Journal of Emergency Medicine Can J Fish Aquat SciCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Can J Fish AquatSciCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Can J For ResCanadian Journal of Forest Research Can J Gastroenterol HepatolCanadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Can J Genet CytolCanadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology Can J Hosp PharmCanadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Can J Infect Dis Med MicrobiolCanadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology Can J Kidney Health DisCanadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease Can J MathCanadian Journal of Mathematics Can J Med SciCanadian Journal of Medical Sciences Can J Med TechnolCanadian Journal of Medical Technology Can J MicrobiolCanadian Journal of Microbiology Can J NeurolCanadian Journal of Neurology Can J Neurol SciCanadian Journal of Neurological Sciences Can J Nurs ResCanadian Journal of Nursing Research Can J Occup TherCanadian Journal of Occupational Therapy Can J OphthalmolCanadian Journal of Ophthalmology Can J Pharm SciCanadian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Can J PhysCanadian Journal of Physics Can J Physiol PharmacolCanadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Can J Plant PatholCanadian Journal of Plant Pathology Can J Plant SciCanadian Journal of Plant Science Can J Plast SurgCanadian Journal of Plastic Surgery Can J Public HealthCanadian Journal of Public Health Can J Pure Appl SciCanadian Journal of Pure & Applied Science Can J Reg SciCanadian Journal of Regional Science Can J Remote SensCanadian Journal of Remote Sensing Can J ResCanadian Journal of Research Can J Sci Math Technol EducCanadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Can J Soil SciCanadian Journal of Soil Science Can J SpectroscCanadian Journal of Spectroscopy Can J Sport SciCanadian Journal of Sport Science Can J StatCanadian Journal of Statistics Can J SurgCanadian Journal of Surgery Can J Urban ResCanadian Journal of Urban Research Can J Vet ResCanadian Journal of Veterinary Research Can J ZoolCanadian Journal of Zoology Can Manuscr Rep Fish Aquat SciCanadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Can Math BullCanadian Mathematical Bulletin Can Med Assoc JCanadian Medical Association Journal Can Metall QCanadian Metallurgical Quarterly Can Min JCanadian Mining Journal Can MineralCanadian Mineralogist Can Mus Nat Publ ZoolCanadian Museum of Nature Publications in Zoology Can Pharm JCanadian Pharmacists Journal Can Respir JCanadian Respiratory Journal Can Soc Forensic Sci JCanadian Society of Forensic Science Journal Can Spec Publ Fish Aquat SciCanadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Can Tech Rep Fish Aquat SciCanadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Can Tech Rep Hydrogr Ocean SciCanadian Technical Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences Can Transl Fish Aquat SciCanadian Translations of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Can Water Resour JCanadian Water Resources Journal Can Young Sci JCanadian Young Scientist Journal Cancer BiomarkersCancer Biomarkers Cancer Biother RadiopharmCancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals Cancer Chemother PharmacolCancer Chemotheraphy and Pharmacology Cancer InfCancer Informatics Cancer NanotechnolCancer Nanotechnology Canine Genet EpidemiolCanine Genetics and Epidemiology Canine Med GenetCanine Medicine and Genetics Cannabis Cannabinoid ResCannabis and Cannabinoid Research Carbohydr ChemCarbohydrate Chemistry Carbohydr LettCarbohydrate Letters Carbohydr PolymCarbohydrate Polymers Carbohydr ResCarbohydrate Research Carbon Balance ManageCarbon Balance and Management Carbon EnergyCarbon Energy Carbon LettCarbon Letters Carbon ManageCarbon Management Carbon Resour ConversCarbon Resources Conversion Carbonates EvaporitesCarbonates and Evaporites Cardiovasc Drug RevCardiovascular Drug Reviews Cardiovasc PatholCardiovascular Pathology Cardiovasc TherCardiovascular Therapeutics Cardiovasc ToxicolCardiovascular Toxicology Caribb Mar StudCarribean Marine Studies Carnegie Inst Wash New Serv BullCarnegie Institution of Washington News Service Bulletin Carnegie Inst Wash Year BCarnegie Institution of Washington Year Book Carolinea Beitr Naturkd Forsch SuedwestdeutschlCarolinea Beitraege zur naturkundlichen Forschung in Suedwestdeutschland Carpathian J Food Sci TechnolCarpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology CaryologiaCaryologia Case Rep GenetCase Reports in Genetics Case Stud Chem Environ EngCase Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering Case Stud Constr MaterCase Studies in Construction Materials Case Stud Eng Fail AnalCase Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis Case Stud EnvironCase Studies in the Environment Case Stud Mech Syst Signal ProcessCase Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Case Stud NondestrTest EvalCase Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation Case Stud Struct EngCase Studies in Structural Engineering Case Stud Therm EngCase Studies in Thermal Engineering Case Stud Transp PolicyCase Studies in Transport Policy Case West Reserve J Int LawCase Western Reserve Journal of International Law CastaneaCastanea Catal CommunCatalysis Communications Catal IndCatalysis in Industry Catal LettCatalysis Letters Catal Rev Sci EngCatalysis Reviews - Science and Engineering Catal Sci TechnolCatalysis Science & Technology Catal Struct ReactCatalysis, Structure & Reactivity Catal Surv AsiaCatalysis Surveys from Asia Catal Surv JpnCatalysis Surveys from Japan Catal TodayCatalysis Today CCAMLR SciCCAMLR Science C-CORE PublC-CORE Publications CCS ChemCCS Chemistry CECAF Stat BullCECAF Statistical Bulletin CECAF/ECAF SerCECAF/ECAF Series Cell Biochem FunctCell Biochemistry and Function Cell Biol IntCell Biology International Cell BiosciCell & Bioscience Cell Chem BiolCell Chemical Biology Cell Death DifferCell Death and Differentiation Cell Death DisCell Death and Disease Cell Death DiscoveryCell Death Discovery Cell Differ DevCell Differentiation and Development Cell DiscoveryCell Discovery Cell Host MicrobeCell Host & Microbe Cell MedCell Medicine Cell MetabCell Metabolism Cell Mol BioengCellular and Molecular Bioengineering Cell Mol Biol LettCellular & Molecular Biology Letters Cell Mol Biol RepCell and Molecular Biology Reports Cell Mol ImmunolCellular and Molecular Immunology Cell Mol Life SciCellular and Molecular Life Sciences Cell Physiol BiochemCellular Physiology and Biochemistry Cell PolymCellular Polymers Cell Preserv TechnolCell Preservation and Technology Cell Rep Phys SciCell Reports Physical Science Cell ReprogrammingCellular Reprogramming Cell ResCell Research Cell SignallingCellular Signalling Cell Tissue ResCell Tissue Research Cell TransplantCell Transplantation Cellul Chem TechnolCellulose Chemistry and Technology Cem Concr ComposCement and Concrete Composites Cem Concr ResCement and Concrete Research CEMARE Misc PublCEMARE Miscellaneous Publication CEMARE RepCEMARE Report CEMARE Res PapCEMARE Research Paper CEMARE Tech RepCEMARE Technical Report Cent Eur J ChemCentral European Journal of Chemistry Cent Eur J Energetic MaterCentral European Journal of Energetic Materials Cent Eur J PhysCentral European Journal of Physics Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med ChemCentral Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry CentroCentro Ceram Eng Sci ProcCeramic Engineering and Science Proceedings Ceram IntCeramics International Ceram SilikCeramics - Silikaty Ceram TransCeramic Transactions Cercet MarCercetari Marine Cereal ChemCereal Chemistry Cereal Res CommunCereal Research Communications Cereb CortexCerebral Cortex CeresCeres Chaos, Solitons FractalsChaos, Solitons & Fractals Chem - MethodsChemistry - Methods Chem AfrChemistry Africa Chem Anal (Warsaw)Chemia Analityczna Chem Anlagen VerfahrenChemie Anlagen und Verfahren Chem Asian JChemistry - An Asian Journal Chem AustChemistry in Australia Chem BerChemische Berichte Chem Ber ReclChemische Berichte-Recueil Chem Biochem Eng QChemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly Chem BiodiversChemistry and Biodiversity Chem Biol Drug DesChemical Biology and Drug Design Chem Biol InteractChemico-Biological Interactions Chem BrChemistry in Britain Chem Cent JChemistry Central Journal Chem CommunChemical Communications Chem Data CollectChemical Data Collections Chem EcolChemistry and Ecology Chem EducChemical Educator Chem Educ Res PractChemical Education Research and Practice CHem Educ Res Pract EurChemical Education Research and Practice in Europe Chem Eng (London)Chemical Engineer (London) Chem Eng (New York)Chemical Engineering (New York) Chem Eng CommunChemical Engineering Communications Chem Eng EducChemical Engineering Education Chem Eng JChemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal Chem Eng NewsChemical and Engineering News Chem Eng ProcessChemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification Chem Eng Process Process IntensifChemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification Chem Eng ProgChemical Engineering Progress Chem Eng Res DesChemical Engineering Research and Design Chem Eng SciChemical Engineering Science Chem Eng TechnolChemical Engineering and Technology Chem ErdeChemie der Erde - Geochemistry Chem Eur JChemistry A European Journal Chem ExpressChemistry Express Chem Fibers IntChemical Fibers International Chem GeolChemical Geology Chem Health SafChemical Health and Safety Chem Heterocycl CompdChemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds Chem Ind (London)Chemistry and Industry Chem Ing TechChemie Ingenieur Technik Chem IntChemistry International Chem LettChemistry Letters Chem ListyChemicke Listy Chem MaterChemistry of Materials Chem Nat CompdChemistry of Natural Compounds Chem OceanogrChemical Oceanography Chem Pap - Chem ZvestiChemical Papers - Chemicke Zvesti Chem Pet EngChemical and Petroleum Engineering Chem Pharm BullChemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin Chem PhysChemical Physics Chem Phys CarbonChemistry and Physics of Carbon Chem Phys LettChemical Physics Letters Chem Phys LipidsChemistry and Physics of Lipids Chem Phys Res JChemical Physics Research Journal Chem Phys RevChemical Physics Reviews Chem ProcessChemical Processing Chem Prod Process ModelChemical Product and Process Modeling Chem RecChemical Record Chem Res Chin UnivChemical Research in Chinese Universities Chem Res ToxicolChemical Research in Toxicology Chem RevChemical Reviews Chem SciChemical Science Chem Sci TransChemical Science Transactions Chem SensesChemical Senses Chem Soc RevChemical Society Reviews Chem Speciat BioavailabChemical Speciation and Bioavailability Chem Speciation BioavailabilityChemical Speciation and Bioavailability Chem Teach Int Best Pract Chem EducChemistry Teacher International: Best Practices in Chemistry Education Chem TechChemTech Chem Tech (Leipzig)Chemische Technik Chem Technol Fuels OilsChemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils Chem unserer ZeitChemie in unserer Zeit Chem Vap DepositionChemical Vapor Deposition Chem WeekChemical Week Chem ZentralblChemisches Zentralblatt Chem ZtgChemiker-Zeitung Chem-AnalThe Chemist-Analyst Chem-Bio Inf JChem-Bio Informatics Journal ChemBioChemChemBioChem ChemBioEng RevChemBioEng Reviews ChemCatChemChemCatChem ChemMedChemChemMedChem ChemNanoMatChemNanoMat Chemom Intell Lab SystChemometrics and Intelligent Laborary Systems Chemosens PerceptChemosensory Perception ChemosphereChemosphere ChemPhysChemChemPhysChem ChemSusChemChemSusChem Chesap SciChesapeake Science Chile PesqChle Pesquero Chilton's Food EngChilton's Food Eng Chim IndChimica e l'Industria Chim Ind Genie ChimChimie et Industrie, Genie Chimique Chim NouvChimie Nouvelle Chim OggiChimica Oggi Chin Astron AstrophyChinese Astronomy and Astrophysics Chin Chem LettChinese Chemical Letters Chin Ger J Clin OncolChinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology Chin J AeronautChinese Journal of Aeronautics Chin J Agric BiotechnolChinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology Chin J Anal ChemChinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry Chin J Astron AstrophysChinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics Chin J BiotechnolChinese Journal of Biotechnology Chin J CatalChinese Journal of Catalysis Chin J ChemChinese Journal of Chemistry Chin J Chem EngChinese Journal of Chemical Engineering Chin J Chem PhysChinese Journal of Chemical Physics Chin J ChromatogrChinese Journal of Chromatography Chin J GeochemChinese Journal of Geochemistry Chin J GeophysChinese Journal of Geophysics Chin J Mar DrugsChinese Journal of Marine Drugs Chin J Nucl PhysChinese Journal of Nuclear Physics Chin J Oceanol LimnolChinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology Chin J PhysChinese Journal of Physics Chin J Polym SciChinese Journal of Polymer Science Chin J Struct ChemChinese Journal of Structural Chemistry Chin PhysChinese Physics Chin Phys BChinese Physics B Chin Phys CChinese Physics C Chin Phys LettChinese Physics Letters Chin Sci BullChinese Science Bulletin China CommunChina Communications China Environ SciChina Environmental Sciences China GeolChina Geology China Ocean EngChina Ocean Engineering China Offshore Oil Gas GeolChina Offshore Oil Gas Geology Chromatogr Sci SerChromatographic Science Series Chron New ResChronicle of the New Researcher Chron UGGIChronique UGGI Chronobiol IntChronobiology International CIBCASIO MemCIBCASIO Memorias CIBCASIO TransCIBCASIO Transactions CIDEPINT AnalCIDEPINT Anales Ciel TerreCiel et Terre Cienc AgrotecnolCiencia e Agrotecnologia Cienc BiolCiencia Biologica Cienc Biol Ecol SystCiencia Biologica Ecology and Systematics Cienc Biol Mol Cell BiolCiencia Biologia Molecular and Cellular Biology Cienc Cult (Sao Paulo)Ciencia e Cultura (Sao Paulo) Cienc DesarroCiencia y Desarrollo Cienc InteramCiencia Interamericana Cienc MarCiencias Marinas Cienc Mar (Mazatlan)Ciencias del Mar (Mazatlan) Cienc PesqCiencia Pesquera Cienc Tecnol AlimentCiencia y Tecnologia Alimentaria Cienc Tecnol Mar (CONA)Ciencia y Tecnologia del Mar CONA Cienc Tecnol Mar (Valpso)Ciencia y Tecnologia del Mar (Valparaiso) Cienc Tierra EspacCiencia de la Tierra y del Espacio Cienc, 8CIENCIAS Serie 8 Investigaciones Marinas Ciencias (Mex)Ciencias (Mexico) CIFA Ocass PapCIFA Occasional Paper CIFA Techn PapCIFA Technical Paper CIFNET Annu RepCIFNET Annual Report CIFNET BullCIFNET Bulletin Ciguatera Inf BullCiguatera Information Bulletin CIM BullCIM Bulletin Cinesiologie Med SportCinesiologie Medecine du sport Circ Pa State Univ Ext ServCircular Pennsylvania State University Extension Service Circ: Genomic Precis MedCirculation: Genomic and Precision Medicine CIRIA Tech NoteCIRIA Technical Note CIRP AnnCIRP Annals CIRP J Manuf Sci TechnolCIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology CISTI Occas PapCISTI Occasional Paper City Environ InteractCity and Environment Interactions Classical Quantum GravityClassical and Quantum Gravity Clay MinerClay Minerals Clay ResClay Research Clays Clay MinerClays and Clay Minerals Clean EnergyClean Energy Clean Technol Environ PolicyClean Technologies and Environmental Policy Clim ChangClimatic Change Clim ChangeClimatic Change Clim DynClimate Dynamics Clim LawClimate Law Clim MonitClimate Monitor Clim PastClimate of the Past Clim Past DiscussClimate of the Past Discussion Clim ResClimate Research Clim Risk ManageClimate Risk Management Clim ServClimate Services Climatol BullClimatological Bulletin Clin BiochemClinical Biochemistry Clin BiomechClinical Biomechanics Clin ChemClinical Chemistry Clin Chem Lab MedClinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Clin Chim ActaClinica Chimica Acta Clin Drug InvestClinical Drug Investigation Clin EEG NeurosciClinical EEG and Neuroscience Clin EndocrinolClinical Endocrinology Clin Exp Dent ResCllinical and Experimental Dental Research Clin Exp Pharmacol PhysiolClinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology Clin Hemorheol MicrocircClinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation Clin ImagingClinical Imaging Clin Invest MedClinical and Investigative Medicine Clin J Sport MedClinical Journal of Sport Medicine Clin Mass SpectromClinical Mass Spectrometry Clin MaterClinical Materials Clin NeuropharmacolClinical Neuropharmacology Clin Neurophysiol PractClinical Neurophysiology Practice Clin Nucl MedClinical Nuclear Medicine Clin PharmacokinetClinical Pharmacokinetics Clin Pharmacol Drug DevClinical Pharmacology in Drug Development Clin Pharmacol TherClinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Clin Phys Physiol MeasClinical Physics and Physiological Measurement Clin Physiol Funct ImagingClinical Physiology and Functional Imaging Clin PhytosciClinical Phytoscience Clin ProteomicsClinical Proteomics Clin Psychopharmacol NeurosciClinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience Clin RadiolClinical Radiology Clin TherClinical Therapeutics Clin Transl ImmunolClinical & Translational Immunology Clin Transl NeurosciClinical and Translational Neurocience Clin Transl SciClinical and Translational Science Clothing Text Res JClothing and Textiles Research Journal CMFRI BullCMFRI Bulletin CMFRI NewslCMFRI Newsletter CMFRI Spec PublCMFRI Special Publication CNS Drug RevCNS Drug Reviews CNS Neurosci TherCNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics Coast EngCoastal Engineering Coast Eng JpnCoastal Engineering in Japan Coast Eng Tech Aid US Army Coast Eng Res CentCoastal Engineering Technical Aid US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Coast Eng/Haian GongchengCoastal Engineering/Haian Gongcheng Coast ManageCoastal Management Coastal EngCoastal Engineering Coastal Eng JCoastal Engineering Journal Coastal Estuarine StudCoastal and Estuarine Studies Cognit Comput SystCognitive Computation and Systems Cognit Syst ResCognitive Systems Research Coke ChemCoke and Chemistry Cold Reg Sci TechnolCold Regions Science and Technology Cold Spring Harbor Mol Case StudCold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies Cold Spring Harbor Perspect BiolCold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology Cold Spring Harbor Symp Quant BiolCold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Colecc Nac Man Capacit Secr Pesca (Mex)Coleccion Nacional de Manuales de Capacitacion Secretaria de Pesca (Mexico) Collect Czech Chem CommunCollection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications Collect Ocean WorksCollected Oceanic Works Collect Repr Atl Oceanogr Meteorol LabCollected Reprints Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories Collect Repr Div Biol ResCollected Reprints Division of Biological Research Collect Repr Ege UnivCollected Reprints Ege University Collect Repr Inst Meereskd Univ KielCollected Reprints Institut fuer Meereskunde an der Universitae Kiel Collect Repr Inst Oceanogr SciCollected Reprints Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Collect Repr Israel Oceanogr Limnol ResCollected Reprints Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Collect Repr KORDI Res PapCollected Reprints KORDI Research Papers Collect Repr Natl Inst OceanogrCollected Reprints National Institute of Oceanography Collect Repr Ocean Res InstCollected Reprints The Ocean Research Institute Collect Repr Or State UnivCollected Reprints Oregon State University Collect Repr Pac Mar Environ LabCollected Reprints Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Collect Repr Scott Mar Biol AssocCollected Reprints Scottish Marine Biological Association Collect Repr Tong-Yeong Fish Jounior CollCollected Reprints Tong-Yeong Fisheries Jounior College Collect Repr Univ TokyoCollected Reprints University of Tokyo Collect Repr Woods Hole Oceanogr InstCollected Reprints Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Collect Sci Pap ICSEAFCollection of Scientific Papers International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCATCollective Volume of Scientific Papers International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas Colloid Interface Sci CommunColloid and Interface Science Communications Colloid JColloid Journal Colloid Polym SciColloid and Polymer Science Colloids Surf, AColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Colloids Surf, BColloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Colloq Inst Natl Rech Agron (Fr)Colloques Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (France) Colloq Int Oceanol Ecosyst Marges ContColloque International d'Oceanologie Ecosystemes de Marges Continentales Colloq Semin Inst Fr Rech Sci Dev Coop ORSTOMColloque et Seminaires Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation/ORSTOM Colon WaterbirdsColonial Waterbirds Color Res ApplColor Research & Application Color TechnolColoration Technology Columbia J Environ LawColumbia Journal of Environmental Law Columbia J Transnatl LawColumbia Jouranl of Transnational Law Comb ChemCombinatorial Chemistry - an Online Journal Comb Chem High Throughput ScreeningCombinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening Comb Probab ComputCombinatorics, Probability and Computing Combust FlameCombustion and Flame Combust Sci TechnolCombustion Science and Technology Combust Theor ModelCombustion Theory and Modelling Comments AstrophysComments on Astrophysics Comments At Mol PhysComments on Atomic and Molecular Physics Comments Condens Matter PhysComments on Condensed Matter Physics Comments Inorg ChemComments on Inorganic Chemistry Comments Mod PhysComments on Modern Physics Commer Exter Prod Mer FIOMCommerce Exterieur des Produits de la Mer FIOM Commer Fish AbstrCommercial Fisheries Abstracts Commer Fish RevCommercial Fisheries Review Commod Stat Bull Bur Agric Econ (Aust)Commodity Statistical Bulletin Bureau of Agricultural Economics (Australia) Commun ACMCommunications of the ACM Commun Agric Appl Biol SciCommunications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences Commun BiolCommunications Biology Commun ChemCommunications Chemistry Commun Comput PhysCommunications in Computational Physics Commun Earth EnvironCommunications Earth & Environment Commun Integr BiolCommunicative & Integrative Biology Commun Matercommunications Materials Commun Math PhysCommunications in Mathematical Physics Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer SimulCommunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation Commun Numer Methods EngCommunications in Numerical Methods in Engineering Commun PhysCommunications Physics Commun Pure Appl MathCommunications on Pure and Applied Mathematics Commun Soil Sci Plant AnalCommunications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Commun Theor PhysCommunications in Theoretical Physics Comp Biochem Physiol AComparative Biochemistry and Physiology A Physiology Comp Biochem Physiol A: Mol Integr PhysiolComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology Comp Biochem Physiol BComparative Biochemistry and Physiology B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Comp Biochem Physiol B: Biochem Mol BiolComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Comp Biochem Physiol CComparative Biochemistry and Physiology C Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology Comp Biochem Physiol C: Pharmacol Toxicol EndocrinolComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology Toxicology and Endocrinology Comp Biochem Physiol C: Toxicol PharmacolComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology Comp Biochem Physiol D: Genomics ProteomicsComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics Comp CytogenetComparative Cytogenetics Comp Gen PharmacolComparative and General Pharmacology Comp Physiol EcolComparative Physiology and Ecology Compl Rep US Geol SurvCompletion Report US Geological Survey Compl Rep US Nav Civ Eng LabCompletion Report US Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory Compl Rep US Nav Environ Predict Res FacilCompletion Report US Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility Complet Rep Ala Dep Conserv Nat ResourCompletion Report Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Complet Rep Ark Game Fish CommCompletion Report Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Complet Rep Conn Dep Environ ProtCompletion Report Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Complet Rep Dep Fish Game (Alsk)Completion Report Department of Fish and Game (Alaska) Complet Rep Iowa Conserv CommCompletion Report Iowa Conservation Commission Complet Rep Ky Dep Fish Wildl ResourCompletion Report Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Complet Rep Mass Div Mar FishCompletion Report Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Complet Rep NC Div Mar FishCompletion Report North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries Complet Rep NY Div Mar Coast ResourCompletion Report New York Division of Marine and Coastal Resources Complet Rep US Army Eng Waterw Exp Stn, Environ LabCompletion Report US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Environmental Laboratory Complet Rep US Army Eng Waterw Exp Stn, Hydraul LabCompletion Report US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Hydraulics Laboratory Complet Rep Wis Dep Nat ResourCompletion Report Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Complexity IntComplexity International Compos CommunComposites Communications Compos EngComposites Engineering Compos InterfacesComposite Interfaces Compos Sci TechnolComposites Science and Technology Compos StructComposite Structures Composites, Part AComposites, Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing Composites, Part BComposites, Part B Engineering Compr Rev Food Sci Food SafComprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety Compr Ser Photochem PhotobiolComprehensive Series in Photochemistry & Photobiology Compress AirCompressed Air Comput Aided DesComputer Aided Design Comput Aided Geom DesComputer Aided Geometric Design Comput Anim Virtual WorldsComputer Animation and Virtual Worlds Comput Biol ChemComputational Biology and Chemistry Comput Biol MedComputers in Biology and Medicine Comput Biomed ResComputers and Biomedical Research Comput Brain BehavComputational Brain & Behavior Comput ChemComputers & Chemistry Comput Chem (Oxford)Computers and Chemistry Comput Chem EngComputers and Chemical Engineering Comput CommunComputer Communications Comput Condens MatterComputational Condensed Matter Comput Electr EngComputers and Electrical Engineering Comput Electron AgricComputers and Electronics in Agriculture Comput Environ Urban SystComputers, Environment and Urban Systems Comput FluidsComputers & Fluids Comput Geom Theory ApplComputational Geometry: Theory and Applications Comput GeosciComputational Geosciences Comput GeotechComputers and Geotechnics Comput Graphics ForumComputer Graphics Forum Comput IndComputers in Industry Comput Ind EngComputers & Industrial Engineering Comput Integr Manuf SystComputer Integrated Manufacturing Systems Comput IntellComputational Intelligence Comput Intell NeurosciComputational Intelligence and Neuroscience Comput LettComputing Letters Comput Mater SciComputational Materials Science Comput Math ApplComputers & Mathematics with Applications Comput Math Math PhysComputational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Comput Math MethodsComputational and Mathematical Methods Comput Math Methods MedComputational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine Comput Math ModelComputational Mathematics and Modeling Comput MechComputational Mechanics Comput Methods Appl MathComputational Methods in Applied Mathematics Comput Methods Appl Mech EngComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineerin Comput Methods Biomech Biomed EngComputer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Comput Methods Programs BiomedComputer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Comput Music JComputer Music Journal Comput NetworksComputer Networks Comput PhysComputers in Physics Comput Phys CommunComputer Physics Communications Comput PsychiatryComputational Psychiatry Comput Sci DiscoveryComputational Science & Discovery Comput Sci EngComputing in Science & Engineering Comput Speech LangComputer Speech & Language Comput Stat Data AnalComputational Statistics and Data Analysis Comput StructComputers and Structures Comput Struct Biotechnol JComputational and Structural Biotechnology Journal Comput Theor ChemComputational and Theoretical Chemistry Comput Theor Polym SciComputational and Theoretical Polymer Science Comput ToxicolComputational Toxicology Comput Vision Image UnderstandingComputer Vision and Image Understanding Comput-Aided Civ Infrastruct EngComputer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Comput-Aided DesComputer-Aided Design Comput-Aided Des ApplicComputer-Aided Design and Applications ComputerComputer Comun Bot Mus Hist Nat MontevComunicacines Botanicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo Comun Mus Argent Cienc Nat "Bernardino Rivadavia" Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent) HidrobiolComunicaciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Hidrobiologia Comun Mus Argent Cienc Nat "Bernardino Rivadavia" Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent) ZoolComunicaciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Zoologia Comun Mus Prov Cienc Nat "Florentino Ameghino" Nueva SerComunicaciones desl Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales "Florentino Ameghino" Nueva serie Comun Paleontol Mus Hist Nat MontevComunicaciones Paleontologicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo Comun Zool Mus Hist Nat MontevComunicaciones Zoologicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo Concepts Magn ResonConcepts in Magenetic Resonance Concepts Magn Reson Part AConcepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A Concepts Magn Reson Part BConcepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B ConchiglieConchiglie Concr Eng IntConcrete Engineering International Concr IntConcrete International Concr Sci EngConcrete Science and Engineering Concurrent EngConcurrent Engineering Concurrent Eng: Res ApplConcurrent Engineering: Research and Applications Condens Matter PhysCondensed Matter Physics Condens Matter TheorCondensed Matter Theories CondorCondor Conf Workshop Ser Dep Prim Ind (Qld)Conference and Workshop Series Department of Primary Industries (Queensland) Conserv BiolConservation Biology Conserv Genet ResourConservation Genetics Resources Conserv PhysiolConservation Physiology Constr Build MaterConstruction and Building Materials Cont Shelf ResContinental Shelf Research Contemp Drug ProbContemporary Drug Problems Contemp Org SynthContemporary Organic synthesis Contemp PhysContemporary Physics Continuum Mech ThermodynContinuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Contrast Media Mol ImagingContrast Media & Molecular Imaging Contrib Atmos PhysContributions to Atmospheric Physics Contrib Avulsas Inst Oceanogr Oceanogr BiolContribuicoes Avulsas do Instituto Oceanografico Oceanografia Biologica Contrib Avulsas Inst Oceanogr Oceanogr FisContribuicoes Avulsas do Instituto Oceanografico Oceanografia Fisica Contrib Avulsas Inst Oceanogr TecnContribuicoes Avulsas do Instituto Oceanografico Tecnologia Contrib Biol Hopkins Seaside Lab Lealand Stanford Jounior UnivContributions to Biology from the Hopkins Seaside Laboratory of the Lealand Stanford Jr University Contrib CientContribucion Cientifica Contrib Cient Cent Invest Cient, Univ Oriente, PorlamarContribuciones Cientificas Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas, Universidad de Oriente, Porlamar Contrib Cient Inst Antart ArgentContribuciones Cientificas del Instituto Antartico Argentino Contrib Dep Cienc Mar Univ PRContribuciones Departamento de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad de Puerto Rico Contrib Dove Mar LabContributions from the Dove Marine Laboratory Contrib Dudley HerbContributions from the Dudley Herbarium Contrib Hawaii Inst GeophysContributions Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Contrib INIDEPContribucion Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pesquero Contrib Korea Inter-Univ Inst Ocean Sci Natl Fish Univ PusanContribucions of Korea Inter-University Institute of Ocean Science, National Fisheries University of Pusan Contrib Mar SciContributions in Marine Science Contrib Mineral PetrolContributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Contrib Natl Fish Res Dev Agency (Korea)Contributions of National Fisheries Research and Development Agency (Korea) Contrib new ser Scripps Inst OceanogrContributions New Series Scripps Institution of Oceanography Contrib OceanogrContributions in Oceanography Contrib Oceanogr MeteorolContributions in Oceanography and Meteorology Contrib Plasma PhysContributions to Plasma Physics Contrib Scripps Inst OceanogrContributions Scripps Institution of Oceanography Contrib TecnContribucion Tecnica Contrib Va Inst Mar SciContributions of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science Contrib Wash Univ Sch OceanogrContributions Washington University, School of Oceanography Contrib ZoolContributions to Zoology Control AutomControl & Automation Control Dyn SystControl and Dynamic Systems Control Eng PractControl Engineering Practice Conv Sci Mer Biol Mar Cent Noumea ORSTOMConventions Sciences de la Mer Biologie Marine Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Conv Sci Mer Oceanogr Phys Cent Noumea ORSTOMConventions Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Physique Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Convergent Sci Phys OncolConvergent Science Physical Oncology Coord Chem RevCoordination Chemistry Reviews CopeiaCopeia COPESCAL Doc OcasCOPESCAL Documento Ocasional COPESCAL Doc TecCOPESCAL Documento Tecnico Coral ReefsCoral Reefs Cornell Int Law JCornell International Law Journal Cornell Law RevCornell Law Review Corros EngCorrosion Engineering Corros MaterCorrosion & Materials Corros Prev ControlCorrosion Prevention and Control Corros RevCorrosion Reviews Corros SciCorrosion Science Corrosion (Houston)Corrosion (Houston) Cosmic ResCosmic Research COSPAR Colloq SerCOSPAR Colloquia Series Costs Earn Sel Fish Enterp NSCosts and Earnings of Selected Fishing Enterprises, Nova Scotia Cour Afr-Carribb-Pac-Eur UnionCourier: Africa-Caribbean-Pacific-European Union Cour Forschinst SenckenbCourier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg CPP Chem Plants and ProcessCPP Chemical Plants and Processing CR Acad Agric FrComptes Rendus de l'Academie d'Agriculture de France CR Acad Sci ParisComptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Paris CR Acad Sci, Ser IIa: Sci Terre PlanetsComptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences Serie IIa:Sciences de la Terre et des Planets CR Acad Sci, Ser IIb: Mec, Phys, Chim, AstronComptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences Serie IIb:Mecanique Physique Chimie Astronomie CR Acad Sci, Ser IIc: ChimComptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences Serie IIc:Chemie CR Acad Sci, Ser IIIComptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences Serie III: Sciences de la Vie CR BiolComptes Rendus Biologies CR ChimComptes Rendus Chimie CR Dir Rec Sci Tech (Que Prov)Comptes Rendus de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (Quebec Prov) CR GeosciComptes Rendus Geoscience CR Hebd Seances Acad SciComptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences CR Hebd Seances Acad Sci ParisComptes Rendus Hebdomadaire des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences Paris CR MathComptes Rendus Mathematique CR MecComptes Rendus Mecanique CR PalevolComptes Rendus Palevol CR PhysComptes Rendus Physique CR Seances Soc Biol ParisComptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie, Paris Cretaceous ResCretaceous Research CRISPR JCRISPR Journal Crit Rev Anal ChemCritical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry Crit Rev Biochem Mol BiolCritical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Crit Rev BiotechnolCritical Reviews in Biotechnology Crit Rev Bone Miner MetabCritical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism Crit Rev Clin Lab SciCritical Reviews in Critical Laboratory Sciences Crit Rev Comput TomogrCritical Reviews in Computed Tomography Crit Rev Env Sci TechnolCritical Reviews in Environment Science and Technology Crit Rev Food Sci NutrCritical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Crit Rev MicrobiolCritical Reviews in Microbiology Crit Rev Plant SciCritical Reviews in Plant Sciences Crit Rev Solid State Mater SciCritical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences Crit Rev ToxicolCritical Reviews in Toxicology Croat Chem ActaCroatica Chemica Acta Crop Pasture SciCrop and Pasture Science Crop ProtCrop Protection Crop SciCrop Science Cruise Rep Dunstaffnage Mar Lab Scott Mar Biol AssocCruise Report Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory and Scottish Marine Biological Association Cruise Rep Geol Surv JpnCruise Reports Geological Survey of Japan Cruise Rep Inst Oceanogr Sci, Deacon LabCruise Report Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Deacon Laboratory Cruise Rep Proudman Oceanogr Lab, BidstonCruise Report Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Bidston Crustac Int J Crustac ResCrustaceana: International Journal of Crustacean Research Crustac ResCrustacean Research Cryosphere DiscussCryosphere Discussions Cryptogam AlgolCryptogamie: Algologie Cryst EngCrystal Engineering Cryst Growth DesCrystal Growth and Design Cryst Res TechnolCrystal Research and Technology Crystallogr RepCrystallography Reports Crystallogr RevCrystallography Reviews CSEE J Power Energy SystCSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems CSIRO Water Resour SerCSIRO Water Resoruces Series Cuad CRINASCuadernos del CRINAS Cuad Marisq Publ DivulgCuadernos Marisqueros Publicacion Tecnica Cuad Tec Inst Cienc Mar Limnol, Univ Nac Auton Mex, BCuadernos Tecnicos Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Serie B Datos Oceanograficos Cuad Univ MarCuadernos Universidad del Mar Curr Appl PhysCurrent Applied Physics Curr Bioact CompdCurrent Bioactive Compounds Curr Clim Change RepCurrent climate change reports Curr Dev NutrCurrent Developments in Nutrition Curr Drug Abuse RevCurrent Drug Abuse Reviews Curr GenetCurrent Genetics Curr Green ChemCurrent Green Chemistry Curr Med ChemCurrent Medicinal Chemistry Curr Med Res OpinCurrent Medical Research and Opinion Curr MicrobiolCurrent Microbiology Curr NanosciCurrent Nanoscience Curr Nanotoxic PrevCurrent Nanotoxicity and Prevention Curr NeuropharmacolCurrent Neuropharmacology Curr Opin BiotechnolCurrent Opinion in Biotechnology Curr Opin Cell BiolCurrent Opinion in Cell Biology Curr Opin Chem BiolCurrent Opinion in Chemical Biology Curr Opin Chem EngCurrent Opinion in Chemical Engineering Curr Opin Colloid Interface SciCurrent Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science Curr Opin Drug Discovery DevCurrent Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development Curr Opin ElectrochemCurrent Opinion in Electrochemistry Curr Opin Endocr Metab ResCurrent Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research Curr Opin Environ Sci HealthCurrent Opinion in Environmental Science & Health Curr Opin Environ SustainabilityCurrent Opinion in Environment Sustainability Curr Opin Food SciCurrent Opinion in Food Science Curr Opin Genet DevCurrent Opinion in Genetics & Development Curr Opin Green Sustainable ChemCurrent Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry Curr Opin Insect SciCurrent Opinion in Insect Science Curr Opin Invest DrugsCurrent Opinion in Investigational Drugs Curr Opin MicrobiolCurrent Opinion in Microbiology Curr Opin Mol TherCurrent Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics Curr Opin NeurobiolCurrent Opinion in Neurobiology Curr Opin PediatrCurrent Opinion in Pediatrics Curr Opin PharmacolCurrent Opinion in Pharmacology Curr Opin PhysiolCurrent Opinion in Physiology Curr Opin Plant BiolCurrent Opinion in Plant Biology Curr Opin Solid State Mater SciCurrent Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science Curr Opin Struct BiolCurrent Opinion in Structural Biology Curr Opin Syst BiolCurrent Opinion in Systems Biology Curr Opin ToxicolCurrent Opinion in Toxicology Curr Org ChemCurrent Organic Chemistry Curr Org SynthCurrent Organic Synthesis Curr Pharm DesCurrent Pharmaceutical Design Curr Pharmacogenomics Pers MedCurrent Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine Curr Plant BiolCurrent Plant Biology Curr Plant Sci Biotechnol AgricCurrent Plant Science in Biotechnology and Agriculture Curr Protein Pept SciCurrent Protein & Peptide Science Curr Res BiotechnolCurrent Research in Biotechnology Curr Res Environ SustainabilityCurrent Research in Environmental Sustainability Curr Res Food SciCurrent Research in Food Science Curr Res Natl Water Res Inst (Can)Current Reserach National Water Research Institute (Canada) Curr Res PhysiolCurrent Research in Physiology Curr Res Struct BiolCurrent Research in Structural Biology Curr SciCurrent Science Curr Sep Drug DevCurrent Separations and Drug Development Curr Top Dev BiolCurrent Topics in Developmental Biology Curr Top Med ChemCurrent Topics in Medicinal Chemistry Curr Top MembrCurrent Topics in Membranes Curr Vasc PharmacolCurrent Vascular Pharmacology Curr ZoolCurrent Zoology Current Pharm AnalCurrent Pharmaceutical Analysis Current Pharm BiotechnolCurrent Pharmaceutical Biotechnology CybiumCybium CyTA J FoodCyTA Journal of Food CytobiosCytobios Cytokine Growth Factor RevCytokine & Growth Factor Reviews CytologiaCytologia Cytometry, Part BCytometry, Part B: Clinical Cytometry Czech J Food SciCzech Journal of Food Science Czech J PhysCzechoslovak Journal of Physics Dalhous Law JDalhousie Law Journal Dalton TransDalton Transactions Dalton Trans J Inorg ChemDalton Transactions: a journal of Inorganic chemistry Dan KemiDanski Kemi DanaDana Dania Polygl New SerDania Polyglotta New Series Dania Polygl Repert Bibliogr AnnuDania Polyglotta Repertoire Bibliographique annuel DarwinianaDarwiniana Data Knowl EngData and Knowledge Engineering Data Ocean Data Buoy StnData from Ocean Data Buoy Stations Data PolicyData & Policy Data Rec ICCATData Record International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas Data Rep Inst Oceanogr Univ B CData Report Institute of Oceanography, University of British Columbia Data SciData Science Data Sci EngData Science and Engineering Data Sci JData Science Journal Data-Centric EngData-Centric Engineering Datos Geofis, ADatos Geofisicos Serie A Oceanografia Datos InfDatos Informativos DBZ Dtsch BauzD B Z Deutsche Bauzeitschrift DechenianaDecheniana Deep Sea Res Part ADeep Sea Research Part A: Oceanographic Research Papers Deep Sea Res Part BDeep Sea Research Part B: Oceanographic Literature Review Deep Sea Res Part IDeep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers Deep Sea Res Part IIDeep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography Deep-Sea ResDeep-Sea Research Deep-Sea Res Oceanogr AbstrDeep-Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts Deep-Sea Res Oceanogr Abstr BibliogrDeep-Sea Research, Oceanographic Abstracts and Bibliography Deep-Sea Res Oceanogr Abstr Oceanogr Bibliogr SectDeep-Sea Research, Oceanographic Abstracts and Oceanographic Bibliography Section Deep-Sea Res Oceanogr, ADeep-Sea Research Part A Oceanographic Research Papers Deep-Sea Res Oceanogr, BDeep-Sea Research Part B Oceanographic Literature Review Def Sci JDefence Science Journal Dent MaterDental Materials Depositional RecDepositional Record Des IssuesDesign Issues Des Monomers PolymDesigned Monomers and Polymers Desalin Water TreatDesalination and Water Treatment DesalinationDesalination Dev Aquac Fish SciDevelopments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science Dev BiolDevelopmental Biology Dev CellDevelopmental Cell Dev Comp ImmunolDevelopment and Comparative Immunology Dev DynDevelopmental Dynamics Dev EngDevelopment Engineering Dev Food SciDevelopments in Food Science Dev Growth DifferDevelopment, Growth and Differentiation Dev HydrobiolDevelopments in Hydrobiology Dev NeurosciDevelopmental Neuroscience Dev SciDevelopmental Science DevelopmentDevelopment Diabetes Technol TherDiabetes Technology & Therapeutics Diagn CytopatholDiagnostic Cytopathology Diagn Interventional ImagingDiagnostic and Interventional Imaging Diagn PatholDiagnostic Pathology Diamond Films TechnolDiamond Films and Technology Diamond Relat MaterDiamond and Related Materials Didact Inst Fr Rech Sci Dev CoopDidactiques Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation Differ Geom ApplDifferential Geometry and its Applications Digital BiomarkersDigital Biomarkers Digital InvestDigital Investigation Digital Signal ProcessDigital Signal Processing Digital WarDigital War Direccao Geral Serv Florest Aquic PublicacoesDireccao Geral dos Servicos Florestais eAquicolas Publicacoes Dis Aquat OrgDiseases of Aquatic Organisms Dis MarkersDisease Markers Disc RepDiscovery Reports Discrete Appl MathDiscrete Applied Mathematics Discrete Dyn Nat SocDiscrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Discrete MathDiscrete Mathematics Discrete OptimDiscrete Optimization Discuss Pap Cent Fish Econ, BergenDiscussion paper Centre for Fisheries Economics, Bergen Diskusjonsnotat Sent Fiskerioekon, BergenDiskusjonsnotat Senter for Fiskerioekonomi, Bergen Diss ETH ZuerichDissertationen: Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (ETH) Distrib Sys EngDistributed Systems Engineering Div Rep CSIRO Div Water ResourDivisional Report CSIRO Division of Water Resources Divers DistribDiversity and Distributions DNA RepairDNA Repair Doc Cent Natl Rech Oceanogr (Madagas)Document Centre National de Recherches Oceanographiques (Madagascar) Doc Ist Ital IdrobiolDocumenta dell'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia Doc ORSTOM MontpDocument ORSTOM Montpellier Doc Sci Cent Brest, ORSTOMDocument Scientifique Centre de Brest, ORSTOM Doc Sci Cent Cayenne, ORSTOMDocument Scientifique Centre de Cayenne, ORSTOM Doc Sci Cent Natl Sci Halieut BoussouraDocument Scientifique Centre National des Sciences Halieutiques de Boussoura Doc Sci Cent Pointe-Noire, ORSTOM Nouv SerDocuments Scientifiques du Centre de Pointe-Noire, ORSTOM Nouvelle Serie Doc Sci Cent Rech Oceanogr Dakar-ThiaroyeDocuments Scientifiques Centre de Recherches Oceanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye Doc Sci Pole Rech Oceanol Halieut CaraibeDocument Scientifique Pole de Recherche Oceanologique et Halieutique Caraibe Doc Tec Cent Reg Invest Pesq, Yucalpeten, Inst Nac Pesca (Mex)Documento Tecnico Centro Regional de Investigacion Pesquera, Yucalpeten, Instituto Nacional de la Pesca (Mexico) Doc Tec Oceanogr  Fund Univ Rio GdDocumentos Tecnicos: Oceanografia Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande Dock Harb AuthDock and Harbour Authority Dokl - Earth Sci SectDoklady - Earth Science Sections Dokl Akad NaukDoklady Akademii Nauk Dokl Biochem BiophysDoklady Biochemistry and Biophysics Dokl BiophysDoklady Biophysics Dokl ChemDoklady Chemistry Dokl Chem TechnolDoklady Chemical Technology Dokl Earth SciDoklady Earth Sciences Dokl PhysDoklady Physics Dokl Phys ChemDoklady Physical Chemistry Dokl RANDoklady Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk Donghai Mar SciDonghai Marine Science Dopov Akad Nauk UkrDopovyidi Akademyiyi Nauk Ukrayini Drinking Water Eng SciDrinking Water Engineering and Science Drinking Water Eng Sci DiscussDrinking Water Engineering and Science Discussions Droit Marit FrDroit Maritime Francais Drug Alcohol DependDrug and Alcohol Dependence Drug Alcohol RevDrug and Alcohol Review Drug Chem ToxicolDrug and Chemical Toxicology Drug Delivery Transl ResDrug Delivery and Translation Research Drug Dev Ind PharmDrug Development and Industrial Pharmacy Drug Dev ResDrug Development Research Drug Discovery DevDrug Discovery and Development Drug Discovery TodayDrug Discovery Today Drug Metab DisposDrug Metabolism and Disposition Drug Metab PharmacokinetDrug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics Drug Metab RevDrug Metabolism Reviews Drug Repurposing Rescue RepositioningDrug Repurposing, Rescue, and Repositioning Drug Test AnalDrug Testing and Analysis Drying TechnolDrying Technology DSIR Crop Res Seaf RepDSIR Crop Research Seafood Report Dtsch Entomol ZDeutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Dtsch GesundheitswesDeutsche Gesundheitswesen Dtsch Gewaesserkd MittDeutsche Gewaesserkundliche Mitteilungen Dtsch Hydrogr ZDeutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift Dtsch Hydrogr Z SupplDeutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift Supplement Dtsch Z Gesamte Gerichtl MedDeutsche Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Gerichtliche Medizin Dtsch Z SportmedDeutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin Durb Mus NovitDurban Museum Novitates Dyes PigmDyes and Pigments Dyn Atmos OceansDynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Dyn ControlDynamics and Control Dyn Stat Clim SystDynamics and Statistics of the Climate System EAFE BullEAFE Bulletin Earth Environ Sci TransEarth and Environmental Science Transactions Earth Environ Sci Trans R Soc EdinburghEarth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Earth InteractEarth Interactions Earth Planet Sci LettEarth and Planetary Science Letters Earth Planets SpaceEarth, Planets and Space Earth Sci FrontEarth Science Frontiers Earth Sci InfEarth Science Informatics Earth Sci Res JEarth Sciences Research Journal Earth Sci RevEarth Science Reviews Earth Space SciEarth and Space Science Earth Surf DynEarth Surface Dynamics Earth Surf Dyn DiscussEarth Surface Dynamics Discussions Earth Surf Process LandfEarth Surface Processes and Landforms Earth Surf Processes LandformsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms Earth Syst DynEarth System Dynamics Earth Syst Dyn DiscussEarth System Dynamics Discussions Earth Syst EnvironEarth Systems and Environment Earth Syst GovernanceEarth System Governance Earth Syst Sci DataEarth System Science Data Earth Syst Sci Data DiscussEarth System Science Data Discussions Earthq Eng Struct DynEarthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Earthquake Eng Struct DynEarthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Earth's FutureEarth's Future East Afr Med JEast African Medical Journal Echo Res PractEcho Research and Practice Ecletica QuimEcletica Quimica Eclogae Geol HelvEclogae Geologicae Helvetiae EcographyEcography Ecohydrol HydrobiolEcohydrology & Hydrobiology Ecol ApplEcological Applications Ecol BullEcological Bulletin Ecol Chem EngEcological Chemistry and Engineering Ecol Chem Eng AEcological Chemistry and Engineering A Ecol Chem Eng SEcological Chemistry and Engineering S Ecol ComplexityEcological Complexity Ecol ConservEcological Conservation Ecol EconEcological Economics Ecol EngEcological Engineering Ecol Eng: XEcological Engineering: X Ecol EntomolEcological Entomology Ecol EvolEcology and Evolution Ecol Freshw FishEcology and Freshwaer Fish Ecol Freshwater FishEcology of Freshwater Fish Ecol IndicEcological Indicators Ecol InfEcological Informatics Ecol Law QEcological Law Quarterly Ecol LettEcology Letters Ecol Manage RestorEcological Management and Restoration Ecol ModelEcological Modelling Ecol ModellEcological Modelling Ecol MonogrEcological Monographs Ecol ResEcological Research Ecol Res Ser US Environ Prot AgencyEcological Research Series US Environmental Protection Agency Ecol RevEcological Review Ecol SocEcology and Society Ecol Solutions EvidenceEcological Solutions and Evidence Ecol Stud Anal SynthEcological Studies: analysis and synthesis EcologieEcologie Ecology (USA)Ecology (USA) Econ BotEconomic Botany Econ BullEconomic Bulletin Econ Commer Anal Rep Dep Fish Oceans (Can)Economic and Commercial Analysis Report Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada) Econ Dev Cult ChangEconomic Development and Cultural Change Econ GeolEconomic Geology Econ Geol Bull Soc Econ GeolEconomic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists Ecos (CSIRO)Ecos (CSIRO) EcoscienceEcoscience Ecosyst Health SustainabilityEcosystem Health and Sustainability Ecosyst ServEcosystem Services Ecotoxicol Environ SafEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety ECS TransECS Transactions EDISEDIS: Environmental Data and Information Service Educ ChemEducation in Chemistry Educ Chem EngEducation for Chemical Engineers Educ InfEducation for Information Educ NeurosciEducational Neuroscience Educ Publ Alsk Sea GrantEducation Publication Alaska Sea Grant Educ QuimEducacion Quimica Eesti KalandusEesti kalandus Eesti LoodusEesti Loodus Eesti Tead Akad Toim BiolEesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised Biologia Eesti Tead Akad Toim OkolEesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised Okoloogia Effl Water Treat JEffluent and Water Treatment Journal EFSA JEFSA Journal Egypt J AgronEgyptian Journal of Agronomy Egypt J Anal ChemEgyptian Journal of Analytical Chemistry Egypt J Aquat ResEgyptian Journal of Aquatic Research Egypt J Basic Appl SciEgyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Egypt J Biochem Mol BiolEgyptian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Egypt J BiotechnolEgyptian Journal of Biotechnology Egypt J ChemEgyptian Journal of Chemistry Egypt J GeolEgyptian Journal of Geology Egypt J Hosp MedEgyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine Egypt J Med Hum GenetEgyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics Egypt J PetEgyptian Journal of Petroleum Egypt J Radiol Nucl MedEgyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Egypt J Remote Sens Space SciEgyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science Ehkol MoryaEhkologiya Morya EhkologiyaEhkologiya EIFAC Occas PapEIFAC Occasional Papers EIFAC Tech PapEIFAC Technical Papers Einstein J Biol MedEinstein Journal of Biology and Medicine Einstein Q J Biol MedEinstein Quarterly Journal of Biology and Medicine Einzelveroeff Dtsch Wetterd SeewetteramtEinzelveroeffentlichungen Deutscher Wetterdienst Seewetteramt Eiszeitalter GgwEiszeitalter und Gegenwart E-J ChemE-Journal of Chemistry e-J Surf Sci Nanotechnole-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology Ekol PolEkologiya Polska Ekol Pol, AEkologiya Polska Seria A EkologijaEkologija Electr Eng JpnElectrical Engineering in Japan Electr Power Compon SystElectric Power Components & Systems Electr Power Syst ResElectric Power Systems Research Electro- MagnetobiolElectro- and Magnetobiology Electrochem CommunElectrochemistry Communications Electrochem Soc InterfaceElectrochemical Society Interface Electrochem Solid-State LettElectrochemical and Solid-State Letters Electrochim ActaElectrochimica Acta Electrocomponent Sci TechnolElectrocomponent Science and Technology Electron Commun JpnElectronics and Communications in Japan Electron EducElectronics Education Electron J BiotechnolElectronic Journal of Biotechnology Electron J Boundary ElemElectronic Journal of Boundary Elements Electron J Geotech EngElectronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Electron J Oper MeteorolElectronic Journal of Operational Meteorology Electron J Severe Storms MetereolElectronic Journal of Severe Storms Metereology Electron J Theor ChemElectronic Journal of Theoretical Chemistry Electron LettElectronics Letters Electron Mater LettElectronic Materials Letters Electron Notes Theor Comput SciElectronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Electron PowerElectronics and Power Electron StructElectronic Structure Electron Syst NewsElectronic Systems News Electron TechnolElectronic Technology Electron Trans Numer AnalElectronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis Elektrotech MaschinenbauElektrotechnik und Maschinenbau Elektrotech ZElektrotechnische Zeitschrift Elem Sci AnthElementa: Science of the Anthropocene Elsevier Oceanogr SerElsevier Oceanography Series Embarcaciones Pesq OLDEPESCAEmbarcaciones Pesqueras OLDEPESCA EMBO JEMBO Journal EMBO Mol MedEMBO Molecular Medicine EMBO RepEMBO Reports Emerging Mater ResEmerging Materials Research Emerging Microbes InfectEmerging Microbes & Infections EMUEmu EndeavourEndeavour Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug TargetsEndocrine Metabolic & Immune Disorders Drug Targets Endosc UltrasoundEndoscopic Ultrasound Energ Wasser PraxEnergie Wasser Praxis EnergetikaEnergetika Energy (Oxf)Energy (Oxford) Energy BuildEnergy and Buildings Energy Built EnvironEnergy and Built Environment Energy Convers ManageEnergy Conversion and Management Energy EconEnergy Economics Energy EfficEnergy Efficiency Energy EngEnergy Engineering Energy EnvironEnergy & Environment Energy Environ MaterEnergy & Environmental Materials Energy Environ SciEnergy & Environmental Science Energy Explor ExploitEnergy Exploration & Exploitation Energy FuelsEnergy and Fuels Energy Harvesting SystEnergy Harvesting Systems Energy ProcediaEnergy Procedia Energy RepEnergy Reports Energy Res Social SciEnergy Research & Social Science Energy Sci EngEnergy Science & Engineering Energy Sources Part AEnergy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects Energy Sources Part BEnergy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy Energy StorageEnergy Storage Energy Storage MaterEnergy Storage Materials Energy Sustainability SocEnergy, Sustainability and Society Energy SystEnergy Systems Eng Agric Environ FoodEngineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food Eng Anal Boundary ElemEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Eng Appl Artif IntellEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Eng Appl Comput Fluid MechEngineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Eng BiolEngineering Biology Eng Cast SolutionsEngineered Casting Solutions Eng Fail AnalEngineering Failure Analysis Eng Fract MechEngineering Fracture Mechanics Eng GeolEngineering Geology Eng J (Montr)Engineering Journal (Montreal) Eng Life SciEngineering in Life Sciences Eng Manage JEngineering Management Journal Eng Min JEngineering and Mining Journal Eng Min J PressEngineering and Mining Journal Press Eng OptimEngineering Optimization Eng RepEngineering Reports Eng Res ExpressEngineering Research Express Eng SciEngineering Sciences Eng Sci Educ JEngineering Science and Education Journal Eng Sci TechnolEngineering Science and Technology Eng StructEngineering Structures Eng StudEngineering Studies Eng TechnolEngineering & Technology EntomofaunaEntomofauna Entomol BasilEntomologica Basiliensia Entomol Ber (Amst)Entomologische Berichten (Amsterdam) Entomol Ber (Luzern)Entomologische Berichte (Luzern) Entomol Bl Biol Syst KaeferEntomologische Blatter fuer Biologie und Systematik der Kaefer Entomol Exp ApplEntomologia Experimentalis et Applicata Entomol FennEntomologica Fennica Entomol GazEntomologist's Gazete Entomol MittEntomologische Mitteilungen Entomol Mon MagEntomologist's Monthly Magazine Entomol NachrEntomologische Nachrichten Entomol NewsEntomological News Entomol ResEntomological Research Entomol RevEntomological Review Entomol ScandEntomologica Scandinavica Entomol SciEntomological Science Entomol TidskrEntomologisk Tidskfirt Entomol ZEntomologische Zeitschrift Entomol Z InsektenboerseEntomologische Zeitschrift mit Insektenboerse EntomologisteEntomologiste EntomonEntomon EntomophagaEntomophaga EntomopsEntomops Environ Eng ResEnvironmental Engineering Research Environ ArchaeolEnvironmental Archaeology Environ BioindicEnvironmental Bioindicators Environ Biol FishEnvironmental Biology of Fishes Environ Biol FishesEnvironmental Biology of Fishes Environ Biosaf ResEnvironmental Biosafety Research Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol RevEnvironment Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews Environ ChemEnvironmental Chemistry Environ Chem EcotoxicolEnvironmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Environ Chem LettEnvironmental Chemistry Letters Environ Claims JEnvironmental Claims Journal Environ ConservEnvironmental Conservation Environ Control BiolEnvironmental Control in Biology Environ DNAEnvironmental DNA Environ EcolEnvironment and Ecology Environ Eng GeosciEnvironmental and Engineering Geoscience Environ Eng Manage JEnvironmental Engineering and Management Journal Environ Eng PolicyEnvironmental Engineering and Policy Environ Eng SciEnvironmental Engineering Science Environ EntomolEnvironmental Entomology Environ EpigenetEnvironmental Epigenetics Environ Exp BotEnvironmental and Experimental Botany Environ Fluid MechEnvironmental Fluid Mechanics Environ ForensicsEnvironmental Forensics Environ Geochem HealthEnvironmental Geochemistry and Health Environ GeolEnvironmental Geology Environ GeosciEnvironmental Geosciences Environ Health PerspectEnvironmental Health Perspectives Environ Health Preventative MedEnvironmental Health and Preventive Medicine Environ HistoryEnvironmental History Environ Impact Assess RevEnvironmental Impact Assessment Review Environ Innovation Societal TransitionsEnvironmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Environ IntEnvironment International Environ LawEnvironmental Law Environ ManageEnvironmental Management Environ MicrobiolEnvironmental Microbiology Environ Model AssessEnvironmental Modeling and Assessment Environ Modell SoftwareEnvironmental Modelling and Software Environ Mol MutagenEnvironmental and Molecular Mutagenesis Environ Monit AssessEnvironmental Monitoring and Assessment Environ Nanotechnol Monit ManageEnvironmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management Environ Plann AEnvironment and Planning A Environ Policy LawEnvironmental Policy and Law Environ PollutEnvironmental Pollution Environ PractEnvironmental Practice Environ ProgEnvironmental Progress Environ Prog Sustainable EnergyEnvironmental Progress & Sustainable Energy Environ Prot Ser Environ CanEnvironmental Protection Series Environment Canada Environ Qual ManageEnvironmental Quality Management Environ ReportEnvironment Reporter Environ ResEnvironmental Research Environ Res CommunEnvironmental Research Communications Environ Res LettEnvironmental Research Letters Environ Resour EconEnvironmental and Resource Economics Environ RevEnvironmental Reviews Environ Sci EcotechnolEnvironmental Science and Ecotechnology Environ Sci EurEnvironmental Sciences Europe Environ Sci NanoEnvironmental Science: Nano Environ Sci PolicyEnvironmental Science & Policy Environ Sci Pollut ResEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research Environ Sci Pollut Res IntEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research International Environ Sci Processes ImpactsEnvironmental Science: Processes & Impacts Environ Sci TechnolEnvironmental Science and Technology Environ Sci Technol LettEnvironmental Science and Technology Letters Environ Sci Water Res TechnolEnvironmental Science: Water Research & Technology Environ Sci: NanoEnvironmental Science: Nano Environ Sustainability IndicEnvironmental and Sustainability Indicators Environ TechnolEnvironmental Technology Environ Technol InnovationEnvironmental Technology & Innovation Environ ToxicolEnvironmental Toxicology Environ Toxicol ChemEnvironmental Toxicology and Chemistry Environ Toxicol PharmacolEnvironmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Environ Toxicol Water QualEnvironmental Toxicology and Water Quality EnvironmentEnvironment Enzyme Microb TechnolEnzyme and Microbial Technology Enzyme ProteinEnzyme and Protein Enzyme ResEnzyme Research EOS Trans Am Geophys UnionEOS : Transactions American Geophysical Union Epidemiol InfectEpidemiology and Infection Epigenet ChromatinEpigenetics & Chromatin Epitheor Klin Farmakol Farmakokinet Int EdEpitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes, International Edition EPJ Appl MetamaterEPJ Applied Metamaterials EPJ Data SciEPJ Data Science EPJ N Nucl Sci TechnolEPJ N Nuclear Sciences & Technologies EPJ PhotovoltaicsEPJ Photovoltaics Equine Comp Exercise PhysiolEquine and Comparative Exercise Physiology Equine Vet EducEquine Veterinary Education Equine Vet JEquine Veterinary Jounal EquinoxeEquinoxe Erdoel, Erdgas, KohleErdoel, Erdgas, Kohle Erdoel, Kohle, Erdgas, PetrochemErdoel & Kohle Erdgas, Petrochemie Ergeb LimnolErgebnisse der Limnologie Ergod Theory Dyn SystErgodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Ernahrung Wiss PraxErnährung - Wissenschaft und Praxis ESA BullESA Bulletin ESA Sci Tech RevESA Scientific and Technical Review Esakia Occas Pap Hikosan Biol Lab EntomolEsakia: Occasional Papers of the Hikosan Biological Laboratory in Entomology Est Coast Mar SciEstuarine and Coastal Marine Science Est Coast Shelf SciEstuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science Est Coast Waters Br IslesEstuaries and Coastal Waters of the British Isles Est J EngEstonian Journal of Engineering EstuariesEstuaries Estuaries CoastsEstuaries and Coasts Estuarine Coastal Shelf SciEstuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science Estud Divulg Tecn, AEstudos e Divulgacao Tecnica Grupo A Seccao Zoologia Florestal eCinegetica Estud Divulg Tecn, CEstudos e Divulgacao Tecnica Grupo C Seccao Entomologia e Florestal Estud Divulg Tecn, DEstudos e Divulgacao Tecnica Grupo D Seccao Botanica Estud LeopoldensesEstudos Leopoldenses Estud Oceanol Fac Recur Mar Univ AntofagastaEstudios Oceanologicos Facultad de Recursos del Mar, Universidad de Antofagasta Ethol Ecol EvolEthology, Ecology and Evolution EthologyEthology Etud Cemagref, Gest Milieux AquatEtudes Cemagref Serie: Gestion des Milieux Aquatiques Etud Cemagref, Group BordxEtudes Cemagref, Groupement de Bordeaux Etud Theses, Inst Fr Rech Sci Dev CoopEtudes et Theses Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation EuphyticaEuphytica Eur Addict ResEuropean Addiction Research Eur Arch BiolEuropean Archives of Biology Eur Biophys JEuropean Biophysics Journal Eur Environ Law RevEuropean Environmental Law Review Eur Food Res TechnolEuropean Food Research and Technology Eur J AgronEuropean Journal of Agronomy Eur J Appl MathEuropean Journal of Applied Mathematics Eur J Appl MicrobiolEuropean Journal of Applied Microbiology Eur J Appl Microbiol BiotechnolEuropean Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Eur J Appl PhysiolEuropean Journal of Applied Physiology Eur J ArchaeolEuropean Journal of Archaeology Eur J BiochemEuropean Journal of Biochemistry Eur J CancerEuropean Journal of Cancer Eur J Cell BiolEuropean Journal of Cell Biology Eur J Clin Chem Clin BiochemEuropean Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Eur J Clin InvestEuropean Journal of Clinical Investigation Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect DisEuropean Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Eur J Clin NutrEuropean Journal of Clinical Nutrition Eur J EndocrinolEuropean Journal of Endocrinology Eur J Eng EducEuropean Journal of Engineering Educatino Eur J EntomolEuropean Journal of Entomology Eur J HistochemEuropean Journal of Histochemistry Eur J Hum GenetEuropean Journal of Human Genetics Eur J Inorg ChemEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Eur J Lipid Sci TechnolEuropean Journal of Lipid Science and Technology Eur J Mass SpectromEuropean Journal of Mass Spectrometry Eur J MaterEuropean Journal of Materials Eur J Mech A SolidsEuropean Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids Eur J Mech B FluidsEuropean Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids Eur J Med ChemEuropean Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Eur J Med GenetEuropean Journal of Medical Genetics Eur J Med ResEuropean Journal of Medical Research Eur J MineralEuropean Journal of Mineralogy Eur J NanomedEuropean Journal of Nanomedicine Eur J NeurosciEuropean Journal of Neuroscience Eur J Nucl Med Mol ImagingEuropean Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Eur J Oncol PharmEuropean Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Eur J Oper ResEuropean Journal of Operational Research Eur J Org ChemEuropean Journal of Organic Chemistry Eur J PainEuropean Journal of Pain Eur J Pharm BiopharmEuropean Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics Eur J Pharm SciEuropean Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Eur J PharmacolEuropean Journal of Pharmacology Eur J Pharmacol Environ Toxicol PharmEuropean Journal of Pharmacology: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Eur J Pharmacol Mol PharmacolEuropean Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology Eur J PhycolEuropean Journal of Phycology Eur J PhysEuropean Journal of Physics Eur J ProtistolEuropean Journal of Protistology Eur J Pure Appl MathEuropean Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Eur J RadiolEuropean Journal of Radiology Eur J Soil BiolEuropean Journal of Soil Biology Eur J Soil SciEuropean Journal of Soil Science Eur J Solid State Inorg ChemEuropean Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry Eur J Sport SocEuropean Journal for Sport and Society Eur J Toxicol Environ HygEuropean Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Hygiene Eur J UltrasoundEuropean Journal of Ultrasound Eur J Wood Wood ProdEuropean Journal of Wood and Wood Products Eur Mass SpectromEuropean Mass Spectrometry Eur NeuropsychopharmacolEuropean Neuropsychopharmacology Eur Phys J AEuropean Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei Eur Phys J Appl PhysEuropean Physical Journal Applied Physics Eur Phys J BEuropean Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems Eur Phys J CEuropean Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields Eur Phys J DEuropean Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics Eur Phys J EEuropean Physical Journal E: Soft Matter Eur Phys J HEuropean Physical Journal H: Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Physics Eur Phys J Spec TopEuropean Physical Journal Special Topics Eur Polym JEuropean Polymer Journal Eur Potato JEuropean Potato Journal Eur Rev Med Pharmacol SciEuropean Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences Eur Space Agency Spec Publ SPEuropean Space Agency Special Publication SP Eur Trans Electr PowerEuropean Transactions on Electrical Power Eur Trans TelecommunEuropean Transactions on Telecommunications Eur Urban Reg StudEuropean Urban and Regional Studies EURASEAN AquacEURASEAN Aquaculture Eurasian Chem Technol JEurasian Chemico-Technological Journal Eurasian J Anal ChemEurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry EURASIP J Bioinf Syst BiolEURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics & Systems Biology EuroilEuroil Europhys LettEurophysics Letters Europhys NewsEurophysics News EVAAM Rapp AnnuEVAAM Rapport Annuel Evol ApplEvolutionary Applications Evol BioinfEvolutionary Bioinformatics Evol BiolEvolutionary Biology Evol ComputEvolutionary Computation Evol Hum SciEvolutionary Human Sciences Evol LettEvolution Letters Evol Sect Belg Peche MaritEvolution du Secteur Belge de la Peche Maritime EvolutionEvolution Excell EcolExcellence in Ecology Exp AgricExperimental Agriculture Exp Appl AcarolExperimental and Applied Acarology Exp AstronExperimental Astronomy Exp Biol MedExperimental Biology and Medicine Exp Cell ResExperimental Cell Research Exp Clin PsychopharmacolExperimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology Exp Eye ResExperimental Eye Research Exp FluidsExperiments in Fluids Exp Heat TransferExperimental Heat Transfer Exp HematolExperimental Hematology Exp MechExperimental Mechanics Exp Mol MedExperimental & Molecular Medicine Exp Mol PatholExperimental and Molecular Pathology Exp MycolExperimental Mycology Exp ParasitolExperimental Parasitology Exp PatholExperimental Pathology Exp ResultsExperimental Reults Exp Strahlenther Klin StrahlenbiolExperimentelle Strahlentherapie und Klinische Strahlenbiologie Exp TechExperimental Techniques Exp Tech PhysExperimentelle Technik der Physik Exp Therm Fluid SciExperimental Thermal and Fluid Science Exp Toxicol PatholExperimental and Toxicologic Pathology ExperientiaExperientia Expert Opin Biol TherExpert Opinion on Biological Therapy Expert Opin Drug DiscoveryExpert Opinion on Drug Discovery Expert Opin Drug Metab ToxicolExpert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology Expert Opin Emerging DrugsExpert Opinion on Emerging Drugs Expert Opin Invest DrugsExpert Opinion on Investigational Drugs Expert Opin Orphan DrugsExpert Opinion on Orphan Drugs Expert Opin PharmacotherExpert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy Expert Rev Med DevicesExpert Review of Medical Devices Expert Rev Mol MedExpert Reviews in Molecular Medicine Expert Rev NeurotherExpert Review of Neurotherapeutics Expert Syst ApplExpert Systems with Applications Explor GeophysExploration Geophysics Explor Min GeolExploration and Mining Geology ExposureExposure eXPRESS Polym LetteXPRESS Polymer Letters Extr Ind SocExtractive Industries and Society Extreme Mech LettExtreme Mechanics Letters Extreme Physiol MedExtreme Physiology & Medicine F1000ResearchF1000Research FAO Aquac NewslFAO Aquaculture Newsletter FAO Better Farming SerFAO Better Farming Series FAO BullFAO Bulletin FAO Comput Inf Ser FishFAO Computerized Information Series Fisheries FAO Doc Curr BibliogrFAO Documentation Current Bibliography FAO Fish BullFAO Fisheries Bulletin FAO Fish CircFAO Fisheries Circular FAO Fish PapFAO Fisheries Papers FAO Fish RepFAO Fisheries Report FAO Fish SerFAO Fisheries Series FAO Fish StudyFAO Fisheries Study FAO Fish SynopFAO Fisheries Synopsis FAO Fish Tech PapFAO Fisheries Technical Paper FAO Inf Serv BullFAO Information Service Bulletin FAO Legis StudyFAO Legislative Study FAO Train SerFAO Training Series FAO Yearb Fish Stat Catches LandFAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics: catches and landings FAO Yearb Fish Stat CommodFAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics: commodities Faraday DiscussFaraday Discussions Faraday Discuss Chem SocFaraday Discussions of the Chemical Society Faraday Discuss R Soc ChemFaraday Discussions of the Royal Society of Chemistry Faraday Symp Chem SocFaraday Symposium of the Chemical Society Faraday Symp R Soc ChemFaraday Symposium of the Royal Society of Chemistry Faraday TransFaraday Transactions Farday Spec Discuss Chem SocFaraday Special Discussions of the Chemical Society FASEB BioadvFASEB Bioadvances FASEB JFASEB Journal Fashion TextFashion and Textiles Fast Ferry IntFast Ferry International Fatigue Fract Eng Mater StructFatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures Fauna (Blindern)Fauna (Blindern) Fauna BajkalaFauna Bajkala Fauna FloraFauna och Flora Fauna MakedFauna na Makedonija Fauna Mar AsturFauna Marina de Asturias Fauna Nor, AFauna Norvegica Series A Fauna Nor, BFauna Norvegica Series B Fauna Nor, CFauna Norvegica Series C Faune MadagFaune de Madagascar Faune TropFaune Tropicale Faun-Oekol MittFaunistisch-Oekologische Mitteilungen FEBS JFEBS Journal FEBS LettFEBS Letters FEBS Open BioFEBS Open Bio Fed RegistFederal Register FEMS Immunol Med MicrobiolFEMS Immunology And Medical Microbiology FEMS Microbiol EcolFEMS Microbiology, Ecology FEMS Microbiol LettFEMS Microbiology Letters FEMS Microbiol RevFEMS Microbiology Reviews FEMS Yeast ResFEMS Yeast Research Ferroelectr LettFerroelectrics Letters Ferroelectr Lett SectFerroelectric Letters Section Ferroelectr RevFerroelectrics Review Fett - LipidFett - Lipid Fett Wiss TechnolFett Wissenschaft Technologie Few-Body SystFew-Body Systems FFA News Dig S Pac Forum Fish AgencyFFA News Digest South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency FFA Rep S Pac Forum Fish AgencyFFA Report South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Fiber Integr OptFiber and Integrated Optics Fibers PolymFibers and Polymers Fibre ChemFibre Chemistry Fibres Text East EurFibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe Field Anal Chem TechnolField Analytical Chemistry and Technology Field Columbian Mus Publ Zool SerField Columbian Museum Publications Zoological Series Field Mus Nat Hist Zool SerField Museum of Natural History Zoological Series Field StudField Studies Fieldana BotFieldana: Botany Fieldana ZoolFieldana: Zoology Fieldana Zool MemFieldana: Zoology Memoirs Fieldana Zool New SerFieldana: Zoology New Series Fields Math Educ JFields Mathematics Education Journal Filtr SepFiltration & Separation FIMA SchrreiheFIMA Schriftenreihe Financ DevFinance and Development Finite Elem Anal DesFinite Elements in Analysis and Design Finite Fields ApplFinite Fields and Their Applications Finn Fish ResFinnish Fisheries Research Finn Mar ResFinnish Marine Research Fire EcolFire Ecology Fire MaterFire and Materials Fire Saf JFire Safety Journal Fire Saf SciFire Safety Science Fire Sci RevFire Science Reviews Fire TechnolFire Technology First BreakFirst break Fisch Jaehrl StatFischerei jaehrliche Statistiken Fisch TeichwirtFischer und Teichwirt FischerblattFischerblatt Fischerbote Norddtsch Fisch ZtgDer Fischerbote : Norddeutsche Fischerei-Zeitung Fisch-ForschFischerei-Forschung Fisch-Forsch Inf PraxisFischerei-forschung : Informationen fuer Die Praxis FischmagazinFischmagazin FischoekologieFischoekologie Fish Aquac Isr FigFisheries and Aquaculture of Israel in figures Fish Aquat SciFisheries and Aquatic Science Fish Board Swed, Hydrogr RepFishery Board of Sweden Series Hydrography Report Fish BullFishery Bulletin Fish Bull (Cyprus)Fisheries Bulletin (Cyprus) Fish Bull (S Afr)Fisheries Bulletin (South Africa) Fish Bull Calif Dep Fish GameFish Bulletin California Department of Fish and Game Fish Bull Dep Fish (Malays)Fisheries Bulletin Department of Fisheries (Malaysia) Fish Bull Dep Fish For (Irel (Eire))Fisheries Bulletin Department of Fisheries and Forestry (Ireland (Eire) Fish Bull Fish Wildl ServFishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service Fish Bull North South Wales Agric FishFisheries Bulletin North South Wales Agriculture and Fisheries Fish Bus IntFishing Business International Fish ChimesFishing Chimes Fish Dev Ser Natl Swed Board FishFisheries Development Series National Swedish Board of Fisheries Fish Eng (Jpn)Fisheries Engineering (Japan) Fish Fishbreeding IsrFisheries and fishbreeding in Israel Fish Inf Ser Fish Div (Trinidad, Tobago)Fisheries Information Series Fisheries Division (Trinidad and Tobago) Fish Invest, IFishery Investigations Series I Fish Invest, I Salmon Freshw FishFishery Investigations Series I Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Fish Invest, IIFishery Investigations Series II Fish Invest, II Sea FishFishery Investigations Series II Sea Fisheries Fish J Coll Fish, Univ Philipp VisayasFisheries Journal College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas Fish Leafl Dep Mar (Irel)Fisherey Leaflet Department of the Marine (Ireland) Fish Leafl US Dep Inter Fish Wildl ServFishery Leaflet US Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Fish Manage EcolFisheries Management and Ecology Fish Manage Pap Fish Dep (West Aust)Fisheries Management Paper Fisheries Department (Western Australia) Fish Manage Rep Minist Environ Lands Parks (B C)Fisheries Management Report Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (British Columbia) Fish NewsFishing News Fish News IntFishing News International Fish Not Dir Fish Res (G B)Fisheries Notice Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain) Fish PatholFish Pathology Fish PhysiolFish Physiology Fish Physiol BiochemFish Physiology and Biochemistry Fish Rep Dep Prim Ind Fish (North Territ)Fishery Report Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (Northern Territory) Fish ResFisheries Research Fish Res Bull (N Z)Fisheries Research Bulletin (New Zealand) Fish Res Bull Fish Dep (West Aus)Fisheries Research Bulletin Fisheries Department (Western Australia) Fish Res Bull Kasetsart UnivFisheries Research Bulletin Kasetsart University Fish Res Data Rep Dir Fish Res (G B)Fisheries Research Data Report Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain) Fish Res Leafl Fish Res  Lab, ColerFisheries Research Leaflet Fisheries Reseasrch Laboratory, Coleraine Fish Res Pap Dep Fish (S Aust)Fisheries Research Paper Department of Fisheries (South Australia) Fish Res Rep Fish Dep (West Aust)Fisheries Research Report Fisheries Department (Western Australia) Fish Res Tech Rep Dir Fish Res (G B)Fisheries Research Technical Report Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain) Fish RevFisheries Review Fish SciFisheries Science Fish Sci ResFisheries Science Research Fish Scotl RepFisheries of Scotland Report Fish Shellfish ImmunolFish and Shellfish Immunology Fish Stat (Kuwait)Fishreies Statistics (Kuwait) Fish Stat Bull South China Sea AreaFishery Statistical Bulletin for South China Sea Area Fish Stat Dep Fish (Qatar)Fishery Statistics Department of Fisheries (Qatar) Fish Stat Dep Fish (Zamb)Fisheries Statistics Department of Fisheries (Zambia) Fish Stat IndonesFisheries Statistics of Indonesia Fish Stat JpnFisheries Statistics of Japan Fish Stat Minist Fish Agric (Maldives)Fisheries Statistics Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture (Maldives) Fish Stat ThailFisheries Statistics of Thailand Fish Supplied Bull INFOPECHEFish supplied Bulletin INFOPECHE Fish Tech Circ Minist Environ Lands Parks (B C)Fisheries and Technical Circular Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (British Columbia) Fish Tech NewsFish Tech News Fish Tech Rep Dep Parks Renew Resour (Sask)Fisheries Technical Report Department of Parks and Renewable Resources (Saskatchewan) Fish Tech Rep N Z Minist Agric FishFisheries Technical Report New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Fish Technol LitFisheries Technology Literature Fish Technol Man SerFisheries Technology Manual Series Fish Technol Soc Fish Technol (India)Fishery Technology Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Fish TraderFish Trader Fish Wildl LeaflFish and Wildlife Leaflet Fish Wildl Pap, VicFisheries and Wildlife Paper, Victoria Fish Wildl ResFish and Wildlife Research Fish Yearb Taiwan AreaFisheries Yearbook Taiwan area FisheriesFisheries Fish-Fish Egg Distrib Rep Natl Fish Hatch SystFish and Fish Egg Distribution Report of the National Fish Hatchery System Fish-IntFish-international Fisk HavetFisken og Havet Fisk Oppdrett Laks Stat Sentbyrae (Nor)Fiske og Opdrett av Laks mv Statistisk Sentralbyrae (Norway) Fiskdir Skr, ErnaeringFiskeridirektoratets Skrifter Serie Ernaering Fiskdir Skr, TaknologiskeFiskeridirektoratets Skrifter Serie Taknologiske FiskeristatistikkFiskeristatistikk Fiskoekon Smaa-SkrFiskerioekonomiske Smaa-Skrifter Fiz Goreniya VzryvaFizika Goreniya i Vzryva Fiz Met MetallovedFizika Metallov i Metallovedenie Fjoelrit FiskidFjoelrit Fiskideildar Fla EntomolFlorida Entomologist Fla Mar Res PublFlorida Marine Research Publications Fla SciFlorida Scientist FlatChem Chem Flat MaterFlatChem Chemistry of Flat Materials Flavour Fragance JFlavour and Fragance Journal Flexible Printed ElectronFlexible and Printed Electronics Flora FaunaFlora og Fauna Flora Fauna Areas SilvFlora, fauna y areas silvestres Flora Slodkowod PolFlora Slodkowodna Polski Flow Meas InstrumFlow Measurement and Instrumentation Fluctuation Noise LettFluctuations and Noise Letters Fluid DynFluid Dynamics Fluid Dyn ResFluid Dynamics Research Fluid Phase EquilibFluid Phase Equilibria Fluid/Part Sep JFluid/Particle Separation Journal Fluss ObstFlussiges Obst Focus CatalFocus on Catalysts Focus PigmFocus on Pigments Focus Polyvinyl ChlorideFocus on Polyvinyl Chloride Focus Powder CoatFocus on Powder Coatings Focus SurfactantsFocus on Surfactants Fold DesFolding and Design Folia BalcFolia Balcanica Folia BiolFolia Biologica Folia Entomol HungFolia Entomologica Hungarica Folia Entomol MexFolia Entomologica Mexicana Folia Limnol ScandFolia Limnologica Scandinavica Folia Limnol Scand, ZoolFolia Limnologica Scandinavica Section: Zoology Folia MicrobiolFolia Microbiologica Folia ParasitolFolia Parasitologica Folia ZoolFolia Zoologica Fonderie Fondeur Aujourd'huiFonderie Fondeur d'Aujourd'hui Food Addit ContamFood Additives and Contaminants Food Agric LegisFood and Agriculture Legislation Food Anal MethodsFood Analytical Methods Food AustFood Australia Food BiophysFood Biophysics Food Bioprocess TechnolFood and Bioprocess Technology Food Bioprod ProcessFood and Bioproducts Processing Food BiosciFood Bioscience Food BiotechnolFood Biotechnology Food ChemFood Chemistry Food Chem ToxicolFood and Chemical Toxicology Food ControlFood Control Food Cosmet ToxicolFood and Cosmetics Toxicology Food Drug Cosmet Law JFood Drug Cosmetic Law Journal Food Energy SecurFood and Energy Security Food Eng RevFood Engineering Reviews Food Foods Ingredients J JpnFood & Foods Ingredients Journal of Japan Food FrontFood Frontiers Food FunctFood & Function Food HydrocolloidsFood Hydrocolloids Food MicrobiolFood Microbiology Food Nutr BullFood and Nutrition Bulletin Food PolicyFood Policy Food QualFood Quality Food Qual PreferenceFood Quality and Preference Food Qual SafFood Quality and Safety Food Res IntFood Research International Food Sci BiotechnolFood Science and Biotechnology Food Sci Hum WellnessFood Science and Human Wellness Food Sci Technol IntFood Science and Technology International Food Sci Technol ResFood Science and Technology Research Food TechnolFood Technology Footwear SciFootwear Science For ChronForestry Chronicle For Ecol ManageForest Ecology and Management Forensic ChemForensic Chemistry Forensic EngForensic Engineering Forensic GenomicsForensic Genomics Forensic ImagingForensic Imaging Forensic SciForensic Science Forensic Sci IntForensic Science International Forensic Sci Int GenetForensic Science International: Genetics Forensic Sci Int Mind LawForensic Science International: Mind and Law Forensic Sci Int RepForensic Science International: Reports Forensic Sci Int: SynergyForensic Science International: Synergy Forensic Sci Med PatholForensic Science, Medicine and Pathology Forensic Sci Policy ManageForensic Science Policy and Management Forensic Sci ProgForensic Science Progress Forensic Sci RevForensic Science Review Forensic ToxicolForensic Toxicology Forsch FortschrForschungen und Fortschritte Forsch IngenieurwesForschung im Ingenieurwesen Forscharb Publ JahreForschungsarbeiten und Publikationen im Jahre Forth Nat HistForth Naturalist and Historian Fortschr Chem ForschFortschritte der Chemischen Forschung Fortschr Chem Phys Phys ChemFortschritte der Chemie, Physik und Physikalischen Chemie Fortschr FischwissFortschritte der Fischereiwissenschaft Fortschr Geb RontgenstrFortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr NuklearmedFortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und Nuklearmedizine Fortschr Hochpolym ForschFortschritte der Hochpolymoren-Forschung Fortschr MineralFortschritte der Mineralogie Fortschr Mineral Kristallog PetrogrFortschritte der Mineralogie, Kristallograhie, und Petrographie Fortschr Neurol PsychiatrFortschritte der Neurologie-Psychiatrie Fortschr PhysFortschritte der Physik Fortschr Phys ChemFortschritte der Physikalischen Chemie Fortschr StrahlenschutzFortschritte im Strahlenschutz Fortschr Teerfarbenfabr Verw IndustriezweigeFortschritte der Teerfarben fabrikation und Verwandter Industriezweige Fortschr VerfahrenstechFortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt AFortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung A: Grundlagen der Verfahrenstechnik Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt BFortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung B: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt CFortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung C: Thermische Verfahrenstechnik Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt DFortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung D: Reaktionstechnik Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt EFortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung E: Planung und Betrieb Von Anlagen Fortschr Verfahrenstech Abt FFortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik Abteilung F: Spezielle Technologien Fortschr Zool (N F)Fortschritte der Zoologie Neue Folge Fortschrittsber Dtschen Keram GesFortschriftsberiche der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft Fossil RecFossil Record Found ChemFoundations of Chemistry Found PhysFoundations of Physics Found Phys LettFoundation of Physics Letters Fragance JFragrance Journal Fragm BalcFragmenta Balcanica Fragm Florist GeobotFragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica France-Eco-PecheFrance-Eco-Peche Free Radical Biol MedFree Radical Biology and Medicine Free Radical ResFree Radical Research Free Radicals AntioxidFree Radicals and Antioxidants Freiberg Forschungsh AFreiberger Forschungshefte A Frente MaritFrente Maritimo Fresenius Environ BullFresenius Environment bulletin Fresenius J Anal ChemFresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry Freshw Aquac Contents TablesFreshwater and Aquaculture Contents Tables (FACT) Freshw BiolFreshwater Biology Freshw FishFreshwater Fisheries Freshw Fish ResFreshwater Fisheries Research Freshw Fishfarm Prod Dep Fish (Thail)Freshwater Fishfarm Production Department of Fisheries (Thailand) Freshw ForumFreshwater Forum Freshw Mar AquarFreshwater and Marine Aquarium Freshw Salmon Fish ResFreshwater and Salmon Fisheries Research Front Aging NeurosciFrontiers in Aging Neuroscience Front Agric Sci EngFrontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering Front Appl Math StatFrontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics Front Aquat PhysiolFrontiers in Aquatic Physiology Front Artif IntellFrontiers in Artificial Intelligence Front Astron Space SciFrontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences Front Behav NeurosciFrontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Front Big DataFrontiers in Big Data Front Bioeng BiotechnolFrontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Front BiogeogrFrontiers of Biogeography Front BlockchainFrontiers in Blockchain Front Built EnvironFrontiers in Built Environment Front Cardiovasc MedFrontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine Front Cell Dev BiolFrontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology Front Cell Infect MicrobiolFrontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Front Cell NeurosciFrontiers in Cellular Neuroscience Front ChemFrontiers in Chemistry Front Chem ChinaFrontiers of Chemistry in China Front Chem Eng ChinaFrontiers of Chemical Engineering in China Front Chem Sci EngFrontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering Front Comput NeurosciFrontiers in Computational Neuroscience Front Drug Des DiscoveryFrontiers in Drug Design and Discovery Front Earth SciFrontiers in Earth Science Front Earth Sci ChinaFrontiers of Earth Science in China Front Ecol EnvironFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment Front Electr Electron Eng ChinaFrontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China Front EndocrinolFrontiers in Endocrinology Front Energy Power Eng ChinaFrontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China Front Energy ResFrontiers in Energy Research Front Environ SciFrontiers in Environmental Science Front Environ Sci Eng ChinaFrontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China Front Evol NeurosciFrontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience Front For Global ChangeFrontiers in Forests and Global Change Front GenetFrontiers in Genetics Front Hum NeurosciFrontiers in Human Neuroscience Front ImmunolFrontiers in Immunology Front Integr NeurosciFrontiers in Integrative Neuroscience Front Mar SciFrontiers in Marine Science Front MaterFrontiers in Materials Front Mater Sci ChinaFrontiers of Materials Science in China Front Mech EngFrontiers in Mechanical Engineering Front Mech Eng ChinaFrontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China Front MedFrontiers in Medicine Front MicrobiolFrontiers in Microbiology Front Mol BiosciFrontiers in Molecular Biosciences Front Mol NeurosciFrontiers in Molecular Neuroscience Front Neural CircuitsFrontiers in Neural Circuits Front NeuroanatFrontiers in Neuroanatomy Front Neuroendocr SciFrontiers in Neuroendocrine Science Front NeuroenergFrontiers in Neuroenergetics Front NeuroengFrontiers in Neuroengineering Front NeuroinfFrontiers in Neuroinformatics Front NeurolFrontiers in Neurology Front NeurorobFrontiers in Neurorobotics Front NeurosciFrontiers in Neuroscience Front NutrFrontiers in Nutrition Front OncolFrontiers in Oncology Front PediatrFrontiers in Pediatrics Front PharmacolFrontiers in Pharmacology Front PhysFrontiers in Physics Front PhysiolFrontiers in Physiology Front Plant SciFrontiers in Plant Science Front PsychiatryFrontiers in Psychiatry Front PsycholFrontiers in Psychology Front Public HealthFrontiers in Public Health Front Res Metrics AnalFrontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics Front Rob AIFrontiers in Robotics and AI Front Sci SerFrontier Science Series Front Sustainable Food SystFrontiers in Sustainable Food Systems Front Synaptic NeurosciFrontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience Front Syst NeurosciFrontiers in Systems Neuroscience Front Vet SciFrontiers in Veterinary Science Front Young MindsFrontiers for Young Minds Front ZoolFrontiers in Zoology FTFI RappFTFI Rapport Fuel Cells BullFuel Cells Bulletin Fuel Process TechnolFuel Processing Technology Fuel Sci Technol IntFuel Science and Technology International Fujitsu Sci Tech JFujitsu Scientific & Technical Journal Fullerene Sci TechnolFullerene Science and Technology Fullerenes Nanotubes Carbon NanostructFullerence, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures Funct Compos MaterFunctional Composite Materials Funct Compos StructFunctional Composites and Structures Funct EcolFunctional Ecology Funct Integr GenomicsFunctional and Integrative Genomics Funct Plant BiolFunctional Plant Biology Fundam Appl LimnolFundamental and Applied Limnology Fundam Appl ToxicolFundamental and Applied Toxicology Fundam Clin PharmacolFundamental and Clinical Pharmacology Fungal Biol BiotechnolFungal Biology and Biotechnology Fungal Biol RevFungal Biology Reviews Fungal EcolFungal Ecology Fungal Genet EcolFungal Genetics and Ecology Fusion Eng DesFusion Engineering and Design Fusion Sci TechnolFusion Science and Technology Fusion TechnolFusion Technology Future Comput Inf JFuture Computing and Informatics Journal Future Drug DiscoveryFuture Drug Discovery Future Gener Comput SystFuture Generation Computer Systems Future Med ChemFuture Medicinal Chemistry Future OncolFuture Oncology Future Sci OAFuture Science OA Fuzzy Inf EngFuzzy Information and Engineering Fuzzy Sets SystFuzzy Sets and Systems G Bot ItalGiornale Botanico Italiano G3: Genes, Genomes, GenetG3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics GalvanotechnikGalvanotechnik GAMS J Math Math BiosciGAMS Journal of Mathematics and Mathemaical Biosciences Gas Sep PurifGas Separation and Purification Gaswaerme IntGaswaerme International Gayana BotGayana Botanica Gayana ZoolGayana Zoologica Gazz Chim ItalGazzetta Chimica Italiana GCB BioenergyGCB Bioenergy Gefahrstoffe - Reinhalt LuftGefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft Gegenbaurs Morphol JahrbGegenbaurs Morphologisches Jahrbuch Gems GemolGems & Gemology Gen Comp EndocrinolGeneral and Comparative Endocrinology Gen Educ Ser Dep Fish Oceans (Can)General Education Series Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada) Gen Relativ GravitationGeneral Relativity and Gravitation Gen Tech Rep Dep Agric (US)General Technical Report Department of Agriculture (US) Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For ServGeneral Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, Intermt Res StnGeneral Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, North Cent For Exp StnGeneral Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, Pac Northwest Res StnGeneral Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, Pac Southwest For Range Exp StnGeneral Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, Rocky Mt For Range Exp StnGeneral Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Gen Tech Rep US Dep Agric For Serv, Southeast For Exp StnGeneral Technical Report US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station Gen Topol ApplGeneral Topology and its Applications GeneGene Gene Regul Syst BiolGene Regulation and Systems Biology Gene TherGene Therapy Genes EnvironGenes and Environment Genes ImmunGenes and Immunity Genes NutrGenes & Nutrition Genet Anal - Biomol EngGenetic Analysis - Biomolecular Engineering Genet MedGenetics in Medicine Genet Res IntGenetics Research International Genet Sel EvolGenetics, Selection, Evolution Genet Test Mol BiomarkersGenetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers GeneticaGenetica GeneticsGenetics GenetikaGenetika Genome BiolGenome Biology Genome Biol EvolGenome Biology and Evolution Genome IntegrGenome Integrity Genome MedGenome Medicine Genomic Med, Biomarkers, Heath SciGenomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and Health Science Genomics DataGenomics Data Genomics InsightsGenomics Insights Genomics Proteomics BioinfGenomics Proteomics & Bioinformatcs GEO AustralasGEO Australasia Geocarto IntGeocarto International Geochem Explor Environ AnalGeochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis Geochem Geophys GeosystGeochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems Geochem IntGeochemistry International Geochem JGeochemical Journal Geochem PerspectGeochemical Perspectives Geochem TransGeochemical Transactions Geochim Cosmochim ActaGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta GeochimicaGeochimica Geod GeodynGeodesy and Geodynamics Geod Geophys VeroeffGeodaetische und Geophysikalische Veroeffentlichungen Geodermal RegGeodermal Regional Geofís IntGeofísica Internacional Geofis IntGeofisica Internacional GeoforumGeoforum Geog AnalGeographical Analysis Geogr Ann Ser A Phys GeogrGeografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography Geogr EnvironGeography and Environment Geogr JThe Geographical Journal Geogr MetrastGeografijos Metrastis Geogr Mirovogo OkeanaGeografiya Mirovogo Okeana Geogr ResGeographical Research GeografijaGeografija GeoJournalGeoJournal GeokhimiyaGeokhimiya Geol Foeren Stockholm FoerhGeologiska Foereningens i Stockholm Foerhandlingar Geol GeofizGeologiya i Geofizika Geol JGeological Journal Geol JahrbGeologisches Jahrbuch Geol MagGeological Magazine Geol MediterrGeologie Mediterraneenne Geol MijnbGeologie en Mijnbouw Geol MijnbouwGeologie en Mijnbouw Geol Ore DepositsGeology of Ore Deposits Geol PalaeontolGeologica et Palaeontologica Geol RundschGeologische Rundschau Geol Soc Am BullGeological Society of America Bulletin Geol Soc Spec PublGeological Society Special Publication Geol TodayGeology Today Geol ZhGeologicheskij Zhurnal GeologyGeology Geomag AeronGeomagnetism and Aeronomy Geo-Mar LettGeo-Marine Letters Geomatics Nat Hazards RiskGeomatics, Natural Hazards And Risk Geomech Energy EnvironGeomechanics for Energy and the Environment Geomech GeoengGeomechanics and Geoengineering Geomech TunnellingGeomechanics and Tunnelling Geomicrobiol JGeomicrobiology Journal GeomorphologyGeomorphology Geophys Astrophys Fluid DynGeophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Geophys Bull Hokkaido UnivGeophysical Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Geophys Fluid DynGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Geophys JGeophysical Journal Geophys J IntGeophysical Journal International Geophys J R Astron SocGeophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Geophys MagGeophysical Magazine Geophys ProspectGeophysical Prospecting Geophys Res LettGeophysical Research Letters GeophysicaGeophysica GeophysicsGeophysics Geosci CanGeoscience Canada Geosci Data JGeoscience Data Journal Geosci FrontGeoscience Frontiers Geosci Instrum Methods Data SystGeoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Geosci Instrum Methods Data Syst DiscussGeoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions Geosci JGeosciences Journal Geosci Model DevGeoscientific Model Development Geosci Model Dev DiscussGeoscientific Model Development Discussions Geostand Geoanal ResGeostandards and Geoanalytical Research Geotech Geol EngGeotechnical and Geological Engineering Geotech Test JGeotechnical Testing Journal GeotechniqueGeotechnique GeotectonicsGeotectonics Geotext GeomembrGeotextiles and Geomembranes Geotherm Energy SciGeothermal Energy Science GeothermicsGeothermics GeoTimesGeoTimes GEO-UNAMGEO-UNAM GeowissenschaftenGeowissenschaften Ger ResGerman Research Gerlands Beitr GeophysGerlands Beitrage zur Geophysik Gesammelte SonderdrGesammelte Sonderdrucke Gesund IngGesundheits-Ingenier Gesund UmwelttechGesundheits- und Umwelttechnik Gesundheitsschutz UmwelttechGesundsheitsschutz und Umwelttechnik Gewaessergueteber Landesamt Wasser Abfall (Nordrh-Westfal)Gewaesserguetebericht Landesamt fuer Wasser und Abfall (Nordrhein-Westfalen) GFCM Inf BullGeneral Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Information Bulletin GFCM Proc Tech PapGeneral Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Proceedings and Technical Paper GFCM Sess RepGeneral Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Session Report GFCM Stat BullGeneral Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Statistical Bulletin GFCM Stud RevGeneral Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Studies and Reviews GFCM Work DocGeneral Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Working Documents GFFGeologiska Foereningens i Stockholm Foerhandlingar Gidrobiol ZhGidrobiologicheskij Zhurnal GigaScienceGigaScience GISci Remote SensGIScience & Remote Sensing GIT Labor FachzGIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift Glasgow Math JGlasgow Mathematical Journal Glass CeramGlass and Ceramics Glass Phys ChemGlass Physics and Chemistry Glass ResGlass Research Glass Sci TechnolGlass Science and Technology Glass TechnolGlass Technology Glass Technol: Eur J Glass Sci Technol, Part AGlass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology, Part A Global Atmos Ocean SystGlobal Atmosphere and Ocean System Global Biogeochem CyclesGlobal Biogeochemical Cycles Global Change BiolGlobal Change Biology Global Ecol BiogeogrGlobal Ecology and Biogeography Global Ecol ConservGlobal Ecology and Conservation Global Environ ChangeGlobal Environmental Change Global Food SecurGlobal Food Security Global J Environ SciGlobal Journal of Environmental Sciences Global J Geol SciGlobal Journal of Geological Sciences Global J Pure Appl SciGlobal Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Global Planet ChangeGlobal and Planetary Change Global SustainabilityGlobal Sustainability GLOBEFISH Res ProgrammeGLOBEFISH Res Programme Glycoconjugate JGlycoconjugate Journal GodisnjakGodisnjak Gold BullGold Bulletin Gondwana ResGondwana Research Grain Oil Sci TechnolGrain & Oil Science and Technology Granular MatterGranular Matter Graphene TechnolGraphene Technology Grasas AceitesGrasas y Aceites Grass Forage SciGrass and Forage Science Grassland SciGrassland Science Gravitation CosmolGravitation and Cosmology Green ChemGreen Chemistry Green Chem Lett RevGreen Chemistry Letters and Reviews Green Energy EnvironGreen Energy & Environment Green MaterGreen Materials Green Process Synth,Green Processing and Synthesis Green Sustainable ChemGreen and Sustainable Chemistry Greenhouse Gases Sci TechnolGreenhouse Gases: Science and Technology Greenl GeosciGreenland Geoscience Ground WaterGround Water Ground Water Monit RemGround Water Monitoring and Remediation Ground Water Monit RevGround Water Monitoring Review Groundwater Sustainable DevGroundwater for Sustainable Development Gt Basin NatThe Great Basin Naturalist Gt Basin Nat MemGreat Basin Naturalist Memoirs Gt Lakes EntomolGreat Lakes Entomologist Gt Lakes Res Div PublGreat Lakes Research Division Publication Guide Ser Ohio Sea GrantGuide Series Ohio Sea Grant Gulf Res RepGulf Research Reports GunneriaGunneria Gut MicrobiomeGut Microbiome Gyogyo Yoshokugyo Seisan Tokei NenpoGyogyo Yoshokugyo Seisan Tokei Nenpo Habd SPCHandbook South Pacific Commission HalaszatHalaszat HaliotisHaliotis Hambg KunstnforschHamburger Kunstnforschung Hanbd Commer Fish Prod StatHanbdook on Commercial Fishery Production Statistics Handb Binnenfisch MitteleurHandbuch der Binnenfischerei Mitteleuropas Handb Exp PharmacolHandbook of Experimental Pharmacology Handb Int Zooplankt CollectHandbook to the International Zooplankton Collections Handb Sel Fish StatHanbook on Selected Fishery Statistics HansaHansa Harv Environ Law RevHarvard Environmental Law Review Harv Int Law JHarvard International Law Journal Harv Law JHarvard Law Journal Harvard Data Sci RevHarvard Data Science Review Hawaii Shell NewsHawaiian Shell News HAYATI J BiosciHAYATI Journal of Biosciences Hazard Waste Hazard MaterHazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials Health ExpectationsHealth Expectations Health PhysHealth Physics Healthcare Technol LettHealthcare Technology Letters Healthcare Transform: Artif Intell Autom RobHealthcare Transformation: Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Robotics Healthy Aging ResHealthy Aging Research Heat Mass TransferHeat and Mass Transfer Heat Recovery Syst CHPHeat Recovery Systems and CHP Heat Transfer Asian ResHeat Transfer - Asian Research Heat Transfer EngHeat Transfer Engineering Heat Treat MetHeat Treatment of Metals Helgol Mar ResHelgoland Marine Research Helgol MeeresuntersHelgolaender Meeresuntersuchungen Helgol Wissenschaftliche MeeresuntersHelgolaender Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen Helv Chim ActaHelvetica Chimica Acta Helv Phys ActaHelvetica Physica Acta Her Russ Acad SciHerald of the Russian Academy of Sciences HereditasHereditas HeredityHeredity HerpetologicaHerpetologica Heteroat ChemHeteroatom Chemistry Heterocycl CommunHeterocyclic Communications Heterogen Chem RevHeterogeneous Chemistry Reviews Hidrobiol Publ Hydrobiol Res InstHidrobiologi : Publications of the Hydrobiological Research Institute Hidrobiol, BHidrobiologi Seri B Hidrobiologica (Iztapalapa)Hidrobiologica (Iztapalapa) Hidrogr GodHidrografiski Godisnjak High Energy ChemHigh Energy Chemistry High Energy Density PhysHigh Energy Density Physics High FreqHigh Frequency High Perform PolymHigh Performance Polymers High Power Laser Sci EngHigh Power Laser Science and Engineering High Pressure ResHigh Pressure Research High TempHigh Temperature High Temp Mater Processes (London)High Temperature Materials and Processes High Temp Mater Processes (New York)High Temperature Material Processes High VoltageHigh Voltage Himalayan Chem Pharm BullHimalayan Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin Himalayan GeolHimalayan Geology Himalayan J Environ ZoolHimalayan Journal of Environment and Zoology Hist Florest Aquic CinegHistoria Florestal, Aquicola e Cinegetica Hist Geo Space SciHistory of Geo- and Space Science Hist Rec Aust SciHistorical Records of Australian Science Hist Stat Bull ICCATHistorical Statistical Bulletin International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas Histol HistopatholHistology and Histopathology Holl Shipbuild IntHolland Shipbuilding International Holz Roh WerkstHolz als Roh und Werkstoff Hoppe-Seyler's Z Physiol ChemHoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie Hortic Environ BiotechnolHorticulture, Environment and Biotechnology Hortic Plant JHorticultural Plant Journal Hortic ResHorticulture Research Houille BlancheHouille Blanche Househ Fish Consum G BHousehold Fish Consumption in Great Britain Household Pers Prod IndHousehold & Personal Products Industry HRC J High Resolut ChromatogrHRC Journal of High Resolution Chromatography HTM, Haerterei Tech MitHTM, Haerterei-Technische Mitteilungen Hull Bull Mar EcolHull Bulletins of Marine Ecology Hum AntibodiesHuman Antibodies Hum Behav Emerging TechnolHuman Behavior and Emerging Technologies Hum Brain MappHuman Brain Mapping Hum Dimens WildlHuman Dimensions of Wildlife Hum Ecol Risk AssessHuman & Ecological Risk Assessment Hum Exp ToxicolHuman & Experimental Toxicology Hum Factors Ergon Manuf Serv IndHuman Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries Hum Gene TherHuman Gene Therapy Hum Gene Ther Clin DevHuman Gene Therapy Clinical Development Hum Gene Ther MethodsHuman Gene Therapy Methods Hum Genet Genomics AdvHuman Genetics and Genomics Advances Hum Genome VarHuman Genome Variation Hum Microbiome JHuman Microbiome Journal Hum PatholHuman Pathology Hum Pathol: Case RepHuman Pathology: Case Reports Hum PsychopharmacolHuman Psychopharmacology Hum Psychopharmacol - Clin ExpHuman Psychopharmacology - Clinical and Experimental Hum Syst ManageHuman Systems Management Hung J Ind ChemHungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry Hvalraed Skr Sci Results Mar Biol ResHvalraedets Skrifter : Scientific Results of Marine Biological Research Hydraul Lab Bull, AHydraulic Laboratory Bulletin Series A Hydrobiol BullHydrobiological Bulletin Hydrobiol JHydrobiological Journal HydrobiologiaHydrobiologia HydrobiologyHydrobiology Hydrocarbon EngHydrocarbon Engineering Hydrocarbon Process, Int EdHydrocarbon Processing, International Edition Hydroecol ApplHydroecologie Applique Hydrogeol JHydrogeology Journal HydrogeologieHydrogeologie Hydrogr JHydrographic Journal Hydrol Data U KHydrological Data United Kingdom Hydrol Earth Syst SciHydrology and Earth System Sciences Hydrol Earth Syst Sci DiscussHydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions Hydrol JHydrogeology Journal Hydrol ProcessHydrological Processes Hydrol ProcessesHydrological Processes Hydrol ResHydrology Research Hydrol Sci BullHydrological Sciences Bulletin Hydrol Sci JHydrological Sciences Journal Hydrol WasserbewirtschHydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung Hydrores InfHydrores Information Hyperfine InteractHyperfine Interactions Hypertens ResHypertension Research IAEA BullInternational Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin IAHS PublIAHS Publication IAMSLIC Conf SerIAMSLIC Conference Series IB Sci J SciIB Scientific Journal of Science IbisIbis IBM J Res DevIBM Journal of Research and Development IBM Syst JIBM Systems Journal IBRO RepIBRO Reports ICCAT Proc Spec Meet CommInternational Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas Proceedings of the Special Meeting of the Commission ICES Annu RepICES Annual Report ICES Coop Res RepICES Cooperative Research Report ICES Counc Meet PapICES Council Meeting Papers ICES Fish StatICES Fisheries Statistics ICES Identif Leafl Dis Parasit Fish ShellfishICES Identification Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites of Fish and Shellfish ICES Identif Leafl PlanktonICES Identification Leaflets for Plankton ICES J Mar SciICES Journal of Marine Science ICES Mar Sci SympICES Marine Science Symposia Ichthyol BullIcthyological Bulletin Ichthyol Bull JLB Smith Inst IchthyolIchthyological Bulletin of the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology Ichthyol Explor FreshwIchthyological Exploration of Freshwaters Ichthyophysiol ActaIchthyophysiologica Acta IchtyosIchthyos ICI JICI Journal ICIS Chem BusICIS Chemical Business ICIS Chem Bus AmICIS Chemical Business Americas ICLARM BibliogrICLARM Bibliographies ICLARM Conf ProcICLARM Conference Proceedings ICLARM Educ SerICLARM Education Series ICLARM RepICLARM Report ICLARM SoftwICLARM Software ICLARM Stud RevICLARM Studies and Reviews ICLARM Tech RepICLARM Technical Reports IDA J Desalin Water ReuseIDA Journal of Desalination and Water Reuse IDAF NewslIDAF Newsletter IDRC RepIDRC Reports IEE J Comput Digital TechIEE Journal on Computers and Digital Techniques IEE J Electr Power ApplIEE Journal on Electric Power Applications IEE J Electron Circuits SystIEEE Journal on Electronic Circuits and Systems IEE J Microwaves Antennas PropagIEE Journal on Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation IEE Proc: NanobiotechnolIEE Proceedings: Nanobiotechnology IEE Proc: OptoelectronIEE Proceedings: Optolectronics IEE Proc: Sci Meas TechnolIEE Proceedings: Science, Measurement & Technology IEEE AccessIEEE Access IEEE Aerosp Electron Syst MagIEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine IEEE Ann Hist ComputIEEE Annals of the History of Computing IEEE Antennas Propag MagIEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine IEEE Antennas Wirel Propag LettIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters IEEE Biom CompendIEEE Biometrics Compendium IEEE Circuits Devices MagIEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine IEEE Circuits Syst MagIEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine IEEE Cloud ComputIEEE Cloud Computing IEEE Commun LettIEEE Communications Letters IEEE Commun MagIEEE Communications Magazine IEEE Commun Stand MagIEEE Communications Standards Magazine IEEE Commun Surv TutorialsIEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials IEEE Comput Appl PowerIEEE Computer Applications in Power IEEE Comput Archit LettIEEE Computer Architecture Letters IEEE Comput Graphics ApplIEEE Computer Graphics and Applications IEEE Comput Intell MagIEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine IEEE ConcurrencyIEEE Concurrency IEEE Consum Electron MagIEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine IEEE Control SystIEEE Control Systems IEEE Control Syst LettIEEE Control Systems Letters IEEE Control Syst MagIEEE Control Systems Magazine IEEE Des TestIEEE Design & Test IEEE Des Test ComputIEEE Design and Test of Computers IEEE Distrib Syst OnlineIEEE Distributed Systems Online IEEE Electr Insul MagIEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine IEEE Electrif MagIEEE Electrification Magazine IEEE Electromagn Compat MagIEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine IEEE Electron Device LettIEEE Electron Device Letters IEEE Embedded Sys LettIEEE Embedded Systems Letters IEEE Eng Manage RevIEEE Engineering Management Review IEEE Eng Med Biol MagIEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine IEEE Geosci Remote Sens LettIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters IEEE Geosci Remote Sens MagIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine IEEE Ind Appl MagIEEE Industry Applications Magazine IEEE Ind Electron MagIEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine IEEE Instrum Meas MagIEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine IEEE Intell SystIEEE Intelligent Systems IEEE Intell Transp Syst MagIEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine IEEE Internet ComputIEEE Internet Computing IEEE Internet Things JIEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE IoT JIEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE J Biomed Health InfIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics IEEE J ElectromagnetIEEE Journal of Electromagnetics IEEE J Electron Devices SocIEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society IEEE J Emerging Sel Top Circuits SystIEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems IEEE J Emerging Sel Top Power ElectronIEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics IEEE J Explor Solid-State Comput Devices CircuitsIEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits IEEE J Multiscale Multiphys Comput TechIEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques IEEE J Ocean EngIEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering IEEE J Oceanic EngIEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering IEEE J PhotovoltaicsIEEE Journal of Photovoltaics IEEE J Quantum ElectronIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics IEEE J Radio Freq Identif (RFID)IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) IEEE J Sel Areas CommunIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications IEEE J Sel Top Appl Earth Obs Remote SensIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing IEEE J Sel Top Quantum ElectronIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics IEEE J Sel Top Signal ProcessIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing IEEE J Solid-State CircuitsIEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits IEEE J Transl Eng Health MedIEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine IEEE Lat Am TransIEEE Latin America Transactions IEEE Learn TechnolIEEE Learning Technology IEEE Lett Comput SocIEEE Letters of the Computer Society IEEE Life Sci LettIEEE Life Sciences Letters IEEE Magn LettIEEE Magnetics Letters IEEE MicroIEEE Micro IEEE Microwave MagIEEE Microwave Magazine IEEE Microwave Wireless Compon LettIEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters IEEE MultimediaIEEE Multimedia IEEE Nanatechnol MagIEEE Nanotechnology Magazine IEEE NetworkIEEE Network IEEE Open J Antennas PropagIEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation IEEE Open J Circuits SystIEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems IEEE Open J Commun SocIEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society IEEE Open J Comput SocIEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society IEEE Open J Eng Med BiolIEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology IEEE Open J Ind ApplIEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications IEEE Open J Ind Electron SocIEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society IEEE Open J Intell Transp SystIEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems IEEE Open J Microwave Theory Tech SocIEEE Open Journal of the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society IEEE Open J NanotechnolIEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology IEEE Open J Power ElectronIEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics IEEE Open J Signal ProcessIEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing IEEE Open J Solid-State CircuitsIEEE Open Journal of Solid-State Circuits IEEE Open J Veh TechnolIEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology IEEE Pers CommunIEEE Personal Communications IEEE Pervasive ComputIEEE Pervasive Computing IEEE Photonics JIEEE Photonics Journal IEEE Photonics Technol LettIEEE Photonics Technology Letters IEEE PotentialsIEEE Potentials IEEE Power Electron LettIEEE Power Electronics Letters IEEE Power Electron MagIEEE Power Electronics Magazine IEEE Power Energy MagIEEE Power and Energy Magazine IEEE Power Energy Technol Syst JIEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal IEEE Power Eng RevIEEE Power Engineering Review IEEE PulseIEEE Pulse IEEE Rev Biomed EngIEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering IEEE RFIC Virtual JIEEE RFIC Virtual Journal IEEE RFID Virtual JIEEE RFID Virtual Journal IEEE Rob Autom LettIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters IEEE Rob Autom MagIEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine IEEE Secur PrivacyIEEE Security and Privacy IEEE Sens JIEEE Sensors Journal IEEE Sens LettIEEE Sensors Letters IEEE Signal Process LettIEEE Signal Processing Letters IEEE Signal Process MagIEEE Signal Processing Magazine IEEE SoftwareIEEE Software IEEE Solid-State Circuits LettIEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters IEEE Solid-State Circuits MagIEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine IEEE SpectrIEEE Spectrum IEEE Syst JIEEE Systems Journal IEEE Syst Man Cybern MagIEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine IEEE Technol Soc MagIEEE Technology and Society Magazine IEEE Trans Acoust Speech Signal ProcessIEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing IEEE Trans Adv PackagIEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging IEEE Trans Aerosp Electron SystIEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems IEEE Trans Aerosp Navig ElectronIEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigation Electronics IEEE Trans Affective ComputIEEE Transactions on Affective Computing IEEE Trans Antennas PropagIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation IEEE Trans Appl IndusIEEE Transactions on Applications and Industry IEEE Trans Appl SupercondIEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity IEEE Trans AudioIEEE Transactions on Audio IEEE Trans Audio ElectroacoustIEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics IEEE Trans Audio Speech Lang ProcessIEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing IEEE Trans Autom ControlIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control IEEE Trans Autom Sci EngIEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering IEEE Trans Auton Ment DevIEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development IEEE Trans Big DataIEEE Transactions on Big Data IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits SystIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems IEEE Trans Bio-med ElectronIEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Electronics IEEE Trans Biomed EngIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering IEEE Trans Bio-Med EngIEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering IEEE Trans BroadcastIEEE Transactions on Broadcasting IEEE Trans Broadcast Telev ReceiversIEEE Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers IEEE Trans Cable TelevIEEE Transactions on Cable Television IEEE Trans Circuits Syst I Regul PapIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers IEEE Trans Circuits Syst II Express BriefsIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs IEEE Trans Circuits Syst Video TechnolIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology IEEE Trans Cloud ComputIEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing IEEE Trans Cognit Commun NetworkingIEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking IEEE Trans CommunIEEE Transactions on Communications IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manuf TechnolIEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manuf Technol Part A:IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part A: IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manuf Technol Part B:IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part B: IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manuf Technol Part C:IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part C: IEEE Trans Compon Packag TechnolIEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies IEEE Trans ComputIEEE Transactions on Computers IEEE Trans Comput Aided Des Integr Circuits SystIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems IEEE Trans Comput ImagingIEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging IEEE Trans Comput Intell AI GamesIEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games IEEE Trans Comput Social SystIEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems IEEE Trans Consum ElectronIEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics IEEE Trans Control Network SystIEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems IEEE Trans Control Syst TechnolIEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology IEEE Trans CybernIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics IEEE Trans Dependable Secure ComputIEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing IEEE Trans Device Mater ReliabIEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability IEEE Trans Dielectr Electr InsulIEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation IEEE Trans EducIEEE Transactions on Education IEEE Trans Electromagn CompatIEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Trans Electron DevicesIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices IEEE Trans Electron Packag ManufIEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing IEEE Trans Emerging Top ComputIEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing IEEE Trans Emerging Top Comput IntellIEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence IEEE Trans Energy ConversIEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion IEEE Trans Eng ManageIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management IEEE Trans Evol ComputIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation IEEE Trans Fuzzy SystIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE Trans Geosci Remote SensIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE Trans Green Commun NetworkingIEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking IEEE Trans HapticIEEE Transactions on Haptics IEEE Trans Hum-Mach SystIEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems IEEE Trans Image ProcessIEEE Transactions on Image Processing IEEE Trans Ind ApplIEEE Transactions on Industry Applications IEEE Trans Ind ElectronIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IEEE Trans Ind InfIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics IEEE Trans Inf Forensics SecurIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security IEEE Trans Inf Technol BiomedIEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine IEEE Trans Inf TheoryIEEE Transactions on Information Theory IEEE Trans Instrum MeasIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement IEEE Trans Intell Transp SystIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems IEEE Trans Intell VehIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles IEEE Trans Knowl Data EngIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE Trans Learn TechnolIEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies IEEE Trans MagnIEEE Transactions on Magnetics IEEE Trans Med ImagingIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging IEEE Trans Microwave Theory TechIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques IEEE Trans Mob ComputIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing IEEE Trans Mol Biol Multi-Scale CommunIEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications IEEE Trans MultimediaIEEE Transactions on Multimedia IEEE Trans Multi-Scale Comput SystIEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems IEEE Trans NanobiosciIEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience IEEE Trans NanotechnolIEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology IEEE Trans Netw Serv ManageIEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management IEEE Trans Network Sci EngIEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering IEEE Trans Network Serv ManageIEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management IEEE Trans Neural NetworksIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks IEEE Trans Neural Networks Learn SystIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil EngIEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering IEEE Trans Nucl SciIEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Trans Parallel Distrib SystIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach IntellIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence IEEE Trans Plasma SciIEEE Transactions on Plasma Science IEEE Trans Power DeliveryIEEE Transactions on Power Delivery IEEE Trans Power ElectronIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE Trans Power SystIEEE Transactions on Power Systems IEEE Trans Prof CommunIEEE Transactions on Professional Communication IEEE Trans Radiat Plasma Med SciIEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences IEEE Trans ReliabIEEE Transactions on Reliability IEEE Trans RobIEEE Transactions on Robotics IEEE Trans Semicond ManufIEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing IEEE Trans Serv ComputIEEE Transactions on Services Computing IEEE Trans Signal Inf Process NetworksIEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks IEEE Trans Signal ProcessIEEE Transactions on Signal Processing IEEE Trans Smart GridIEEE Transactions on Smart Grid IEEE Trans Software EngIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IEEE Trans Space Electron TelemIEEE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry IEEE Trans Sustainable ComputIEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing IEEE Trans Sustainable EnergyIEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part A Syst HumansIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part B CybernIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part B: Cybernetics IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part C Appl RevIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews IEEE Trans Terahertz Sci TechnolIEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology IEEE Trans Transp ElectrifIEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq ControlIEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control IEEE Trans Veh TechnolIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology IEEE Trans Very Large Scale Integr VLSI SystIEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems IEEE Trans Visual Comput GraphicsIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE Trans Wireless CommunIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications IEEE Transl J Magn JpnIEEE Translation Journal on Magnetics in Japan IEEE Veh Technol MagIEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine IEEE Wireless CommunIEEE Wireless Communications IEEE Wireless Commun LettIEEE Wireless Communications Letters IEEE Women Eng MagIEEE Women in Engineering Magazine IEEE/ACM Trans Audio Speech Lang ProcessIEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol BioinfIEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics IEEE/ACM Trans NetworkingIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking IEEE/ASME Trans MechatronIEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics IEEE/CAA J Autom SinIEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica IEEE/OSA J Disp TechnolIEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology IEEE/OSA J Opt Commun NetworkingIEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking IEEJ Trans Electr Electron EngIEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering IEICE Trans CommunIEICE Transactions on Communications IEICE Trans ElectronIEICE Transactions on Electronics IEICE Trans Fundam Electron Commun Comput SciIEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Science IEICE Trans Inf SystIEICE Transactions on Information and Systems IET BiomIET Biometrics IET Circuits Devices SystIET Circuits, Devices and Systems IET Collab Intell ManufIET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing IET CommunIET Communications IET Commun EngIET Communications Engineer IET Comput Digital TechIET Computers and Digital Techniques IET Comput VisionIET Computer Vision IET Control Theory ApplIET Control Theory and Applications IET Cyber-Phys Syst: Theor ApplIET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications IET Electr Power ApplIET Electric Power Applications IET Electr Syst TranspIET Electrical Systems in Transportation IET Electron Syst SoftwareIET Electronics Systems and Software IET Energy Syst IntegrIET Energy Systems Integration IET Eng ManageIET Engineering Management IET Gener Transm DistribIET Generation, Transmission and Distribution IET Image ProcIET Image Processing IET Inf SecurIET Information Security IET Intel Transport SystIET Intelligent Transport Systems IET ManufIET Manufacturing IET Micro Nano LettIET Micro & Nano Letters IET Microwaves Antennas PropagIET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation IET NanobiotechnolIET Nanobiotechnology IET NanodielectrIET Nanodielectrics IET NetworksIET Networks IET OptoelectronIET Optoelectronics IET Power ElectronIET Power Electronics IET Power EngIET Power Engineer IET Proc: Sci Meas TechnolIET Proceedings: Science, Measurement & Technology IET Quantum CommunIET Quantum Communication IET Radar Sonar NavigIET Radar, Sonar and Navigation IET Renewable Power GenerIET Renewable Power Generation IET Sci Meas TechnolIET Science, Measurement and Technology IET Signal ProcIET Signal Processing IET Smart CitiesIET Smart Cities IET Smart GridIET Smart Grid IET SoftwareIET Software IET Synth BiolIET Synthetic Biology IET Syst BiolIET Systems Biology IET Wireless Sens SystIET Wireless Sensor Systems IFAC J Syst ControlIFAC Journal of Systems and Control IFM RappIFM Rapport IFREMER Actes ColloqInstitut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer Actes de Colloques Ig ModIgiene Moderna IIE TransIIE Transactions IIE Trans Occup Ergon Hum FactorsIIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics & Human Factors IIED PerspectIIED Perspect ILEIA NewslILEIA Newsletter Ill Biol MonogrIllinois Biological Monographs IllaheeIllahee IMA J Appl MathIMA Journal of Applied Mathematics IMA J Manage MathIMA Journal of Management Mathematics IMA J Math Control InfIMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information IMA J Numer AnalIMA Journal of Numerical Analysis Image Vision ComputImage and Vision Computing Immun Inflammation DisImmunity, Inflammation and Disease Immunol Cell BiolImmunology & Cell Biology Immunol RevImmunological Reviews Implementation Sci CommunImplementation Science Communications In Silico BiolIn Silico Biology In Silico PlantsIn Silico Plants In Vitro Cell Dev Biol AnimIn Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology: Animal In Vitro Cell Dev Biol PlantIn Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology: Plant Incontr TecnDagli Incontri Tecnici Ind AlimentIndustrie Alimentari Ind BiotechnolIndustrial Biotechnology Ind Crops ProdIndustrial Crops and Products Ind Diamond RevIndustrial Diamond Review Ind Eng Chem Anal EdIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition Ind Eng Chem Chem Eng Data SeriesIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Chemical & Engineering Data Series Ind Eng Chem FundamIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals Ind Eng Chem Process Des DevIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development Ind Eng Chem Prod Res DevIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Product Research and Development Ind Eng Chem ResIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry Research Ind PesqIndustrias Pesqueras Indian Chem EngIndian Chemical Engineer Indian Foundry JIndian Foundry Journal Indian J Agric ChemIndian Journal of Agricultural Chemistry Indian J Agric Environ Bio-TechnolIndian Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bio-Technology Indian J AgronIndian Journal of Agronomy Indian J Anim SciIndian Journal of Animal Sciences Indian J BiochemIndian Journal of Biochemistry Indian J Biochem BiophysIndian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics Indian J BotIndian Journal of Botany Indian J Chem TechnolIndian Journal of Chemical Technology Indian J Chem, BIndian Journal of Chemistry Section B Organic including Medicinal Indian J Chem, Sect AIndian Journal of Chemistry Section A: Inorganic, Bio-inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry Indian J Chem, Sect BIndian Journal of Chemistry Section B: Organic Chemistry including Medicinal Chemistry Indian J Clin BiochemIndian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Indian J Earth SciIndian Journal of Earth Sciences Indian J EcolIndian Journal of Ecology Indian J Eng Mater SciIndian Journal of Engineering and Materials Science Indian J EntomolIndian Journal of Entomology Indian J Environ EcoplannIndian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning Indian J Environ ProtIndian Journal of Environmental Protection Indian J Exp BiolIndian Journal of Experimental Biology Indian J Fibre Text ResIndian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research Indian J FishIndian Journal of Fisheries Indian J Forensic Med ToxicolIndian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Indian J Forensic SciIndian Journal of Forensic Sciences Indian J GeochemIndian Journal of Geochemistry Indian J Heterocycl ChemIndian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry Indian J HorticIndian Journal of Horticulture Indian J Ind Appl MathIndian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Indian J Mar SciIndian Journal of MarineSciences Indian J Nat ProdIndian Journal of Natural Products Indian J NematolIndian Journal of Nematology Indian J PhysIndian Journal of Physics Indian J Pure Appl PhysIndian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics Indian J Radio Space PhysIndian Journal of Radio & Space Physics Indian J TechnolIndian Journal of Technology Indian J ZootomyIndian Journal of Zootomy Indian Ocean Policy PapIndian Ocean Policy Papers Indian Ocean Tuna NewsIndian Ocean Tuna News Indones AbstrIndonesian Abstracts Indones Agric Res Dev JIndonesian Agricultural Research and Development Journal Indoor Built EnvironIndoor and Built Environment Indo-Pac FishIndo-Pacific Fishes Indo-Pac Fish Counc ProcIndo-Pacific Fisheries Council Proceedings Indo-Pac Fish Counc Spec PublIndo-Pacific Fisheries Council Special Publications Indo-Pac Tuna Dev Manage ProgrammeIndo-Pacific Tuna Development and Management Programme Inf Espec Cent Invest Cient Educ Super EnsenadaInforme Especial Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada Inf FischwirtschInformationen fuer die Fischwirtschaft Inf Fischwirtsch AuslInformationen ueber die Fischwirtschaft des Auslandes Inf Inst Mar PeruInforme Instituto del Mar del Peru Inf Med UnlockedInformatics in Medicine Unlocked Inf Mus Mar BogotaInforme Museo del Mar, Bogota Inf Oceanogr Cent Colomb Datos OceanogrInformes Oceanograficos Centro Colombiano de Datos Oceanograficos Inf Process LettInformation Processing Letters Inf ProfInformation Professional Inf SCARInforme del SCAR Inf Ser Dep Primary Ind (Qld)Information Series Department of Primary Industries (Queensland) Inf Syst ResInformation Systems Research Inf Tec Dep Aguas Cont Inst Nac Invest Desarro Pesq (Argent)Informes Tecnicos del Departamento de Aguas Continentales, Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pesquero (Argentina) Inf Tec Inst Esp OceanogrInformes Tecnicos Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia Inf Tec Inst Invest PesqInformes Tecnicos del Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras Inf Tec Inst Nac Pesca (Urug)Informe Tecnico Instituto Nacional de Pesca (Uruguay) Inf Tec Sci MarInformes Tecnicos de Scientia Marina INFIS NewslINFIS Newsletter INFOFISH IntINFOFISH International INFOFISH Tech HandbINFOFISH Technical Handbook INFOFISH Trade NewsINFOFISH Trade News INFOPECHE Trade NewsINFOPECHE Trade News INFOSAMAK Fact SheetINFOSAMAK Fact Sheet INFOSAMAK Trade NewsINFOSAMAK Trade News Infrared Phys TechnolInfrared Physics and Technology Ing ArchIngenieur Archiv Ing CompetIngenieria y Competitividad Ing QuimIngeniera Quimica (Madrid) Inhalation ToxicolInhalation Toxicology INIDEP Doc CientINIDEP Documento Cientifico INIDEP Inf TecINIDEP Informe Tecnico Innovative Food Sci Emerg TechnolInnovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies Inorg ChemInorganic Chemistry Inorg Chem CommunInorganic Chemistry Communications Inorg Chem FrontInorganic Chemistry Frontiers Inorg Chim ActaInorganica Chimica Acta Inorg MaterInorganic Materials Inorg Mater Appl ResInorganic Materials: Applied Research Inorg Nucl Chem LettInorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters Inorg React MechInorganic Reaction Mechanisms Inorg SynthInorganic Syntheses Insect Biochem Mol BiolInsect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Insect Conserv DiversityInsect Conservation and Diversity Insect Mol BiolInsect Molecular Biology Insect SciInsect Sci Insect Syst DiversityInsect Systematics and Diversity Insectes SocInsectes Sociaux Inside CellInside the Cell Insp Rep US Army Eng Waterw Exp StnInspection Report US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Inst Mar Environ Res RepInstitute of Marine Environmental Research Report Instrum Exp TechInstruments and Experiment Techniques Instrum Sci TechnolInstrumentation Science and Technology Insula Bol Horto BotInsula: Boletim do Horto Botanico Int AgrophysInternational Agrophysics Int Appl MechInternational Applied Mechanics Int Aquat Res,International Aquatic Research Int Biodeterior BiodegradInternational Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Int Commun Heat Mass TransferInternational Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer Int Dairy JInternational Dairy Journal Int DATA Ser, Sel Data Mixtures, Ser AInternational DATA Series, Selected Data on Mixtures, Series A Int Decad Ocean Explor Prog RepInternational Decade of Ocean Exploration Progress Report Int Desalin Water Reuse QInternational Desalination & Water Reuse Quarterly Int Fish Vessel ConstrInternational Fishing Vessel Construction Int Geol RevInternational Geology Review Int Hydrogr BullInternational Hydrographic Bulletin Int Hydrogr RevThe International Hydrographic Review Int ImmunopharmacolInternational Immunopharmacology Int Indian Ocean Exped Collect ReprInternational Indian Ocean Expedition Collected Reprints Int J Abras TechnolInternational Journal of Abrasive Technology Int J Acoust VibrInternational Journal of Acoustics and Vibrations Int J Ad Hoc Ubiquitous ComputInternational Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing Int J Adapt Control Signal ProcessInternational Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing Int J Adhes AdhesInternational Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives Int J Adv Manuf TechnolInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Int J Adv Nucl Reactor Des TechnolInternational Journal of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Design and Technology Int J Adv Rob SystInternational Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems Int J Adv Struct EngInternational Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering Int J AeroacoustInternational Journal of Aeroacoustics Int J AerodynInternational Journal of Aerodynamics Int J Aeronaut Space SciInternational Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences Int J Aerosp EngInternational Journal of Aerospace Engineering Int J Agent-Oriented Software EngInternational Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Int J Agile ManufInternational Journal of Agile Manufacturing Int J Agric Biol EngInternational Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Int J AgronInternational Journal of Agronomy Int J Air Water PollutInternational Journal of Air and Water Pollution Int J AlgaeInternational Journal on Algae Int J Altern PropulInternational Journal of Alternative Propulsion Int J Ambient EnergyInternational Journal of Ambient Energy Int J Anal ChemInternational Journal of Analytical Chemistry Int J Antennas PropagInternational Journal of Antennas and Propagation Int J Antimicrob AgentsInternational Journal of Antimicrobial Agents Int J Appl Ceram TechnolInternational Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology Int J Appl ChemInternational Journal of Applied Chemistry Int J Appl Earth Obs GeoinfInternational Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Int J Appl Electromagnet MechInternational Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics Int J Appl Glass SciInternational Journal of Applied Glass Science Int J Appl MathInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics Int J Appl Math Comput SciInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Int J Appl Radiat IsotInternational Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes Int J Appl Sci TechnolInternational Journal of Applied Science and Technology Int J Appl Syst StudInternational Journal of Applied Systemic Studies Int J Approximate ReasoningInternational Journal of Approximate Reasoning Int J AromatherInternational Journal of Aromatherapy Int J Artif Intell EducInternational Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education Int J Artif Intell ToolsInternational Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools Int J Artif OrgansInternational Journal of Artificial Organs Int J AstrobiolInternational Journal of Astrobiology Int J Autom ComputInternational Journal of Automation and Computing Int J Autom ControlInternational Journal of Automation and Control Int J Automot TechnolInternational Journal of Automotive Technology Int J Automot Technol ManageInternational Journal of Automotive Technology and Management Int J Bifurcation ChaosInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos Int J Bifurcation Chaos Appl Sci EngInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering Int J BiochemInternational Journal of Biochemistry Int J Biochem Cell BiolInternational Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology Int J BioChemiPhysicsInternational Journal of BioChemiPhysics Int J Bio-ChromatogrInternational Journal of Biochromatography Int J Bioclimatol BiometeorolInternational Journal of Bioclimatology and Biometeorology Int J Biodivers Sci ManageInternational Journal of Biodiversity Science & Management Int J Bioinf Res ApplInternational Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications Int J Biol BiotechInternational Journal of Biology and Biotechnology Int J Biol ChemInternational Journal of Biological Chemistry Int J Biol MacromolInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules Int J Biol MarkersInternational Journal of Biological Markers Int J BiomaterInternational Journal of Biomaterials Int J Bio-Med ComputInternational Journal of Bio-Medical Computing Int J Biomed EngInternational Journal of Biomedical Engineering Int J Biomed Eng TechnolInternational Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology Int J Biomed ImagingInternational Journal of Biomedical Imaging Int J Biomed SciInternational Journal of Biomedical Sciences Int J BiometeorolInternational Journal of Biometeorology Int J BiotechnolInternational Journal of Biotechnology Int J CancerInternational Journal of Cancer Int J Cardiol Heart VesselsInternational Journal of Cardiology-Heart & Vessels Int J Cardol Metab EndocrInternational Journal of Cardiology-Metabolic & Endocrine Int J Cast Met ResInternational Journal of Cast Metals Research Int J Cell BiolInternational Journal of Cell Biology Int J Cem Compos Lightweight ConcreteInternational Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete Int J Ceram Eng SciInternational Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science Int J Chem Anal SciInternational Journal of Chemical and Analytical Science Int J Chem EngInternational Journal of Chemical Engineering Int J Chem KinetInternational Journal of Chemical Kinetics Int J Chem ModelInternational Journal of Chemical Modeling Int J Chem Reactor EngInternational Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering Int J Chem ScInternational Journal of Chemical Sciences Int J Child-Comput InteractInternational Journal of Child-Computer Interaction Int J Circuit Theory ApplInternational Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications Int J Clim Change Strategies ManageInternational Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management Int J ClimatolInternational Journal of Climatology Int J Clin Exp MedInternational Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Int J Clin Exp PathInternational Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology Int J Clin Lab ResInternational Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Research Int J Coal GeolInternational Journal of Coal Geology Int J COMADEMInternational Journal of COMADEM Int J Commun SystInternational Journal of Communication Systems Int J Comput ApplInternational Journal of Computers and Applications Int J Comput Appl TechnolInternational Journal of Computer Applications in Technology Int J Comput Fluid DynInternational Journal of Fluid Dynamics Int J Comput Games TechnolInternational Journal of Computer Games Technology Int J Comput Intell ApplInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications Int J Comput Mater Sci Surf EngInternational Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering Int J Comput Math LearnInternational Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning Int J Comput MethodsInternational Journal of Computational Methods Int J Comput Methods Eng Sci MechInternational Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics Int J Comput Methods Exp MeasInternational Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements Int J Comput Sci EngInternational Journal of Computational Science and Engineering Int J Comput Sci MathInternational Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics Int J Comput VisionInternational Journal of Computer Vision Int J Computer Integr ManufInternational Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Int J Condens Matter ResInternational Journal of Condensed Matter Research Int J ControlInternational Journal of Control Int J Control Autom SystInternational Journal of Control, Automation and Systems Int J CorrosInternational Journal of Corrosion Int J Cosmet SciInternational Journal of Cosmetic Science Int J CrashworthinessInternational Journal of Crashworthiness Int J Crit InfrastructInternational Journal of Critical Infrastructures Int J Crit Infrastruct ProtInternational Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection Int J Crowd SciInternational Journal of Crowd Science Int J Curr ChemInternational Journal of Current Chemistry Int J Curr Trends Sci TechnolInternational Journal of Current Trends in Science and Technology Int J Dairy TechnolInternational Journal of Dairy Technology Int J Damage MechInternational Journal of Damage Mechanics Int J Data Warehouse MinInternational Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining Int J DentInternational Journal of Dentistry Int J Dent Sci ResInternational Journal of Dental Science and Research Int J Des NatInternational Journal of Design and Nature Int J Des Nat EcodynInternational Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics Int J Dev BiolInternational Journal of Developmental Biology Int J Dev NeurosciInternational Journal of Developmental Neuroscience Int J Dev SciInternational Journal of Developmental Science Int J Differ EquationsInternational Journal of Differential Equations Int J Digital EarthInternational Journal of Digital Earth Int J Digital Multimedia BroadcastInternational Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting Int J Disaster Risk ReductInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Int J Distrib Sens NetwInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks Int J Doc Anal RecognInternational Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition Int J Drug PolicyInternational Journal on Drug Policy Int J Dyn Syst Differ EquationsInternational Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations Int J Earth SciInternational Journal of Earth Sciences Int J EcodynInternational Journal of Ecodynamics Int J EcolInternational Journal of Ecology Int J Electr Comput Syst EngInternational Journal of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering Int J Electr EngInternational Journal of Electrical Engineering Int J Electr Eng EducInternational Journal of Electrical Engineering Education Int J Electr Hybrid VehInternational Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Int J Electr Power Energy SystInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Int J ElectrochemInternational Journal of Electrochemistry Int J Electrochem SciInternational Journal of Electrochemical Science Int J ElectronInternational Journal of Electronics Int J Electron Secur Digit ForensicsInternational Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics Int J Embedded SystInternational Journal of Embedded Systems Int J Emergency ManageInternational Journal of Emergency Management Int J Emerging Electr Power SystInternational Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems Int J EndocrinolInternational Journal of Endocrinology Int J Endocrinol MetabInternational Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism Int J Energy EnvironInternational Journal of Energy and Environment Int J Energy ResInternational Journal of Energy Research Int J Energy Sect ManageInternational Journal of Energy Sector Management Int J EngInternational Journal of Engineering Int J Eng Bus ManageInternational Journal of Engineering Business Management Int J Eng EducInternational Journal of Engineering Education Int J Eng MathInternational Journal of Engineering Mathematics Int J Eng ModelInternational Journal for Engineering Modelling Int J Eng Res AfrInternational Journal of Engineering Research in Africa Int J Eng SciInternational Journal of Engineering Science Int J Eng Trans AInternational Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics Int J Eng Trans BInternational Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications Int J Engine ResInternational Journal of Engine Research Int J Enterp Inf SystInternational Journal of Enterprise Information Systems Int J Environ Anal ChemInternational Journal of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry Int J Environ ImpactsInternational Journal of Environmental Impacts Int J Environ PollutInternational Journal of Environment and Pollution Int J Environ Res Public HealthInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Int J Environ Sci TechnolInternational Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Int J Environ StudInternational Journal of Environmental Studies Int J Environ Technol ManageInternational Journal of Environmental Technology and Management Int J Environ Waste ManageInternational Journal of Environment and Waste Management Int J EpidemiolInternational Journal of Epidemiology Int J Essent Oil TherInternational Journal of Essential Oil Therapeutics Int J ExergyInternational Journal of Exergy Int J Exp PathInternational Journal of Experimental Pathology Int J Extreme ManufInternational Journal of Extreme Manufacturing Int J FatigueInternational Journal of Fatigue Int J Flexible Manuf SystInternational Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Int J Fluid Mech ResInternational Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research Int J Fluid PowerInternational Journal of Fluid Power Int J Food ContamInternational Journal of Food Contamination Int J Food EngInternational Journal of Food Engineering Int J Food MicrobiolInternational Journal of Food Microbiology Int J Food PropInternational Journal of Food Properties Int J Food SciInternational Journal of Food Science Int J Food Sci NutrInternational Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Int J Food Sci TechnolInternational Journal of Food Science and Technology Int J Food StudInternational Journal of Food Studies Int J For ResInternational Journal of Forestry Research Int J Form ProcessesInternational Journal of Forming Processes Int J FractInternational Journal of Fracture Int J FractMechInternational Journal of Fracture Mechanics Int J Fuzzy SystInternational Journal of Fuzzy Systems Int J Gen SystInternational Journal of General Systems Int J GenomicsInternational Journal of Genomics Int J Geo-EngInternational Journal of Geo-Engineering Int J Geoheritage ParksInternational Journal of Geoheritage and Parks Int J Geom Methods Mod PhysInternational Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics Int J Geomag AeronInternational Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Int J GeomechInternational Journal of Geomechanics Int J GeophysInternational Journal of Geophysics Int J Geotech EngInternational Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Int J Global Energy IssuesInternational Journal of Global Energy Issues Int J Green EnergyInternational Journal of Green Energy Int J Green NanotechnolInternational Journal of Green Nanotechnology Int J Green Nanotechnol BiomedInternational Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Biomedicine Int J Green Nanotechnol Mater Sci EngInternational Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Materials Science and Engineering Int J Green Nanotechnol Phys ChemInternational Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Physics and Chemistry Int J Greenhouse Gas ControlInternational Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Int J Grid Util ComputInternational Journal of Grid and Utility Computing Int J Health GeographicsInternational Journal of Health Geographics Int J Heat ExchInternational Journal of Heat Exchangers Int J Heat Fluid FlowInternational Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Int J Heat Mass TransferInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Int J Heat TechnolInternational Journal of Heat and Technology Int J Heavy Veh SystInternational Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems Int J Hig Technol CeramInternational Journal of High Technology Ceramics Int J High Perform Comput ApplInternational Journal of High Performance Computing Applications Int J High Perform Comput NetworkingInternational Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking Int J High Perform Syst ArchitInternational Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture Int J High Speed Electron SystInternational Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems Int J Hous Sci ApplInternational Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications Int J Hum Comput StudInternational Journal of Human-Computer Studies Int J Humanoid RobInternational Journal of Humanoid Robotics Int J Hybrid Intell SystInternational Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems Int J Hybrid MicroelectronInternational Journal of Hybrid Microelectronics Int J Hydrocarbon EngInternational Journal of Hydrocarbon Engineering Int J Hydrogen EnergyInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy Int J Hydropower DamsInternational Journal on Hydropower and Dams Int J Hyg Environ HealthInternational Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health Int J Imaging Syst TechnolInternational Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology Int J ImmunogenetInternational Journal of Immunogenetics Int J Immunopathol PharmacolInternational Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology Int J ImmunopharmacolInternational Journal of Immunopharmacology Int J Impact EngInternational Journal of Impact Engineering Int J Ind EngTheory Appl PractInternational Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory Applications and Practice Int J Ind ErgonInternational Journal of Industrial Ergonomics Int J Ind OrganInternational Journal of Industrial Organization Int J Ind Syst EngInternational Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering Int J Inf Commun TechnolInternational Journal of Information and Communication Technology Int J Inf Comput SecurInternational Journal of Information and Computer Security Int J Inf ManageInternational Journal of Information Management Int J Inf Manage SciInternational Journal of Information and Management Sciences Int J Inf QualInternational Journal of Information Quality Int J Inf SecurInternational Journal of Information Security Int J Inf Syst Change MangeInternational Journal of Information Systems and Change Management Int J Inf Technol ManageInternational Journal of Information Technology and Management Int J Inf Technol Web EngInternational Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering Int J Infrared Millimeter WavesInternational Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves Int J Innovative Comput ApplInternational Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications Int J Inorg MaterInternational Journal of Inorganic Materials Int J Insect Morphol EmbryolInternational Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology Int J Insect SciInternational Journal of Insect Science Int J Intell Inf Database SystInternational Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems Int J Intell Inf TechnolInternational Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies Int J Intell SystInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems Int J Intell Transp Syst ResInternational Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Int J Interact Des ManufInternational Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing Int J Internet Manuf ServInternational Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services Int J Internet Protoc TechnolInternational Journal of Internet Protocol Technology Int J Ion Mobility SpectromInternational Journal of Ion Mobility Spectrometry Int J Jpn Soc Precis EngInternational Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering Int J Knowledge-Based Intell Eng SystInternational Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems Int J Labor HematolInternational Journal of Laboratory Hematology Int J Legal MedInternational Journal of Legal Medicine Int J Life Cycle AssessInternational Journal of Life Cycle Assessment Int J Lightweight Mater ManufInternational Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture Int J Low Carbon TechnolInternational Journal of Low Carbon Technologies Int J Low-Carbon TechnolInternational Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies Int J Mach Learn CybernInternational Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics Int J Mach Mach MaterInternational Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials Int J Mach Tools ManufInternational Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture Int J Man Mach StudInternational Journal of Man-Machine Studies Int J Manuf ResInternational Journal of Manufacturing Research Int J Manuf Technol ManageInternational Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management Int J Mar Coast LawInternational Journal of Marine and Coastal Law Int J Mar EnergyInternational Journal of Marine Energy Int J Mass SpectromInternational Journal of Mass Spectrometry Int J Mass Spectrom Ion PhysInternational Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics Int J Mass Spectrom Ion ProcessesInternational Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes Int J Mater FormInternational Journal of Material Forming Int J Mater Prod TechnolInternational Journal of Materials and Product Technology Int J Mater ResInternational Journal of Materials Research Int J Mater Struct IntegrityInternational Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity Int J Math Educ Sci TechnolInternational Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology Int J Math Math SciInternational Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Int J Mech Eng EducInternational Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education Int J Mech Mater DesInternational Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design Int J Mech SciInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences Int J Mech Syst Sci EngInternational Journal of Mechanical Systems Science and Engineering Int J Med ChemInternational Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Int J Med Eng InfInternational Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics Int J Med InfInternational Journal of Medical Informatics Int J Med MicrobiolInternational Journal of Medical Microbiology Int J Med Mol Adv SciInternational Journal of Molecular Medicine and Advance Sciences Int J Med Rob Comput Assisted SurgInternational Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery Int J Metadata Semant OntolInternational Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies Int J MetalcastInternational Journal of Metalcasting Int J Micro Air VehInternational Journal of Micro Air Vehicles Int J MicrobiolInternational Journal of Microbiology Int J Microcircuits Electron PackagInternational Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging Int J Microstruct Mater PropInternational Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties Int J Microwave Wireless TechnologInternational Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies Int J Min Miner EngInternational Journal of Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering Int J Min Reclam EnvironInternational Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment Int J Min Sci TechnolInternational Journal of Mining Science and Technology Int J Mine WaterInternational Journal of Mine Water Int J Miner Metall MaterInternational Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials Int J Miner ProcessInternational Journal of Mineral Processing Int J Mobile CommunInternational Journal of Mobile Communications Int J Mobile Network Des InnovInternational Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation Int J Mod Phys AInternational Journal of Modern Physics A: Particles and Fields; Gravitation; Cosmology; Nuclear Physics Int J Mod Phys BInternational Journal of Modern Physics B: Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, Applied Physics Int J Mod Phys CInternational Journal of Modern Physics C: Computational Physics and Physical Computation Int J Mod Phys DInternational Journal of Modern Physics D: Gravitation; Astrophysics and Cosmology Int J Mod Phys EInternational Journal of Modern Physics E: Nuclear Physics Int J Model Identif ControlInternational Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control Int J Model SimulInternational Journal of Modelling and Simulation Int J Mol MedInternational Journal of Molecular Medicine Int J Mol Med Adv SciInternational Journal of Molecular Medicine and Advance Sciences Int J Mol SciInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences Int J MorpholInternational Journal of Morphology Int J Multiphase FlowInternational Journal of Multiphase Flow Int J MultiphysInternational Journal of Multiphysics Int J Multiscale Comput EngInternational Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering Int J Nano BiomaterInternational Journal of Nano and Biomaterials Int J NanomanufInternational Journal of Nanomanufacturing Int J NanomedInternational Journal of Nanomedicine Int J NanosciInternational Journal of Nanoscience Int J NanotechnolInternational Journal of Nanotechnology Int J Nat Eng SciInternational Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences Int J Nav Archit Ocean EngInternational Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Int J Network ManageInternational Journal of Network Management Int J Networking Virtual OrganInternational Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations Int J Neural SystInternational Journal of Neural Systems Int J NeuropharmacolInternational Journal of Neuropharmacology Int J NeuropsychopharmacolInternational Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology Int J Non Equilibr ProcessInternational Journal of Non-Equilibrium Processing Int J Non Linear MechInternational Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics Int J Nondestr TestInternational Journal of Nondestructive Testing Int J Nonlinear Modell Sci EngInternational Journal of Nonlinear Modelling in Science and Engineering Int J Nucl DesalinInternational Journal of Nuclear Desalination Int J Nucl Energy Sci TechnolInternational Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology Int J Nucl Med BiolInternational Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology Int J Numer Anal Methods GeomechInternational Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics Int J Numer Anal ModelInternational Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling Int J Numer Methods Biomed EngInternational Journal of Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering Int J Numer Methods EngInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Int J Numer Methods FluidsInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Int J Numer Methods Heat Fluid FlowInternational Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow Int J Numer Modell Electron Networks Devices FieldsInternational 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IntellInternational Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Int J Pavement EngInternational Journal of Pavement Engineering Int J Pavement Res TechnolInternational Journal of Pavement Research and Technology Int J PeptInternational Journal of Peptides Int J Pept Protein ResInternational Journal of Peptide and Protein Research Int J Pept Res TherInternational Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics Int J PharmInternational Journal of Pharmaceutics Int J Pharm CompdInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding Int J Pharm Pharm SciInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Int J Pharm PractInternational Journal of Pharmacy Practice Int J Pharm Sci ResInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Int J Pharm Technol Prod ManufInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Product Manufacture Int J PharmacokinetInternational Journal of Pharmacokinetics Int J PhotoenergyInternational Journal of Photoenergy Int J Phycol PhycochemInternational Journal of Phycology and Phycochemistry Int J PhytoremInternational Journal of Phytoremediation Int J PIXEInternational Journal of PIXE Int J Plant GenomicsInternational Journal of Plant Genomics Int J Plasma Sci EngInternational Journal of Plasma Science and Engineering Int J PlastInternational Journal of Plasticity Int J Plast TechnolInternational Journal of Plastics Technology Int J Polym Anal CharactInternational Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization Int J Polym MaterInternational Journal of Polymeric Materials Int J Polym SciInternational Journal of Polymeric Science Int J Powder MetallInternational Journal of Powder Metallurgy Int J Power Energy SystInternational Journal of Power and Energy Systems Int J Precis EngInternational Journal of Precision Engineering Int J Precis Eng ManufInternational Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing Int J Press Vessels PipInternational Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping Int J Prod EconInternational Journal of Production Economics Int J Prod ResInternational Journal of Production Research Int J Project ManageInternational Journal of Project Management Int J Qual MethodsInternational Journal of Qualitative Methods Int J Quantum ChemInternational Journal of Quantum Chemistry Int J Radiat Appl Instrum Part AInternational Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part A Applied Radiation and Isotopes Int J Radiat Appl Instrum Part BInternational Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part B Nuclear Medicine and Biology Int J Radiat Appl Instrum Part CInternational Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part C Radiation Physics and Chemistry Int J Radiat Appl Instrum Part DInternational Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part D Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements Int J Radiat Appl Instrum Part EInternational Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part E Nuclear Geophysics Int J Radiat BiolInternational Journal of Radiation Biology Int J Radiat MedInternational Journal of Radiation Medicine Int J Radiat Oncol Biol PhysInternational Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics Int J Radiat PhysInternational Journal of Radiation Physics Int J Radiat Phys ChemInternational Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry Int J Radio Freq Identif Technol ApplInternational Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications Int J Reconfigurable ComputInternational Journal of Reconfigurable Computing Int J Recyl Org Waste AgricInternational Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture Int J Refract Met Hard MaterInternational Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials Int J RefrigInternational Journal of Refrigeration Int J Rehabil ResInternational Journal of Rehabilitation Research Int J Reliab Qual Saf EngInternational Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering Int J Reliab SafInternational Journal of Reliability and Safety Int J Remote SensInternational Journal of Remote Sensing Int J RF Microwave Comput Aided EngInternational Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering Int J RF Technol Res ApplInternational Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications Int J Risk Saf MedInternational Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine Int J Rob AutomInternational Journal of Robotics and Automation Int J Rob ResInternational Journal of Robotics Research Int J Robust Nonlinear ControlInternational Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control Int J Rock Mech Min SciInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Int J Rotating MachInternational Journal of Rotating Machinery Int J Salt Lake ResInternational Journal of Salt Lake Research Int J Satell Commun NetworkingInternational Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking Int J Sci Eng ResInternational Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research Int J Secur NetwInternational Journal of Security and Networks Int J Sediment ResInternational 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Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Int J Software Tools Technol TransInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer Int J Soil Dyn Earthquake EngInternational Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Int J Soil SciInternational Journal of Soil Science Int J Solids StructInternational Journal of Solids and Structures Int J Space StructInternational Journal of Space Structures Int J SpectroInternational Journal of Spectroscopy Int J Speech TechnolInternational Journal of Speech Technology Int J Sport NutrInternational Journal of Sport Nutrition Int J Sport Nutr Exercise MetabInternational Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism Int J Sports MedInternational Journal of Sports Medicine Int J Spray Combust DynInternational Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics Int J Steel StructInternational Journal of Streel Structures Int J Stem CellsInternational Journal of Stem Cells Int J STEM Educ ResInternational Journal of STEM Education Research Int J Struct Stab DynInternational Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics Int J Sulfur Chem Part A:International Journal of Sulfur Chemistry Part A: Original Experimental and Theoretical Studies Int J Sulfur Chem Part B:International Journal of Sulfur Chemistry Part B: Quartler Reports on Sulfur Chemistry Int J Surf Min Reclam EnvironInternational Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and Environment Int J Surf Sci EngInternational Journal of Surface Science and Engineering Int J Sustainable Built EnvironInternational Journal of Sustainable Built Environment Int J Sustainable DevInternational Journal of Sustainable Development Int J Sustainable Dev World EcolInternational Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology Int J Sustainable EnergyInternational Journal of Sustainable Energy Int J Sustainable EngInternational Journal of Sustainable Engineering Int J Syst Assur Eng ManageInternational Journal Of Systems Assurance Engineering And Management Int J Syst BacteriolInternational Journal of Systematic Bacteriology Int J Syst Evol MicrobiolInternational Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology Int J Syst SciInternational Journal of Systems Science Int J Technol Assess Health CareInternational Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care Int J Technol Des EducInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education Int J Technol Hum InteractInternational Journal of Technology and Human Interaction Int J Technol Intell PlannInternational Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning Int J Technol ManageInternational Journal of Technology Management Int J Technol Policy ManageInternational Journal of Technology, Policy and Management Int J Theor PhysInternational Journal of Theoretical Physics Int J Theor Phys Group Theory Nonlinear OptInternational Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory, and Nonlinear Optics Int J Therm SciInternational Journal of Thermal Sciences Int J ThermodynInternational Journal of Thermodynamics Int J ThermofluidsInternational Journal of Thermofluids Int J ThermophysInternational Journal of Thermophysics Int J ToxicolInternational Journal of Toxicology Int J Transp PhenomInternational Journal of Transport Phenomena Int J Transp Sci TechnolInternational Journal of Transportation Science and Technology Int J Trop Insect SciInternational Journal of Tropical Insect Science Int J Tryptophan ResInternational Journal of Tryptophan Research Int J Uncertainty Fuzziness Knowledge Based SystInternational Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems Int J Veh Auton SystInternational Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems Int J Veh DesInternational Journal of Vehicle Design Int J Veh Inf Commun SystInternational Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems Int J Veh Noise VibInternational Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration Int J Veh SafInternational Journal of Vehicle Safety Int J Veh Syst Model TestInternational Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing Int J VentInternational Journal of Ventilation Int J WaterInternational Journal of Water Int J Water Resour DevInternational Journal of Water Resources Development Int J Wavelets Multiresolution Inf ProcessInternational Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing Int J Web Based CommunitiesInternational Journal of Web Based Communities Int J Web Eng TechnolInternational Journal of Web Engineering and Technology Int J Web Grid ServInternational Journal of Web and Grid Services Int J Web Serv ResInternational Journal of Web Services Research Int J Wildland FireInternational Journal of Wildland Fire Int J Wireless Inf NetworksInternational Journal of Wireless Information Networks Int J Wireless Mobile ComputInternational Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing Int J ZoolInternational Journal of Zoology Int Mar SciInternational Marine Science Int Mater RevInternational Materials Reviews Int Math Res NotInternational Mathematics Research Notices Int Nonwovens JInternational Nonwovens Journal Int Peat JInternational Peat Journal Int Polym ProcInternational Polymer Processing Int Rev Gesamten HydrobiolInternationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie Int Rev Gesamten Hydrobiol HydrogrInternationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie Int Rev HydrobiolInternational Review of Hydrobiology Int Rev Phys ChemInternational Reviews in Physical Chemistry Int Rev Poult SciInternational Review of Poultry Science Int Shipbuild ProgInternational Shipbuilding Progress Int Soil Water Conserv ResInternation Soil and Water Conservation Research Int Stat RevInternational Statistical Review Int Sugar JInternational Sugar Journal Int Tran Oper ResInternational Transactions in Operational Research Int Trans Electr Energy SystInternational Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems Int Underw Syst DesInternational Underwater Systems Design Int Water Power Dam ConstrInternational Water Power and Dam Construction Integr BiolIntegrative Biology Integr Comp BiolIntegrative and Comparative Biology Integr Comput-Aided EngIntegrated Computer-Aided Engineering Integr Environ Assess ManageIntegrated Environmental Assessment and Management Integr FerroelectrIntegrated Ferroelectrics Integr Org BiolIntegrative Organismal Biology Intell Data AnalIntelligent Data Analysis Intell Decis TechnolIntelligent Decision Technologies Intell Syst EngIntelligent Systems Engineering Interact ComputInteracting with Computers Inter-Am Trop Tuna Comm Spec RepInter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Special Report IntercienciaInterciencia Interdiscip Neurosurg Adv Tech Case ManageInterdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management Interface SciInterface Science Internet InterventionsInternet Interventions Internet J ChemInternet Journal of Chemistry Internet J Vib SpectroInternet Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy Internet Technol LettInternet Technology Letters IntJ Metrol Qual EngInternational Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering Invasive Plant Sci ManageInvasive Plant Science and Management Inventory Sampl Data NAFOInventory Sampling Data NAFO Inverse ProbInverse Problems Inverse Prob EngInverse Problems in Engineering Inverse Prob Sci EngInverse Problems in Science and Engineering Invertebr BiolInbertebrate Biology Invertebr Reprod DevInvertebrate Reproduction and Development Invertebr SystInvertebrate Systematics Invertebr TaxonInvertebrate Taxonomy Invest Cent Interdiscip Estud Desarr UrugInvestigaciones Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo, Uruguay Invest GenetInvestigative Genetics Invest MarInvestigaciones Marinas Invest Math LearnInvestigations in Mathematics Learning Invest New DrugsInvestigational New Drugs Invest Ophthalmol Visual SciInvestigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science Invest Pesq (Chile)Investigacion Pesquera (Chile) Invest Pesq (Spain)Investigacion Pesquera (Spain) Invest Rep Oceanogr Res Inst, DurbanInvestigational Report Oceanographic Research Institute, Durban Invest Rep Sea Fish Res Inst, Cape TownInvestigational Report Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Cape Town Inz Chem ProcesowaInzynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa IOC Comm Clim Chang Ocean Summ RepIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Committee on Climatic Changes and the Ocean Summary Report IOC Man GuidesIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Manuals and Guides IOC Rep Gov Major Subsid BodiesIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies IOC Rep Meet Experts Equiv BodiesIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies IOC Summ RepIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Summary Report IOC Tech SerIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Technical Series IOC Train Course RepIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Training Course Reports IOC Workshop RepIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Workshop Report Ion Exch Solvent ExtrIon Exchange and Solvent Extraction IOP Conf Ser: Earth Environ SciIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science IOP Conf Ser: Mater Sci EngIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering IOP SciNotesIOP SciNotes Ippta JIPPTA Journal IPTP Data CatIPTP Data Catalogue IPTP Data RecIPTP Data Record IPTP Data SummIPTP Data Summary Ir Fish Exports/ImportsIrish Fish Exports/Imports Ir Fish Invest, BIrish Fisheries Investigations Series B: Marine Ir Nat JIrish Naturalists' Journal Ir Offshore RevIrish Offshore Review Ir Vet JIrish Veterinary Journal Iran Biomed JIran Biomedical Journal Iran Fish BullIranian Fisheries Bulletin Iran J Chem Chem EngIranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Iran J Mater Sci EngIranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Iran J Polym Sci TechnolIranian Journal of Polymer Science & Technology Iran Polym JIranian Polymer Journal IRE Trans Aeronaut Navig ElectronIRE Transactions on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics IRE Trans Aerosp Navig ElectronIRE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics IRE Trans Anntenas PropagIRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation IRE Trans AudioIRE Transactions on Audio IRE Trans Autom ControlIRE Transactions on Automatic Control IRE Trans Bio-Med ElectronIRE Transactions on Bio-Medical Electronics IRE Trans BroadcastIRE Transactions on Broadcasting IRE Trans Broadcast Telev ReceiversIRE Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers IRE Trans Broadcast Transm SystIRE Transactions on Broadcast Transmission Systems IRE Trans Circuit TheoryIRE Transactions on Circuit Theory IRE Trans Commun SystIRE Transactions on Communication Systems IRE Trans Compon PartsIRE Transactions on Component Parts IRE Trans Electron ComputIRE Transactions on Electronic Computers IRE Trans Electron DevicesIRE Transactions on Electron Devices IRE Trans Eng ManageIRE Transactions on Engineering Management IRE Trans Hum Factors ElectronIRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics IRE Trans Ind ElectronIRE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IRE Trans Inf TheoryIRE Transactions on Information Theory IRE Trans InstrumIRE Transactions on Instrumentation IRE Trans Med ElectronIRE Transactions on Medical Electronics IRE Trans Microwave Theory TechIRE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques IRE Trans Mil ElectronIRE Transactions on Military Electronics IRE Trans Nucl SciIRE Transactions on Nuclear Science IRE Trans Prod Eng ProdIRE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production IRE Trans Prod TechIRE Transactions on Production Techniques IRE Trans Radio Freq InterferenceIRE Transactions on Radio Frequency Interference IRE Trans Reliab Qual ControlIRE Transactions on Reliability and Quality Control IRE Trans Space Electron TelemIRE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry IRE Trans Telem Remote ControlIRE Transactions on Telemetry and Remote Control IRE Trans Ultrason EngIRE Transactions on Ultrasonic Engineering IRE Trans Veh CommunIRE Transactions on Vehicular Communications Ironmaking SteelmakingIronmaking and Steelmaking Irrig DrainIrrigation and Drainage ISA TransISA Transactions ISCB Community JISCB Community Journal ISIJ IntISIJ International Isl ArcIsland Arc ISME JISME Journal Isokinet Exercise SciIsokinetics and Exercise Science Isot Environ Health StudIsotopes in Environmental and Health Studies Isot GeosciIsotope Geoscience Isot Radiat TechnolIsotopes and Radiation Technology ISPRS Int J Geo-InfISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information ISPRS J Photogramm Remote SensISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Isr J Aquac BamidgehThe Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh Isr J ChemIsrael Journal of Chemistry Isr J Earth SciIsrael Journal of Earth Sciences Isr J EntomolIsrael Journal of Entomology Isr J Plant SciIsrael Journal of Plant Sciences Isr J ZoolIsrael Journal of Zoology IT ProfIT Professional Ital J Anim SciItalian Journal of Animal Science Ital J BiochemItalian Journal of Biochemistry Ital J Food SciItalian Journal of Food Science Ital J GeosciItalian Journal of Geosciences Ital J Pure Appl MathItalian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics ITE Lett Batteries New Technol MedITE Letters on Batteries New Technologies & Medicine ITE-IBA Lett Batteries New Technol MedITE-IBA Letters New Technologies & Medicine Itog Nauk Tek, Atmos Okean, Kosm Programma 'Razrezy'Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriya Atmosfera, Okean, Kosmos - Programma 'Razrezy' Itog Nauki Tek, Obshch GeolItogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriya Obshchaya Geologiya Itog Nauki Tek, OkeanolItogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriya Okeanologiya Itog Nauki Tek, Zool BespozvonItogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriya Zoologiya Bespozvonochnykh IUCN BullIUCN Bulletin IzdanijaIzdanija Izv Atmos Ocean PhysIzvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics Izv Atmos Oceanic PhysIzvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics Izv Inst Ribni Resur VarnaIzvestiya na Instituta po Ribni Resursi, Varna Izv MathIzvestiya: Mathematics Izv Phys Solid EarthIzvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth Izv RAN, Fiz Atmos OkeanaIzvestiya Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk Seriya Fizika Atmosfery i Okeana Izv RAN, GeogrIzvestiya Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk Seriya Geograficheskaya Izv RGOIzvestiya Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva Izv Russ Acad Sci Phys Solid EarthIzvestiya Russian Academy of Sciences Physics of the Solid Earth Izv SO RAN, Biol NaukIzvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk Izv TINROInzvestiya Tikhookeanskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Rybnogo Khozyajstva i Okeanografii Izv VUZ, Pishch TekhnolIzvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij Seriya Pishchevaya Tekhnologiya Izvjesca RepIzvjesca - Reports IZWO Coll ReprIZWO Collected Reprints J 3D Print MedJournal of 3D Printing in Medicine J ACMJournal of the ACM J Acoust Soc AmJournal of the Acoustical Society of America J Acoust Soc Am SupplJournal of the Acoustical Society of America Supplement J AddictJournal of Addiction J Addict MedJournal of Addiction Medicine J Addict Res TherJournal of Addiction Research & Therapy J AdhesJournal of Adhesion J Adhes Sci TechnolJournal of Adhesion Science and Technology J Adv CeramJournal of Advanced Ceramics J Adv Concr TechnolJournal of Advanced Concrete Technology J Adv Manuf ProcessJournal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing J Adv MaterJournal of Advanced Materials J Adv Microsc ResJournal of Advanced Microscopy Research J Adv Model Earth SystJournal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems J Adv Pharm Technol ResJournal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research J Adv ResJournal of Advanced Research J Adv TranspJournal of Advanced Transportation J Adv ZoolJournal of Advanced Zoology J Aerosol SciJournal of Aerosol Science J Aerosp EngJournal of Aerospace Engineering J Aerosp OperJournal of Aerospace Operations J Afr Earth SciJournal of African Earth Sciences J Afr ZoolJournal of African Zoology J Agric Appl EconJournal of Agricultural and Applied Economics J Agric Eng ResJournal of Agricultural Engineering Research J Agric Food ChemJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry J Agric Food ResJournal of Agriculture and Food Research J Agric Food Sys Community DevJournal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development J Agric MeteorolJournal of Agricultural Meteorology J Agric Saf HealthJournal of Agricultural Safety and Health J Agric SciJournal of Agricultural Science J Agroaliment Proc TechnolJournal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies J Agron Crop SciJournal of Agronomy and Crop Science J Air Waste Manage AssocJournal of the Air and Waste Management Association J AlgebraJournal of Algebra J Algorithms Comput TechnolJournal of Algorithms & Computational Technology J Alloys CompdJournal of Alloys and Compounds J Alzheimers DisJournal of Alzheimer's Disease J Am Assoc Var Star ObsJournal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers J Am Ceram SocJournal of the American Ceramic Society J Am Chem SocJournal of the American Chemical Society J Am Coll CardiolJournal of the American College of Cardiology J Am Coll Clin PharmJournal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy J Am Coll NutrJournal of the American College of Nutrition J Am Heart AssocJournal of the American Heart Association J Am Leather Chem AssocJournal of the American Leather Chemists Association J Am Mosq Control AssocJournal of the American Mosquito Control Association J Am Oil Chem SocJournal of the American Oil Chemists' Society J Am Pharm AssocJournal of the American Pharmacists Association J Am Soc Brew ChemJournal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists J Am Soc Mass SpectromJournal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry J Am Soc Nav EngJournal of the American Society of Naval Engineers J Am Stat AssocJournal of the American Statistical Association J Am Vet Med AssocJournal of the American Veterinary Medical Association J Am Water Resour AssocJournal of the American Water Resources Association J Am Water Works AssnJournal American Water Works Association J Am Water Works AssocJournal of the American Water Works Association J Ambient Intell Hum ComputJournal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing J Ambient Intell Smart EnvironJournal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments J Anal Appl PyrolysisJournal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis J Anal At SpectromJournal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry J Anal ChemJournal of Analytical Chemistry J Anal Methods ChemJournal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry J Anal Sci TechnolJournal of Analytical Science and Technology J Anal ToxicolJournal of Analytical Toxicology J AnatJournal of Anatomy J Andaman Sci AssocJournal of the Andaman Science Association J Anim Breed GenetJournal of Animal Breeding and Genetics J Anim EcolJournal of Animal Ecology J Anim Morphol PhysiolJournal of Animal Morphology and Physiology J Anim Physiol Anim NutrJournal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition J Anim Physiol NutrJournal of Animal Physiology and Nutrition J Anim SciJournal of Animal Science J Anim Sci BiotechnolJournal of Animal Science and Biotechnology J Anim Sci TechnolJournal of Animal Science and Technology J AntibiotJournal of Antibiotics J Antimicrob ChemotherJournal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy J AOAC IntJournal of AOAC International J Apic ResJournal of Apicultural Research J Appl Agric EconJournal of Applied Agricultural Economics J Appl Anim NutrJournal of Applied Animal Nutrition J Appl AquacJournal of Applied Aquaculture J Appl AquacultJournal of Applied Aquaculture J Appl BacteriolJournal of Applied Bacteriology J Appl Biol ChemJournal of Applied Biological Chemistry J Appl Biol SciJournal of Applied Biological Sciences J Appl BiomaterJournal of Applied Biomaterials J Appl Biomater Funct MaterJournal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials J Appl BiomedJournal of Applied Biomedicine J Appl ChemJournal of Applied Chemistry J Appl Chem BiotechJournal of Applied Chemistry & Biotechnology J Appl CrystallogrJournal of Applied Crystallography J Appl EcolJournal of Applied Ecology J Appl ElectrochemJournal of Applied Electrochemistry J Appl EntomolJournal of Applied Entomology J Appl GeochemJournal of Applied Geochemistry J Appl GeophysJournal of Applied Geophysics J Appl GlycosciJournal of Applied Glycoscience J Appl IchthyolJournal of Applied Ichthyology J Appl Ind MathJournal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics J Appl Lab MedJournal of Applied Laboratory Medicine J Appl LogicJournal of Applied Logic J Appl MathJournal of Applied Mathematics J Appl Math ComputJournal of Applied Mathematics and Computing J Appl Math MechJournal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics J Appl MechJournal of Applied Mechanics J Appl Mech Tech PhysJournal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics J Appl MeteorolJournal of Applied Meteorology J Appl MicrobiolJournal of Applied Microbiology J Appl NutrJournal of Applied Nutrition J Appl PhycolJournal of Applied Phycology J Appl PhysJournal of Applied Physics J Appl PhysiolJournal of Applied Physiology J Appl Polym SciJournal of Applied Polymer Science J Appl Poult ResJournal of Applied Poultry Research J Appl ProbabJournal of Applied Probability J Appl Remote SensJournal of Applied Remote Sensing J Appl Res Community CollJournal of Applied Research in the Community College J Appl Res Med Aromat PlantsJournal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants J Appl Res TechnolJournal of Applied Research and Technology J Appl SpectroscJournal of Applied Spectroscopy J Appl Syst AnalJournal of Applied Systems Analysis J Appl ToxicolJournal of Applied Toxicology J Appl VolcanolJournal of Applied Volcanology J Aquac (Bhubaneswar)Journal of Aquaculture (Bhubaneswar) J Aquac TropJournal of Aquaculture in the Tropics J Aquat Anim HealthJournal of Aquatic Animal Health J Aquat Anim Health Journal of Aquatic Animal Health J Aquat Ecosyst HealthJournal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health J Aquat Food Prod TechnolJournal of Aquatic Food Product Technology J Aquat Plant ManageJournal of Aquatic Plant Management J Aquat SciJournal of Aquatic Sciences J Archaeolog SciJournal of Archaeological Science J Archaeolog Sci: RepJournal of Archaeological Science: Reports J Archit EngJournal of Architectural Engineering J Argent Chem SocJournal of the Argentine Chemical Society J Arid EnvironJournal of Arid Environments J Asian Ceram SocJournal of Asian Ceramic Societies J Asian Earth SciJournal of Asian Earth Sciences J Asian Nat Prod ResJournal of Asian Natural Products Research J Asia-Pac BiodiversJournal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity J Asia-Pac EntomolJournal of Asia-Pacific Entomology J Assistive Rehabil Ther TechnolJournal of Assistive, Rehabilitative and Therapeutic Technologies J Assoc Asphalt Paving TechnolJournal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists J Assoc Crime Scene ReconstrJournal of the Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction J Assoc Inf Sci TechnolJournal of the Association for Information Science and Technology J Assoc Off Agric ChemJournal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists J Assoc Off Anal ChemJournal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists J ASTM IntJournal of ASTM International J Astron Telesc Instrum SystJournal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems J Astronaut SciJournal of Astronautical Sciences J Astrophys AstronJournal of Astrophysics and Astronomy J Atmos ChemJournal of Atmospheric Chemistry J Atmos Oceanic TechnolJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology J Atmos SciJournal of Atmospheric Science J Atmos Sol Terr PhysJournal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics J Atmos Terr PhysJournal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics J Aust Ceram SocJournal of the Australian Ceramic Society J Aust Entomol SocJournal of the Australian Entomological Society J Aust Math SocJournal of the Australian Mathematical Society J Australas Ceram SocJournal of the Australasian Ceramic Society J Autom ChemJournal of Automatic Chemistry J Autom Methods Manage ChemJournal of Automated Methods & Management in Chemistry J Avian BiolJournal of Avian Biology J Avian Med SurgJournal of Avian Medicine and Surgery J BacteriolJournal of Bacteriology J Basic Appl ZoolJournal of Basic and Applied Zoology J Basic Clin Physiol PharmacolJournal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology J Basic MicrobiolJournal of Basic Microbiology J Bengal Nat Hist SocJournal of Bengal Natural History Society J Berry ResJournal of Berry Research J Big Data Anal TranspJournal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation J Bioact Compat PolymJournal of Bioactive and Compatable Polymers J Biobased Mater BioenergyJournal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy J BiochemJournal of Biochemistry J Biochem Bioph MethodsJournal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods J Biochem Mol ToxicolJournal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology J Bioenerg BiomembrJournal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes J BioengJournal of Bioengineering J Bioequivalence BioavailabilityJournal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability J BiogeogrJournal of Biogeography J BiolJournal of Biology J Biol ChemJournal of Biological Chemistry J Biol DynJournal of Biological Dynamics J Biol EducJournal of Biological Education J Biol EngJournal of Biological Engineering J Biol Inorg ChemJournal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry J Biol PhysJournal of Biological Physics J Biol Res ThessalonikiJournal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki J Biol RhythmsJournal of Biological Rhythms J Biolumin ChemiluminJournal of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence J Biomater ApplJournal of Biomaterials Applications J Biomater Sci, Polym EdJournal of Biomaterials Science Polymer Edition J BiomechJournal of Biomechanics J Biomech EngJournal of Biomechanical Engineering J Biomed BiotechnolJournal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology J Biomed Discovery CollabJournal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration J Biomed EngJournal of Biomedical Engineering J Biomed InfJournal of Biomedical Informatics J Biomed Mater ResJournal of Biomedical Materials Research J Biomed Mater Res Part AJournal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A J Biomed Mater Res Part BJournal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B Applied Biomaterials J Biomed NanotechnolJournal of Biomedical Nanotechnology J Biomed OptJournal of Biomedical Optics J Biomed SciJournal of Biomedical Science J Biomed Sci EngJournal of Biomedical Science and Engineering J Biomimetics Biomater Tissue EngJournal of Biomimetics Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering J Biomol NMRJournal of Biomolecular NMR J Biomol ScreeningJournal of Biomolecular Screening J Biomol Struct DynJournal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics J BionanosciJournal of Bionanoscience J Bionic EngJournal of Bionic Engineering J Biopharm StatJournal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics J BiophotonicsJournal of Biophotonics J BiorheolJournal of Biorheology J Biosaf BiosecurJournal of Biosafety and Biosecurity J BiosciJournal of Biosciences J Biosci BioengJournal of Bioscience and Bioengineering J Biosocial SciJournal of Biosocial Science J BiotechnolJournal of Biotechnology J Bio-X ResJournal of Bio-X Research J Black Sea/Mediterr EnvironJournal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment J Board Greenkeep ResJournal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research J Bombay Nat Hist SocJournal of Bombay Natural History Society J Bone Miner MetabJournal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism J Bone Miner ResJournal of Bone and Mineral Research J Br Inst Radio EngJournal of the British Institution of Radio Engineers J Br Interplanet SocJournal of the British Interplanetary Society J Braz Chem SocJournal of the Brazilian Chemical Society J Braz Comput SciJournal of the Brazialian Computer Society J Braz Comput SocJournal of the Brazilian Computer Society J Braz Soc Mech Sci EngJournal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering J Breast ImagingJournal of Breast Imaging J Breath ResJournal of Breath Research J Bridge EngJournal of Bridge Engineering J Build Perform SimulJournal of Building Performance Simulation J Build PhysJournal of Building Physics J BuonJournal of Buon J Caffeine Adenosine ResJournal of Caffeine and Adenosine Research J Caffeine ResJournal of Caffeine Research J Camel Pract ResJournal of Camel Practice and Research J Can Dent AssocJournal of the Canadian Dental Association J Can Pet TechnolJournal of Canadian Petroleum Technology J Cancer MolJournal of Cancer Molecules J Cancer Res TherJournal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics J Carbohydr ChemJournal of Carbohydrate Chemistry J Cardiovasc Comput TomogrJournal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography J Cardiovasc ElectrophysiolJournal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology J Cardiovasc PharmacolJournal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology J CatalJournal of Catalysis J Cell BiochemJournal of Cellular Biochemistry J Cell BiolJournal of Cell Biology J Cell BiotechnolJournal of Cellular Biotechnology J Cell Commun SignalingJournal of Cell Communication and Signaling J Cell DeathJournal of Cell Death J Cell Mol MedJournal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine J Cell PhysiolJournal of Cell Physiology J Cell PlastJournal of Cellular Plastics J Cell SciJournal of Cell Science J Ceram Soc JpnJournal of the Ceramic Society of Japan J Cereal SciJournal of Cereal Science J Cereb Blood Flow MetabJournal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism J ChemJournal of Chemistry J Chem CrystallogrJournal of Chemical Crystallography J Chem DocJournal of Chemical Documentation J Chem EcolJournal of Chemical Ecology J Chem EducJournal of Chemical Education J Chem Eng DataJournal of Chemical and Engineering Data J Chem Eng JpnJournal of Chemical Engineering of Japan J Chem Health SafJournal of Chemical Heath and Safetyu J Chem Inf Comput SciJournal of Chemical Information and Computer Science J Chem Inf ModelJournal of Chemical Information and Modeling J Chem MetrolJournal of Chemical Metrology J Chem NeuroanatJournal of Chemical Neuroanatomy J Chem PhysJournal of Chemical Physics J Chem Res, Synop Journal of Chemical Research Synopsis J Chem SciJournal of Chemical Sciences J Chem SocJournal of the Chemical Society J Chem Soc AJournal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical J Chem Soc AbstrJournal of the Chemical Society, Abstracts J Chem Soc BJournal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic J Chem Soc CJournal of the Chemical Society C: Organic J Chem Soc DJournal of the Chemical Society D: Chemical Communications J Chem Soc Lond Chem CommunJournal of the Chemical Society, London Chemical Communications J Chem Soc Lond Faraday Trans 1Journal of the Chemical Society, London Faraday Transactions 1 J Chem Soc Lond Faraday Trans 2Journal of the Chemical Society, London Faraday Transactions 2 J Chem Soc PakJournal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan J chem Soc TransJournal of the Chemical Society, Transactions J Chem Soc, Chem CommunJournal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications J Chem Soc, Dalton TransJournal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions J Chem Soc, Faraday TransJournal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions J Chem Soc, Faraday Trans 1 FJournal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases J Chem Soc, Faraday Trans 2Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics J Chem Soc, Perkin Trans 1Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 J Chem Soc, Perkin Trans 2Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 J Chem SoftwareJournal of Chemical Software J Chem Technol BiotechnolJournal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology J Chem Theory ComputJournal of Chemical Theory and Computation J Chem ThermodynJournal of Chemical Thermodynamics J CheminfJournal of Cheminformatics J ChemomJournal of Chemometrics J Chil Chem SocJournal of the Chilean Chemical Society J Child Adolesc PsychopharmacolJournal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology J Chim Phys Phys- Chim BiolJournal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique J Chim Phys Phys-Chim BiolJournal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-chimie Biologique J Chin Chem SocJournal of the Chinese Chemical Society J Chin Inst Chem Eng,Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers J China Univ GeosciJournal of the China University of Geosciences J ChromatogrJournal of Chromatography J Chromatogr AJournal of Chromatography A J Chromatogr BJournal of Chromatography B J Chromatogr SciJournal of Chromatographic Science J Chromatogr Sep TechJournal of Chromatography and Separation Techniques J Circadian RhythmsJournal of Circadian Rhythms J Cleaner ProdJournal of Cleaner Production J ClimJournal of Climate J Clim ChangeJournal of Climate Change J Clin BioinfJournal of Clinical Bioinformatics J Clin Chem Clin BiochemJournal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry J Clin Endocrinol MetabJournal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism J Clin Exp DentJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry J Clin Forensic MedJournal of Clinical Forensic Medicine J Clin Imaging SciJournal of Clinical Imaging Science J Clin Lab AnalJournal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis J Clin Med ResJournal of Clinical Medicine Research J Clin MicrobiolJournal of Clinical Microbiology J Clin Oncol: Clin Cancer InfJournal of Clinical Oncology: Clinical Cancer Informatics J Clin Oncol: Precis OncolJournal of Clinical Oncology: Precision Oncology J Clin PatholJournal of Clinical Pathology J Clin Pharm TherJournal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics J Clin PharmacolJournal of Clinical Pharmacology J Clin PsychopharmacolJournal of Clinical Psychopharmacology J Clin Res Pediatr EndocrinolJournal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology J Clin Transl EndocrinolJournal of Clinical & Translational Endocrinology J Clin Transl Endocrinol: Case RepJournal of Clinical & Translational Endocrinology: Case Reports J Clin Transl SciJournal of Clinical and Translational Science J Clin UltrasoundJournal of Clinical Ultrasound J Cluster SciJournal of Cluster Science J CO2 UtilJournal of CO2 Utilization J Coal Sci EngJournal of Coal Science and Engineering J Coast ResJouranl of Coastal Research J Coast Res Spec IssueJournal of Coastal Research Special Issue J Coat TechnolJournal of Coatings Technology J Coat Technol ResJournal of Coatings Technology and Research J Cognit EnhancementJournal of Cognitive Enhancement J Cognit NeurosciJournal of Cognitive Neuroscience J Cold Reg EngJournal of Cold Regions Engineering J Colloid Interface SciJournal of Colloid and Interface Science J Comb ChemJournal of Combinatorial Chemistry J Comb DesJournal of Combinatorial Designs J CombustJournal of Combustion J Commod Sci Technol QualJournal of Commodity Science, Technology and Quality J Commun NetworksJournal of Communications and Networks J Commun Technol ElectronJournal of Communications Technology and Electronics J Comp Eff ResJournal of Comparative Effectiveness Research J Comp NeurolJournal of Comparative Neurology J Comp PatholJournal of Comparative Pathology J Comp Physiol, AJournal of Comparative Physiology Part A Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology J Comp Physiol, BJournal of Comparative Physiology Part B Biochemical, Systematic, and Environmental Physiology J Complex NetworksJournal of Complex Networks J Compos ConstrJournal of Composites for Construction J Compos MaterJournal of Composite Materials J Compos Tech ResJournal of Composites Technology and Research J Comput AcoustJournal of Computational Acoustics J Comput Appl MathJournal of Computational and Applied Mathematics J Comput Assisted TomogrJournal of Computer Assisted Tomography J Comput BiolJournal of Computational Biology J Comput ChemJournal of Computational Chemistry J Comput Chem JpnJournal of Computer Chemistry, Japan J Comput Civ EngJournal of Computing in Civil Engineering J Comput Des EngJournal of Computational Design and Engineering J Comput ElectronJournal of Computational Electronics J Comput Inf Sci EngJournal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering J Comput Methods Sci EngJournal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering J Comput Multiphase FlowsJournal of Computational Multiphase Flows J Comput Networks CommunJournal of Computer Networks and Communications J Comput Nonlinear DynJournal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics J Comput PhysJournal of Computational Physics J Comput Phys: XJournal of Computational Physics X J Comput Sci EngJournal of Computing Science and Engineering J Comput SecurJournal of Computer Security J Comput Syst Sci IntJournal of Computer and System Sciences International J Comput Theor NanosciJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience J Comput-Aided Mater DesJournal of Computer-Aided Materials Design J Comput-Aided Mol DesJournal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design J ConsJournal du Conseil J Constr EngJournal of Construction Engineering J Constr Eng ManageJournal of Construction Engineering and Management J Constr Steel ResJournal of Constructional Steel Research J Contam HydrolJournal of Contaminant Hydrology J Contemp PhysJournal of Contemporary Physics J Control Sci EngJournal of Control Science and Engineering J Controlled ReleaseJournal of Controlled Release J Coord ChemJournal of Coordination Chemistry J Corros Sci EngJournal of Corrosion Science and Engineering J Cosmet SciJournal of Cosmetic Science J Cosmol Astropart PhysJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics J Crash Prev Inj ControlJournal of Crash Prevention and Injury Control J Crop Sci BiotechnolJournal of Crop Science and Biotechnology J Crustac BiolJournal of Crustacean Biology J Cryst GrowthJournal of Crystal Growth J Cult HeritageJournal of Cultural Heritage J Dairy ResJournal of Dairy Research J Dairy SciJournal of Dairy Science J Dalian Fish CollJournal of Dalian Fisheries College J Dent ResJournal of Dental Research J Des SciJournal of Design and Science J Dev AreasJournal of Developing Areas J DiabetesJournal of Diabetes J Diabetes Sci TechnolJournal of Diabetes Science and Technology J Diagn Radiogr ImagingJournal of Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging J Discrete AlgoritmsJournal of Discrete Algorithms J Disp TechnolJournal of Display Technology J Dispersion Sci TechnolJournal of Dispersion Science and Technology J Drug DeliveryJournal of Drug Delivery J Drug Delivery Sci TechnolJournal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology J Drug TargetingJournal of Drug Targeting J Dyn Syst Meas ContrJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control J Earth SciJournal of Earth Science J Earth Space PhysJournal of the Earth and Space Physics J Earth Syst SciJournal of Earth System Science J Earthquake EngJournal of Earthquake Engineering J East China Norm Univ Nat Sci EdJournal of East China Normal University Natural Science Edition J EcolJournal of Ecology J Econ EntomolJournal of Economic Entomology J Ecotoxicol Environ MonitJournal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Monitoring J Egypt Math SocJournal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society J ElastJournal of Elasticity J Elastomers PlastJournal of Elastomers and Plastics J Electr Comput EngJournal of Electrical and Computer Engineering J Electr Eng TechnolJournal of Electrical Engineering and Technology J Electr Syst Inf TechnolJournal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology J Electroanal ChemJournal of Electroanalytical Chemistry J Electroanal Chem Interfacial ElectrochemJournal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry J ElectroceramJournal of Electroceramics J Electrochem Energy Convers StorageJournal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage J Electrochem SocJournal of the Electrochemical Society J Electromagn Anal ApplJournal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications J ElectronJournal of Electronics (China) J Electron ImagingJournal of Electronic Imaging J Electron MaterJournal of Electronic Materials J Electron MicroscJournal of Electron Microscopy J Electron PackagJournal of Electronic Packaging J Electron Sci TechnolJournal of Electronic Science and Technology J Electron Spectrosc Relat PhenomJournal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena J Electron TestJournal of Electronic Testing J ElectrostatJournal of Electrostatics J ElementolJournal of Elementology J Elisha Mitchell Sci SocJournal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society J Endocr SocJournal of the Endocrine Society J EndocrinolJournal of Endocrinology J Endotoxin ResJournal of Endotoxin Research J Energetic MaterJournal of Energetic Materials J EnergyJournal of Energy J Energy EngJournal of Energy Engineering J Energy InstJournal of the Energy Institute J Energy Res TechnolJournal of Energy Resources Technology J Energy Resour TechnolJournal of Energy Resources Technology J EngJournal of Engineering J Eng DesJournal of Engineering Design J Eng EducJournal of Engineering Education J Eng Fibers FabrJournal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics J Eng Gas Turbines PowerJournal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power J Eng Mater TechnolJournal of Engineering Materials and Technology J Eng MathJournal of Engineering Mathematics J Eng MechJournal of Engineering Mechanics J Eng Phys ThermophysJournal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics J Eng Sci Med Diagn TherJournal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy J Eng Tech ManageJournal of Engineering and Technology Management J Eng ThermophysJournal of Engineering Thermophysics J Entomol ResJournal of Entomological Research J Entomol Soc BCJournal of the Entomological Society of Birtish Columbia J Environ BiolJournal of Environmental Biology J Environ Chem EngJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering J Environ Econ ManageJournal of Environmental Economics and Management J Environ EngJournal of Environmental Engineering J Environ Eng GeophysJournal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics J Environ Eng SciJournal of Environmental Engineering and Science J Environ HealthJournal of Environmental Health J Environ HydrolJournal of Environmental Hydrology J Environ ManageJournal of Environmental Management J Environ MonitJournal of Environmental Monitoring J Environ Pathol ToxicolJournal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology J Environ Pathol Toxicol OncolJournal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology J Environ Plann ManageJournal of Environmental Planning and Management J Environ Plann Policy ManageJournal of Environmental Policy & Planning J Environ Prot EcolJournal of Environmental Protection and Ecology J Environ QualJournal of Environmental Quality J Environ RadioactJournal of Environmental Radioactivity J Environ SciJournal of Environmental Sciences J Environ Sci Health Part A Environ Sci Health Part A Environ Sci EngJournal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering J Environ Sci Health Part A Toxic/Hazard Subst Environ EngJournal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering J Environ Sci Health, AJournal of Environmental Science and Health Part A Environmental Science and Engineering J Environ Sci Health, Part AJournal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A Environmental Science J Environ Sci Health, Part A Environ Sci EngToxic Hazard Subst ControlJournal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering & Toxic and Hazardous Substance Control J Environ Sci Health, Part BJournal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes J Environ Sci Health, Part C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol RevJournal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis & Ecotoxicology Reviews J Environ Sci Health, Part C Environ Carcinog RevJournal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis Reviews J Environ Sci Health, Part C Environ Health SciJournal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental Health Sciences J Environ Sci TechnolJournal of Environmental Science and Technology J Environ Solutions Oil Gas MinJournal of Environmental Solutions for Oil, Gas, and Mining J Environ SystJournal of Environmental Systems J Enzym InhibJournal of Enzyme Inhibition J Enzyme Inhib Med ChemJournal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry J Essent Oil Bear PlantsJournal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants J Essent Oil ResJournal of Essential Oil Research J Ethnobiol EthnomedJournal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine J EthnopharmacolJournal of Ethnopharmacology J EtholJournal of Ethology J Eukaryot MicrobiolJournal of Eukaryotic Microbiology J Eukaryotic MicrobiolJournal of Eukaryotic Microbiology J Eur Ceram SocJournal of the European Ceramic Society J Eur HydrolJournal Europeen d'Hydrologie J Eur LandscapeJournal of European Landscape J Eur Opt Soc Part AJournal of the European Optical Society Part A J Eur Opt Soc Part BJournal of the European Optical Society Part B J Evidence Qual Health CareJournal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care J Evol Biochem PhysiolJournal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology J Evol BiolJournal of Evolutionary Biology J Exp Anal BehavJournal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior J Exp Anim SciJournal of Experimental Animal Science J Exp BiolJournal of Experimental Biology J Exp BotJournal of Experimental Botany J Exp Clin Cancer ResJournal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research J Exp Mar Biol EcolJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology J Exp MedJournal of Experimental Medicine J Exp NanosciJournal of Experimental Nanoscience J Exp NeurosciJournal of Experimental Neuroscience J Exp PatholJournal of Experimental Pathology J Exp Theor Artif IntellJournal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence J Exp Theor PhysJournal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics J Exp ZoolJournal of Experimental Zoology J Exposure Anal Environ EpidemiolJournal of Exposure Analysis and Environment Epidemiology J Exposure Sci Environ EpidemiolJournal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology J Fac Mar Sci Technol Tokai UnivJournal of the Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University J Fac Sci Tokyo Univ, 3Journal of the Faculty of Science, Tokyo University Section 3: Botany J Facade Des EngJournal of Facade Design and Engineering J Fail Anal PrevJournal of Failure Analysis and Prevention J Feline Med SurgJournal of Feline Medicine and Surgery J Ferment BioengJournal of Fermentation and Bioengineering J Ferment TechnolJournal of Fermentation Technology J Fiber Bioeng InfJournal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics J Field OrnithJournal of Field Ornithology J Field OrnitholJournal of Field Ornithology J Field RobJournal of Field Robotics J Fire Prot EngJournal of Fire Protection Engineering J Fire SciJournal of Fire Sciences J Fish Aquat SciJournal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science J Fish BiolJournal of Fish Biology J Fish ChinaJournal of Fisheries of China J Fish DisJournal of Fish Diseases J Fish Res Board CanJournal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada J Fish Sci ChinaJournal of Fishery Sciences of China J Flood Risk ManageJournal of Flood Risk Management J Flow ChemJournal of Flow Chemistry J Fluid MechJournal of Fluid Mechanics J Fluids EngJournal of Fluids Engineering J Fluids StructJournal of Fluids and Structures J Fluorine ChemJournal of Fluorine Chemistry J Food Agric EnvironJournal of Food, Agriculture and Environment J Food BiochemJournal of Food Biochemistry J Food Compos AnalJournal of Food Composition and Analysis J Food Drug AnalJournal of Food and Drug Analysis J Food EngJournal of Food Engineering J Food Hyg Soc JpnJournal of the Food Hygienic Society of Japan J Food LipidsJournal of Food Lipids J Food Meas CharactJournal of Food Measurement and Characterization J Food Process EngJournal of Food Process Engineering J Food Process PreservJournal of Food Processing and Preservation J Food ProtJournal of Food Protection J Food QualJournal of Food Quality J Food SafJournal of Food Safety J Food SciJournal of Food Science J Food Sci EducJournal of Food Science Education J Food Sci TechnolJournal of Food Science and Technology J Food TechnolJournal of Food Technology J For ResJournal of Forestry Research J Foramineferal ResJournal of Foramineferal Research J Forensic Dent SciJournal of Forensic Dental Sciences J Forensic Legal MedJournal of Forensic and Legal Medicine J Forensic MedJournal of Forensic Medicine J Forensic Med ToxicolJournal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology J Forensic Radiol ImagingJournal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging J Forensic SciJournal of Forensic Science J Forensic Sci SocJournal of the Forensic Science Society J Franklin InstJournal of the Franklin Institute J Freshw EcolJournal of Freshwater Ecology J Freshwater EcolJournal of Freshwater Ecology J Frict WearJournal of Friction and Wear J Fuel Cell Sci TechnolJournal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology J Fujian Teach Univ Nat Sci EdJournal of Fujian Teachers University Natural Science Edition J Funct FoodsJournal of Functional Foods J Funct ProgramJournal of Functional Programming J Funct SpacesJournal of Function Spaces J Fusion EnergyJournal of Fusion Energy J Gasbeleucht Verw Beleuchtungsarten WasserversorgJournal für Gasbeleuchtung und Verwandte Beleuchtungsarten sowie für Wasserversorgung J GemmolJournal of Gemmology J Gen Appl MicrobiolJournal of General and Applied Microbiology J Gen MicrobiolJournal of General Microbiology J Gen PhysiolJournal of General Physiology J Gen VirolJournal of General Virology J GenetJournal of Genetics J Genet CounsJournal of Genetic Counseling J Genet Eng BiotechnolJournal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology J Genet GenomicsJournal of Genetics and Genomics J Geochem ExplorJournal of Geochemical Exploration J GeodJournal of Geodesy J GeodynJournal of Geodynamics J Geo-Eng SciJournal of Geo-Engineering Sciences J Geog SciJournal of Geographical Sciences J Geogr Environ Earth Sci IntJournal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International J Geohys Res, BJournal of Geophysical Research B J Geohys Res, CJournal of Geophysical Research C Oceans J Geohys Res, DJournal of Geophysical Research D Atmospheres J GeolJournal of Geology J Geol EducJournal of Geological Education J Geol ResJournal of Geological Research J Geol Soc (London, UK)Journal of the Geological Society (London, United Kingdom) J Geol Soc AustJournal of the Geological Society of Australia J Geol Soc ChinaJournal of the Geological Society of China J Geol Soc IndiaJournal of the Geological Society of India J Geol Soc JamJournal of the Geological Society of Jamaica J Geol Soc JpnJournal of the Geological Society of Japan J Geol Soc LondonJournal of the Geological Society of London J Geom PhysJournal of Geometry and Physics J Geomagn GeoelecJournal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity J Geomagn GeoelectrJournal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity J GeophysJournal of Geophysics J Geophys EngJournal of Geophysics and Engineering J Geophys ResJournal of Geophysical Research J Geophys Res A: Space PhysJournal of Geophysical Research, A: Space Physics J Geophys Res AtmosJournal of Geophysical Research, [Atmospheres] J Geophys Res B: Solid EarthJournal of Geophysical Research, B: Solid Earth J Geophys Res BiogeosciJournal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences J Geophys Res C: OceansJournal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans J Geophys Res D: AtmosJournal of Geophysical Research, D: Atmospheres J Geophys Res E: PlanetsJournal of Geophysical Research, E: Planets J Geophys Res Earth SurfJournal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface J Geophys Res F: Earth SurfJournal of Geophysical Research, F: Earth Surface J Geophys Res G: BiogeosciJournal of Geophysical Research, G: Biogeosciences J Geophys Res OceansJournal of Geophysical Research, Oceans J Geophys Res PlanetsJournal of Geophysical Research, Planets J Geophys Res Solid EarthJournal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth J Geophys Res Space PhysJournal of Geophysical Research, Space Physics J GeosciJournal of Geosciences J Geosci EducJournal of Geoscience Education J Geotech EngJournal of Geotechnical Engineering J Geotech Geoenviron EngJournal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering J Ghana Sci AssocJournal of the Ghana Science Association J Ginseng ResJournal of Ginseng Research J GlaciolJournal of Glaciology J Global OncolJournal of Global Oncology J Global OptimJournal of Global Optimization J Great Lakes ResJournal of Great Lakes Research J Gt Lakes ResJournal of Great Lakes Research J Hard Tissue BiolJournal of Hard Tissue Biology J Hazard MaterJournal of Hazardous materials J Health Popul NutrJournal of Health, Population and Nutrition J Healthcare EngJournal of Healthcare Engineering J Heat TransferJournal of Heat Transfer J Heat TreatJournal of Heat Treating J Hehai UnivJournal of Hehai University J HelmintholJournal of Helminthology J Herbs Spices Med PlantsJournal of Herbs Spices & Medicinal Plants J HeredJournal of Heredity J HerpetolJournal of Herpetology J Heterocycl ChemJournal of Heterocyclic Chemistry J High Energy AstrophysJournal of High Energy Astrophysics J High Energy PhysJournal of High Energy Physics J High Resolut ChromatogrJournal of High Resolution Chromatography J High Speed NetworksJournal of High Speed Networks J Hist AstronJournal for the History of Astronomy J Histochem CytochemJournal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry J Hologr SpeckleJournal of Holography and Speckle J Hortic Sci BiotechnolJournal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology J Hous Built EnvironJournal of Housing and the Built Environment J Hum EvolJournal of Human Evolution J Hum GenetJournal of Human Genetics J Hum HypertensJournal of Human Hypertension J Hum Nutr DietJournal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics J Huntington's DisJournal of Huntington's Disease J Hydraul EngJournal of Hydraulic Engineering J Hydraul ResJournal of Hydraulic Research J HydrodynJournal of Hydrodynamics J Hydrodyn Ser BJournal of Hydrodynamics, Series B J Hydro-environ ResJournal of Hydro-environment Research J HydroinfJournal of Hydroinformatics J HydrolJournal of Hydrology J Hydrol (Amst)Journal of Hydrology (Amsterdam) J Hydrol EngJournal of Hydrologic Engineering J Hydrol HydromechJournal Of Hydrology And Hydromechanics J Hydrol: Reg StudJournal of Hydrology: Regional Studies J HydrometeorolJournal of Hydrometeorology J HypertensJournal of Hypertension J IchthyolJournal of Ichthyology J Illum Eng SocJournal of the Illuminating Engineering Society J Imaging Sci TechnolJournal of Imaging Science and Technology J Immunoassay ImmunochemJournal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry J ImmunolJournal of Immunology J ImmunoTher CancerJournal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer J Inclusion Phenom Macrocyclic ChemJournal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry J Inclusion Phenom Mol Recognit ChemJournal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry J Ind EcolJournal of Industrial Ecology J Ind Eng ChemJournal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry J Ind Eng IntJournal of Industrial Engineering International J Ind MicrobiolJournal of Industrial Microbiology J Ind Microbiol BiotechnolJournal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology J Ind Pollut ControlJournal of Industrial Pollution Control J Ind TextJournal of Industrial Textiles J Indian Acad Forensic SciJournal of the Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences J Indian Acad Wood SciJournal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science J Indian Chem SocJournal of the Indian Chemical Society J Indian Counc ChemJournal of Indian Council of Chemists J Indian Fish AssocJournal of the Indian Fisheries Association J Indian Inst SciJournal of the Indian Institute of Science J Indian Leather Technol AssocJournal of the Indian Leather Technologists' Association J Indian Soc Remote SensJournal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing J Indian Soc Soil SciJournal of the Indian Society of Soil Science J Inf Process SystJournal of Information Processing Systems J Infect DisJournal of Infectious Diseases J Infrared Millimeter WavesJournal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves J Infrastruct SystJournal of Infrastructure Systems J Inland FishJournal of Inland Fisheries J Inland Fish Soc IndiaJournal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India J Innate ImmunJournal of Innate Immunity J Innovation Digital EcosystJournal of Innovation in Digital Ecosystems J Innovation KnowlJournal of Innovation and Knowledge J Inorg BiochemJournal of Inorganic Biochemistry J Inorg Nucl ChemJournal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry J Inorg Organomet PolymJournal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers J Inorg Organomet Polym MaterJournal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials J Insect PhysiolJournal of Insect Physiology J Insect SciJournal of Insect Science J Insects Food FeedJournal of Insects as Food and Feed J Inst BrewJournal of the Institute of Brewing J Inst ChemJournal of Institute of Chemists (India) J Inst Electr EngJournal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers J Inst Electron Radio EngJournal of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers J Inst Eng (India) Chem Eng DivJournal of the Institution of Engineers (India) Chemical Engineering Division J Inst Eng (India) Metall Mater Eng DivJournal of the Institution of Engineers (India) Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Division J Inst Environ SciJournal of the Institute of Environment Sciences J Inst Locomot EngJournal of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers J Inst MetJournal of the Institute of Metals J Inst PetJournal of the Institute of Petroleum J Inst Prod EngJournal of the Institution of Production Engineers J Inst Water Environ ManageJournal of the Institution of Water and Environment Management J InstrumJournal of Instrumentation J Instrum Soc IndiaJournal of the Instrument Society of India J Int Life Sci ResJournal of International Life Sciences Research J Int Soc Sports NutrJournal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition J Integr Des Process SciJournal of Integrated Design and Process Science J Integr Environ SciJournal of Integrative Environmental Sciences J Integr Pest ManageJournal of Integrated Pest Management J Integr Plant BiolJournal of Integrative Plant Biology J IntellJournal of Intelligence J Intell Fuzzy SystJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems J Intell Mater Syst StructJournal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures J Intell Rob SystJournal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems J Intell Transp Syst Technol Plann OperJournal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations J Interdiscip NanomedJournal of Interdisciplinary Nanomedicine J Interferon Cytokine ResJournal of Interferon and Cytokine Research J Interferon ResJournal of Interferon Research J Invertebr PatholJournal of Invertebrate Pathology J Invest Clin DentJournal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry J Invest DermatolJournal of Investigative Dermatology J Invest MedJournal of Investigative Medicine J Invest Med High Impact Case RepJournal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports J Iowa Acad SciJournal of the Iowa Academy of Science J Iran Chem SocJournal of the Iranian Chemical Society J Iron Steel Res IntJournal of Iron and Steel Research International J Irrig Drain EngJournal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering J Ivoir Oceanol LimnolJournal Ivoirien d'Oceanologie et de Limnologie J Jpn BotJournal of Japanese Botany J Jpn Inst MetJournal of the Japan Institute of Metals J Jpn Inst NavigJournal of the Japan Institute of Navigation J Jpn Pet InstJournal of the Japan Petroleum Institute J Jpn Soc Biosci Biotechnol AgrochemJournal Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry J Kans Entomol SocJournal of the Kansas Entomological Society J Kansai Soc Nav Archit JpnJournal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects Japan J Kansas Entomol SocJournal of the Kansas Entomological Society J Kenya Chem SocJournal of the Kenya Chemical Society J King Abdulaziz Univ Mar SciJournal of King Abdulaziz University Marine Sciences J King Saud Univ Agric SciJournal of King Saud University, Agricultural Sciences J King Saud Univ Eng SciJournal of King Saud University, Engineering Sciences J King Saud Univ SciJournal of King Saud University, Science J Klin Endokrinolog StoffwechselJournal für Klinische Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel J Korea Inst Appl Supercond Cryog InstJournal of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics J Korean Ceram SocJournal of the Korean Ceramic Society J Korean Chem SocJournal of the Korean Chemical Society J Korean Inst Met MaterJournal of Korean Institute of Metals and Materials J Korean NatJournal of Korean Nature J KulturpflanzJournal für Kulturpflanzen J Lab Clin MedJournal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine J Labelled Compd RadiopharmJournal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals J LandwirtschaftJournal für Landwirtschaft J Lang EvolJournal of Language Evolution J Laser ApplJournal of Laser Applications J Laser Micro/NanoengJournal of Laser Micro/nanoengineering J Law BiosciJournal of Law and the Biosciences J Leather Chem TechnolJournal of Leather and Chemical Technology J Leather Sci EngJournal of Leather Science and Engineering J Less-Common MetJournal of Less-Common Metals J Leukocyte BiolJournal of Leukocyte Biology J Light MetJournal of Light Metals J Light Visual EnvironJournal of Light & Visual Environment J Lightwave TechnolJournal of Lightwave Technology J Linn Soc London, BotJournal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany J Linn Soc London, ZoolJournal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology J Lipid MediatorsJournal of Lipid Mediators J Lipid Mediators Cell SignallingJournal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling J Lipid ResJournal of Lipid Research J LipidsJournal of Lipids J Liposome ResJournal of Liposome Research J Liq ChromatogrJournal of Liquid Chromatography J Liq Chromatogr Related TechnolJournal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies J Logic ComputJournal of Logic and Computation J London Math SocJournal of the London Mathematical Society J Loss Prev Process IndJournal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries J Low Freq Noise Vibr Act ControlJournal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control J Low Power ElectronJournal of Low Power Electronics J Low Temp PhysJournal of Low Temperature Physics J Lubr TechnolJournal of Lubrication Technology J LuminJournal of Luminescence J Macromol Sci Part A Pure Appl ChemJournal of Macromolecular Science, Part A Pure and Applied Chemistry J Macromol Sci Part B PhysJournal of Macromolecular Science, Part B Physics J Macromol Sci, PhysJournal of Macromolecular Science - Physics J Macromol Sci, Polym RevJournal of Macromolecular Science Polymer Reviews J Macromol Sci, Pure Appl ChemJournal of Macromolecular Science Pure and Applied Chemistry J Macromol Sci, Rev Macromol Chem PhysJournal of Macromolecular Science - Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics J Magn Magn MaterJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials J Magn ResonJournal of Magnetic Resonance J Magn Reson ImagingJournal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging J Magn Reson, Ser AJournal of Magnetic Resonance Series A J Magn Reson, Ser BJournal of Magnetic Resonance Series B J Magnesium AlloysJournal of Magnesium and Alloys J Malacol Soc AustJournal of the Malacological Society of Australia J MammJournal of Mammal Research J Manage EngJournal of Management in Engineering J Manuf ProcessesJournal of Manufacturing Processes J Manuf Sci EngJournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering J Manuf SystJournal of Manufacturing Systems J MapsJournal of Maps J Mar BiolJournal of Marine Biology J Mar Biol Ass IndiaJournal of the Marine Biological Association of India J Mar Biol Ass U KJournal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom J Mar Biol Assoc U KJournal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK J Mar BiotechnolJournal of Marine Biotechnology J Mar ResJournal of Marine Research J Mar Sci ApplJournal of Marine Science and Application J Mar Sci TechnolJournal of Marine Science and Technology J Mar SystJournal of Marine Systems J Mass SpectromJournal of Mass Spectrometry J Mater ChemJournal of Materials Chemistry J Mater Chem AJournal of Materials Chemistry A J Mater Chem BJournal of Materials Chemistry B J Mater Chem CJournal of Materials Chemistry C J Mater Civ EngJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering J Mater Cycles Waste ManageJournal of Material Cycles and Waste Management J Mater EducJournal of Materials Education J Mater Energy SystJournal of Materials for Energy Systems J Mater EngJournal of Materials Engineering J Mater Eng PerformJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance J Mater Environ SciJournal of Materials and Environmental Science J Mater Process Manuf SciJournal of Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science J Mater Process TechnolJournal of Materials Processing Technology J Mater ResJournal of Materials Research J Mater Res TechnolJournal of Materials Research and Technology J Mater SciJournal of Materials Science J Mater Sci - Mater ElectronJournal of Materials Science - Materials in Electronics J Mater Sci - Mater MedJournal of Materials Science Materials in Medicine J Mater Sci EngJournal of Materials Science and Engineering J Mater Sci LettJournal of Materials Science Letters J Mater Sci TechnolJournal of Materials Science and Technology J Mater Shaping TechnolJournal of Materials Shaping Technology J Mater Synth ProcessJournal of Materials Synthesis and Processing J MateriomicsJournal of Materiomics J MathJournal of Mathematics J Math ChemJournal of Mathematical Chemistry J Math Fluid MechJournal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics J Math Imaging VisionJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision J Math NeurosciJournal of Mathematical Neuroscience J Math PhysJournal of Mathematical Physics J Mech Behav Biomed MaterJournal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials J Mech DesJournal of Mechanical Design J Mech Eng SciJournal of Mechanical Engineering Science J Mech Phys SolidsJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids J Mech RobJournal of Mechanisms and Robotics J Mech Sci TechnolJournal of Mechanical Science and Technology J Med Case RepJournal of Medical Case Reports J Med ChemJournal of Medicinal Chemistry J Med DevicesJournal of Medical Devices J Med Eng TechnolJournal of Medical Engineering & Technology J Med EntomolJournal of Medical Entomology J Med FoodJournal of Medicinal Food J Med GenetJournal of Medical Genetics J Med Hypotheses IdeasJournal of Medical Hypotheses & Ideas J Med ImagingJournal of Medical Imaging J Med Internet ResJournal of Medical Internet Research J Med MicrobiolJournal of Medical Microbiology J Med Nucl BiophysJournal de Medecine Nucleaire et Biophysique J Med Pharm ChemJournal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry J Med Radiat SciJournal of Medical Radiation Sciences J Med ToxicolJournal of Medical Toxicology J Membr BiolJournal of Membrane Biology J Membr ComputJournal of Membrane Computing J Membr SciJournal of Membrane Science J MensJournal Mensuel J Metall Mater SciJournal of Metallurgy and Materials Science J Metamorph GeolJournal of Metamorphic Geology J Metastable Nanocryst MaterJournal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials J Meteorol Soc JpnJournal of the Meteorological Society of Japan J Meteorolog ResJournal of Meteorological Research J Meteorolog Soc JpnJournal of the Meteorological Society of Japan J Mex Chem SocJournal of the Mexican Chemical Society J Micro - Nano MechatronJournal of Micro - Nano Mechatronics J Micro Nano-ManufJournal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing J Micro/Nanolithog Microfab MicrosysJournal of Micro/Nanolithography, Microfabrican, and Microsystems J Micro/Nanolithogr MEMS MOEMSJournal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS J Microbiol BiotechnolJournal of Microbiology and Biotechnology J Microbiol MethodsJournal of Microbiological Methods J Microcolumn SepJournal of Microcolumn Separations J Microelectromech SystJournal of Microelectromechanical Systems J Microelectron Electron PackagJournal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging J MicroencapsulationJournal of Microencapsulation J Microlith Microfab MicrosysJournal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems J MicromanufJournal of Micromanufacturing J Micromech MicroengJournal of Micromechanics and Microengineering J MicropaleontolJournal of Micropaleontology J MicroscJournal of Microscopy J Microwave PowerJournal of Microwave Power J Microwave Power Electromagn EnergyJournal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy J Milk Food TechnolJournal of Milk and Food Technology J Min Mater ProcessInst JpnJournal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan J Min Metall Sect AJournal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining J Min Metall Sect BJournal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy J Min SciJournal of Mining Science J Mineral Petrol SciJournal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences J Mines Met FuelsJournal of Mines, Metals and Fuels J MMIJJournal of MMIJ J Mod OptJournal of Modern Optics J Mod Power Syst Clean EnergyJournal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy J Mol BiolJournal of Molecular Biology J Mol CatalJournal of Molecular Catalysis J Mol Catal A: ChemJournal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical J Mol Catal B: EnzymJournal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic J Mol Cell BiolJournal of Molecular Cell Biology J Mol DiagnJournal of Molecular Diagnostics J Mol EndocrinolJournal of Molecular Endocrinology J Mol Genet MedJournal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine J Mol GraphicsJournal of Molecular Graphics J Mol Graphics ModellJournal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling J Mol LiqJournal of Molecular Liquids J Mol MedJournal of Molecular Medicine J Mol Microbiol BiotechnolJournal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology J Mol ModelJournal of Molecular Modeling J Mol NeurosciJournal of Molecular Neuroscience J Mol PsychiatryJournal of Molecular Psychiatry J Mol RecognitJournal of Molecular Recognition J Mol SignalingJournal of Molecular Signaling J Mol SpectroscJournal of Molecular Spectroscopy J Mol StructJournal of Molecular Structure J Mol Struct THEOCHEMJournal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM J Molluscan StudJournal of Molluscan Studies J MorpholJournal of Morphology J Morphol (1931)Journal of Morphology (1931) J Multiscale ModelJournal of Multiscale Modeling J Muscle Res Cell MotilJournal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility J N Am Benthol SocJournal of the North American Benthological Society J N Engl Water Environ AssocJournal of New England Water Environment Association J N Engl Water Works AssocJournal of New England Water Works Association J Nanjing Inst MeteorolJournal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology J Nano EducJournal of Nano Education J Nano Energy Power ResJournal of Nano Energy and Power Research J Nano ResJournal of Nano Research J NanobiotechnolJournal of Nanbiotechnology J Nanoelectron OptoelectronJournal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics J NanoeurosciJournal of Nanoeuroscience J NanomaterJournal of Nanomaterials J Nanopart ResJournal of Nanoparticle Research J NanophotonicsJournal of Nanophotonics J Nanosci NanotechnolJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology J NanotechnolJournal of Nanotechnology J Nat ConservJournal of Nature Conservation J Nat FibersJournal of Natural Fibers J Nat Gas ChemJournal of Natural Gas Chemistry J Nat Gas GeosciJournal of Natural Gas Geoscience J Nat Gas Sci EngJournal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering J Nat HistJournal of Natural History J Nat ProdJournal of Natural Products J Nat Prod (Lloydia)Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia) J Nat ResourJournal of Natural Resources J Nat Resour Policy ResJournal of Natural Resource Policy Research J Nat ToxinsJournal of Natural Toxins J Natl Aquat Resour Agency (Sri Lanka)Journal of the National Aquatic Resources Agency (Sri Lanka) J Natl Sci Found Sri LankaJournal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka J NavigJournal of Navigation J NC Acad SciJournal of the North Carolina Academy of Science J Near Infrared SpectroscJournal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy J Negat Results BiomedJournal of Negative Results in BioMedicine J Nepal Chem SocJournal of Nepal Chemical Society J Neural EngJournal of Neural Engineering J Neural TransmJournal of Neural Transmission J NeurobiolJournal of Neurobiology J NeurochemJournal of Neurochemistry J NeurocytolJournal of Neurocytology J NeuroendocrinolJournal of Neuroendocrinology J NeuroEng RehabilJournal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation J NeuroimagingJournal of Neuroimaging J Neuroimmune PharmacolJournal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology J NeurolJournal of Neurology J Neurol SciJournal of the Neurological Sciences J Neuropathol Exp NeurolJournal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology J NeurosciJournal of Neuroscience J Neurosci MethodsJournal of Neuroscience Methods J Neurosci ResJournal of Neuroscience Research J Neutron ResJournal of Neutron Research J New Mater Electrochem SystJournal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems J Non-Cryst SolidsJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids J Nondestr EvalJournal of Nondestructive Evaluation J Nondestr Eval Diagn Progn Eng SystJournal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics & Prognostics of Engineering Systems J Non-Equilib ThermodynJournal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics J Nonlinear Math PhysJournal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics J Nonlinear Opt Phys MaterJournal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials J Non-Newtonian Fluid MechJournal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics J Northwest Atl Fish SocJournal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science J Northwest Polytech UnivJournal of the Northwestern Polytechnical University J Nucl Biol MedJournal of Nuclear Biology and Medicine J Nucl EngJournal of Nuclear Energy J Nucl Eng Part A:Journal of Nuclear Energy, Part A: Reactor Science J Nucl Eng Part B:Journal of Nuclear Energy, Part B: Reactor Technology J Nucl Eng Part C:Journal of Nuclear Energy Part C, Plasma Physics, Accelerators, Thermonuclear Research J Nucl Eng Radiat SciJournal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science J Nucl MaterJournal of Nuclear Materials J Nucl MedJournal of Nuclear Medicine J Nucl Radiochem SciJournal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences J Nucl Sci TechnolJournal of Nuclear Science and Technology J Nucleic AcidsJournal of Nucleic Acids J NutrJournal of Nutrition J Nutr BiochemJournal of Nutritional Biochemistry J Nutr Environ MedJournal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine J Ocean ClimJournal of Ocean and Climate J Ocean Eng SciJournal of Ocean Engineering and Science J Ocean TechnolJournal of Ocean Technology J Ocean Univ ChinaJournal of Ocean University of China (English Edition) J Ocean Univ QingdaoJournal of Ocean University of Qingdao J OceanogrJournal of Oceanography J Oceanogr Huanghai Bohai SeasJournal of Oceanography of Huanghai and Bohai Seas J Oceanogr Soc JpnJournal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan J Oceanogr Taiwan StraitJournal of Oceanography in Taisan Strait J Oceanol Soc KoreaJournal of the Oceanological Society of Korea J Offshore Mech Arct EngJournal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering J Oleo SciJournal of Oleo Science J Open Res SoftwareJournal of Open Research Software J Oper ManageJournal of Operations Management J Oper MeteorolJournal of Operational Meteorology J OptJournal of Optics J Opt A: Pure Appl OptJournal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics J Opt B: Quantum Semiclassical OptJournal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics J Opt CommunJournal of Optical Communication J Opt Commun NetworkingJournal of Optical Communications and Networking J Opt MicrosystJournal of Optical Microsystems J Opt Soc Am A:Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision J Opt Soc Am B: Opt PhysJournal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics J Opt Soc KoreaJournal of the Optical Society of Korea J OptimJournal of Optimization J Optoelectron Adv MaterJournal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials J Org ChemJournal of Organic Chemistry J Organomet ChemJournal of Organometallic Chemistry J Orthop Sports Phys TherJournal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy J Packag Technol ResJournal of Packaging Technology and Reseach J PainJournal of Pain J Pain Symptom ManageJournal of Pain and Symptom Management J PalaeogeogrJournal of Palaeogeography J PaleolimnolJournal of Paleolimnology J PaleontolJournal of Paleontology J PalynolJournal of Palynology J Parallel Distrib ComputJournal of Parallel and Distributed Computing J ParasitolJournal of Parasitology J Parasitol ResJournal of Parasitology Research J PathogJournal of Pathogens J PediatrJournal of Pediatrics J Pediatr Rehabil MedJournal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine J Pept SciJournal of Peptide Science J Perform Constr FacilJournal of Performance of Constructed Facilities J Peridyn Nonlocal ModelJournal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling J Pet Explor Prod TechnolJournal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology J Pet GeolJournal of Petroleum Geology J Pet Sci TechnolJournal of Petroleum Science and Technology J PetrolJournal of Petrology J Pharm AnalJournal of Pharmaceutical Analysis J Pharm Biomed AnalJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis J Pharm ChemJournal of Pharmacy and Chemistry J Pharm Health Serv ResJournal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research J Pharm PharmacolJournal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology J Pharm Policy PractJournal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice J Pharm Pract ResJournal of Pharmacy Practice and Research J Pharm ResJournal of Pharmacy Research J Pharm SciJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences J Pharm StatJournal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics J Pharm TechnolJournal of Pharmacy Technology J Pharmacol Exp TherJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics J Pharmacol MethodsJournal of Pharmacological Methods J Pharmacol SciJournal of Pharmacological Sciences J Pharmacol Toxicol MethodsJournal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods J Phase EquilibJournal of Phase Equilibrium J Phase Equilib DiffusJournal of Phase Equilibrium and Diffusion J Photochem Photobiol, AJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry J Photochem Photobiol, BJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology J Photochem Photobiol, CJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews J Photonics EnergyJournal of Photonics for Energy J Photopolym Sci TechnolJournal of Photopolymer Science and Technology J PhycolJournal of Phycology J PhysJournal de Physique J Phys A: Gen PhysJournal of Physics A: General Physics J Phys A: Math GenJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and General J Phys A: Math Nucl GenJournal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General J Phys A: Math TheorJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical J Phys B: At Mol Opt PhysJournal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics J Phys B: At Mol PhysJournal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics J Phys C: Solid State PhysJournal of Physics C: Solid State Physics J Phys ChemJournal of Physical Chemistry J Phys Chem AJournal of Physical Chemistry A J Phys Chem BJournal of Physical Chemistry B J Phys Chem CJournal of Physical Chemistry C J Phys Chem LettJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters J Phys Chem Ref DataJournal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data J Phys Chem SolidsJournal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids J Phys Colloid ChemJournal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry J Phys CommunJournal of Physics Communications J Phys Conf SerJournal of Physics: Conference Series J Phys D: Appl PhysJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics J Phys E: Sci InstrumJournal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments J Phys EarthJournal of Physics of the Earth J Phys F: Met PhysJournal of Physics F: Metal Physics J Phys G: Nucl Part PhysJournal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics J Phys G: Nucl PhysJournal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics J Phys IJournal de Physique I J Phys IIJournal de Physique II J Phys IIIJournal de Physique III J Phys IVJournal de Physique IV J Phys OceanogrJournal of Physical Oceanography J Phys Org ChemJournal of Physical Organic Chemistry J Phys RadiumJournal de Physique et le Radium J Phys Soc JpnJournal of the Physical Society of Japan J Phys: ComplexityJournal of Physics: Complexity J Phys: Condens MatterJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter J Phys: EnergyJournal of Physics: Energy J Phys: MaterJournal of Physics: Materials J Phys: PhotonicsJournal of Physics: Photonics J PhysiolJournal of Physiology J Physiol (Lond)Journal of Physiology (London) J Physiol AnthropolJournal of Physiological Anthropology J Physiol BiochemJournal of Physiology and Biochemistry J Physiol SciJournal of Physiological Sciences J Physiol-ParisJournal of Physiology-Paris J PhytopatholJournal of Phytopathology J Pipeline Syst Eng PractJournal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice J Planar Chromatogr - Mod TLCJournal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC J Plankton ResJournal of Plankton Research J Plant Biochem BiotechnolJournal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology J Plant Dis ProtJournal of Plant Diseases and Protection J Plant Growth RegulJournal of Plant Growth Regulation J Plant InteractJournal of Plant Interactions J Plant NutrJournal of Plant Nutrition J Plant Nutr Soil SciJournal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science J Plant PhysiolJournal of Plant Physiology J Plant Prot ResJournal of Plant Protection Research J Plant ResJournal of Plant Research J Plasma PhysJournal of Plasma Physics J Plast Film SheetingJournal of Plastic Film & Sheeting J Polym EngJournal of Polymer Engineering J Polym EnvironJournal of Polymers and the Environment J Polym MaterJournal of Polymer Materials J Polym ResJournal of Polymer Research J Polym Sci Polym SympJournal of Polymer Science Polymer Symposium J Polym Sci, Part A: Polym ChemJournal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry J Polym Sci, Part B: Polym PhysJournal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics J Polym Sci, Part C: Polym LettJournal of Polymer Science Part C: Polymer Letters J Porous MaterJournal of Porous Materials J Porphyrins PhthalocyaninesJournal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines J Power ElectronJournal of Power Electronics J Power SourcesJournal of Power Sources J Prakt ChemJournal für Praktische Chemie J Pressure Vessel TechnolJournal of Pressure Vessel Technology J Probab StatJournal of Probability and Statistics J Proc Inst Chem GB IrelJournal and Proceedins of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland J Proc R Inst ChemJournal and Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Chemistry J Proc R Inst GB IrelJournal and Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland J Process ControlJournal of Process Control J Prof Issues Eng Educ PractJournal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice J Propul PowerJournal of Propulsion and Power J Protein ChemJournal of Protein Chemistry J Proteins ProteomicsJournal of Proteins and Proteomics J Proteome Sci Comput BiolJournal of Proteome Science & Computational Biology J ProteomicsJournal of Proteomics J Psychedelic DrugsJournal of Psychedelic Drugs J Psychoact DrugsJournal of Psychoactive Drugs J PsychopharmacolJournal of Psychopharmacology J Pulp Pap SciJournal of Pulp and Paper Science J Quant Spectrosc Radiat TransferJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer J Quat SciJournal of Quaternary Science J R Aeronaut SocJournal of the Roy Aeronautical Society J R Astron Soc CanJournal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada J R Inst ChemJournal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry J R Microsc SocJournal of the Royal Microscopical Society J R Microsc Soc, IIIJournal of the Royal Microscopical Society Serie III J R Soc Chem Perkin Trans 1Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry Perkin Transactions 1 J R Soc Chem Perkin Trans 2Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry Perkin Transactions 2 J R Soc InterfaceJournal of the Royal Society, Interface J R Soc N Z GeolJournal of the Royal Society of New Zealand Geology J R Soc N Z ZoolJournal of the Royal Society of New Zealand Zoology J R Stat SocJournal of the Royal Statistical Society J RadarsJournal of Radars J Radiat ResJournal of Radiation Research J Radiat Res Appl SciJournal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences J Radioanal Nucl ChemJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry J Radioanal Nucl Chem ArtJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Articles J Radioanal Nucl Chem ArticJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Articles J Radioanal Nucl Chem LettJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Letters J Radiol ProtJournal of Radiological Protection J Radiother PractJournal of Radiotherapy in Practice J Rail Transp Plann ManageJournal of Rail Transport Planning and Management J Raman SpectroscJournal of Raman Spectroscopy J Rapid Methods Autom MicrobiolJournal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology J Raptor ResJournal of Raptor Research J Rare EarthsJournal of Rare Earths J Recept Signal TransductionJournal of Receptors and Signal Transduction J Reinf Plast ComposJournal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites J RemanufJournal of Remanufacturing J Renewable EnergyJournal of Renewable Energy J Renewable MaterJournal of Renewable Materials J Renewable Sustainable EnergyJournal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy J Reprod Biotechnol FertilJournal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility J Res Nat Bur StandJournal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards J Res Nat Inst Stand TechnolJournal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology J Res OceanogrJournal de Recherche Oceanographique J Res US Geol SurvJournal of Research of the US Geological Survey J Residuals Sci TechnolJournal of Residuals Science and Technology J Resour Energy DevJournal of Resources, Energy and Development J RheolJournal of Rheology J Risk Uncertainty Eng Syst Part B: Mech EngJournal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering J RobJournal of Robotics J Rock Mech Geotech EngJournal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering J Rubber ResJournal of Rubber Research J Russ Laser ResJournal of Russian Laser Research J S Afr Inst Min MetallJournal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy J Saf ResJournal of Safety Research J Saf Sci ManageJournal of Safety Science and Management J Sandwich Struct MaterJournal of Sandwich Structures and Materials J Sci ComputJournal of Scientific Computing J Sci Conf ProcJournal of Scientific Conference Proceedings J Sci Educ TechnolJournal of Science Education and Technology J Sci Food AgricJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture J Sci Hiroshima Univ, B 2Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University Series B Division 2 Botany Hiroshima J Sci Ind ResJournal of Scientific and Industrial Research J Sci InstrumJournal of Scientific Instruments J Sci Teach EducJournal of Science Teacher Education J Sci: Adv Mater DevicesJournal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices J Sea ResJournal of Sea Research J Sediment PetrolJournal of Sedimentary Petrology J Sediment ResJournal of Sedimentary Research J Sediment Res, AJournal of Sedimentary Research Section A Sedimentary Petrology and Processes J Sediment Res, BJournal of Sedimentary Research Section B Stratigraphy and Global Studies J Seismic ExplorJournal of Seismic Exploration J SeismologJournal of Seismology J SemicondJournal of Semiconductors J SensJournal of Sensors J Sens Sens SystJournal of Sensors and Sensor Systems J Sens StudJournal of Sensory Studies J Sep SciJournal of Separation Science J Serb Chem SocJournal of the Serbian Chemical Society J Shellfish ResJournal of Shellfish Research J Shimonoseki Univ FishJournal of the Shimonoseki University of Fisheries J Ship ResJournal of Ship Research J Sleep ResJournal of Sleep Research J Small Anim PractJournal of Small Animal Practice J Smok CessJournal of Smoking Cessation J Soc Alg ChimJournal de la Societe Algerienne de Chimie J Soc BiolJournal de la Societe de Biologie J Soc Chem Ind LondonJournal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London J Soc Chim TunisJournal de la Societe Chimique de Tunisie J Soc Cosmet ChemJournal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists J Soc Dyers ColourJournal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists J Soc Glass TechnolJournal of the Society of Glass Technology J Soc Inf DispJournal of the Society for Information Display J Soc Leather Technol ChemJournal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists J Soc Mech Eng Int J SerA:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal Series A: Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering J Soc Mech Eng Int J SerB:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering J Soc Mech Eng Int J SerC:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing J Soc Nav Archit JpnJournal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan J Soc Ouest Afr ChimJournal de la Societe Ouest Africaine de Chimie J Soc Radiol ProtJournal of the Society for Radiological Protection J Soc Underw Technol, LondJournal of the Society for Underwater Technology, London J Software: Evol ProcessJournal of Software: Evolution and Process J Soil Biol EcolJournal of Soil Biology and Ecology J Soil SciJournal of Soil Science J Soil Sci Plant NutrJournal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition J Soil Water ConservJournal of Soil and Water Conservation J Soils SedimentsJournal of Soils and Sediments J Sol Energy EngJournal of Solar Energy Engineering J Sol Energy Soc IndiaJournal of the Solar Energy Society of India J Sol-Gel Sci TechnolJournal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology J Solid State ChemJournal of Solid State Chemistry J Solid State ElectrochemJournal of Solid State Electrochemistry J Solution ChemJournal of Solution Chemistry J Sound VibJournal of Sound and Vibration J South Afr Inst Civ EngJournal of the South African Institute of Civil Engineering J South Afr Inst Min MetallJournal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy J South Am Earth SciJournal of South American Earth Sciences J South Asian Nat HistJournal of South Asian Natural History J Southeast Asian Earth SciJournal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences J Space Weather Space ClimJournal of Space Weather and Space Climate J SpectroJournal of Spectroscopy J Sport Health SciJournal of Sport and Health Science J Sports AnalJournal of Sports Analytics J Sports Med Phys FitnessJournal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness J Stat Comput SimulJournal of Statistical Computation and Simulation J Stat Mech: Theory ExpJournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment J Stat PhysJournal of Statistical Physics J STEM Educ ResJournal for STEM Education Research J Steroid BiochemJournal of Steroid Biochemistry J Steroid Biochem Mol BiolJournal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology J Storage MaterJournal of Energy Storage J Stored Prod ResJournal of Stored Products Research J Strain Anal Eng DesJournal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design J Struct BiolJournal of Structural Biology J Struct ChemJournal of Structural Chemistry J Struct DesJournal of Structural Design J Struct EngJournal of Structural Engineering J Struct GeolJournal of Structural Geology J Struct Integrity MaintJournal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance J Stud Alcohol DrugsJournal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs J Sulfur ChemJournal of Sulfur Chemistry J SupercondJournal of Superconductivity J Supercond Novel MagnJournal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism J Supercrit FluidsJournal of Supercritical Fluids J Superhard MaterJournal of Superhard Materials J Supramolecular ChemistryJournal of Supramolecular Chemistry J Surf InvestJournal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques J Surfactants DetergJournal of Surfactants and Detergents J Surv EngJournal of Surveying Engineering J Sustainable ForJournal of Sustainable Forestry J Sustainable MinJournal of Sustainable Mining J Sustainable Prod DesJournal of Sustainable Product Design J Sustainable Sci ManageJournal of Sustainable Science and Management J Synchrotron RadiatJournal of Synchrotron Radiation J Synth LubrJournal of Synthetic Lubrication J Synth Org Chem JpnJournal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan J Syst ArchitJournal of Systems Architecture J Syst ChemJournal of Systems Chemistry J Syst EngJournal of Systems Engineering J Syst Eng ElectronJournal of Systems Engineering and Electronics J Syst EvolJournal of Systematics Evolution J Syst PaleontolJournal of Systematic Palaeontology J Syst Sci Syst EngJournal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering J Taiwan Fish ResJournal of Taiwan Fisheries Research J Taiwan Inst Chem EngJournal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers J Teach Res ChemJournal of Teaching and Research in Chemistry J Tenn Acad SciJournal of the Tennessee Academy of Science J TerramechJournal of Terramechanics J Test EvalJournal of Testing and Evaluation J Text Fibrous MaterJournal of Textiles and Fibrous Materials J Text InstJournal of the Textile Institute J Texture StudJournal of Texture Studies J Theor BiolJournal of Theoretical Biology J Theor Comput ChemJournal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry J Ther UltrasoundJournal of Therapeutic Ultrasound J Therm AnalJournal of Thermal Analysis J Therm Anal CalorimJournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry J Therm BiolJournal of Thermal Biology J Therm Envelope Build SciJournal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science J Therm InsulJournal of Thermal Insulation J Therm Insul Build EnvelopesJournal of Thermal Insulation and Building Envelopes J Therm SciJournal of Thermal Science J Therm Sci Eng ApplJournal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications J Therm Sci TechnolJournal of Thermal Science and Technology J Therm Spray TechnolJournal of Thermal Spray Technology J Therm StressesJournal of Thermal Stresses J Thermophys Heat TransferJournal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer J Thermoplast Compos MaterJournal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials J Tianjin UnivJournal of Tianjin University J Time Ser AnalJournal of Time Series Analysis J Tissue Eng Regener MedJournal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine J Tokyo Univ FishJournal of the Tokyo University of Fisheries J TopolJournal of Topology J Torrey Bot SocJournal of the Torrey Botanical Society J ToxicolJournal of Toxicology J Toxicol Clin ExpJournal de Toxicologie Clinique et Experimentale J Toxicol Clin ToxicolJournal of Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology J Toxicol Cutaneous Ocul ToxicolJournal of Toxicology - Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology J Toxicol Environ HealthJournal of Toxicology and Environment Health J Toxicol Environ Health Part AJournal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part A: Current Issues J Toxicol Environ Health Part BJournal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part B: Critical Reviews J Toxicol MedJournal de Toxicologie Medicale J Toxicol PatholJournal of Toxicologic Pathology J Toxicol Toxin RevJournal of Toxicology - Toxin Reviews J Trace Elem Exp MedJournal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine J Trace Elem Med BiolJournal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology J Trace Microprobe TechJournal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques J Transp EngJournal of Transportation Engineering J Travel MedJournal of Travel Medicine J TribolJournal of Tribology J Trop EcologyJournal of Tropical Ecology J Trop For SciJournal of Tropical Forest Science J Trop MeteorolJournal of Tropical Meteorology J Trop Microbiol BiotechnolJournal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology J TurbomachJournal of Turbomachinery J TurbulJournal of Turbulence J UltrasoundJournal of Ultrasound J Ultrasound MedJournal of Ultrasound in Medicine J Ultrastruct Mol Struct ResJournal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research J Ultrastruct ResJournal of Ultrastructure Research J Uncertainty Anal ApplJournal of Uncertainty Analysis and Applications J Univ Babylon Eng SciJournal of University of Babylon for Engineering Sciences J Univ Babylon Pure Appl SciJournal of University of Babylon for Pure and Applied Sciences J Univ Kuwait (Sci)Journal of the University of Kuwait (Science) J Urban EcolJournal of Urban Ecology J Urban Plann DevJournal of Urban Planning and Development J Vac Sci Technol, AJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology A J Vac Sci Technol, BJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B J Vasc UltrasoundJournal for Vascular Ultrasound J Veg SciJournal of Vegetation Science J Venomous Anim Toxins Incl Trop DisJournal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases J Verbraucherschutz LebensmittelsicherhJournal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit J Verif Validation Uncertainty QuantifJournal of Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification J Vertebr PaleontolJournal of Vertebrate Paleontology J Vestibular ResJournal of Vestibular Research J Vet Diagn InvestJournal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation J Vet MedJournal of Veterinary Medicine J Vet Pharmacol TherJournal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics J Vib AcoustJournal of Vibration and Acoustics J Vib ControlJournal of Vibration and Control J Vib Eng TechnolJournal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies J Vinyl Add TechJournal of Vinyl and Additive Technology J Visual Commun Image RepresentJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representation J VisualizationJournal of Visualization J Visualized ExpJournal of Visualized Experiments Abbreviated J VLSI Sig ProcJournal of VLSI Signal Processing J Volcanol Geotherm ResJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research J Volcanol SeismologJournal of Volcanology and Seismology J Wash Acad SciJournal of the Washington Academy of Sciences J Water Chem TechnolJournal of Water Chemistry and Technology J Water ClimJournal of Water and Climate J Water Clim ChangeJournal of Water and Climate Change J Water HealthJournal of Water and Health J Water Pollut Control FedJournal Water Pollution Control Federation J Water Process EngJournal of Water Process Engineering J Water Resour Plann ManageJournal of Water Resources Planning and Management J Water Resour ProtJournal of Water Resource and Protection J Water Supply Res Technol AQUAJournal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA J Water Wastewater ResJournal of Water and Wastewater Resesarch J Waterw Port Coast Ocean EngJournal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering J Waterw Port Coastal Ocean EngJournal of Waterway Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering J West Afr FishJournal of West African Fisheries J Wetlands EcolJournal of Wetlands Ecology J Wide Bandgap MaterJournal of Wide Bandgap Materials J Wildl DisJournal of Wildlife Diseases J Wildl ManageJournal of Wildlife Management J Wind Eng Ind AerodynJournal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics J Wine EconJournal of Wine Economics J Women Minorities Sci EngJournal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering J Wood Chem TechnolJournal of Wood Chemistry and Technology J World Aquac SocJournal of the World Aquaculture Society J World Aquacult SocJournal of the World Aquaculture Society J World Maric SocJournal of the World Mariculture Society J Xiamen Fish CollJournal of Xiamen Fisheries College J Xiamen Univ Nat SciJournal of Xiamen University Natural Science J X-Ray Sci TechnolJournal of X-Ray Science and Technology J Zhanjiang Fish CollJournal of Zhanjiang Fisheries College J Zhejiang Coll FishJournal of Zhejiang College of Fisheries J Zoo Aquarium ResJournal of Zoo and Aquarium Research J ZoolJournal of Zoology J Zool Soc IndiaJournal of the Zoological Society of India J Zool Syst Evol ResJournal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research J Zool, AJournal of Zoology Series A Jaarversl Prodsch Vis Visprod RijswijkJaarverslag Produktschap voor Vis en Visprodukten, Rijswijk JAAVSOJournal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers JACSJournal of the American Chemical Society JACS AuJACS Au Jahrb Dtsch LuftfahrtforschJahrbuch der Deutschen Luftfahrtforschung Jahrb Geol BundesanstJahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Jahrb Max Planck GesellJahrbuch Max Planck Gesellschaft Jahrb OberflachentechJahrbuch Oberflachentechnik Jahrb Preuss Geol LandesanstJahrbuch der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt Jahrb Vers Lehranst Brau BerlinJahrbuch der Versuchs und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin Jahrb Wiss BotJahrbucher für Wissenschaftliche Botanik Jahresber Bayer Landesanst Fisch StarnbJahresbericht Bayerische Landesanstalt fuer Fischerei Starnberg Jahresber Biol Anst HelgolJahresbericht Biologische Anstalt Helgoland Jahresber Biol Stn Lunz Oesterr Akad WissJahresbericht Biologische Station Lunz der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Jahresber Bundesamt Seeschiffahrt HydrogrJahresbericht Bundesamt fuer Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie Jahresber Bundesforschanst Fisch, HambgJahresbericht Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Fischerei, Hamburg Jahresber Dtsch FischwirtschJahresbericht ueber die Deutsche Fischwirtschaft Jahresber Inst Meereskd Univ KielJahresbericht Institut fuer Meereskunde an der Universitaet Kiel Jahresber Int Gewaesserschutzkomm BodenseeJahresbericht Internationale Gewaesserschutzkommission fuer den Bodensee Jahresber Landesumweltamt Nordhr-WestfalJahresbericht Landesumweltamt Nordhein-Westfalen Jahresh Fisch Umwelt Mecklenbg-VorpommernJahresheft Fisch und Umwelt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern JainaJaina JBISJournal of the British Interplanetary Society JCP: Biochem PhysJCP: Biochemical Physics JDR Clin Transl ResJDR Clinical & Translational Research JETP LettJETP Letters JFE J Four ElectrJFE Journal du Four Electrique JFE J Four Electr Ind ElectrochimJFE Journal du Four Electrique & des Industries Electrochimiques JGOFS RepJGOFS Report JMM Case RepJMM Case Reports Job Complet Rep Dep Fish Game (Ida)Job Completion Report Department of Fish and Game (Idaho) Job Perform Rep Ida Dep Fish GameJob Performance Report Idaho Department of Fish and Game Job Prog Rep Mont Dep Fish GameJob Progress Report Mntana Department of Fish and Game Johns Hopkins APL Tech DigJohns Hopkins APL Technical Digest Johnson Matthey Technol RevJohnson Matthey Technology Review JOMJOM Journal of the Minerals Metals and Materials Society Jordan J ChemJordan Journal of Chemistry JOT, J OberflaechentechJOT Journal für Oberflaechentechnik Journ Etud Asp Sci Concern Recifs Artif Maric SuspendueJournees d'Etudes sur les Aspects Scientifiques Concernant les Recifs Artificiels et la Mariculture Suspendue Journ Etud Pollut MarJournees d'Etudes sur les Pollutions Marines Journ Etud Pollut Mar MediterrJournees d'Etudes sur les Pollutions Marines en Mediterranee Journ Etud Syst Evol Biogeogr MediterrJournees d'Etudes sur la Systematique Evolutive et la Biogeographie en Mediterranee JoVE ChemJoVE Chemistry JPC J Planar Chromatogr - Mod TLCJPC Journal of Planar Chromatography Modern TLC JPhys EnergyJPhys Energy JPhys MaterJPhys Materials JPhys PhotonicsJPhys Photonics Jpn J Appl Entomol ZoolJapanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology Jpn J Appl PhysJapanese Journal of Applied Physics Jpn J Appl Phys, Part 1Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1 Jpn J Appl Phys, Part 2Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2 Jpn J Cancer ResJapanese Journal of Cancer Research Jpn J EcolJapanese Journal of Ecology Jpn J Forensic ToxicolJapanese Journal of Forensic Toxicology Jpn J GenetJapanese Journal of Genetics Jpn J IchthyolJapanese Journal of Ichthyology Jpn J Ind Appl MathJapan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Jpn J LimnolJapanese Journal of Limnology Jpn J PharmacolJapanese Journal of Pharmacology Jpn J PhycolJapanese Journal of Phycology Jpn J PhysiolJapanese Journal of Physiology Jpn J Sanit ZoolJapanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology Jpn J Toxicol Environ HealthJapanese Journal of toxicology and Environment health Jpn J Vet ResJapanese Journal of Veterinary Research Jpn Shipbuild Mar EngJapan Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering JPT J Pet TechnolJPT: Journal of Petroleum Technology JSME Int J, Ser AJSME International Journal Series A: Mechanics and Material Engineering JSME Int J, Ser BJSME International Journal Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering JSME Int J, Ser CJSME International Journal Series C: Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and Manufacturing Jundishapur J MicrobiolJundishapur Journal of Microbiology Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan LautJurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut Kaigai Suisan SoshoKaigai Suisan Sosho Karbala Int J Mod SciKarbala International Journal of Modern Science Kautsch Gummi KunststKautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe Kenya AquatKenya Aquatica Keram ZKeramische Zeitschrift Kew BullKew Bulletin Key Eng MaterKey Engineering Materials Key Geophys Rec DocKey to Geophysical Records Documentation KEY Indic Sea Fish Ind AuthKEY Indicators Sea Fish Industry Authority Key Meteorol Rec DocKey to Meteorological Records Documentation Key Oceanogr Rec DocKey to Oceanographic Records Documentation KhidrobiologiyaKhidrobiologiya Khim FizKhimicheskaya Fizika Khim Tekhnol VodyKhimiya i Tekhnologiya Vody Kieler MeeresforschKieler Meeresforschungen Kieler Meeresforsch SonderhKieler Meeresforschungen Sonderheft Kinematics Phys Celestial BodiesKinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies Kinet CatalKinetics and Catalysis Kinet KatalKinetika i Kataliz Kirk-Othmer Encycl Chem TechnolKirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology KISR Tech RepKISR Technical Report Koedoe: Res J Natl Parks S AfrKoedoe : Research Journal for National Parks in the Republic of South Africa Kolloid ZKolloid Zeitschrift Kolloid Z Z PolymKolloid Zeitschrift & Zeitschrift für Polymere Kolloidchem BeihKolloidchemische Beihefte Kolloidn ZhKolloidnyi Zhurnal Kona Powder Part JKona Powder and Particle Journal Koord KhimKoordinatsionnaya Khimiya (Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry) Korean J Chem EngKorean Journal of Chemical Engineering Korean J LimnolKorean Journal of Limnology Korean J Mater ResKorean Journal of Materials Research Korean J Physiol PharmacolKorean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Korean J Soil Sci FertKorean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer Kovove MaterKovove Materialy Metallic Materials Krim Forensische WissKriminalistik und Forensische Wissenschaft Krist TechKristall und Technik KSCE J Civ EngKSCE Journal of Civil Engineering KSII Trans Internet Inf SystKSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems KuesteKueste Kuwait Bull Mar SciKuwait Bulletin of Marine Science La AgricLouisiana Agriculture La ConservLouisiana Conservationist Lab Autom Inf ManageLaboratory Automation and Information Management Lab ChipLab on a Chip Lab InvestLaboratory Investigation Lab Leafl Dir Fish Res (G B)Laboratory Leaflet Directorate of Fisheries Research (Great Britain) Lab Rob AutomLaboratory Robotics and Automation LabCiencia Not Tec LabLabCiencia con Noticias Tecnicas del Laboratorio Lake Champlain Basin StudyLake Champlain Basin Study Lake Erie Fish Assess Unit RepLake Erie Fisheries Assessment Unit Report Lake Nipissing Fish Assess Unit RepLake Nipissing Fisheries Assessment Unit Report Lake Reserv ManageLake and Reservoir Management Lake Reservoir ManageLake and Reservoir Management Lake Woods - Rainy Lake Fish Assess Unit RepLake of the Woods - Rainy Lake Fisheries Assessment Unit Report Lakes Reservoirs Res ManageLakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management LammergeyerLammergeyer Lancet Diabetes EndocrinolLancet Diabetes and Endocrinology Lancet Infect DisLancet Infectious Diseases Lancet NeurolLancet Neurology Lancet OncolLancet Oncology Land Degrad DevLand Degradation and Development Land- Forstwirtsch Fisch 3-45Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei Fachserie 3 Reihe 45 Hochsee- und Kuestenfischerei Bodenseefischerei Land Place Surv Dep Fish (Thail)Landing Place Survey Department of Fisheries (Thailand) Land Water Law RevLand and Water Law Review Landscape EcolLandscape Ecology Landscape ResLandscape Research Landscape Urban PlannLandscape and Urban Planning LandscopeLandscope Landwirtsch ZentblLandwirtschaftliches Zentralblatt LarusLarus Laser ChemLaser Chemistry Laser Part BeamsLaser and Particle Beams Laser Photonics RevLaser & Photonics Reviews Laser PhysLaser Physics Laser Phys LettLaser Physics Letters Laser Tech JLaser Technik Journal Lasers Med SciLasers in Medical Science Lasers Surg MedLasers in Surgery and Medicine Lat Am Appl ResLatin America Applied Research Lat Am J PharmLatin American Journal of Pharmacy Latv J Phys Tech SciLatvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences Latv Zinat Akad Vestis, BLatvijas Zinatnu Akademijas Vestis Dala B Laundry Dry Clean J CanLaundry and Dry Cleaning Journal of Canada Law Sea BullLaw of the Sea Bulletin LC-GCLC-GC The Magazine of Separation Science Leadersh Manage EngLeadership and Management in Engineering Learn Health SystLearning Health Systems Lebensm Wiss TechnolLebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie Lebensm-Wiss TechnolLebensmittel - Wissenschaft und Technologie Lect Notes BiomathLecture Notes in Biomathematics Lect Notes Comput SciLecture Notes in Computer Science Lect Notes Earth SciLecture Notes in Earth Sciences Lect Notes MathLecture Notes in Mathematics Lect Notes PhysLecture Notes in Physics Lect Notes Phys MonogrLecture Notes in Physics Monographs Legal MedLegal Medicine Legume SciLegume Science Leisure SciLeisure Science LethaiaLethaia Lett Appl MicrobiolLetters in Applied Microbiology Lett Drug Des DiscoveryLetters in Drug Design & Discovery Lett Math PhysLetters in Mathematical Physics Lett Org ChemLetters in Organic Chemistry Lett Pept SciLetters in Peptide Science LevantinaLevantina Libros Univ Univ Auton Baja Calif Sur, DidactLibros Universitarios Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur Serie Didactica Liebigs Ann ChemLiebigs Annalen der Chemie Liebigs Ann ReclLiebigs Annalen - Recueil Liet MokslLietuvos Mokslas Life SciLife Sciences Life Sci AllianceLife Science Alliance Life Sci ContribLife Sciences Contributions Life Sci Misc PublLife Sciences Miscellaneous Publications Life Sci Occas PapLife Sciences Occasional Papers Life Sci Space ResLife Sciences in Space Research Light JLighting Journal Light Res TechnolLighting Research and Technology Light Sci ApplLight: Science & Applications Lightweight DesLightweight Design Lightweight Des WorldwideLightweight Design Worldwide LilloaLilloa LimnobiosLimnobios Limnol AktuellLimnologie Aktuell Limnol OceanogrLimnology and Oceanography Limnol Oceanogr BullLimnology and Oceanography Bulletin Limnol Oceanogr Fluids EnvironLimnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environments Limnol Oceanogr LettLimnology and Oceanography Letters Limnol Oceanogr MethodsLimnology and Oceanography: Methods LimnologicaLimnologica Linear Algebra ApplLinear Algebra and Its Applications Ling InqLinguistic Inquiry Linn Soc Symp SerLinnean Society Symposium Series LipidsLipids Lipids Health DisLipids in Health and Disease Liq CrystLiquid Crystals Liq Cryst RevLiquid Crystals Reviews Liq Cryst TodayLiquid Crystal Today List Fish Vessels NAFOList of Fishing Vessels Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Litber Wasser, Abwasser, Luft, BodenLiteraturberichte ueber Wasser, Abwasser, Luft und Boden Lith J PhysLithuanian Journal of Physics Lithol Min ResourLithology and Mineral Resources LithosLithos Living Rev Comput AstrophysLiving Reviews in Computational Astrophysics Living Rev RelativLiving Reviews in Relativity Living Rev Sol PhysLiving Reviews in Solar Physics LMBC Mem Typ Br Mar Plants AnimL M B C Memoirs on Typical British Marine Plants and Animals Look Lab/HawaiiLook Lab/Hawaii Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch AstrophysLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Astrophysics Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Condens MatterLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Condensed Matter Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Gen Relativ Quantum CosmolLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch High Energy Phys ExpLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, High Energy Physics-Experiment Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch High Energy Phys LatticeLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, High Energy Physics-Lattice Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch High Energy Phys Nucl ExpLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Nuclear Experiment Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch High Energy Phys PhenomenolLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, High Energy Physics-Phenomenology Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch High Energy Phys TheoryLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, High Energy Physics-Theory Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Nucl TheoryLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Nuclear Theory Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch PhysLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Physics Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Quant BiolLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Quantitative Biology Los Alamos Nat Lab Prepr Arch Quantum PhysLos Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Quantum Physics Low Temp PhysLow Temperature Physics LTR NewslLTR Newsletter Lubr EngLubrication Engineering Lubr SciLubrication Science LWT Food Sci TechnolLWT Food Science and Technology Maced J Chem Chem EngMacedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Mach Learn: Sci TechnolMachine Learning: Science and Technology Macromol BiosciMacromolecular Bioscience Macromol Chem PhysMacromolecular Chemistry and Physics Macromol Chem Phys SupplMacromolecular Chemistry and Physics Supplement Macromol Mater EngMacromolecular Materials and Engineering Macromol Rapid CommunMacromolecular Rapid Communications Macromol React EngMacromolecular Reaction Engineering Macromol ResMacromolecular Research Macromol SympMacromolecular Symposium Macromol Theory SimulMacromolecular Theory and Simulations Maejo Int J Sci TechnolMaejo International Journal of Science and Technology MAF Fish Mar Res Annu RepMAF Fisheries Marine Research Annual Report Wellington Mag Concr ResMagazine of Concrete Research Magn ResonMagnetic Resonance Magn Reson ChemMagnetic Resonance in Chemistry Magn Reson ImagingMagnetic Resonance Imaging Magn Reson Mater Phys, Biol MedMagnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine Magn Reson MedMagnetic Resonance in Medicine Magnesium ResMagnesium Research Magy Kem FolyMagyar Kemiai Folyoirat Mahasagar : Bull Natl Inst OceanogrMahasagar : Bulletin of the National Institute of Oceanography Main Group ChemMain Group Chemistry Main Group Met ChemMain Group Metal Chemistry Makromol ChemMakromolekulare Chemie Makromol Chem Macromol SympMakromolekulare Chemie, Macromolecular Symposia Makromol Chem Rapid CommunMakromolekulare Chemie, Rapid Communications Makromol Chem SupplMakromolekulare Chemie, Supplement Makromol Chem Theory SimulMakromolekulare Chemie, Theory and Simulations MalacologiaMalacologia Malar JMalaria Journal Malay Nat JMalayan Nature Journal Mamm BiolMammalian Biology Mamm Biol Z SaugetierkdMammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Saugetierkunde MammaliaMammalia Man Univ Univ Auton Baja Calif Sur, DidactManuales Universitarios Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur Ser Didactica Manage Data Ser, Parks Wildl Dep (Tex)Management data series Parks and Wildlife Department (Texas) Manage SciManagement Science Man-Made Text IndiaMan-Made Textiles in India Mansoura J ChemMansoura Journal of Chemistry Manuf ChemManufacturing Chemist Manuf Eng Mater ProcessManufacturing Engineering and Materials Processing Manuf RevManufacturing Review Manuscr Rep SerManuscript Report Series Map Chart Ser, Geol Soc AmMap and chart series Geological Society of America MAP Tech Rep SerMAP Technical Reports Series Mar Advis Bull, Fla Sea Grant Coll ProgramMarine Advisory Bulletin Florida Sea Grant College Program Mar Advis Bull, Univ Alsk Sea Grant ProgramMarine Advisory Bulletin University of Alaska Sea Grant Program Mar Annu Rep Minist Mar (Irel)Marine Annual Report of the Minister for the Marine (Ireland) Mar BiodiversMarine Biodiversity Mar Biodivers RecMarine Biodiversity Records Mar BiolMarine Biology Mar Biol ResMarine Biology Research Mar BiotechnolMarine Biotechnology Mar Bull, R I Univ Sea Grant ProgramMarine Bulletin Rhode Island University Sea Grant Program Mar ChemMarine Chemistry Mar Conserv Dev RepMarine Conservation and Development Report Mar DrugsMarine Drugs Mar EcolMarine Ecology Mar Ecol Prog SerMarine Ecology Progress Series Mar Eng RevMarine Engineers Review Mar Environ ResMarine Environmental Research Mar Environ SciMarine Environmental Science Mar Ext Bull, Ga Sea Grant Coll ProgramMarine Extension Bulletin Georgia Sea Grant College Program Mar FishMarine Fisheries Mar Fish Inf Serv, Tech Ext SerMarine Fisheries Information Service Technical and Extension Series Mar Fish ResMarine Fisheries Research Mar Fish RevMarine Fisheries Review Mar Fish Stat, Dep Fish (Thail)Marine Fisheries Statistics Department of Fisheries (Thailand) Mar ForecastsMarine forecasts Mar Freshw Behav PhysiolMarine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiolgy Mar Freshw ResMarine and Freshwater Research Mar Freshwater Behav PhysiolMarine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology Mar Freshwater ResMarine and Freshwater Research Mar GeodMarine Geodesy Mar GeolMarine Geology Mar Geol Quat GeolMarine Geology and Quaternary Geology Mar GeonomicsMarine Genomics Mar Geophys ResMarine Geophysical Research Mar Georesour GeotechnolMarine Georesources and Geotechnology Mar Georesources GeotechnolMarine Georesources and Geotechnology Mar GeotechnolMarine Geotechnology Mar LifeMarine Life Mar Mamm SciMarine Mammal Science Mar Mammal SciMarine Mammal Science Mar Memo Ser, R I Univ Sea Grant ProgramMarine Memorandum Series Rhode Island University Sea Grant Program Mar MesopMarina Mesopotamica Mar Microb Food WebsMarine Microbial Food Webs Mar MicropaleontolMarine Micropaleontology Mar MinMarine Mining Mar ObsMarine Observer Mar OrnitholMarine Ornithology Mar PescaMar y Pesca Mar Pet GeolMarine and Petroleum Geology Mar PolicyMarine Policy Mar Pollut BullMarine Pollution Bulletin Mar Propuls IntMarine Propulsion International Mar ResMarine Research Mar Res IndonesMarine Research in Indonesia Mar Res, Dep Agric Fish ScotlMarine Research Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland Mar Resour BullMarine Resource Bulletin Mar Resour EconMarine Resource Economics Mar SciMarine Sciences Mar Sci BullMarine Science Bulletin Mar Sci Ctry ProfilesMarine Science Country Profiles Mar structMarine Structures Mar Stud San Pedro BayMarine Studies of San Pedro Bay Mar Tech Rep Ser, R I Univ Sea Grant ProgramMarine Technical Report Series Rhode Island University Sea Grant Program Mar TechnolMarine Technology Mar Technol Soc JMarine Technology Society Journal Mar Weather LogMariners' Weather Log Mardi Res BullMardi Research Bulletin Marit Policy ManageMaritime Policy and Management MaritimesMaritimes Mass Spectrom RevMass Spectrometry Reviews MAST: Marit Anthropol StudMAST: Maritime Anthropolical Studies Mater AdvMaterials Advances Mater AustMaterials Australia Mater CharactMaterials Characterization Mater Chem FrontMaterials Chemistry Frontiers Mater Chem PhysMaterials Chemistry and Physics Mater CorrosMaterials and Corrosion Mater DesMaterials and Design Mater Des Process CommunMaterial Design & Processing Communications Mater DiscoverMaterials Discovery Mater EvalMaterials Evaluation Mater ForumMaterials Forum Mater High TempMaterials at High Temperatures Mater HorizMaterials Horizons Mater LettMaterials Letters Mater Manuf ProcessesMaterials and Manufacturing Processes Mater Natl Pearl Res LabMaterial of the National Pearl Research Laboratory Mater OrgMaterials and Organisms Mater PerformMaterials Performance Mater Perform CharactMaterials Performance and Characterization Mater Quantum TechnolMaterials for Quantum Technology Mater Renewable Sustainable EnergyMaterials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Mater ResMaterials Research Mater Res BullMaterials Research Bulletin Mater Res ExpressMaterials Research Express Mater Res InnovationsMaterials Research Innovations Mater Res Soc Symp ProcMaterials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Mater SciMaterials Science Mater Sci Energy TechnolMaterials Science for Energy Technologies Mater Sci Eng, AMaterials Science and Engineering A Mater Sci Eng, BMaterials Science and Engineering B Mater Sci Eng, CMaterials Science and Engineering C Mater Sci Eng, RMaterials Science and Engineering Reports Mater Sci ForumMaterials Science Forum Mater Sci Res IntMaterials Science Research International Mater Sci Semicond ProcessMaterials Science in Semiconductor Processing Mater Sci TechnolMaterials Science and Technology Mater StructMaterials and Structures Mater TechMateriaux & Techniques Mater TechnolMaterials Technology Mater TodayMaterials Today Mater Today AdvMaterials Today Advances Mater Today BioMaterials Today Bio Mater Today ChemMaterials Today Chemistry Mater Today CommunMaterials Today Communications Mater Today EnergyMaterials Today Energy Mater Today NanoMaterials Today Nano Mater Today SustainabilityMaterials Today Sustainability Mater Today: ProcMaterials Today: Proceedings Mater Trans, JIMMaterials Transactions, JIM Mater WorldMaterials World Materialwiss WerkstofftechMaterialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik Math BiosciMathematical Biosciences Math ComputMathematics of Computation Math Comput ApplMathematical and Computational Applications Math Comput ModellMathematical and Computer Modelling Math Comput Modell Dyn SystMathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems Math Comput SimulMathematics and Computers in Simulation Math GazMathematical Gazette Math GeolMathematical Geology Math GeosciMathematical Geosciences Math- Ind Case StudMathematics-in-Industry Case Studies Math Med BiolMathematical Medicine and Biology Math Methods Appl SciMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences Math Model ComputMathematical Modeling and Computation Math Modell Nat PhenomMathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena Math Modell Theory ApplMathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications Math Models Comput SimulMathematical Models and Computer Simulations Math Models Methods Appl SciMathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences Math Naturwiss UnterrMathematische und Naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht Math Phys Anal GeomMathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry Math Popul StudMathematical Population Studies Math Prob EngMathematical Problems in Engineering Math Proc Cambridge Philos SocMathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Math ProgramMathematical Programming Math Struct Comput SciMathematical Structures in Computer Science Math Teach: Learn Teach PreK-12Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK-12 Math ZMathematische Zeitschrift Matrix BiolMatrix Biology Matter Radiat ExtremesMatter and Radiation at Extremes MausamMausam MBM Met Bull MonMBM Metal Bulletin Monthly Meas ControlMeasurement and Control Meas Sci TechnolMeasurement Science and Technology Meas TechMeasurement Techniques Meat SciMeat Science Mec IndMecanique & Industries Mech Adv Mater StructMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures Mech Based Des Struct MachMechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines Mech Compos MaterMechanics of Composite Materials Mech Compos Mater StructMechanics of Composite Materials and Structures Mech EngMechanical Engineering Mech Mach TheoryMechanism and Machine Theory Mech MaterMechanics of Materials Mech Res CommunMechanics Research Communications Mech SciMechanical Sciences Mech Soft MaterMechanics of Soft Materials Mech SolidsMechanics of Solids Mech Syst Sig ProcessMechanical Systems and Signal Processing Mech Time-Depend MaterMechanics of Time Dependent Materials Med Anthropol QMedical Anthropology Quarterly Med Biol Eng ComputMedical and Biological Engineering and Computing Med ChemMedicinal Chemistry Med Chem ResMedicinal Chemistry Research Med Devices SensMedical Devices & Sensors Med DosimMedical Dosimetry Med Drug DiscoveryMedicine in Drug Discovery Med EducMedical Education Med Eng PhysMedical Engineering & Physics Med Gas ResMedical Gas Research Med GenMedizinische Genetik Med HypothesesMedical Hypotheses Med Image AnalMedical Image Analysis Med KlinMedizinische Klinik Med Laser ApplMedical Laser Application Med MicroecolMedicine in Microecology Med MycolMedical Mycology Med Novel Technol DevicesMedicine in Novel Technology and Devices Med PhysMedical Physics Med PlantsMedicinal Plants Med PrMedycyna Pracy Med Sci MonitMedical Science Monitor Med Sci Monit Basic ResMedical Science Monitor Basic Research Med Sci Sports ExerciseMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Med SportMedizin und Sport Med Sport Act Phys (Medispor)Medecine du Sport et des Activites Physiques (Medispor) Med Vet EntomolMedical and Veterinary Entomology Medd Dan Fisk Havunders NY SerMeddelelser fra Danmarks Fiskeri-Og Havundersogelser NY Serie Medd Groenl: GeoscMeddelelser om Groenland: Geoscience Medd Havfiskelab Lysekil Hydrogr Avd GoetebMeddelande Fran Havfiskelaboratoriet - Lysekil: Hydrografiska Avdelningen, Goeteborg Medd Kom Dan Fisk Havunders, FiskMeddelelser fra Kommissionen for Danmarks Fiskeri- Og Havunder Soegelser Serie: Fiskeri Medd Kom Dan Fisk Havunders, HydrogrMeddelelser fra Kommissionen for Danmarks Fiskeri- Og Havunder Soegelser Serie: Hydrografi Medd Kom Dan Fisk Havunders, PlanktonMeddelelser fra Kommissionen for Danmarks Fiskeri- Og Havunder Soegelser Serie: Plankton Medd Kom Fisk Havunders, FiskMeddelelser fra Kommissionen for Havundersoegelser Serie: Fiskeri Medd Kom Fisk Havunders, HydrogrMeddelelser fra Kommissionen for Havundersoegelser Serie: Hydrografi Medd Kom Fisk Havunders, PlanktonMeddelelser fra Kommissionen for Havundersoegelser Serie: Plankton Medd Nor Farm SelskMeddelelser fra Norsk Farmaceutisk Selskap MeddelandenMeddelanden Mediators InflammationMediators of Inflammation Medio AmbienteMedio Ambiente Mediterr J Nutr MetabMediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism Mediterr: Rev Probl Agron MediterrMediterranea : Revue des Problemes Agronomiques Mediterraneens MedSci LawMedicine, Science and the Law Meereskd Beob ErgebMeereskundliche Beobachtungen und Ergebnisse Meereswiss BerMeereswissenschaftliche Berichte Meld Nor LandbrukshoegskMeldinger fra Norges Landbrukshoegskole Melliand TextilberMelliand Textilberichte Mem Am Assoc Pet GeolMemoir - American Association of Petroleum Geologists Mem Asoc Latinoam AcuicultMemorias de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Acuicultura Mem Biol Mar OceanogrMemorie di Biologia Marina e di Oceanografia Mem Entomol Soc CanMemoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada Mem Fac Agric Kinki UnivMemoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University Mem Fac Fish, Hokkaido UnivMemoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University Mem Fac Fish, Kagoshima UnivMemoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University Mem Hourglass CruisesMemoirs of the Hourglass Cruises Mem Inst EgypteMemoires de l'Institut d'Egypte Mem Inst Fr Rech Sci Dev CoopMemoires Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation Mem Inst Oceanogr (Monaco)Memoires de l'Institut Oceanographique (Monaco) Mem Ist Ital IdrobiolMemorie dell' Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia Mem Ist Ital Idrobiol "Dott Marco de Marchi"Memorie dell' Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia "Dott Marco de Marchi" Mem Lab Geomorphol Ec Prat Ht Etud, DinardMemoires du Laboratoire de Geomorphologie de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Dinard Mem Mus Civ Stor Nat VeronaMemorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona Mem Mus Nat Hist Nat (Fr)Memoires du Museum National d'histoire Naturelle (France) Mem Mus Nat Hist Nat, Nouv Ser, AMemoires du Museum National d'histoire Naturelle Nouvelle Serie Serie A Zoologie Mem Natl Inst Polar Res (Jpn), BMemoirs National Institute of Polar Research (Japan) Series B Meteorology Mem Natl Inst Polar Res (Jpn), CMemoirs National Institute of Polar Research (Japan) Series C Earth Sciences Mem Natl Inst Polar Res (Jpn), DMemoirs National Institute of Polar Research (Japan) Series D Oceanography Mem Natl Inst Polar Res (Jpn), EMemoirs National Institute of Polar Research (Japan) Series E Biology and Medical Sicence Mem Off Pech Marit, Ser SpecMemoires de l'Office des Peches Maritimes Serie Speciale Mem Proc Chem SocMemoirs and Proceedings, Chemical Society Mem Qld MusMemoirs of the Queensland Museum Mem R Com Talassogr ItalMemoria R Comitato Talassografico Italiano Mem Sears Found Mar ResMemoir Sears Foundation for Marine Research Mem Soc Cienc Nat "La Salle"Memorias de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales "La Salle" Mem Soc R Sci LiegeMemoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege Mem Stage, Biol Mar, Cent Noumea, ORSTOMMemoires de Stage Biologie Marine Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Mem Stage, Oceanogr Cent Noumea, ORSTOMMemoires de Stage Oceanographie Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Mem Univ Nfld Occas Pap BiolMemorial University of Newfoundland Occasional Papers in Biology Membr Membr TechnolMembranes and Membrane Technology Membr TechnolMembrane Technology Memo Rep, US Nav Res LabMemorandum Report US Naval Research Laboratory Mendeleev CommunMendeleev Communications Met FinishMetal Finishing Met Ions Biol SystMetal Ions in Biological Systems Met MaterMetals and Materials Met Mater IntMetals and Materials International Met Powder RepMetal Powder Report Met Sci Heat TreatMetal Science and Heat Treatment Metab Clin ExpMetabolism Clinical and Experimental Metab EngMetabolic Engineering Metab Eng CommunMetabolic Engineering Communications Metab Nutr OncolMetabolism and Nutrition in Oncology Metall Mater Trans AMetallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Metall Mater Trans BMetallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science Metall Res TechnolMetallurgical Research & Technology Metall Trans AMetallurgical Transactions A Metall Trans BMetallurgical Transactions B Metallges Period RevMetallgesellschaft Periodic Review Metalloved Term Obrab MetMetallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov Met-Based DrugsMetal-Based Drugs METEOR-BerMETEOR-Berichte Meteorit Planet SciMeteoritics & Planetary Science Meteorol ApplMeteorological Applications Meteorol Atmos PhysMeteorology and Atmospheric Physics Meteorol GidrolMeteorologiya i Gidrologiya Meteorol MagMeteorological Magazine Meteorol Obs Chalkidiki GreeceMeteorological Observations of Chalkidiki - Greece Meteorol Obs Greater ThessalonMeteorological Observations of Greater Thessaloniki Meteorol ZMeteorologische Zeitschrift Meteorologie, 8Meteorologie 8e Serie Meterol Pap Mass Inst TechnolMeteorological Papers Massachusetts Institute of Technology Method Appl FluorescMethods and Applications in Fluorescence Methodol InnovationsMethodological Innovations Methods Biochem AnalMethods of Biochemical Analysis Methods Ecol EvolMethods in Ecology and Evolution Methods EnzymolMethods in Enzymology Methods Geochem GeophysMethods in Geochemistry and Geophysics Methods Mol BiolMethods in Molecular Biology Met-marMet-mar MeynianaMeyniana Mich AcadMichigan Academician Microb BiotechnolMicrobial Biotechnology Microb Cell FactMicrobial Cell Factories Microb Comp GenomicsMicrobial and Comparative Genomics Microb EcolMicrobial Ecology Microb GenomicsMicrobial Genomics Microb Inf ExpMicrobial Informatics and Experimentation Microbiol AustMicrobiology Australia Microbiol ImmunolMicrobiology and Immunology Microbiol Mol Biol RevMicrobiology and Molecular Biology Reviews Microbiol ResMicrobiological Research Microbiol RevMicrobiological Reviews MicrobiologyMicrobiology MicrobiosMicrobios Microchem JMicrochemical Journal Microchim ActaMicrochimica Acta Microelectron EngMicroelectronic Engineering Microelectron JMicroelectronics Journal Microelectron ReliabMicroelectronics Reliability Microentomol Contrib Entomol Nat Hist Mus Stanf UnivMicroentomology Contributions to entomology from the Natural History Museum of Stanford University Microfauna MarMicrofauna Marina Microfluid NanofluidMicrofluidics and Nanofluidics Microgram JMicrogram Journal Microgravity Sci TechnolMicrogravity Science and Technology MicronesicaMicronesica MicropaleontologyMicropaleontology Microporous MaterMicroporous Materials Microporous Mesoporous MaterMicroporous and Mesoporous Materials Microprocess MicrosystMicroprocessors and Microsystems Microsc AnalMicroscopy and Analysis Microsc MicroanalMicroscopy and Microanalysis Microsc Res TechMicroscopy Research and Technique Microscale Thermophys EngMicroscale Thermophysical Engineering Microsyst NanoengMicrosystems & Nanoengineering Microsyst TechnolMicrosystem Technologies Microvasc ResMicrovascular Research Microwave Opt Technol LettMicrowave and Optical Technology Letters Mikrobiol ZhMikrobiologichnij Zhurnal Mikrochim ActaMikrochimica Acta Mil Med ResMilitary Medical Research Min EngMining Engineering Min JMining Journal Min MagMining Magazine Min Metall ExplorMining, Metallurgy & Exploration Min Sci PressMining and Scientific Press Mine Water EnvironMine Water and the Environment Miner DepositaMineralium Deposita Miner EngMinerals Engineering Miner Metall ProcessMinerals and Metallurgical Processing Miner Process Extr Metall RevMineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review Mineral MagMineralogical Magazine Mineral PetrolMineralogy and Petrology Mineral RecMineralogical Record Mini Rev Data File Fish Res, Fish Res Lab, Kagoshima UnivMini Review and Data File of Fishries Research Fisheries Research Laboratory, Kagoshima University Mini Rev Med ChemMini - Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry Mire PeatMires and Peat Misc Pap, U S Army Coast Eng Res CentMiscellaneous Paper US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Misc Pap, U S Army Eng Eng Waterw Exp StnMiscellaneous Paper US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Misc Pap, U S Nav Surf Weapons CentMiscellaneous Paper US Naval Surface Weapons Center Misc Publ, Mus Zool, Univ MichMiscellaneous Publications Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan Misc Rep Ser, U S Environ Prot AgencyMiscellaneous Reports Series US Environmental Protection Agency Misc Rep, Maine Agric Exp StnMiscellaneous Report Maine Agriculture Experiment Station Misc Rep, U S Army Coast Eng Res CentMiscellaneous Report US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Misc Ser, N Z Oceanogr InstMiscellaneous Series New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Misc Ser, Westinghouse Savannah River CoMiscellaneous Series Westinghouse Savannah River Co Misc ZoolMiscellania Zoologica MiscellaneaMiscellanea Mitigation Adapt Strategies Global ChangeMitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change Mitt FischMitteilungen zur Fischerei Mitt Franzius-Inst Wasserbau Kuesteningenieurwesen Univ HannMitteilungen des Franzius-Institut fuer Wasserbau Kuesteningenieurwesen der Universitaet Hannover Mitt Gesell Dtscher Chem Fachgruppe Gesch ChemMitteilungen - Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker - Fachgruppe Geschichte der Chemie Mitt Inst WasserwirtschMitteilungen des Institutes fuer Wasserwirtschaft Mitt Int Ver Theor Angew LimnolMitteilungen Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie Mitt Landesforschungsanstalt Landwirtsch Fisch Mecklengb - VorpommernMitteilungen der Landesforschungsanstalt fuer Landwirtschaft und Fischerei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mitt Natforsch Ges Beider BaselMitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel Mitt Niedersaechs Landesamt Wasser AbfallMitteilungen aus dem Niedersaechsischen Landesamt fuer Wasser und Abfall Mitt Schweiz Entomol GesMitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft Mitt Zool Mus BerlinMitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin Mitt Zool Mus InstMitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum und Institut Mitteilungsbl - Chem Ges D D RMitteilungsblatt - Chemische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik MNRASMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Mobile DNAMobile DNA Mod PatholModern Pathology Mod Drug DiscoveryModern Drug Discovery Mod Electron MaterModern Electronic Materials Mod GeolModern Geology Mod Phys Lett AModern Physics Letters A Mod Phys Lett BModern Physics Letters B Mod Power SystModern Power Systems Model Assisted Stat ApplModel Assisted Statistics and Applications Modell Meas Control CModelling Measurement & Control C Modell Simul EngModelling and Simulation in Engineering Modell Simul Mater Sci EngModelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering Mol Aspects MedMolecular Aspects of Medicine Mol AstrophysMolecular Astrophysics Mol Biochem ParasitolMolecular and Biochemical Parasitology Mol Biol CellMolecular Biology of the Cell Mol Biol EvolMolecular Biology and Evolution Mol Biol RepMolecular Biology Reports Mol BiosystMolecular Biosystems Mol Brain ResMolecular Brain Research Mol BreedMolecular Breeding Mol CarcinogMolecular Carcinogenesis Mol Cell BiochemMolecular and Cellular Biochemistry Mol Cell BiolMolecular and Cellular Biology Mol Cell BiomechMolecular & Cellular Biomechanics Mol Cell EndocrinolMolecular and Cellular Endocrinology Mol Cell NeurosciMolecular and Cellular Neuroscience Mol Cell PharmMolecular and Cellular Pharmacology Mol Cell ProbesMolecular and Cellular Probes Mol Cell TherMolecular and Cellular Therapies Mol Cryst Liq CrystMolecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals Mol Cryst Liq Cryst Sci Technol, Sect AMolecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A Mol Cryst Liq Cryst Sci Technol, Sect CMolecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section C Mol CytogenetMolecular Cytogenetics Mol DiversityMolecular Diversity Mol EcolMolecular Ecology Mol Ecol ResourMolecular Ecology Resources Mol Genet Genomic MedMolecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine Mol Genet MetabMolecular Genetics and Metabolism Mol Genet Metab RepMolecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports Mol ImagMolecular Imaging Mol Imag BiolMolecular Imaging & Biology Mol InfMolecular Informatics Mol InterventionsMolecular Interventions Mol Mar Biol BiotechMolecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology Mol Med RepMolecular Medicine Reports Mol Membr BiolMolecular Membrane Biology Mol MicrobiolMolecular Microbiology Mol NeurobiolMolecular Neurobiology Mol NeurodegenerMolecular Neurodegeneration Mol Nutr Food ResMolecular Nutrition & Food Research Mol OncolMolecular Oncology Mol PharmaceuticsMolecular Pharmaceutics Mol PharmacolMolecular Pharmacology Mol Phylogenet EvolMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Mol PhysMolecular Physics Mol Plant PatholMolecular Plant Pathology Mol Plant-Microbe InteractMolecular Plant-Microbe Interactions Mol PsychiatryMolecular Psychiatry Mol Reprod DevMolecular Reproduction and Development Mol SimulMolecular Simulation Mol Supramol PhotochemMolecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry Mol Syst BiolMolecular Systems Biology Mol Syst Des EngMolecular Systems Design and Engineering Mol TherMolecular Therapy Mol Ther Methods Clin DevMolecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development Mol Ther Nucleic AcidsMolecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids Mol Ther OncolyticsMolecular Therapy - Oncolytics Mol VisionMolecular Vision Mon Not R Astron SocMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Mon Not R Astron Soc LettMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters Mon Return Sea Fish Stat: Engl Wales, Minist Agric Fish Food (GB)Monthly Return of Sea Fisheries Statistics: England and Wales Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (Great Britain) Mon Weather RevMonthly Weather Review Monatsh ChemMonatshefte für Chemie Monatsschr BrauwissMonatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft Monogr BiolMonographiae Biologicae Monogr BotMonographiae Botanicae Monogr Mar MolluscaMonographs of Marine Mollusca Monogr Ser, Aust Inst Mar SciMonograph Series Australian Institute of Marine Science Monogr, Inst Esp OceanogrMonografias Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia Monogr, Inst Zool "Dr Augusto Nobre"Monografias Instituto de Zoologia "Dr Augusto Nobre" Morsk Gidrofiz ZhMorskoj Gidrofizicheskij Zhurnal Moscow Univ Chem BullMoscow University Chemistry Bulletin Moscow Univ Geol BullMoscow University Geology Bulletin Moscow Univ Mech BullMoscow University Mechanics Bulletin Moscow Univ Phys BullMoscow University Physics Bulletin Motor ShipMotor Ship Mov EcolMovement Ecology MRS AdvMRS Advances MRS BullMRS Bulletin MRS CommunMRS Communications MRS Energy & SustainabilityMRS Energy & Sustainability MRS Internet J Nitride Semicond ResMRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research MSCTMarine Science Contents Tables Mt GeolMountain Geologist Mt Res DevMountain Research and Development Muench Beitr Abwasser Fisch FlussbiolMuenchener Beitraege zur Abwasser-, Fischerei- und Flussbiologie Mull AbfallMull und Abfall Multiagent Grid SystMultiagent and Grid Systems Multibody SysDynMultibody System Dynamics Multidimension Syst Signal ProcessMultidimensional Systems and Signal Processing Multifunct MaterMultifunctional Materials Multiscale Model SimulMultiscale Modeling and Simulation Multiscale Sci EngMultiscale Science and Engineering Music SciMusic & Science Mutat ResMutation Research Mutat Res DNAging: Genet Instab AgingMutation Research, DNAging: Genetic Instability and Aging Mutat Res Mutat Res GenomicsMutation Research, Mutation Research Genomics Mutat Res DNA RepairMutation Research, DNA Repair Mutat Res DNA Repair RepMutation Research, DNA Repair Reports Mutat Res Environ Mutagen Relat SubjMutation Research, Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects Mutat Res Fundam Mol Mech MutagenMutation Research, Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis Mutat Res Genet ToxicolMutation Research, Genetic Toxicology Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ MutagenMutation Research, Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis Mutat Res Genet Toxicol TestMutation Research, Genetic Toxicology Testing Mutat Res LettMutation Research Letters Mutat Res Rev Genet ToxicolMutation Research, Reviews in Genetic Toxicology Mutat Res Rev Mutat ResMutation Research, Reviews in Mutation Research Mycol ResMycological Research MycologiaMycologia Mycotoxin ResMycotoxin Research Mysore J Agric SciMysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences N Engl J MedNew England Journal of Medicine N Y Fish Game JNew York Fish and Game Journal N Z EntomolNew Zealand Entomologist N Z Fish Data RepNew Zealand Fisheries Data Report N Z Fish Occas PublNew Zealand Fisheries Occasional Publication N Z Fish Res BullNew Zealand Fisheries Research Bulletin N Z Fish Tech RepNew Zealand Fisheries Technical Report N Z GeogrNew Zealand Geographer N Z J Mar Freshwater ResNew Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research N Z J Agric ResNew Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research N Z J BotNew Zealand Journal of Botany N Z J BotanNew Zealand Journal of Botany N Z J Crop Hortic SciNew Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science N Z J EcolNew Zealand Journal of Ecology N Z J For SciNew Zealand Journal of Forestry Science N Z J GeogrNew Zealand Journal of Geography N Z J Geol GeophysNew Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics N Z J Mar Freshw ResNew Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research N Z J ZoolNew Zealand Journal of Zoology N Z Sci AbstrNew Zealand Science Abstracts NACA Technol SerNACA Technology Series NACA World Food Day PublNACA World Food Day Publications NACC Nova Acta Cient Compostel, BiolNACC Nova Acta Cientifica Compostelana Bioloxia Nachr ChemNachrichten aus der Chemie Nachr Chem Tech LabNachrichten aus Chemie Technik und Laboratorium Nachrichtenbl Dtsch PflanzenschutzdienstNachtrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes NACTA JNACTA Journal NAFO HandbNAFO Handbook NagaNaga Nagoya Math JNagoya Mathematical Journal NaikaNaika Nanhai Stud Mar SinNanhai Studia Marina Sinica Nano Commun NetworksNano Communication Networks Nano ConvergenceNano Convergence Nano EnergyNano Energy Nano ExpressNano Express Nano FuturesNano Futures Nano LettNano Letters Nano Mater SciNano Materials Science Nano ResNano Research Nano TodayNano Today Nanomater EnergyNanomaterials and Energy Nanomater NanotechnolNanomaterials and Nanotechnology Nanomed Nanotechnol Biol MedNanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine Nanoscale AdvNanoscale Advances Nanoscale HorizNanoscale Horizons Nanoscale Microscale Thermophys EngNanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering Nanoscale Res LettNanoscale Research Letters Nanoscale Syst: Math Model Theory ApplNanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modeling, Theory and Applications Nanosci Nanotechnol LettNanoscience and Nanotechnolog Letters Nanostruct MaterNanostructured Materials Nanotechnol Precis EngNanotechnology and Precision Engineering Nanotechnol RussNanotechnologies in Russia NAR Genomics BioinfNAR Genomics and Bioinformatics NASA Contract RepNASA Contract Rep NASA Tech MemoNASA Technical Memorandum NASA Tech PapNASA Technical Paper Nat AgingNature Aging Nat AstronNature Astronomy Nat Biomed EngNature Biomedical Engineering Nat BiotechnolNature Biotechnology Nat CanNaturaliste Canadien Nat CancerNature Cancer Nat CatalNature Catalysis Nat Cell BiolNature Cell Biology Nat ChemNature Chemistry Nat Chem BiolNature Chemical Biology Nat Clim ChangeNature Climate Change Nat CommunNature Communications Nat Comput SciNature Computational Science Nat CroatNatura Croatica Nat DevonNature in Devon Nat Ecol EvolNature Ecology & Evolution Nat ElectronNature Electronics Nat EnergyNature Energy Nat Environ Pollut TechnolNature, Environment and Pollution Technology Nat FoodNature Food Nat Gas ElectrNatural Gas & Electricity Nat Gas Ind BNatural Gas Industry B Nat GenetNature Genetics Nat GeosciNature Geoscience Nat Hazard RevNatural Hazards Review Nat Hazards Earth Syst SciNatural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci DiscussNatural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions Nat HispNaturalia Hispanica Nat HistNatural History Nat Hum BehavNature Human Behaviour Nat ImmunolNature Immunology Nat JutlNatura Jutlandica Nat LandschNatuur und Landschaft Nat Lang EngNatural Language Engineering Nat Mach IntellNature Machine Intelligence Nat MaterNature Materials Nat MedNature Medicine Nat MetabNature Metabolism Nat MethodsNature Methods Nat MicrobiolNature Microbiology Nat MusNatur und Museum Nat NanotechnolNature Nanotechnology Nat NeurosciNature Neuroscience Nat Patagon Cienc BiolNaturalia Patagonica Ciencias Biologicas Nat Patagon Cienc TierraNaturalia Patagonica Ciencias de la Tierra Nat Patagon Rep TecNaturalia Patagonica Reportes Tecnicos Nat PhotonicsNature Photonics Nat PhysNature Physics Nat PlantsNature Plants Nat Prod CommunNatural Product Communications Nat Prod LettNatural Products Letters Nat Prod RepNatural Product Reports Nat Prod ResNatural Product Research Nat Prod Res Part BNatural Product Research Part B: Bioactive Natural Products Nat Prod Res, Part ANatural Product Research Part A: Structure and Synthesis Nat Prod SciNatural Product Sciences Nat ProtocNature Protocols Nat ResourNature and Resources Nat Resour EnvironNatural Resources and Environment Nat Resour ForumNatural Resources Forum Nat Resour JNatural Resources Journal Nat Resour ModelNatural Resource Modeling Nat Resour ResNatural Resources Research Nat Rev CancerNature Reviews Cancer Nat Rev CardiolNature Reviews Cardiology Nat Rev ChemNature Reviews Chemistry Nat Rev Clin OncolNature Reviews Clinical Oncology Nat Rev Dis PrimersNature Reviews Disease Primers Nat Rev Drug DiscoveryNature Reviews Drug Discovery Nat Rev Earth EnvironNature Reviews Earth and Environment Nat Rev EndocrinolNature Reviews Endrocrinology Nat Rev Gastroenterol HepatolNature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology Nat Rev GenetNature Reviews Genetics Nat Rev ImmunolNature Reviews Immunology Nat Rev MaterNature Reviews Materials Nat Rev Methods PrimersNature Reviews Methods Primers Nat Rev MicrobiolNature Reviews Microbiology Nat Rev Mol Cell BiolNature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Nat Rev NephrolNature Reviews Nephrology Nat Rev NeurolNature Reviews Neurology Nat Rev NeurosciNature Reviews Neuroscience Nat Rev PhysNature Reviews Physics Nat Rev RheumatolNature Reviews Rheumatology Nat Rev UrolNature Reviews Urology Nat Rubber ResNatural Rubber Research Nat Sci JNatural Science Journal Nat Sci SocNatures Sciences Societes Nat Struct BiolNature Structural Biology Nat Struct Mol BiolNature Structural & Molecular Biology Nat SustainabilityNature Sustainability Nat ToxinsNatural Toxins Nat Wales, New SerNature in Wales New Series Natal Mus J HumanNatal Museum Journal of Humanities Natl Geogr MagThe National Geographic Magazine Natl Sci RevNational Science Review NATO Adv Sci Inst, ANATO Advanced Science Institutes Series A Life Sciences NATO Adv Sci Inst, CNATO Advanced Science Institutes Series C Mathematical and Physical Sciences NATO Adv Sci Inst, ENATO Advanced Science Institutes Series E Applied Sciences NATO Adv Sci Inst, GNATO Advanced Science Institutes Series G Ecological Sciences NATO Adv Sci Inst, INATO Advanced Science Institutes Series I Global Environmental Change NATO ASI Ser, Ser ANATO ASI Series, Series A: Life Sciences NATO ASI Ser, Ser BNATO ASI Series, Series B: Physics NATO ASI Ser, Ser CNATO ASI Series, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences NATO ASI Ser, Ser ENATO ASI Series, Series E: Applied Physics NATO ASI Ser, Ser GNATO ASI Series, Series G: Ecological Sciences NATO ASI Ser, Ser HNATO ASI Series, Series H: Cell Biology NATO ASI Ser, Ser INATO ASI Series, Series I: Global Environmental Change NATO Conf Ser, 1NATO Conference Series 1 Ecology NATO Conf Ser, 4NATO Conference Series 4 Marine Sciences Natura (Caracas)Natura (Caracas) NaturaliaNaturalia NaturalistNaturalist NatureNature NaturopaNaturopa Naturschutz LandschaftsplanNaturschutz und Landschaftsplanung Naturwiss RundschauNaturwissenschaftliche Rundschau Naturwiss Unterr ChemNaturwissenschaft im Unterricht Chemie Naturwiss Unterr PhysNaturwissenschaft im Unterricht Physik Naturwiss WochenschrNaturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift NaturwissenschaftenNaturwissenschaften Natuurwet TijdschrNatuurwetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Natwiss Rundsch StuttgNaturwissenschaftliche Rundschau Stuttgart Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Exp Pathol PharmacolNaunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für Experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmacologie Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch PharmacolNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology NautilusNautilus Nav ArchitNaval Architect Nav Eng JNaval Engineers Journal Nav Res LogistNaval Research Logistics Navig ChinaNavigation of China Navigation (Paris)Navigation (Paris) Navigation (Wash)Navigation (Washington) NCSLI MeasNCSLI Measure NDT and E IntNDT and E International NDT IntNDT International Near Surf GeophysNear Surface Geophysics NEC J Adv TechnolNEC Journal of Advanced Technology NEC Tech JNEC Technical Journal Ned RijksmusNederlandse Rijksmusea Ned Tijdschr GeneeskdNederlandse Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde Ned Tijdschr Hyg, Microbiol SerolNederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Hygiene, Microbiologie en Serologie Ned Tijdschr NatuurkdNederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde Neft KhozNeftyanoe Khozyaistvo (Petroleum Industry) Neorg MaterNeorganicheskie Materialy Neotrop Biol ConservNeotropical Biology & Conservation NeotropicaNeotropica NeriticaNeritica Neth J Aquat EcolNetherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology Neth J GeosciNetherlands Journal of Geosciences Neth J Sea ResNetherlands Journal of Sea Research Neth J ZoolNetherlands Journal of Zoology Network NeurosciNetwork Neuroscience Network SciNetwork Science Neues Jahrb Geol Palaeontol, AbhNeues Jahrbuch fuer Geologie und Palaeontologie Abhandlungen Neues Jahrb Mineral AbhNeues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Abhandlungen Neues Jahrb Mineral Geol Palaeontol Abh Abt ANeues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Abhandlungen Abteiling A: Mineralogie, Petrographie Neues Jahrb Mineral Geol Palaeontol Abh Abt BNeues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Abhandlungen Abteiling B: Geologie, Palaeontologie Neues Jahrb Mineral Geol Palaeontol RefNeues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Referate Neues Jahrb Mineral MonatshNeues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte Neural ComputNeural Computation Neural PlastNeural Plasticity Neural Regener ResNeural Regeneration Research Neurobiol AgingNeurobiology of Aging Neurobiol LangNeurobiology of Language Neurobiol StressNeurobiology of Stress Neurochem IntNeurochemistry International Neurochem ResNeurochemical Research Neurol Res IntNeurology Research International Neuronal SignalingNeuronal Signaling Neuropathol Appl NeurobiolNeuropathology and Applied Neurobiology Neuropsychiatr Dis TreatNeuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment Neurosci Biobehav RevNeuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews Neurosci JNeuroscience Journal Neurosci LettNeuroscience Letters Neurosci ResNeuroscience Research NeuroscienceNeuroscience Neurotoxic ResNeurotoxicity Research Neurotoxicol TeratolNeurotoxicology and Teratology New AstronNew Astronomy New Astron RevNew Astronomy Reviews New BiotechnolNew Biotechnology New Carbon MaterNew Carbon Materials New Compr BiochemNew Comprehensive Biochemistry New Diamond Front Carbon TechnolNew Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology New Egypt J MicrobiolNew Egyptian Journal of Microbiology New ForNew Forests New Horiz Transl MedNew Horizons in Translational Medicine New J ChemNew Journal of Chemistry New J PhysNew Journal of Physics New Microbes New InfectNew Microbes New Infections New Negat Plant SciNew Negatives in Plant Science New PhytolNew Phytologist New Polym MaterNew Polymeric Materials New SciNew Scientist Newsl StratigrNewsletters on Stratigraphy NFS JNFS Journal Nicotine Tob ResNicotine & Tobacco Research Niger Fish Aquat Sci AbstrNigerian Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Abstracts Niger Food JNigerian Food Journal NIO NewslNIO Newsletter Nippon Nogei KagakukaishiNippon Nogei Kagakukaishi Nitric OxideNitric Oxide NMR BiomedNMR in Biomedicine NOAA Data RepNOAA Data Report NOAA Key Oceanogr Rec DocNOAA Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation NOAA Prof PapNOAA Professional Paper NOAA Spec RepNOAA Special Report NOAA-NMFS Curr Fish StatNOAA-NMFS Current Fisheries Statistics Non-Destr TestNon-Destructive Testing Nonlinear Anal Hybrid SystNonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems Nonlinear Anal Modell ControlNonlinear Analysis: Modeling and Control Nonlinear Anal Real World ApplNonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Nonlinear Anal Theory Methods ApplNonlinear Analysis: Theory Methods & Applications Nonlinear DynNonlinear Dynamics Nonlinear Processes GeophysNonlinear Processes in Geophysics Nonlinear Processes Geophys DiscussNonlinear Processes in Geophysics Discussions Nor Geol TidsskrNorsk Geologisk Tidsskrift Nord HydrolNordic Hydrology Nord J BotNordic Journal of Botany Nord J Freshw ResNordic Journal of Freshwater Research Norin Kinyu/Mon Rev Agric For Fish FinancNorin kinyu/Monthly Review of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Finance NorisNorois Norsk Geol TidsskrNorsk Geologisk Tidsskrift North Am J AquacultNorth American Journal of Aquaculture North Am J Fish ManageNorth-American Journal of Fisheries Management North AquacNorthern Aquaculture North J Appl ForNorthern Journal of Applied Forestry Northeast Gulf SciNortheast Gulf Science Northwest SciNorthwest Science Norw J GeolNorwegian Journal of Geology Not Comer INFOPESCANoticias Comerciales INFOPESCA Not MensNoticiario Mensual Not Mens, Mus NacHist Nat (Chile)Noticiario mensual Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile) Not NatNotulae Naturae Notas Estud Inst Biol MarNotas e Estudos do Instituto de Biologia Maritima Notas Mem, Alex Inst HydrobiolNotes and Memoirs Alexandria Institute of Hydrobiology Notas Resum, IINotas y Resumenes Serie II Notes Doc Oceanogr, Cent Tahiti, ORSTOMNotes et Documents d'Oceanographie Centre de Tahiti, ORSTOM Notes Doc Oceanogr, Mission ORTSTOM Port-VilaNotes et Documents d'Oceanographie Mission ORSTOM de Port-Vila Notes Fac Fish, Kasetsart UnivNotes from the Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University Notes Mem, Off Sci Tech Peches MaritNotes et Memoires Office Scientifique et Technique des Peches Maritimes Notes Rapp, Nouv Ser, Inst Sci Tech Peches MaritNotes et Rapports Nouvelle Serie Institut Scientifique et Technique des Peches Maritimes Notes Rapp, Off Sci Tech Peches MaritNotes et Rapports Office Scientifique et Technique des Peches Maritimes Notes Tech, Sci Mer Oceanogr Phys, Cent Noumea, ORSTOMNotes Techniques Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Physique Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Notes Tech, Sci Mer, Biol Mar, Cent Noumea, ORSTOMNotes Techniques Sciences de la Mer Biologie Marine Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Nouv Commer INFOPECHENouvelles Commericales INFOPECHE Nouv Rev OptNouvelle Revue d'Optique Nouv Rev Opt ApplNouvelle Revue d'Optique AppliquTe Nova Acta LeopoldNova Acta Leopoldina Nova HedwigiaNova Hedwigia Nova Hedwigia, BeihNova Hedwigia Beihefte Nova ThalassiaNova Thalassia NPG Asia MaterNPG Asia Materials npj 2D Mater Applnpj 2D Materials and Applications npj Aging Mech Disnpj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease npj Biofilms Microbiomesnpj Biofilms and Microbiomes npj Breast Cancernpj Breast Cancer npj Clean Waternpj Clean Water npj Clim Atmos Scinpj Climate and Atmospheric Science npj Comput Maternpj Computational Materials npj Digital Mednpj Digital Medicine npj Flexible Electronnpj Flexible Electronics npj Genomic Mednpj Genomic Medicine npj Mater Degradnpj Materials Degradation npj Microgravitynpj Microgravity npj Mol Phenomicsnpj Molecular Phenomics npj Parkinson's Disnpj Parkinson's Disease npj Pollut Controlnpj Pollution Control npj Precis Oncolnpj Precision Oncology npj Primary Care Respir Mednpj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine npj Quantum Infnpj Quantum Information npj Quantum Maternpj Quantum Materials npj Regener Mednpj Regenerative Medicine npj Schizophrnpj Schizophrenia npj Sci Foodnpj Science of Food npj Sci Learnnpj Science of Learning npj Syst Biol Applnpj Systems Biology and Applications npj Vaccinesnpj Vaccines NRIAG J Astron GeophysNRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics NTR-ITPP Spec PublNTR-ITPP Special Publication Nucl Chem Waste ManageNuclear and Chemical Waste Management Nucl Data Sect ANuclear Data Section A Nucl Data Sect BNuclear Data Section B Nucl Data SheetsNuclear Data Sheets Nucl Energy TechnolNuclear Energy and Technology Nucl Eng DesNuclear Engineering and Design Nucl FusionNuclear Fusion Nucl GeophysNuclear Geophysics Nucl InstrumNuclear Instruments Nucl Instrum MethodsNuclear Instruments and Methods Nucl Instrum Methods Phys ResNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res, Sect ANuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res, Sect BNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Nucl Med BiolNuclear Medicine and Biology Nucl Med CommunNuclear Medicine Communications Nucl Phys ANuclear Physics A Nucl Phys BNuclear Physics B Nucl Phys B Proc SupplNuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements Nucl Recept SignalingNuclear Receptor Signaling Nucl Sci EngNuclear Science and Engineering Nucl Sci TechNuclear Science and Techniques Nucl Struct EngNuclear Structural Engineering Nucl TechnolNuclear Technology Nucl Track DetectNuclear Track Detection Nucl TracksNuclear Tracks Nucl Tracks Radiat MeasNuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurement Nucleic Acid TherNucleic Acid Therapeutics Nucleic Acids ResNucleic Acids Research Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic AcidsNucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic Acids Numer Anal ApplNumerical Analysis and Applications Numer Heat Transfer, Part ANumerical Heat Transfer Part A Numer Heat Transfer, Part BNumerical Heat Transfer Part B Numer Linear Algebra ApplNumerical Linear Algebra with Applications Numer Methods Partial Differ EquationsNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations Nuovo Cimento Soc Ital Fis, ANuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica A Nuovo Cimento Soc Ital Fis, BNuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica B Nuovo Cimento Soc Ital Fis, CNuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C Nuovo Cimento Soc Ital Fis, DNuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica D Nutr AgingNutrition and Aging Nutr BullNutrition Bulletin Nutr Clin PractNutrition in Clinical Practice Nutr Cycling AgroecosystNutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Nutr DiabetesNutrition & Diabetes Nutr DietNutrition & Dietetics Nutr HealthNutrition and Health Nutr Healthy AgingNutrition and Healthy Aging Nutr JNutrition Journal Nutr MetabNutrition & Metabolism Nutr Metab InsightsNutrition and Metabolic Insights Nutr ResNutrition Research Nutr Res RevNutrition Research Reviews NY TimesNew York Times NZOI Coast Chart SerNew Zealand Oceangraphic Institute Coastal Chart Series NZOI Isl Chart SerNew Zealand Oceangraphic Institute Island Chart Series NZOI Lake Chart SerNew Zealand Oceangraphic Institute Lake Chart Series NZOI MemNew Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir NZOI Misc Chart SerNew Zealand Oceangraphic Institute Miscellaneous Chart Series NZOI RecNew Zealand Oceanographic Institute Records Obz Inf VNIEhRKh, Akvakul'turaObzornaya informatsiya VNIEhRKh Seriya Akvakul'tura Obz Inf VNIEhRKh, Marikul'turaObzornaya informatsiya VNIEhRKh Seriya Marikul'tura Obz Inf VNIEhRKh, Rybokhoz Ispol'z Resur Mirov OkeanaObzornaya informatsiya VNIEhRKh Seriya Rybokhozyajstevennoe Ispol'zovanie Resursov Mirovogo Okeana Occas Pap MollusksOccasional Papers on Mollusks Occas Pap Mus Zool, Univ MichOccasional Papers of the Museums of Zoology University of Michigan Occas Pap, Aust Bur Agric Resour EconOccasional Paper Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics Occas Pap, Calif Acad SciOccasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences Occas Pap, Can Wildl ServOccasional Paper Canadian Wildlife Service Occas Pap, Fish Surv IndiaOccasional Papers of Fishery Survey of India Occas Pap, JLB Smith Inst IchthyolOccasional Papers JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology Occas Publ, Freshw Biol Assoc, AmblesideOccasional Publication Freshwater Biological Association, Ambleside Occas Publ, Mar Biol Assoc UKOccasional Publication Marine Biolgoical Association of the United Kingdom Occas Publ, Univ Mar Biol Stn, MillportOccasional Publication University Marine Biological Station, Millport Occup Environ MedOccupational and Environmental Medicine Occup ErgonOccupational Ergonomics Ocean Coast ManageOcean and Coastal Management Ocean Coastal ManageOcean and Coastal Management Ocean Dev Int LawOcean Development and International Law Ocean Dev ManageOcean Development and Management Ocean DynOcean Dynamics Ocean EngOcean Engineering Ocean IndOcean Industry Ocean ManageOcean Manage Ocean ModellOcean Modelling Ocean Polar ResOcean and Polar Research Ocean ResOcean Research Ocean SciOcean Science Ocean Sci DiscussOcean Science Discussions Ocean TechnolOcean Technology Ocean VoiceOcean Voice Ocean YearbOcean Yearbook Oceanis, Doc OceanogrOceanis Serie de Documents Oceanographiques Oceanogr Cruise RepOceanographical Cruise Report Oceanogr MagOceanographical Magazine Oceanogr Mar Biol, Annu RevOceanography and Marine Biology An Annual Review Oceanogr MeteorolOceanography and Meteorolgooy Oceanogr Stn ListOceanographical Station List OceanographyOceanography Oceanol ActaOceanologica Acta Oceanol Hydrobiol StudOceanological and Hydrobiological Studies Oceanol Limnol SinOceanologia et Limnologia Sinica OceanologiaOceanologia OceanologyOceanology Oceanorama Inst Oceanogr Paul RicardOceanorama Institut Oceanographique Paul Ricard OceansOceans OceanusOceanus OCS Rep, US Miner Manage ServOCS Reports US Minerals Management Service OdonatologicaOdonatologica OebaliaOebalia Oecol AquatOecologia Aquatica OecologiaOecologiea OECS Fish RepOECS Fishery Report Oesterr FischOesterreichs Fischerei Oesterr Wasser AbfallwirtschOesterreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft OffshoreOffshore Offshore EngOffshore Engineer Offshore MechOffshore Mechanics Offshore ServOffshore Services Ohio J SciOhio Journal of Science OikosOikos Oil Chem PollutOil and Chemical Pollution Oil Energy TrendsOil and Energy Trends Oil Gas IntOil and Gas International Oil Gas JOil and Gas Journal Oil Petrochem PollutOil and Petrochemical Pollution Okeanol IssledOkeanologicheskie Issledovaniya Okeanologiya (Mosc)Okeanologiya (Moscow) Okeanologiya (Sofia)Okeanologiya (Sofia) Ol Corps Gras, LipidesOleagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides Ont Fish Tech Rep SerOntario Fisheries Technical Report Series Open Appl Math JOpen Applied Mathematics Journal Open Atmos Sci JOpen Atmospheric Science Journal Open Biochem JOpen Biochemistry Journal Open Biochem LettOpen Biochemistry Letters Open Biomater JOpen Biomaterials Journal Open Biomed Eng JOpen Biomedical Engineering Journal Open Biomed EngLettOpen Biomedical Engineering Letters Open Biotechnol JOpen Biotechnology Journal Open Chem Eng JOpen Chemical Engineering Journal Open Drug Delivery JOpen Drug Delivery Journal Open Drug Delivery RevOpen Drug Delivery Reviews Open Food Sci JOpen Food Science Journal Open Inorg Chem JOpen Inorganic Chemistry Journal Open Inorg Chem RevOpen Inorganic Chemistry Reviews Open Magn Reson JOpen Magnetic Resonance Journal Open Med Chem JOpen Medicinal Chemistry Journal Open Nanosci JOpen Nanoscience Journal Open Nutraceuticals JOpen Nutraceuticals Journal Open Org Chem JOpen Organic Chemistry Journal Open Phys Chem JOpen Physical Chemistry Journal Open Phys Chem RevOpen Physical Chemistry Reviews Open Spectrosc JOpen Spectroscopy Journal Open-File Rep, US Bur MinesOpen-file Report US Bureau of Mines Open-File Rep, US Geol SurvOpen-file Report US Geological Survey Oper ResOperations Research Oper Res PerspectOperations Research Perspectives Opera BotOpera Botanica Opera LilloOpera Lilloana OpheliaOphelia Opred Faune SSSROpredeliteli po faune SSSR Opred Presnovodn Vodorosl SSSROpredelitel' Presnovodnykh Vodoroslej SSSR Opt CommunOptics Communications Opt EngOptical Engineering Opt ExpressOptics Express Opt Fiber TechnolOptical Fiber Technology Opt Laser TechnolOptics & Laser Technology Opt Lasers EngOptics and Lasers in Engineering Opt LettOptics Letters Opt MaterOptical Materials Opt NanoscOptical Nanoscopy Opt Photonics LettOptics and Photonics Letters Opt Photonics NewsOptics & Photonics News Opt Quantum ElectronOptical and Quantum Electronics Opt RevOptical Review Opt SpectroscOptics and Spectroscopy Opt SpektroskOptika i Spektroskopiya Opt Switching NetworkingOptical Switching and Networking Opt ZhOpticheskii Zhurnal Optoelectron Adv Mater Rapid CommunOptoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications Opto-Electron RevOpto-Electronics Review Opusc Zool FluminOpuscula Zoologica Fluminensia Or Law RevOregon Law Review Ore Energy Resour GeolOre and Energy Resource Geology Ore Geol RevOre Geology Reviews Org Biomol ChemOrganic & Biomolecular Chemistry Org Chem FrontOrganic Chemistry Frontiers Org Divers EvolOrganisms Diversity & Evolution Org ElectronOrganic Electronics Org GeochemOrganic Geochemistry Org LettOrganic Letters Org Mass SpectromOrganic Mass Spectrometry Org Prep Proced IntOrganic Preparations and Procedures International Org Process Res DevOrganic Process Research and Development Org ReactOrganic Reactions Org React MechOrganic Reaction Mechanics Org SynthOrganic Syntheses Organohalogen CompdOrganohalogen Compounds Organomet ChemOrganometallic Chemistry Orient J ChemOriental Journal of Chemistry Origins Life Evol BiosphereOrigins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere Ornis FennOrnis Fennica Ornith ResOrnithology Research Orsis : Org SistOrsis : Organismes i Sistemes OryxOryx OSA ContinuumOSA Continuum OseanaOseana Osterr Chem ZOsterreichische Chemie Zeitschrift Oxid Med Cell LongevityOxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Oxid MetOxidation of Metals Ozone Sci EngOzone Science and Engineering Pac Conserv BiolPacific Conservation Biology Pac DiscovPacific Discovery Pac Halibut Fish RegulPacific Halibut Fishery Regulations Pac J Math IndPacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry Pac SciPacific Science Pac Sci RevPacific Science Review Pac Sci Rev A: Nat Sci EngPacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering Packag Technol SciPackaging Technology and Science Pain MedPain Medicine Pak J Anal ChemPakistan Journal of Analytical Chemistry pak J Anal Environ ChemPakistan Journal of Analytical & Environmental Chemistry Pak J Biochem Mol BiolPakistan Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Pak J Biol SciPakistan Journal of Biological Sciences Pak J BotPakistan Journal of Botany Pak J Mar SciPakistan Journal of Marine Sciences Pak J PharmacolPakistan Journal of Pharmacology Pak J SciPakistan Journal of Science Pak J Sci Ind ResPakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Pak J Sci ResPakistan Journal of Scientific Research Pak J ZoolPakistan Journal of Zoology Pak Seaf DigPakistan Seafood Digest Palaentolog ZPalaeontologische Zeitschrift Palaeobiodivers PalaeoenvironPalaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol PalaeoecolPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Palaeontol ElectronicaPalaeontologia Electronica PalArch's J Vertebr PalaeontolPalArch's Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology PaleobiologyPaleobiology Paleoceanogr PaleoclimatolPaleoceanography and Paleoclimatology Paleontol BullPaleontological Bulletin Paleontol MexPaleontologia Mexicana Paleontolog JPaleontological Journal Paleontolog ResPaleontological Research PaleontologyPaleontology Panorama AtuneroPanorama Atunero Panorama PesqPanorama Pesquero Pan-Pac EntomolPan-Pacific Entomologist Pap Avulsos ZoolPapeis Avulsos de Zoologia Pap CelulPapir a Celuloza Pap Dep Mar Biol Carnegie Inst WashPapers from the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington Pap Meteorol GeophysPapers in Meteorology and Geophysics Pap Mich Acad Sci, Arts LettPapers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Pap Mich Acad Sci, Arts Lett, IPapers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Part I Pap PalaeontolPapers in Palaeontology Pap Phys Oceanogr MeteorolPapers in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology Pap Proc R Soc TasmanPapers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania Pap PuuPaperi Ja Puu Pap Tortugas Lab Carnegie Inst WashPapers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington Parallel ComputParallel Computing Parasites VectorsParasites and Vectors ParasiticaParasitica Parasitol ResParasitology Research ParasitologyParasitology ParassitologiaParassitologia Parazitol SbParazitologicheskij Sbornik ParazitologiyaParazitologiya Part Fibre ToxicolParticle and Fibre Toxicology Part Part Syst CharParticle and Particle Systems Characterization Part Sci TechnolParticulate Science and Technology Pathol Oncol ResPathology & Oncology Research Pathol Res PractPathology, Research and Practice Pattern RecognitPattern Recognition Pattern Recognit Image AnalPattern Recognition and Image Analysis Pattern Recognit LettPattern Recognition Letters Pattern Recognit PhysPattern Recognition in Physics PCCPPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics PDA J Pharm Sci TechnolPDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Peche MaritLa Peche Maritime Pediatr RadiolPediatric Radiology Pediatr ResPediatric Research PeerJPeerJ PeerJ Anal ChemPeerJ Analytical Chemistry PeerJ Comput SciPeerJ Computer Science PeerJ Inorg ChemPeerJ Inorganic Chemistry PeerJ Mater SciPeerJ Materials Science PeerJ Org ChemPeerJ Organic Chemistry PeerJ Phys ChemPeerJ Physical Chemistry Pelagos: Bull Inst Sci Mer Amenage LittoralPelagos : Bulletin de l'Institut des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Amenagement du Littoral People NatPeople and Nature Pept SciPeptide Science Perangkaan Tahunan Perikanan Jabatan Perikanan (Malays)Perangkaan Tahunan Perikanan Jabatan Perikanan (Malyasia) Period BiolPeriodicum Biologorum Permafrost Periglacial ProcessesPermafrost and Periglacial Processes Perspect Drug Discovery DesPerspectives in Drug Discovery and Design Perspect Med ChemPerspectives in Medicinal Chemistry Perspect SciPerspectives in Science Pertanika J Trop Agric SciPertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science Peru PesqPeru Pesquero Perv Glob Ehksp PIGAPPervyj Global'nyj Ehksperiment PIGAP Pervasive Mob ComputPervasive and Mobile Computing PescaPesca Pesca Mar Barco PesqPesca Marina y el Barco Pesquero Pesca NavegPesca e Navegacao PesceIl Pesce Pesqui Antart BrasPesquisa Antartica Brasileira Pesqui NavPesquisa Naval Pest Manage Hortic EcosystPest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems Pest Manage SciPest Management Science Pestic Biochem PhysiolPesticide Biochemistry and Physiology Pestic OutlookPesticide Outlook Pet ChemPetroleum Chemistry Pet CoalPetroleum and Coal Pet Eng IntPetroleum Engineer International Pet Explor DevPetroleum Exploration and Development Pet GeosciPetroleum Geoscience Pet RevPetroleum Review Pet SciPetroleum Science Pet Sci TechnolPetroleum Science and Technology Pflueg ArchPfluegers Archiv Pfluegers ArchPfluegers Archiv Pfluegers Arch Gesame Physiol Menschen TiereFluegers Archiv für die Gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere PGA Proc Geol AssocPGA Proceedings of the Geologists' Association PHAGE: Ther Appl ResPHAGE: Therapy, Applications, and Research Pharm Acta HelvPharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae Pharm BiolPharmaceutical Biology Pharm Chem JPharmaceutical Chemistry Journal Pharm MethodsPharmaceutical Methods Pharm Pat AnalPharmaceutical Patent Analyst Pharm Pharmacol CommunPharmacy and Pharmacology Communications Pharm Pharmacol LettPharmaceutical and Pharmacological Letters Pharm ResPharmaceutical Research Pharm Sci Technol TodayPharmaceutical Science & Technology Today Pharm StatPharmaceutical Statistics Pharm TechnolPharmaceutical Technology Pharm TodayPharmacy Today Pharm Unserer ZeitPharmazie in unserer Zeit Pharm Zentralhalle DtschlPharmazeutische Zentralhalle für Deutschland PharmacoEcon OpenPharmacoEconomics - Open Pharmacoepidemiol Drug SafPharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Pharmacogenet GenomicsPharmacogenetics and Genomics Pharmacogenomics JPharmacogenomics Journal Pharmacogenomics Pers MedPharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine Pharmacogn MagPharmacognosy Magazine Pharmacogn ResPharmacognosy Research Pharmacogn RevPharmacognosy Reviews Pharmacol Biochem BehavPharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior Pharmacol Biochem BehavPharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior Pharmacol RepPharmacological Reports Pharmacol ResPharmacological Research Pharmacol Res CommunPharmacological Research Communications Pharmacol Res PerspectPharmacology Research & Perspectives Pharmacol TherPharmacology & Therapeutics Pharmacol Ther Part APharmacology & Therapeutics Part A: Chemotherapy, Toxicology and Metabolic Inhibitors Pharmacol Ther Part BPharmacology & Therapeutics Part B: General and Systemic Pharmacology Pharmacol Ther Part CPharmacology & Therapeutics Part C: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Pharmacol Ther, Part APharmacology & Therapeutics, Part A: Chemotherapy, Toxicology and Metabolic Inhibitors Pharmacol Ther, Part BPharmacology & Therapeutics, Part B: General & Systematic Pharmacology Pharmacol Ther, Part CPharmacology & Therapeutics, Part C: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Phase TransitionsPhase Transitions Philipp J SciPhilippine Journal of Science Philips J ResPhilips Journal of Research Philos MagPhilosophical Magazine Philos Mag APhilosophical Magazine A Philos Mag BPhilosophical Magazine B Philos Mag LettPhilosophical Magazine Letters Philos Trans R Soc Lond, APhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A Physical Sciences and Engineering Philos Trans R Soc Lond, BPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences Philos Trans R Soc London, Ser APhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Philos Trans R Soc London, Ser BPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences Phosphorus Sulfur Rel ElemPhosphorus Sulfur and Related Elements Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon Relat ElemPhosphorus Sulfur Silicon and the Related Elements Photochem PhotobiolPhotochemistry and Photobiology Photochem Photobiol SciPhotochemistry & Photobiological Sciences Photodermatol Photoimmunol PhotomedPhotodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine Photodiagn Photodyn TherPhotodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy Photogramm Eng Remote SensPhotogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing Photogramm RecPhotogrammetric Record Photomed Laser SurgPhotomedicine and Laser Surgery Photonics Nanostruct Fundam ApplPhotonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications Photonics ResPhotonics Research Photosynth ResPhotosynthesis Research PhotosyntheticaPhotosynthetica Photovoltaics BullPhotovoltaics Bulletin Phycol ResPhycological Research PhycologiaPhycologia PhykosPhykos Phys At NuclPhysics of Atomic Nuclei Phys BiolPhysical Biology Phys Chem Chem PhysPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics Phys Chem EarthPhysics and Chemistry of the Earth Phys Chem Earth Part APhysics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy Phys Chem Earth Part BPhysics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere Phys Chem Earth Part CPhysics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science Phys Chem GlassesPhysics and Chemistry of Glasses Phys Chem LiqPhysics and Chemistry of Liquids Phys Chem MinerPhysics and Chemistry of Minerals Phys CommunPhysical Communication Phys Dark UniversePhysics of the Dark Universe Phys Earth Planet InterPhysics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Phys EducPhysics Education Phys Educ ResPhysics Education Research Phys FluidsPhysics of Fluids Phys Fluids APhysics of Fluids A Phys Fluids BPhysics of Fluids B Phys JPhysik Journal Phys Lett APhysics Letters A Phys Lett BPhysics Letters B Phys Life RevPhysics of Life Reviews Phys MedPhysics in Medicine Phys Med & BiolPhysics in Medicine and Biology Phys Med BiolPhysics in Medicine and Biology Phys MesomechPhysical Mesomechanics Phys MetPhysics of Metals Phys Met MetallPhysics of Metals and Metallography Phys OceanogrPhysical Oceanography Phys OpenPhysics Open Phys Part NuclPhysics of Particles and Nuclei Phys Part Nucl LettPhysics of Particles and Nuclei Letters Phys PlasmaPhysics of Plasmas Phys RepPhysics Reports Phys Rev A: At Mol Opt PhysPhysical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Phys Rev Accel BeamsPhysical Review Accelerators and Beams Phys Rev ApplPhysical Review Applied Phys Rev B: Condens MatterPhysical Review B: Condensed Matter Phys Rev C: Nucl PhysPhysical Review C: Nuclear Physics Phys Rev D: Part FieldsPhysical Review D: Particles and Fields Phys Rev EPhysical Review E Phys Rev E: Stat Nonlinear Soft Matter PhysPhysical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics Phys Rev E: Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip TopPhysical Review E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics Phys Rev FluidsPhysical Review Fluids Phys Rev LettPhysical Review Letters Phys Rev MaterPhysical Review Materials Phys Rev Phys Educ ResPhysical Review Physics Education Research Phys Rev ResPhysical Review Research Phys Rev Spec Top Accel BeamsPhysical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams Phys Rev Spec Top Phys Educ ResPhysical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research Phys Rev XPhysical Review X Phys ScrPhysica Scripta Phys Scr TPhysica Scripta, T Phys Sep Sci EngPhysical Separaion in Science and Engineering Phys Solid StatePhysics of the Solid State Phys Status Solidi APhysica Status Solidi A Applications and Material Science Phys Status Solidi BPhysica Status Solidi B Basic Solid State Physics Phys Status Solidi CPhysica Status Solidi C Current Topics in Solid State Physics Phys Status Solidi RRLPhysica Status Solidi Rapid Research Letters Phys TeachPhysics Teacher Phys TechnolPhysics in Technology Phys TodayPhysics Today Phys Unserer ZeitPhysik in Unserer Zeit Phys UspPhysics-Uspekhi Phys Wave PhenomPhysics of Wave Phenomenon Phys WorldPhysics World Phys ZPhysikalishce Zeitschrift Physica APhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Physica BPhysica B: Condensed Matter Physica CPhysica C: Superconductivity Physica DPhysica D: Nonlinear Phenomena Physica EPhysica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures Physica MedPhysica Medica Physicochem Probl Miner ProcessPhysicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing Physics ProcediaPhysics Procedia Physiol & BehavPhysiology and Behavior Physiol Biochem ZoolPhysiological and Biochemical Zoology Physiol BohemoslovPhysiologia Bohemoslovaca Physiol Chem Phys Med NMRPhysiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical NMR Physiol Ecol JpnPhysiology and Ecology Japan Physiol EntomolPhysiological Entomology Physiol MeasPhysiological Measurement Physiol Mol Biol PlantsPhysiology and Molecular Biology of Plants Physiol Mol Plant PatholPhysiological and Molecular Plant Pathology Physiol PlantPhysiologia Plantarum Physiol Plant PatholPhysiological Plant Pathology Physiol ResPhysiological Research Physiol RevPhysiological Reviews Physiol ZoolPhysiological Zoology Physiother Pract ResPhysiotherapy Practice and Research Physis, APhysis Seccion A: Los Oceanos y sus Organismos Physis, BPhysis Seccion B: Las Aguas Continentales y sus Organismos Physis, CPhysis Seccion C: Los Continentes y los Organismos Terrestres Phytochem AnalPhytochemical Analysis Phytochem LettPhytochemistry Letters Phytochem RevPhytochemistry Reviews PhytochemistryPhytochemistry PhytologiaPhytologia Phyton (B Aires)Phyton (Buenos Aires) PhytopathologyPhytopathology Phytother ResPhytotherapy Research PICES PressPICES Press PICES Sci RepPICES Scientific Report Pipe Line IndPipe Line Industry Pipes Pipelines IntPipes and Pipelines International Piscic Fr Eau Vive Etang Saumatre MarLa Pisciculture Francaise d'eau Vive et d'Etang Saumatre et Marine Pishch PromPishchevaya Promyshlennost' Planet Sci JPlanetary Science Journal Planet Space SciPlanetary and Space Science Plankton Benthos ResPlankton and Benthos Research Plant BiolPlant Biology Plant Biotechnol JPlant Biotechnology Journal Plant BreedPlant Breeding Plant CellPlant Cell Plant Cell EnvironPlant, Cell and Environment Plant Cell PhysiolPlant and Cell Physiology Plant CommunPlant Communications Plant EcolPlant Ecology Plant Ecolog DiversPlant Ecology and Diversity Plant Genet ResourPlant Genetic Resources Plant Growth RegulPlant Growth Regulation Plant MethodsPlant Methods Plant Mol BiolPlant Molecular Biology Plant PatholPlant Pathology Plant PhenomicsPlant Phenomics Plant PhysiolPlant Physiology Plant Physiol BiochemPlant Physiology and Biochemistry Plant Prod SciPlant Production Science Plant SciPlant Science Plant Signaling BehavPlant Signaling & Behavior Plant SoilPlant and Soil Plant Species BiolPlant Species Biology Plant Syst EvolPlant Systematics and Evolution PlantaPlanta Planta MedPlanta Medica Plants People PlanetPlants, People, Planet, Plasma Chem Plasma ProcessPlasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing Plasma Devices OperPlasma Devices and Operations Plasma PhysPlasma Physics Plasma Phys Controlled FusionPlasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Plasma Phys RepPlasma Physics Reports Plasma PolymPlasmas and Polymers Plasma Processes PolymPlasma Processes and Polymers Plasma Res ExpressPlasma Research Express Plasma Sci TechnolPlasma Science and Technology Plasma Sources Sci TechnolPlasma Sources Science and Technology Plasmas PolymPlasmas and Polymers Plast EngPlastics Engineering Plast Rubber Compos Process ApplPlastics Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications Plat Surf FinishPlating and Surface Finishing Platinum Met RevPlatinum Metals Review PLoS BiolPLoS Biology PLoS Clin TrialsPLoS Clinical Trials PLoS Comput BiolPLoS Computational Biology PLOS Curr: Evidence Genomic TestsPLOS Currents: Evidence on Genomic Tests PLOS Curr: DisastersPLOS Currents: Disasters PLOS Curr: Huntington DisPLOS Currents: Huntington Disease PLOS Curr: Muscular DystrophyPLOS Currents: Muscular Dystrophy PLOS Curr: OutbreaksPLOS Currents: Outbreaks PLOS Curr: Tree LifePLOS Currents: Tree of Life PLos GenetPLoS Genetics PLoS MedPLoS Medicine PLoS NeglTrop DisPLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases PLoS OnePLoS One PLoS PathogPLoS Pathogens PMC Phys APMC Physics A PMC Phys BPMC Physics B PMSE PreprPMSE Preprints PNASProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America POEM Sci RepPOEM Scientific Reports Poggendorff's Ann PhysPoggendorff's Annalen der Physik Pol Arch HydrobiolPolskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii Pol Bibliogr Rybolowstwa MorskiegoPolska Bibliografia Rybolowstwa Morskiego Pol J ChemPolish Journal of chemistry Pol J Nat SciPolish Journal of Natural Science Pol Polar ResPolish Polar Research Polar BiolPolar Biology Polar GeogrPolar Geography Polar Geogr GeolPolar Geography and Geology Polar RecPolar Record Polar ResPolar Research Polar SciPolar Science PolarforschungPolarforschung Pollut AtmosPollution Atmospherique Pollut MonitPollution Monitor Polycyclic Aromat CompdPolycyclic Aromatic Compounds Polym Adv TechnolPolymers for Advanced Technologies Polym BullPolymer Bulletin Polym ChemPolymer Chemistry Polym ComposPolymer Composites Polym CrystPolymer Crystallization Polym Degrad StabPolymer Degradation and Stability Polym Eng SciPolymer Engineering and Science Polym Gels NetworksPolymer Gels and Networks Polym IntPolymer International Polym JPolymer Journal Polym Mater Sci EngPolymeric Materials Science and Engineering Polym Networks BlendsPolymer Networks and Blends Polym Plast Technol EngPolymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering Polym Polym ComposPolymers and Polymer Composites Polym Prepr (Am Chem Soc, Div Polym Chem)Polymeric Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry) Polym React EngPolymer Reaction Engineering Polym RecyclPolymer Recycling Polym Renewable ResourPolymers from Renewable Resources Polym RevPolymer Reviews Polym Sci Ser A Polym PhysPolymer Science Series A - Polymer Physics Polym Sci Ser B Polym ChemPolymer Science Series B - Polymer Chemistry Polym Sci Ser C Sel TopPolymer Science Series C - Selected Topics Polym Sci Ser D Glues Sealing MaterPolymer Science Series D - Glues and Sealing Materials Polym TestPolymer Testing Port ZoolPortugaliae Zoologica Portolano MediterrPortolano del Mediterraneo Postharvest Biol TechnolPostharvest Biology and Technology PostillaPostilla Potato ResPotato Research Poultr SciPoultry Science Powder DiffrPowder Diffraction Powder MetallPowder Metallurgy Powder Metall Met CeramPowder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics Powder TechnolPowder Technology Power EngPower Engineer PPAR ResPPAR Research Pr Inst Gospod WodnejPrace Instytutu Gospodarki Wodnej Pr Inst Meteorol Gospod WodnejPrace Instytutu Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej Pr Morskiego Inst RybPrace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego Pr Morskiego Inst Ryb GdynPrace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego w Gdynia Pr Morskiego Inst Ryb, APrace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego Seria A Oceanografia i Biologia Rybacka Pr Morskiego Inst Ryb, BPrace Morskiego instytutu Rybackiego Seria B Technika Rybacka i Technologia Ryb Pr Panstw Inst Hydrobiol-MeteorolPrace Panstwowego Instytutu Hydrologiczno-Meteorologicznego Pr Ustavu Ryb Hydrobiol BratislPrace Ustavu Rybarstva a Hydrobiologie, Bratislava Pract Fail AnalPractical Failure Analysis Pract Period Hazard Toxic Radioact Waste ManagePractice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, Waste Management Pract Period Struct Des ConstrPractical Periodical on Structural Design and Construction Pract SpectroscPractical Spectroscopy Prakt MetallogrPraktische Metallographie Prax Naturwiss Biol SchPraxis der Naturwissenschaften, Biologie in der Schule Prax Naturwiss ChemPraxis der Naturwissenschaften, Chemie Prax Naturwiss Chem SchPraxis der Naturwissenschaften, Chemie in der Schule Prax Naturwiss PhysPraxis der Naturwissenschaften, Physik Precambrian ResPrecambrian Research Precis AgricPrecision Agriculture Precis Clin MedPrecision Clinical Medicine Precis EngPrecision Engineering Precis Med SciPrecision Medicine Sciences Precis MetPrecision Metal Prelim Rep Hakuho Maru Cruise Kh-Preliminary Report of the Hakuho Maru Cruise Kh- Prep Biochem BiotechnolPreparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology Prepr - Am Chem Soc, Div Pet ChemPreprints - American Chemical Society, Division of Petroleum Chemistry Prepr Pap - Am Chem Soc, Div Fuel ChemPreprint Papers - American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry Prikl Biokhim MikrobiolPrikladnaya Biokhimiya i Mikrobiologiya Primate BiolPrimate Biology PrirodaPriroda Probab Eng Inf SciProbability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences Probab Eng MechProbabilistic Engineering Mechanics Probiotics Antimicrob ProteinsProbiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins Probl Arkt AntarktProblemy Arktiki i Antarktiki Probl Khim Zagrjaz Mir OkeanaProblemy Khimicheskogo Zagrjazneniya vod Mirovogo Okeana Proc Acad Nat Sci PhilaProceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Proc Am Soc Brew ChemProceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists Proc Am Soc Inf Sci TechnolProceedings of the American Society for Information Science & Technology Proc Anal Div Chem SocProceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society Proc Annu Conf Fish Soc NigerProceedings of the Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) Proc Appl Math MechProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Proc Assoc Isl Mar Lab CaribbProceedings Association of Island Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean Proc Aust Biochem SocProceedings of the Australian Biochemical Society Proc Biol SciProceedings Biological sciences Proc Biol Soc WashProceedings of the Biological Society of Washington Proc Br Inst Radio EngProceedings of the British Institution of Radio Engineers Proc Bur Resour Sci (Aust)Proceedings of Resource Sciences (Australia) Proc Calif Acad SciProceedings of the California Academy of Sciences Proc Cambridge Philos SocProceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Proc Chem SocProceedings of the Chemical Society Proc Combust InstProceedings of the Combustion Institute Proc Conf Gt Lakes ResProceedings Conference on Great Lakes Research Proc Conf Mar Technol SocProceedings Conference Marine Technology Society Proc Edinburgh Math SocProceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Proc Edinburgh Math Soc Sect A: MathProceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Section A: Mathematics Proc Entomol Soc WashProceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington Proc Est Acad SciProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Proc Geol AssocProceedings of the Geologists' Association Proc Geol Assoc LondProceedings of the Geologists' Association London Proc IEEEProceedings of the IEEE Proc Indian Acad Sci Math SciProceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Mathematical Sciences Proc Indian Acad Sci, Earth Planet SciProceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences Proc Indian Natl Sci AcadProceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Proc Indian Natl Sci Acad, AProceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Part A Physical Sciences Proc Indian Natl Sci Acad, BProceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Part A Biological Sciences Proc Inst Civ EngProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Proc Inst Civ Eng Civ EngProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering Proc Inst Civ Eng Constr MaterProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials Proc Inst Civ Eng EnergyProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Energy Proc Inst Civ Eng Geotech EngProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering Proc Inst Civ Eng Ground ImprovProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement Proc Inst Civ Eng Marit EngProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering Proc Inst Civ Eng Munic EngProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer Proc Inst Civ Eng Struct BuildProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings Proc Inst Civ Eng TranspProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport Proc Inst Civ Eng Waste Resour ManagProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste Resource Management Proc Inst Civ Eng Water ManageProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water Management Proc Inst Electr EngProceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Proc Inst Electron Radio EngProceedings of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers Proc Inst FishProceedings of the Institute of Fisheries Proc Int Assoc Hydrol SciProceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences Proc Int Astron CongrProceedings of the International Astronomical Congress Proc Int Astron UnionProceedings of the International Astronomical Union Proc Int Balt Sea Fish CommProceedings International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission Proc Int Offshore Polar Eng ConfProceedings International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Proc IREProceedings of the IRE Proc Jpn Acad, BProceedings of the Japan Academy Series B Physical and Biological Sciences Proc K Ned Akad WetProceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Proc La Acad SciProceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences Proc Latv Acad Sci Sect BProceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact and Applied Sciences Proc Linn Soc N S WProceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales Proc London Math SocProceedings of the London Mathematical Society Proc N S Inst SciProceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science Proc NAFOProceedings Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Proc Natl Acad Sci India, BProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of India Section B Biological Sciences Proc Natl Acad Sci U S AProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Proc Natl Acad Sci USAProceedings of the National academy of Sciences of the United States of America Proc NIPR Symp Polar BiolProceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Polar Biology Proc Nutr SocProceedings of the Nutrition Society Proc Ocean Drill Program Part B Sci ResultsProceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Part B: Scientific Results Proc Offshore Technol ConfProceedings Offshore Technology Conference Proc ParasitolProceedings of Parasitology Proc Phys Soc LondonProceedings of the Physical Society of London Proc Phys Soc London, Sect AProceedings of the Physical Society Section A Proc Phys Soc London, Sect BProceedings of the Physical Society Section B Proc Prehist SocProceedings of the Prehistoric Society Proc R Soc Lond, AProceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematics and Physical Sciences Proc R Soc Lond, BProceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences Proc R Soc London, Ser AProceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A Proc R Soc London, Ser BProceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Proc R Soc VicProceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria Proc R Soc VictoriaProceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria Proc R Soc, BProceedings of the Royal Society Series B Biological Sciences Proc S C Sea Grant ConsortProceedings South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium Proc S Diego Soc Nat HistProceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History Proc Soc Anal ChemProceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry Proc Soc Exp Biol MedProceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Proc Soc Photo-Opt Instrum Eng, Bellingham West AustProceedings Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham Western Australia Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt EngProceedings of SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering Proc Trans N S Inst SciProceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science Proc U S Natl MusProceedings of the United States National Museum Proc US Nav InstProceedings - United States Naval Institute Proc World Dredg ConfProceedings of the World Dredging Conference Proc World Maric SocProceedings of the World Mariculture Society Proc Yorks Geol SocProceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society Proc Zool SocProceedings of the Zoological Society Proc Zool Soc LondProceedings of the Zoological Society of London Procedia ChemProcedia Chemistry Procedia Comput SciProcedia Computer Science Procedia Earth Planet SciProcedia Earth and Planetary Science Procedia EngProcedia Engineering Procedia Environ SciProcedia Environmental Sciences Procedia Food SciProcedia Food Science Procedia ManufProcedia Manufacturing Procedia Mater SciProcedia Materials Science Procedia Struct IntegrityProcedia Structural Integrity Procedia TechnolProcedia Technology Process Appl CeramProcessing and Application of Ceramics Process BiochemProcess Biochemistry Process Control QualProcess Control and Quality Process Saf Environ ProtProcess Safety and Environment Protection Process Saf ProgProcess Safety Progress Prod Conserv Pesca ItalProdotti Conservati della pesca in Italia Prod EngProduction Engineering Prod Leiterplatten SysProduktion von Leiterplatten und Systemen Prod MerProduits de la Mer Prod Pesq ArgentProduccion Pesquera Argentina Prof Anim SciProfessional Animal Scientist Prof FishermanProfessional Fisherman Prof Pap US Geol SurvProfessional Paper US Geological Survey Prog Aerosp SciProgress in Aerospace Sciences Prog BiomaterProgress in Biomaterials Prog Biomed EngProgress in Biomedical Engineering Prog Biophys Biophys ChemProgress in Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry Prog Biophys Mol BiolProgress in Biophysics and Molecular biology Prog BiotechnolProgress in Biotechnology Prog BotProgress in Botany Prog Chem Fats Other LipdsProgress in the Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids Prog Chem Org Nat ProdProgress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products Prog Colloid Polym SciProgress in Colloid and Polymer Science Prog Cryst Growth Charact MaterProgress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials Prog Disaster SciProgress in Disaster Science Prog Earth Planet SciProgress in Earth and Planetary Science Prog EnergyProgress in Energy Prog Energy Combust SciProgress in Energy and Combustion Science Prog Fish-CultThe Progressive Fish-Culturist Prog Heterocycl ChemProgress in Heterocyclic Chemistry Prog Histochem CytochemProgress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry Prog Ind EcolProgress in Industrial Ecology Prog Ind MicrobiolProgress in Industrial Microbiology Prog Inorg ChemProgress in Inorganic Chemistry Prog Lipid ResProgress in Lipid Research Prog Mater SciProgress in Materials Science Prog Med ChemProgress in Medicinal Chemistry Prog Mol Biol Transl SciProgress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science Prog Nat SciProgress in Natural Science Prog NeurobiolProgress in Neurobiology Prog Neuro-PsychopharmacolProgress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacol Biol PsychiatryProgress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry Prog Notes Can Wildl ServProgress Notes Canadian Wildlife Service Prog Nucl EnergyProgress in Nuclear Energy Prog Nucl Magn Reson SpectroscProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol BiolProgress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology Prog OceanogrProgress in Oceanography Prog Org CoatProgress in Organic Coatings Prog Pap RecyclProgress in Paper Recycling Prog Part Nucl PhysProgress in Particle and Nuclear Physics Prog Photovoltaics Res ApplProgress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications Prog Phys GeogrProgress in Physical Geography Prog Phys Geogr: Earth EnvironProgress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment Prog Polym SciProgress in Polymer Science Prog Quantum ElectronProgress in Quantum Electronics Prog React KinetProgress in Reaction Kinetics Prog Rep Inst Limnol Dr Raul A RingueletProgress Report Instituto de Limnologia Dr Raul A Ringuelet Prog Rep Limnol Inst AmstProgress Report Limnological Institute, Amsterdam Prog Rep US Nav Ocean Res Dev ActProgress Report US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity Prog Rubber Plast Recycl TechnolProgress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology Prog Solid State ChemProgress in Solid State Chemistry Prog Struct Mater EngProgress in Structural Engineering and Materials Prog Surf SciProgress in Surface Science Prog Theor Exp PhysProgress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics Proj AppraisProject Appraisal Proj Rep Dep Primary Ind (Qld)Project Report Department of Primary Industries (Queensland) Proj Rep Lake Kariba Fish Res InstProject Report Lake Kariba Fisheries Research Institute Proj Res Dev Act Aust Inst Mar SciProjected Research and Development Activities Australian Institute of Marine Science Propellants Explos PyrotechPropellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics Propul Power ResPropulsion and Power Research Prot MetProtection of Metals Prot Met Phys ChemProtection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces Protein EngProtein Engineering Protein Eng Des SelProtein Engineering, Design & Selection Protein Expression PurifProtein Expression and Purification Protein JProtein Journal Protein Pept LettProtein & Peptide Letters Protein SciProtein Science Proteins Struct Funct BioinfProteins: Structure, FUnction, and Bioinformatics Proteome SciProteome Science Proteomics Clin ApplProteomics - Clinical Applications Protok FischtechProtokolle zur Fischereitechnik ProtoplasmaProtoplasma Provis Index List Titles Sci Counc Meet Doc NAFOProvisional Index and List of Titles of Scientific Council Meeting Documents Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization PRX QuantumPRX Quantum Przegl ZoolPrzeglad Zoologiczny Przem ChemPrzemysl Chemiczny Psychol MedPsychological Medicine Psychopharmacol BullPsychopharmacology Bulletin PSZNI: Mar EcolPubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli I: Marine Ecology Pubbl Ist Sper Talassogr, MessinaPubblicazioni Istituto Sperimentale Talassografico - Messina Pubbl Ist Talassogr TriestePubblicazioni Istituto Talassografico di Trieste Publ Amakusa Mar Biol LabPublications from the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory Publ Assoc Dev Aquac, CestasPublication de l'Association pour le Developpement de l'Aquaculture, Cestas Publ Astron Soc AustPublications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Publ Astron Soc JpnPublications of the Astronomical Society of Japan Publ Astron Soc PacPublications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Publ Australas Inst Min MetallPublications of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Publ Avulsas Inst Port Invest MaritPublicacoes Avulsas Instituto Portugues de Investigacao Maritima Publ Chesap Res ConsortPublications Chesapeake Research Consortium Publ Delft Hydraul LabPublication Delft Hydraulics Laboratory Publ Dep Halieut Ec Natl Super Agron RennesPublications du Departement d'Halieutique, Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique de Rennes Publ Espec Cent Cienc Mar Limnol Univ Nac Autonon MexPublicaciones Especiales Centro de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Publ Espec Inst Esp OceanogrPublicaciones Especiales Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia Publ Espec Inst Oceanogr Sao PauloPublicacao Especial do Instituto Oceanografico Sao Paulo Publ Fla Inst Phosphate ResPublications Florida Institute of Phosphate Research Publ Galvest Bay Natl Estuary ProgramPublications Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Publ Inst Biol AplPublicaciones del Instituto de Biologia Aplicada Publ Inst Pesqui Mar Rio  JPublicacao Instituto de Pesquisas de Marinha, Rio de Janeiro Publ Inst R Meteorol Belg, APublications Institut Royal Meteorologique de Belgique Serie A Publ Inst Zool Dr Augusto NobrePublicacao Instituto de Zoologia "Dr Augusto Nobre" Publ Mar Adivs Serv RI Univ Sea Grant ProgramPublications Marine Advisory Service, Rhode Island University Sea Grant Program Publ Md Univ Sea Grant ProgramPublications Maryland University Sea Grant Program Publ Nat SciPublications in Natural Sciences Publ Ocas Inst Oceanol Univ ValpsoPublicaciones Ocasionales Instituto de Oceanologia, Universidad de Valparaiso Publ Ocas Mus Nac Hist Nat (Chile)Publicacion Ocasional Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile) Publ Ocas Soc Port MalacolPublicacoes Ocasionais de Sociedade Portuguesa de Malacologia Publ Ont Fish Res LabPublications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory Publ Or State Univ Sea Grant Coll ProgramPublications Oregon State University Sea Grant College Program Publ R I Univ Sea Grant Coll ProgramPublications Rhode Island University Sea Grant College Program Publ Ser C Nat Environ Res Counc (UK)Publications Series 'C'  Natural Environment Research Council (UK) Publ Ser D Nat Environ Res Counc (UK)Publications Series 'D'  Natural Environment Research Council (UK) Publ Ser Neth Inst Sea ResPublication Series Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Publ Seto Mar Biol LabPublications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory Publ Seto Mar Biol Lab Spec Publ SerPublications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory Special Publication Series Publ Tec Fac Cienc Biol Univ Auton Nuevo LeonPublicaciones Tecnicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon Publ Tenn Vall AuthPublications Tennessee Valley Authority Publ Va Sea Grant ConsortPublications Virginia Sea Grant Consortium Publ Water Environ Res InstPublications Water and Environment Research Institute Public Health NutrPublic Health Nutrition Public Health RepPublic Health Reports Pulm Pharmacol TherPulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Pure Appl ChemPure and Applied Chemistry Pure Appl GeophysPure and Applied Geophysics Pure Appl MathPure and Applied Mathematics Pure Appl Math QPure and Applied Mathematical Quarterly Pure Appl OptPure and Applied Optics Pure Appl PhysPure and Applied Physics Q Appl MathQuarterly of Applied Mathematics Q J Appl MeteorolQuarterly Journal of Applied Meteorology Q J Chem SocQuarterly Journal of the Chemical Society Q J Eng GeolQuarterly Journal of Engineering Geology Q J Eng Geol HydrogeolQuarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology Q J Geol Soc LondonQuarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London Q J Int AgricQuarterly Journal of International Agriculture Q J MathQuarterly Journal of Mathematics Q J Mech Appl MathQuarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics Q J Microsc SciQuarterly Journal of Microscopical Science Q J R Astron SocQuarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Q J R Meteorol SocQuarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Q J R Meteorolog SocQuarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Q J Sci Lit ArtsQuarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts Q J Stud AlcoholQuarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol Q Magn Reson Biol MedQuarterly of Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine Q Rev BiolQuarterly Review of Biology Q Rev BiophysQuarterly Reviews of Biophysics Q Rev Chem SocQuarterly Reviews, Chemical Society Qld FishermanQueensland Fisherman QRB DiscoveryQRB Discovery QSAR Comb SciQSAR & Combinatorial Science Quad Ente Tutela Pesca Udine, SQuaderni del'Ente Tutela Pesca, Udine Serie S Quad ICRAMQuaderni ICRAM Quad Ist Idrobiol Acquacolt 'G Brunelli'Quaderni dell' Istituto di Idriobiologia e Acquacoltura 'G Brunelli' Quad Ist Ric Pesca MarittQuaderni dell' Istituto Ricerche Pesca Marittima Quad Ist Ric Pesca Maritt SupplQuaderni dell' Istituto Ricerche Pesca Marittima Supplemento Quad Lab Tecnol PescaQuaderni del Laboratorio di Tecnologia della Pesca Quad Tec AcquacoltQuaderni Tecnici di Acquacoltura Qual Assur Saf Crops FoodQuality Assurance & Safety of Crops and Food Qual EngQuality Engineering Qual Reliab Eng IntQuality and Reliability Engineering International Quant MicrobiolQuantitative Microbiology Quant Sci StudQuantitative Science Studies Quant Struct-Act RelatQuantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Quantum ElectronQuantum Electronics Quantum EngQuantum Engineering Quantum Inf ComputQuantum Information and Computation Quantum Inf ProcessQuantum Information Processing Quantum Mach IntellQuantum Machine Intelligence Quantum OptQuantum Optics Quantum Sci TechnolQuantum Science and Technology Quantum Semiclassical OptQuantum and Semiclassical Optics Quat GeochronolQuaternary Geochronology Quat IntQuaternary International Quat ResQuaternary Research Quat Sci RevQuaternary Science Reviews Quick Frozen Foods IntQuick Frozen Foods International Quim Anal (Barcelona)Quimica Analitica Quim BrasQuimica no Brasil Quim NovaQuimica Nova QuintessenceQuintessence R Inst Chem Lect Monogr RepRoyal Institute of Chemistry, Lectures, Monographs, and Reports R Inst Chem Lect SerRoyal Institute of Chemistry, Lecture Series R Inst Chem RevRoyal Institute of Chemistry, Reviews R Soc Open SciRoyal Society Open Science Radiat BiolRadiation Biology Radiat Biol RadioekolRadiatsionnaia Biologiia, Radioekologii Radiat Detect Technol MethodsRadiation Detection Technology and Methods Radiat Eff Defects SolidsRadiation Effects and Defects in Solids Radiat Environ BiophysRadiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat MeasRadiation Measurements Radiat Phys ChemRadiation Physics and Chemistry Radiat Prot DosimRadiation Protection Dosimetry Radiat ResRadiation Research Radio Electron EngRadio and Electronic Engineer Radio SciRadio Science Radiobiol RadiotherRadiobiologia, Radiotherapia Radiochim ActaRadiochimica Acta Radiol Artif IntellRadiology: Artifical Intelligence Radiol Cardiothorac ImagingRadiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging Radiol Imaging CancerRadiology: Imaging Cancer Radiol Infect DisRadiology of Infectious Diseases Radiophys Quantum ElectronRadiophysics and Quantum Electronics Random Struct AlgorithmsRandom Structures and Algorithms Rangeland Ecol ManageRangeland Ecology & Management Rangeland JRangeland Journal Rap FAO ProdRapport de la FAO sur les Produits Rap TechRapport Technique RAPA PublRAPA Publication RAPA RepRAPA Report Rapid Commun Mass SpectromRapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry Rapp Act Programmes Rech Act Cent Natl Rech Oceanogr Peches (Mauritania)Rapport d'Activite, Programmes de Recherche et d'Activite Centre National de Recherches Oceanographiques et des Peches (Mauritania) Rapp Act Sci Mer Oceanogr Cent Noumea ORSTOMRapports d'Activite Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Rapp Annu Cent Tech For Trop Nogent-sur-MarneRapport Annuel Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, Nogent-sur-Marne Rapp Annu GIROQ Univ Laval/Univ McGillRapport Annuel Groupe Interuniversitaire de Recherches Oceanographiques du Quebec Rapp Annu INRS-OceanolRapport Annuel INRS-Oceanologie Rapp Annu Prod Peches Marit Cult Mar FIOMRapport Annuel de Production des Peches Maritimes et des Cultures Marines FIOM Rapp CICTARapport Commission Internationale pour la Conservation des Thonides de l'Atlantique Rapp Comm Int Prot Eaux Leman Contre PollutRapports Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Eaux du Leman contre la Pollution Rapp Congr CIESMRapports du Congres de la CIESM Rapp Lab Hydrobiol Bamako ORSTOMRapp Laboratoire d'Hydrobiologie, Bamako, ORSTOM Rapp Meld Fiskeridir (Norw)Rapporter og Meldinger Fiskeridirektoratet (Norway) Rapp Missions Sci Mer Biol Mar Cent Noumea ORSTOMRapports de Missions Sciences de la Mer Biologie Marine Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Rapp Missions Sci Mer Oceanogr Phys Cent Noumea ORSTOMRapports de Missions Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Physique Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Rapp p-v Reun (Dan)Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions (Danemark) Rapp p-v Reun (Monaco)Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions (Monaco) Rapp Sci Antenne ORSTOM SeychellesRapport Scientifique Antenne ORSTOM aux Seychelles Rapp Sci TechnRapports Scientifiques et Techniques Rapp Sci Techn Sci Mer Biol Mar Cent Noumea ORSTOMRapports Scientifiques et Techniques Sciences de la Mer Biologie marine Centre de Noumea ORSTOM Rapp Sci Techn Sci Mer Oceanogr Phys Cent Noumea ORSTOMRapports Scientifiques et Techniques Sciences de la Mer Oceanographie Physique Centre de Noumea ORSTOM Rapp Sci Techn Sci Vie Pharmacol Cent Noumea ORSTOMRapports Scientifiques et Techniques Sciences de la Vie Pharmacologie Centre de Noumea ORSTOM Rapp Sent Fiskerioekon BergenRapport Senter for Fiskerioekonomi, Bergen Rapp TecRapporto Tecnico Rapp Trienn Dep Oceanogr Univ Que RimouskiRapport Triennal Department d'Oceanographie, Universite du Quebec a Rimouski RapportiRapporti Rapra Rev RepRAPRA Review Reports Rare MetRare Metals Rare Met Mater EngRare Metals Materials And Engineering RasainRasain Rasayan J ChemRasayan Journal of Chemistry REACH Rev Hum Space ExplorREACH - Reviews in Human Space Exploration React Chem EngReaction Chemistry & Engineering React Funct PolymReactive and Functional Polymers React Kinet Catal LettReaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters React PolymReactive Polymers Rec Aust MusRecords of the Australian Museum Rec Aust Mus SupplRecords of the Australian Museum Supplement Rec Nat ProdRecords of Natural Products Rec Oceanogr Work Jpn New SerRecords of Oceanographic Works in Japan New Series Rec Oceanogr Work Jpn Spec Number New SerRecords of Oceanographic Works in Japan Special Number (New Series) Recent Adv DNA Gene SequencesRecent Advances in DNA & Gene Sequences Recent Pat CNS Drug DiscoveryRecent Patents on CNS Drug Discovery Recent Prog Nat Sci JpnRecent Progress of Natural Sciences in Japan RechercheLa Recherche Recl Trav Chim Pays-BasRecueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas Recurs HidricRecursos Hidricos Recurs Pesca Ser Divulg Gab Estud Plan Pescas (Port)Recursos de Pesca Serie Divulgacao Gabinete de Estudose Planeamento das Pescas (Portugal) Recurs Pesca Ser Estat Gab Estud Plan Pescas (Port)Recursos de Pesca Serie Estatistica Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento das Pescas (Portugal) Recurs Pesq AsturiasRecursos Pesqueros de Asturias Redox BiolRedox Biology Reef ResReef Research Ref Methods Mar Pollut StudReference Methods for Marine Pollution Studies Ref Woods-Hole Oceanogr InstReference Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Refract Ind CeramRefractories and Industrial Ceramics Reg Environ ChangeRegional Environmental Change Reg Tuna Bull Ocean Fish Programme S Pac CommRegional Tuna Bulletin Oceanic Fisheries Programme, South Pacific Commission Regener BiomaterRegenerative Biomaterials Regener Eng Transl MedRegenerative Engineering and Translational Medicine Regener Med ResRegenerative Medicine Research Regul PeptRegulatory Peptides Regul Rivers Res ManageRegulated Rivers: Research and Management Regul Toxicol PharmRegulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology Reinf PlastReinforced Plastics Reinf Plast Compos WorldReinforced Plastics and Composites World Rejuvenation ResRejuvenation Research Relat Cient Tec Inst Port Invest MaritRelatorios Cientificos e Tecnicos Instituto Portugues de Investigacao Maritima Relat Cruzeiros Inst Oceanogr Univ Sao Paulo Ser N/Oc Prof W BesnardRelatorios de Cruzeiros, Ser "N/Oc Prof w Bernard" Instituto Oceanografico Universidade de Sao Paulo Relat Interno Inst Oceanogr Univ Sao PauloRelatorio Interno do Instituto Oceanografico Universidade de Sao Paulo Reliab EngReliability Engineering Reliab Eng Syst SafReliability Engineering & System Safety Rem JRemediation Journal Remote Sens Appl: Soc EnvironRemote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment Remote Sens Ecol ConservRemote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation Remote Sens EnvironRemote Sensing of Environment Remote Sens Environ (ChinaRemote Sensing of Environment (China) Renew Energy News DigestRenewable Energy News Digest Renewable Agric Food SystRenewable Agriculture and Food Systems Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy Renewable Resour JRenewable Resources Journal Renewable Sustainable Energy RevRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Rep Acc Severn-Trent WaterReport and Accounts Severn-Trent Water Rep Acc Southern WaterReport and Accounts Southern Water Rep Acc Welsh WaterReport and Accounts Welsh Water Rep Acc Wessex WaterReport and Accounts Wessex Water Rep Act Oslo Paris CommReport on the Activities of the Oslo and Paris Commissions Rep Advis Comm Meet Network Aquacult Cent AsiaReport Advisory Committee Meeting of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia Rep Alsk Miner Manage ServReport Alaska Minerals Management Service Rep Aquacult Dep Southeast Asian Fish Dev CentReport Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Rep Argonne Natl LabReport Argonne National Laboratory Rep Br Antartct SurvReport of the British Antarctic Survey Rep Bur Resour Sci (Aust)Report Bureau of Resource Sciences (Australia) Rep Calif Inst Technol WM Keck Lab Hydraul Water ResourReport California Institute of Technolgoy, WM Keck Laboratory for Hydraulics and Water Resources Rep CCOFIReport of California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Rep CIRIA Underwat Eng GroupReport CIRIA Underwater Engineering Group Rep Clerk Chief Fish Off N West N Wales Sea Fish CommReport of the Clerk and Chief Fishery Officer North Western and North Wales Sea Fisheries Committee Rep Counc Nat Environ Res Counc (UK)Report of the Council Natural Environment Research Council (UK) Rep CSIRO Mar LabReport CSIRO Marine Laboratories Rep David Taylor Res CentReport David Taylor Research Center Rep Dunstaffnage Mar Lab Scott Assoc Mar SciReports of the Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory and the Scottish Association for Marine Science Rep Environ Res Inst MichReport Environmental Research Institute of Michigan Rep Environ Stud Res FundsReport Environmental Studies Research Funds Rep Fish Dep (Vanuatu)Report Fisheries Department (Vanuatu) Rep Fish Lab Miyazaki UnivReport of the Fisheries Laboratory, Miyazaki University Rep Fish Res Inst Wash UnivReport Fisheries Research Institute, Washington University Rep Fish Res Lab Kyushu UnivReport of Fishery Research Laboratory, Kyushu University Rep Fish Res Lab Mie UnivReport of the Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University Rep Fish Resour Invest Sci Fish Agency Jap GovReport of Fisheries Resources Investigations by the Scientists of the Fisheries Agency, Japanese Government Rep Fla Sea Grant (Coll) ProgramReport Florida Sea Grant (College) Program Rep Fukaura Mar Biol Lab Hirosaki UnivReport of the Fukaura Marine Biological Laboratory, Hirosaki University Rep Geophys Inst Univ BergenReport Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen Rep GFCMReport General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Rep Hydraul Res Stn WallingfordReport Hydraulics Research Station, Wallingford Rep Hydrol Eng Cent Davis CalifReport Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, Calif Rep ICCATReport Internaional Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas Rep Ill Environ Prot Agency Div Water Pollut ControlReport Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Water Pollution Control Rep Ill-Indiana Sea Grant ProgramReport Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program Rep Inland Fish Comm (Tasman)Report Inland Fisheries Commission (Tasmania) Rep Inst Freshw Ecol UKReport of the Institute of Freshwater Ecology, UK Rep Inst Hydrol WallingfordReport of the Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford Rep Inst Oceanogr Sci Deacon LabReport of the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Rep Inst Terr Ecol UKReport of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, UK Rep Invest Inst Bot Acad Cienc CubaReporte de Investigacion del Instituto de Botanica, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba Rep Invest Inst Ecol Sist Acad Cienc CubaReporte de Investigacion del Instituto de Ecologia y Sistematica, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba Rep Invest Inst Oceanol Acad Cienc CubaReporte de Investigacion del Instituto de Oceanologia, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba Rep Invest Inst Zool Acad Cienc CubaReporte de Investigacion del Instituto de Zoologia, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba Rep Iowa Inst Hydraul ResReport Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research Rep Lawrence Berkeley Natl LabReport Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Rep Lawrence Livermore Natl LabReport Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Rep Los Alamos Natl LabReport Los Alamos National Laboratory Rep Maine-NH Sea Grant Coll ProgramReport Maine-New Hampshire Sea Grant College Program Rep Mar Sci AffReports on Marine Science Affairs Rep Mass Inst Technol Dep Earth Atmos Planet PhysReport Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Physics Rep Mass Inst Technol Ocean Eng DepReport Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ocean Engineering Department Rep Mass Inst Technol Sea Grant ProgramReport Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant Program Rep Math PhysReports on Mathematical Physics Rep Md Univ Chesapeake Biol LabReport Maryland University, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory Rep Md Univ Nat Resour InstReport Maryland University, Natural Resources Institute Rep Meet Counc Southeast Asian Fish Dev CentReport of the Meeting of the Council of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Rep Meet Program Comm Southeast Asian Fish Dev CentReport of the Meeting of the Program Committee of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Rep Meet SC-CAMLRReport of the Meeting of the Scientific Committee Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Rep Mens Inst Invest Oceanol Univ Auton Baja CalifReporte Mensual Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanologicas, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Rep Miss-Ala Sea Grant ConsortReports Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium Rep Natl Transp Saf Board (US)Report National Transportation Safety Board (US) Rep NC Univ Water Resour Res InstReport North Carolina University, Water Resources Institute Rep NH Univ Sea Grant ProgramReport New Hampshire University Sea Grant Program Rep NM Water Resour InstReport New Mexico Water Resources Institute Rep NZ Fish Ind BoardReport of the New Zealand Fishing Industry Board Rep Oak Ridge Natl LabReport Oak Ridge National Laboratory Rep Off Res Dev US Coast GuardReport Office of Research and Development, US Coast Guard Rep Pap USDA For Serv Instermt Res StnResearch Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station Rep Pap USDA For Serv Southeast Instermt Res StnResearch Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeast Intermountain Research Station Rep Plymouth Mar LabReport of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory Rep Port Harbour Res Isnt YokosukaReport of Port and Harbour Research Institute, Yokosuka Rep Prog PhysReports on Progress in Physics Rep Proudman Oceanogr Lab BidstonReport of the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Bidston Rep Reg Tech Meet Fish S Pac CommReport Regional Technical Meeting of Fisheries South Pacific Commission Rep Res Woods Hole Oceanogr InstReports on Research Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Rep S Pac Albacore Res WorkshopReport South Pacific Albacore Research Workshop Rep Sado Mar Biol Stn Niigata UnivReport of the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University Rep Sandia Natl LabReport Sandia National Laboratories Rep Scripps Inst Oceanogr Mar Phys LabReport Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Physics Laboratory Rep Sea Mamm Res Unit CambReport of the Sea Mammal Research Unit, Cambridge Rep Ser Calif Sea Grant Coll ProgramReport Series California Sea Grant College Program Rep Ser NY Sea Grant InstReport Series New York Sea Grant Institute Rep Ser Salm Genet Res Program (Can)Report Series Salmon Genetics Research Program (Canada) Rep South Calif Univ Sea Grant ProgramReport Southern California University Sea Grant Program Rep Standing Comm Tuna Billfish S Pac CommReport Standing Committee on Tuna and Billfish, South Pacific Commission Rep Stevens Inst Technol Davidson LabReport Stevens Institute of Technology, Davidson Laboratory Rep StudGESAMPReports and Studies IMO/FAO/Unesco/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution Rep Tec Inst Invest Oceanol Univ Auton Baja CalifReporte Tecnico Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanologicas, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Rep Tenn Valley AuthReport Tennessee Valley Authority Rep Tex A&M Univ Sea Grant ProgramReport Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University Sea Grant Program Rep Tex Univ Appl Res LabReport Texas University, Applied Research Laboratories Rep Tokyo Univ FishReport of the Tokyo University of Fisheries Rep Torry Res Stn Norwich Food Sci LabReport Torry Research Station and Norwich Food Science Laboratory Rep Univ DC Water Resour Res CentReport University of the District of Columbia, Water Resources Research Center Rep US Air Force Inst TechnolReport US Air Force Institute of Technology Rep US Army Coast Eng Res CentReport US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Rep US Army Cold Reg Res Eng LabReport US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Rep US Army Eng Waterways Exp Stn Geotech LabReport US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Geotechnical Laboratory Rep US Bur Reclam Eng Res CentReport US Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering and Research Center Rep US Coast GuardReport US Coast Guard Rep US Coast Guard Oceanogr UnitReport US Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit Rep US Dep EnergyReport US Department of Energy Rep US Environ Prot AgencyReport US Environmental Protection Agency Rep US Geol SurvReport US Geological Survey Rep US Geol Surv Water Resour DivReport US Geological Survey, Water Resources Division Rep US Marit Adm Off Res DevReport US Maritime Administration Office of Research and Development Rep US Nav Biodyn LabReport US Naval Biodynamics Laboratory Rep US Nav Civ Eng LabReport US Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility Rep US Nav Exp Diving UnitReport US Navy Experimental Diving Unit Rep US Nav Facil Eng Command Chesapeake DivReport US Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Chesapeake Division Rep US Nav Health Res CentReport US Naval Health Research Center Rep US Nav Med Res InstReport US Naval Medical Research Institute Rep US Nav Ocean Res Dev ActReport US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity Rep US Nav Ocean Syst CentReport US Naval Ocean Systems Center Rep US Nav Oceanogr Atmos Res LabReport US Naval Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Laboratory Rep US Nav Postgrad SchReport US Naval Postgraduate School Rep US Nav Res LabReport US Naval Research Laboratory Rep US Nav Submar Med Res LabReport US Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory Rep Wash Univ Appl Phys LabReport Washington University, Applied Physics Laboratory Rep Wis Sea Grant Advis ServReport Wisconsin Sea Grant Advisory Service Rep Wis Sea Grant InstReport Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute Rep Wis Univ Sea Grant Coll ProgramReport Wisconsin University Sea Grant College Program Rep Woods Hole Oceanogr InstReport Woods Hole Oceanographic Isntitute Rep World Data Cent A-OceanogrReport World Data Center A - Oceanography Reperes OceanReperes Ocean Repos Trab Lab Nac Invest Vet (Port)Repositorio de Trabalhos do Laboratorio Nacional de Investigacao Veterinaria (Portugal) Repp Sci Dir Rech Prod Halieut Inst Senegal AgricRapport Scientifique Direction des Recherches sur les Productions Halieutiques, Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agricoles Reprod Domest AnimReproduction in Domestic Animals Reprod ToxicolReproductive Toxicology RepUniv South Calif Inst Mar Coast StudReport University of Southern California, Institue of Marine and Coastal Studies Res Astron AstrophysResearch in Astronomy and Astrophysics Res Biomed EngResearch on Biomedical Engineering Res Bull Phuket Mar Biol CentResearch Bulletin Phuket Marine Biological Centre Res Chem IntermedResearch on Chemical Intermediates Res Commun Mol Pathol PharmacolResearch Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology Res Commun Subst AbuseResearch Communications in Substances of Abuse Res Eng DesResearch in Engineering Design Res Environ SciResearch on Environmental Sciences Res EvalResearch Evaluation Res Fish Annu Rep Sch FishResearch in Fisheries Annual Report of the School of Fisheries Res Fish Mar Environ Dir Fish Res (GB)Research into Fisheries and the Marine Environment Directorate of Fisheries Research (Gt Brit) Res HighlResearch Highlights Res Ideas OutcomesResearch Ideas & Outcomes Res IndResearch and Industry Res Integrity Peer RevResearch Integrity and Peer Review Res J Chem EnvironResearch Journal of Chemistry and Environment Res J Environ SciResearch Journal of Environmental Sciences Res J Text ApparelResearch Journal of Textile and Apparel Res Math SciResearch in the Mathematical Sciences Res MicrobiolResearch in Microbiology Res Nondestr EvalResearch in Nondestructive Evaluation Res Note USDA For Serv Intermt Res StnResearch Note US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station Res Note USDA For Serv Pac Northwest Res StnResearch Note US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station Res Notes AASResearch Notes of the AAS Res Pap Argonne Natl LabResearch Paper Argonne National Laboratory Res Pap Ser Train Dep Southeast Asian Fish Dev CentResearch Paper Series Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Res Pap USDA For Serv Northeast Res StnResearch Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station Res Pap USDA For Serv Pac Northwest Exp StnResearch Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Experiment Station Res Pap USDA For Serv Pac Southwest Range Exp StnResearch Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Range Experiment Station Res Pap USDA For Serv Pc Mt For Range Exp StnResearch Paper US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Mountain Forest Range Experiment Station Res Popul EcolReseraches on Population Ecology Res Rep CSIRO Div FishResearch Report CSIRO Division of Fisheries Res Rep CSIRO Div OceanogrResearch Report CSIRO Division of Oceanography Res Rep Ill Univ Water Resour CentResearch Report Illinois University, Water Resources Center Res Rep Ky Univ Water Resour Res InstResearch Report Kentucky University, Water Resources Research Institute Res Rep Minn Sea Grant ProgramResearch Report Minnesota Sea Grant Program Res Rep Superv Sci Alligator Rivers Reg (Aust)Research Report Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region Res Rep Zool DepResearch Report from the Zoology Department Res Results PharmacolResearch Results in Pharmacology Res Rev PolymResearch & Reviews in Polymer Res Synth MethodsResearch Synthesis Methods Res Vet SciResearch in Veterinary Science Res/Resour Manage Rep US Natl Park ServResearch/Resource Management Report US National Park Service Residue RevResidue Reviews Resoc Rilev MareResoconti dei Rilevamenti in Mare Resour ConservResource Conservation Resour Conserv RecyclResources, Conservation and Recycling Resour Conserv Recycl: XResources, Conservation and Recycling: X Resour Eng Technol Sustainable WorldResource Engineering and Technology for Sustainable World Resour GeolResource Geology Resour PolicyResources Policy Resour Recovery ConservResource Recovery and Conservation ResourceResource Resour-Effic TechnolResource-Efficient Technologies Respir Physiol NeurobiolRespiratory Physiology & Neurobiology Restor EcolRestoration Ecology Restor Neurol NeurosciRestorative Neurology and Neuroscience Result Exped CientResultados Expediciones Cientificas Result Gen Peche Marit SenegalResultats Generaux de la Peche Maritime Senegalaise Result Wiss Erforsch BalatonseesResultate der Wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees Results Appl MathResults in Applied Mathematics Results ChemResults in Chemistry Results EngResults in Engineering Results Mar Meteorol Oceanogr OsbThe Results of Marine Meteorological and Oceanographical Observations Results MaterResults in Materials Results PhysResults in Physics Results Sea Fish Surv Mot VesselsResults of the Sea Fishery Survey by Motor Vessels Resumes Anal Pech MondResumes analytiques des Peches Mondiales Resumes Trav Oceanogr Cent Noumea ORSTOMResumes des Travaux Oceanographie Centre de Noumea, ORSTOM Rev Accel Sci TechnolReviews of Accelerator Science and Technology Rev Act Metallges AGReview of the Activities Metallgesellschaft AG Rev Anal ChemReviews in Analytical Chemistry Rev AquacultReviews in Aquaculture Rev Asoc Cienc Nat Litor St TomeRevista de la Asociacion de Ciencias Naturales del Litoral, Santo Tome Rev Automot EngReview of Automotive Engineering Rev Biol MarRevista de Biologia Marina Rev Biol TropRevista de Biologia Tropical Rev Biol Univ AveiroRevista de Biologia Universidade de Aveiro Rev Boliv QuimRevista Boliviana de Quimica Rev Bras Apl VacuoRevista Brasileira de Aplicacoes de Vacuo Rev Bras BiolRevista Brasileira de Biologia Rev Bras Ensino QuimRevista Brasileira de Ensino de Quimica Rev Bras EstatRevista Brasileira de Estatistica Rev Bras FisRevista Brasileira de Fisica Rev Bras GeofisRevista Brasileira de Geofisica Rev Bras OceangrRevista Brasileira de Oceanografia Rev Chem EngReviews in Chemical Engineering Rev Chil Hist NatRevista Chilena de Historia Natural Rev ChimRevista de Chimie Rev Cienc Biol Cent Nac Invest Cient (Cuba)Revista de Ciencias Biologicas Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas (Cuba) Rev Cienc Biol Ser ARevista de Ciencias Biologicas Serie A Rev Cienc Biol Ser BRevista de Ciencias Biologicas Serie B Rev Colomb EntomolRevista Colombiana de Entomologia Rev Colomb QuimRevista Colombiana de Quimica Rev Com Perm Pac SurRevista de la Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur Rev Compos Mater AvRevue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances Rev Comput ChemReviews in Computational Chemistry Rev ConservReviews in Conservation Rev Cub Investig PesqRevista Cubana de Investigaciones Pesqueras Rev Ecol Terre & VieRevie d'Ecologie (La Terre et la Vie) Rev Electr ElectronRevue de l'Electricite et de l'Electronique Rev Environ Contam ToxicolReviews of Environment Contamination and Toxicology Rev Environ Sci BiotechnolReviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology Rev Environ ToxicolReviews in Environmental Toxicology Rev Fac Agron Univ ZuliaRevista de la Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad del Zulia Rev Fish Biol FishReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries Rev Fish Sci AquacultReviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture Rev Fr GeotechRevue Francaise de Geotechnique Rev Fr OenolRevue Francaise d'Oenologie Rev Gen Caoutch PlastRevue Generale des Caoutchoucs & Plastiques Rev Gen FroidRevue Generale du Froid Rev Gen ThermRevue Generale de Thermique Rev GeofisRevista Geofisica Rev Geofis (Mex)Revista Geofisica (Mexico) Rev Geogr Pyrenees Sud-OuestRevue Geographique des Pyrenees et du Sud-Ouest Rev Geol ChileRevista Geologica de Chile Rev GeophysReviews of Geophysics Rev Geophys Space PhysReviews of Geophysics and Space Physics Rev Hydrobiol TropRevue d'Hydrobiologie Tropicale Rev HydrogrRevue Hydrographique Rev Iberoam Autom Inf IndRIAI Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial Rev IctiolRevista de Ictiologia Rev IEEE Am LatRevista IEEE America Latina Rev INDEMERRevue INDEMER Rev Ing Univ MedellinRevista Ingenierias Univsidad de Medellin Rev Inst Fr PetRevue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole Rev Inst Geol Univ Nac Auton MexRevista Instituto de Geologia,  Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Rev Inst Mex Ing ChimRevista del Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Quimicos Rev Inst Mex PetRevista del Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo Rev Int Contam AmbientRevista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental Rev Int Oceanogr MedRevue Internationale d'Oceanographie Medicale Rev InvestRevista de Investigaciones Rev Invest Cient Univ Auton Baja Calif Sur (Ser Cienc Mar)Revista de Investigacion Cientifica de la Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur Serie Ciencias del Mar Rev Invest Desarr PesqRevista de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pesquero Rev Invest MarRevista de Investigaciones Marinas Rev Invest Pesq (Maputo)Revista de Investigacao Pesqueira (Maputo) Rev Latinoam AcuicultRevista Latinoamericana de Acuicultura Rev Latinoam Ing Quim Quim AplRevista Latinoamericana de Ingenieria Quimica y Quimica Aplicada Rev Latinoam QuimRevista Latinoamericana de Quimica Rev MarRevista de Marinha Rev MaritRevue Maritime Rev Marit TranspReview of Maritime Transport Rev Math PhysReviews in Mathematical Physics Rev MetalRevista de Metalurgia (Madrid, Spain) Rev Metall / Cah Inf TechRevue de Metallurgie / Cahiers d'Informations Techniques Rev Mex Astron AstrofisRevista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Rev Mex Cienc FarmRevista Mexicana de Ciencias Farmaceuticas Rev Mex FisRevista Mexicana de Fisica Rev Mex Ing ChimRevista Mexicana de Ingenieria Quimica Rev MicropaleontolRevue de Micropaleontologie Rev Mineral GeochemReviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Rev Mod PhysReviews of Modern Physics Rev Mod Plasma PhysReviews of Modern Plasma Physics Rev Mol BiotechnolReviews in Molecular Biotechnology Rev Mus Argent Cienc Nat Bernardino Rivadavia Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent), BotRevista del Museo Argentino de cienicas Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Botanica Rev Mus Argent Cienc Nat Bernardino Rivadavia Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent), EcolRevista del Museo Argentino de cienicas Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Ecologia Rev Mus Argent Cienc Nat Bernardino Rivadavia Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent), HidrobiolRevista del Museo Argentino de cienicas Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Hidrobiologia Rev Mus Argent Cienc Nat Bernardino Rivadavia Inst Nac Invest Cienc Nat (Argent), ZoolRevista del Museo Argentino de cienicas Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales (Argentina) Zoologia Rev Mus La Plata Nueva Ser Secc BotRevista del Museo de la Plata Nueva Serie Seccion Botanica Rev Mus La Plata Nueva Ser Secc GeolRevista del Museo de la Plata Nueva Serie Seccion Geologia Rev Mus La Plata Nueva Ser Secc ZoolRevista del Museo de la Plata Nueva Serie Seccion Zologia Rev Nordestina BiolRevista Nordestina de Biologia Rev Palaeobot PalynolReview of Palaeobotany and Palynology Rev PaleobiolRevue de Paleobiologie Rev PhysReviews in Physics Rev Phys Chem JpnReview of Physical Chemistry of Japan Rev Phys TechnolReview of Physics in Technology Rev Physiol, Biochem PharmacolReviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology Rev Plast ModRevista de Plasticos Modernos Rev Port Cienc VetRevista Portuguesa de Ciencias Veterinarias Rev Prog Color Relat TopReview of Progress in Coloration and Related Topics Rev Quim TextRevista de Quimica Textil Rev Roum Biol Biol AnimRevue Roumaine de Biologie Serie Biologie Animale Rev Roum ChimRevue Roumaine de Chimie Rev Roum GeophysRevue Roumaine de Geophysique Rev Saude Publica Sao PauloRevista de Saude Publica, Sao Paulo Rev Sci EauRevue des Sciences de l'Eau Rev Sci InstrumReview of Scientific Instruments Rev Soc Mex Hist NatRevista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural Rev Soc Quim MexRevista de la Sociedad Quimica de Mexico Rev Soc Quim PeruRevista de la Sociedad Quimica del Peru Rev Suisse ZoolRevue Suisse de Zoologie Rev Tech Serv Phares BalisesRevue Technique du Service des Phares et Balises Rev ToxicolReviews in Toxicology Rev Trav Inst Pech MaritRevue des Travaux de l'Institut des Peches Maritimes Rev Trav Off Pech MaritRevue des Travaux de l'Office des Peches Maritimes Rev Trav Off Sci Tech Pech MaritRevue des Travaux de l'Office Scientifique et Technique des Peches Maritimes Rev UNIMARRevista UNIMAR Rev Zool (Iztacala)Revista de Zoologia (Iztacala) Rheol ActaRheologica Acta RhodoraRhodora RibarstvoRibarstvo RIC RevRIC Reviews Ric SciRicerca Scientifica Rice SciRice Science Rice Univ StudRice University Studies Ridna PrirRidna Priroda Rijkswaterstaat CommunRijkswaterstaat Communications Risal Perikan BilanganRisalah Perikanan Bilangan Risk AnalRisk Analysis Riv BiolRivista di Biologia Riv Combust Ind ChimRivista dei Combustibili e dell'Industia Chimica Riv IdrobiolRivista di Idrobiologia Riv Ital AcquacoltRivista Italiana di Acquacoltura Riv ParassitolRivista di Parassitologia Riv Sci AlimentRivista di Scienza dell'Alimentazione River Res ApplRiver Research and Applications Rob Auton SystRobotics and Autonomous Systems Rob Comput Integr ManufRobotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Rock Mech Rock EngRock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Rocks MinerRocks and Minerals Rocky Mt GeolRocky Mountain Geology RoFo Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr NuklearmedRoFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin Rom Biotechnol LettRomanian Biotechnology Letters Rom J BiochemRomanian Journal of Biochemistry Rom J ChemRomanian Journal of Chemistry Rom J Legal MedRomanian Journal of Legal Medicine Rom J PhysRomanian Journal of Physics Rostock Meeresbiol BeitrRostocker Meeresbiologische Beitraege Roux's Arch Dev BiolRoux's Archives of Developmental Biology RSC AdvRSC Advances RSC Chem BiolRSC Chemical Biology Rubber Chem TechnolRubber Chemistry and Technology Rural ResRural Research Russ Acad Sci OceanolRussian Academy of Sciences Oceanology Russ Chem BullRussian Chemical Bulletin Russ Chem RevRussian Chemical Reviews Russ Eng ResRussian Engineering Research Russ Geol GeophysRussian Geology and Geophysics Russ J Appl ChemRussian Journal of Applied Chemistry Russ J Bioorg ChemRussian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry Russ J Coord ChemRussian Journal of Coordination Chemistry Russ J Earth SciRussian Journal of Earth Sciences Russ J EcolRussian Journal of Ecology Russ J ElectrochemRussian Journal of Electrochemistry Russ J Gen ChemRussian Journal of General Chemistry Russ J GenetRussian Journal of Genetics Russ J HerpetolRussian Journal of Herpetology Russ J Inorg ChemRussian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Russ J Mar BiolRussian Journal of Marine Biology Russ J Math PhysRussian Journal of Mathematical Physics Russ J Nondestr TestRussian Journal of Nondestructive Testing Russ J Org ChemRussian Journal of Organic Chemistry Russ J Phys ChemRussian Journal of Physical Chemistry Russ J Phys Chem ARussian Journal of Physical Chemistry A Russ J Phys Chem BRussian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Focus on Physics Russ Math SurvRussian Mathematical Surveys Russ MetallRussian Metallurgy Russ Meteorol HydrolRussian Meteorology and Hydrology Russ MicrolectronRussian Microelectronics Russ Phys JRussian Physics Journal Rybn Khoz (Mosc)Rybnoe Khozyajstvo (Moscow) Rybokhoz Izuch Vnutr VodoemovRybokhozyajstvennye Izucheniya Vnutrennikh Vodoemov RybolovRybolov Rybovod RybolovRybovodstvo i Rybolovstvo S Afr J Antarct ResSouth African Journal ofAntarctic Research S Afr J Aquat SciSouthern African Journal of Aquatic Sciences S Afr J BotSouth African Journal of Botany S Afr J ChemSouth African Journal of Chemistry S Afr J Chem EngSouth African Journal of Chemical Engineering S Afr J Enol ViticSouth African Journal of Enology and Viticulture S Afr J GeolSouth African Journal of Geology S Afr J Ind EngSouth African Journal of Industrial Engineering S Afr J Ind PsycholSouth African Journal of Industrial Psychology S Afr J Mar SciSouth African Journal of Marine Science S Afr J Plant SoilSouth African Journal of Plant and Soil S Afr J SciSouth African Journal of Science S Afr J Wildl ResSouth African Journal of Wildlife Research S Afr J ZoolSouth African Journal of Zoology S Afr Natl Sci Programmes RepSouth African National Scientific Programmes Report S Afr Shipp News Fish Ind RevSouth African Shipping News and Fishing Industry Review S Diego Law RevSan Diego Law Review Saclanteen Conf ProcSaclanteen Conference Proceedings Saclanteen MemoSaclanteen Memorandum Saclanteen Tech MemoSaclanteen Technical Memorandum SAE Int J AerospSAE International Journal of Aerospace SAE Int J Commer VehSAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles SAE Int J EnginesSAE International Journal of Engines SAE Int J Fuels LubrSAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants SAE Int J Manuf MaterSAE International Journal of Manufacturing & Materials SAE Int J Passenger Cars Electron Electr SystSAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems SAE Int J Passenger Cars Mech SystSAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems SAE JSAE Journal SAE Q TransSAE Quarterly Transactions SAE TransSAE Transactions Saf SciSafety Science Saf Sea IntSafety at Sea International Sage Open EngSage Open Engineering SagittariusSagittarius SAIMMSouthern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Salmon Freshw Fish Stat Engl WalesSalmonid and Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England and Wales Salmon NetSalmon Net SAMPE JSAMPE Journal SAMUDRA DossSAMUDRA: Dossier SAMUDRA RepSAMUDRA Report SAR QSAR Environ ResSAR and QSAR in Environmental Research SarsiaSarsia Satell NavigSatellite Navigation SatmerSatmer Sb Nauchn Tr AtlantNIROSbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Atlanticheskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Rybnogo Khozyajstva i Okeanografii Sb Nauchn Tr GosNIORKhSbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Gosudarstvennyu Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Institut Ozernogo i Rechnogo Rybnogo Khozyajstva Sb Nauchn Tr MMBISbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Murmanskogo Morskogo Biologicheskogo Instituta Sb Nauchn Tr NIIGASbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Nauchno-Issledovatel'-skogo Instituta Geologii Arktiki Sb Nauchn Tr PINROSbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Polyarnogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Rybnogo Khozyajstva i Okeanografii Sb Nauchn Tr VNIIPRKhSbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Vserossijskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Prudovogo Rybnogo Khozyajstva Sb Nauchn Tr VNIROSbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Vserossijskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Morskogo Rybnogo Khozyajstva i Okeanografii Sb Rab IBMSbornik Rabot Instituta Biologii Morya Sb Tr Zool Muz MGUSbornik Trudov Zoologicheskogo Muzeya, Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Sb Vys Sk Chem-TechnolSbornik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko - Technologicke v Praze Scand J Clin Lab InvestScandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation Scand J For ResScandinavian Journal of Forest Research Scand J ImmunolScandinavian Journal of Immunology Scand J Med Sci SportsScandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports Scand J MetallScandinavian Journal of Metallurgy Scand J StatScandinavian Journal of Statistics Scand J Work Environ HealthScandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health Sch Sci MathSchool Science and Mathematics Sch Sci RevSchool Science Review Schiff HafenSchiff und Hafen Schmalenbachs Z betriebswirtsch ForschSchmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung Schr Bundesforschanst Fisch HambgSchriften der Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Fischerei Hamburg Schr Koenigsb Gelehrten Ges, Naturwiss KlSchriften der Koenigsberger Gelehrten Gesellschaft, Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Schr Konigsb Gelehrten GesSchriften der Konigsberger Gelehrten Gesellschaft Schr Naturwissen Verbr Naturwissen Kennt WienSchriften des Vereines zur Verbreitung Naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse in Wien Schr natwiss Ver Schlesw-HolstSchriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fuer Schleswig-Holsten Schriftenr Geol WissenSchriftenreihe für Geologische Wissenschaften Schrreihe Schuetzgem Dtsch Nordseekueste WilhelmshavSchriftenreihe der Schuetzgemeinschaft Deutsche Nordseekueste eV Wilhelmshaven Schrreihe Umw FischSchriftenreihe Umwelt Fischerei Schrreihe Ver Wasser- Boden- LufthygSchriftenreihe des Vereins fuer Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene Schrreihe Verb Dtsch Fischverwaltbeamter Fischwiss OffenbSchriftenreihe des Verbandes Deutscher Fischereiverwaltungsbeamter und Fischereiwissenschafler Offenbach Schweiss PrueftechSchweiss- und Prueftechnik Schweiz Fisch-ZtgSchweizerische Fischerei-Zeitung Schweiz Lab ZSchweizerische Laboratoriums Zeitschrift Schweiz Mineral Petrogr MittSchweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen Schweiz Wochenschr Chem PharmSchweizerische Wochenschrift für Chemie und Pharmacie Sci AdvScience Advances Sci Adv MaterScience of Advanced Materials Sci AfrScientific African Sci AmScientific American Sci Ann Fac Phys Math (Greece)Scientific Annals of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (Greece) Sci Arts LithScience and Arts of Lithuania Sci Atmos SinScientia Atmospherica Sinica Sci China B Chem Life Sci Earth SciScience in China Series B Chemistry, Life Sciences and Earth Sciences Sci China MaterScience China Materials Sci China Ser E: Technol SciScience in China Series E: Technological Sciences Sci China, Ser A MathScience in China, Series A: Mathematics Sci China, Ser B ChemScience in China, Series B: Chemistry Sci China, Ser C Life SciScience in China, Series C: Life Sciences Sci China, Ser D Earth SciScience in China, Series D: Earth Sciences Sci China, Ser E Eng Mater SciScience in China, Series E: Engineering & Materials Science Sci China, Ser GScience in China, Series G: Physics Mechanics and Astronomy Sci ContextScience in Context Sci Counc Rep NAFOScientific Council Reports Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Sci Counc Stud NAFOScientific Council Studies Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Sci CultScience and Culture Sci DataScientific Data Sci DrillScientific Drilling Sci EducScience & Education Sci Eng EthicsScience and Engineering Ethics Sci EnvironScience and Environment Sci Found ChinaScience Foundation in China Sci Geogr SinScientia Geographcia Sinica Sci HorticScientia Horticulturae Sci ImmunolScience Immunology Sci InvestScientific Investigations Sci JusticeScience & Justice Sci MarScientia Marina Sci Model SimulScientific Modeling and Simulation Sci NatScience of Nature Sci Pap Inst Algol Res Fac Sci Hokkaido UnivScientific Papers of the Institute of Algolocial Research, Faculty of Science Hokkaido University Sci PechScience et Peche Sci PharmScientia Pharmaceutica Sci ProgScience Progress Sci ProgramScientific Programming Sci Publ Freshw Biol Assoc Scientific Publications Freshwater Biological Association Sci RepScientific Reports Sci Rep (New Delhi)Science Reporter (New Delhi) Sci Rep Br Antarct SurvScientific Reports British Antarctic Survey Sci Rep Cetacean ResScientific Reports of Cetacean Research Sci Rep Hirosaki UnivScience Reports Hirosaki University Sci Rep Hokkaido Fish Exp StnScientific Reports of the Hokkaido Fisheries Experiment Station Sci Rep Hokkaido Fish HatchScientific Reports of the Hokkaido Fish Hatchery Sci Rep Hokkaido Salmon HatchScientific Repors of the Hokkaido Salmon Hatchery Sci Rep IPHCScientific Report International Pacific Halibut Commission Sci Rep Tohoku Univ 4 Ser BiolScience Reports of Tohoku University Fourth Series Biology Sci Rep Whales Res InstThe Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute Sci Rev Pac Reg Dep Fish Oceans (Can)Science Review Pacific Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada) Sci Rev Scotia-Fundy Reg Dep Fish Oceans (Can)Science Review Scotia-Fundy Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada) Sci RobScience Robotics Sci SerScientific Series Sci SignalingScience Signaling Sci SportsScience & Sports Sci Tech EauSciences et Techniques de l'Eau Sci Technol Archaeolog ResScience and Technology of Archaeological Research Sci Technol Adv MaterScience and Technology of Advanced Materials Sci Technol Energetic MaterScience and Technology of Energetic Materials Sci Technol MaterScience and Technology of Materials Sci Technol Nucl InstallScience and Technology of Nuclear Installations Sci Technol Weld JoiningScience and Technology of Welding and Joining Sci Total EnvironScience of the Total Environment Sci Transl MedScience Translational Medicine Sci World JScientific World Journal Science (Wash)Science (Washington) ScienceOpen ResScienceOpen Research Scott Aquac Res RepScottish Aquaculture Research Report Scott Fish Inf PamScottish Fisheries Information Pamphlet Scott Fish Res RepScottish Fisheries Research Report Scott Geogr MagThe Scottish Geographical Magazine Scott J GeolScottish Journal of Geology Scott Sea Fish Stat TablesScottish Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables Scr MaterScripta Materialia Scr MetallScripta Metallurgica Scr Metall MaterScripta Metallurgica et Materialia Sea Fish Stat Tables Minist Agric Fish Food (G B)Sea Fisheries Statistical tables Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Gr Brit) Sea FrontSea Frontiers Sea Grant Advis Rep Hawaii Univ Sea Grant ProgramSea Grant Advisory Report Hawaii University Sea Grant Program Sea Grant Coop Rep Hawaii UnivSea Grant Cooperative Report Hawaii Unversity Sea Grant Ext Bull Fla Sea Grant Coll ProgramSea Grant Extension Bulletin Florida Sea Grant College Program Sea Grant Ext Publ Fla Sea Grant Coll ProgramSea Grant Extension Publication Florida Sea Grant College Program Sea Grant Mar Econ Rep Hawaii UnivSea Grant Marine Economics Report Hawaii University Sea Grant Misc Rep Hawaii UnivSea Grant Miscellaneous Report Hawaii University Sea Grant Program Rep Alsk Univ Inst Mar SciSea Grant Program Report Alaska University Institute of Marine Sciences Sea Grant Proj Pap Va Polytech Inst State UnivSea Grant Project Paper Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Sea Grant Publ Calif Univ S  Diego Inst Mar ResourSea Grant Publication California University, San Diego, Institute of Marine Resources Sea Grant Publ La State Univ Cent Wetl ResSea Grant Publication Louisiana State University, Center for etland Research Sea Grant Publ Maine UnivSea Grant Publication Maine University Sea Grant Publ N C Univ Sea Grant ProgramSea Grant Publication North Carolina University, Sea Grant Program Sea Grant Rep Del Univ Coll Mar StudSea Grant Report Delaware University College of Marine Studies Sea Grant Rep P R Univ Sea Grant ProgramSea Grant Report Puerto Rico University Sea Grant Program Sea Grant Rep R I UnivSea Grant Report Rhode Island University Sea Grant Spec Rep Miami UnivSea Grant Special Report Miami University Sea Grant Tech Bull Miami UnivSea Grant Technical Bulletin Miami University Sea Grant Tech Rep Hawaii UnivSea Grant Technical Report Hawaii University Sea Grant Tech Rep Wis Univ Sea Grant InstSea Grant Technical Report Wisconsin University Sea Grant Institute Sea TechnolSea Technology Seaf Export JSeafood Export Journal Seaf IntSeafood International SEAFDEC Asian AquacSEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture SEAFDEC NewslSEAFDEC Newsletter Sealing TechnolSealing Technology SEAPOL NewslSEAPOL Newsletter Search (Syd)Search (Sydney) SeawaysSeaways Secur Commun NetwSecurity and Communication Networks Sediment GeolSedimentary Geology SedimentologySedimentology Seed Sci ResSeed Science Research SeevoegelSeevoegel Seismol Res LettSeismological Research Letters Sel Annu Rev Anal SciSelected Annual Reviews of the Analytical Sciences Sel Electrode RevSelective Electrode Reviews Semiann Rep Iowa Coop Fish Wildl Res UnitSemiannual Report Iowa Cooperative Fish adn Wildlife Research Unit Semicond Sci TechnolSemiconductor Science and Technology Semin Cancer BiolSeminars in Cancer Biology Semin Cell BiolSeminars in Cell Biology Semin Cell Dev BiolSeminars in Cell & Developmental Biology Semin ImmunolSeminars in Immunology Semin Nucl MedSeminars in Nuclear Medicine Semina Cienc AgrarSemina: Ciencias Agrarias Senckenb BiolSenckenbergiana Biologica Senckenb LethaeaSenckenbergiana Lethaea Senckenb MaritSenckenbergiana Maritima Senckenbergiana BiolSenckenbergiana Biologie Senri Ethnol StudSenri Ethnological Studies Sens Actuators RepSensors and Actuators Reports Sens Actuators, ASensors and Actuators A: Physical Sens Actuators, BSensors and Actuators B: Chemical Sens Bio-Sens ResSensing and Bio-Sensing Research Sens Instrum Food Qual SafSensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety Sens LettSensor Letters Sens MaterSensors and Materials Sep Purif MethodsSeparation and Purification Methods Sep Purif RevSeparation and Purification Reviews Sep Purif TechnolSeparation and Purification Technology Sep Sci PlusSeparation Science Plus Sep Sci TechnolSeparation Science and Technology Sep TechnolSeparations Technology Ser Cient Inst Antart ChilSerie Cientifica Instituto Antartico Chileno Ser Cient Univ Auton Baja Calif SurSerie Cientifica Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur Ser Inf Espec Inst Mar PeruSerie de Informes Especiales Instituto del Mar del Peru Seychelles Tuna BullSeychelles Tuna Bulletin Shandong FishShandong Fisheries Sherkin CommentSherkin Comment Ship Boat IntShip and Boat International Shipcare Marit ManageShipcare and Maritime Management Shipp World ShipbuildShipping World and Shipbuilder Shock VibShock and Vibration Shore BeachShore and Beach SIAM J Appl Dyn SystSIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems SIAM J Appl MathSIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics SIAM J ComputSIAM Journal on Computing SIAM J Control OptimSIAM Journal on Control and Optimization SIAM J Discrete MathSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics SIAM J Imag SciSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences SIAM J Math AnalSIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis SIAM J Matrix Anal ApplSIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications SIAM J Numer AnalSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis SIAM J OptimSIAM Journal on Optimization SIAM J Sci ComputSIAM Journal of Scientific Computing SIAM RevSIAM Review SID Symp Dig Tech PapSID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers Siemens RevSiemens Review Signal ProcessSignal Processing Signal Process Image CommunSignal Processing: Image Communication Signal Transduction Targeted TherSignal Transduction and Targeted Therapy Silic IndusSilicates Industriels Silicon ChemSilicon Chemistry Simul Modell Pract TheorySimulation Modelling Practice and Theory Simul Pract TheorySimulation Practice and Theory Singapore J Trop GeogrSingapore Journal of Tropical Geography SinozoologiaSinozoologia SIO Ref SerSIO Reference Series SIO Rep SerSIO Report Series Sitzungsber Akad Wiss DDR, Math, Naturwiss, TechSitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik Sitzungsber Bayer Akad Wiss Math Naturwiss KlSitzungsberichte Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematische - Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Sitzungsber Heidelb Akad Wiss Math Naturwiss KlSitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematische - Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Sitzungsber K Preuss Akad WissSitzungsberichte der Koniglichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Skeletal RadiolSkeletal Radiology Sleep DisordSleep Disorders Sleep Med: XSleep Medicine: X Sleep SciSleep Science Sleep VigilanceSleep and Vigilance Small Adv Healthcare MaterSmall and Advanced Healthcare Materials Small MethodsSmall Methods Small MolSmall Molecules Small SciSmall Science Smart Infrastruct ConstrSmart Infrastructure and Construction Smart Mater StructSmart Materials and Structures Smart SciSmart Science Smart Sustainable Manuf SystSmart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Smithson Contrib BotSmithsonian Contributions to Botany Smithson Contrib Earth SciSmithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences Smithson Contrib Mar SciSmithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences Smithson Contrib PaleobiolSmithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology Smithson Contrib ZoolSmithsonian Contributions to Zoology Smithson SerSmithsonian Series SN Appl SciSN Applied Sciences SN Compr Clin MedSN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine SN Comput SciSN Computer Science SN Oper Res ForumSN Operations Research Forum Soc Econ Pap Inst Soc Econ Res Mem Univ NfldSocial and Economic Papers Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland Soc Nat ResourSociety and Natural Resources Social Indic ResSocial Indicators Research Social NeurosciSocial Neuroscience Soft MaterSoft Materials Soft MatterSoft Matter Soft RobSoft Robotics Soil Biol BiochemSoil Biology and Biochemistry Soil DiscussSoil Discussions Soil Dyn Earthquake EngSoil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Soil Mech Found EngSoil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Soil ResSoil Research Soil SciSoil Science Soil Sci Plant NutrSoil Science & Plant Nutrition Soil Sci Soc Am JSoil Science Society of America Journal Soil Sediment ContamSoil and Sediment Contamination Soil Tillage ResSoil and Tillage Research Soil Use ManageSoil Use and Management Sol EnergySolar Energy Sol Energy Mater Sol CellsSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells Sol PhysSolar Physics Sol Syst ResSolar System Research Solar RRLSolar RRL Solid EarthSolid Earth Solid Earth DiscussSolid Earth Discussions Solid Earth SciSolid Earth Science Solid Fuel ChemSolid Fuel Chemistry Solid State CommunSolid State Communications Solid State ElectronSolid State Electronics Solid State Electron LettSolid State Electronics Letters Solid State IonicsSolid State Ionics Solid State Nucl Magn ResonSolid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Solid State SciSolid State Sciences Solid-State ElectronSolid-State Electronics Solvent Extr Ion ExchSolvent Extraction and Ion Exchange Source Code Biol MedSource Code for Biology and Medicine South Am J HerpetolSouth American Journal of Herpetology South FishSouthern Fisheries South J Appl ForSouthern Journal of Applied Forestry South Med JSouthern Medical Journal South Pac J Nat Appl SciSouth Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences Sov J Mar BiolThe Soviet Journal of Marine Biology Sov J Quantum ElectronSoviet Journal of Quantum Electronics Space CommunSpace Communications Space Res TodaySpace Research Today Space Sci RevSpace Science Reviews Spatial StatSpatial Statistics SPC Fish NewslSouth Pacific Commission Fisheries Newsletter SPE Drill CompletSPE Drilling & Completion SPE Form EvalSPE Formation Evaluation SPE JSPE Journal SPE Prod EngSPE Production Engineering SPE Prod FacilSPE Production & Facilities SPE Reservoir EngSPE Reservoir Engineering SPE Reservoir Eval EngSPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering Spec Discuss Faraday SocSpecial Discussions of the Faraday Society Spec Pap US Nav Ocean Res Dev ActSpecial Paper US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity Spec Publ Am Fish SocSpecial Publication American Fisheries Society Spec Publ Asian Fish SocSpecial Publication Asian Fisheries Society Spec Publ Asian Fish Soc Indian BranchSpecial Publication Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch Spec Publ Eur Aquac SocSpecial Publication European Aquaculture Society Spec Publ Eur Maric SocSpecial Publication European Mariculture Society Spec Publ GLFCSpecial Publication Great Lakes Fishery Commission Spec Publ JLB Smith Inst IchthyolSpecial Publications JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology Spec Publ Natl Cent Mar Res (Greece)Special Publication National Centre for Marine Research (Greece) Spec Publ Phuket Mar Biol CentSpecial Publication Phuket Marine Biological Center Spec Publ Sado Mar Biol Stn Niigata UnivSpecial Publication from the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University Spec Publ Ser Atl Salmon FedSpecial Publication Series Atlantic Salmon Federation Spec Publ Ser Great Barrier Reef Mar Park AuthSpecial Publication Series Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Spec Publ Southeast Asian Fish Dev CentSpecial Publication Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Spec Rep Appl Sci Ocean EngSpecial Report in Applied Science and Ocean Engineering Spec Rep Hydrol Eng Cent Davis CalifSpecial Report Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, Calif Spec Rep I-ATTCSpecial Report Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Spec Rep Sea Fish Res Inst Cape TownSpecial Report Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Cape Town Spec Rep US Army Coast Eng Res CentSpecial Report US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Spec Rep US Army Cold Reg Res Eng LabSpecial Report US Army Cold Regions Reserach Engineering Laboratory Spec Rep US Army Construct Eng Res LabSpecial Report US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory Spec Rep US Nav Ocean Res Dev ActSpecial Report US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity Spec Sci Rep FishSpecial Scientific Report : Fisheries Spec Sea Grant Rep Va Polytech Inst State UnivSpecial Sea Grant Report Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Spectra AnalSpectra Analyse Spectra BiolSpectra Biologie Spectrochim ActaSpectrochimica Acta Spectrochim Acta, Part ASpectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Spectrochim Acta, Part BSpectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy Spectrosc AsiaSpectroscopy Asia Spectrosc EurSpectroscopy Europe Spectrosc LettSpectroscopy Letters Spectrosc Prop Inorg Organomet CompdSpectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds Specul Sci TechnolSpeculations in Science and Technology Speculations Sci TechnolSpeculations in Science and Technology SPIE RevSPIE Reviews Spill Sci Technol BullSpill Science and Technology Bulletin SpixianaSpixiana Spolia Zeylan Bull Natl Mus Ceylon Geol Zool AnthropolSpolia Zeylanica : Bulletin of the National Museum of Ceylon Geology, Zoology, Anthropology Spolia Zeylan Bull Natl Mus Sri Lanka Geol Zool AnthropolSpolia Zeylanica : Bulletin of the National Museums of Sri Lanka Geology, Zoology, Anthropology SPORESPORE Sport Exercise Perform PsycholSport Exercise and Performance Psychology Sport Fish AbstrSport Fisheries Abstracts Sports EngSports Engineering Sports Med Health SciSports Medicine and Health Science SPREP Topic RevSPREP Topic Review Springer Ser Chem PhysSpringer Series in Chemical Physics Springer Ser Mater SciSpringer Series in Materials Science Springer Ser Opt SciSpringer Series in Optical Sciences Springer Ser Solid-State SciSpringer Series in Solid-State Sciences Stand Genomic SciStandards in Genomic Sciences Stanf Law RevStanford Law Review Stat Anal Data MinStatistical Analysis and Data Mining Stat Bull ICCAT Statistical Bulletin International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas Stat Bull NAFOStatistical Bulletin Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Stat DigStatistical Digest Stat Fish Fact Dep Fish (Thail)Statistics of Fisheries Factory Department of Fisheries (Thailand) Stat J IAOSStatistical Journal of the IAOS Stat MedStatistics in Medicine Stat Methods Med ResStatistical Methods in Medical Research Stat NeerlStatistica Neerlandica Stat Shrimp Cult Dep Fish (Thail)Statistics of Shrimp Culture Department of Fisheries (Thailand) Stat Yearb Agric For Fish (Seoul)Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Seoul) Stat Yearb INPFCStatistical Yearbook International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Steel Constr Des ResSteel Construction - Design and Research Steel Res IntSteel Research International SteenstrupiaSteenstrupia Stem Cell RepStem Cell Reports Stem Cell ResStem Cell Research Stem Cell Res TherStem Cell Research & Therapy Stem Cells DevStem Cells and Development Stem Cells Transl MedStem Cells Translational Medicine Stephan Mueller Spec Publ SerStephan Mueller Special Publication Series Stochastic Environ Res Risk AssessStochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment Stochastic Processes ApplStochastic Processes and their Applications Stochastics DynStochastics and Dynamics Stockh Contrib GeolStockholm Contributions in Geology StrainStrain Stratigr Geol CorrelStratigraphy and Geological Correlation Strength Fract ComplexityStrength, Fracture and Complexity Strength MaterStrength of Materials Struct BondStructure and Bonding Struct ChemStructural Chemistry Struct ConcrStructural Concrete Struct Des Tall Special BuildStructural Design of Tall and Special Buildings Struct DynStructural Dynamics Struct EngStructural Engineer Struct Infrastruct EngStructure and Infrastructure Engineering Struct Multidiscip OptimStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Struct SafStructural Safety Stud Appl MathStudies in Applied Mathematics Stud ConservStudies in Conservation Stud Geophys GeodStudia Geophysica et Geodaetica Stud Mar SinStudia Marina Sinica Stud Mater OceanolStudia i Materialy Oceanologizczne Stud Nat Prod ChemStudies in Natural Products Chemistry Stud Nonlinear Dyn EconomStudies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics Stud PraktStudent und Praktikant Stud QuatStudia Quaternaria Stud Surf Sci CatalStudies in Surface Science and Catalysis Stud Wyzsza Sk Morsk SzczecinStudia Wyzsza Skola Morska w Szczecinie Study Tour Rep Dep Primary Ind (Qld)Study Tour Report Department of Primary Industries (Queensland) Sturgeon QSturgeon Quarterly Stuttg Beitr Natkd A BiolStuttgarter Beitraege zur Naturkunde Serie A Biologie Stuttg Beitr Natkd B Geol PalaeontolStuttgarter Beitraege zur Naturkunde Serie B Geologie und Palaeontologie Subst Use MisuseSubstance Use & Misuse Sudene Bol Estud PescaSudene : Boletim de Estudos de Pesca Suisan Kenkyu SoshoSuisan Kenkyu Sosho Suisan Zoyoshoku SoshoSuisan Zoyozhoku Sosho Suom KalatalousSuomen Kalatalous Supercond Sci TechnolSuperconductor Science and Technology Superlattices MicrostructSuperlattices and Microstructures Supramol ChemSupramolecular Chemistry Supramol Photosensit Electroact MaterSupramolecular Photosensitive and Electroactive Materials Supramol SciSupramolecular Science Surf Coat IntSurface Coatings International Surf Coat TechnolSurface and Coatings Technology Surf EngSurface Engineering Surf Eng Appl ElectrochemSurface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry Surf InnovationsSurface Innovations Surf Interface AnalSurface and Interface Analysis Surf InterfacesSurfaces and Interfaces Surf Rev LettSurface Review and Letters Surf SciSurface Science Surf Sci LettSurface Science Letters Surf Sci RepSurface Science Reports Surf Sci SpectraSurface Science Spectra Surf Topogr Metrol PropSurface Topography: Metrology and Properties Surg Med TechnolSurgery and Medical Technologies Surv GeophysSurveys in Geophysics Sustainability SciSustainability Science Sustainability Water Qual EcolSustainability of Water Quality and Ecology Sustainable Chem PharmSustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy Sustainable Chem ProcessesSustainable Chemical Processes Sustainable Comput Inf SystSustainable Computing Informatics & Systems Sustainable EarthSustainable Earth Sustainable Energy FuelsSustainable Energy & Fuels Sustainable Energy Grids NetworksSustainable Energy, Grids and Networks Sustainable Energy Technol AssessSustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments Sustainable Environ ResSustainable Environment Research Sustainable MaterTechnolSustainable Materials and Technologies Sustainable Prod ConsumptionSustainable Production and Consumption Sven Bot TidskrSvensk Botanisk Tidskrift Sven Hydrograf-Biol KommSkr NY Ser BiolSvenska Hydrografisk-Biologiska Kommissionens Skrifter NY Serie: Biologi Swarm Evol ComputSwarm and Evolutionary Computation Swarm IntellSwarm Intelligence SWIO Fish BullSWIO Fisheries Bulletin Swiss J GeosciSwiss Journal of Geosciences Swiss J PalaeontolSwiss Journal of Palaeontology SyllogeusSyllogeus SymbiosisSymbiosis Symp (Int) CombustSymposium (International) on Combustion Symp Am Fish SocSymposium American Fisheries Society Symp Faraday SocSymposium of the Faraday Society Synop Br Fauna new serSynopses of the British Fauna New Series Synth BiolSynthetic Biology Synth CommunSynthetic Communications Synth FibresSynthetic Fibers Synth MetSynthetic Metals Synth React Inorg Met-Org ChemSynthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry Synth Syst BiotechnolSynthetic and Systems Biotechnology Syracuse Law RevSyracuse Law Review Syst Appl MicrobiolSystematic and Applied Microbiology Syst BiodiversSystematics and Biodiversity Syst BiolSystematic Biology Syst BotSystematics Botany Syst Control LettSystem & Control Letters Syst Ecol ContribSystematics Ecology Contributions Syst EngSystems Engineering Syst Eng ProcediaSystems Engineering Procedia Syst Eng Theory PractSystems Engineering - Theory & Practice Syst EntomolSystematic Entomology Syst ParasitolSystematics Parasitology Tablas Marea Cent Invest Cient Educ Super EnsenadaTablas de Marea Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada Tablas Marea Inst Oceanol Acad Cienc CubaTablas de Marea Instituto de Oceanologia, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba Taetigkber bayer Landesanst WasserforschTaetigkeitsbericht der Bayerischen Landesanstalt fuer Wasserforschung Taetigkber Int Komm Schutze Rheins VerunreinigTaetigkeitsbericht Internationale Kommission zum Schutze des Rheins gegen Verunreinigung Tag Tech NoteTag Technical Note TaiwaniaTaiwania TalantaTalanata TaneTane Tappi JTappi Journal TaxonTaxon Teach Math ApplTeaching Mathematics and its Applications Teach StatTeaching Statistics Tech Bull Pac Tuna Dev FoundTechnical Bulletin Pacific Tuna Development Foundation Tech Circ Dir Fish (Bahrain)Technical Circular Directorate of Fisheries (Bahrain) Tech Complet Rep Mont Inst Water Resour Res CentTechnical Completion Report Montana Institute of Water Resources Research Center Tech Complet Rep NM Water Resour Res CentTechnical Completion Report New Mexico Water Resources Research Center Tech Doc Hydrol Eng Cent Davis CalifTechnical Document Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, Calif Tech Doc Inshore Fish Res Proj S Pac CommTechnical Document Inshore Fisheries Research Project, South Pacific Commission Tech Doc South Calif Univ Inst Mar Coast StudTechnical Document Southern California University, Institute of Marine and Coastal Studies Tech Doc US Nav Ocean Res Dev ActTechnical Document US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity Tech Doc US Nav Ocean Syst CentTechnical Document US Naval Ocean Systems Center Tech Doc US Nav Underw Syst CentTechnical Document US Naval Underwater Systems Center Tech Ing Constantes Phys ChimTechniques de l'Ingenieur, Constantes Physico-Chimiques Tech Ing EnvironTechniques de l'Ingenieur, Environnement Tech Ing Genie NuclTechniques de l'Ingenieur, Genie Nuclear Tech Ing Genie ProcedesTechniques de l'Ingenieur, Genie des Procede Tech Ing Mater FondTechniques de l'Ingenieur, Materiaux Fonctionnels Tech Ing Mater MetTechniques de l'Ingenieur, Materiaux Metalliques Tech Ing Plast ComposTechniques de l'Ingenieur, Plastiques et Composites Tech Ing Sci Fondam Math IngTechniques de l'Ingenieur, Sciences Fondamentales: Mathematiques pour l'Ingenieur Tech Ing Sci Fondam Phys ChimTechniques de l'Ingenieur, Sciences Fondamentales: Physique, Chemie Tech Memo Argonne Natl LabTechnical Memorandum Argonne National Laboratory Tech Memo CSIRO Div Water ResourTechnical Memorandum CSIRO Division of Water Resources Tech Memo Environ Res Inst MichTechnical Memorandum Environmental Research Institute of Michigan Tech Memo Oak Ridge Natl LabTechnical Memorandum Oak Ridge National Laboratory Tech Memo Scripps Inst Oceanogr Mar Phys LabTechnical Memorandum Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Physics Laboratory Tech Memo Superv Sci Alligator Rivers Reg (Aust)Technical Memorandum Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region (Australia) Tech Memo US Nav Coast Syst CentTechnical Memorandum US Naval Coastal Systems Center Tech MessTechnisches Messen Tech MittTechnische Mitteilungen Tech Note Natl Cent Atmos Res (US)Technical Note National Center for Atmospheric Research (US) Tech Note US Nav Coast Syst CentTechnical Note US Naval Coastal Systems Center Tech Note US Nav Ocean Res Dev ActTechnical Note US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity Tech Note US Nav Oceanogr Atmos Res LabTechnical Note US Oceanographic and Atmospheric Reseasrch Laboratory Tech Note US Navy Civ Eng LabTechnical Note US Navy Civil Engineering Laboratories Tech Pap Afr Reg Aquac CentTechnical Paper African Regional Aquaculture Centre Tech Pap U S Fish Wildl ServTechnical Papers of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Tech PhysTechnical Physics Tech Phys LettTechnical Physics Letters Tech Q Master Brew Assoc AmTechnical Quarterly - Master Brewers Association of the Americas Tech Q MBAA CommunTechnical Quarterly & the MBAA Communicator Tech Rep Ser Arthur Rylah Inst Environ ResTechnical Report Series Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Tech Rep Ser Resour Plan Branch AustTechnical Report Series Resources and Planning Branch Australia Tech Rep Univ Ioannina Sch Phys Math (Greece)Technical Report University of Ioannina School of Physics and Mathematics (Greece) Tech UberwachTechnische Uberwachung Technol Cancer Res TreatTechnology in Cancer Research & Treatment Technol Forecasting Social ChangeTechnological Forecasting and Social Change Technol Health CareTechnology and Health Care Technol Mind BehavTechnology, Mind, and Behavior Tellus B: Chem Phys MeteorolTellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology Tellus Ser ATellus Series A Tellus Ser BTellus Series B Teratog, Carcinog, MutagenTeratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis Terr MagnTerrestrial Magnetism Terr Magn Atmos ElectrTerrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity TethysTethys Tetrahedron LettTetrahedron Letters Tetrahedron: AsymmetryTetrahedron: Asymmetry Tex J SciThe Texas Journal of Science Text Chem ColorTextile Chemist and Colorist Text Chem Color Am Dyest RepTextile Chemist and Colorist & American Dyestuff Reporter Text ProgTextile Progress Text Res JTextile Research Journal Text Sci TechTextile Science and Technology Text WorldTextile World Thai J Pharm SciThai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Thalassia JugoslThalassia Jugoslavica Thalassia SalentinaThalassia Salentina The Auk: Ornithol AdvThe Auk: Ornithological Advances The Condor: Ornithol ApplThe Condor: Ornithological Applications THEOCHEMTHEOCHEM Journal of Molecular Structure Theor Appl ClimatolTheoretical and Applied Climatology Theor Appl Fract MechTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics Theor Appl GenetTheoretical and Applied Genetics Theor Appl Mech LettTheoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters Theor Biol Med ModellTheoretical Biology and Medical Modelling Theor Chem AccTheoretical Chemistry Accounts Theor Chim ActaTheoretica Chimica Acta Theor Comput Fluid DynTheoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics Theor EcolTheoretical Ecology Theor Exp ChemTheoretical and Experimental Chemistry Theor Exp Plant PhysiolTheoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology Theor Found Chem EngTheoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering Theor Math PhysTheoretical and Mathematical Physics Theor Popul BiolTheoretical Population Biology Theory Pract Logic ProgramTheory and Practice of Logic Programming Ther Drug MonitTherapeutic Drug Monitoring Therm EngThermal Engineering Thermochim ActaThermochimica Acta Thermophys AeromechThermophysics and Aeromechanics Thin Solid FilmsThin Solid Films Thin Walled StructThin Walled Structures Ticks Tick-borne DisTicks and Tick-borne Diseases Tidsskr Kjemi Bergv MetallTidsskrift for Kjemi, Bergvesen, og Metallurgi Tidsskr SkogbrukTidsskrift for Skogbruk TiedonantojaTiedonantoja Tijd Klei Glas KeramTijdschrift vor Klei, Glas en Keramiek Tire Sci TechnolTire Science and Technology Tissue EngTissue Engineering Tissue Eng Part ATissue Engineering Part A Tissue Eng Part BTissue Engineering Part B Tissue Eng Part CTissue Engineering Part C Tokai J Exp Clin MedTokai Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine Top Appl PhysTopics in Applied Physics Top Biol Inorg ChemTopics in Biological and Inorganic Chemistry Top CatalTopics in Catalysis Top Curr ChemTopics in Current Chemistry Top Fluoresc SpectroscTopics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy Top Inorg ChemTopics in Inorganic Chemistry Top Organomet ChemTopics in Organometallic Chemistry Toxicol Anal ClinToxicologie Analytique et Clinique Toxicol Appl PharmacolToxicology and Applied Pharmacology Toxicol Environ ChemToxicological and Environmental Chemistry Toxicol in VitroToxicology in Vitro Toxicol Ind HealthToxicology and Industrial Health Toxicol LettToxicology Letters Toxicol Mech MethodsToxicology Mechanisms and Methods Toxicol PatholToxicologic Pathology Toxicol RepToxicology Reports Toxicol ResToxicology Research Toxicol Res ApplToxicology Research and Application Toxicol SciToxicological Sciences Tr Gos Okeanogr InstTrudy Gosudarstvennogo Okeanograficeskogo Instituta Tr Inst Okeanol NM PP SirsovaTrudy Instituta Okeanologii NM PP Sirsova Tr VNIROTrudy VNIRO Trab Inst Esp OceanogrTrabajos Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia TrAC, Trends Anal ChemTRAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry Trace Elem ElectrolytesTrace Elements and Electrolytes Traffic Inj PrevTraffic Injury Prevention Trans Am Fish SocTransactions of the American Fisheries Society Trans Am Geophys UnionTransactions, American Geophysical Union Trans Am Inst Electr EngTransactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Trans Am Inst Electr Eng Part 1Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Part 1: Communication and Electronics Trans Am Inst Electr Eng Part 2Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Part 2: Applications and Industry Trans Am Inst Electr Eng Part 3Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Part 3: Power Apparatus and Systems Trans Am Inst MetTransactions of the American Institute of Metals Trans Am Inst Min Metall Pet EngTransactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers Trans Am Inst Min Metall Pet Eng Soc Min Eng AIMETransactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Society of Mining Engineers of AIME Trans Am Microsc SocTransactions of the American Microscopical Society Trans Am Nucl SocTransactions of the American Nuclear Society Trans ASABETransactions of the ASABE Trans Can InstTransactions of the Canadian Institute Trans Can Soc Mech EngTransactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering Trans Egypt Soc Chem EngTransactions of the Egyptian Society of Chemical Engineers 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Air, and Soil Pollution Water Air Soil Pollut FocusWater, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus Water AlternWater Alternatives Water Asset Manage IntWater Asset Management International Water Energy IntWater and Energy International Water Environ JWater and Environment Journal Water Environ ManageWater and Environmental Management Water Environ ResWater Environment Research Water Environ TechnolWater Environment and Technology Water IntWater International Water Intell OnlineWater Intelligence Online Water JWater Journal Water PolicyWater Policy Water Pollut Res J CanWater Pollution Research Journal of Canada Water Pract TechnolWater Practice Technology Water Qual Annu Rep Welsh WaterWater Quality Annual Report Welsh Water Water Qual Ecosyst ModelWater Quality and Ecosystems Modeling Water Qual Exposure HealthWater Quality, Exposure and Health Water Qual Res J CanWater Quality Research Journal of Canada Water Qual Ser Natl Rivers Auth (GB)Water Quality Series National Revers Authority (Gr Brit) 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Surface and Underground World OilWorld Oil World ShellsWorld Shells Worldfish RepWorldfish Report World's Poult Sci JWorld's Poultry Science Journal X-Ray SpectromX-Ray Spectrometry Yearb Int Hydrogr OrganYearbook International Hydrographic Organization Z Anal ChemZeitschrift für Analytische Chemie Z Angew EntomolZeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie Z Angew GeolZeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie Z Angew Math MechZeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik Z Angew Math PhysZeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik Z Angew Photogr Wiss TechZeitschrift für Angewandte Photographie in Wissenschaft und Technik Z Angew PhysZeitschrift für Physik Z Angew ZoolZeitschfirt fuer Angewandte Zoologie Z Anorg Allg ChemZeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie Z Anorg ChemZeitschrift für Anorganische Chemie Z Arznei GewurzpflanzenZeitschrift für Arznei und Gewurzpflanzen Z arztl FortbildZeitschrift für Ärztliche Fortbildung Z BienenforschZeitschrift für Bienenforschung Z Binnenfisch DDRZeitschrift fuer die Binnenfischerei der DDR Z Dtsch Geol GesZeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft Z Elektrochem Angew Phys ChemZeitschrift für Angewandte Physik und Chemie Z Erzbergbau MetallhuttenWesZeitschrift für Erzbergbau und Metallhuttenwesen Z FischkdZeitschrift fuer Fischkunde Z Flugwiss WeltraumforschZeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung Z Geol WissZeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften Z GeomorpholZeitschrift für Geomorphologie Z Geomorphol SupplZeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementband Z GeophysZeitschrift für Geophysik Z Gesamte Schiess SprengstoffwesZeitschrift für das Gesamte Schiess und Sprengstoffwesen Z GeschiebeforschZeitschrift für Geschiebeforschung Z Gletscherkd GlazialgeolZeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie Z HochfrequenztechZeitschrift für Hochfrequenztechnik Z HygZeitschrift für Hygiene Z Hyg InfektionskrankhZeitschrift für Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten Z Immunitatsforsch Exp TherZeitschrift für Immunitatsforschung und Experimentalle Therapie Z InstrumentenkdZeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde Z Klin Chem Klin BiochemZeitschrift für Klinische Chemie und Klinische Biochemie Z Klin MedZeitschrift für Klinische Medicin Z KristallogrZeitschrift für Kristallographie Z Kristallogr - New Cryst StructZeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystral Stuctures Z Kristallogr Kristallgeom Kristallphys KristallchemZeitschrift für Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie Z Lebensm-Unters-ForschZeitschrift fuer Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung Z Med Isotopenforsch Deren GrenzgebZeitschrift für Medizinische Isotopenforschung und Deren Grenzgebiete Z Med LaboratoriumsdiagnZeitschrift für Medizinische Laboratoriumsdiagnostik Z Med LabortechZeitschrift für Medizinische Labortechnik Z Med PhysZeitschrift für Medizinische Physik Z MetaIlkdZeitschrift für MetaIlkunde Z Mikrosk-Anat ForschZeitschrift fuer Mikroskopisch-Anatomsiche Forschung Z Natforsch C BiosciZeitschrift fuer Naturforschung Section C Biosciences Z Naturforsch, A: Phys SciZeitschrift für Naturforschung A: Journal of Physical Sciences Z Naturforsch, B: Chem SciZeitschrift für Naturforschung B: Journal of Chemical Sciences Z Naturforsch, C: BiosciZeitschrift für Naturforschung C: Journal of Biosciences Z Ostpreuss Meschkinnes ForschZeitschrift für Ostpreussische Meschkinnes Forschung Z Pflanzenernahr BodenkdZeitschrift für Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde Z Pflanzenernahr Dung BodenkdZeitschrift für Pflanzenernahrung Dungung Bodenkunde Z Pflanzenkrankh PflanzenschutzZeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz Z PflanzenphysiolZeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie Z Phys A: At NuclZeitschrift für Physik A: Atomes and Nuclei Z Phys A: Hadrons NuclZeitschrift für Physik A: Hadrons and Nuclei Z Phys B: Condens MatterZeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter Z Phys B: Condens Matter QuantaZeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter and Quanta Z Phys C: Part FieldsZeitschrift für Physik C: Particle Fields Z Phys ChemZeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie Z Phys Chem Abt A:Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung A Z Phys Chem Abt B:Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B Z Phys Chem Stoechiom VerwandtschaftsZeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Stoeechiometrie und Verwandschaftslehre Z Phys D: At Mol ClustersZeitschrift für Physik D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters Z Physiol ChemZeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie Z RechtsmedZeitschrift für Rechtsmedizin Z Tech PhysZeitschrift für Technische Physik Z Unfug GesZeitschrift der Unfug Gesellschaft Z Ver Dtsch IngZeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure Z Ver Dtsch Zucker IndZeitschrift des Vereines der Deutschen Zucker Industrie Z VererbungslZeitschrift für Vererbungslehre Z Wasser Abwasser-ForschZeitschrift für Wasser- und Abwasserforschung Z Wiss Mikrosk Mikrosk TechZeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und für Mikroskopische Technik Z Wiss Photogr Photophys PhotochemZeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Photographie Photophysik und Photochemie Z Zool Syst EvolforschZeitschrift fuer Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung ZAACZeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie ZAMMZeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik ZAMPZeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik Zb Rad Inst Oceanogr RibarZbornik Radova Institut za Oceanografiju i Ribarstvo Zellst PapierZellstoff und Papier Zem Kalk GipsZement Kalk Gips Zentralbl Arbeitsmed Arbeitsschutz ErgonZentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie Zentralbl BauverwaltungZentralblatt für Bauverwaltung Zentralbl Biochem BiophysZentralblatt für Biochemie und Biophysik Zentralbl Geol Palaeontol Teil 1Zentralblatt für Geologie und Palaeontologie Teil 1: Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale, und Historische Geologie Zentralbl Geol Palaeontol Teil 2Zentralblatt für Geologie und Palaeontologie Teil 2: Palaeontologie Zentralbl Hyg UmweltmedZentralblatt für Hygiene und 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BaeticaZoologica Baetica Zool BijdrZoologische Bijdragen Zool GartenZoologische Garten Zool J Linn SocZoological Journal of the Linnean Society Zool Jahrb Abt Syst Oekol Geogr TiereZoologische Jahrbuecher Abteilung fuer Systematic Oekologie und Geographie der Tiere Zool LettZoological Letters Zool MededZoologische Mededelingen Zool SciZoological Science Zool Sci Contrib NY Zool SocZoologica : Scientific Contributions of the New York Zoological Society Zool ScrZoologica Scripta Zool StudZoological Studies Zool VerhZoologische Verhandelingen Zool ZhZoologicheskij Zhurnal Zoolog Anz SupplZoologischer Anzeiger Suppl ZoomorphologyZoomorphology ZoophysiologyZoophysiology Zoosyst EvolZoosystematics and Evolution Zusetsu Gyogyo HakushoZusetsu Gyogyo Hakusho Zweijahresber Alfred-Wegener-Inst Polar- MeeresforschZweijahresbericht Alfred-Wegener-Institut fuer Polar- und Meeresforschung Zweijahresber Biol Anst HelgolZweijahresbericht Biologische Anstalt Helgoland




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