
您所在的位置:网站首页 Versace读音 这12个国际大牌的名字你都读对了吗?


#这12个国际大牌的名字你都读对了吗?| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



在一个名为“跟露西学英语”(English With Lucy)的视频博客中,露西-厄尔一段教网友读大牌名称的视频意外走红。

Lucy said: 'I am by no means a fashion expert. I am, however, extremely interested in pronunciation and I know a lot of you guys are as well and you want to sound like you know what you're talking about. 露西说:“我并非时尚专家。但我对发音非常感兴趣,我知道你们当中很多人也很感兴趣。你们想让人觉得自己熟知这些品牌。”

'A lot of you will be here because you want to improve your English speaking and pronunciation and will want to sound more professional when talking about these brands.' “很多人会在这里看我的视频,因为想要提高英语口语和发音水平,还想让自己在谈论这些品牌时显得更专业。”

Instead of Mosh-sheen-oh, the Italian label Moschino is actually pronounced with a hard 'ch': 'Moss-KI-no'. 意大利品牌Moschino(莫斯基诺)发音并不是Mosh-sheen-oh,而是要重读ch,标准的发音为Moss-KI-no。

Hermès, a French designer, is meant to be pronounced 'AIR-mez', not the common mispronunciation of 'Hermz'. 法国时尚品牌Hermès(爱马仕)发音应该为AIR-mez,而不是人们常说的Hermz。

Popular sports brands seem to have different pronunciations everywhere, with Adidas and Nike sometimes being pronounced 'A-dee-das', and Nike to rhyme with Pike. 知名的体育品牌似乎在世界各地发音都不相同,Adidas(阿迪达斯)有时会被读为A-dee-das,而Nike(耐克)则容易与Pike(匹克)的音韵搞混。

But they're actually meant to be pronounced 'Nike-ee' and 'Adi-dass', the latter being named after its founder Adi Dassler. 但其实这两个品牌的发音分别是Nike-ee和Adi-dass,后者是以其创始人阿迪-达斯勒的名字命名的。

The more high-end designers are often pronounced incorrectly, with many people saying 'Bale-Main' instead of 'Bul-muh' when uttering the name of the French label Balmain. 品牌越高端越容易被读错,很多人把法国品牌Balmain(巴尔曼)读成Bale-Main,正确发音为Bul-muh。

Similarly, many people pronounced Versace as 'Ver- sar-chee' when the Italian brand is meant to be said like 'Ver-SAH-cheh'. 同样,也有很多人把意大利品牌Versace(范思哲)读成Ver- sar-chee,正确读音为Ver-SAH-cheh。

English With Lucy now has more than 350,000 subscribers from all over world, who ask her questions about life in Britain, how to pronounce words and popular sayings and phrases. “跟露西学英语”栏目全球订阅人数已超35万,大家询问她有关英国生活的问题、单词如何发音、以及一些流行用语和短语。

Ms Earl, 22, set up the business with a £500 loan from her father. She bought a tripod and camera, taught herself how to shoot and about lighting and now earns more than the average teacher through advertising. 22岁的厄尔向父亲借了500英镑开始了这项业务。她购买了三脚架和摄像机,自学拍摄和打光,现在的广告收入已经超过教师平均工资。

She previously said: 'It's a business that I started completely from scratch with a £500 business loan from my dad, paid back with interest, of course, and has now a pretty significant turnover. 她之前曾说:“我完全是白手起家,从父亲那里借了500英镑就开始做起来了,当然我已经连本带利都还清了,现在还有非常可观的收入。”

'It was a huge step for me to say no to the grad schemes and yes to going at it alone, but it was the best thing I ever did. “拒绝常规的毕业规划,独自创业是我人生中非常重要的一步,也是我做过的最好的选择。”



1. Hermes(爱马仕) - AIR-mez

2. Adidas(阿迪达斯) - ADI-dass

3. Balmain(巴尔曼)- Bul-muh

4. Loewe(洛伊) - Lo-EH-veh

5. Moschino(莫斯基诺) - Moss-KI-no

6. Versace(范思哲) - Ver-SAH-cheh

7. Nike(耐克) - Nai-key

8. Thierry Mugler (蒂埃里-穆勒)- Tea-EH-(R)ee Moo-gle(r)

9. Saint Laurent(圣罗兰) - Suh Lo-(r)o

10. Ralph Lauren(拉夫-劳伦) - Ralph LO-ren

11. Givenchy(纪梵希) - Zhee-vo-shee

12. Porsche(保时捷) - Por - shuh

英文来源:每日邮报 翻译&编审:yaning




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